The Valley - Winter 2019

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ADMINISTRATION Lynn Casto Head of School Brian Oliver Head of Upper School Erik Graham Head of Middle School Jaime Lassman Head of Lower School Michelle Thomas Director of Early Learning Center Michael House Director of Enrollment Management Rob Conover Director of Athletics Nate Miller Superintendent of Buildings + Grounds Kim Spurgeon Director of Finance Amy Hunt Director of Advancement Melissa E. Kuhl Director of Marketing + Communications Paula Apostolou Director of Teaching and Learning PUBLICATION CREDITS Executive Editor: Melissa E. Kuhl Contributing Editors: Amy Hunt, Jeniece Corwin, Ellen Leonard, Weezie Foster Stoddard ’82 Design: Studio Jot / Joss Kiely ’01 Select Photography: Melissa E. Kuhl, Cara Jones, Ellen Leonard, and Weezie Foster Stoddard ’82





Matt Buchanan, President Diana Block ’91, Vice President Amy Yustick, Vice President Rick Kaser, Treasurer Laurie Julius Avery ’88, Secretary

Joss Kiely ’01, President Jessica Bohl Naprawa ’98, Vice President Jewel Woodard ’77, Secretary MEMBERS

Morgan Bayer ’03 Tyler Boehm ’01 Lynn Bohnengel ’67 Mark Goldman ’84 Kelsy Grefe Oberhaus ’03 Mary Hutton ’79 Nihal Kattar ’13 Monica MacAdams ’67 Lucas Madrazo ’02 Tanya Pipatjarasgit Nupp ’95 Megan Fish Robson ’00


Vallie Bowman-English Rita Brauneck ’68 Dr. Amanda Bryant-Friedrich Mary Fedderke Areka Foster, PC., ATR Paula Grieb, DNP, RN Mary Lynch Jarrell Sarah Justen, MVPA President Joss Kiely ’01, Alumni Council President Hanqiu (Hangean) Luo Dr. Maneesha Pandey Brian Reddy Emily (Xin) Tian Andy Weiner Judge Jeffrey Helmick, Ex-officio TRUSTEES EMERITAE

Ann Stranahan


Georgia Welles



Fred Deichert, Chair Dennis Holman, Vice Chair Hyaat Chaudhary ’99, Secretary Carter Bayer ’10 Michael Briley ’63 Fritz Byers David Cohen ’81 Bill Foster ’81 Joel Gorski Steve Hickey ’79 Dean Kasperzak ’76 Milton “Tony” Knight ’66 Bradford “Ford” Koles ’82 R. Richard Newcomb ’64 James “Jay” Secor ’69 Jeffrey Smith ‘69 Jim Willey ’70 Patricia Wise

with us!

E-MAIL To receive the Alumni eArrow, contact Weezie Foster Stoddard ’82:

FACEBOOK /maumeevalleyalumni /maumeevalleycountrydayschool



To submit stories or comment on this edition of The Valley, please contact Melissa E. Kuhl, Director of Marketing:














Dear Friends, What a delight it is for me to have spent the past six months learning about Maumee Valley and experiencing this dynamic community first hand. Each new day is filled with wonder and remarkable experiences for our community. Included in this issue of The Valley is our annual report for last year’s giving. I am deeply grateful to this community for the philanthropic spirit that exists among all constituencies. Even our youngest students learn to give of themselves in service to others. Service is woven into the fabric of the Maumee Valley experience. Our students benefit from your gifts of time, talents, and treasures, and we remain sustainable for the next generation due to your engagement. Thank you.


of school

Maumee Valley continues this year with impressive enrollment, 574 students strong and waitlists in our Upper School and parts of our Early Learning Center. Our applications have increased in this admission season. This is no doubt due to the experience and dedication of our faculty and staff who work diligently to make sure that each child is known, supported, challenged. As we find ourselves already entering into the second half of the school year, I look forward to a continued sharing of learning experiences with our students, faculty, and parents. Maumee Valley fosters an environment where children explore their passions and learn how they can use their talents to make a positive impact in our global community. Thank you for your warm welcome to our beautiful community. I look forward to meeting with each of you and hearing your Maumee Valley stories.

My best to each of you,

Lynn D. Casto Head of School





Lynn Casto

Routine is often shunned in our culture in the quest for unique

alone. Gary Boehm generously shared hours on the phone, bringing me up

encounters to enrich or enlighten our lives, yet we seamlessly

to speed on current operations. The Board Transition Taskforce oriented me

slip into routines as the days flip by. Like water, routine is

to Toledo and to Maumee Valley culture, helping to choreograph a smooth

rarely exciting, but it is a necessary aspect of life. Constant

landing. Student leaders reached out to schedule summer meetings. The

change brings stress; routine brings stability. However, there

whole community was eager to get a start on the work of the current school

are times in life that we can pinpoint as disruptors of routine.

year, and I was eager to meet them.

Deciding to join Maumee Valley completely upended my routine, in the most beautiful way possible.

In true Maumee Valley style, summer meetings with Upper School students reinforced my choice to come here. Our student leaders were friendly,

When I found Maumee Valley, I realized that I could not

welcoming, articulate, and passionate about Maumee Valley and the

have crafted a more perfect educational fit for who I am and

difference that students can make by partnering with the administration.

that in which I believe. Inspired by the mission and vision

Each of the students shared their unique Maumee Valley journey. One Upper

of the school, I wanted to unite with this well-functioning

School student baked homemade blueberry scones, her specialty. Another

and innovative educational organization. I keenly felt the

student gifted me a memento from his home country that now sits on my

Maumee Valley warmth when I visited campus, and I sensed

bookshelf, which helps remind me of the diverse origins of our families.

the respectful relationships that exist between students and

And these students only represented a small portion of a capable, diverse,

faculty with every classroom I passed. I knew I had found the

mature, and hard-working student body.

right place for me. The excitement of the first few months and the newness of every experience What I wasn’t quite sure of, as I waited eight months for the

overwhelms most other feelings and issues. It is called a “honeymoon” for

job to begin, was how my family would adapt to their new

good reason. But the honeymoon ends because it must end. People cannot

reality. Leaps, such as moving hundreds of miles to start

live long in the new, because far too quickly, the new becomes old. It becomes

a job while putting my kids into a new environment where

routine. That change is a good one. While the flashiness of the new anchors

their mother assumed a highly visible position, can result in

itself in our minds more clearly than that of the mundane, we spend most of

rough and tumble endings, bruises, and hurt feelings. Or, if

our time in the day-to-day.

everything works out as well as you hope, they can be graceful conclusions to a finely executed routine, like a ballet.

In other schools, I’ve seen students and faculty begin their school year with the enthusiasm brought on by the possibilities and hopes of a new year.

In March of 2018, several months before my official start date,

However, with time, normalcy replaces that delight. The kids and teachers

having taken the leap, it was time to try and nail the landing.

settle in, and what was recently new, is now normal. Expectations are set.

Fortunately, a successful routine is never accomplished

Knowledge of what comes next replaces anticipation. The joy that comes



with imagining endless potential wanes as structure and habit set the

personality of the Maumee Valley community and building

boundaries for learning and growth. Not so at Maumee Valley. Thankfully,

relationships with the people who give it life. I have worked to

curiosity and exploration are infused in the Maumee Valley experience and

build a routine, a routine where I have soaked up the breadth

student exploration within an inquiry-based approach is the foundation of

of MVCDS and can begin to delve into its depths. To do this,

our educational model.

I continue to meet with former and current people who have shaped Maumee Valley and the culture that exists.

The importance of routine cannot be understated, for it provides the foundation for us to break it. Going to work each day, caring for our home

Becoming part of the MVCDS community these last few

and our families, paying bills, cooking dinner, doing laundry, and cleaning

months exceeded my hopes. The students and their families,

the house all work toward giving us a safe space in which we feel free to be

the faculty who serve them so well, my administrative team,

who we are. I see this each day in my own children, as they constantly push

the Board of Trustees, the alumni, and alumni parents

boundaries at home that they would (hopefully) never push outside of the

welcomed me at every turn. They have given me the gift of

safety of their own space. Here at Maumee Valley, the Intensives—Winterim

themselves, sharing what they love about Maumee Valley,

three times a year—provide a wonderful example of how the routine of the

explaining how their time here shaped them and guided

school year empowers our students to break free of the traditional classroom

them as they grew into themselves.

boundaries and explore their passions. Without the foundation and routine found in everyday classrooms and experiential learning, the Intensives

Each day brings something new to love: Swan Creek stream

would never realize their full potential. Neither would our students.

studies in the Middle School, Stone Soup Celebrations in the Early Learning Center, Immigration Simulations in the

As the title of the “New Head of School” ends, I look forward to the coming

Lower School, Intensive Fair in the Upper School, alumni

routine that involves helping create a safe, fun, challenging learning

visits and gatherings, conversations with former faculty

environment for our students and the faculty, staff, and parents who support

members, parent meet-and-greets, as well as countless

them. I anticipate settling into a routine where I can build on what I have

student-organized events. I relish the new and am excited by

learned in my first months here and begin to plan the journey forward,

the learning I am experiencing. Now, as the calendar turns

building on the relationships I have formed. I look forward to my next

to the new year, I’m settling into a beautiful routine. The best

“Intensive,” where Maumee Valley and I get the chance to grow together.

part of this routine is the moment when all of you, who were once strangers, become my Maumee Valley family.

Finding the boundaries of the ideas and ideals we find acceptable, learning the written and unwritten rules that form the foundation of our mission and vision, and integrating them into my leadership comprise most of my efforts. So, I have focused my time during these first few months on learning the




Over the last two years, the Middle School at Maumee Valley

Growth and change are guarantees during these years of their lives, and

has intentionally aligned its program to execute and reflect

Maumee Valley Middle School provides a safe and engaging place for

the school’s mission of providing a personal, experiential,

students to thrive during a time when students naturally experience

and global education to students.

tremendous change. At Maumee Valley, students are encouraged to get out into the community, and to connect with experts in other fields within the

Anyone who steps into the school will see seventh and eighth

Toledo area. During “Xblock II Independent Study” students learn about local

graders actively learning throughout the building in a variety

organizations and choose locations which they are interested in spending

of ways. Students can be seen studying the speed of toy cars

their time volunteering. They then are connected with experts in the field to

for motion experiments, writing books on tolerance for first

learn about how these organizations help solve problems and students meet

and second graders and then reading to them, debating

real needs in the community with their work. Throughout the year, students

current events, calculating the slope in the Connector for

have visited hospitals and nursing homes, delivered meals through Cherry

ADA requirements, writing and performing vocabulary skits

Street Mission, created fundraisers for the Toledo Area Humane Society, and

in the Middle Ground, and analyzing the quality of water in

learned from and spoken with local experts and professors. These unique

the stream behind the school as part of Swan Creek.

learning experiences are what make the Middle School education at Maumee Valley so personal.


The advisory program is one of the strongest attributes in the Middle School.

While students are not traveling the world yet, through Xblock

Advisory allows students to get to know their peers more closely and to foster

the Middle School students are in the community seeing

a relationship with their advocate on campus—their advisor. The advisee-

the world around them and making connections at local,

advisor relationship is an important one. Advisors and teachers meet once

national, and global levels. There is a global element to much

a week to discuss individual students and their learning experiences. These

of the social studies curriculum that has a focus on human

interactions allow advisors to paint an accurate picture of where students

rights, human migration, terrorism, and current events. The

need support and to provide guidance, the basis of the personal nature of

Middle School is also fortunate to host Ecuadorian exchange

a Middle School student’s education. The advisors craft monthly emails

students each year, which gives students the opportunity

to parents that indicate real relationships between advisors and advisees.

to make friends with someone from another country and to

Teachers regularly update their online grade books and provide feedback

guide others through our own culture. These interactions

from assessments. Choice is a vital element of personal education. Classes

provide a highly reflective and insightful experience for

in the Middle School often provide menu-style options for expressing their

students, many of whom have not had an International travel

learning. Students are given opportunities like doing a presentation, creating


a photo essay or video, or writing a song to demonstrate their knowledge. This freedom of choice runs deep in the programming of the Middle School through the Independent Study program. 11




sporting events AROUND CAMPUS


ATHLETICS NEWS International Student Eligibility is a Game Changer for Athletes Before July of 2017, international students who did not possess J1 Visas were not eligible to participate in OHSAA Athletic Events. Those students were allowed to condition, be with the team, practice with the team, do anything any other player would be able to do, except compete in regular season games or scrimmages. With over 30 international students attending Maumee Valley Country Day School without a J1 Visa, many of our students were purposely being left out of athletic competitions. In July of 2017, the Governor of Ohio signed into law a bill that included a section requiring the OHSAA to allow full eligibility for international students who possess F1 visas, allowing our international students to play in OHSAA competitions. This was huge news for our school! Now all students who attend Maumee Valley can have a choice as it relates to their extracurricular activities and enjoy the same opportunities as other athletes. This has been a significant advancement and has had a tremendously positive impact on the school and school spirit. We are thankful to all who worked hard to advocate for our international students to make this happen!



FALL ATHLETICS RECAP Varsity Golf The 2018 Varsity Golf team continued its success of recent years. Senior Evan Heritage led the way again this year earning 1st Team All TAAC Honors for the 2nd year in a row. Brandon Nickens had an outstanding year earning 1st Team All TAAC Honors, with Mihir Joshi earning 2nd Team All TAAC Honors. The team itself finished as Runner-Up in the TAAC Championships at Stoneridge Country Club in Bowling Green, narrowly missing winning the championship. Coach Craig Jacobs was selected as TAAC Coach of the Year and has done a tremendous job developing our program into a contender, year in and year out.

Varsity Field Hockey Finishing 12-5-1 with a strong attack (79 goals scored) and stellar defense (10 goals scored against), the Varsity Field Hockey Team had an impressive season that was close to historic. There were significant victories throughout the fall, and every loss the team experienced was by only one goal, including their playoff loss in overtime to Hudson, who made it to the State Final Four. Senior Shannon Herrmann set the career record for goals scored at 112, including 40 this year alone.


CURRENT Varsity Soccer Our 2018 Varsity Soccer Team also provided us with a very potent scoring attack with almost 100 goals scored on the season. Senior Mujahid Abdel Ghani set a career record with 75 goals scored in just two years, and the single-season record with 37 goals scored this year. Mujahid is a two-time NWOHSSL Player of the Year recipient, 2018 TAAC Player of the Year recipient, and 2018 1st Team All-District Selection. Sophomore Jack Zilba was also selected as 1st Team All TAAC and NWOHSSL Honors due to his stellar defensive play throughout the year. Noah Greenbaum, Patrick McNally, and Ethan Lodge were all 2nd Team Selections as well. Above all, the Soccer Team finished as champions of the Northwest Ohio High School Soccer League.

Varsity Tennis The Girls Varsity Tennis Team continued to make strides in 2018. With a focus on off-season skill development, the team continued to improve as the year progressed, finishing the season with both doubles teams advancing to the Semi-Finals of the State Sectional Tournament. Seniors Julia Xiong, Stephanie Avram, Grace Lee, Emma Nichols, and Annie Kaser finished incredible careers at Maumee Valley playing their best tennis.

Cross Country In only their second year, the Cross Country Team continued to make huge gains for such a young program with no seniors. Each runner was able to reach a personal best time, and the team finished as Toledo Area Athletic Conference Runner-Ups, narrowly missing the Championship. Jeremy Mahoney ’21 and Lucas Szollosi ’20 were both 1st Team All Toledo Area Athletic Conference selections. Quinn Dunlap ’21 earned 2nd Team All Toledo Area Athletic Conference selection as well. Eighth Grader, Emily Porter finished as the Toledo Area Athletic Conference Champion after a great season that included several first-place finishes at some of the toughest meets in town. Eighth Grader, Gabe Hunt also had several first-place finishes during the season and finished Toledo Area Athletic Conference Runner-Up, capping off an excellent season for the Middle School Team.

Middle School Sports Both the Middle School Soccer and Field Hockey Teams demonstrated exceptional progress over the fall season. The Middle School Soccer Team became stronger as the year went on and with 27 players, the soccer program is in healthy shape. This year’s Middle School Field Hockey Team improved tremendously throughout the season as well, concluding with a game under the lights at the University of Michigan. We look forward to watching our Middle School athletes develop as they move on.




Lynn Casto brings an impressive background in independent school education to Maumee Valley. She attended the Columbus School for Girls, discovering a dual love for athletics and the arts. At Davidson College, Lynn earned a bachelor’s degree in Art History while playing NCAA Division I Lacrosse. She went on to earn two masters degrees in education, one in art education from Ohio State University, and a second in private school leadership from the prestigious Klingenstein Center at Teachers College, with Columbia University. She has taught and coached at the Brookwood School in Georgia and Charlotte Country Day School in North Carolina. Lynn comes to us from the Sanford School in Hockessin, DE, where she served as Upper School Head since 2013. Lynn and her husband, Keith have two sons, Caleb ’23 and Ian ’24.


Jaime joins us from The Lexington School, in Lexington, KY, where he was been the Director of Studies since 2011. Jaime was recognized as one of the outstanding teachers at The Lexington School where he also taught third grade for many years. Before Lexington, Jaime taught elementary school at Wilmington Friends School, the Quaker school he attended and graduated from in Wilmington, DE. Jaime has a BS in Elementary Education from the University of Delaware, and an MA in Educational Instructional Systems Design from the University of Kentucky. Jaime joined our community with his wife Amy, and their two children, Jack ’25 and Reed ’31.


Michelle is originally from the Toledo area and is joining us from Amsterdam, where she was a Kindergarten teacher and Grade Level Coordinator at the International School of Amsterdam. Michelle graduated from Perrysburg High School and received her BS in Early Childhood Education from Bowling Green State University. After college, Michelle moved to Colorado where she taught Kindergarten and early elementary grades. She earned an MA in Educational Leadership from Colorado Mesa University, and she received a Certificate of Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Education from Regis University. Michelle has spent time in Reggio Emilia, Italy where she had training in the Reggio Emilia approach to education. She has organized professional development opportunities for early childhood educators in The Netherlands, China, Norway, and Switzerland.


Amy has a depth of global development experience in higher education as a relationship-based fundraiser, most recently having come from Hamilton College in Clinton, NY, where she spent the past 15 years. She has served in a variety of frontline development and volunteer management positions across the development landscape, such as Alumni Relations where she managed over 175 regional alumni events, Director of Reunion Giving, Director of Athletic Development, Director of Leadership Gifts, and Major Gifts. Amy and her husband, Dale, have two children, Gabe ’23 and Chase ’34, who both are thoroughly enjoying their Maumee Valley experience.


Jill has worked at Maumee Valley since 1995 as a Lower Intermediate teacher and area coordinator. As Director of Student Support, she works with children in the ELC and Lower School to match instruction to each student’s learning style. If you need noise-canceling headphones, a standing desk, a pencil grip, a fidget, or a weighted blanket that feels like a warm hug while you work, see Mrs. Augustyniak. She participated in several summer institutes in the areas of reading, writing, and multisensory education and looks forward to helping students learn to their optimal abilities. 16



Sara has agreed to take on the additional responsibilities of coordinating our Student Support Team. She has ten years of experience as a school psychologist, over five of them at Maumee Valley. Sara works with students, parents, and faculty from each division to support student needs.


Kendall received her teaching degree from Baylor University and taught 13 years in the Dallas, Texas area. During her career in Texas, she was the lead teacher in the district’s Middle School before becoming the school’s fifth grade advanced math teacher. Kendall provides core math and language arts instruction in the Lower Intermediate for approximately half of the day and serves as a Lower School Student Support teacher to work with students who need additional instructional assistance.


Megan Reed is our new Media Specialist. Megan has a Master of Education in Technology from the University of Nebraska, a Master of Education in Reading, and a BS in Early Childhood Education from BGSU. Megan has seven years of experience as an educator, working with toddlers, kindergartners, and first graders, and as a media specialist.


Erin graduated from Perrysburg High School and then went to Bowling Green State University where she earned a BA in Sociology. She took time out to stay home to raise her children before returning to school to earn her teaching license as an Intervention Specialist. Erin worked in the Perrysburg school district, and most recently taught at Ohio Virtual Academy where she was the intervention specialist for six years. Erin and her husband Bill have two children, Jamie, a junior at the University of Cincinnati, and Adam who started at the University of Toledo this fall.


Julie has eight years of experience teaching Middle School math. She is originally from Washington State and moved to Toledo just over a year ago. Before Maumee Valley, Julie worked as a long-term sub at Ottawa Hills. She has degrees in Secondary Math Education from Lewis and Clark University and a Master’s degree in Teacher Leadership and Curriculum and Instruction from Heritage University. Julie is excited to work with the Middle School where she is working to develop a seventh-grade Algebra course, an eighth-grade geometry course, and possibly a Forensic Crime Scene Intensive.

Claudette and Danny Garcia, DORM PARENTS

Claudette has been a fixture in the ETC program since 2012, taking on the role of Associate Director of After School Programs and Administrative Assistant for ELC last year. Her husband Danny has been an instructional baseball coach for over ten years working with students in both one-on-one and group sessions. They are looking forward to bringing their leadership and teaching experience to the Dayal House where they live and “parent” 28 international students.


Brooke, a current Upper School English teacher, is taking on a new role in the College Counseling Office. As a veteran English teacher, Brooke is invaluable to students in helping them produce college essays that are well-written and that fully capture all they have to offer.




Kendra Lubinski is well known to our Smead Building team members. She worked with ETC this past year and also substituted in all, or nearly all, ELC classrooms. Kendra is working on her undergraduate degree at Owens/BGSU.


Mandy is an Ohio native. She holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Music Therapy. After college, she completed the exam to become a Board Certified Music Therapist. Mandy has experience working with various populations. She is excited to be the new preschool music teacher, to help students grow, learn, and explore through the joy of music! Mandy is thankful for her husband and two children. She also enjoys nature, art, photography, and spending time with family.

Sherrie Watkins, SCHOOL NURSE

Sherrie is joining MVCDS from Bittersweet Farms where she was the Director of Nursing. Sherrie spent close to 14 years working with adolescents through adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders in school programs, summer camps, vocation work training programs, and residential services. Additional nursing work experiences include Toledo Children’s Hospital and Prescribed Pediatrics. Sherrie and her husband, Dustin, have three daughters. Their eldest Cassidy is preparing for transfer to BGSU where she will be studying Tourism, Leisure and Event Planning with a dream of international employment. Their other daughters, Sage ’30 and Kaya ’32, have also enthusiastically joined Maumee Valley.





Artists raise awareness, provide insight and ideas that are new to us, show us sympathy and appreciation for others and animals, and even “give back” to others using their artistic talents. Throughout the fall, MVCDS students experienced life in East Africa— Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda—through touring the Wolfe Gallery, and thereby learning from the lens of featured artist Chris Johnson Gordon ’76. Each photograph, unique in its special way, captured wildlife in their natural habitat: they were seen at rest, in action, at lunch, and in family relationships. Students admired the works with curiosity and interest and were impressed with the variety of wild animals captured through Gordon’s work. Many students were particularly sympathetic toward refugee girls, and orphaned school-children in Nairobi, while other students expressed a fascination with the portraits of nomadic people and others who live very differently than we do here in Northwest Ohio. Proceeds from the sale of the photographs exhibited went towards those in need in the areas that artist Chris Johnson Gordon has visited, including women farmers in Kenya, a children’s hospital in Uganda, refugee girls, orphaned school-children in Kenya, and people fighting to save elephants from poachers in East Africa. Earlier this fall, the Maumee Valley community learned from another alumna about the power of impacting a community for the positive through the sale of art. A volunteer for the organization, Bead for Life, Margaux Foster Ford ’09, visited campus and promoted the sale of recycled paper beaded jewelry made by Ugandan women working their way through poverty.




embracing a

MAUMEE VALLEY TRADITION tra ‌• di • tion /tr ‘diSH( )n/ noun noun: tradition e


1. the transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.


There is an

understanding at Maumee

Valley Country Day School that once something is done one year, it becomes somewhat of a tradition in years to follow. From the whole school gathering the day before Thanksgiving to sing the Turkey Dinner song, to the yearly Graduation Ceremony on the Bluestone in late spring, traditions are an important aspect of the Maumee Valley experience. So, when the opportunity arose to establish precedence for a monumental ceremony, it was allhands-on-deck to make the Installment of our eleventh Head of School a celebration steeped with tradition. It was a chilly September morning when guests arrived on campus to the sounds of the Student Strings Ensemble. Their pre-ceremony melodies drew visitors to an elegantly staged Wolfe Gallery Bluestone where they mingled with school supporters and community members. The welcoming and refined performance created excitement that was palpable as students from preschool through twelfth grade entered and took their seats.

After the Strings concluded the final strains of “Contredanse”, by Larry Clark, President of the Board Matt Buchanan welcomed guests and reflected by saying, “We have a rich history and many proud traditions; our students and our faculty continue to achieve truly wonderful and impressive accomplishments, and our welcoming campus has unparalleled beauty.” Guests nodded in agreement as the campus glowed with beauty in the rising morning sun. However, Matt continued to 23

THE FEATURE STORY explain that even with the most extraordinary campus, the facilities are merely buildings without “…the people of Maumee Valley and the values that bring us together made up of students, faculty, alumni, administrators, staff, parents, and friends. Everyone here today.” Visitors smiled with pride, surrounded by familiar faces of cherished acquaintances, as Matt wrapped up his opening remarks and introduced Honorary Speaker and valued long-time friend and supporter of Maumee Valley, Ann Stranahan.

As Ann approached the podium, she brought an impressive air of tradition to the Installment stage. Her words quickly rang true as she reminisced specifically about Miss Leland, who early in the school’s history became a disciple of the Country Day School Movement. Ann recapped Leland’s passion of the movement by saying, “…it meant a radical new teaching methodology that went at education holistically. It stressed the importance of the outdoors, embraced experiential teaching, and encouraged students and teachers to share their personal stories.” Ann stressed that although Miss Leland was a pioneer in education over eighty years ago, her ideas continue to be the foundation of Maumee Valley’s progressive education today. As Ann concluded her address with words from the great Victorian poet, Alfred Lord Tennyson, the community was brought to their feet in adoration of her extensive knowledge and love for everything Maumee Valley.

After a warm standing ovation, sixty-two members of the Lower School Choir led the audience in the singing of the Alma Mater. Matt Buchanan congratulated the students for such an impressive performance and introduced the morning’s Upper School student speakers, Denise Tamesis ’19, Mihir Joshi ’20, and Grace Momenee ’19. Denise Tamesis, co-president of this year’s student body, leader of the Upper School Speech and Debate Team, and recipient of the Erie Chapman ’61 Foundation Renaissance Award described her Maumee Valley experience as a collection of puzzle pieces collected throughout the years. She explained, “…Maumee Valley provides the materials for us to shape our own personal piece.” Denise elaborated in detail about how the school helped her learn more about herself each year, gaining a small piece of the puzzle that eventually came together for her as a senior to create a bigger, clearer picture. “We’ve all been pushed to be the best versions of ourselves, and despite our unique differences in that, each and every embraced puzzle piece is absolutely extraordinary. Brought together, we paint this beautiful picture at Maumee Valley, and there’s simply none other like it.”

A member of the golf and soccer teams and student council, Junior Mihir Joshi equated his ten years at Maumee Valley to a collection of “kid in a candy store moments.” He 24


THE FEATURE STORY explains how within each new grade of his educational journey he became more excited about the selection and tried to devour all that the school offered him. “I came to Maumee Valley ten years ago, and in every division, I have found a number of candy stores that have stuck with me. I wanted to have as much fun as possible, so I tried to get involved in all that our school offered.” Mihir described one of his most impactful candy store moments as, “Recently, I had the opportunity of being able to spend three weeks to spearhead a research paper in bioengineering by working with insightful professors. I genuinely felt as though I had an equal say as the professionals who have been working in this field for more than a decade.” As Mihir concluded he said, “Our school gives everyone their opportunity to find their own candy stores and experience as much as possible while having the most excitement in doing so.”

Wrapping up the student speeches, student body co-president Grace Momenee, took the stage. Now in her senior year, Grace has fully embraced the opportunity to become a global citizen through her involvement in the Global Leadership Program and by participating in school-sponsored travel to India and France. Grace compared her world experiences to the many colors of a kaleidoscope, ever-changing and new with each turn. “Being a student at Maumee Valley for the past ten years has given me the unique ability to keep twisting my kaleidoscope. Every person I’ve met and every opportunity I’ve acquired has altered my perception of this world.” As she listed the many opportunities she’s taken advantage of at MVCDS, Grace expressed her understanding of what each taught her over the years by saying, “Maumee Valley has given me an everchanging kaleidoscope that has taught me to appreciate every moment, even the ones on my periphery that may seem insignificant. I have learned to embrace a change of perspective and use these experiences to guide my future.”

Grace summarized the eloquent presentations by the student speakers by saying, “Throughout our lives, it isn’t often that we find opportunities as unique as those at Maumee Valley. Our school allows students to have a personalized education, hands-on experiences, and journeys that increase global awareness. These three components are what makes Maumee Valley so special. It is these components that inspire students to become the best possible version of themselves and discover what it truly means to desire to make a difference in this world.”

With huge smiles upon their faces, choir students ranging from first through sixth grade broke out in a triumphant performance of “Clap and Sing,” by Victor Johnson. The choir 26

THE FEATURE STORY led students, teachers, and guests in clapping along as song spilled across the campus grounds. Following the choir performance, Matt Buchanan helped students with a special presentation of gifts. Keeping with the theme of tradition and highlighting the personal, experiential, and global experiences that Maumee Valley offers, students presented Lynn with gifts unique to these capstones.

As an encapsulation of the personal attention Maumee Valley teachers have shown them, the Upper School students presented Lynn with a collection of their written reflections. Students captured what they love most about their school on individual pages and inserted them into a custom leather journal. As freshman Mia Westfere stated in the journal, “My favorite aspect of Maumee Valley is the sense of community. We have a common love of learning, a common respect and admiration for the teachers, and a strong sense of tradition.” To visually showcase the many experiential opportunities that students are given, the Middle School students gifted Lynn with large hand painted letters. Upon the letters, students captured memorable experiential moments through phrases, collected and scribed by the students to complete the collection of letters that spelled out M-V-C-D-S. And, in celebration of the many differences in the Maumee Valley community, the Early Learning Center and Lower School students created a collage made up of each student’s silhouette self-portrait. The students welcomed Lynn with their gifts and expressed their excitement to have her as the new Head of School and as a new member of the diverse and global community of Maumee Valley.

After an energy filled procession by the preschool students, Matt quoted Lynn’s longtime mentor Melinda Bihn, Head of School at the French American International School in San Francisco, CA, as saying, “It is a true pleasure and honor to congratulate Lynn on her appointment to the headship, and to salute Maumee Valley Country Day School for your choice of such a gracious, gifted head of school. Lynn is a natural leader: her quiet grace and keen intellect distinguish her in every setting. She is generous with others and demanding of herself, as the best leaders are. She is smart and creative, and she is possessed of an incisive wit that allows her to delight in human nature. At heart an artist, Lynn knows that students learn best by doing and that a powerful experience can shape a child’s life. Open to the world and a veteran teacher of international as well as American curricula, Lynn understands the power of place and the importance of community. I am not surprised that she chose to return to her home state of Ohio to enter the headship, and I know that she will bring a broad experience of independent and international education to her leadership at MVCDS. How wise you are to have chosen 27

THE FEATURE STORY Lynn, who can listen and lead, who practices empathy and possesses vision, and who combines insight and intellect in all she does. I am proud to count her a colleague and a friend, and I know that she will lead Maumee Valley to exciting new achievements.”

After much anticipation, Matt Buchanan enthusiastically introduced Lynn as the eleventh Head of School of Maumee Valley Country Day School and invited her to take the podium. With a gracious nature, Lynn offered many thanks for all of the support given to her through the interviewing process, with a special thanks to Ann Stranahan. “It means a great deal to me to share this stage with Ann Stranahan. I had the pleasure of meeting Ann in my interview process. As we concluded our time together, Ann pointedly asked me, ‘Lynn, what will you do if you don’t get this job?’ And while I don’t remember exactly the words I stumbled over, the gist of my response was that I would look for the next best Maumee Valley, because I was looking for the right fit for me and my family, not just for any school,” Lynn explained.

Echoing Ann’s message, Lynn reinforced that “Maumee Valley is known for innovation. We strive to be the leaders in education. We are known for our progressive spirit, and our mission and vision are firmly rooted in the sound educational pedagogy of American educational reformer, John Dewey.” Lynn quoted Dewey as reminding us to “give the pupils something to do, not something to learn; and when the doing is of such a nature as to demand thinking; learning naturally results.”

As she drew numerous connections to earlier days in the school’s history and the many traditions that we still keep today, Lynn concluded the joyous ceremony by saying “Our students, my 572 new children, are creative and critical thinkers, collaborators, and scholars. Maumee Valley will continue to affect change in education by honoring our past and focusing on those we serve…While I cannot predict what challenges we will face nor the opportunities we will seize, know that I go forth with an unbridled love of this place, of the faculty and staff who deliver our mission, and with a genuine admiration for the students who comprise our school and our future.”






class of 1988



In July, Maumee Valley welcomed back former students with graduation years

ending in 3’s and 8’s for a successful and fun-filled Reunion Weekend. The weekend began with an evening reception on the Bluestone with refreshments and a first chance to meet Maumee Valley’s new Head of School Lynn Casto, and new Director of Advancement Amy Hunt. Former Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds, Larry Anning, led alumni on a school tour and guests had the opportunity to view artwork by Chris Johnson Gordon ’76 on display in the Wolfe Gallery.


was filled with events and activities organized by reunion class volunteers. After a full day, alumni enjoyed a beautifully served dinner at the Registry Bistro, formerly Secor Hotel, in downtown Toledo. The weekend concluded with a farewell brunch at the home of Blake and Weezie Foster Stoddard ’82.

classes of 1984 + 1986

class of 1978 30


ALUMNI events In early October, the Maumee Valley Community gathered in NEW YORK CITY where they were introduced to Lynn Casto, Head of School and Amy Hunt, Director of Advancement. The event was sponsored by Phil Griffin ’75 and hosted at the home of a Maumee Valley family friend, Polly Adams (mother of former Director of the Early Learning Center, Zach Klausz). Lynn and Amy then traveled up the coast to Greenwich, CT, where a group of Maumee Valley community members gathered at the home of Bill and Christine Wolfe Nichols ’80 for a fun-filled night of laughter and sharing memories. Later in the month, alumni and friends gathered in the Portland, OR, area for an event hosted by Stephen LeBoutillier ’94.

GET BACK, give


Community members joined together on campus for the annual “GET BACK,


GIVE BACK” gathering marking the beginning of Thanksgiving break. The day began with a campus-wide celebration in song and recognition of Maumee Valley’s outreach and service to the Toledo community. Members of the Class of 2018 gathered with MVCDS senior class to reconnect and share stories about the transition to college. The day continued with a community lunch with Head of School Lynn Casto, followed by “Holiday Hoops,” the annual alumni basketball game. Later that evening, members of the community gathered for an evening Holiday Party in the Millhon Auditorium.


Alumni and former faculty gathered for a wine and cheese reception prior to the final dress rehearsal of the fall play, BLITHE SPIRIT. Those in attendance


were James & Alex Bowe DeRosa ’82, Donise & Jewel Woodard ’77, Karen & Chuck Lundholm, Phyllis Quick, Nancy Fish, Stephen Foster ’84, Jenny Griffith, and Bob Avery ’65.



In late October, Zuri Hall ’06 was honored and selected as the keynote speaker for the TOLEDO NAACP’S 103RD FREEDOM EVENT. While in town, she made time to stop by campus to speak with students and parents about her Maumee Valley experiences, and how they helped her find her passion, which led to her successful career. Zuri is currently the Pop News Entertainment Reporter for E-News in Hollywood, CA. BELOW: ZURI WITH LONGTIME EMPLOYEE JEANIE, UPPER SCHOOL MUSIC TEACHER CHARLES BROWN, AND MIDDLE SCHOOL TEACHER FRANK DAUGHERTY.





class notes


Isla (’21) Bowery, both students at Middlebury College.



Lynn Foster Reilly ‘79, Mary Hutton Burgi ‘79, and Taryl Johnson McKee ‘79 were back on campus for Maumee Valley’s annual Reunion Weekend.

1980s CLASS OF 1980 GATHERING Alumni from the Class of 1980 at a gathering in Perrysburg, OH, for a mini-reunion at Christine Wolfe Nichols’ family home this past fall. Photo L-R: Laura Howard Hickey ’80, “Brodhi” the dog, Gretchen Koles ’80, Jenny Rayport ’80, and Christine Wolfe Nichols ’80.

EB Blakney ’83, hosted Maumee Valley’s new Head of School Lynn Casto, along with Amy Hunt and (Louise) “Weezie” Foster Stoddard ’82 from the MVCDS Advancement Office, at the Pinkerton Foundation, during their swing through Manhattan. Also joining them was Tim Lord ’82, who Co-Founded Dreamyard 25-years ago, and serves as Co-Executive Director of the community arts and social justice organization that collaborates with Bronx youth, families and schools to build pathways to equity and opportunity through the arts.’


SUE FINKBEINER STONE ’57, CARTY FINKBEINER ’57 Sue Finkbeiner Stone ’57 and her cousin Carty Finkbeiner ’57 stopped by Maumee Valley this summer to check out the campus.

1960s BLAIR FOSTER ’81, ERICKSON “EB” BLAKNEY ’83 Blair Foster ’81 and EB Blakney ’83 connected twice in the past year while Blair was in Manhattan en route to see her kids, Ian (’18) and

In September, a group of alumni held a “mini-reunion” in Providence, RI – an apparent “MV ’83” outpost. It was settled by Abbot “Abby” Stranahan ’83 and Rhode Island School of Design’s new Acting Dean of Libraries Margot McIlwain Nishimura ’83. Also joining the group was Erickson “EB” Blakney ’83, who traveled from New York City, and Sarah McPeck Shaw ’83, who traveled from Westport, CT, to watch her daughter, Lydia, a sophomore at Yale, play in a soccer match up with Marist.

BRUCE SCHAFER ’69 Bruce retired in 2017 from the Oregon State Bar Professional Liability Fund, where he was employed for more than 30 years. After MVCDS and college (Vassar), Bruce became a lawyer, beginning his career as an assistant prosecutor in Lucas County. Bruce moved to Portland, OR, in 1980 and practiced civil law until starting with the Professional Liability Fund (PLF) as a claims attorney in 1986, becoming the Director of Claims in 1991. The PLF is the mandatory professional liability carrier/insurer for virtually all Oregon attorneys in private practice. Bruce has been married to his wife, Gaye, for over 36 years. They have two children, Hannah (Dor) and Joe, and a granddaughter, Eleanor. Bruce also has a stepdaughter, Tracy, and grandson, Alec, Tracy’s son. “I have been fortunate to have a good career, great family, excellent health, and plenty of interests and energy to enjoy retirement (so far).”


STEPHEN HANKINS ’81 Steve Hankins, an alumnus (’85) of Vassar College, starts his fouryear term as President of Vassar’s Alumnae/Alumni Association. He is also serving a second term on the College’s Board of Trustees. Steve’s family has a 116-year connection with Vassar (in four succeeding generations), dating back to 1902 when his greatgrandmother enrolled.


class notes





Jeffrey and his co-workers (producer, crew, and cast members—including some nearly grown-up Abrakids) on the red carpet representing their Emmy Award-winning PBS TV show “Abracadabra.” Jeff shares that he is, “so grateful to be able to be a part of such an entertaining and educational PBS show for kids!”




1. Members of the class of 1958 mini-reunion. Ruth Tracy Hargate ’58, Kay Foster ’58, Linda Collins ’58, and Barbara Ehni Van Luven ’58 back in front of the Smead building. 2. Mike Zerner ’72 was honored to lead a yoga class in the Toledo Museum of Art. 3. Class of 1980 gathering. 4. Jeffrey M Kerscher ’77 on the red carpet representing the Emmy Award-winning PBS TV show “Abracadabra.” 5. Class of 1980 Gathering. 6. Class of 1983 Gathering. 7. Laura Anne Kline ’83 married Sean Stidd on September 8, 2018, at Saints Peter and Paul Russian Orthodox Church near Detroit, MI. 33


class notes



Stephen had a large role in bringing the “Toxic Puzzle” film screening to the Toledo Museum of Art’s Peristyle Theater this fall, followed by a Q&A with Dr. Paul Cox (a TIME Magazine “Hero Of Medicine”), and film director Bo Landin. The “Toxic Puzzle” chronicles the research being done by a group of scientists led by Paul Alan Cox, Ph.D., Executive Director, Ethnobotany and Drug Discovery, at Brain Chemistry Labs (, a non-profit Research Institute for EthnoMedicine in Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Paul and his team have identified a link between cyanobacteria present in blue-green algae, and so-called tangle diseases—ALS, Parkinson’s, and Alzheimer’s—and have identified a substance that may block the contraction and progression of these diseases. The film mentions Toledo and other communities bordering Lake Erie.


Athena was presented with the Press Club of Toledo’s, “Touchstone Award” for excellence in journalism in the Print Non-Daily category, at the Toledo Club on October 26, 2018.


TED TWYMAN ’01 Ted and Rachel Twyman with their son, William Lawrence Jeffrey Twyman, born June 6, 2018.




The Anagnos sisters were back on campus for Maumee Valley’s annual “Reunion Weekend.”

Gretchen and Matt Gerace with their son, Anthony Virgil Gerace, born on May 12, 2018.

Ian and his wife Laura Puentes with their son, Liam.


NATASHA RIVERON ’13 Natasha is working at National Complete Streets Coalition as a Program Associate. She coordinates technical assistance to help communities pass strong, equitable, complete streets policies, and manages the external communications and membership programs within the Coalition. Natasha started working as the Community Outreach Coordinator at Innovations in Aging Collaborative in Colorado Springs, CO, before working at Smart Growth America.


class notes








1. Alumni Gathering at Helen Mabry’s ’88, Summer 2017. Maumee Valley friends gathered to celebrate Andrew Byars and Helen Mabry’s ’88 wedding anniversary. Photo L-R: Weezie Foster Stoddard ’82, Chuck Mabry ’91, Libbey Best Call ’90, Sarah Jane Magoun ’88, Denise Fulton ’88, Diana Block ’91, Dhanya Nair ’88, Helen Mabry ’88, Nicole Frechette LeBoutillier ’88, J.B. LeBoutillier ’88, Jim Willey ’70, Emily Kiechel ’88, and Laurie Julius Avery ’88. 2. Kelsy Grefe ‘03 married Anthony Oberhaus at an intimate destination wedding in June of 2018 at the Riviera Maya, México. The couple honeymooned on Isla Mujeres and had a local reception at the Olander Park Lodge once they returned home. Alumni in attendance included Morgan Bayer ‘03, Dr. Daniel Riley ‘03, Monika Rostocki ‘03, and Schyler Beckwith ‘04. Kelsy is currently in her 9th year of teaching Upper School Spanish at MVCDS. 3. A group of Maumee Valley Alumnae “affectionately still referring to themselves as “Mohawks,” gathered in Frisco, CO, on July 14, 2018, to celebrate the wedding of Gretchen LeBoutillier Good ’89 and Matthew Good. After two years of legal marriage, Stephen LeBoutillier ’94 led the exchange of vows (finally!) at Sapphire Point in Dillon, CO. 4. Erika McDaniel Cartledge ’01 married William Roger Cartledge on March 31, 2018, in Philadelphia, PA. 5. Emily Benavides ’03 got engaged to Mike Thom on March 18, 2018, in Washington DC at the waterfront in the Navy Yard. 6. LeBoutillier Family Gathering. Photo Back L-R: James McClair, George LeBoutillier ’63, Nicole Frechette LeBoutillier ’88, and Jonathan Godfrey. Front Row L-R: Stephen LeBoutillier ’94, Gretchen LeBoutillier Good ’89, Stepper Girard LeBoutillier ’63, Ford LeBoutillier ’68, Megan LeBoutillier Learing ’95, and J.B. LeBoutillier ’88. 7. Sami Lipman Konczewsk ’02 married Patrick Konczewsk on September 29, 2018, at Harvard Club of Boston, MA. Alumni attending their wedding: Photo Back L-R: Anant Tamirisa ’02, Weston Wenner ’02, Berkley Welles Wellstein ’02, and Eli Lipman ’07. Photo Front L-R: Magdalena “Lena” Steiner ’02, Aliyah Shahid Frumin ’02, with Patrick Konczewsk. 35


class notes

NATALIE BOOTH ’14 Natalie joined the Peace Corps in Namibia. She teaches high school science and will support local efforts to strengthen educational opportunities during her two-years of service. In an article featuring Natalie on Hobart Williams and Smith College website, titled “Peace Corps in Namibia for Booth ’18,” Natalie was quoted as saying: “I think the most valuable learning experiences happen when you’re outside of your comfort zone and I can’t wait to embrace them . . . These opportunities have shown me I have a love for education in and outside of the classroom. I will now get to celebrate and share this love of education in the Peace Corps.” Following her Peace Corps service, Booth plans to pursue graduate school and continue a career in education.

CELEBRATING THE LIFE OF CASEY SMITH ’07 Alumni gathered together on Maumee Valley’s Anning lawn. Photo L-R: Peter Meinecke ‘07, Will Santino ‘07, Judson Beckwith ‘07, Jonathon Kimble ‘07, Garrett Kimble ‘09, and Christopher Ewry.



JASMINE ZHANG ’18 While traveling to New York City on behalf of Maumee Valley, Weezie Foster Stoddard ’82 visited Jasmin, a first-year student at the Parsons School of Design, studying Fashion Design. 36

Former faculty, NICK NASH and CHUCK LUNDHOLM were back on campus for the 84th Smead Luncheon and were the honored guests of the Classes of 1968 and 1969 50th Reunion Celebration last May.



class notes









1. Alumni reliving their music class: While on campus celebrating the life of Casey Smith ‘07, some of his classmates and friends found their way down to Mrs. Sieberg’s classroom and started to play the songs she had taught them. Photo Back L-R: Garrett Kimble ‘09, Allie Seal Amira ’07, Jonathon Kimble ‘07, and Judson Beckwith ‘07. Front L-R: Schuyler Beckwith ‘04, and Peter Meinecke ‘07. 2. Chandler Johnson Ingle ’13 and Joshua Ingle with their son, Marcus Caine Ingle, born on October 8, 2018. 3. Andrew Schmidt ‘08 married Nicole Aston on October 13, 2018, at the Inn at Serenbe, in Palmetto, GA. 4. Addy Rothman Parker ’09 married Adam Parker on May 5, 2018, at Reynolda Gardens in Winston-Salem, NC. Alumnae who attended Addy’s wedding: Kelsey Conrad ’09, and Margaux Foster Ford ’09. 5. High school sweethearts Sarah Nathan ’14 and Owen Ludwig ’14 were married on October 20, 2018. 6. Yasmin Abdelkarim ’11 married Bahaa Korjie on August 10, 2018, at Wayne Tree Manor in Wayne, MI. Yasmin remarked, “It was a day I will never forget”. 7. Trevor Masters ‘12 married Samone Scheider on September 22, 2018, at The Ponds at Bolton Valley. (at The Essex, Vermont’s Culinary Resort and Spa) 8. Grace Zhang ’16, Valentina Xu ’18, and John Sullivan Baker ‘16 together in Ithaca, NY, for an informal Maumee Valley gathering. Not pictured: Kaylou Stoddard ’15 and Suki Dayal ’15.


THE ALUMNI COUNCIL PAGE Greetings Members of the Maumee Valley Community, It is a great pleasure to be your newly-elected President of the Alumni Council, especially in the midst of many new developments at the school. Of course, change is never easy, particularly when the outgoing Head of School has had such an impact on Maumee Valley, and one that will last for many years to come. But change is also a very good and welcome prospect. As a community, we get to rally around new ideas, new perspectives, and have the opportunity to productively examine our strengths and the areas in which we can all improve. On behalf of the alumni, I am excited to welcome two new important figures to Maumee Valley who will help us evaluate, re-evaluate, and forge a new path forward—Lynn Casto and Amy Hunt. As you have undoubtedly read in the preceding pages, these two leaders bring a wealth of experience and expertise in education and development that will serve our institution—and more importantly, our community—well into the future. As they cross the country to attend Maumee Valley alumni gatherings, and as you stop by the campus for a visit when passing through the region, be sure to introduce yourselves and give them your personal welcome. It has been a busy year already for the Alumni Council and we have launched some new and exciting initiatives on behalf of our amazing— and growing—alumni base. First, we brought back recent graduate college gift boxes which were packed and sent in November to our recent alumni graduates, including Chef Joe’s cookies, as a way to help them power through their first college final exam period and to not forget their first alma mater! Second, Alumni Council Vice President Jessie Bohl and I began an “Archival Task Force” that has continued to build on previous attempts to catalog old photos and documents and to create a finding aid so our community history is better preserved and accessible to all. We hope to launch an exhibition of these efforts, so stay tuned for news and updates. And third, we are beginning to develop a kind of lexicon of past and present Maumee Valley traditions, icons, campus features, and events that will benefit the entire community, from new parents to alumni grandparents. Some of you may remember the ABCD-arium of years past, and this will be a new and reinvigorated version of that wonderful document. I predict you will see many changes to the school and the campus in the coming years as Maumee Valley responds to the challenges and the excitement of the contemporary global condition. But with new ventures underway, we the members of the Alumni Council also understand that history—our collective past—is an incredibly rich and important part of the future. Whether you live down the street or on the other side of the globe, you are an integral part of the Maumee Valley community. We look forward to having you join us as we rediscover what the past has meant around campus, and what the future has yet to offer each of us. All the very best for 2019,

Joss Kiely ‘01 President, Maumee Valley Alumni Council, 2018-20





ANNUAL REPORT 2018 Dear Friends of Maumee Valley, The 2017-18 academic year brought forth many accomplishments, experiences, and curricular enhancements that added value to the lives of our students, as well as their educators who thoughtfully crafted lesson plans and memorable opportunities for learning. It concluded with Maumee Valley honoring Gary Boehm’s 12-year legacy as Head of School and preparing for a new leader. A synopsis of the year’s accomplishments included: • A waiting list of families wanting to join the Maumee Valley community. • An online student portfolio system implemented in the Early Learning Center to communicate with families, assess student achievement, and inform instruction. • The Lower School continues to differentiate and personalize language arts instruction through small group instruction and conferencing to ensure each student has a higher level of reading and writing proficiency. • The establishment of Lower School Family Groups, where older students mentor and lead younger peers in group discussions and activities to foster character development, care of the community, and interpersonal skills. • A strong Middle School program both inside and outside of the classroom where students leave the classroom to study water quality, conduct field research, and learn about the greater community through a variety of service learning experiences with organizations such as Swan Creek Retirement Home, Mosaic Neighborhood Revitalization Project, Toledo University Church Gardens, Food Bank of Northwest Ohio, Side Cut Metropark, and Food for Thought. • A tailored orientation and care program for ninth-grade students with thematic units designed to explore growth mindset, identity, and ethical decision making. • Expansive immersion and independent study experiences for Upper School students with nearly 200 students who “learned by doing” either on campus, or in places across the country such as Arizona, California, Florida, New York, and North Carolina, and across the globe to places such as China, Ecuador, France, India, and Singapore. Maumee Valley’s mission is to enable students to become enlightened, compassionate and contributing citizens of our global community while preparing graduates for their best opportunities in higher education. Each action of every student and teacher, and each dollar of support gifted through the generosity of parents, alumni, alumni parents, grandparents, foundations, and faculty and staff, contribute to fulfilling our mission. As you peruse The Valley, I hope you can see the cumulative impact of these actions and supportive efforts. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, I am personally grateful for all the ways this community rallies, bolsters, and remains committed to supporting an environment where intellectual curiosity is encouraged and students are given the opportunities to explore their interests. Together, we are, indeed, enabling our students to become enlightened and contributing citizens of our global community while preparing them for their best opportunities in higher education. With appreciation,

Matt Buchanan President, Board of Trustees, 2017-2019



JULY 1, 2017 - JUNE 30, 2018


Unrestricted Total (including honor & memorial gifts)



The Chip Hankins ‘78 Memorial Fund


Erie Chapman ‘61 Foundation Renaissance Student Award

James M. Reed Community Scholar Program

Jonathon Krueger ‘12 Winterim Scholarship Fund, est. 2015


The Kaye Louise Salverda Scholarship Fund


Smead School for Girls Financial Aid


Rita Jaessing Brauneck ‘68 Scholarship Fund

The Robert T. Sullwold Award Other Endowment



$500.00 $1,000.00


Total Endowment



The Ariss Scholarship Fund

The Jordan Almester ‘00 Memorial Fund

The Nancy Buccilli Scholarship Fund

Sharon Coffin Memorial Fund for Faculty Development

$3,000.00 $12,750.00


Richard L. Nuzum Memorial Scholarship Fund



Donnie Taylor Scholarship


Total Building Toward Endowment



Total Restricted Giving

$ 608,993.00


Auction (Gross)


Auction (Net)


Total Special Event Fundraising Proceeds



Restricted Giving

Capital Campaign


Total Capital Campaign




Restricted Giving

Total Capital Campaign


$261,181.00 $261,181.00













2018 ANNUAL FUND GIFTS Donors are recognized by their giving levels to the annual fund from July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018. Directed gifts are listed under general endowment gifts.

Dogwood ($15,000 to $24,999) Mrs. Georgia Welles P’70, ’71, ’72, ’78, ’80, GP’98, ’00, ’02 Wolfe Family Charitable Foundation Anonymous

Trillium ($10,000 to $14,999) H.L. Thompson Jr. Family Fund

Maypole ($5,000 to $9,999) Mr. Michael Anspach ’04 Berry Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Corcoran P’16, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Deichert III P’12, ’14 The Honorable and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Helmick P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaser P’15, ’17, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Duo Xia P’18

Bluestone ($2,500 to $4,999) Mr. and Mrs. John Bearss P’06, ’10 Ms. Diana Block ’91 and Mr. Christopher Kiehl P’24, ’25 Paul and Dina Block Foundation Mr. Libing Cui P’21 Mr. Thomas Glaenzer ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jarrell P’17, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Chengzhong Lu P’19 Mr. Hongbing Ma P’20 Mr. Scott McIntosh ’60 Mr. Daniel K. McIntosh ’63 Mr. Wei Qiu and Ms. Xia An P’21 Mr. Carter Smith P’69, ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Twyman P’01, ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Xinli Wang P’19 Mr. and Mrs. David K. Welles Jr. ’70, P’98, ’00, ’02 Mr. Zhihang Xu and Mrs. Lijun Chen P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yustick P’20, ’23, ’25 Mr. Zhanxing Zhang and Ms. Juan Liu P’21

Smead Circle ($1,000 to $2,499) Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anspach P’04, ’06, ’08 Ms. Catherine E. Baer ’73 Benevity Community Impact Fund Mr. Gary Boehm and Ms. Bonnie Blankinship P’01, ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Boissoneault P’19, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthew Buchanan P’20, ’23

Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Byers (Katherine Kaplan ’81) P’06, ’10, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cripps P’28, ’29, ’31 Mr. Frank W. Cubbon, Jr. P’69, ’72, ’74, ’78, ’79, GP’08, ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dapkus P’14, ’19 Mr. James H. Davis ’75 Mr. and Mrs. James Derosa (Alexandra Bowe ’82) P’16, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Dorrance Dr. and Mrs. Hossein El Gafy P’16, ’27, ’28 Mr. and Mrs. John Eldred GP’26, ’30 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fedderke P’95, ’98 Mr. and Mrs. Michael W. Foster ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Foster ’83, P’20, ’22, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Jian Gong P’19 Ms. Melanie K. Gross ’91 Mrs. Lisa Heinrich GP’27 Dr. Srini Hejeebu and Dr. Rashmi Goyal Hejeebu P’15, ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Herrmann P’16, ’19 Mrs. Malgorzata Jakimczuk Hoff ’88 and Mr. Adam Hoff Mr. Dean P. Kasperzak ’76, P’05, ’07 The Honorable and Mrs. Reeve W. Kelsey (Betsy Sabin ’73) P’03 Mr. and Mrs. Hanqiu Luo P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Michael D. Mabry ’80 Ms. Monica MacAdams ’67 and Mr. Michael C. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Clyde D. McKee (Taryl Johnson ’79) Mr. Johnson McKelvy ’80 and Mrs. Janice MacAvoy Mr. and Mrs. Warren Monday P’89, ’91 Mr. R. Richard Newcomb ’64 and Rev. Dr. Deborah J. Newcomb Mr. Genta Okada and Ms. Chiho Okada ’18 Ms. Shelly Orenstein and Dr. Michael Nagel, M.D. P’08, ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Pipatjarasgit ’89, P’17, ’18, ’20 Mrs. Barbara Reed P’73, ’75, GP’03, ’05, ’06, ’11 Mr. Marc Savage and Ms. Kimberly Edwards P’26, ’28, ’30, ’32 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schwier (Priscilla Lamb ’57) P’85, ’87 Mr. Douglas A. Shelton ’61 Mr. Liguo Zhao and Mrs. Xin Zhao P’17, ’23 Ms. Marilyn Trimmer ’70 Mr. Adam W. Uhlman ’98 and Mrs. Mikaela E. Van Kley ’99 Vortex Foundation Mr. Gary Whitacre and Ms. Bonnie Rankin P’17, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. David White Jr. ‘80, P’13, ’15 Mr. Jacob T. Will ’03 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Wright ’57 Mr. Jimin Wu and Mrs. Yiyang Yu P’18 Mr. Dong Zheng Ms. Ye Zhu and Mr. Ruonan Zhang P’19 Anonymous (2)


PHILANTHROPY Founders ($500 to $999) Mr. and Mrs. Rick Avery (Laurie Julius ’88) P’22, ’26, ’28 Mr. James Baker and Ms. Krista Kelly P’30, ’34 Dr. and Mrs. Garett A. Begeman P’22 Mr. Frank S. Bell, Jr. ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen S. Boeschenstein ’84 Mr. James R. Bowers ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Burnett (Dale S. Shelton ’65) Mr. and Mrs. Channing E. Cecil P’23, ’24 Mr. William G. Chase Jr. ’58 Dr. Joseph Collaco ’92 and Ms. Aarti Shah Ms. Nanette David P’99 Dr. and Mrs. William Dehoff P’97, ’00 The Honorable and Mrs. Geoffrey deWolfe (Rebecca Beres ’64) Ms. Carolyn M. Edwards ’60 Mr. Andrew Ekblaw ’72 Ms. Sallie Tasker Elwell ’54 Entelco Foundation Ms. Kirsten Fedderke ’95 and Ms. Joyce Kuechler Mr. John Fischer ’84 Mr. and Mrs. John Granato P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Ed Griffith GP’13, ’15, ’19 Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Julius P’88, GP’22, ’26, ’28 Mr. and Mrs. James D. Kurek ’73 Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Lundholm P’94, ’00, ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Martindale (Chris Hankins ’59) P’86 Ms. Elizabeth M. McNerney ’76 and Mr. Donald S. Bell Mrs. Nan Parfet Miller ’46, P’80, ’85 Dr. and Mrs. Scott B. Miller ’72 Mr. and Mrs. William Mitchell (Marilyn Miller ’61) Mr. and Mrs. Michael Monday ’91 Mr. Dmitry Musatkin ’06 Ms. Patricia O’Toole P’12, ’15 Mr. Scott Parry ’78 and Mrs. Frances Stranahan Parry ’78, P’07, ’09, ’13 Ms. Kathy L. Peters P’21 Mr. John Preston ’63 Ms. Virginia Rothman P’09, ’11 Mr. James Jay Secor III ’69 and Mrs. Christina Robinson Secor ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Eric Smith ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Spurgeon P’12, ’15 Dr. Richard Steketee ’68 and Dr. Kathleen Irwin Mr. Seksom Suriyapa ’84 and Ms. Susan Shrader Ms. Theresa S. Thompson ’64 Mrs. Margaret Whitacre GP’17, ’21 Dr. and Mrs. Jincheng Yan P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Tom S. Ziems ’56, P’87 Dr. and Mrs. David Zucker P’12, ’15

Friendship ($250 to $499) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Abahazi P’22 Mrs. Sarah E. Abel ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alpert (Lisa West ’80)


Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Anderson GP’97, ’16, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Anning Dr. Paula Apostolou Mr. and Mrs. Edgar V. Avila P’04 Mr. Michael Baker ’01 and Ms. Michelle Scott Mr. Mark Baker P’15, ’18, ’20 Mr. James O. Birr, Jr. ’61 Mr. Tyler Boehm ’01 and Ms. Jaimi Leess-Boehm Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Browne ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Archie Call III P’90 Mr. Douglas L. Creutz ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Crowl ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Cunliffe P’16, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas K. Dawson P’88, ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen C. Debrock ’53 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Euton P’78, ’81, ’83, GP’12 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Evanisko (Cynny Smith ’71) Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frasco P’12 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Geller P’08 Dr. Amira Gohara P’90, ’93 Mrs. Ethel Gordon GP’18, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Larry A. Griffith P’99 Mr. Theodore T. Chung ’85 and Mrs. Lydia Hankins ’85 Mrs. Virginia Draper Harris ’51, P’79, GP’09, ’11, ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howard P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Mac Howland ’68 Mr. Monie Hussain ’92 Mrs. Marjorie M. Hutton P’75, ’76, ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Don Langefeld GP’20, ’23, ’25 Mr. George F. LeBoutillier ’63 and Mrs. Stephanie Girard LeBoutillier ’63, P’88, ’89, ’94, ’95 Mr. and Mrs. Henry D. Light (Angelica P. Didier ’67) Dr. and Mrs. Karl Luketic P’11 Mr. and Mrs. Andy Lyke GP’31 Mr. and Mrs. William McGee P’24, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Miller Dr. and Mrs. Meredith Morgan ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Pratik S. Multani ’84 Mr. Mark Nelson ’67 and Mrs. Deborah Dixon Dr. James R. Patrick P’79, ’82, ’87 Mrs. Meredith Morse Prime ’62 Mr. Lamson Rheinfrank Jr. ’58 and Mrs. Sally Rheinfrank Mr. and Mrs. Jamie J. Scigliano P’20, ’22 Mr. Barton Wagenman P’89 Mr. and Mrs. Edward S. Warner ’54 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Weisman P’94 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Wicklund ’67 Mrs. Victoria Winterer ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Hart Woodson (Jane Eyster Woodson ’75)

Centennial ($100 to $249) Mr. and Mrs. Barton Alexander ’69 Mr. Matthew Amonette P’20, ’26, ’30, ’32


Mrs. Melissa Amonette P’20, ’26, ’30, ’32 The Anderson Foundation Ms. Alice S. Applebaum ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Augustyniak P’15, ’21 Mr. Scott Bailey P’19 Mr. and Mrs. John J. Baker P’01 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Baker GP’30, ’34 Dr. Neil Barman ’92 and Dr. Linda K. Barman Mr. Michael Barnes ’82 Mr. Michael R. Barthold ’65 Mrs. Cindy Himelhoch Beale ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beatty P’28 Ms. Sandy Bell GP’19 Dr. and Mrs. Paul D. Berlacher ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Kevin E. Bigenho P’17, ’21 Mrs. Carole Broer Bishop ’55 Mr. Andrew C. Bohnengel ’67 and Ms. Lynn Forni Bohnengel ’67 Mrs. Margaret Britton GP’21

Dr. Mary Hutton Burgi ’79 and Dr. Peter Burgi Mrs. Nancy Kistler Burton ’72 and Dr. Mark Burton Mr. Gustavo Caillaux and Ms. Priscilla Casalino P’23, ’26, ’28 Mike and Kathleen Cairl GP’30, ’32, ’33 Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Carney ’55 Mr. and Mrs. John Carroll GP’19 Mr. Hyaat Chaudhary ’99 and Dr. Sheila Chaudhary Dr. Haleem Chaudhary, M.D. ’92 and Mrs. Rekha Tripathi Mr. and Mrs. Sungho Cho P’20 Ms. Kathleen B. Choka ’06 Mr. Gerald Brandman P’89, ’96, ’05 Linda Thomas Collins ’58 Mr. Robert Conover P’28, ’29, ’31 Mr. Jason S. Cooper ’97 Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Coughlin (Kari Sprandel ’82) Ms. Kyle Cubbon ’72 and Mr. Spiros Cocoves P’08, ’09 Mr. and Mrs. Stuart F. Cubbon ’74 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Davis III ’88 Mr. Brian Dawson ’92 and Mrs. Sarah Morrison Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Dias P’21, ’23 Dr. Eric J. Dolgin ’71 Ms. Catherine Donnelly ’67 and Mr. Steven Looney Mr. and Mrs. Steven Dotson (Darlene Bates ’84) Mr. and Mrs. John Dowling P’30, ’31, ’34 Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Doyle P’19 Mr. Spencer Dreher ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Mark J. Eriksen ’70 Mr. Stephen Esquith ’66 and Mrs. Christine Worland Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fish P’00, ’01, ’05 Ms. Blair M. Foster ’81 Mr. and Mrs. R. Michael Frank P’97, ’00, GP’30 Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Gabel P’25, ’28 Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Garcia Mr. Michael J. Gardner ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Mark W. Garner ’78 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gentleman ’84 Mr. and Mrs. Bruce L. Glover P’06, ’08 Mr. Mark Goldman ’84 Mr. Bret Green and Ms. Emily Green P’28 Dr. and Mrs. Willard P. Green ’55 Ms. Margaret Greer P’09 Mrs. Suzanne Thomas Guinivere ’51 Mr. and Mrs. Larry Haid ’61 Mr. and Mrs. David Hanson P’05 Mrs. Sally Harms P’92, ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Hedblom ’82 Mr. Christopher Hoag ’94 Dr. Jamie Horwitz ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hottinger Mr. and Mrs. Michael House P’30 Mr. and Mrs. William Hutton Jr. ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Eric G. Johnson P’13


PHILANTHROPY Ms. Cameron L. Jones ’85 Dr. and Mrs. Mandar Joshi P’24, ’26, ’28, ’31 Mr. Julian M. Kaplin ’71 and Mr. Walter D. Mullin Fund of Stonewall Community Foundation Mr. Jerome F. Kapp Jr. ’70 Mr. Jody M. Katzner ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Ben Kenny GP’31, ’33 Mr. Joss Kiely ’01 Mr. Zachary Klausz and Ms. Shannon Markel P’30 Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Krueger, Jr. P’03, ’06, ’09, ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Terry Kuhl II P’21, ’22 Ms. Helen Lambert P’17 Mr. Tim Lane and Dr. Wendy Miller P’27 Dr. Bonnie Shelton Ledbetter ’52 and Dr. William B. Ledbetter Dr. Audrey Bohnengel Lee ’64 and Dr. Edger Lee Mr. and Mrs. David Leitner GP’19 Mr. and Mrs. Adam Levine P’26 Mr. and Mrs. Chia-Jen Liu P’14 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Lodge P’14, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lonsway P’12, ’14 Mrs. Gay Lord Ms. Laurie G. Lyell P’20 Mr. and Mrs. James Lyell GP’20 Dr. Tracey Mabrey ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Bevars D. Mabry P’80, ’88 Dr. Fiona MacKinnon P’91 Ms. Sally N. MacNichol ’69


Ms. Edith P. Magoun ’80 Dr. Susan Mango and Dr. Alex Schier P’18 Ms. Chantelle F. Marshall ’94 The Rev. Dr. and Mrs. George H. Martin ’60 Ms. Lisa Knight Martin ’92 and Mr. Rupert Martin Mrs. Ann Mather P’82, ’94, GP’16, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Clinton A. Mauk ’45 (Pat Lathrop ’47) Mr. and Mrs. Fraser A. McAlpine ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Marshall McClung Jr. ’55 Mr. and Mrs. Leroy McCollough P’02 Mr. and Mrs. W. Stephen Meloy ’54 Merck Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mihaly P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Millhon ’87 Mrs. Elizabeth B. Millhon P’87, ’90 Mr. Jerry C. Millhon P’87, ’90 Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Mills ’67 Mr. Gary Morgenroth ’72 Ms. Tara Morrin Mrs. Le Nien Blank Mueller ’59 and Mr. David John Mueller ’58 Mr. and Mrs. John R. Myers P’01 Mr. Tilman Nadolski ’08 Ms. Diane Nicely Margot McIlwain Nishimura ’83 and David Nishimura Mr. Broer Oatis ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Parry ’07 (Heather Beck ’05) Dr. and Mrs. Hosea Payne ’89

PHILANTHROPY Dr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Pesin P’03, ’06 Mr. Leonard G. Phillipps Jr. ’59 Mr. and Mrs. Anthony A. Plutynski ’55 Mrs. Phyllis A. Quick P’90 Dr. Emily Koelsch Rebori ’97 and Mr. Todd Rebori Dr. and Mrs. Adam Rettig ’89 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory S. Riddle P’17 Mr. and Mrs. William O. Ross, Jr. (Becky Ashley ’69) P’95, ’98 Mr. Jesse Rubin ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sabin P’11 Mr. and Mrs. Bhupesh Saini P’23, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Samborn ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Randall Samborn ’75 Mr. and Mrs. Andy Schocket P’21, ’24 Mr. Berl N. Schwartz ’65 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Scribner P’74 Mr. Niraj S. Shah ’99 Dr. and Dr. Sameer Sharma ’89 Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw (Micheline Brewer ’89) Dr. E. Dorinda Shelley P’99, ’01, ’04 Dr. and Mrs. Bruce Siders ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sieberg P’03, ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sisco Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Slotterbeck P’21 Ms. Vicki C. Smith ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Doug Smith P’18, ’21 Mr. Stephen D. Smith ’78 Mr. Jeffrey C. Smith ’69 and Mrs. Susan Frost Smith ’68 Ms. Laura Sowatsky ’84 and Mr. Mark Bailey Mr. Lorry Spitzer ’70 and Ms. Diane Young-Spitzer Dr. Gail S. Steketee ‘67 and Dr. Brian H. McCorkle Mrs. Hope Stevens P’90, ’92 Mrs. Weezie Foster Stoddard ’82 and Mr. Blake Stoddard P’10, ’12, ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Stokes P’19 Mr. and Mrs. John Suhrbier ’57 Mr. Arthur Sujaritchan ’90 Mr. Paul K. Sutherland ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Richard K. Swartzell GP’15 Very Rev. Dr. and Mrs. H. L. Thompson III ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson P’25 Ms. Sarah Weisman Trosch ’94 Mr. and Mrs. Michael K. Turner (Janet Readus ’83) Mr. and Mrs. James M. Tuschman Esq. ’59, P’90 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Tuschman ’62 Mr. and Mrs. John Uhrman P’30, ’33 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Van Luven ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Verner P’85 ,’88 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Walbridge (Margaret Fraser ’47) P’81 Mr. and Mrs. Lee F. Wealton GP’22 Mr. Andrew Weiner and Ms. Sarah Crane P’24, ’26, ’28 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Weiner GP’24, ’26, ’28 Mr. and Mrs. Brent W. West ’77 Carol and Marc Williams-Young P’04

Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wynn P’23 Ms. Zhaohui Xu P’23 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Zajac Anonymous

Donors (up to $99) Ms. Joyce Anagnos Esq. ’86 Mr. Richard J. Andrews ’59 Ms. P. Kate Arnos ’71 Mr. Warren K. Badgett P’85, ’89 Mrs. Judy Ward Baer ’62 Mr. and Mrs. Arun C. Barman ’95 Dr. Jami Barnes and Mr. Rolland Barnes Barr’s Public House Ms. India Z. Bedi ’12 Drs. Abraham and Martha Birnbaum P’86, ’89 Amy and Scott Blair Dr. Emily Boehm ’05 and Mr. Lloyd Mason Ms. Roberta C. Bowers ’61 Mrs. Vallie Bowman-English and Mr. Ian English P’23 Ms. Mariana E. Brandman ’05 Ms. Grace F. Brown P’90, ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Brunt Mr. Thomas Cambisios Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Card P’20, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. Choka (Kitsy Sabin ‘75) P’05, ’06 Ms. Christine M. Commons ’04 Mr. Larry T. Cook III ’97 Mr. and Mrs. David Corwin P’23 Ms. Becca Cragin and Ms. Jennie Ray P’24 Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Daugherty P’18 Ms. Anne M. Deichert ’14 Rev. and Mrs. Mike Denman P’09 Mr. and Mrs. Peter Detgen ’85 Mr. Thomas R. Deupree Mrs. Bittin Foster Duggan ’86 and Mr. Bryan Duggan Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Eller Ms. Tabatha Fields Ms. Joy Fine ’90 Mr. Chris Fischl and Ms. Amy Sweet P’21, ’22 Ms. Kate Fleming P’15, ’18, ’20 Mr. Truth M. Foreman ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Foster ’57 (Kay Rathbun ’58) P’80, ’82, ’84, ’86, GP’08, ’10, ’12, ’15, ’18, ’21 Ms. Heather Fuller ’00 Mr. Peter L. Funk ’13 Mr. Eric Glover ’06 Mr. Evan Glover ’08 Mr. Erik Graham and Ms. Brooke Schlageter Graham P’29, ’33 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Greenberg ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Neil E. Greene ’55 Mrs. Kathryn M. Guilbault Mr. James Hawkins and Ms. Diane DeYonker Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hebenstreit ’59 Mr. Sachin Hejeebu ’15


PHILANTHROPY Ms. Alexis Holman ’07 Mrs. Donna Holt ’56 Mr. and Mrs. Don Hulbert Ms. Ruth Hutton ’76 and Mr. Robert Brainin Ms. Trina Joyce ’72 Mr. Amar Karamali ’10 Mr. Alexander C. Karcher ’18 Dr. Gayle Keiser ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Richard C. Keller (Brooke Cramer ’89) Ms. Linda Kilgus ’69 Ms. Kathryn R. Klein ’96 Mrs. Kristin Kowalski and Mr. Joseph Van Kerkhove P’34 Mr. Matthew Lane ’95 Mr. and Mrs. James Lassman P’25, ’31 Mrs. Ellen J. Leonard Ms. Zhuangying Lin ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Bob Lloyd (Midge Detgen ’58) Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lowe ’69 Mr. Richard J. MacAdams P’67, ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Ian MacGregor ’63 Ms. Patricia Magoun ’77 and Mr. Andrew Buhse Mr. Jamie Magoun ’86 Mr. and Mrs. David Maguiness (Karen Kuehnle ’76) Ms. Elizabeth Mather ’94 Mrs. Diane McCauley and Mr. Clyde McCauley P’02, ’04 Mrs. Kathy McCleary-Wall ’57 and Mr. Richard E. Wall ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McNally P’19, ’21 Ms. Kathleen Mick Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Moebius P’29, ’31, ’34 Mrs. Barbara Moorman P’93, ’96 Mr. Cameron M. Morrissey ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Mark E. Moxley-Knapp ’85 Mr. Daniel Mumford Mr. and Mrs. Sixto Naranjo Mrs. Kelsy V. Grefe Oberhaus ’03 Ms. Deborah Orloff P’15 Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Paskvan P’20 Dr. Philip Peek and Dr. Elaine Bruckner P’17, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Luke Polito (Ashley Schoen ’11) Chef Joe Prince Ms. Caroline S. Redmon Mr. and Mrs. Brent A. Reed Mr. and Mrs. Antonio Ricciardi ’67 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Richardson (Pamela S. Kern ’67) Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Riddell ’55 Ms. Ana Rodriguez P’28, ’30, ’31 Mr. and Mrs. Rollind Romanoff ’54, GP’08 Mr. Christopher Samul Mr. and Mrs. William H. Scharf ’62 Ms. Marilynn Willey ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Schweter Mr. Daniel J. Siegel ’90 Ms. Rebecca Bowers Skrainka ’69 Mr. Gavin Smith and Ms. Trish Hausknecht P’11, ’14 Ms. Christine Snyder Mr. and Mrs. John Sopa P’13, ’18 48

Mr. Bruce Sowatsky ’77 and Mrs. Heidi Whitfield Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer Ms. Hannah E. Spengler ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Josh Spiegel P’30, ’32, ’33 Mr. and Mrs. Scott N. Steketee ’64 Mr. Dixon Stoddard ’12 Ms. Kaylou Stoddard ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Thierry GP’31 Ms. Beverly B. Thierwechter ’65 Ms. Sally Gladwell and Mr. Jason Thomas P’20 Mr. Julius S. Turner ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Unes (Spring A. Thompson ’86) Mr. and Mrs. Anthony W. Viers P’18, ’22 Ms. Susan B. Ward ’62 Mr. and Mrs. John Weinberg Ms. Jacklyn Wells and Ms. Elizabeth Taylor P’22, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Larry D. Williams ’69 Mr. David R. Francisco and Ms. Patricia A. Wise P’08, ’14, ’20 Dr. Alan Wishner and Dr. Carolina Wishner P’21 Mr. and Mrs. William Wittmann ’66 Mr. and Mrs. Lowell Youngquist (Judy Arnos ’68) Mr. Michael Zerner ’72 Mr. Steven Zima ’09 Ms. Deena P. Zucker ’15 Anonymous *Deceased

LIFETIME GIVING This category recognizes lifetime giving of $25,000 or more to Maumee Valley. Outstanding pledges not included.

$1 million or more Ms. Joan Bayer P’03, ’10, ’12 Entelco Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stranahan ’53, P’78, ’81, ’83, ’88, GP’07, ’09, ’13 Toledo Community Foundation, Inc. Mr.* and Mrs. David K. Welles Sr. P’70, ’71, ’72, ’78, ’80, GP’98, ’00, ’02 Mr. and Mrs. David K. Welles Jr. ’70, P’98, ’00, ’02

$500,000 to $999,999 Ms. Anisha Dayal P’15,’17 Dr. and Mrs. William Dehoff P’97, ’00 Mr.* and Mrs. Michael J. Gardner P’13, ’19 Mr. Dean Kasperzak ’76 and Mrs. Rebecca Swaney Kasperzak* ’76, P’05, ’07 Dr. Naren Lakshmipathy P’15, ’17 Needmor Fund Stranahan Foundation Wolfe Family Charitable Foundation

$250,000 to $499,999 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Deichert III P’12, ’14 Ms. Martha Wolfe Farmer* ’44, GP’01

PHILANTHROPY Holly Beach Public Library Association Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Knight* P’59, ’64, ’69 McMaster Family Foundation Owens Illinois, Inc. Mr.* and Mrs. Barbara Reed P’73, ’75, GP’03, ’05, ’06, ’11 Mr. Lamson Rheinfrank Jr. ’58 and Mrs. Sally Rheinfrank Dr. Mary Stranahan ’63 Mrs. Virginia S. Stranahan* ’22, P’48, ’49, ’53, ’57, ’63, ’64, GP’71, ’74, ’77, ’78, ’81, ’83, ’88, GGP’07, ’09, ’11, ’13, ’14 Mr. and Mrs.* Frederic D. Wolfe ’47, P’74, ’76, ’80

$100,000 to $249,999 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anspach P’04, ’06, ’08 Mr. and Mrs.Thomas L. Ashley* ’41 John E. and Caron G. Avery Foundation Mr. and Mrs. John Bearss P’06, ’10 Blade Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William Block Sr.* GP’91, ’95, ’00, GGP’24, ’25 Block Communications, Inc. Buckeye CableSystem Dana Corporation Foundation Ms. Caroline D. Dickey* ’30 Edward E. Ford Foundation France Stone Foundation Mr.* and Mrs. Frank Harris (Susie Draper ’51) P’79, GP’09, ’11, ’16 Mr. Stephen P. Hickey ’79 Mr. and Mrs. William W. Knight* P’54, ’57, GP’79, ’81, ’83, ’87, ’88, GGP’09, ’13, ’20, ’22, ’24 The LaValley Foundation Clement O.Miniger Memorial Foundation M&M Osterman Foundation Mr. Scott Parry ’78 and Mrs. Frances Stranahan Parry ’78, P’07, ’09, ’13 Schwab Charitable Fund Mr. Carter Smith and Mrs.* Elizabeth Morris Smith ’44, P’69, ’71 Mr. Michael Stranahan ’57 Mr. Daniel A. Stranahan ’88 Mr. Joseph H. Swolsky ’69 Ms. Mary Anne Terry* ’33 H.L. Thompson, Jr. Family Fund Mr. Jules L. Vinnedge ’66 Vortex Foundation Waite-Brand Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wellstein (Berkley Welles ’02) Mr. Hugh D. White Sr. ’55, P’79, ’80, GP’13, ’15 Anonymous

$50,000 to $99,999 The Anderson Foundation Dr.* and Mrs. Panagiotis Bakos P’14 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barnett P’13, ’16 Mrs. Carol Hampe Bentley ’49, P’73, ’78, GP’14 Berry Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. William K. Block, Jr. P’91, ’95, ’00, GP’24, ’25 Mr. Gary Boehm and Ms. Bonnie Blankinship P’01, ’05

Mr. and Mrs. William W. Boeschenstein* ’43, P’75, ’82, ’84 Mrs. Harold Boeschenstein* P’43, ’46, GP’75, ’82, ’84 Mrs. Rita Jaessing Brauneck ’68 Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthew Buchanan P’20, ’23 The Commonwealth Fund Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Cowie ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dapkus P’14, ’19 Mrs. Shirley Duffy P’06, ’07, ’09 Fifth Third Bank of Northwestern Ohio, N.A. Mrs. Kate Thompson Foster* ’29, P’62, GP’79, ’81, ’83, ’87, ’88, GGP’09, ’13, ’20, ’22, ’24 Mrs. Helen M. Foster* ’28, P’54, ’57 Ms. Juliet France* ’29 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frasco P’12 Mr.* and Mrs. Robert Friedman GP’04, ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Gifford* P’69 Gilmore, Jasion and Mahler LTD Clare and Joel Gorski P’25 Mr.* and Mrs. Bruce M. Hankins ’53, P’78, ’81 The Honorable and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Helmick P’19 Mr.* and Mrs. Marilyn Henry GP’19 Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Howard ’53, GP’11, ’13, ’15, ’16, ’18 Mrs. Marjorie M. Hutton P’75, ’76, ’79, ’81 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jarrell P’17, ’20 The Rev. Hopie Welles Jernagan ’00 and The Rev. Luke Jernagan Mrs. Eleanor Miniger Jones* ’22, P’62 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaser P’15, ’17, ’19 The Honorable and Mrs. Reeve W. Kelsey (Betsy Sabin ‘73) P’03 KeyBank Mr. and Mrs. Milton F. Knight, Jr. ’66, P’88, ’88, ’91, ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Bradford S. Koles Jr. ’82, P’21, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Philip LeBoutillier, Jr.* P’62, ’68, GP’88, ’89, ’94, ’95 Ms. Gail S. Mahaffey P’02, ’03, ’07 Mr. Michael A. Mahaffey P’02, ’03, ’07 Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Maurer P’96, ’98, ’99, ’01, ’04 McIntosh Family Foundation Dr. Pamela Oatis and Mr. John R. Kiely P’01, ’05 Mrs. Annette Reed P’87, ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson D. Robinson III* ’41, P’69. ’70, ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Sabin P’11 Mr. Marc Savage and Ms. Kimberly Edwards P’26, ’28, ’30, ’32 Estate of Lorene L. Schirf Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Schwier (Priscilla Lamb ’57) P’85, ’87 Dr. Mark Seal P’07 Mr. James Jay Secor III ’69 and Mrs. Christina Robinson Secor ’69 Mr. and Mrs. Duane Stranahan, Sr.* P’48, ’49, ’53, ’57, ’63, ’64, GP’71, ’74, ’77, ’78, ’81, ’83, ’88, GGP’07, ’09, ’11, ’13, ’14 Ms. Abbot B. Stranahan ’83 and Mr. David Ward Mr. Henry L. Thompson Jr.* ’33, P’61, ’64, ’67, ’71 The Waters Foundation 49

PHILANTHROPY Mr. and Mrs. Christopher S. Welles ’80 Mr. Peter C. Welles ’78 Mr. David E. Welles* ’98 Mr. David R. Francisco and Ms. Patricia A. Wise P’08, ’14, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yustick P’20, ’23, ’25

$25,000 to $49,999 Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Anderson P’97, ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Anderson P’05, ’15 Dr. Laila Ariss and Dr. Sonny Ariss P’11, ’13 Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Armstrong ’76 Ms. Catherine E. Baer ’73 Mr. Charles Bennett and Ms. Holly Jensen P’05, ’08 Anderton Bentley Fund Mr. George H. Blackstone ’66, P’93 Ms. Diana Block ’91 and Mr. Christopher Kiehl P’24, ’25 Paul and Dina Block Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boyk P’14, ’16 Charles E. Boyk Law Offices, LLC Mr. Fritz Byers and Mrs. Katherine Kaplan Byers ’81, P’06 ,’10, ’21 Mr. Samuel G. Carson and Mrs. Alice Williams Carson* ’33, GP’95, ’98 Rev. and Mrs. Erie Chapman III ’61 Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. Choka (Kitsy Sabin ’75) P’05, ’06 Mr. and Mrs. V. Peter Clark P’93, ’97 Mr. and Mrs. John Corcoran P’16, ’21 Mr. Frank W. Cubbon, Jr. P’69, ’72, ’74, ’78, ’79, GP’08, ’09 Mr. and Mrs. David Dana P’75, ’77, ’82 Mr. and Mrs. Leo Deiger GP’18 Mr. and Mrs. John H. Dicken Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Christopher A. Dorrance Mr. Jeffrey Fantle Mr. and Mrs. Hart Fessenden (Nancy Boeschenstein ’46) Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Foster ’83, P’20, ’22, ’24


Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Foster ’57 (Kay Rathbun ’58) P’80, ’82, ’84, ’86, GP’08, ’10, ’12, ’15, ’18, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Foster ’81, P’09, ’13 Goldman, Sachs and Co. Dr. and Mrs. Richard J. Grieser P’00, ’03, ’08 Mr. Phil Griffin ’75 and Ms. Kory Apton Dr. Srini Hejeebu and Dr. Rashmi Goyal Hejeebu P’15, ’17 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Holman P’98, ’00, ’07, GP’28, ’29 Dr. and Mrs. Mark G. Issa P’14, ’16 Dr. Saleh A. Jabarin P’92, ’94, ’98 Mr. Robert R. Seeman and Ms. Karin A. Jacobson P’03, ’06 Dr. Gang Jin and Dr. Wenzhao Wang P’19 Dr. and Mrs. Robert B. Julius P’88, GP’22, ’26, ’28 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Karns P’20, ’24, ’26 Ms. Ashley M. Kasperzak ’97 Dr. Jean Kay-Lee and Dr. Scott Lee P’19, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Milton Knight* P’60, ’63, ’66, GP’88, ’88, ’91, ’92 William and Elsie Knight Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Walter F. Krueger, Jr. P’03, ’06, ’09, ’12 Mrs. Prudence Hutchinson Lamb* ’23, P’57, GP’85, ’87 Mr. George F. LeBoutillier ’63 and Mrs. Stephanie Girard LeBoutillier ’63, P’88, ’89, ’94, ’95 Mr. Stanley Levison* Dr. and Mrs. David A. Lindsley P’87, ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Lonsway P’12, ’14 Mrs. Helen McMaster GGP’10 Mrs. Nan Parfet Miller ’46, P’80, ’85 National City Bank Owens Corning Mr. Henry Pahl Jr. ’52 Dr. and Mrs. Samuel R. Pesin P’03, ’06 Mrs. Meredith Morse Prime ‘62 Mr. Harold H. Salverda P’76, ’79, ’83, ’85, ’88, ’91 Ms. M. Ann Sanford P’05, ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Shaw

PHILANTHROPY Mr. Lyman Spitzer* ’67 and Mrs. Patrice C. Spitzer P’11 Mr. Richard L. Steinberg* ’65 Dr. and Mrs. George Stranahan ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Duane Stranahan Jr. ’48, P’71, ’74, ’77, GP’11, ’14 Mr.* and Mrs. Chester A. Sullwold P’71 Mr. Seksom Suriyapa ’84 and Ms. Susan Shrader Ms. Ellisa Taylor ’84 Therma-Tru Corporation Mr. Steven Turner and Mrs. Teale Laney P’14, ’16, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Twyman P’01, ’03 Dr. and Mrs. Gopinath R. Upamaka P’09 Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Urschel P’88 Dr. and Mrs. Charles Valone P’00, ’05, ’06 Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Mr. Barton Wagenman P’89 Mr. and Mrs. David White Jr. ’80, P’13, ’15 White Family Foundation Dr. James C. Willey ’70 and Dr. Elisabeth B. James P’10, ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Wright ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Yordan (Christine Donnelly ’70) Dr. and Mrs. David Zucker P’12, ’15 *Deceased

HONORARY + MEMORIAL GIFTS Gifts made in memory or honor of a friend, colleague, fellow classmate, or loved one is an enriching testament to the life of Maumee Valley.

In memory of Jordan Almester ’00 Mr. Sachin Agrawal ’01 Mr. Gary Boehm and Ms. Bonnie Blankinship P’01, ’05 Mr. Tyler Boehm ’01 and Ms. Jaimi Leess-Boehm Ms. Lauren Dzierwa Ms. Tinamarie Gazwi Dr. Anurag Gupta ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob James (Natalie Hoag ’00) Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Leizerman (Megan Dorf ’00) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Osterman ’02 Ms. Angela Rose Ms. Katharine Shelley ’01 Ms. Sarah Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wellstein (Berkley Welles ’02) Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wenner GP’02 Mr. Weston Wenner ’02 Ms. Leah Whitaker ’00 Ms. Eugenia C. Wu ’00

In memory of Mr. Terry Armstrong ’77 Mrs. Page Stranahan Armstrong ’77, P’11, ’14 Mr. Scott Foster ’77 Mr. Timothy Gilbert ’77 Dr. Jeffrey Rayport ’77 and Mrs. Hillary Hedges-Rayport Mr. Bruce Sowatsky ’77 and Mrs. Heidi Whitfield Mrs. Stephanie Dana Stranahan ’77 and Mr. Duane Stranahan ’71 Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Vincent ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Brent W. West ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Jewel S. Woodard ’77, P’14

In honor of Lucy ’20 and Tallula ’22 Arrigo Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wagner GP’20,’22

In memory of Eugene and Mary Blaser P’71 Dr. Susan Blaser ’71

In honor of Gary Boehm P’01, ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Anderson P’97, ’99 Mr. Robert R. Seeman and Ms. Karin A. Jacobson P’03, ’06 Beneth and Lewis Morrow P’81, ’84 Mrs. Meredith Morse Prime ’62 Mr. and Mrs. David K. Welles Jr. ’70, P’98, ’00, ’02

In honor of Lynn Bohnengel ’67 Ms. Catherine Donnelly ’67 and Mr. Steven Looney

In memory of Albert Bussie ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Jewel S. Woodard ’77, P’14

In memory of Sharon Coffin P’85 Ms. Rebecca Bailey Dr. and Mrs. William Dehoff P’97, ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Deichert III P’12, ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Foster ’83, P’20, ’22, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frasco P’12 Clare and Joel Gorski P’25 Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hottinger Mr. Robert R. Seeman and Ms. Karin A. Jacobson P’03, ’06 Ms. Paula Malone Mrs. Phyllis A. Quick P’90 Dr. Amy Smith Keller Smith and Heather Wishart-Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Sopa P’13, ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Twyman P’01, ’03

In honor of Nancy Fish P’00, ’01, ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hottinger Mrs. Elizabeth B. Millhon P’87, ’90 Ms. Virginia Rothman P’09, ’11

In memory of Kathryn Davis Glaenzer 1970 Thomas A Glaenzer 1971

In memory of Grace Lester Mr. and Mrs. Larry Haid ’61

In memory of Claribel Taylor Hank ’23, P’57 Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Sears (Cary Webb Hank ’57)

In memory of Lynne Faith Heyman ’83 Mr. Erickson S. Blakney ’83

In memory of Charles Hickey P’79 Mrs. Marjorie M. Hutton P’75, ’76, ’81

In memory of Lena Hobson Ms. Edith P. Magoun ’80

In honor of Ellie Hultquist ’30 Mr. and Mrs. David Hultquist GP’30 51


In memory of Dorothy H. Jabarin P’92, ’94 ,’98

In honor of Chris Ann Slye P’19, ’23

Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Pipatjarasgit ’89, P’17, ’18, ’20

Dr. and Mrs. Garett A. Begeman P’22 Ms. Zhaohui Xu P’23

In memory of Felton Jackson Jr. ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Jewel S. Woodard ’77, P’14

In memory of Richard O. Joseph Jr. ’64 Mr. and Mrs. Royce C. Haddad Jr. ’87

In memory of Jack and Delores Kivetz P’81 Mr. Michael Kivetz ’81

In memory of Jonathan W. Krueger ’12 Dr. JoDee E. Ahrens P’08, ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anspach P’04, ’06, ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Deichert III P’12, ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frasco P’12 Mr. Alexander C. Karcher ’12 Mr. Scott Parry ’78 and Mrs. Frances Stranahan Parry ’78, P’07, ’09, ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Spurgeon P’12, ’15 Mr. Dillon F. Stoddard ’10 Mr. Dixon Stoddard ’12 Ms. Kaylou Stoddard ’15

In memory of Prudence Lamb ’23, P’57, GP’85, ‘87) Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Sears (Cary Webb Hank ’57)

In honor of Ms. Monica MacAdams ’67 Ms. Catherine Donnelly ’67 and Mr. Steven Looney

In memory of Laurie Madrazo P’02, ’04 Ms. Jena C. Pugh ’04

In honor of 2018 Smead Award Honorees: Masahide Yasuda ’68, Ron Cowie ’88, Becky Ashley Ross ’69, P’95, ’98, Berkley Welles Wellstein ’02, Jim and Nancy Fish P’00, ’01, ’05 Mrs. Elizabeth B. Millhon P’87, ’90

In memory of Ann Sprandel P’80, ’82 Mr. and Mrs. David Macannuco (Shawn Donaldson ’85)

In honor of Weezie Foster Stoddard ’82, P’10, ’12, ’15 Ms. Kaylou Stoddard ‘15

In memory of Darryl Stubblefield ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Jewel S. Woodard ’77, P’14

In memory of Barbara Kirchmaier Sutherland ’37, P’62, ’64, ’69, ’70 Mr. Paul K. Sutherland ’64

In memory of David Tramer ’89 Dr. Tracy B. Ravin ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Verner P’85, ’88

In memory of David “Ted” Welles ’98 Mr. Erickson S. Blakney ’83 Mr. Steven Lundholm ’94

In honor of Masahide Yasuda ’68 Dr. Nicholas Nash

In memory of Dawn Elizabeth Graham ’83 Mr. Erickson S. Blakney ’83

In memory of Carmen R. Miles ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Jewel S. Woodard ’77, P’14

MATCHING GIFT COMPANIES Amerisure Matching Gifts The Andersons Merck Foundation

In memory of Janet Abney Moore ‘65 Mr. William Moore

In honor of Phyllis Quick P’90 Ms. Virginia Rothman P’09,’11

In memory of Tim Reed Ms. Mary Rainsberger

In honor of Hannah Santino ’09 Dr. Jack Santino and Dr. Lucy Long P’07, ’09

In honor of Will Santino ’07 Dr. Jack Santino and Dr. Lucy Long P’07, ’09

In memory of Gordon Schofield P’68, ’71, ’74 Dr. Nicholas Nash


IN-KIND GOODS + SERVICES Dr. Adnan Alkhalili and Ms. Suzan Wadi P’13, ’15, ’19, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dapkus P’14, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frasco P’12 Mrs. Chris Johnson Gordon ’76 and Mr. Scott Gordon Mr. and Mrs. Terry Kuhl II P’21 ,’22 Mr. and Mrs. William O. Ross, Jr. (Becky Ashley ’69) Ms. Patricia A. Wise P’08, ’14, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yustick P’20, ’23, ’25

PHILANTHROPY THE 40TH ANNUAL AUCTION Our event fundraiser was again successful thanks to these sponsors, supporters, and guests. We extend a very special thank you to all the volunteers who spent countless hours planning and organizing this fun event. Ms. Autumn Adams and Mr. Robert Lee P’33 Advance Cleaning Contractors, Inc. Advanced Roofing Services, Inc. Dr. JoDee E. Ahrens P’08, ’12 Mr. Matthew Amonette P’20, ’26, ’30, ’32 Mrs. Melissa Amonette P’20, ’26, ’30, ’32 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anspach P’04, ’06, ’08 Dr. Paula Apostolou Mr. and Mrs. Michael Arrigo P’20, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Arthur P’29, ’31, ’32 Mr. and Mrs. Rick Avery (Laurie Julius ’88) P’22, ’26, ’28 Dr. Sanjoy Banerjee and Dr. Sunita Banerjee P’13, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Alan Bannister P’26 Mr. and Mrs. Jim Bartnik GP’28, ’29, ’31 Ms. Joan Bayer P’03, ’10, ’12 Mr. Carter Bayer ’10 Mr. and Mrs. John Bearss P’06, ’10 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Beatty P’28 Dr. and Mrs. Garett A. Begeman P’22 Benevity Community Impact Fund Mrs. Sally Bergsmark GP’22, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. William J. Bernard III P’29 Mr. and Mrs. Erik Blake P’30, ’33 Ms. Diana Block ’91 and Mr. Christopher Kiehl P’24, ’25 Block Communications, Inc. Bluewater Grill Mr. Gary Boehm and Ms. Bonnie Blankinship P’01, ’05 Mr. Doug Bohl Dr. Rachel Bowlus P’30 Mrs. Vallie Bowman-English and Mr. Ian English P’23 Mr. and Mrs. William E. Brashear Jr. P’18 Mrs. Rita Jaessing Brauneck ’68 Ms. Aimee Bretzloff and Ms. Heather Rohrs P’13, ’21 Dr. Amanda Bryant-Friedrich and Mr. Klaus Friedrich P’20, ’29 Mr. and Mrs. J. Matthew Buchanan P’20, ’23 Ms. Katie Budas Mr. Gustavo Caillaux and Ms. Priscilla Casalino P’23, ’26, ’28 Ms. Ericka Campbell P’29 Mr. and Mrs. Jonathan A. Card P’20, ’23 Mrs. Lynn Casto and Mr. Keith Casto P’23, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Channing E. Cecil P’23, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Byron S. Choka (Kitsy Sabin ‘75) P’05, ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Wei Chua Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Clark P’34 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clark Dr. John Coates and Dr. Shalini Singh-Coates P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Dave Conover GP’28, ’29, ’31

Mr. Robert Conover P’28, ’29, ’31 Mr. and Mrs. John Corcoran P’16, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. David Corwin P’23 Ms. Becca Cragin and Ms. Jennie Ray P’24 Mr. and Mrs. Scott Cripps P’28, ’29, ’31 Mr. and Mrs. Nigel Cunliffe P’16, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dapkus P’14, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Deichert III P’12, ’14 Mr. and Mrs. James Derosa (Alexandra Bowe ’82) P’16, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Jack T. Dias P’21, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. John Dowling P’30, ’31, ’34 Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm Doyle P’19 Dr. and Mrs. Jason Evans P’18, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fighter Ms. Breanna Filas P’19 Mr. Ken Fincham and Ms. Stephanie George P’28 Mr. Chris Fischl and Ms. Amy Sweet P’21, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. James R. Fish P’00, ’01, ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Fitzpatrick P’29 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Foster ’83, P’20, ’22, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Foster ’57 (Kay Rathbun ’58) P’80, ’82, ’84, ’86, GP’08, ’10, ’12, ’15, ’18, ’21 Ms. Mackenzie L. Francisco ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frasco P’12 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Freeman P’30, ’32 Dr. and Mrs. Rodney Gabel P’25, ’28 Mr. and Mrs. Sergio Galindo P’19, ’22, ’27 Mr. Aaron E. Geller ’08 Gilmore, Jasion and Mahler LTD Mr. and Mrs. Jetahn N. Avery P’32 Clare and Joel Gorski P’25 Dr. and Mrs. Amar N. Goyal P’22, ’26 Mr. Erik Graham and Ms. Brooke Schlageter Graham P’29, ’33 Dr. Boley Greenwood and Dr. Courtney Greenwood P’29, ’31, ’32 Mr. and Mrs. Jay Griffith P’13, ’15, ’19 Mr. John Griffiths and Ms. Kelly Reader-Griffiths P’16, ’20 Ms. Melanie K. Gross ’91 Dr. and Mrs. Manish Gupta P’17, ’18 Habitec Security Nikoa and Kevin Ham P’25 Dr. Edward Handyside and Dr. Lisa Handyside P’32 Ms. Stephanie Harcar P’22 Ms. Marianne Hassen P’08 Mrs. Lisa Heinrich GP’27 Dr. Srini Hejeebu and Dr. Rashmi Goyal Hejeebu P’15, ’17 The Honorable and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Helmick P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hennon P’25 Dr. and Mrs. Lee Heritage P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Michael V. Herrmann P’16, ’19 Mr. Jack V. Herrmann ’16 Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Holman P’98, ’00, ’07, GP’28, ’29 Mr. and Mrs. Michael House P’30 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Howard P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Huger II P’30 53

PHILANTHROPY Mr. and Mrs. David Hultquist GP’30 Ms. Dakota Husain P’25, ’27 Mr. and Mrs. Martin Isaza P’15, ’17 Mr. Nabeel Jabarin ’98 and Ms. Amanda Lyons P’16, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Craig Jacobs Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jarrell P’17, ’20 Mr. Nick Jarzynski and Ms. Corrin Ankney P’29 Ms. Adele Jasion Mr. Ahalapitiya Jayatissa and Mrs. Ambalangodage Jayasuriya P’19 Dr. and Mrs. Mandar Joshi P’24, ’26, ’28, ’31 Ms. Katie Junga P’29 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Justen P’26, ’32 Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Kaatz ’25, ’31 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Karns P’20, ’24 ,’26 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaser P’15, ’17, ’19 Mr. Dean P. Kasperzak ’76, P’05, ’07 Dr. and Mrs. Rajendra Kattar P’13, ’18 The Honorable and Mrs. Reeve W. Kelsey (Betsy Sabin ’73) P’03 Mr. Joss Kiely ’01 Mr. Zachary Klausz and Ms. Shannon Markel P’30 Mr. and Mrs. Dan Knorek P’22 Mr. Peter Koelsch ’99 Mrs. Victoria Koelsch P’89, ’97, ’99 Mr. and Mrs. Bradford S. Koles Jr. ’82, P’21, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Konst GP’20 Ms. Danya Krisjanis P’26 Mr. Karlis Krisjanis P’26 Mr. and Mrs. Terry Kuhl II P’21, ’22 Ms. Kristy Lacey P’24, ’28 Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Lake Dr. Naren Lakshmipathy P’15, ’17 Laundry Express Mr. Andrew D. Leitner P’19, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Leong-Fern P’14, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Adam Levine P’26 Mr. Fei Li and Dr. Man Zhang P’22 Bailu Liao and Guoyun Deng P’22 Ms. Laurie G. Lyell P’20 Ms. Sara Lyke and Mr. Matthew Thierry P’31 Ms. Angela Mabbitt P’30 Dr. Helen Mabry ’88 and Mr. Andrew Byars P’27 Dr. Annette Mahoney P’21 Mannik and Smith Group, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. Jon Marker P’32, ’33 Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Marshall P’28, ’31 Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Martinez Jr. P’22 Mr. and Mrs. William McGee P’24, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen McNally P’19 ,’21 Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mihaly P’18 Mrs. Nan Parfet Miller ‘46, P’80 ,’85 Morgan Stanley Mr. and Mrs. William Myers P’23 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Naprawa P’28, ’29 Mr. Andrew Newby and Ms. Kristin Kiser P’24 Mr. and Mrs. Lance Nichols P’19 54

Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Oberlin III P’26, ’29 Mr. Brian Oliver and Dr. Alison Oliver P’26, ’28, ’32 OmniSource Corporation Ms. Shelly Orenstein and Dr. Michael Nagel P’08, ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Michael S. Orra P’94, ’99 Elham Orra-Saleh Oswald Companies Dr. Maneesha Pandey and Mr. Ajay Joshi P’20, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Brent Parent P’29 Ms. Catherine Parker and Mr. James Parker Dr. Nancy Parquet and Dr. Philip Wong P’32 Dr. Anita Patibandla and Ms. Sarah Reynolds P’28, ’30 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Pechlivanos P’16, ’18 Dr. and Mrs. Paul Perring P’27, ’32 Ms. Kathy L. Peters P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Rob Petrie Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Pipatjarasgit ’89, P’17, ’18, ’20 Ms. Maria Jose Pita and Mr. Miguel Alvarez P’19, ’21, ’26 Mr. and Mrs. Arturo Polizzi (Kristen Connelly ’90) P’26 Mr. and Mrs. Josiah Poupard P’27, ’30 ProMedica Health System Mr. and Mrs. Marco Quimbaya III P’30 Dr. and Mrs. William Rachwal P’22 Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rankin P’22, ’29 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Reddy P’15, ’17, ’22 Mr. Kevin Berry and Ms. Amanda Reissig P’29 Mr. and Mrs. Thamin Ridi P’23, ’25, ’28 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Robson (Megan Fish ’00 ) Roundstone Management, LTD Dr. John A. Russ III P’13 Mr. Marc Savage and Ms. Kimberly Edwards P’26, ’28, ’30, ’32 Mr. Pranee Schermerhorn Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schiewer P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Jamie J. Scigliano P’20, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shaheer P’20 Ms. Courtney Sheamer P’27 Dr. E. Dorinda Shelley P’99, ’01, ’04 Dr. Yasmin Sidiq ’91 Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Sieberg P’03, ’05 Mr. and Mrs. Nick Siefke Signature Bank Mr. and Mrs. Charles Sisco Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Slotterbeck P’21 Dr. and Mrs. William Slye P’19, ’23 Dr. and Mrs. James Smith P’27, ’28 Mr. and Mrs. James Spencer Ms. Hannah E. Spengler ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Josh Spiegel P’30, ’32, ’33 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Spurgeon P’12, ’15 Dr. Nishit Srivastava and Dr. Snehal Shrivastava P’28 Capt. and Mrs. Corey Steiner (Lena Rodriguez-Winter ’02) Mrs. Weezie Foster Stoddard ’82 and Mr. Blake Stoddard P’10, ’12, ’15 Ms. Eileen Sullivan and Mr. Chad Baker P’16, ’18, ’24 Sylvania Pediatric Dental Care

PHILANTHROPY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Szollosi P’20, ’25 Dr. Abdel Tal and Dr. Zeina Tal P’25, ’27, ’30, ’32 Taylor Automotive Family Ms. Sally Gladwell and Mr. Jason Thomas P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Thompson P’25 Mr. Liguo Zhao and Mrs. Xin Zhao P’17, ’23 Toledo Community Foundation, Inc. Mr. David Tracy Mr. and Mrs. John Uhrman P’30, ’33 Mr. and Mrs. Steve Wacha Mr. Roger Warnock Mr. Andrew Weiner and Ms. Sarah Crane P’24, ’26, ’28 Ms. Jacklyn Wells and Ms. Elizabeth Taylor P’22, ’25 Mr. Gary Whitacre and Ms. Bonnie Rankin P’17, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. David White Jr. ‘80, P’13, ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Williams P’21 Mr. Anand Ravindran and Dr. Julie Williams P’29 Patrice and Mallory Williams P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Tony Williams P’23, ’26 Ms. Melissa Wilson P’29 Mr. David R. Francisco and Ms. Patricia A. Wise P’08, ’14, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Byron Wynn P’23 Dr. Dingding Xiong and Mrs. Lingling Du P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yustick P’20, ’23, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Jason Zajac Mr. and Mrs. David H. Ziegler III P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Zilba P’18, ’21

40TH ANNUAL AUCTION ITEM DONORS The auction was successful because of the donation of goods, gift cards, hand-crafted items, and services. Thank you to these individuals, restaurants, and retail stores for their support of our school. A thru Z Rental Company The Abercrombie Family P’22, ’25 Accent Wellness Actual Coffee Amazon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anspach P’04, ’06, ’08 Mr. Larry Anning Applebees Ms. Shuhra Assad Ms. Katie Aubry Mrs. Jill Augustyniak P’15, ’21 Mr. Mark Baker Balance Pan-Asian Grille Bangkok Kitchen Barber Lounge Barr’s Public House Mr. Owen Barton Black Belt Academy Black Kite Coffee Black Swamp Curling Center

Mrs. Kate Blake P’30, ’33 Ms. Diana Block ’91 and Mr. Christopher Kiehl P’24, ’25 Board and Brush Books-A-Million Bowinkles Mr. Jeff Boyer ’68 Ms. Aimee Bretzloff and Ms. Heather Rohrs P’13, ’21 Brick Play Dr. Amanda Bryant-Friedrich and Mr. Klaus Friedrich P’20, ’29 Buffalo Wild Wings Cake In A Cup Mrs. Sara Card P’20, ’23 Carrabas Ms. Pasha Carter Chick-Fil-A Chili’s Ms. Clare Cho P’20 Churchills Ciao Cincinnati Reds Cold Stone Creamery Cookie Lady Copper Moon Studio Mr. and Mrs. David Corwin ’23 Custom Shop Clothiers Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dapkus P’14, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Deichert III P’12, ’14 Domo Sushi The Drew Box/Mrs. Jessica Bohl Naprawa ’98 Earnest Brew Works Element 112 Mr. Tim Ellerbrock GP’22, ’29 Expresso Car Wash Firekeepers Casino Firepit First Watch Cafe Mr. Stephen Foster ’84, P’08, ’18, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Foster ’83, P’20, ’22, ’24 Fowl and Fodder Framers’ Workshop Mr. David Francisco P’08, ’14, ’20 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frasco P’12 Fresh Market Frisch’s Big Boy Game Stop Mrs. Claudette Garcia Mr. Aaron Geller ’08 Mrs. LouAnn Glover P’06, ’08 Gino’s Pizza Clare and Joel Gorski P’25 Dr. Boley Greenwood and Dr. Courtney Greenwood P’29, ’31, ’32 Norwex by Jennifer Griffith P’13, ’15, ’19 Ms. Zuri Hall ’06 Heidelberg Distributing 55

PHILANTHROPY The Heights The Honorable and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Helmick P’19 Mr. Joel Helmick ’19 Herbally Radiant Dr. and Mrs. Lee Heritage P’19 Mrs. Terri Herrman P’16, ’19 Hoen’s Greenhouse Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Huger II P’30 Dr. S. Amjad Hussain P’86, ’88, ’92 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jarrell P’17, ’20 Jones & Jones Antiques Mr. Mihir Joshi ’20 Dr. and Mrs. Daniel Karns P’20, ’24, ’26 Ms. Annie Kaser ’19 Kevin Charles Mr. Joss Kiely ’01 Ms. Mitzi Knight ’91 Mr. Peter Koelsch ’99 Mrs. Victoria Koelsch P’89, ’97, ’99 Kroger Kyota Ka Letter Press Company Lowe’s Mrs. Sara Lyke P’31 Dr. Helen Mabry ’88, P’27 Mrs. Morgan McDonald Manos Marco’s Pizza Mr. Quarie Marshall ’88 Meig’s (Perrysburg) Midwest Juicery Mrs. Rene Moebius P’29, ’31, ’34 Mr. Dan Mumford MVCDS Boosters MVCDS Board of Trustees MVCDS Endowment Board Trustees MVCDS Students MVCDS Alumni Council Mr. and Mrs. William Myers P’23 Chris and Madeline Nixon Dr. Halona Norton-Westbrook P’20 Mr. Broer Oatis ’05 Dr. Pamela Oatis and Mr. John R. Kiely P’01, ’05 Ms. Patricia O’Toole P’12, ’15 Obagi Medical Mr. Brian Oliver OmniSource On Frame Adventures Organic Bliss Mr. Matthew Osterman ’02 Outback Steakhouse Dr. Maneesha Pandey and Mr. Ajay Joshi P’20, ’23 Panera Pepe’s Tailor Shop 56

Miss Denise Peska PF Changs Mrs. Linda Phillips GP’26 Chef Joe Prince Mrs. Phyllis Quick P’90 Ralphie’s Sports Eatery Renaissance Hotel-Toledo Renegade Fitness Reve Mr. Sam Rothman ’11 Dr. John A. Russ III P’13 Ms. M. Ann Sanford P’05, ’08 Sauder Village Sawicki Family Farms Mr. Dan Schmitt and Ms. Sara Haynes P’21 Shadow Valley Tennis and Fitness Club Shivers Ice Cream Dr. Yasmin Sidiq ’91 Sinful Toffee/Mrs. Kay Rathbun Foster ’58 Sip Coffee Sky Zone Mrs. Chris Ann Slye P’19, ’23 Dr. and Mrs. James Smith P’27, ’28 So Sweet Pastries Soto Signature Salon and Spa Mrs. Rachel Spiegel P’30, ’32, ’33 Ms. Hannah Spengler ’08 Sportway of Toledo Starbucks Mrs. Weezie Foster Stoddard ’82 and Mr. Blake Stoddard P’15, ’12, ’10 Stone Oak Country Club Sunrise Skillet Swan Creek Candle Company Sylvania Pediatric Dentists Sylvania Playland Target TJ Maxx Toledo Opera Toledo Rep Theatre Toledo Symphony Toledo Yoga Toledo Zoo V Collection Ms. Cassidy VanderMaten Village Candy Shoppe The Village Idiot Ms. Ebone Waweru ’23 Mrs. Kitty Weinberg Mrs. JoAnne Weiner GP’24, ’26, ’28 Dr. Alan Wishner and Dr. Carolina Wishner P’21 Ye Olde Durty Bird

PHILANTHROPY ENDOWMENT + RESTRICTED GIFTS General Endowment Mr. Jeffrey C. Boyer ’68 Mrs. Rita Jaessing Brauneck ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Albert Couch ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Day ’68 Mr. Richard Eyster ’68 Mr. Charles R. Ford ’68 Mr. and Mrs. David W. Greenberg ’69 Mr. William Herr ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Mac Howland ’68 Mr. Karl Irons ’68 Dr. Gayle Keiser Mrs. Elisabeth Wickes Lane ‘68 and Mr. Robert D. Lane Mr. and Mrs. David H. Linnenkohl (Christina J. Yeack ’68) Dr. and Mrs. Michael MacAdams ’67 Ms. Mary Mennel ‘69 Mr.* and Mrs. Barbara Reed P’73, ’75, GP’03, ’05, ’06, ’11 Mr. and Mrs. William O. Ross, Jr. (Becky Ashley ‘69) P’95, ’98 Mr. Jeffrey C. Smith ’69 Mrs. Susan Frost Smith ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen F. Sutherland ’69 Ms. Jacalyn Thierwechter ’69 Mr. Masahide Yasuda ’68 Jordan Almester ’00 Fund Mr. Sachin Agrawal ’01 Mr. Gary Boehm and Ms. Bonnie Blankinship P’01, ’05 Mr. Tyler Boehm ’01 and Ms. Jaimi Leess-Boehm Ms. Lauren Dzierwa Ms. Tinamarie Gazwi Dr. Anurag Gupta ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Jacob James (Natalie Hoag ’00) Mr. and Mrs. Joshua Leizerman (Megan Dorf ’00) Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Osterman ’02 Ms. Angela Rose Ms. Katharine Shelley ’01 Ms. Sarah Sutherland Mr. and Mrs. Bob Wellstein (Berkley Welles ’02) Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. Wenner GP’02 Mr. Weston Wenner ’02 Ms. Leah Whitaker ’00 Ms. Eugenia C. Wu ’00 Sonny and Laila Ariss Scholarship Dr. Laila Ariss and Dr. Sonny Ariss P’11, ’13 Nancy Buccilli Scholarship Fund Dr. Tracy B. Ravin ’91 Erie Chapman 1961 Foundation Renaissance Student Award Rev. and Mrs. Erie Chapman III 1961 Sharon Coffin Scholarship Fund Ms. Rebecca Bailey Dr. and Mrs. William Dehoff P’97, ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Deichert III P’12, ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Foster ’83, P’20, ’22, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frasco P’12

Clare and Joel Gorski P’25 Mr. and Mrs. Randy Hottinger Mr. Robert R. Seeman and Ms. Karin A. Jacobson P’03, ’06 Ms. Paula Malone Mrs. Phyllis A. Quick P’90 Dr. Amy Smith Keller Smith and Heather Wishart-Smith Mr. and Mrs. John Sopa P’13, ’18 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey B. Twyman P’01, ’03 The Chip Hankins ’78 Memorial Scholarship Mr.* and Mrs. Bruce M. Hankins ’53, P’78, ’81 Jonathan Krueger ’12 Experiential Education Fund Dr. JoDee E. Ahrens P’08, ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anspach P’04, ’06, ’08 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Deichert III P’12, ’14 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frasco P’12 Mr. Alexander C. Karcher ’12 Mr. Scott Parry ’78 and Mrs. Frances Stranahan Parry ’78, P’07, ’09, ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Spurgeon P’12, ’15 Mr. Dillon F. Stoddard ’10 Mr. Dixon Stoddard ’12 Ms. Kaylou Stoddard ’15 Richard L. Nuzum Memorial Scholarship Fund Mr. and Mrs. Brent W. West ’77 James M. Reed Community Scholar Program Dr. and Mrs. David A. Lindsley P’87, ’92 Kaye Louise Salverda Scholarship Fund Mr. Harold H. Salverda P’76, ’79, ’83, ’85, ’88, ’91 Restricted Gifts Mrs. Page Stranahan Armstrong ‘77, P’11, ’14 Block Communications, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. William K. Block, Jr. P’91, ’95, ’00, GP’24, ’25 Mr. Fritz Byers and Mrs. Katherine Kaplan Byers ’81, P’06, ’10, ’21 Ms. Susan Cayton Mr. Shing Tak Chan and Ms. Yuet Yung Wong P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Cowie ’88 Mr. Spencer Dreher ’90 Eventbrite, Inc. Mr. Charles R. Ford ’68 Mr. Scott Foster ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Foster ’83, P’20, ’22, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. Mark Frasco P’12 Mr. Timothy Gilbert ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Jian Gong ’19 Dr. and Mrs. Manish Gupta P’17, ’18 Dr. and Mrs. Lee Heritage P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Liuji Huang P’19 Mr. Robert R. Seeman and Ms. Karin A. Jacobson P’03, ’06 Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jarrell P’17, ’20 Dr. Gang Jin and Dr. Wenzhao Wang Dr. Jean Kay-Lee and Dr. Scott Lee P’19, ’22 KeyBank Ms. Amy Lavetter P’18, ’20


PHILANTHROPY Mr. and Mrs. John D. Mihaly P’18 Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Pipatjarasgit ’89, P’17, ’18, ’20 Ms. Jena Pugh ’04 Dr. Jeffrey F. Rayport ’77 and Mrs. Hillary Hedges-Rayport Mr. and Mrs. Thamin Ridi P’23, ’25, ’28 Dr. Jack Santino and Dr. Lucy Long P’07, ’09 Mr. and Mrs. David Schwinn GP’18 Ms. Yifang Shen and Mr. Mingmin Xu P’19 Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Slotterbeck P’21 Mr. Bruce Sowatsky ’77 and Mrs. Heidi Whitfield Dr. Richard W. Steketee ’68 and Dr. Kathleen Irwin Mrs. Stephanie Dana Stranahan ’77 and Mr. Duane Stranahan ’71 Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Sullwold ’71 Toledo Metal Spinning Company Mr. JieJun Tong and Mrs. MingMing Wang P’18 University Of Toledo Dr. and Mrs. Jeffrey R. Vincent ’77 Mrs. Sally Stahl Weber ’49 Mr. and Mrs. Brent W. West ’77 Mr. and Mrs. Jewel S. Woodard ’77, P’14 Mr. Zhihang Xu and Mrs. Lijun Chen P’18 Dr. and Mrs. Jincheng Yan P’20 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yustick P’20, ’23, ’25 Mr. and Mrs. Yang Zhang P’18 Mr. Zehua Zhou and Ms. Yu Yi P’21 Mr. and Mrs. Bangjie Zhu P’20 Mr. Zili Zhu and Ms. Hong Liu P’21 Mr. and Mrs. David H. Ziegler III P’19

IMAGINE THE FUTURE/ HONOR THE PAST INITIATIVE Thank you to the following donors who participated in the Board focused opportunity to honor the School’s past, solidify the present, and invest in the future, all while preserving the tradition of excellence in the academic culture. This initiative allows the new head of school to concentrate on educational excellence during her transition into a new community, as well as recognize a leader who has assisted us with unprecedented growth and improvement. The Andersons Mr. and Mrs. Rick Avery (Laurie Julius ’88) P’22, ’26, ’28 Mr. and Mrs. John Bearss P’06, ’10 Mrs. Vallie Bowman-English and Mr. Ian English P’23 Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Briley ’63 Dr. Amanda Bryant-Friedrich and Mr. Klaus Friedrich P’20, ’29 Mr. and Mrs. Todd Dapkus P’14, ’19 Mr. and Mrs. Frederick L. Deichert III P’12, ’14 Mr. and Mrs. John A. Fedderke P’95, ’98 Mr. Charles R. Ford ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Foster ’83, P’20, ’22, ’24 Mrs. Chris Johnson Gordon ’76 and Mr. Scott Gordon Clare and Joel Gorski P’25 Ms. Paula Grieb The Honorable and Mrs. Jeffrey J. Helmick P’19


Mr. and Mrs. Dennis J. Holman P’98, ’00, ’07, GP’28, ’29 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kaser P’15, ’17, ’19 The Honorable and Mrs. Reeve W. Kelsey (Betsy Sabin ’73) P’03 Morgan Stanley Dr. Maneesha Pandey and Mr. Ajay Joshi P’20, ’23 Mr. and Mrs. Brian Reddy P’15, ’17, ’22 Mr. and Mrs. David Rizik P’26, ’27, ’29 Ms. M. Ann Sanford P’05, ’08 Mr. Dan Schmitt and Ms. Sara Haynes P’21 Mr. James Jay Secor III ’69 and Mrs. Christina Robinson Secor ’69 Mr. Barton Wagenman P’89 Mr. Andrew Weiner and Ms. Sarah Crane P’24, ’26, ’28 Mr. and Mrs. David K. Welles Jr. ’70, P’98, ’00, ’02 Dr. James C. Willey ’70 and Dr. Elisabeth B. James P’10, ’12 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yustick P’20, ’23, ’25 Anonymous

WEATHERVANE SOCIETY The Weathervane Society supports Maumee Valley’s mission and ensures its future by including a gift to the school in a bequest, life insurance provision, or other estate plan. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Alpert (Lisa West ’80) Mr. and Mrs. Phineas Anderson P’97, ’99 Dr. and Mrs. Anthony J. Armstrong ’76 Mrs. Page Stranahan Armstrong ’77, P’11, ’14 Mr. Michael R. Barthold ’65 Ms. Joan Bayer P’03, ’10, ’12 Mr. Frank S. Bell, Jr. ’55 Mr. and Mrs. David Beverstock (Katie Foster ’80) Mr. and Mrs. James E. Black II ’73 Mr. Gary Boehm and Ms. Bonnie Blankinship P’01, ’05 Mrs. Helyn Bolanis Mrs. Kathy Carroll and Mr. Carl White Dr. Nancy Carroll P’92 Linda Thomas Collins ’58 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald W. Cowie ’88 Mr. and Mrs. Louis Maranaro (Peggy Davis ‘81) Mrs. Elizabeth C. Davis-Hepker ’72 and Mr. Charles E. Hepker Dr. and Mrs. William Dehoff P’97, ’00 Mr. and Mrs. William Edelen ’52 Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Evanisko (Cynny Smith ’71) Mr. Harry Falconer ’55 Mr. Jeffrey Fantle Mr. Charles R. Ford ’68 Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. Foster Jr. ’79 Mr. and Mrs. Timothy K. Foster ’83, P’20, ’22, ’24 Mr. and Mrs. William R. Foster ’81, P’09, ’13 Mr. and Mrs. Stephen V. Foster ’57 (Kay Rathbun ’58) P’80, ’82, ’84, ’86, GP ’08, ’10, ’12, ’15, ’18, ’21 Mr. and Mrs. Richard Glowacki P’85, GP’12, ’15, ’18 Mr. Stephen Hankins ’81 Ms. Sharon Hanna P’89, ’91 Mrs. Virginia Draper Harris ‘51, P’79, GP’09, ’11, ’16 Mr. and Mrs. William Hutton Jr. ’75 Mr. Dean P. Kasperzak ’76, P’05, ’07 The Honorable and Mrs. Reeve W. Kelsey (Betsy Sabin ’73) P’03 Mr. and Mrs. Franklin P. Kistler Jr. ’69 Mr. and Mrs. John Lafferty (Cynthia Hutton ’55) Mr. George F. LeBoutillier ’63 and Mrs. Stephanie Girard LeBoutillier ’63, P’88, ’89, ’94, ’95 Mr. Richard J. MacAdams P’67, ’68

PHILANTHROPY Drs. Robert and Eleanor McCreery P’82, ’85 Mr. Jerry C. Millhon P’87, ’90 Mr. Peter M. Orser ’74 and Mrs. Laura Swaney Orser ’73 Mr. Scott Parry ’78 and Mrs. Frances Stranahan Parry ’78, P’07, ’09, ’13 Ms. Roberta Pei ’74 Mrs. Barbara Reed P’73, ’75, GP’03, ’05, ’06, ’11 Mr. Lamson Rheinfrank Jr. ’58 and Mrs. Sally Rheinfrank Mr. and Mrs. John Shaw (Micheline Brewer ‘89) Mr. Carter Smith P’69, ’71 Dr. Gail S. Steketee ’67 Mrs. Weezie Foster Stoddard ’82 and Mr. Blake Stoddard P’10, ’12, ’15 Mr. and Mrs. Duane Stranahan ’71 (Stephanie Dana ’77) Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stranahan ’53, P’78, ’81, ’83, ’88, GP’07, ’09, ’13 Ms. Abbot B. Stranahan ’83 and Mr. David Ward Mr. Seksom Suriyapa ’84 and Ms. Susan Shrader Mr. Paul K. Sutherland ’64 Mr. Joseph H. Swolsky ’69, P’03 Ms. Martha Lee Vinnedge Taylor ’71 Mr. Jules Vinnedge ’66 Mr. and Mrs. George C. Ward ’67 Mrs. Georgia Welles P’70, ’71, ’72, ’78, ’80, GP’98, ’00, ’02 Mr. and Mrs. David K. Welles Jr. ’70, P’98, ’00, ’02 Mr. and Mrs. Brent W. West ’77 Ms. Leah Whitaker ’00 Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey C. Wright ’57 Mr. and Mrs. Jaime Yordan (Christine Donnelly ’70) Anonymous

ENDOWMENTS Market Value as of June 30, 2018 FACULTY DEVELOPMENT John and Caron G. Avery Endowment for Learning Differences, est. 2006 by John and Caron Girard Avery 1959 $89,638 This award is given for teacher training, purchase of materials, or salary support for faculty who work with students with learning challenges. Edward E. Ford Foundation/Mahaffey, est. 2001 by the E. E. Ford Foundation and Gail and Mike Mahaffey $141,300 This fund supports Upper School Exploration Fellowships for faculty professional development. Jerry C. Millhon Faculty Scholarship Fund, est. 1982 by various donors $819,636 Established in honor of Head of School Jerry C. Millhon who served from 1974 to 1982 to support faculty professional development, enrichment, and curriculum development. Virginia Secor Stranahan ‘22 Chair in Humanities, est. 1990 by the Stranahan Family $516,876 This endowment honors teachers in the humanities at Maumee Valley. It allows the pursuit of enriching opportunities for study, travel, or other projects that enhance professional contributions to Maumee Valley and to teaching.

Wolfe Dream Odyssey and The E. E. Ford / Mahaffey Exploration Fellowship, est. 1997 by the Wolfe Family Charitable Foundation, E. E. Ford Foundation, and Gail and Mike Mahaffey $259,089 This endowment provides a cash grant awarded annually to a faculty or staff member to take an enriching journey – one they always dreamed of doing, but didn’t have the means to make happen.

FINANCIAL AID + SCHOLARSHIPS Ashley Foreign Studies and Travel Award, est. 1979 by Gerry and Charley Ashley $38,222 This scholarship is awarded to one or more students and/or faculty traveling to a foreign country for Winterim, or for other academic purposes. Dorothy Jabarin Scholarship, est. 2006 by Dr. Saleh Jabarin $59,017 This scholarship is awarded to an incoming student who shows interest in math or science and has a financial need. Hubert Rodney Boldon Memorial Scholarship Fund, est. 1974 by the Boldon Family $18,271 This scholarship is awarded to a freshman of financial need with academic potential who best exemplifies Mr. Boldon’s quality of leadership in school activities.

Rita Jaessing Brauneck ‘68 Scholarship Fund, est. 2018 $152,285 *Fund not yet officially named. Erie Chapman Foundation Renaissance Student Award, est. 2012 by Erie Chapman ’61 $26,305 This is a merit award to a rising junior or senior at Maumee Valley who exemplifies extraordinary passion and accomplishment across a range of diverse fields including the arts and social justice, modeled after the life of Leonardo Da Vinci. The purpose is to encourage and recognize multi-talented students who specialize in more than one field of study. The Chip Hankins ’78 Memorial Fund, est. 2018 by the Estate of Bruce Hankins ’53 $69,441 This scholarship is awarded to a Middle School or Upper School student in good academic standing who is an exemplary participant in the overall life of the school community through a wide-range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Jonathan Krueger ’12 Experiential Education Fund, est. 2015 by various donors $79,046 This scholarship was funded through gifts to MVCDS in memory of Jonathan Krueger ’12 to be awarded to Upper School students to explore their passions, hopes, and dreams through their educational experiences.


PHILANTHROPY James M. Reed Community Scholar, est. 1991 by Mrs. Annette Reed, Mr. James Reed II ’87, Ms. Alison E. Reed ’91 $98,467 This scholarship is awarded to an incoming minority student in seventh grade or higher with a financial need. Jenny Rheinfrank Barthold ’57 Scholarship, est. by Lamson “Choppy” Rheinfrank ’58 $178,321 This scholarship is awarded to an incoming student who demonstrates an interest in English with financial need. Michael Doherty Memorial Scholarship Fund, est. 1981 by the Doherty Family $21,175 This fund is a merit scholarship awarded to a member of the eighth grade class who exhibits “qualities that relate to persistence, love of the outdoors, and a silent strength.” Robert T. Sullwold Award, est. 2007 by Chester and Delores Sullwold $38,590 This scholarship is awarded to an incoming student from a primary or secondary Toledo Public School with financial need. Smead School for Girls Scholarship, est. 2003 $424,399 This scholarship is awarded to an incoming freshman female who has financial need. The recipient and her parents are recognized at the annual Smead Luncheon. Willis Stork Memorial Scholarship, est. 1986 by various donors $27,663 This scholarship provides financial aid to support racial and ethnic diversity in honor of Willis Stork, Head of School from 1938-1955. Stranahan Scholars Program, est. 1997 by the Stranahan Foundation $945,299 This scholarship provides financial assistance for students in good standing in first through sixth grades. Kaye Louise Salverda Scholarship Fund, est. 2013 by Harold Salverda $37,041 This scholarship supports an incoming Upper School student who demonstrates leadership skills, is engaged in service to the larger community, and contributes to the vitality of Maumee Valley. Baby Lolita Taylor Scholarship, est. 2015 by Ellisa Taylor ’84 $27,079 This scholarship was established to honor Baby Lolita Taylor to provide scholarship assistance to an African American student who demonstrates financial need. The prospective recipient must provide a statement on academic goals, dreams, and aspirations.


Collins Family Endowment, est. 2006 by Karen Davis $86,121 This fund supports the Ropes Course at Maumee Valley along with the Lower School Physical Education program. In addition, this fund supports the Global Education Speaker Series, the International Travel Program for students, and enhances the preparation of Maumee Valley students for global citizenship. Fine Arts Maintenance Fund, est. 1994 by Fritz 1947 and Mary Wolfe $144,727 This fund provides support for the maintenance of the Smead Art Studio, Wolfe Gallery, and Blue Stone Courtyard. Kasperzak Chair in Drama, est. 1992 by Sara Jane Kasperzak DeHoff $423,901 This fund was established in memory of Ronald M. Kasperzak, Maumee Valley Trustee from 1971 to 1974, to support the Maumee Valley Drama program. Peter Stevens Faculty Compensation Fund, est. prior to 1990 by various donors $617,723 Named for Peter Stevens, Head of School from 1982 to 1990, this fund provides operating support for faculty and staff compensation.. Georgia Welles Head of School Chair, est. 1992 by David K. Welles Sr. $685,316 This chair was established in honor of Georgia’s outstanding and continuous leadership over several decades serving Maumee Valley in many roles. The income from this fund supports the leadership role of the Head of School. Dayal Center for Academic Excellence, est. 2013 by an anonymous donor $26,328 This fund was created to support the Dayal Center for Academic Excellence at Maumee Valley providing academic counseling for Middle and Upper School students to help them reach their academic and personal potential.

BUILDING TOWARD ENDOWMENT The 1950’s Scholarship $11,927 This scholarship was created by members of the graduating classes from the 1950s to be awarded to children of alumni. The 1980’s Winterim Scholarship $15,750 This fund supports Upper School students with a financial need traveling to a foreign country as part of a Winterim experience.


The Jordan Almester ’00 Memorial Fund $12,750 This fund is established to assist MVCDS athletes to purchase appropriate equipment or safety equipment needed for their sports participation.

Paul Block Jr. Chair of Chemistry, est. 1994 by the Block Family, Blade Foundation $423,901 This fund was established in memory of Paul Block Jr. because of his interest and work in chemistry, to be used for science department needs.

Sonny and Laila Ariss Scholarship, est. 2006 by Dr. Sonny and Dr. Laila Ariss $21,000 This is a merit scholarship for an Upper School student with a financial need who shows an expressed interest in math and science.

PHILANTHROPY Nancy Buccilli International Travel Fund, est. 2016 by various donors $3,405 This is a scholarship to support students traveling for their Winterim experience. Sharon Coffin Memorial Fund for Faculty Development $11,100 This fund is established to reflect Sharon’s love of teaching to be restricted for Lower School teacher professional development in Science and Math. Richard L. Nuzum Memorial Scholarship Fund, est. 2013 by various donors $22,525 This fund is established to provide tuition assistance to a young athlete who possesses the qualities of character and sportsmanship that were so important to Coach Nuzum. Donnie Taylor Scholarship Nupur D. Thedki 1992 Science Fund



Dick Bond Fund


Niche Programming


MEMORIAL FUNDS Kathleen Blakey Memorial Fund, est. 1993 by various donors This fund supports the purchase of library materials.


Lazlo Koltay Memorial Fund $5,351 This fund provides support for Maumee Valley to host a day-long spring lecture series with an international theme. It also funds special projects related to soccer and/or financial assistance to a child for soccer camp or coaching. Marian Parsons 1909 Memorial Fund, est. 1983 by various donors $1,309 This award is presented at graduation to a student with outstanding writing abilities.

We work to the best of our abilities to report donors’ names and information accurately. Please contact the Advancement Office with any necessary edits.



HAWK hosts

Maumee Valley Admission and Advancement Offices are pleased to jointly present a new and exciting student program for high school students: HAWK Hosts. After an extensive interview process, 27 students ranging from 9th to 12th grades have been selected to serve as ambassadors for the 2018-2019 academic year. These students exhibit and develop the following characteristics: HOLISTIC - Students participate in a wide range of activities and programs and

display a unique set of interests and involvements that reflect the MVCDS mission.

ADVOCATES - Candidates have the desire to be advocates for Maumee Valley Country

Day School, and they are dedicated to furthering the betterment of the student experience by engaging various groups within our school community to achieve lifetime engagement.

KNOWLEDGE - Students have a working knowledge of Maumee Valley Country Day

School and confidently convey that knowledge to various groups within and outside of our school community at any time. This knowledge includes developing an understanding of school history, educational programs, budgetary items, athletics, admission, operational advancement, and future school initiatives. This prestigious program was created to meet the need for student ambassadors while simultaneously meeting the need for students to serve as liaisons to the Advancement Office. While playing the role of “host” for Open House days, student visits, and on and off campus events, HAWK Host students have the unique opportunity to participate alongside campus partners and fellow staff members to create and sustain a culture of philanthropy at Maumee Valley. These additional opportunities will be tailored to both the skills and interests of each HAWK Host. Some of our students may assist in the planning, communication, and execution of school events such as the Alumni Smead Luncheon, Get Back Give Back Day, and Reunion Weekend. Students will also partner with staff members to meet directly with supporters of the school, sharing their own Maumee Valley stories and cultivating relationships in the community. HAWK Hosts will be involved in developing our alumni Connector Program, working to partner current students with our network of alumni for intensive study opportunities, internships, speaking events, reunions, and other school events. HAWK Hosts will not only have the opportunity to serve and give back to their school, but they will also become student leaders, develop meaningful relationships with alumni, parents, and other community members, and gain a working understanding of Maumee Valley.


Look out for our HAWK Hosts around campus! Congratulations to the following students who were selected as 2018-2019 ambassadors >





Weathervane SOCIETY

A Legacy Gift

MR. AND MRS. BRUCE M. HANKINS ’53, P’78, ’81

“While at

Maumee Valley, Bruce learned to study correctly

Bruce included Maumee Valley in his estate plans with a

and had some great teachers, mainly Madame Geary (French), and

bequest. Upon his passing, his wife Joan chose to honor

Earl Daniels (English Literature). Ultimately, he majored in English

their late son, Chip’s legacy by establishing The Chip

Lit at Colgate University. Since graduating, Bruce served on Maumee

Hankins ’78 Memorial Scholarship, recognizing a Middle

Valley’s Strategic Planning committee and was an active fundraiser

or High School student who is an exemplary participant in

for the school. We both appreciated that it was, and is, an outstanding

the overall life of the school community through a wide-

place to learn. Bruce particularly valued that Maumee Valley truly

range of co-curricular and extracurricular activities.

opened his eyes to the world and learning.” --

Joan Hankins

You can be a part of the Weathervane Society by including Maumee Valley in your estate plans. Many members have simply named the school as a beneficiary of a retirement account or in their will or trust. Your forward thinking will ensure that future generations of students can experience the life-changing opportunity of a Maumee Valley education.

For more information, contact Amy Hunt, Director of Advancement 419-381-1313 x110



1715 S REYNOLDS ROAD TOLEDO, OH 43614-1499 419 381 1313 WWW.MVCDS.ORG


MARK YOUR calendars

spring break MARCH 25 - APRIL 05 85TH ANNUAL Smead luncheon MAY 03 50TH REUNION weekend MAY 03 - 05 A PORTRAIT OF US, the 41st annual auction MAY 11


JULY 26 - 28

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