Brochure Fundación Acción Solidaria

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Acci贸n Solidaria


Acción Solidaria The Solidarity in Action Foundation was created in 2000 based on our previous experiences that made the development of this project possible, with the goal of working towards a more reconciled and just society. The Foundation consists of members from the Christian Life Movement (CLM) and it supports the Church’s Social Teaching. We promote integral personal development, while attending to material, psychological, and spiritual needs across all environments where the person develops: family, work, and community. Ever since the Solidarity in Action Foundation was created, it has helped over 100,000 people through education programs, health, food and nutrition, family guidance, community development, occupational training, and solidarity campaigns in various marginal communities across the city of Guayaquil in Ecuador, including the communities of Guasmo, Flor de Bastión, Isla Trinitaria, Puerto Hondo, Tiwinza, Bastión Popular, the rural areas of Daule and Samborondón, as well as other areas outside of the city of Guayaquil.

Lines of Action Education and Family Development Community Development Corporate and Social Responsibility Self-Management Projects Solidarity Campaigns and Services Solidarity Events

Education and Family Development 1 Education Center “Santiago Apóstol” El Centro Educativo Santiago Apóstol se creó en el año 2005. Sus objetivos son: • Offer an education to children and youth who are working on the streets or who are at risk of doing so in order to eradicate child labor. • Create a dynamic of reconciliation with God, with oneself, and one’s surroundings by training and guiding families and communities with the goal of reducing the rates of domestic maltreatment and negligence. • Develop dignity as God’s children through the apostolate with other vulnerable populations.

This project mainly benefits families with children or youth who work in the street. We promote integral personal development based on the following components:

Education Nutrition Artistic and talent development Human and Christian development Psychological well-being Family development Events to promote family integration

Services offered by the Education Center Education Personal tutoring

Family Orientation Family therapy: twice a month visits to the community Family workshops

Occupational Training for Youth Baking and pastry workshops

Recreation Workshops in music, theater, and talents Participation in recreation, cultural, and religious events

Physical and Behavioral Chess classes Sports: Basketball, volleyball, athletics Biopsychospiritual development

Human and Christian Development Faith education Education in values Education in love (sexuality workshops) Sacraments (Confesions) Mass (once per month)

Other Nutrition: daily breakfast and lunch provided School supplies School uniforms

2 Education Center Nigeria (Extension) Solidarity Action Foundation created in 2011 an extension of the School in the area of Nigeria, the same conduct was achieved thanks to an agreement with the School September 21. Its creation is due to our educational methodology based on the formation of the working child in constant contact with their community, so that from their reality to become a positive leader that contributes to the formation of a more just, humane and reconciled.

Sponsored programs and Solidarity campaigns 1. Sponsor plan – Bursary program A bursary program is offered to students from the Santiago Apóstol education center, sponsored by individuals and/or companies that wish to collaborate with our mission.

Full bursary: $75/month • Covers all services offered by the education center to the student who is sponsored • Newsletters and invitations to activities carried out at the educational center • Participation in the annual end-of-the-year event with the sponsored student • Photographs of the sponsored student • Frequent communication with the sponsored student (with the approval of the sponsor) • A report on the student’s goals and achievements

Educational bursary: $30/month • Covers education services, human and Christian development services, and other services for the student who is sponsored • Newsletters and invitations to activities carried out at the educational center • Newsletters and invitations to activities carried out at the educational center • A report on the student’s goals and achievements

2. Educating smiles: School supplies campaign At the beginning of each year, this campaign aims to help hundreds of school age children whose families lack the necessary resources to provide adequate educational materials by providing backpacks, notebooks, and other school supplies needed for the school year.

You can help: • By donating $50 to Fundación Benéfica Acción Solidaria, account #3130771004 at Banco del Pichincha • Prepare a school backpack and donate it to one of our students: 2 small notebooks (one lined and one graph paper) and 2 large notebooks (one lined and one graph paper) 2 small notebook liners and 2 large ones 1 box of pencil crayons 1 eraser 1 watercolor box 3 packs of office sized paper, one double-lined, one graph paper, and one plain paper Scissors Pencil box: 2 pencils, 1 sharpener, 3 pens (red, black, blue), 1 ink eraser and 1 pencil eraser 3 plastic folders Backpack • Create reading and recreation spaces by donating: Didactic games (puzzles, legos, story books, etc) Fomix Used children’s books in good condition

Community Development Mrs. Hilda Cedeño Jigual Daule Sector Association ‘Pro Mejoras Jigual’ ‘Thanks to the loan I obtained from the community bank, I was able to cover the cost of what I cultivated and keep my harvest to sell at a better price’

Mrs. Mayra Canales Jigual Salitre Sector Associacion ‘Jesús del Gran Poder’ ‘With the credit I obtained from the community bank, I was able to purchase urea sold by the Government to grow rice’

Strengthening of rural, community, and production development in the rural sectors of Daule and Samborondón. Since 2008, the Solidarity in Action Foundation has carried out various community development programs in the vulnerable rural areas of Daule and Samborondón, in the province of Guayas, with the support from several foundations, private businesses, and volunteers. Amongst the programs provided, we offer: • Human development, family and community strengthening • Training and entrepreneurship in the production of herbs and organic fertilizers • Formation of community leaders • Organization and development of community banks • Activities that promote faith • Organizational and legal development of rural associations • Occupational development (training in bakery, pastries, jam, and jelly using traditional local products)

This initiative oversees the practical and theoretical trainings, promoting greater knowledge of workers’ ‘know how’ in the communities that participate in this initiative, thus promoting a better quality of life in the families involved.

Communities helped: DAULE: - Los Quemados 1 - Los Quemados 2 - 25 de Julio - Jigual de Daule - Jigual de Salitre - San Nicolás - La Isla - Jigual de Abajo - Las Playas - El Tambor - Marianita 5 - Jigual 3 - Guarumal de Arriba - Cocal - Palo Alto Benefited: 15 communities, 750 families, 3750 people

SAMBORONDÓN: - Guachapelí - Margarita - Villa Mercedes - San Miguel - La Palma 1 - Río Seco - Los Quemados Benefited: 7 communities, 450 families, 2250 people The community development programs offered by the Solidarity in Action Foundation has had an impact on approximately 22 rural communities, 1200 families, and 6000 people.

Corporate and Social Responsibility

Since the Foundation was created, we have structured corporate and social responsibility programs for various types of national and multinational companies. The Solidarity in Action Foundation offers various programs based on the specific needs of the companies, with the objective to help them become agents of change for the creation of a more humanistic-oriented culture.

Social Integrity Responsibility Programs Program in Family Life and Values : Through these programs we aim to search for answers regarding the essence of human beings and family through self-discovery of their own virtues and talents, which are valuable to the company and to society. We discuss topics such as communication, family life, family finances, and values. Identifying the reality of the company in the social field: We identify the needs of the employees and provide programs to help strengthen identity through practical solutions that will help better the quality of life of the company and its collaborators. Occupational Development Program: The Foundation began to offer this program as a response to the low incomes faced by families. After identifying the individual needs and strengths of the family members that live with the workers, these programs aid them in taking on new activities from their own homes to increase production in order to improve their financial situation.

Responsible Dismissal Program: The reality of many companies is that due to multiple internal or external factors, they are put in a situation where they have to let go of personnel. Through his program offered by the Foundation, the company, along with its collaborators, act responsibly when letting go of personnel through a Micro-business training. This program helps collaborators invest their dismissal funds adequately, ensuring the well-being of the dismissed employees and their families. Community Integration Programs: Through a diagnostic process, the Foundation identifies the specific needs of the community where the company or organization is located and proposes plans to help in areas that can improve the relationship between the community and the company, thus improving channels for communication through programs that specifically target the needs of the community. Community Development Programs: We design and integrate plans according to the social needs of the company. The Foundation has extensive experience in: (a) the development of micro farms, micro gardens, and fish pools; (b) developing productive units in bakery, pastry, culinary arts, and sewing and seamstress; (c) development of community leaders; and (d) involvement with communities. General Training: The Foundation works alongside of the National Council of Training and Formation, which with more than 10 years of experience and trained staff offers training in: leadership, customer service, community development, communications, team work, and social responsibility.

Extensive experience in corporate social responsibility projects SALESPEOPLE

Club Project

Sponsor institution: El Universo newspaper Objective: The Salespeople Club is a space for promotion and development of individuals who sell newspapers and their families, which through various development strategies in the areas of health, occupational training, education, recreation, and family life, has been able to significantly improve the quality of life of workers’ personal, family, and work environments. Beneficiaries: Programs Educa!on, occupa!onal training, and microbusiness programs Medical Insurance and Mobile Health Campaigns Family Recrea!on and Leisure Events


Family and Child Growth


Total salespeople benefited


Places of action: Guayaquil, Durán, Samborondón


Year 2010

Women Project

Sponsor institution: Belcorp (Ésika) Foundation Objective: This project is based on a series of training, dynamics, videos, and support materials to identify the individuals’ strengths in order to develop an innovative idea to start their own business. Beneficiaries: 50 women (Esika counselors) Start date: August 2010 End date: August 2011 Activities Accomplished in 2010: • Women and Personal Development Training • Women and Access to Information Training • Women and Financial Development Training • Women and Social Involvement Training

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“Production Center and Creating Small Family Businesses” Project Sponsor institution: Oberle-Perú Foundation Objective: To increase the value of women working in marginal sectors of the city by training them in baking and pastry techniques with the goal of developing strengths and skills that allow them to later work independently and commercialize their products in the Production Center, which is fully equipped and is located within the same community. Beneficiaries: 20 families from the community Place of Action: Nigeria sector – Isla Trinitaria, Guayaquil Duration: 2007-Permanent Start date: July 2007 Activities Accomplished in 2010: • Implemented the ‘Center for production and technical training’ in the 21 de Septiembre school • Human Development Program for mothers of children at the school: 50 participants • Family Health Guidance Program: 50 participants • Development of small family businesses in baking and pastries (5) • Education Program (for school children): 35 participants

Our Responsible Companies Holcim-Repsol Community development program in San Eduardo, where their plants are located

Guayaquil Municipality Program to eradicate child labor

El Universo Newspaper Social program with workers who sell newspapers and their families

DOLE FRUIT COMPANY Community development program in areas where their banana plantations are located

Chamber of Commerce of Guayaquil Training for over two thousand small and medium-size business owners affiliated with the Chamber

Pacificard Human development program

Cervecería Nacional Volunteer program and social diagnostics

Hotel Palace Human development program

MAFPRE – ATLAS Community development program and creation of production units in the Guasmo sector

Navipac Human development program

OBERLE Foundation Community development programs and creation of production units in the Guasmo, Trinitaria, Nigeria, and Daule sectors

Manos Unidas Development for Women program in rural sectors

BIC Donation of school supplies program

Electric Company of Guayaquil Customer service program

COMANDATO Community development program

Kimberly Clark Volunteer program

MAGAP (Ministerio de Agricultura, Ganadería y Pesca) Leadership training at the Escuela de la Revolución Agrícola (ERAS)

Samborondón Municipality Community development program and events

NOBIS Education program

PORTA Recycling program

Guayas Prefecture Volunteer campaign and social development

Rotary Clubs Creation of production units in urban marginalized sectors throughout Guayaquil

DIFARE Small business development program

Siglo XVI Human development program and social diagnostics

Johnson&Johnson Community development in Daule

Procarsa Community development in Durán and Machala

Self-Management Projects SEWING AND SEAMSTRESS WORKSHOP The sewing and seamstress workshop at the Solidarity in Action Foundation was first created to address the financial needs of various initiatives at the Foundation by producing and commercializing products, with the added benefit of increasing employment opportunities. In 2008 women employees were selected from marginalized urban sectors for the positions of seamstresses. This workshop is in charge of the design, cutting and sewing, and commercialization of articles of clothing, uniforms, purses, and bags, for various clothing stores such as De Prati and Casa TOSI among others. The sewing and seamstress workshop currently undergoes internal and external training three time a year.

BAKING AND PASTRY WORKSHOPS In 2006 the Solidarity in Action Foundation began offering training in baking and pastry through occupational development projects alongside private businesses and Ecuador’s Ministry of Labor. In 2007 a professional culinary course was first introduced for women from marginalized urban sectors with the goal of training skilled workers that can help prepare other women in their own communities. Finally, in 2008, a Baking and Pastry workshop was officially introduced at the Foundation, with one of our beneficiaries being the Head Chef. This workshop currently offers catering services for events, coffee breaks, and other needs. Within our line of products, we offer: • Savory line: empanadas with various stuffings, swiss chard pie, corn pie, and chicken pie among others. • Line of sweets: Alfajores, cookies, muffins, and more. Our clients include: McDonald’s, Mambo juice, Astoria, and Instituto de Desarrollo Empresarial, among others.

Solidarity Campaigns and Services SOLIDARITY SERVICES In our commitment to help the poor and marginalized individuals, the Solidarity in Action Foundation has worked alongside the Christian Life Movement (CLM) to develop various programs aimed at helping to develop individuals’ authentic and integral personal growth.

Solidarity Service


Children Beneficiaries

Adult Beneficiaries

Hands for Buijo

Catechesis, formation and Father School

Buijo Samborondón



Catechesis and companionship for children and their families

Travesía Tarifa

Tarifa Samborondón



Catechesis, and child-oriented “Nuestra Señora de la Reconciliación” Center

Tarifa Samborondón


Mothers Showing Solidarity

Visit and spiritual companionship for seniors

Seniors Home – Plaza Dañin Seniors Home - Guasmo

Pilgrim Mother

Catechesis and companionship for children and their families

Bloque 7 – Bastión Popular Nigeria Flor de Bastión

Let’s Get to Know Jesus


170 seniors


115 women

Solidarity Campaigns and Services Solidarity Service SILOÉ

Description Catechesis and companionship for children and their families

Sector Children’s Hospital Roberto Gilbert (Atarazana) Children’sHospita l Francisco Ycaza Bustamante (DowntownSouth)

Infants of Jesus

Catechesis, spiritual companionship and aid to abandoned children/youth

Casa Hogar Guayaquil (Orphanage – Ceibos) Children/Youth Home for boys

Children Beneficiaries

Adult Beneficiaries






Children/Youth Home for girls

Gift of Hope

Catechesis and art workshops

La Aurora Compound, Samborondón

Bread for my Brother

Catechesis, spiritual companionship and aid for seniors who live or work in the streets

San Alejo, 10 de Agosto Avenue, García Avilés, Central Market



390 adults seniors

Solidarity Campaigns and Services

Direct Beneficiaries: 1294 Children 1020 Adults

Solidarity Campaigns and Services

Christmas is Jesus Campaign The Christmas is Jesus Campaign, which has been in existence for 13 years, has successfully been moving forward the Christian Life Movement (CLM) of Ecuador and has been collaborating with the Solidarity in Action Foundation. This campaign looks for avenues to communicate and share the Good News of the Birth of Jesus with our brothers and sisters in faith, while at the same time, having the opportunity to help thousands of families with few resources to celebrate the joy of this occasion by providing Christmas baskets to poor families in marginalized regions of Ecuador. In 2010, we gave out 12,000 baskets, reaching approximately 80,000 individuals in need who were living in the marginal regions of Guayaquil, including Basti贸n Popular, Guasmo, Isla Trinitaria, Isla Mondrag贸n, P谩jaro Azul, and others, as well as Samborond贸n, Daule, and Tarifa.


Acci贸n Solidaria

Our Beneficiaries

National Coverage of our Solidarity Services



Guayas Santa Elena Azuay





















Marginal Urban Areas that we help



Solidarity Event Our events are organized with the goal of raising funds for our various initiatives that help individuals in need, such as the Education Center “Santiago Apóstol” and solidarity services (Bread for my Brother, Siloé), among others.

SOLIDARITY 5K MARATHON FOR THE CHILDREN Location: Parque Histórico de Guayaquil Distance: 5 Kilometers The 5K Marathon takes place to benefit the Solidarity in Action Foundation’s education project . The marathon is takes place annually with the help of approximately 600 participants and their families who get together to share and accompany the runners. This event is advertised through written media, radio, and television.

Solidarity Event

Solidarity Bingo is a family event that by providing family entertainment through Bingo, raffles, and food tastings, raises funds to support various social services developed and implemented by the Solidarity in Action Foundation in collaboration with Christian Life Movement.

Approximately 100,000 people attend the event every year who hear about Solidarity Bingo from advertisements in magazines, flyers, our website, and other media covering the event.

Public Fundraiser Every two years, the Foundation asks the public for donations to support the education project, community development programs, and other initiatives at the Foundation. Approximately 200 volunteers, approved by ACROVOL (Asociaci贸n Coordinadora del Voluntario del Guayas; Guayas Volunteer Coordination Association), participate in this event.

Collaboration with Christian Life Movement (CLM) The Solidarity in Action Foundation works alongside the CLM to develop volunteer programs for people who want to help with our social services and solidarity campaigns.

- Contributing from their profession Professionals in the fields of educational psychology, health, communications, social work, and other disciplines can lend their professional expertise to help other individuals or communities

- Companion for others Any volunteer can be a companion for children, youth, future mothers, seniors, or individuals with disabilities in any of the services provided by the Solidarity in Action Foundation and CLM

- Collaborating in solidarity campaigns By helping with collecting and distributing food, clothes, school supplies, and other needed materials, our volunteers offer their time to help carry out our solidarity campaigns.

- Forming a work group Employees, staff, students, or groups of friends can help by planning a specific project that addresses the needs of a social service.


Acción Solidaria

If you wish to join our family at the Solidarity in Action Foundation, please contact us at

Visit us at Garzota 2, Camilo Nevárez street and Agustín Freire Avenue, Education Center Santiago Apóstol (behind the Avícola Fernández). Tel.: (593) 4 2240425 - 2240521

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