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CONTENTS Opening Lower School Middle School Middle School Sports Upper School Seniors Upper School Sports Faculty Clubs Student Life Advertisements
2 8 26 32 40 50 62 76 80 88 109
'9 /''
OF F I C E • jfc Q
- f b v c /^ C
First news, news first .,. new students . . , new teacliers . ,. first day outdoor games ... no rotat ing scliedule . . . unusual work load . . . Halloween dance . .. new carpet . . . new library . . . 1983 Flood . .. new carpet ruined . .. Class o f 84 wins Spirit Week for the third time . .. goons m ature (too bad) . .. sports . .. school called o ff for snow Miss Walczak and Mr. McCasiin engaged (not to each other) ... Mr. Fox and Mrs. Peaso married (to each other) . . . As Schools M atch Wits team wins first round ... Russian fighter shoots down Korean plane . . . school lunches . , . Andropov dies ,.. indoor soccer legalized . . . winter vacation . .. sol diers also vacation in Grenada ... spring vacation . , . Lebanon opened for vacationing soldiers James W att resigns . . . Greg Ailing awarded first Anabelle Cummings Endowment Fund . .. NASA loses tw o satellites . .. Mr. Ailing seen wearing a conservative tie . . . Michael Jackson burns up the charts, and his hair . . , Todd Lang seen driving only ten miles over the speed limit . .. Aussies win the America's Cup .,.
W hat are w e studying?
■But, it's ^ ^ « fh e re !
and he said
*Set him
M 2/op en ing
hand check
"a n d then she said
so innocent
not to o close
Well how do you feel a bo ut .. . ?
varsity boys' tennis Eight players combined in many ways into tlie seven positions tliis season to produce an as tounding record of 20-2. The only losses oc curred against Alter. Josh once again had a fine season, proving his prowess in all of the Dayton area. A team of strong players backed one another throughout, showing that high school tennis is a team sport.
jv and middle school tennis where are
The J.V. team turned around its 1983 record of 1-6 to 6-1 this season. Wow! A host of fresh men supported the returning players. Certain ly, the tennis teams have a future.
the pictures?
The Middle School's tennis team finished their short season with three victories and tw o losses. The players all enjoyed the tennis, ex emplified by their distress when the other teams needed the courts so often. But they will move on the next tw o years, filling the yearly voids.
i<nv :
Baseball, ... baseball has been very, very, . .. well, bad to MVS. Echoing the softball team , nunnerous games dwindled down to an 0-2 record. After both a team and coach were scraped together, baseball had a heart once again. The unfortunate outcom e, well, it was unfortunate, 1985, please com e soon.
softba A schedule of ten-plus games this year unfor足 tunately dwindled to produce a 1-3 record for the girls' softball team. Up against different odds each week, what would happen next was com pletely unpredictable and unexpect足 ed. What's going to happen next year? The answer lies somewhere in 1986.
girls track
Girls's Track was astounding this season. Hard work and great determination reaped awards. They placed higher than ever before in team meets. Many runners made it through sectionals and beyond. The fun season will definitely be repeated next year.
junior/senior prom
Fun in the sun ... Parties . .. Prom ... French students ... Spocl< was found .., Indiana Jones finds snakes . . . Tracl< goes to regionals . . . Tennis team meets goals .., AP exams . .. Final exams ... Anything goes day goes ... Spring fair ... Final performance by Blue IS/loons .., Warm welcome for B-team ... Graduation ... Happy faces . .. Sad faces ... Leaving good friends . .. They cam e, they saw, they l<icl<ed its ... Ghostbusters . .. Ghostbusters ... Ghostbusters ... I'm glad this is over . . . phew!
W hat country is this anyway?
4 /op en ing
Who, me?
You touch iti
6/op en ing
.. . Carmen Harlan aw arded L.M. Berry Scholarship USA does well In the winter Olympic festival ... Miami Valley Ski Team? started . .. Brooklyn Bridge turns 100 . . . MVS is 20 years old . .. Mr. Elmer turns 43 years old . . . MTV: Music Television . .. middle school parties . . . upper school doesn't have par足 ties . .. finally, women and Blacks in space . . , J.S.'s New Year . . . G.S. passes Physics . . . a beautiful, black Miss USA . . . presidential cam paigning .. spring soccer? , . . plays . . . boys win in basketball sectionals . . . college acceptances (and rejec足 tions) . . , J/S prom . . , graduation . . . Andropov finally replaced . . . saying goodbye to old friends . .. USSR walks out on the arms talks . . . a year's end . . . a new beginning . . . GOODBYE SENIORS.
Me and my friend
8 /lo w e r school
lower school/9
early childhood
Erik G oodm an, Tim G eoroff, Frankin W o ff^ d , Alison C o te n , Am足 ber Smith, Jill Haftfiing
Sammy Rajkovich. Kevin Spitler, Kavita Kumar, Brittney Black. Andrew Sampson, Anthony Mineila
NIkkr Sweeney, Katie Nutt速r, Thomas, Kathryn Ervin
10/lower school
H eattier llavfe, M tlly
Sarah Vondersoor, Laura Nathan, Katy Hamilton, Quincy Thomp足 son, Pam Chelle
second grade
Philip Carroll, Dickie Loechinger, Daniel Williams
Michael Kabealo, Dale H aygood, Brandon England
' -Si
Brent Craig, Jon Nathan Melissa W alther, C ourtney Rado, Anju G upta
lower sc h o o l/13
Jennifer Van VIeck, Vanita Kumar, Marie Pahlitzanakis, Eunice Kim
Jay Williams, Jonathan Power, Mark Medsker, Robby MacDonald, John Haas
Michelle Lofino, Julie Huey, Jamie Horenstein, Amy Castor
Cherie-Ann Conley, Michelle Rotellini, Keeauna Thorton, Susan Tabrah, Alice Nakfour A. Pabarue
C. Sokol lower school/M?
fifth grade
M att Giffen, Heidi Hartzell, Robin Minturn, Jill Bernie -
h 0. David Young, Ryan Levin, Sami Siddiqi
- â&#x2013; ' le "'ledger. Chelsea Wall, Amy Vitori
Scott Weprin, Josh Elmer, Josh Lewis
Tiffany W hittaker, M arketa Wills
Lloyd Huber, Danny Kay, Hans Helmers
lower s c h o o l/19
sixth grade
Cheng-Hao Song, Nelson Reid, David M ontgom ery, David In足 body
Holly Wolf
lower school/21
ower school soccer
John Czarnota John Haas Jennifer Horenstein Eunice Kim Robbie M acDonald Andre Pabarue Jonathan Power Joy Williams Hans Helmers Lloyd Huber
Daniel Key Robin Minturn Bryont Zwart Josh Elmer Tuffy Borchers Nikki Goynes Michael Lofino W alter Kim Eddie Mobley Hugh Pabarue
Jaya Sostry Neil Singla Scott Weinstein Darrin Bright Thomas Huber David Inbody Rockwell Patterson Nelson Reid Bryce Thompson Chris Wieland
This year the Miami Valley Lower School Soccer Team played tw o games. We won one and lost one. I think our team looked good as a team , not just as a few players. Together we won as a team and lost as a team. We all would like to thank Mr. Fox and Ms. Becher for coaching us. It was on excit足 ing season; we learned to play as a team!
ower school basketba >k'Ofts/25
to /
26/m iddle school
seventh grade
Deborah Kay, Jennifer Rhee, Medsker, Jenny McKenney
28/m iddle school
Am ber
s e "*
Vinnie Romeo, Josh Peterson
seventh grade M ad'
u, Lisa Mantil, N atalie Winston. Sally Remmers
middle school/2 9
eighth grade ^
% â&#x2013;
/ i
Todd Weprin
Ann Marshall
Myron Peck
Vicki Beasley
1 ^^ Jon Rhee
David Sostry
James Johnson
30/m iddle school
Lisa Elliott
G abe Bouquett
Diona Gtvonis
^ * .Si*
Mofiy O befhue
Heidi Bretdervbach
Ted Dufbin^
Ted Bernsteiri
James Sweeney
Dtna Cfisto
Sara B atata
Christienne Herron
Holly Tabrah
Peter Powell
Beth Gilley
Cindy Phungrasamee
eighth grade middle School/S'!
\'V.. „.^
.* ■
vm . 32/m iddle school sports
middle school sports/33
middle school girls' tennis
The Middle School Girls' tennis team was the strongest in a long time. Several of these girls will move to Coach Romeo's varsity squad next year, according to John McCoslin, the coach of the team. Steady singles play from Mary Spencer led the way. An unfortunate injury kept eighth grader Holly Tabrah from contributing as strongly as had been anticipat足 ed. The girls played with skills and enthusiasm throughout the season.
This year's season was the second year for the middle school girls' soccer team. The team was started lost year as an experiment to see what kind of interest there would be in it. The interest was welcomed, so the team remains. The main purpose of the team was not to have winning seasons, but rather to have training for the girls who desired to participate in varsity in future years. With many of the team's stronger players becoming freshmen next year, the 1984 season may very well be a year of a renewed girls' varsity team. On the other hand, many team members will be eighth graders next year; therefore the middle school is looking foreword to a good 1984 sea足 son.
middle school girls' soccer
middle school boys' soccer
The 7/8 Boys' Soccer team started with a vic足 tory and lengthened their win streak from the year before. Unfortunately, they were not a fast or big team, but their skill and endurance led them to a fine season and a 5-4 record. Three of the wins were shutouts, including an impressive 1-0 score against a touted Cincin足 nati Country Day School group. Much of the credit in these games went to the captains, Kevin Arnett and Ted Bernstein, whose ability and leadership guided throughout the season. The seventh graders displayed potential, five of whom will be returning starters. The award winners this year were tw o athletes who played with a strong desire to be the best. The 1983 most valuable award went to Jon Rion, and the most improvement was shown in Mike Peck's tough play.
Middle school boys' basketball had a new wrinkle this year: a female coach. Miss Roth smoothly made the transition an easy one for the players while quickly demonstrating that she was serious and knowledgeable about the game. The team had good numbers, evenly split between the seventh and eighth grades. Eager to start, the team was disappointed to discover the first game was scheduled for after the December holiday. Each gome brought with it vast improvements, and by the end of the season everything began to click. Everyone saw plenty of action and the season was enjoyed by all. Special thanks goes to Miss Roth and the eighth grade leaders who have shown how the game is to be played.
middle school boys' basketball
middle school girls' bosketbo
The numbers were greater than ever before on a middle school girls' basketball team. Mr. Zaluski had his work cut out for him. What the team lacked in skills was more than made up for in enthusiasm. Because of the numbers, several games were added to the schedule which allowed the seventh grade group to play as a team and the eighth grade group to do the same. As a result, each girl was able to gain as much experience this year as the girls had been able to do in the past. While the victories were few and the scores low, this team was able to provide one of the most exciting moments in basketball of the whole year as they cam e from behind to beat Day足 ton Christian after trailing ten to tw o a t the half. A great deal of experience was gained by all and the eighth grade girls will add some badly needed depth to the varsity girls' squad next season.
40/high school
Ann Mantil, Clairs Hectey, Monica Singlo. Andrea Bright, Meredith Sanderow â&#x20AC;˘
Greg Margolis, David Reid, Todd Greenberg
C andy Borchers, Susan Bozorgi
Jeff Sniderman Tony P e h ,^a v id Andrews^ ^
4 2 /L p p e r school
David Dieruf, Doug Jenks, Dan Carr
Jill Redding, Beth Abroms, Sara W agner
freshmen upper school/43
'짜 Vi
Nick G oldblatt, Steve Black
Dana Watson
4 4 /u p p e r school
Katherine Franz, Erika W oolf
soDhomores upper school/45
46/u pp er school
Philip Rotman
juniors upper school/47
: 1
This year's graduating class began the year expecting a relaxed, enjoyable senior year. Boy, were they in for a big surprise! The pressure was on as unsym pathetic teachers piled on the more-than-heavy workload, and college appli cation deadlines were quickly approaching. Between the gruelling, sleepless nights spent writing and re-writing English Lit. papers, studying for Physics tests, and completing Senior Seminar reading assignments, the college applications miraculously managed to be com pleted — even if a few did have to be sent by Federal Express in order to m eet the deadline. Churning stomachs and insomnia plagued the poor seniors as they nervously aw aited to hear from the colleges of their choice. "When is this going to end? When are we going to have some fun?," the class wondered. Well, then cam e along Spirit Week. The first few days were a bit slow, but soon the seniors forgot about (well, not com pletely) home work and college, and concentrated on having fun together. The class of '84 continued its tradition of being the most spirited. As the year approaches its end, and many seniors finally know where they will be attending college, feelings of sadness, apprehension, excitem ent, nervous ness, and uncertainty, enter each student's mind. They will be leaving a place of security and support, a place of which many consider their second home and family. The class of 1984 is on its way to a new beginning, and in spite of the inevitable fear that is felt, most agree that Miami Valley has given them confi dence and a feeling of preparedness in taking on the challenges that lie ahead. This year's senior class is very grateful to all the teachers and friends who have contributed to each individual's MVS experience.
Cathy Allen You, and only you, w ake up and de aide w hat your day will be like.
Malena Calvin I shall be telling this with a sigh Somewhere ages and ages hence: Two roads diverged in o w ood, and I â&#x20AC;&#x201D; I tool< the one less traveled by, And th a t has m ode all the difference. â&#x20AC;&#x201D; ROBERT FROST
Lisa Carr
Kate Day
Beth Duke
Tom Elmer If you think you're outclCissed, you are. You've g o t to think high to rise, You've g o t to be sure of yourself before you can ever win a prize. Life's battles d o n 't al ways go to the stronger or faster man, but sooner or later, the man who wins is the fellow who thinks he can.
Carmen Harlan "Be glad th a t you are free Free to change your mind Free to go most anywhere, anytim e Be glad th at you are free There's many a man who's not Be glad for w hat you hove, for w hat you've g o t." â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Prince
Katy Harshbarger Think not on yesterday. Nor trouble borrow On w hat may be In store for you tom orrow, But let to da y Be your incessant care â&#x20AC;&#x201D; The past is past. Tomorrow's in the air. Who give to da y The best th a t in him lies. Will find the road That leads to clearer skies.
Harrison Hobart
Chris Kendall
Scott MacDonald "Something w icked this w ay comes
f f
"1 % r' <
Jennifer Stein Some men think they're born to be king M aybe that's true But I think passing love around Is all we w ere born to do — The Doobie Brothers
Lisa Stein Good humor Is the health of the soul; sad ness is its poison. — Stanislaus
John Stephens The fog comes on little c a t feet. It sits looking over harbor and city and then moves on. — Carl Sandburg
1 LaSonya Taylor Half the world is on the wrong scent in the pursuit of happiness. They think it consists of having and getting, and in being served by others. It consists of giving and serving others.
Anne Turner
Sean Turner
62/high school sports
high school sports/63
j.v. girls' tennis
The girls' junior varsity tennis team was eager and enthusiastic. With tw o seniors anchoring the team, the squad played well in its m atch足 es. As always, they played a tough schedule, but were able to hold their own throughout the season. Ellen Swelheim, the Assist student from Holland, played an important role in the season. Other players included Monica Single, Julie Bedford, Renu Singla, Kathy Franz, Susan Bozorgi, Ann Mantil, and Ginger Heyman. Coached by Mr. McCaslin, several of these girls will com pete for varsity spots next season.
This year's Varsity Girls' Tennis team ended its sea足 son with a record of '15-5. Everyone did quite well. Perhaps the highlight, or a t least the most memora足 ble match of the season, was our last match against Middletown Madison. We traveled an hour to the school following some rather questionable directions. We finally arrived to find only three tennis courts full of cracks and with sagging nets. By 7:15 pm we had all finished playing except Ellen Swelheim who was struggling in the deciding match. The team cheered her on anxiously and a little bit impa足 tiently, as it was getting cold, dark, and the girls were hungry. Finally the match ended, MVS having lost 2-3. We headed for the van only to discover that someone (Who was that someone? Lisa?! Jennifer?l)has locked the keys in the van. The team found this quite humorous, but Mr. Romeo thought otherwise, exclaiming, "*#@ [*c;[ I don't belive this [* # & [" After a while of prying the rubber around the windows with a hanger, we manged to open the van and thus headed home, concluding our most enjoyable season.
girls' varsity tennis sports/65
j.v. boys' soccer
Despite a less than impressive record, the 1983 Junior Varsity Boys' soccer team will grow and becom e a strong Varsity team in years to come. The young never gave up hope and went into each contest with the intention to win. The team always gave one hundred per足 cent, which unfortunately was not good enough against tough opponents like Fairmont and Chamlnode. Coached by Peter Camm and Brian Czarnota, the team anticipated an undefeated season much like the 1982 sev足 enth and eighth grade team which was also coached by Camm and Czarnota. This Junior Varsity season was a good learning exper足 ience for the newcomers to high school soc足 cer.
While the final record for the season was just barely over the five hundred mark, this v^as undoubtedly one of the best, if not the best, seasons ever at Miami Valley School. Strong play from a core of devoted seniors, support ed by a quickly developing corps of under classmen, made Coach Brereton's team a recognized force in the city of Dayton. A series of heartbreaking ties kept this team from hav ing the best record in the history of the school. The team finished second to Troy in an invita tional tournament to open the season. Tom Elmer v^as named co-holder of the Most Valu able Player Award. All City recognition cam e to five members of the team: First Team, Tom Elmer and goalie, Scott MacDonald; Second Team, Halfbacks Greg Ailing and Tom Seidensticker; and Honorable Mention, fullback Todd Long. Freshman David Dieruf emerged as a player to be w atched in the future.
varsity boys' soccer
i sports/67
varsity girls' soccer
This year was certainly an interesting one for the Varsity Girls' soccer team. Starting out with a handful of girls, the team gained size and strength as the season progressed. The line-up for the Rams was made up of several returning players, including co-captains Jenny Arnett and Beth Duke, as well as many new freshmen. Under the direction of Coach Julie Roth, an experienced player herself, the team worked hard. The girls tried many new strategies and gained a lot of experience, Let's hope they keep up the good work!
boys' varsity golf sports/69
j.v. boys' basketba
The Junior Varsity experienced one of its finest seasons ever, the victor in eight out of four teen games, the first winning season for this team in years. The whole basketball program plagued with injuries, the team was often a t a disadvantage. Quarters had to be saved so that some boys would be able to assist the varsity contests. First-year coach Mike Bal dridge was pleased with his team's perfor mance this year, as he and the players en joyed more success than expected. Jon Free man and Craig Young catalyzed the team to victory, while Forrand Smith, John Sweeney, Steve Rosenberg, and Todd Greenberg all contributed positively. Senior Jon Beck was lost midway through the season, and several others were hbmpered from the start. The team's highlight was its biggest victory, against Bethesda, os everyone scored and played beautifully.
Varsity basketball began with great anticipa tion and strong potential, and the season soon turned the desires into realities. Fourteen pow erful wins shadowed just three losses, one of which was avenged against Seven Hills in the final game of the regular season. Hosts of offensive and defensive records were reset this season, including rebounding, scor ing, assists, and steals. Tom Elmer, George Sherer, and Greg Ailing led the team as sen iors, as did Jon Fredlund, Mark McGuire, James Moore, and Jason Thomas in each of their im portant positions on the team. For only the second time in school history, the boys' team won in the first round of the sec tional tournament, even without leading scor er McGuire. The team hoped to continue the winning through as many games in the tourna ment as possible.
boys' varsity basketba s p o rts /7 1
girls' varsity basketba
Last year's lack of early participants was dras tically offset this season, as a host of young, eager players joined the MVS squad. The en thusiasm of the newcomers was greatly ap preciated by Bill Giisson and the returning varsi ty players Jenny Stein, Julie Krumholz, Lisa Dieruf, and Dana McKenney. The results were wholly positive, even though the record was 46. Practices were filled with fun, and each game was a new experience. Coach Giisson enjoyed the girls as he helped them becom e a better team. The season ended in the first round of the sec tional tournament, as the team performed bril liantly. The girls held tough, surprising the much more experienced National Trail team. Unfor tunately, the MVS opponents tallied more points, yet the scoreboard hardly reflected the value earned in those three winter months.
E, Smith
76/facu lty
M, Heuser
S. Burnap
M, Baldridge
B, C zam ota
fa cu lty/7 7
M, Green
P. Elmer
L. Rodeghiero
M. Dixon
M, Lolli
E. Hobart
K. Bright
D. Knapke
Thomas Seidensticker
It has been a "dream " of mine to com e to the United States since the fifth grade; finally my "dream ” has com e true. It has been one of the biggest experiences of my life. I learned to understand the American people, the culture, and the school system. The school was my biggest experience — I actually did five hours of homework in one night. In German I spoke to Dagmar, a former ASSIST student from Co logne, who told me that everybody works about fours hours a day for school. I thought she was trying to scare me or it was all a big joke. I did not run away (I told my mama if I would have to do more than tw o hours of homework she would have me back in Co logne after tw o weeks). I worked and man aged to fulfill the expectations. Another inter esting experience was the close relationship betw een teachers and students, a very pleas ant experience. 1 w ant to thank all of the teachers and students. I hope to m eet all of you again, Special thanks to the Youngs who acce pted me as a member of the family. Thank you very much Mom, Rusty, Sandra, and Amos. You made this year, with your understanding, a wonderful one! Thanks to alt, and good lucki
Ellen Swelheim
A year aw ay is a great experience. That is what they told me it would , and they were right. It is a great experience — to m eet new people from a different country, to live with different families, and to be in a school like Miami Valley. My first reaction to school was that the rela tionship between teachers and students is something to be proud of, and so is the rela tionship between students. I will miss these re lationships when I return to my home. Hugging in the hallway is a more typical greeting for MVS students than a romantic display. In the beginning of the year, the great amount of homework was overwhelming to me. The understanding of many people helped me a lot. But not only with homework, but also many other things that can be hard when you com e to a different country. But people know and understand. 1 had fun being on the school teams —- the American fanatics — in tennis and basketball. Even though we did not have a winning sea son it was fun to be part of the team. This whole year is a great experience. Enjoying school is importdnt because most of my time is spent in school. This is definitely a growing ex perience. Thanks for hosting me. Go MVSI!
'I sa i- sum
student government
M. McConnaughey, J. Thomas, B. Kendall, A. Bright, R. Avva, K. Moss, M. McGuire, M. Rotman, T. Hrosso, T. Cleary, S. Shakleford, K. Smith, A. Beltran, G. Heyman, T. Long, Advisor: S. Demaree
Erika Woolf, Elizabeth Bernstein, Jenny Thomas, Tracy Elmer, Beth Abroms, Sara W agner, Jill Redding
cheerleaders 82/clubs
H. Lang, B, Lang, F. Smith, T. Lang, A. Bright, J. MarwiI, T, Greenberg, M. Inbody, C. Borchers, C, Hedley, A. Bright, L. Sotir, G. Heyman, D. Reid, M, Single, A, Mantil, K. Moss, C, Harlan, Advisors: S, Demaree, F. Krahiing, F. Inbody.
Advisor: Duncan Ailing, Harrison Hobart, Tom Elmer, Lee Williard, Kelly Smith, Candy Borchers, Anne Turner, Julie Krumholz.
phoem and xyem clubs/83
succession 1984 Editor and Chief — Lisa Stein
Business Manager — Toto Beltran Sports Editor — Greg AHing Photographic Editor — Darius Bozorgi Lower School Editor — Elizabeth Bernstein Sponsor — Thomas N. Elmer
■ •
* Contributors Shea Ann DeJarnette Dana McKenney Thomas Seidensticker Jenny Arnett Julie Krumholz John Stephens Rehu Single
Candy Borchers Laura Nelson Tricia Hrosso Ellen Swelheim Beth Duke Scott MacDonald Anne Turner
as school mc3tch The “ As Schools Match Wits” team for 1983- ■1984, after scouring every book o f unimportant facts avattabfe, s ^o M ^a by the victory the team w ent into the second round play, the team rallied, narrowing the ga p substantrallf, remains Indebted to Channel 22 for choosing tw o team 's performance. Particularly worthy of note wds teed an audience of the participants (if tt^ y did not ftave other plans) Congr fine effort and outstanding representation. Faculty Sponsors
Thomas Brereton, flo rm cm S R i g
Team Members — Josh Marwtl, Lisa Sotir, Todd^ L ^ ^
aesthesia.1984 Co-Editors# Jon Beck and Lisa Sotir
V 0\
Assistant Editors Cathy Allen . lisa Romeo Carmen Harlan. Chris Kendall .
Upper School Writing Upper School Art Lower School Writing Lower School Art
Harrison Hobart Renu Singia Anne Turner Laura Sniderman Jeff Sniderman*
Malena Calvin John Stephens Beth Friar Erika f?ion
M r
ski cub
; • '
■■:■ ■■IV ■:;■>■■■.:
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■ ;:
^ t i
FPictured in a blinding snow storm a t Sugar Creek Ski Hills are the members o f the 1983-1984 Miami Valley Ski Club, are unable to distinguish cny o f th e skiers well enough to identify them. But a t east it snowed this year!
IJnfortunately the editors o f the yearbook
model united nations Participation !n the Model United Nations programs sponsored by Mrs. Francis Inbody this year was greater than ever. Once again the school participated in tw o programs: one in New York C ity and one a t the University o f Dayton. The United States delegation to the conference a t UD was named the best delegation. Delegation members were: Tom Elmer, Beth Duke, Adam Bright, Tim Cleary, Todd Lang, and Philip Rotman. ^ â&#x20AC;˘ University of Dayton participKants: Tom Elmer. Beth Duke, Jenny Arnett, Toto Beltran, Adam Bright, Julie Krumholz, Sean Turner, Leslie Duberstein, Tim Cleary, Ginger Heyman, Triclp Hrosso, Scott Broock, BrtKje Banser, lo d d Lang, George Sherer, Renu Single, Jon Fredlund, l<fathy Frdnz, Philip Rotman, David Reid, Todd Greenberg, Greg Margolis, Mark Inbody, Brian Kendall, Andrea Bright, Ann Mantil, Claire Hedley, Susan Bozorgi, Sara Beth Wagner. New York City partteipants: Todd Lang, George Sherer, Renu Singla, Lisa Sotir, Jon Fredlund, Brad Lang, Kathy Franz, Pt^ip RotnrKjn, David Reid, Todd Greenburg, Greg Margolis, Mark Inbody, Brian Kendall, Andrea Bright, Ann M antil Claire Hedley, Susan Bozorgi, Sara Beth Wagner.
soprano and .the zoo story Cast of Characters The Bald Soprano
Mr Smith Mrs Smith Mr Martin Mrs Martin Mary The Fire Chief
John Stephens G in g ^ Heyman Todd Lang Carmen Harlan Jennifer Arnett Joseph Gilvary The Zoo Story I
Peter Jerry
W. Harrison Hobart III Jon Fredlund
the middle school plays Robot Rescues Romance^
Robin 0ood and Her Merry Hoods
Bil Crater, rocket pilot ~ Mike Peck Maid Marion Lisa Mcintil Sam Starbuck, space pilot Jm Sweeney Sheriff of Rottingham Aaron Drumnnond Electro,: android com puter Cir^dy Phungrasamee Three Soldiers B i Glisson, Keith Boesal, 3 Brodie Mitchell Mary Ann Grater Madhuri »Avutu Sly Spy Sally Remmers Fryer tuck Ted Durbin Super Dooper Mih i Robin Good Mary Spencer Kevin Arnett Three Merry Hoods Vicki Beasley, Sally Remmers, Super Dooper Man Kim Duke Missy Bouquetter Lola Lark, girl reporter Gabe Bouquette Little Yawn Allison Johnson Barry Black, editor * Lani Winstor^ Kryptonite Kid
I "
student life at m.v.s. is
90/student life
student life/91
92/student life
student life/93
spirit week
94/student life
96/student life
student life/97
sports banquets
98/student life
student life/99
athletic events . 1
â&#x20AC;˘100/student life
student life /101
classmates, friends .
'102/student life
student life/103
104/student life
student life /105
r ¥
i '-f:
f’ f
The Senior Class salutes those members of the Class of 1984 who hove com e and gone for the memories they provide (tim e of entrance): Kindergarten
Fifth Grade
Nina Chappel Chris Evans David Ferguson Michiko Franklin Elizabeth Grant Peter Hart Mark Herrlinger Michael MacGuire Dexter Mead Aaron Pieplow Gordon Stuart George Thomas Sherri Watkins Suzanne Weizenbaum
Jamie Blalock Debbie daym an John Hammon Canaan Kilbourne John Shone LaShawn Washington
First grade
Jill Hadley John Hughes Kevin Whelan
Joyce Bramlish Jonathon Bravo Cathy Gould David Lawrence Tony Stayman
Sixth Grade Richele Cramer Mary Lee Erin Myers Seventh Grade
Eighth Grade
Keith Burger
Cyndi Davis Mark Gruenberg Wayne Schmidt Kim Swango Anne Tuttle Brad Schrepferman
Third Grade
Ninth Grade
Christina Dolphin Ann Gnuse Tom Knight Jeff Rosenberg
John Herbstreit
Second Grade
Fourth Grade Mike Duke Eric Johnson John Severin
Tenth Grade Jill Baty Eleventh Grade Jannie Hilverts Wout Nierhoff Tim Webster
Patrons Kenneth Allen Dr. and Mrs, John Bullock Constance Cappel Drs. Michael and Elissa Cohen Dr. and Mrs. Mike Freeman Mr. and Mrs. Howard Geyer Mr. and Mrs. James Gilvary The Gray Family Mr. and Mrs. William G-nlock Dr. and Mrs. William Marshall Drs. Henry and Evelyn Mobley Mary Page John and Happy Power Mr. and Mrs. Redding Todd, Scott, Amy, and Corey Weprin
Professional Patrons
Stanley Greenberg, Attorney , Dr and Mrs. Robert Goldenberg M David Powell DDS. MS. David Young DDS.‘
Day or Night 7 Days a Week ----Outside OH (800) 543-0613 Ohio (800) 543-0021 Innovations in Equipment Application • Modernization • Repair Industrial Electric Motors, Inc. A Siemens-Allis Subsidiary 5131 Webster St. • P.O. Box 14147 Dayton, Ohio 45414 Phone (513) 278-7355 a d s /109
The Neighborhood Center South of Town
Far Hills and Whipp Road Route 48-South W ashington Township/Centerville, Ohio
Dr. J.H. McCreary, D.D.S. Dr. Charles Caldwell, D.D.S. Children's Dentistry National Awards Barber/Stylist Nettle Creek Shop Re-Creations Maternity Apparel Shaw Jewelers, Inc. Shell Oil Company The Book Place Third National Bank Thoma Opticians, Inc. Twenty-One and Up, Inc. Ladies Clothing Upper Krust South Washington Square Cinema Washington Square Cleaners Wilderness Outfitters, Inc.
Andrew's Formal Wear & Alterations Athletes Outlet Boys Unlimited Fidelity Prescriptions First National Bank Foto Fair International Frisch's Restaurants, Inc. Helm's Shoe &. Luggage Repair Horizons International Logan Studio, Inc. London West, Inc. Men's Clothier Madison Avenue Hair Design Manor Florists, Inc. Mini's Hallmark Card Shop
Boston Stoker Candy, Nuts N'Such Country Junction Furniture Cradle N' All Culinary Company
no/a d s
Cuu Long Restaurant Gem Savings Association International Wine 8t Gourmet Foods Mole Hole — Gifts Scandia Down Shop
— — — —
The Moveable Feast The Tin Soldier Vanden Eynden Ice Cream Woodburne Gallery
class of '84 a d s /ll 1
The Bernies
Compliments of your friends at
Caisson Ma/ioeting Grou p i/m. E. F. M ACDONALD MOTIVATION 111 N O R T H M A I N S T R E E T ■ P.O. B O X 154 • D A Y T O N , O H I O 45401
Since 1922, proud to be part of The Dayton Community
a d s /115
Compliments Of A Friend
A f / j^
m m rn ^ /M B S K M m M jM H ■H J ^ H H H K ^I _ ^ H u m
1 ■
n n n <
■ ■
a d s /117
boprd of trustees
HEUJTAGE REALTORS 2000 H ew itt At Whipp Road
2599 M iamisburg-Centerville Rd. £ at Mad River
435-4900 Centerville Quickprint & Office Supply
D ayton Telephone
435-7759 Springboro
748-2352 20 S Main (Rt 741 at 73)
Printing • • • • • • • •
O ffice Supply
Letterh eads E nvelop es C a r b o n l e s s F o rm s M a n u a ls W e d d i n g In v ita tio n s B ro ch ures L a b e ls 2 4 H o u r B us in e s s C a r d s
• ' ' ' ' •
Filin g S u p p li e s Calenders O n e -W rite A c c o u n tin g System s T y p e w r i t e r S u p p li e s P a p e r P r o d u c ts C o m p u t e r S u p p li e s O f f i c e F u r n it u r e ‘ O v e r 1 6 , 0 0 0 Ite m s A v a il a b le
Official Printer for Montgomery County Medical Society Free Pick Up and Delivery
435-6220 38 W. FRANKLIN STREE T (RT. 725) 'h B lo c k W e s t of Rt. 48 O P E N f V I O N D A Y - F R I D A Y 8 :00 a m . -6 :0 0 p m S A T U R D A Y 9 :00 a .m .- 1 : 3 0 p.m
120/a d s
Carriage Trade Is Not Just For Moms — Com e In For Your Swimwear, Sportswear, Dresses, And Prom Dresses ads/121
DONALD L. HUBER RENTALS 4504 Far Hills. Ay. Dayton, Oh\o % 434-6555
. ’-f
Pizza & Subs
o 3 ® if e , S ^ m tia m r subs-salads-pizza ^deep fried fresh vegetables
T'S .
PIZZA—SUBS—BEVERAGES— PARTY SUPPLIES FAST FREE DELIVERY AFTER 4:00 P.M . 5841 S p r i n g b o r o . . . . 4 3 5 - 0 6 2 2 50 E . S t r o o p R d ____ 299 - 3568 5847 F a r H i l l s ............ 4 3 9 - 2642
9ene zimmermon.
2509 fu h U li •<«»•« • dayton. otuo-t&4)9 p b o o f lS U ) 293-1723 UESIGNER-S EXCH VSCE, INC
game rcxxn/party room 3401 W. Siebanttiaier Saiem Mall Upper Level 6002 Far Hills at Whipp
274-2181 S54-4422 433-9772 ads/'123
pooh^ io Q3T2 MHUS
( j
g II
COPP SYSTEMS By: Copp Radio Laboratories Inc. Distributors — Engineers Closed Circuit Television
Where "Fun" Is Never Out Of Season! 8 Indoor Courts 10 Outdoor Courts Pool
Sound & Communications Systems Sales & Service 123 S. Keowee St. Phone: 228-4188
G ateway Circle Off E. David R.D. 434-6602
7 T 1 |T
5551 Far Hills Avenue Dayton, Ohio 45429 , 513-439-2405
Congratulations To The Class Of 84 Compliments Of
WASHIN^TOU 5QUAYC-WlliPPHAl{^H((<i^S ,2 4 /a d s
*< 3 4 -0 5 5 *
2212 Wilmington Ave, Dayton, Ohio 45420
« '
5557 Far Hills Ave " 434-9300 76 Years Of Quality
SUGARCREEK Lessons • Ski Patrol • Ski Shop Rope Tow • Two Quod Choir Lifts Sno-mochines • Night Skiing • Rentals Ski Area 848-6211 • S-i Shop 848-4324 P.O. Box 205 Bellbrook, OH 45305
9 AM-5 PM Mon-Tues-Thurs-Fri Wed-Sat Till Noon 60 Wyoming Across From Miami Valley Hospital
461 -4491 ads/127
Congratulations To The Class Of '84 Compliments Of
.ARRY STEIN REALTY Miami Valley Tower 40 West Fourth Street 222-7884
a d s /129
Experienced World Travel im.Niiiii)
CHAPEL NORTH 3223 Hoover Ave, CHAPEL SOUTH 2060 CeniiiantownSt.
10 Southmoor Circle At Far HHts « Stroop Dayton, Ohio 45429
Airline Tickets Cruises Tours Groups
We Serve fvery Family As I f It Was O ur Very Own
268-6869 —Director— C.E. BOWMAN T.V. B e il C .l. BOWMAN, 18.
book place for enlightenment... for enjoyment...
H iL
Washington square shopping center 6121 far hills ave.
p rrn ig i
•hardcovers •special •paperbacks orders •magazines -gift •newspapers certificates _____________-books______ mailed 130/ads
d e j a r n e t t e in v e s t m e n t a d v is o r s
12 Spirea Drive Dayton, Ohio 45419 (513) 294-7625
(513) d a x d i. & 435-4335 Congratulations Seniors Marge Bracknell Owner 6123 Far Hills Ave. Washington Square Dayton, Ohio 45459
2B2«S» '132/ads
Bank where you live, work and shop... throughout the Miami Valley with BANK ONE
Good times and good taste! You’ll make the good times even better when you begin the evening with a deli cious dinner at The Peasant Stock! Come with your date...come with a group of friends... remember, a Peasant Stock dinner will make any event more special for you.
" F o r M o re Than 6 0 Years A D a y to n T ra d itio n F o r Q u a lity B oo ks & S e rvice”
20 WEST STROOP ROAD at FAR HILLS DAYTON, OHIO 45429 (513) 298-1332
^ 3 0 '^ '''a *
a d s /133
Congratulations Senior Ctass From WEBER JEWELERS
5847 FAR HILLS AVENUE ( B u c k e y e P l a za )
M lr n
m m m m
I 'jt4