The Viewpoint September/October 2018

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Mountain View High School 2135 Mountain View Road Stafford, VA 22556


September | October Some say traveling is good for the soul, but make sure you don’t skip over the treasures in your own backyard. See pages 12 and 13 for some insight.

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Specialists in the floor underlayment and leveling market through, Eastern Applicators.

02 u the viewpoint

u september|october 2018 u advertisements

MV The Viewpoint




With Halloween right around the corner, trying to pick out a costume might seem a bit frightening. But it doesn’t have to be. When searching for the perfect costume, be sure to take others’ perspectives into consideration in order to have a sweet celebration. Check out pages 8 and 9 for more spooky details. Feel like you’re stuck in a nightmare? Do your dreams have creepy crawlies, fatal falls, or devastating drownings? Don’t fret! See pages 16 and 17 to help get to the bottom of your daunting dreams. Sometimes looking back on middle school memories may seem just as scary as a nightmare. Although this may be true, reminiscing can also be a positive thing, so take a look at page 18 for some nostalgic flashbacks. All through these years, one thing hasn’t changed though: people’s love for music. More recently, this has come down to a competition between streaming services. Be sure to read page 19 to gather all the details and hear both sides of the battle. All of this reading wearing you out or making you hungry? Common food and drink misconceptions are detailed on pages 20, 21, 22, and 23. Trust us on this one. The truth may be bone-rattling.

e r u t a Fe Figure

by Javonna Brigham

Stephen “Steve” Watkins spends his time at Mountain View either teaching English or holding a yoga class after school for his fellow teachers. Along with his teaching status, Watkins is also a published writer. His website describes him as “an author, yoga teacher, and tree planter.” He continues to write entertaining realistic fiction, historical fiction, and paranormal war history stories. Watkins has also written a series titled “Ghosts of War” for Scholastic. Watkins said there is really no main goal for his type of writing: “I think it has more to do with challenging the inner human spirit. Really, I want to tell a good story and engage you to keep reading. If you learn something in the process, then that’s great.” Not everyone understands that being an author does not automatically make you J.K Rowling. He said, “Everyone just wants the fame and fortune of being an author, and it doesn’t always come like that. There’s not a whole lot of fame; I don’t get stopped on the street.” When asked to give advice to an aspiring author, Watkins says to be patient: “Many young writers want to be published like, already. That causes rushed work which isn’t what we want. Like anything, learning your craft is going to take time. It’s taken me my whole adult life, and I’m still learning.”


01 Cover 02 Advertisement 03 Index 04 Briefs 05 Club Quiz 06 A change in scenery 07 A change in scenery 08 Blackface 09 Haunted by school 10 The Kaepernick Saga 11 Advertisement 12 Falling in love

13 Falling in love 14 Do what you want 15 Space Force 16 The meaning of dreaming 17 The meaning of dreaming 18 Middle school vs high school 19 Spotify vs Apple 20 Red meat vs white meat 21 Red meat vs white meat 22 Caffeine and the coffee bean 23 Caffeine and the coffee bean 24 Fall treats

The Viewpoint SEPTEMBER| OCTOBER 2018 VOLUME XIII ISSUE V Managing Editors Ruby Jackson Chloe Reid Extra Editor Lexi Strawder Social Media Editor Sophie Perez Copy Editor Danielle Piper Bella Roeske Photography Editor Gia Morreale Briefs Editor Selena Obregon Adviser Trisha Orndorff The Viewpoint is a cross-section of the news and opinions of the student body of Mountain View High School. It is a forum of expression published by Staples. Letters and art to the editorial board are welcomed and should be submitted to room 303.

Staff Writers Brody Albertson, Javonna Brigham, Matthew D’Lugos, Emilee Holmquist, Lexi Jackson, Caroline Pollock, Victoria Rogers, Aisha Santiago-Burgos, Adam Skoloda, Jules Torrice, Damien Veal

Front Cover Ruby Jackson Chloe Reid

2014-2017 International Quill and Scroll First Place Articles 2014-2016 VHSL State Championship First Place Award 2013, 2014, 2015 Free Lance-Star Best Over All Newspaper

2011 Columbia Scholastic Press Association Gold Medalist Mountain View High School 2135 Mountain View Rd. Stafford, VA 22556 index u september | october 2018 u the viewpoint u 03

What‘s Ne w at the Vi ew? Halloween 5K By Lexi Jackson

The third annual Halloween 5K and Monster Mile is the second race in the Stafford race series. It is hosted by the Jeff Rouse Swim and Sport Center and Newland Communities at 1600 Mine Rd, Stafford, VA 22554 on October 27 at 7:45 a.m. for girls, 8:00 a.m. for boys, and 8:30 a.m. for the actual Halloween 5K, where everyone can participate. The other races included in the Stafford race series are the Little Pumpkin mile, which is on November 10, and the Reindeer Run 5K on December 15. Embrey Mills said, “There will be prizes for the winners including cash and trophies as well as medals handed out to all of the children who run the Monster Mile.” The fee varies depending on when it is bought and the earlier you register the cheaper it will be. The maximum cost for the Halloween 5K is $35 per person and the Monster Mile is $22 per person. The Monster Mile is only available for kids 12 and under. The course is on a paved road with a few hills and runs through Embrey Mills. Kerri Hederer, CTE teacher, said, “I hate running, but I would definitely run in a costume.” Sign up at

Renaissance Night

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By Bella Roeske

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On September 28, Mountain View’s Chorus held their annual Renaissance Night in the cafeteria. There was food, decorations, and activies. At six, chorus students came out dressed in renaissance-themed clothing. They all began singing, prompted by trumpeting and then festivities began. Evan Prouty, junior said, “The people who played the Herald trumpets and I practiced during [band] class while the rest of the class rehearsed our concert music .... We just practiced each fanfare over and over until they sounded good.” Balloon sword fights were led by senior Michael Bendel. Junior Sam Rotsch helped kids make their balloon swords, along with some balloon dogs. He also sang later in the night and sword fought with kids. Cosmetology students braided hair with flowers, and some chorus students painted faces. Throughout the night, different groups of chorus students came into the cafeteria, led by Bonita Keene, Mountain View’s chorus teacher, and sang. They also led traditional renaissance dances for anyone to join. Jaylen Williams, a senior chorus member, said, “We started by learning the songs, which was a little hard since Latin isn’t easy to remember. After about three weeks, all of the chorus classes gathered together after school to work on where we were going to walk to and how we were going to walk.” At the end of the night, everyone was led into the auditorium to see the play, “The Reluctant Dragon.” Junior Jillian Brence played the dragon as junior Sydney Givler, the narrator, read the story of the knight who could not bring himself to slay the dragon, despite the townspeople’s taunting. Everything ended peacefully, and Renaissance Night came to a close.

Lunch in the Library By Danielle Piper Something new this year at Mountain View, along with dress code adjustments and clear rules surrounding walkouts, is the change of no more lunch in the library. Last year, and prior to that, students who preferred a quiet place to study and finish up homework could eat there. It was also for those who don’t like the chaos, noise, and anxieties surrounding the lunchroom. So, why no more lunch in the library? According to Dr. James Stemple, the library is off-limits for eating. He said, “It got so loud that teachers couldn’t even bring their classes because it became ‘lunchroom B.’ Bottom line is it needs to be a library, not a lunchroom.” But some students are unhappy with the transition. Junior Lillian “Simone” Tapp ate in the library for the majority of last year because she becomes overwhelmed around large groups of people. She was able to enjoy her lunch and read her books in peace. This year, she said, “[I] eat in Mr. Day’s classroom now [because] the lunchroom is overcrowded.” She also said she misses the library because she doesn’t have time to be in it anymore. The decrease of students coming to the library has hit hard. Chris Marris, one of the librarians, said, “First of all, I miss them…[but] the library is open. It’s just that you need to have a pass in here like you would any class time….We definitely want to see students up here using the library.” Students who need to study or finish assignments can still go to the library if they have a pass from their third block teacher or an assistant principal supervising lunch. Although the lunchroom can never replace the library, come in at a different time and enjoy what it has to offer.

04 u the viewpoint

u september | october 2018 u briefs

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What club is right for you? This quiz will help you choose the right club that you should join by Aisha Santiago 1) What is one of your favorite subjects in school? A) Personal Finance

2) What interests you the most? A) Business

3) What do you see yourself being/doing in the future? A) Entrepreneur

B) Helping others

B) Intro to Health and Medical Sciences

B) Doctor

C) Speaking other languages

C) Traveling to Spanish speaking countries

C) Spanish 4) What show do you like to watch most?

5) What do you like to do in your free time?

6) What show would you like to act in?

A) Shark Tank

A) Debate with others

A) Planet of the Apps

B) Grey’s Anatomy

B) Volunteer

B) The Good Doctor

C) Telenovela

C) Watch shows with Spanish subtitles

C) Como Dice el Dicho

7) What is your ideal workspace?

8) What would you rather be?

9) What kind of a leader are you?

A) An Office

A) President of a successful company

A) Decisiveness

C) Best-selling author of a Spanish novel

Mostly A’s: You like to deal with conflicts and you like to challenge yourself. You are good at problem solving and being a team player. Check out DECA club.

C) Patient

Mostly B’s: You like helping others , you’re a team player, and a good problem solver. You are a good conversationalist and knows how to build conversations. Check out the HOSA club.

Patricia Socias

C) A Classroom

B) Positive outlook on life

Hyde County Schoos

B) Chief physician


B) A Hospital

Mostly C’s: You like interacting with other language speakers and you like to learn about other cultures and traditions. Check out the Spanish club.

quiz u september | october 2018 u the viewpoint u 05

A change in scenery Instead of sitting on the beach, check out these amazing views while exploring the beauty of the country by Caroline Pollock | Photos by Caroline Pollock Picture this: it’s spring break, you’re sitting on a beach towel, your toes are in the burning sand. You forgot to put on sunscreen so you’re already red as a lobster, thus not exactly the ideal beach vacation. Now picture this: you are hiking to the top of the Grand Tetons in the middle of Wyoming. You feel the chill of morning air and are warmed by the first rays of the sunrise. Feeling accomplished, you arrive at the top and with your breath instantly taken away, you look at the limitless wilderness spread out below you. You see herds of buffalo off in the distance. There is a layer of glistening dew on every tree branch, but the most overwhelming sensation is the all-consuming, fresh scent of pine. Breathe that in. You can’t find that at any beach or on any other vacation. National parks contain many of our nation’s most treasured natural beauties, from the majestic mountain ranges of Alaska to the vast wetlands of the Everglades, according to the National Park Service (NPS). National parks are right at our fingertips; all we have to do is reach out. “I have always wanted to see the different features of the country out west, but have never had the opportunity. However, I have had the chance to see the distinctive characteristics of the east coast and the national parks around here,” said junior Olivia Peterson. Closer to our area, National Parks on the east coast are some that you might have visited, but here, you will learn about multiple national parks on the west coast and in the midwest that reveal unique traits, special to the western portion of the United States. Junior Morgan Dugan said, “I have had the opportunity to see national parks all over the country and each one takes my breath away even more than the last.” NPS’s mission is to “conserve the scenery and the natural and historic objects and wildlife within, and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment of future generations.” John Muir, the father of national parks, created the image of the National Park Service as it is today. He advocated for the preservation of the wilderness of many different parts of our country. His main activism was working toward the conservation of Yosemite National Park in California and Sequoia National Park in the Sierra Nevada. One of Muir’s most famous quotes states, “Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and give strength to body and soul alike.” National parks are available to anyone from those of wealth and those not, people of urban roots and those of rural areas, and people of every career type. Junior Selma Keller, a foreign exchange student from Germany, said, “I have been to Yellowstone National Park, and it really depicts the unique features of the United States. National parks here remind me a lot of those in Germany because of the diversity and beauty that each holds.” All over the globe, countries have their own form of national parks. Each one exhibits the unique characteristics of their country. National Parks can account for more than just a few pictures. They are a great way to reconnect with nature, experience the magnificence of our nation and disconnect from the strains of the online atmosphere.

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u september | october 2018 u feature

Yellowstone, ID, MT, WY

Yellowstone National Park was the very first national park ever established. It is also one of the largest, spreading out across three states: Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming. Everywhere from huge creatures too small critters inhabit this wild land. Grizzlies, bison, elk, antelopes, falcons, cougars, and wolves can be spotted if you know where to look. Yellowstone has a variety of sights and sounds within its borders. Top attractions include Old Faithful, as well as various dormant and active geysers, waterfalls, hot springs, breathtaking views, and abundant wildlife. Although Yellowstone holds approximately half of the world’s geysers, one of its best features is the thousands of species of animals it is home to.

Grand Tetons, WY

Have you ever seen those famous photographs or paintings of enormous mountains over a body of water with the glossy reflection? Welcome to the place in those paintings, the Grand Tetons, or the “mountains of the imagination according to the National Park Service. This mountain range, located in Wyoming, towers over 310,000 acres of valley floors, sparkling lakes, and towering peaks. Also, enjoy the impressive views of the Snake River. Not only are the views breathtaking, but the town of Jackson Hole also has its own unique vibe that in itself is worth the visit. Jackson Hole pulls you in with its elk-antler arches in Town Square, numerous stores from designer boutiques to gear stores with handmade treasures, and delicious restaurants. If you’re looking for a place you will never want to leave, this is your place.

Badlands, SD

Badlands National Park is spread out across 244,000 acres of land in southwestern South Dakota. Native animals, including bison, bighorn sheep, and prairie dogs inhabit this land of various buttes and canyons. Lakota people were the first to name it “mako sica” or “land bad” because it was difficult to travel through. “The Badlands were formed by the geologic forces of deposition and erosion,” according to the National Parks Service. The striking geologic deposits contain one of the world’s richest fossil beds. These unique rock formations are like nothing else and are worth an adventure. Fun fact about the Badlands: more than 15 movies have locations matching the Badlands, including some that have the land portrayed as the moon.

Redwoods, CA

The Redwood National Park is one of the most unparalleled national parks in the country because it is home to the tallest trees on the planet. Your neck just might hurt from looking up so much. These trees and plants are as old as they are extraordinary. However, these towering, majestic trees are not the only attraction; the Redwood National and State Parks take up 40 miles of rugged coastline of California. Inside the borders of the parks, warm and cold-blooded, land and marine mammals of all shapes and sizes are plentiful. There are numerous places to hike, camp, and simply enjoy the landscape of the west coast. Activities for the whole family are available, including the opportunity to drive through a tree, join a ranger-led program, and hike through fern canyons and scenic routes.

Rocky Mountains, CO

Have you ever wanted to feel like you were on top of the world? According to the National Park Service, this is your place. It is a part of the highest altitude national parks in the nation, with peaks up to 14,000 feet above sea level. The park protects spectacular mountain environments that make each one distinct from the others. Common in the lower elevations is various plant life and dense wildlife. As you move higher, the landscape gives way to evergreen forests and high mountain lakes. In the Alpine Tundra above 11,000 feet, life clings to the ground to brace itself from the harsh temperatures and sharp winds. Go on a daring escapade and take hike to one of these peaks. feature u september | october 2018 u the viewpoint u 07


How blackface has evolved in American culture and what its presence is in today’s modern society by Selena Obregon Blackface, or painting your face darker to imitate a black person, in America began around 1830 and was a common practice until the civil rights movements in the mid-1900’s. Originally, it was used for theater and film to portray a black character in a theatrical work using white actors, according to the “Huffington Post.” Now, blackface is used as costumes for parties and holidays, such as Halloween, and still is occasionally used in American film. Blackface is now a social issue because of its original intentions, and has been widely identified as blatantly racist. So, why do some choose to continue this practice? For many, it’s due to their intent behind wearing blackface. It’s hardly used anymore by the American film industry. When it is used, wearing it could either be a matter of a historically accurate portrayal, or a bold attempt at comedy, like in the 1983 film “Trading Places” where Dan Aykroyd wore blackface along with fake dreads to imitate a jamaican man. Sophomore Nahjah Williams said, “I think it’s [blackface] fine if it’s to be historically accurate [in film]....blackface is still a racist thing, but I’d understand why it’d be done for that and in that way.” However, using blackface as a costume to a party or event is a lot more frequent than it is in film, and determining the true intent behind it is subjective to each person. Someone who sees blackface as intolerable, and something that should under no excuses be done, will likely draw different reasoning than someone who is unbothered by blackface. Since the line is blurry, some people don’t expect backlash from wearing blackface, so they feel secure in using it as a part of a costume. This is especially common in fraternity and sorority parties, as well as holiday parties. Senior Alexandra Steska said, “I believe that blackface is wrong in every sense. It’s often done to mock black people, and there’s no need for any actor to do blackface.” There have been many examples of using blackface as a costume in recent years. A few examples of this happening are listed from “The Gloss” website. In 2013, at Arizona State’s fraternity Tau Kappa Epsilon’s “MLK Black Party,” students wore stereotypical costumes and blackface to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day, on the pretense it was their constitutional right to do so. In 2012, at the University of Florida’s fraternity Beta Theta Pi’s “rock stars and rappers” themed party, two students dressed in complete blackface, took pictures, and posted them on social media. Most recently, in 2015, The University of California Los Angeles’ fraternity and sorority houses Sigma Phi Epsilon and Alpha Phi threw a “Kanye West” themed party where several attendees came in blackface. These are only a few of the many examples of the time blackface at parties have gone viral. Chevonda Clark, a MVHS business teacher, said, “I believe that a lot of the younger generations are doing it with no real true understanding and knowledge to the racial or cultural context that comes with it, so a lot of them do it more from an ignorant perspective.” Additional factors that should be taken into consideration when it comes to determining intent are the age of a person who does it, their education on the history of blackface, and the culture they may have grown up in. While these factors don’t excuse certain behaviors, it does offer an explanation that would greatly contrast from someone who’s old enough to know the history behind blackface and the offense or pain it brings to many people doing blackface. There are plenty of reasons people defend wearing blackface. It could have been meant to be a joke, reasoned that it’s not illegal because of their right to express themselves under the first amendment, they intended to send a message through it, or they’re just flat out racist and did it to demean black people. While it is true that people have the legal right to do it, the social stigmas that surround this issue raise the question: is it right to do blackface?

08 u the viewpoint

u september | october 2018 u feature

Pillowcases half-full with candy and notebooks half-full with notes don’t sound


like a good mix but both have been shar-

e pit des n sio os ses ug in D’L s l i hew hoo tt Sc y Ma b

Haunted we llo

ing one day for many years.

by school

Despite being called a holiday, school is


still in session on Halloween much to stu-

ng bei

dents dismay. The distraction that Hallowday off to enjoy celebrating with friends. . want, hangout with their best friends, and

be done with school as soon as they step

Halloween is considered a holiday to most,


into the building. “I know we have to go to but Halloween is actually not an official school to learn, but I didn’t think we had to holiday. “I love Halloween, but I always


receive candy while going door to door.


day to most people. Many kids want to


School is already a dreaded part of the



een creates deems it worthy enough for a

go to school on holidays.” says Savana Cole thought it was a big holiday everyone celebrated.” says Caleigh Eberhart. Having school on Halloween makes it much worse because every kid is stuck waiting until they’re able to run around

Halloween means ‘All Hallows Eve’ which is a day to celebrate the lives of the saints

with their friends, dress up as their favorite that have died. It is a religious holiday, but there are many different religions and superhero, and receive candy later in the day. School is a place where we have to

beliefs so Halloween can’t be an official

focus, and when everyone knows about

holiday. The religious portion of Halloween

their plans after school they will be dis-

is observed by most christians but Hallow-

tracted. When students are distracted from een is celebrated by most americans. Since teachers, they don’t retain any information Halloween isn’t an official holiday we still their teachers are giving. So what is the

have to go to school. Sadly.

point of teaching them on Halloween? It’s

We should not have school on Hallow-

one of the only holidays that shares a day

een because everyone would be distracted

with school, and I think school should be

from their classes. Halloween is a day for

let out.

fun, not for school. Even though Hallow-

Halloween is a great holiday where

een is not a federal holiday, it is still widely

kids get to dress up as whatever they

celebrated and should be able to have fun and not worry about school.

opinion u

september | october 2018 u

the viewpoint u 09

THE KAEPERNICK SAGA Find out why Kaepernick’s Nike advertisement is so controversial by Brody Albertson

“I’m not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color.” Rewind to September 1st, 2016. It’s military appreciation in San Diego, and the 49ers are set to take on the Chargers in a preseason game. Colin Kaepernick (along with teammate Eric Reid) decide to kneel during the National Anthem. They go onto win this game, 31-21. Kaepernick throws for over 100 yards, but no touchdowns, and the 49ers scored 22 points in the fourth quarter. But what’s on everyone’s mind? Colin Kaepernick, kneeling during the anthem. Following the game, this action wouldn’t immediately mass into a huge story like the one it is today. It took a couple days before getting national coverage.

10 u the viewpoint u september|october 2018 u opinion

The 49ers coach at the time, Chip Kelly, said that he wasn’t going to tell Kaepernick what he could and couldn’t do. Colin was quoted saying “I am not looking for approval. I have to stand up for people that are oppressed. ... If they take football away, my endorsements from me, I know that I stood up for what is right.” So to him, he was sacrificing everything he could, but

we’ll touch on that later. Over the next month this story would be all the NFL could talk about, and soon what all the media could talk about. Repeatedly kneeling for the anthem, Colin reminded everyone what he was, ironically, standing for; what his message was. There would be so much turmoil that he would eventually be cut from the 49ers roster due to bringing in to much controversy, and bringing a negative image on to the franchise. Fast forward to September 2018 and Colin Kaepernick is facing more controversy than ever with his infamous Nike ad. With cheesy, inspiring quotes it would all be followed with one quote that stirred the most controversy since 2016. “Believe in something, even if it means sacrificing everything.” When the ad debuted, many didn’t know there was 29 other athletes with the same quote printed on a picture of their face. They only thought Colin had the ad. After this, Nike faced a lot of hate. They’ve had Colin Kaepernick on their “roster” since 2011, but since he was out of the NFL, we’ve assumed he wasn’t going to get any new endorsements. The ad was so polarizing due to it being linked with his protest. When people heard the words “sacrifice,” they immediately began to undermine and question the legitimacy of Kaepernick and what he went through. So far in 2018, Kaepernick has made 19 million dollars, and to regular people like us, how is that “sacrificing everything?” To an extent, he has sacrificed everything. He lost his job (playing football for the 49ers) because he was

bad for business. He got nationwide hate for him kneeling for the flag. We don’t put ourselves in his shoes. If you worked your entire life towards one thing, were the best at it, and got fired from your job because you spoke out against your country, in your eyes you would be sacrificing almost everything? “I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of color. To me, this is bigger than football and it would be selfish on my part to look the other way. There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.” Brian Eanes, history teacher, said, “Well, I see both sides of the debate. He is doing nothing g wrong by standing up for what he believes in. He may be presented as anti-American, but there’s nothing wrong with standing up for injustice. I understand why people are offended. I don’t agree with kneeling for the national anthem, but it’s absolutely fine with speaking out for what you believe in. However you want to do it..” Was there a different way to go about his protest? In my opinion there’s not. The magnitude of what he did wouldn’t have happened if he had just spoken out. Actions speak louder than words. Kaepernick would not be relevant today had he not kneeled for the anthem. Everyoyone has a right to express their opinions in this country. If we disagree with Kaepernick, that’s ok. But if we hate Kaepernick for disagreeing with anthem then we’re hypocrites.

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Falling in love Ga ri Melc her’s m use um This Pinterest-worthy location is perfect for pictures, picnics, and paintings. Nestled off of River Road, Melchers overlooks the Rappahannock which adds to its appeal. Recognized as a popular pre-prom destination, this area has beautifully restored gardens and nature trails. However, Melcher’s is not just used for its beautiful scenery. Unknown to most, this land is home to a museum dedicated to preserving the artwork of Gari Melcher. Not only does the museum showcase his artwork, but it holds his largest collection of paintings and drawings. Gari Melcher was an American artist from the late 1800s and early 1900s. Melcher bought this property in 1916, and it wasn’t until 1955 that the deed was given to the Commonwealth of Virginia. Although he was overshadowed by more popular artists during this time, he had created many paintings of his-

224 Washington St . Falmouth , VA

torical figures such as Vanderbilt, Roosevelt, and the Mellons. “When you go in and you actually see his studio with all his easels and everything in one room. In the back room, they have a little museum where they have a lot of his paintings and stuff like that. It’s a really nice little museum for Stafford, but also the grounds are really nice,” said art teacher Mark Hughes. Entry admission is a small fee of $10, but the artwork is priceless. Visitors can choose to explore alone or join a tour group to guide their experience; although, minors do need to be accompanied by an adult. If a museum tour isn’t of their interest, then Melcher’s outdoor, pet-friendly, picnic facilities will suit their needs. Be sure to bring your furry four-legged companion, but don’t forget a leash. This location is also available for weddings, parties, or other event rentals.

a rt f u l d i m e n s i o n s Looking to bring out the artist in you? This unique non-profit art gallery offers classes to hone in on your skills. As a renovated store from the 1800s, the space gives off a welcoming atmosphere to try something new. Artful Dimensions has a variety of options to choose from including but not limited to painting, needlework, blacksmithing, ceramics, glass, baskets, jewelry, and ornament making. “I think it’s always good to try something that you are unfamiliar with and to be ready to push yourself purely from a problem-solving standpoint. There’s so much problem-solving in art that people don’t anticipate, and it can be frustrating at first. Try it out a bunch of times, and see that you’re

12 u the viewpoint

u september | october 2018 u feature

922 Caroline St . Fredericksburg, VA

capable of getting better every time you practice it. I think that that alone is really worthwhile,” said art teacher Kristin Mohan. Artful Dimensions offers lectures, workshops, small group classes, as well as cultural events. The classes can range anywhere from $40 to $190 depending on the class and if it’s a public or private event. Visit their website for more information on artists to contact for specific classes. Not feeling very artistic? Their gallery walk features art made by members and is inspiring for people stuck in a rut or for people who don’t know where to start. They also have the only exclusive 3D art gallery in Virginia.

Be sure to add these standout date night destinations to you and your significant other’s autumn bucket list by Ruby

Jackson and Chloe Reid | Photos by Ruby Jackson

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1200 Princess Anne St. Fredericksburg, VA

Chalk full of history, this bed and breakfast with a restaurant is the seamless combination of antiquity and modern touches. Located at 1200 Princess Anne St., Kenmore Inn sits in the heart of downtown Fredericksburg. Originally built as a home in 1793, it officially opened for business in 1932 and has claimed the title of Fredericksburg’s longest operating inn. With George Washington’s cousin as one of the first owners, this charming venue quickly became popular. It hosts nine guest rooms, along with a garden patio, a garden room, and a highly rated restaurant and pub with two dining rooms. Their website describes the guest rooms as “Charming. Comfortable. Unique.” with amenities such as unique artwork, flat screen T.V.s, complimentary breakfast, and some fireplaces. Reservations are easily made online or by phone. “I would definitely recommend going with a group of people or with family. Kenmore has more of a formal vibe than other restaurants downtown. I thought that the service was very good and accommodating for large groups of people, and while the food was a bit pricey it was definitely worth it,” said senior Grace Muratore. With food ranging from smoked salmon to fried macaroni, this restaurant serves fresh, local ingredients that appeal to all palettes. In addition, this space can also be rented for events such as weddings, live music, rehearsal dinners, showers, and business functions. When booking the Kenmore Inn as an event destination, personalization is made easy by the helpful staff.

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d of art o e i n g hT The pressure placed on students can be overwhelming, so try and make the conscious effort to live life how you want by Danielle Piper

Desk jobs aren’t for everyone, and that’s okay. More and more people with unique pas-

sions are pursuing “non-traditional” jobs. For example, Junior Austin Butcher has loved singing his whole life and dreams of becoming a professional singer. Butcher said, “Personally I can’t imagine myself doing anything besides performing, specifically singing and acting. If I had to work a desk job, I simply wouldn’t be satisfied with my life. [Singing is] my true passion, and my family supports me fully. I hope that everything goes as planned and someday I can be one of the greats.” He’s already pursuing this dream with his friend and songwriter, Isaiah Lawson, MVHS class of 2018. “We have about five or six songs ready for performing, and we sent three of them as demos to a producer who agreed to work with us,” said Butcher. Butcher’s passion is one of many who wish to pursue a “different” job in the arts, athleticism, writing, or entrepreneurship. Other people, with less clear dreams, still aren’t able to find the appeal of traditional jobs. This seems like the common problem for teenagers who dread the age-old question: “What do you want to be when you grow up?” In contrast, ask any group of kids the same question, and they’ll excitedly give answers ranging from chef, to veterinarian, to astronaut. Why is there such a disconnect? Well, it’s not that teenagers don’t know what they want to be, they just don’t know how to chase their dreams. It is possible to to become a veterinarian, but most of those kids who wanted to be one aren’t passionate enough about the maths and sciences involved. This realization happened to countless kids, and after it, they were never taught to find another passion.


There are a lot of taboos in life,


and as a teenager, they hit hard. But, the truth is, no one really knows what they’re doing until life happens. Since we’re all just along for the ride, take that thing you want to do, and do it. Some seemingly simple things that actually require a lot of internal debate, motivation, or self confidence include:

Lick the spoon

Don’t wait, start that paper now

Go trick or treating

To break this slump, take a step back and evaluate your interests. What activities and hobbies do you enjoy? Who do you surround yourself with? How do you manage stress? How family oriented are you, and do you want that in your future? There are a plethora of career directions, but the only way to find the perfect one is to think big picture and then work down to specifics. For example, those kids who wanted to be veterinarians because they love animals, but can’t handle the math and science still have plenty of choices. Jobs like animal trainers, K9 officers, and animal rescuing for organizations like The Humane Society all involve animals in different capacities and are better fitting jobs than a veterinarian for many people. If you said “nothing” for question one, think again, but this time about who you are as a person. Are you an explorer? Learn more about the world as an international relations specialist, public affairs consultant, or as a social researcher. A creator? Become a photographer for a media corporation, or go into marketing and Public Service Announcements. An analyzer? Pursue electronics, finances, or logistics. A healer? Help others in your future as a teacher, counselor, or massage therapist. There are so many different career choices for each; the only limits are the ones in your head. Break away from the things holding you back, and use who YOU are to find a fulfilling life path. Before entering college and finding a career, senior Grace Dalton is taking time to see the world. She’s traveling with a performance and travel group called Up with People. They perform shows in the United States, Mexico, and a few countries in Europe. Dalton said, “It’s something I’ve dreamed about because I really like to travel and experience different cultures, but I also care about performing. It’s getting my performing and my traveling all done in my first year of college.” To pay for her year of travel, Dalton is applying for financial aid, and got a job recently to save all her paychecks. She said, “When I was 14, I went to camp Up with People for the first time, and I knew by the end of the three weeks I wanted to do this.” Dalton is actively pursuing a dream of hers like everyone should.

Text first

Buy those shoes you want

It should be easy to do small things like that to stay happy, but a lot of times, mental health just gets lost in the shuffle. Senior Ace Mattocks has been coping with his disabilities for his whole life, and after three years of trying, finally got his service dog last year. “A lot of people also don’t really think teenagers can be disabled. As if a kid in a wheelchair, with smart crutches, or a service dog is mythical. Even more so, invisible disabilities have a huge stigma surrounding them,” he said. “Bringing Broc [Broccoli] to school, I received a huge amount of backlash. He’s the biggest piece of medical equipment I have. [He’s] bigger

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than the medication, and unlike the doctors and therapist, he is with me everywhere.” Mattocks repeatedly has to explain to his medical situation to people who “have no idea what is going on psychologically.” He said, “I can’t produce a functional amount of neurotransmitters and due to this, have three anxiety disorders…[at] some times that I physically cannot speak, I’m in the process of learning ASL due to this. I’ve been diagnosed with trauma and I’m currently going through another diagnosis process. Despite all of this, I’ve received three certifications in culinary [arts] along with my CFC title and have been a STEM designer and creator since sixth grade, earning titles at a regional, state, and national levels.” Ace made big changes in his life to be happier and is still on his journey. You can do little things to better your and your loved ones life as long as it’s ethical, and it’s legal, and no one gets hurt.

F e o c r a c p e S

to e s stab Preside n ha hoto By o i t a lish a nt Donald r Trump’s administ ce l P space f orce by 2020 by Jules Torri

countries now threaten

So what does Space Force sound like to you? “I don’t know exactly what Space Force is.”, said Sydney Shepherd, senior “From a scientific standpoint, it sounds like a force that would only be used in space.”, said margaret Gallagher, Science Teacher “It sounds like a movie title.”, said Hannah Thompson, sophomore

Despite this being a lesser known initiative of President Trump’s

plan, it has the potential of being a new branch of the military.

On August 9, 2018, Vice President Pence said to a room full Pentagon, that there is a

of news reporters and generals at the

plan for creating a military command dedicated to space which

“Space Force all the way!”-President Donald Trump would be called “Space Force”.

Currently, there was only one country that had an independent space force. The Russian Space Forces was an independent organization that existed from 1992 to 1997 and from 2001 to 2011. It was again established as a branch of the Russian Aerospace Forces in 2015. The Russian Space Force mission is to monitor space objects and identify any potential threats to the

Russian Federation from space. They carry out

spacecraft launches into orbit and control satellite systems for both military and civilian purposes.


U.S. space assets as never before

such developing technologies that can jam, blind, and disable communications satellites from the ground.” Those “other countries” Pence indicated are

Russia and China. His thought China came from a 2007 test where China used a missile to destroy a defunct weather satellite. Pence described it as “highly provocative.”Just as the Russian Aerospace and China’s missile test, Trump’s administration are going to create their own thirteen billion dollar program. For us it would be the new sixth branch of the U.S. military as soon as 2020. There are also plans to establish a new combatant command, U.S. Space Command, a Space Operations Force, and a new joint organization called the Space Development Agency. The first step is creating a new U.S. Space Command by the end of the year, which would be led by a four-star general.The new command would have space experts from armed services. There would be a separate acquisitions office, dedicated to buying on

satellites and developing new technology to help the military win wars in space.

The only problem the administration may face is Congress. The Pentagon can make certain decisions without Congress’s approval; however, it is up to lawmakers to authorize the new military branch.

“Just as we’ve done in ages past, the United States will meet the emerging threats on this new battlefield”-Vice President Pence

Vice President Pence also stated at the Pentagon that,“Other

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the meaning of your dreaming Understand the meaning behind some of the most questionable dreams you have by Lexi Strawder

“If a dream is a wish your heart makes, then why do we have the strangest dreams that have no explanation?” Well, the great philosopher Cinderella may have been on to something when she said this. Insecurities, hopes, beliefs, fears, and irrational feelings are elevated in the subconscious when one is dreaming. There are a variety of different types of dreams that one may experience. Some of these dreams include nightmares, prophetic dreams, recurring dreams or even lucid dreams. All of your dreaming takes place in your subconscious part of your brain during your REM (rapid eye movement) cycle. Author of “The Power of your Subconscious Mind” Brian Tracy explains this part of the brain responsible for “make[ing] everything you say and do fit a pattern consistent with your self-concept, your ‘master program’”.” The conscious, however, is in charge of your subconscious. When you are dreaming, experiences recorded from your subconscious are revealed and exaggerated, thus explaining the meaning of some of the strangest dreams one may experience.

of something I thought about before bed”. If you’ve ever watched the Disney-Pixar movie

Senior Tarryn Levesque said, “I think I have weird dreams because

firing in your brain when you are dreaming. This explains why one may wake up from a dream feeling scared, happy, sad, or even mad.

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“Inside Out,” you may recall of the scene where Joy and Sadness go into the subconscious mind where Riley’s, the main character, biggest fears are located. This illustrates how the subconscious mind contains important information about how you feel about certain things including fears and dreams.

Senior Grace Boles said, “Usually after I have a weird dream I wake up feeling really confused and a little anxious.” Even while your body is at rest your neurons are still

teeth falling out? Don’t be fooled by old wives tales; dreaming of your teeth falling out is not an indicator of poor hygiene. This strange dream is linked to feeling anxious or uncertain about a certain transition going on in your life. Dreamdictionarynow website also concludes this strange dream can represent a feeling of insecurity. According

to Dr. Oz, “Your dreams are trying to show you that you must be careful about what comes out of your mouth because once it is out, like a tooth, you can’t put it back in. Paying attention to your teeth dreams helps you to monitor and improve the way you communicate.”


The effect of dreaming of falling is more cut and dry. According to The Huffington Post, “dreaming about falling is the mind’s symbolic way of alerting the dreamer to a situation in her waking life where she feels out of control or where things are quite literally going quickly downhill.” This can happen when the dreamer feels stressed about a situation they do not have any control over, or when they have experienced a loss of some kind. Cathleen O’Connor, Ph.D., author of “The Everything Law of Attraction Dream Dictionary,” said, “As the body drifts deeper into sleep and the nervous system begins to quiet, blood pressure and heart rate drops and this physiological shift of ‘falling’ asleep can trigger a falling dream, often one from which the dreamer suddenly ‘jerks’ awake.”

Senior Ryley Margheim said, “I often have a reoccuring dream where

I am swinging on a swing set and I’m really high up and then I just fly off.”

O’Connor suggests to control your dreaming by focusing on the aspects of your life that may symbolize your dreaming. She said, “If dreams of falling bring up feelings of vulnerability and fear, realize that the goal is not to avoid them but rather to work with those dreams in your waking state to deal with the fears around the situation so you can regain your balance.” Don’t worry if you have experienced this type of dream before. Dreaming of falling is actually quite common within the global population. Typically, this type of dream happens soon after the dreamer falls asleep since they are getting the physiological sensation of falling asleep.

feel like drowning?

Dreaming of drowning can have different interpretations based on how you drown. According to Debbie Edwards, author of “Drowning in Dreams: Meanings and Interperetations,” “To drown while swimming out into the ocean can represent that the person usually has a good grasp on their emotions, and swims along with the ebb and flow of life.” The drowning part can indicate the feeling of something attached in your life that’s dragging you down. Sometimes this feeling can come from a toxic relationship, a dreaded job or something that is keeping you unhappy. According to Edwards, “If the dreamer drowns in the ocean by suddenly being swept under a wave or tide they cannot fight against, this would indicate that the dreamer has been hit by a sudden situation in life that is difficult to process or emotionally handle.” This can often indicate emo-

tional distress activated in the subconscious of the dreamer. “If the dreamer dreams he or she is left behind either by a sinking vessel or by someone else and ends up drowning, this can be an indication that the dreamer has a root fear of being abandoned and suffers loss or grief from it.” This can be caused by a breakup, divorce, or death of a loved one. It is important for the dreamer to express their dream to someone else so that they can cope with their possibly concerning subconscious thoughts that were portrayed during their sleep. If this is a reoccurring dream, it may be beneficial to practice meditation before falling asleep to create pathways for positive neurotransmitters before going to bed.

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Let’s take a trip back to the good ole middle school days

by Javonna Brigham Do you remember the things you enjoyed in middle school? You often probably forget that at one point in time many people wanted nothing more than to dye their hair with kool aid and play an addicting phone game about a bird. It’s always fun to look back at things that once made our lives fun, especially when we compare them to our sources of fun now.

Movies & Hair

Challenges & Games

The things we did in middle school to pass time often changes as we get older. Our interests continue to grow and change over time. Most of us were in middle school when “The Fault in Our Stars” came out, and it was a huge hit for romance fans and teenagers everywhere. John Green wrote the book before it became a box office hit. According to the website BoxOfficeMojo, this movie was the 25th highest grossing movie of 2014. With a romance story featuring two teenagers dealing with cancer, many hearts melted for the uncommon storyline. “This movie still makes me bawl my eyes out,” said junior Shaina Karpovich. More recently, the popular movie “To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before” was released. This title was also a book before a movie, written by Jenny Han. This is a movie many teens can relate to with the plot of a young girl going through a confusing time dealing with school and boys. Watching these make you go “aww, cute!” even as we get older.

The ALS Ice Bucket challenge was a huge trend in middle school. This began to bring awareness to Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, a disease in which your muscles weaken, reducing functionality and causing discomfort. According to the ALS website, the challenge raised over $115 million in 2014. Getting cold water poured on your head and posting a video challenging others brought awareness to the disease. The newest challenge began when a man on Instagram named “Shiggy” posted a video of him dancing to Drake’s song “In my feelings.” The video went viral and it became the latest challenge. The “#DoTheShiggy” challenge, aka the “In My Feelings,” challenge has been deemed very unsafe though, as people were getting out of a moving car to dance alongside it on the street.

Having the ends of your hair dyed, especially with Kool-Aid, was all the hype in middle school. Whether it was red, purple, blue, or any other wild color, you couldn’t walk through your middle school’s hallways and not see someone rocking the dip-dyed ends. “I remember thinking I was so cool for having red Kool-Aid tips in middle school,” said freshman Selena Dowd. As we grew older, colorful hair started to become less and less popular and in favor of the ombre hair and blonde tips. However, this isn’t the case for everyone. “I still dye my hair crazy colors, even as a high schooler,” said sophomore Erika Divine.

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Things may change as we get older, but it’s always good to take a moment to reminisce on the joys we had when we were younger. Soon enough, we’ll have even newer things to enjoy, and what we’re into right now will be a thing of the past. Watching throwback movies or looking at pictures of when you had colorful tips will always bring a little smile to your face. Many people look back at their middle school years and cringe, but it’s hard to deny that who they were back then made them into who they are now.

Flappy Bird was a highly addicting phone game in middle school. Trying to beat your current high score, or your best friend’s high score, was a major thought on people’s minds. Trying to get your bird through as many pipes as you could occupied most of us for a long period of time.When you go online nowadays, you’ll more than likely hear something related to Fortnite. Fighting against 99 other people in order to be the last one standing seems to be a favorite pastime of our generation. With several different platforms to play on, Fortnite is extremely popular. Maybe it’s seeing someone’s win on their Snapchat story or hearing someone brag about winning to their friends.Whatever the case, you’re probably hearing about this game quite often at the moment.

Spotify VS Apple

Keep up with the debate between two of the most prominent music platforms by Lexi Jackson

The debate between Spotify and Apple Music has sparked up conversations amongst music lovers everywhere, and it’s only just begun. Spotify allows people to listen to music without downloading it, though it’s interrupted by ads unless you purchase premium in which you can only skip five songs every hour. Because not everyone knows that Apple Music is available on Android 4.3 and up, Spotify is their number one choice. Freshmen Rebecca Ward said that more people like Spotify “because [she has] never heard of Apple Music.” m Two million artists are on Spotify and 40 million songs. According to Time magazine, more popular musicians like Taylor Swift, however, have pulled their music from Spotify because they weren’t getting paid enough. On Spotify, a browse tab exists where you can discover new artists and songs. You also have the option of sharing your tracks and playlists with other people. The alternative is Spotify Premium, which is $9.99 a month. This allows you to download music and listen to it offline. There are no ads, and you can skip as many songs as you want. If you want to try it out, they do have a one-month free trial. In April, Hulu and Spotify teamed up together. You can now get both for $13 a month. Many people listen to Spotify just because it’s free, but Jimmy Lovine, an Apple executive, said “ Free is a real issue, you have to build

a service in order to get over free.” Though he made it clear that it was his personal opinion, Apple becoming a free streaming service is out of the question. Apple Music allows people to download music and listen to it offline. Subscriptions are $9.99 a month per person and the family plan, which allows up to six people to listen at the same time, is $14.99 a month. College students can get Apple Music for $4.99 a month. They also have a three-month free trial, if you want to try it out. Album exclusives haven’t been very popular recently, but Apple Music was one of the top music platforms for it. In 2016 Drake’s “View From the Six” and Britney Spears’ “Glory” were both exclusive to Apple Music. An additional feature is that you have access to Beats 1, a music radio station, and curated playlists. Like Spotify, there is a discover page to browse their music selection. Tag Cruz, junior, said that more people prefer Spotify because “Apple Music was pretty bad a while ago, but they redid it and it’s really good now, but people are still invested in Spotify.” Apple Music has to choices for audio quality, regular at 128 kbps, kilobits per second, and high at 256 kbps. Spotify has three levels, normal at 95 kbps, high at 160 kbps, and extreme at 320 kbps. Sophomore Isabella Stusse said that she listens to Apple Music “just when I want to listen to one or two songs over.” For choosing between both when you want to listen to one song over again, it depends on what sound quality you prefer. Despite both music platforms having similar advantages and disadvantages, people still argue about which one instead of seeing the positive views on both of them.

61% of the 180 people who voted at Mountain View High School say they prefer Spotify and 39% say they prefer Apple Music. feature useptember | october 2018 u the viewpoint u19

Red meat vs. White

Chicken :

Chicken is often praised as being the healthiest type of meat. This is due to the high amount of protein chicken can pack in while remaining low in sodium and fat. Good ways to cook chicken are baking, grilling, or broiling. Frying chicken will heavily decrease how healthy the meat is due to increasing the amount of fat and sodium the meat has dramatically. Chicken is a great item to have in a nutrition plan, but it shouldn’t be the only thing. Other meats still have the high amounts of protein with a boost of vitamins that chicken doesn’t contain. Cuts of white meat (i.e.legs, thighs, and wings) are darker because they are muscle groups that the animal uses more; a chicken uses its legs more than it uses its breast. These white meats of the chicken tend to contain less calories and be more lean, but these darker meats have more vitamins than the white meats do

Worth the hype?

Which type of meat will better benefit your nutrition plan by Damien Veal | Photos by Damien Veal

Salmon : Anything Fishy ? 20 u the viewpoint

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Salmon is used to refer to any meat in the salmonidae family, which includes trout, whitefish, and grayling. Salmon is a great source of healthy fat as omega 3 fats are spread throughout the meat. According to the website “Healthline,” omega 3 fats are critical in order to maintain good health. Their benefits range from helping build muscle to fighting mental disorders. Kristina Leischner, strength and body teacher at MVHS, said that fish belong in their own category even though many view them as white meat. “Fish are the best because of their leanness and omega 3 fats,” said Leischner. Leischner also says that a balance of meats is necessary in order to maintain good health. With the leanness of the meat and high amount of good fats salmon should be a must when thinking about what to include in a nutrition plan.

“There is no go-to meat because every diet is different and each person has different needs” - Kristina Leischner



Lean or

Mean? Steak is the poster boy of red meats. Often seen as an unhealthy food option due to the higher fat content it has as compared to white meats and is cut from diets without a second thought. Danielle Evans, nutrition and wellness teacher at MVHS, said“A real lean cut of steak and chicken are about the same.” Leaner cuts of steak have fat contents that are comparable to those of chicken. Evans said you should always look for leaner cuts of meats as they contain less harmful fats. Steak will often be ‘marbled’ with fat meaning there are white lines inside of the meat. These white lines are the fat running through the meat. Once the meat is cooked the fat will melt and add taste to the meat. Marbled steak is very common and nearly unavoidable, but cutting off the portions of visible fats is always a good idea.

Ground Beef : To eat or not to eat Ground beef is what’s used to make hamburgers, spaghetti, and all those unhealthy foods, so this one’s a no brainer, right? Well, not exactly. the hamburger itself isn’t what’s unhealthy. It’s what type of beef that is being used that makes a hamburger unhealthy. Ground beef is ground up steak. Typically, ground beef comes in an 80/20 percentage. This means that the package is 80 percent of the meat and 20 percent fat. Anything with a higher fat content than 80/20 isn’t healthy for you since the fat is being added. This makes the meat stick together and stay juicy in order to give it a better taste. Ground beef can come in percentages of 90/10, 93/7, 96/4, and 98/2. The leaner the beef is, the better when it comes to less added fats and the healthier the beef is overall.

White meats are often viewed as the best source of lean protein and healthy fats that are needed in order to gain lean muscle mass and lose fat. But what exactly is so bad about these red meats that makes them so forbidden to eat and negatively affect your body? Just because of the simple fact that they are a darker meat causes the assumption that they are worse for you when, in reality, they have some benefits that white meats do not. According to Fitday’s article on white and read meats, the biggest difference between the two meats is the fat content. The article also states that white meats tend to have leaner protein than that of red meats. Red meats, however,contain more sources of vitamins such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B. According to although it has having higher vitamin sources, red meat has been found in correlation with heart diseases, high blood pressure, and certain types of cancers. The carcinogens, cancer causing agents, are usually created through high-temperature cooking such as grilling and charing meats which is widely used with red meats. Which is often a main reason why people claim these meats to be unhealthy. High protein is searched for in meats because protein is the building block of muscle, with increased muscle mass body fat percentage tends to drop as well meaning protein is necessary no matter the fitness goal. Paula Horton, nurse at MVHS said, “It’s not healthy to have either meat completely cut out of the diet.” Horton said that red meat contains higher amounts of vitamins and iron while white meat has fewer fats and cholesterol meaning they have their own benefits and should be kept in a diet. “Surveys talk about [how] eggs are bad for you then 5 years later it’s ‘Wait, no eggs are good for you.’ Anything taken to the extreme can be bad for you,” said Horton. “Because they are higher in fat and cholesterol people think red meats are bad for you, there has to be a balance between the meats , every diet is different.” said Leischner. Leischner says there is no real go to meat because everyone’s diets are different in what their body needs and what their fitness goals are. Cutting any of them from your diet isn’t a good idea. If all red meats are cut, having the right amount of vitamins will be harder to attain than that of a diet that includes red meats. Cutting chicken from a diet would cut one of the leanest sources of protein that can be had from a diet.. Eating only red meat will increase the amount of fats that are being taken in and eating only white meat will cause a drop in the vitamins being consumed. Even though each meat has its own benefits for one’s health, those benefits can be lost if the meat is not properly prepared. Deep frying chicken will add a much higher fat content and the leanness of the meat will be gone. Having spaghetti with ground beef with a high fat percentage will cover the vitamins with unhealthy fats. In addition, charring the fat of the steak can create carcinogens in the meat making it extremely unhealthy to consume. Preparation is key to getting the best benefits from these foods. Cooking them yourself will leave no room to wonder how the meat was prepared and what is in it, but if forced to eat at a restaurant, try to still get the meat with the best benefits. Instead of ordering fried chicken, go for grilled, or find places that serve healthier options rather than the cheapest to make. Both red meats and white meats should be a part of a diet as a healthy balance between the two is optimal for good health. Be weary of how the food is prepared and try to make these foods at home.


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a e n n i d e f f t h a C Coffee Bean Everything you need to know about your average cup of joe by Gia Morreale Photos by Gia Morreale Most people drink coffee for the caffeine, but others just drink it because they genuinely like the flavor. There are many different roasts and types of coffee, and all contain different levels of caffeine. Sarah Demmy said, “My favorite part about coffee is the energy it gives me.�

Types of Roasts A common misconception about coffee is that the darker roasts have more caffeine than lighter roasts. The truth is that caffeine amount stays pretty constant in all coffee types during the roasting procedure. One big difference between light and dark roast coffee, is the density. When coffee beans are roasted, they begin to lose mass. Therefore the longer a bean is roasted, the less dense it becomes. Because dark roast has less mass than lighter roast, when you scoop it into the filter, it technically has less caffeine. However, if you were to measure the two roasts with a scale, they would have the same amount of caffeine because the weight is the same. Another big difference between the roasts of coffee is the flavor. Starbucks describes light roast coffee as light-bodied and mellow, which is the opposite of dark roast as it is fuller-bodied and bold. Light roast coffee has light brown color with a toasted and acidic taste. The flavor and acidity of medium roast coffee is more mellow compared to the other roasts. Dark roast coffee is dark brown, almost black in color. This coffee often tastes bitter and almost burnt. The longer you roast coffee, the more it loses the original taste of the bean.

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Types of Coffee According to the website “Coffee Science”, the amount of caffeine can also depend on whether the coffee is brewed, espresso, or instant. The most common type of coffee is brewed coffee.. This type of coffee is made by pouring hot water over ground coffee beans in a filter. This coffee tends to have a high amount of caffeine because the hot water is in contact with the coffee grinds for a long period of time. An eight ounce cup of coffee has on average 95 mg of caffeine. Junior Jailyn Lugo said, “I like coffee because it makes me feel alive and it gives me hope in my day. My favorite coffee drink is an iced coffee with vanilla and toffee nut syrup.” Espresso is made by forcing a small amount of hot water through finely ground coffee beans. Since there is less water in espresso, there is more caffeine per volume in comparison to brewed coffee. This type of coffee is perfect for someone who likes a lot of caffeine but does not have the time to drink that much coffee. Some popular drinks that are espresso-based are lattes, americanos, cappuccinos, and macchiatos. These drinks, (except americanos), are made by pulling the desired amount of espresso shots, and then adding milk. An americano starts out the same as the other drinks, but is filled to the top with water. This drink is comparable to a plain black cup of brewed coffee, but it has a stronger taste. The thing that is unique about espresso drinks is that one can adjust the amount of caffeine they want. Espresso drinks are customizable because one can change around the proportions of milk to espresso and flavoring. If someone wants a lot of caffeine, they can order a drink with four or more shots. If they want less caffeine, they can order the drink with one shot which will cause a larger ratio of milk. Espresso drinks are for people who love the strong taste of coffee. Senior Megan Pedigo works at The Grounds Coffee Shop and she says that a quad shot of espresso is the way to go for someone who wants a lot of caffeine. Instant coffee is made from regular coffee that has been freeze dried. This coffee is compared to brewed coffee, except for the fact that one does not have to actually brew it. All they have to do to prepare this coffee is take a couple teaspoons of the freeze dried powder and mix it into water. Instant coffee definitely does not have the most gourmet taste, but it sure gets the job done. Due to the fact that it is not brewed, it has less caffeine than brewed coffee with 30-90 mg per cup. This coffee is perfect for someone who needs some caffeine, but also needs to get out of the door fast. Whatever type or roast of coffee one chooses, it will still have a significant amount of caffeine. The next time you stop by a coffee shop, do not forget about the varying range of roasts and make sure to get the perfect amount of caffeine to keep you lively throughout the day.

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Fall Treats

If you ever want to have a cozy day at home with a significant other, making these fall treats could be the perfect idea for you by Sophie Perez Pictures by Sophie Perez

Chocolate Turtle Apple Slices Slioces

Ingredients 2 large apples 3 ½ cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips 1 tablespoon of coconut oil 1 cup of melted caramel Chopped pecans Popsicle sticks

Instructions Cut apples into ½ inch slices. Cut a slit into the bottom of each slice to make it easier to place the popsicle sticks. Melt chocolate chips on high for about two minutes. Mix in coconut oil until smooth. Dip apple slices into chocolate and place on a parchment lined cookie sheet. Place caramels in a microwave safe bowl and microwave on high for 45 to 60 seconds, making sure to not overheat. Stir until smooth. Drizzle caramel onto apple slices. Place pecans on apple slices as desired. Refrigerate for about one hour. Serve and enjoy immediately as apples are best the first day. Store in refrigerator.

Baked Apples With Stuffing

Ingredients 1 tablespoon oil or butter 1 celery stalk, diced ¼ cup finely diced onion ½ sausage 1 box of stuffing mix 1 ¼ cups Swanson’s Unsalted Chicken Broth 6-12 apples

Instructions: Heat the oil in a medium or large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and celery. Cook for two to three minutes until softened. Add the sausage to skillet. Cook thoroughly while making sure to break it up into crumbles. Remove from heat. In a large bowl, stir together stuffing mixture and sausage. Add Swanson’s Chicken Broth in the same amount that water is called for in the stuffing mixtures instructions. Stir together until stuffing is soft and moist. Feel free to add more broth. Prepare the apples by slicing the tops off. Then use a spoon or melon baller to scoop out the core of each apple. Spoon the stuffing mixture into the apples. Place the apples in a high-sided baking dish and pour in an additional ¼ cup of broth to the bottom of the dish. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes, until the apples are soft but not falling apart.

24 q

the viewpoint q september | october 2018 q recipe

Pumpkin Spice Hot Chocolate

Ingredients 1 ½ cups whole milk ½ cup canned pumpkin puree ½ teaspoon pumpkin pie spice a pinch of ground cloves ½ teaspoon vanilla a pinch of sea salt 2 ounces of white chocolate, roughly chopped

Instructions Combine milk, pumpkin and spices in a small saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring constantly, until it comes to a simmer. Remove from heat and add chocolate. Reserve some chocolate for garnish, if desired. Top each mug with whipped cream, shavings of white chocolate and a sprinkle of pumpkin pie spice or cinnamon, if desired.

Pumpkin Rolls

Cake Ingredients 3-4 tablespoons powdered sugar 3/4 cup all-purpose flour 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon 1/2 teaspoon ground cloves 1/4 teaspoon salt 3 large eggs room temperature 1 cup granulated sugar 2/3 cup 175g canned pumpkin Filling Ingredients 1 package cream cheese, softened 1 cup powdered sugar 6 tablespoons butter, softened 1 teaspoon vanilla extract More powdered sugar for garnish, if desired Instructions Preheat oven to 375° F. Grease a 13x18-inch half sheet pan; line with parchment paper. Grease and flour paper. Sprinkle a thin, cotton kitchen towel with the three to four tablespoons of powdered sugar. Combine flour, baking powder, baking soda, spices and salt in small bowl. Beat eggs and sugar in larger mixer bowl until thick and pale yellow in color. Beat in pumpkin. Stir in flour mixture. Spread evenly into prepared pan. Bake for 13 to 15 minutes or until top of cake springs back when touched. Immediately loosen and turn cake onto prepared towel. Carefully peel off paper. Roll up cake and towel together, starting with narrow end. Cool on wire rack. Beat cream cheese, powdered sugar, butter and vanilla in small mixer bowl until smooth. Carefully unroll cake; remove towel. Spread cream cheese mixture over cake. Reroll cake. Wrap in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least one hour. Sprinkle with powdered sugar before serving.

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