16 minute read

Make Your Outlook Great Again

Having a job [as a teenager] while at home also allows students to sit with their parents and learn how to manage their money. An important lesson you want to learn BEFORE you are responsible for your own housing, food, etc.

“Selling assets and turning them into cash is great and with sites like Ebay you never know what is going to be valuable to some people so you can make money on things you may have had sitting in your house since you were a kid.”


“No matter what path you take, graduating high school is a huge and exciting milestone!”

According to Side Hustle Nation, many people have utilized Ebay, one of the oldest and most successful e-commerce websites online, to make $750-$3,000 a month flipping items. You can buy just about anything for sale on Ebay and can resell that item for more than what you bought it for.

Ever heard of or seen the many house flipping shows on air where realtors buy properties and sell them for a higher price? You can basically become just like them from your phone.

Ebay Invest

If you are crafty, good at designs, and creative, this may peak your interest. The type of investing I’m recommending is not to invest using the stock market, but rather to invest your money into a store where you can sell your own products without the hassle of having to ship or make them.

Thanks to drop shipping companies like Shopify, all you have to do to make a store is provide the design for a product, and they will cover the shipping and creation of the physical product. You can sell your product by going to influencers and purchasing an ad from them.

“I love seeing how talented the student body is at MV and how some people will pursue a career with their talents or have a side hustle they love that showcases their skill set. If you plan to have a side hustle, enjoy it!”


“Do you want a security clearance in the future? What will your future employer or family think when they see your clips? Is there a more meaningful way you could be spending your time--you don’t get it back!”

Owen Dunn

Congratulations, Owen! We are extremely proud of you! Take pride in how far you have come and have faith in how far you will go! We wish you the strength to face challenges with confidence, the wisdom to choose your battles carefully, and the confidence to know you can achieve anything you put your mind to. Stay happy, be wise, and remember you only fail when you stop trying. Happy graduation day!

Love, Mom, Dad, Grace, and Easton

You have a gift, sweet girl. We are so proud of the person you are becoming. Go and spread that light everywhere you go.

Love you, Mom and Dad

Nevaeh Brielle Ann Hoversten



Congratulations Alex! You did it, Class of 2023! We couldn’t be more proud of the young lady you have become. We know your future will be full of adventure and excitement. Your kindness, genuine care and compassion for others will always serve you well. Life isn’t always fair or easy but with your patience and determination, you will always find your way. We will always be your biggest supporters and are very excited to see where your future takes you.

With Lots of Love, Dad, Mom, Brayden and Ethan

We are so proud of the young man you have become. You have done so many wonderful things and have worked hard at all of them. You have done well academically and in sports, and worked hard to earn your Eagle Scout. There are so many things we are proud of but what ranks at the top is your growing relationship with God. As you go on to Youngstown State University and work at earning a mechanical engineering degree, remember Philippians 4:13, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.

Love, Mom and Dad

Jadon Eschoo

Michael Pickens

Congratulations! We are so proud of you. It was a challenging four years, with a move cross country, to a new state, new school, and new soccer club. But you made it! We can’t wait to see what the next four years bring.

We love you, Mom, Dad, and Jenna

Congratulations, Erin! We are so proud of everything you’ve accomplished and excited to see you continue to grow, with all the opportunities ahead. The hard work and determination you’ve displayed in school, gymnastics, and coaching is impressive, inspiring, and will continue to bring you success. You are kind, strong, funny, and beautiful, inside and out. We appreciate the difference you make and how special you are. Thank you for being a truly genuine human being and an incredible daughter. We love you so much and wish you a ‘Mountain View’ of Happiness! The World is Waiting!

Love, Mom & Dad

Erin Hever

Ashlynn Mayhall

Ashlynn, On the day you “waved” to your Daddy in your Mom’s womb, you brought me to my knees with love and joy. Since that moment, I have been wrapped around your beautiful little finger. My princess from the very start. You are my reason for waking each morning and my constant purpose in life. Your accomplishments blow me away and surpass any expectations I could have ever imagined. You, my Angel, are amazing! You aim high and score, always. I’m the proudest Dad and I will walk behind you all the days of my life. Always your protector, Daddy

Elanna Faye Smith will be attending college at James Madison University where she plans to major in Chemistry and minor in Biochemistry. In the top 20 percent of her graduating class, she is a co-leader of the MVHS acapella group and is a part of the award-winning Senior and Premier competition teams at Amyclae Dance Academy. She has learned to play the piano, performed on stage with Christian Youth Theater, and traveled on several volleyball teams. She has given back by volunteering at the homeless shelter, made hygiene kits, and boxed food for those in need. Her family is very proud of the young lady and leader she has become.

Elanna Smith

Ashlynn Mayhall

Ashlynn, We watched you grow into a beautiful woman, bringing us such joy. We’re proud of your hard work and dedication. You’ve brought joy to our family with your positive attitude and loving personality. As you walk the stage for your diploma, keep your head up and that smile on your face. Remember, you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. Believe in yourself and follow your dreams; aim high, work hard, and enjoy life. No matter where you are or what you do, you will always have our love and support.

Oceans of love, Maw-Maw and Paw-Paw

John Steven Hatzis, We are so proud of the man you’ve become over these four years. There are too many accomplishments to list but your Commonwealth Governor’s School and debate successes, Eagle Scout, oratorical festival wins, church dance troupe, and your scholarship, are some of your crowning achievements. We’re really going to miss attending your academic events, concerts, musicals, and plays at MV. The time went by too fast but we will always have plenty of fond memories. We know you will excel at Grove City College and we’ll be cheering you on.

We love you, Mom, Dad, Alexandra, and Kristina

John Hatzis

Ashlynn Mayhall

Ashlynn, Words cannot express how blessed I am to be your mother. The pure joy and love you brought into my life are immeasurable. I’m overflowing with pride, admiration and awe as you cross the stage for your diploma with honors! You are light, love, grace and beauty all rolled into one very dedicated and ambitious woman. The Florida sun will shine brighter with you there. May your light continue to shine for all of your days. I love you always and with all that I am.

With cherished love, Mommy

Dear Tristan, It seems that in a blink of an eye our cute little boy turned into a handsome young man graduating from high school! Congratulations on your graduation! We are tremendously proud of you! Proud that you have picked the Virginia Military Institute amongst all the universities. VMI, your dream school as you say, is definitely not meant for everyone but 100% for you! We are so excited for you! May God protect you always, Tristan! We love you infinity plus two forever!

Love, Mama & Dad

“Go forth and set the world on fire.”


St. Ignatius of Loyola Tristan Lengel

André Dawson

Congrats to our kind, smart, funny, and charming son! In the 8th grade you set a goal for yourself to complete the lnternational Baccalaureate (lB) program. Congratulations on achieving your goal by completing the lB program and seeing one of your aspirations realized. At times the rigors of the lB program proved to be difficult, but with hard work and perseverance you achieved your endeavor. We could not be prouder of you and your academic accomplishments. Such a beautiful ending to the start of a new beginning.

Love you always, Mom and Dad

What can we say, Nic, except than you are awesome! Things aren’t always easy for you, but you worked hard and pulled through with your intelligence, humor, creativity, and kindness. We are so proud of you and can’t wait to see where life take you! Stay strong, stay focused, and work hard and you can accomplish anything! Good luck at CNU!

We love you always, Mom, Dad, Chris, Elizabeth, and Jacob

Nic Lubinski

Shiloh Kelley

Congratulations, Shiloh Kelley! You are blessed and favored for the journey ahead. There are no obstacles you can’t overcome and no door that won’t open for you. Your graduation day marks the beginning of your ability to change lives and influence people positively. You were created for greatest and reared for destiny. Your someday happens today, and your tomorrow begins now. We will continue to pray for and love you. You are our gift that the world now gets to share.

We love you, Dad, Mom, and your sisters

Issac Castrejon

Issac Castrejon, you are a rare type of human that we are blessed to call our son. You have already achieved things in your life that many were not able to. It was never because you had raw talent or success just landed in your lap. It’s because of the heart you carry and the perseverance to never give up. As you approach the next stage of your journey, we want you to know we are proud of the man you are becoming and we will always be here... through your wins and your losses, congrats and KEEP IT MOVIN, SON!

Love you,

Your biggest fans, Mom and Dad

We are all so proud of you and wish you great success at Shepherd!


Love, Dad, Mom, and Mason

Carter Adams

Niyia – we are so proud of you! You’ve overcame a lot this past year - moving right before senior year from another country, attending a large HS, adjusting to the busy American culture, and missing out on some top senior moments with your long-time friends. Yet, through it all you’ve stayed focused on your goals. As a military child, you are expected to thrive where ever you land and you’ve done that and more. I wish you the absolute best in your next chapter. Continue to aim high and you’ll land among the stars.

~Love, Mom

Niyia Fields

Mac Jones

Congratulations on this important milestone! It is hard to put into words the amount of pride we have in who you have become, what you have achieved and where your future is headed. Enjoy this moment, soak it all in, and know that we are so proud and love you so much!

Dad, Mom, Lily Kate, Ike and family near and far

To my son, Britton... I couldn’t be more proud of the great young man you have become. You’ve used your time at Mt. View to expand your horizons, create life-long relationships and to become a better you. There is NOTHING you can’t do! You are destined for greatness... like your Dad! :)

Love, Dad & Wendy

Your zest for life, love of sushi, your bird, swimming and cooking as well as your humorous antics and quick wit keep us all smiling! We are so proud of you and can’t see what you accomplish next!

Love, Mom & Brian

Britton Shover

Today brings such joy, pride, and happiness for all those who love you. The two of you have brought our family the funniest, crazy, and best of times. Our hearts are filled with excitement for you both as you start anew at the U.S. Coast Guard Academy. We pray for your success and happiness. Our house will be a little quieter (….ok, a lot quieter) and it makes us wish you could stay. We love each of you for your unique and beautiful ways. Keep Christ close always. Saint JoeJoe pray for your sisters, Mary and Olivia Wahlin.

Mary and Olivia Wahlin

Congratulations, Madison! We are so proud of you and all of your hard work and your acceptance into Purdue University! Go Boilmakers!

Love, Mom and Dad

Jackson! So proud of you and the young man you have become! Congratulations on pursuing your education and dreams of football at Virginia Tech!

From your loving family - forever proud!

Shawn Goss II

We are both so very proud of the bright and mature man you have grown into over the years. We are as excited for your future as you are going into your Graduation. We know that you will make the world a better place

Love, Mom and Dad

Congratulations on your incredible success! I always knew you could do it, and I’m especially and incredibly proud of you. I saw you work so hard every day to achieve this accomplishment, and I’m proud of your achievements, but even prouder of the person you’ve become. Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for the next journey.

-Proud Parent of a 2023 Senior

Rebecca, Way to go! We are so proud of you! You are an amazing person and have so much to be proud of. Enjoy your last moments of high school. We look forward to your bright future ahead!

Love, Mom and Dad

Aneesa, from birth you have been very determined. Once you put your mind to something there is no stopping you. You are extremely bright and will accomplish anything you set out to do. Have faith in you and your dreams. We love you and wish you all the success in the world for this next stage of your life. Can’t wait to see what the future holds for you. Always remember we are here for you, supporting you in any way we can. Nothing will make us happier than to see you do what you love in life.

Love always, Mom and Dad

Aneesa Harper

I’m so proud of you Ryann Madison! Time is a thief and I can’t believe you are graduating from high school. You are kind, beautiful, funny, smart, strong willed, an amazing daughter, sibling, and friend. You are a bright light for everyone and your smile lights up every room. Continue to be true to who you are and continue to love Jesus like you do! I love you! I’m excited for your newest adventure at James Madison University!

Love, Mom

Ryann Harrington

We want to Thank our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for our Second Blessing, Gabriel. You are one piece of the puzzle that completes our FAMILIA. We pray this is the first step of many accomplishments and blessings in your life. Never forget GOD is with you, with His will and your effort nothing can stop you. Congratulations! We LOVE YOU! Never forget we are here for you whenver you need us. GOD BLESS YOU!

Congratulations, Rosie! Hannah Montana said nobody’s perfect, but here you are! UVA will never be the same. WAHOOWA!

All our love, Momma, Dad, and Abby

Emily, we love you and are so proud of the young woman you have become! Your future is bright, and we can’t wait to see where it leads you!

Love you so much, GiGi and Pop Pop

Emily, we are so proud of you! Looking forward to a VT vs UVA game together :). We love you!!

Love, Aunt Jenny, Uncle Bobby, Robert, Oliver and Henry

Congratulations Kiddo! You did it!!! We are all so proud of you. You have always been the best son and a great big brother. I’m so excited for your bright future. I know you’re going to continue to make us all proud. Shine bright like you always have. I’m always praying for your protection, favor and absolute joy. You are definitely my joy!

We love you Eli!!!

Your mother, Gabriel (Gabey) and your entire family


Congratulations to the sweetest, funniest, most resilient, down to earth, flower child. We love you and are so proud of you. Through four moves, in three different states, you’ve adapted and overcome. You are a bright star in a dark night. “Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven,” Matthew 5:16. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for you and are so excited for your next step in life’s journey. May your light always shine brightly.

Love, Mom and Dad

You’ll swim every ocean, You’ll climb every mountain, ‘Cause of your big ambitions! My heart beat is: pride & love knowing to be your mother! Shine bright and never stop being the best, as the world is a better place because of you.

Jacob Decatur

What could make a parent happier than seeing their child graduate? Jacob, I am proud of you, my son. It is such a heartwarming moment for me to see you grow and succeed. You have grown to be someone exactly as I imagined; a strong, intelligent, humble gentleman with a kind heart. You must be thinking of where life will take you next. But I know that you will do your best wherever it will lead you. A person like you will be an inspiration to many. Congratulations to one amazing graduate !

2 0 2 3

After nine moves, seven states, two countries, and eight schools since kindergarten, you are finally finished with this chapter of your life! Your resilience, courage (going to a British school and traveling to Germany on your own!), and bright mind have helped you along the way. But since babyhood, it has been evident to everyone who knows you what a sweet, thoughtful, selfless, and kind person you are. Those are the qualities in a person that matter the most, and we are so incredibly proud to call you our son. No doubt, you will continue to make a positive impact, no matter where life takes you!

Love, Mom and Dad


Congratulations! We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments!

To say we are proud of you would be a vast understatement. As a feisty toddler who managed to kick her dentist in the face when having dental work done, to sticking her tongue out in almost every family photo, to working her way up to captain of the rugby team, to becoming an opinioned and strong young adult who is afraid of very little. We know you are destined to do great things and cannot wait to see what the future holds!

Love you, Chloee-bug

Congratulations on finishing this chapter of your life! I’m so proud of your hard work and accomplishments. You have achieved so much and overcame every obstacle. It has been a true joy to watch you grow into an incredible young woman that is caring, empathetic, and kind. Always remember your value and worth and remind yourself that anything is possible if you take it one step at a time. You got this! I love you fully, and I’m so proud of you. Mom

Strawberry Gelato


• 2 cups whole milk

• 2 tablespoons light corn syrup

• 1 tablespoon honey

• 3/4 cup sugar

• 1/2 teaspoon sea salt

• 2-1/2 cups of fresh strawberries (about 12 ounces), halved

• ½ cup of heavy whipping cream

• 1 teaspoon of lemon juice


Step 1: Place the first 6 ingredients in a blender; cover and blend. While blending, gradually add cream, blending just until combined. Remove to a bowl; stir in lemon juice. Refrigerate, covered, until cold, about 4 hours.

Step 2:Fill the cylinder of the ice cream maker no more than two-thirds full; freeze according to the manufacturer’s directions. Refrigerate any remaining mixture until ready to freeze. Step3:Transfer ice cream to freezer containers, allowing for expansion. Freeze until firm, 3-4 hours. - recipe from Taste of Home

Mud Pie


• 1 (6 ounce) chocolate sandwich cookie crumb crust (such as an OREO® crust)

• 1 quart coffee ice cream, divided

• 1 (12 ounce) package miniature chocolate chips

• 1 (12 ounce) jar hot fudge topping

• ½ (18 ounce) package crushed chocolate sandwich cookies, divided

• 1 (8 ounce) container frozen whipped topping, thawed

• ¾ cup chocolate syrup


Step 1: Freeze crust until firm, about 30 minutes.

Step 2: Meanwhile, place 1/2 of the coffee ice cream into a bowl, and let it soften, about 10 minutes. Return remaining ice cream to the freezer. Mix softened ice cream with mini chocolate chips. Spread mixture in an even layer over the frozen crust. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for 2 hours.

Step 3 ; Heat fudge topping in the microwave on low until just warm and easy to pour, about 30 seconds. Pour into a bowl. Set aside 2 tablespoons cookie crumbs for garnish; stir remaining cookie crumbs into fudge topping.

Step 4: Remove pie from the freezer and layer fudge mixture over ice cream layer. Cover with plastic wrap, and return to the freezer for 2 hours.

Step 5: Take remaining frozen coffee ice cream out of the freezer, and allow to soften, about 10 minutes. Spread ice cream over fudge layer. Cover with plastic wrap, and return to the freezer for 2 more hours.

Step 6: Remove pie, and spread whipped topping over top. Sprinkle with reserved cookie crumbs to garnish. Cover with plastic wrap and freeze for 2 more hours.

Step 7: Cut the pie into serving pieces and drizzle each serving with about 1 tablespoon chocolate syrup. -recipe was from allrecipes

Alyssa Connor, a junior, states that her favorite dessert to have on a warm summer day is a popsicle because it cools you down, but there are also a multitude of flavors so you always have a fun option. Connor expressed that her favorite recipe to bake is pumpkin bread because it is not too difficult to make and is very enjoyable. For Connor patience is the most important skill that bakers use because baking takes time and it doesn’t always pan out the way you expect it to.

Matthew Garnett, a junior, states that an ice cream sandwich is his favorite dessert on a summer day, because “It cools you down and it’s delicious.” Garnett also expressed having tried an exotic French ice cream with gold shavings sprinkled on top. Garnett’s favorite recipe to bake is “chocolate chip muffins for sure.” The most challenging recipe for Garnett to complete is Macaroons.” I always have to make sure not to over or under mix the batter or else the finished product will be crumbly or too soft.” Garnett expressed the most important skill that bakers use is attention to detail. “ Baked goods usually have ways to tell if they are prepared right. (Ex. Crème brûlée will be jiggly when perfectly cooked).”

Madi Scott, a junior, states that her favorite dessert to have on a summer day is strawberry cake. Scott expressed that she loves to make tarts. When it comes to baking, Scott states, “All recipes have their own equal challenges, however, staying focused and keeping an eye on whatever is in the oven helps out a bunch.”

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