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Art and mental health

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Pent-up personal

Pent-up personal

Art has plenty of beneficial effects on the human brain and both interpreting and creating art can be relaxing and enjoyable By Na’Syr Jackson | Pixabay

In 2016, an article titled “Reduction of Cortisol Levels and Participants’ Responses Following Art Making” in the Journal of the American Art Therapy Association presented evidence that making art lowered Cortisol levels in their participants, Cortisol being the primary stress hormone, therefore reducing stress.


Regarding the effectiveness of art as a stress reliever, senior Kirsten Sturgill said, “Art is an effective stress reliever for me. A lot of the time, I’m not able to express my emotions through words, which is especially frustrating when trying to talk to others about my problems. Art helps with that, because I’m able to share my frustration and stress in a way that requires no words. Even more, in art, you can be as messy and open as you want. There’s no fear, at least for me, when it comes to art. It’s a safe place for me to express myself without pressure from others. “

Another article in 2017 called “Functional near-infrared spectroscopy assessment of reward perception based on visual self-expression: Coloring, doodling, and free drawing” in the journal The Arts in Psychotherapy they found that making art resulted in a reward pathway being in the brain activated.

Art is also a useful medium through which one can express their emotions. Your emotions can be released, artistically, through your art when you are unable to express yourself but are looking for an emotional outlet.

First things first is to start the habit. When starting out, don’t worry about the quality of your artwork. As a beginner, it’s more important that you do something rather than worry about the result.

Senior Eva Dow said, “I like to look at artists that inspire me and see what I can implement from their techniques into my visions and from there I put on some music and just let the art happen.”

That doesn’t mean don’t try to fix something in your artwork that you don’t like if something stands out to you. It’s more of a warning to not focus on how your artwork turns out so much that you don’t enjoy the process. Sometimes artwork doesn’t always turn out how a person expects it to, which is okay.

Senior Annalise Pudimott said, “I mean, honestly, I just roll with it. If it’s not what I originally intended to do, I try to fix it the best I can. If it takes a new direction, That’s fine. I really don’t have any set plans when I do art anyways, so my art is always kind of unpredictable.”

Overall, art is an effective stress reliever, a useful tool for expression, easy to start, and doesn’t require experience.

Easy school lunches for online learning

Learn how to make some delicious lunches that are virtual learning friendly by Ceci Alvarez

Loaded avocado bagel Ingredients- avocado, bagel, tomato, cucum- Kylie ber, cream cheese, toaster, Holt, 12, “I like Directions: First- toast your bagel in a toaster or toaster oven to make macaroni and Second- while the bagel is toasting, grab your avocado, tomato, cheese.“ cucumber, and any other veggies you’d like to add Third- now we are going to slice our avocado (if you don’t know how to do this, I recommend looking up how as preparing an avocado can be dangerous), our cucumber into slices (I prefer thin slices) and your tomato

Fourth- around the time you finish slicing is around the time your bagel will be done toasting. At this point you will want to grab your cream cheese as well Fifth- now you can assemble your bagel. I first spread my cream cheese, then add my avocado, then my cucumber, and lastly my tomato. Sixth- this step is optional, but I like to add salt, pepper, lime juice, and Sriracha for extra flavor Enjoy! DIY Ramen Ingredients- ramen noodles, chicken broth (or veggie broth if you’re vegetarian), Sriracha (optional), nori, and frozen vegetables, Jake and spinach Holts, Directions: First- Grab a pot and start boiling your water 12, “I Second- while the water is boiling, add your broth of your choice, enjoy mak� sriracha, and any other seasonings you’d like to add Third- once the water is boiling, add your ramen noodles and your vegeing peas or a tables turkey sandwich“ Fourth- every minute or so, check your noodles by breaking them apart with your fork. Once your noodles easily break apart, they are done Fifth- Turn off the heat and pour your noodles into a bowl. At this point, I add my nori and my spinach Sixth- you can add anything else you’d like to your ramen noodles Simple fried rice Ingredients- white rice (leftover white rice works the best), frozen or fresh bell peppers, broccoli, cauliflower, and any other veggies you’d like, garlic, soy sauce, teriyaki, and Srircha, and an egg Directions:

First- grab a pan (a wok works best) and oil your pan (I use sesame oil for flavor). Put your pan on medium to high heat.

Second- add your frozen veggies to your pan. Once they’re almost thawed, I add just a little bit of garlic, soy sauce, teriyaki, and Sriracha. You’re going to want to make sure your veggies are thawed before you go to the next step Third- Now you‘re going to add your rice. At this point, you want to fully season your rice with the soy sauce, teriyaki, Sriracha, and any other seasonings you’d like.

Fourth- after about 2-3 minutes, you’re going to start in the middle and push your rice Thea to the sides of the pan, creating a “crater”. Now, gently crack your egg and place it in that crater to cook. You’ll want to scramble the egg in the center BEFORE Hanse mixing it in with your rice. That way the egg doesn’t coat your rice. 12, “I love Fifth- now you can mix the egg into your rice and cook your rice for about one more minute. making veggie sand� Sixth- Now you are done! Pour your rice onto a plate and wiches“ add anything you’d like. I like to add Yum Yum sauce recipe useptember | october 2020 uthe viewpoint u5

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