The Evolution of Participatory Budgeting in Kenya Option 1

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The Evolution of Participatory Budgeting in Kenya

Kenya Accountable Devolution Program

The Evolution of Participatory Budgeting in Kenya Copyright Š 2019 The World Bank All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law. For permission requests, write to the publisher below. The World Bank Group Delta Center, Menengai Road, Upper Hill. PO Box 30577-00100. Nairobi, Kenya

About KADP

The Kenya Accountable Devolution Program (KADP) works with government at both county and national levels. The program addresses key capacity gaps to make devolution respond to citizens’ needs through strengthened institutions, improved service delivery and citizen engagement. KADP is a World Bank-managed Trust Fund with funding from the governments of Denmark, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, the United States and the European Union. The program provides high quality, timely analytical and technical support, and pilots innovative approaches. By solving national and county level problems impacting on service and infrastructure delivery, KADP is uniquely positioned to leverage broader devolution programs. Within the World Bank, the program specifically operates alongside the complementary Kenya Devolution Support Program (KDSP), whose objective is to strengthen capacity of core national and county institutions. KADP also supports other sectoral programs. It comprises of six components, each drawing from thematic expertise within the World Bank Group.

My voice and opinion matter! 26 year old, Mercy Mwingi –from Mbitini Ward, Makueni who suffers from cerebral palsy – affecting her speech, expresses her gratitude to the governor and his team at the Makueni County People’s forum, for giving her the opportunity to participate in the CIDP Meetings for the CIDP2018-2022 and public budget forums for 2018/2019. At the meetings she raised the challenges that persons with disabilities face in employment and advocated for their employment and consideration in government opportunites. The County government in CIDP 2018-2022 included as an intervention, the provision of training opportunities for persons with disabilities to increase their employment skills. © The World Bank

Participatory Budgeting has brought better accountability, improved service delivery and all-round inclusion.

Jackson Ndetei, from Mutyambua sub-ward, Makueni sub-county, participated in the first thematic group meetings for persons with disabilities in Makueni County held in 2016. After their participation, the county government set aside 13.5 million KES for the empowerment of persons with disability in the 2017/18 financial year budget. He thereafter got employment with the County as a village administrator. Š The World Bank

A young lady from the Sebit Ortum Ward in West Pokot, expresses her opinion. PB has provided opportunities for youth and women to engage in budget matters; where previously their voices and active participation would be limited by cultural traditions and patriarchal practices. 2018

Š The World Bank

Unlike in the past, youth and women now have a say on how County resources are utilized.

Leave no man behind.

Lulwa Muthi Muthai was born in 1918 and is over 100 years old. He had an opportunity to participate in the budget forum meetings for the 2018/19 budget held at Kako Sub-ward. He journeyed for 2 hours to attend the meeting via local motorcycle and on foot. 2017

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Lulwa Muthi Muthai who was born in 1918, listens keenly during the Participatory Budgeting meeting in Kako ward. 2017

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Mama Clementina Cheporenger Nguriadomo became the first woman to represent her ward at the subcounty public budget forum in West Pokot; a rare feat for a woman in a largely patriarchial society. She had presented her views during the sublocation meeting, advocating for the construction of dispensaries with maternity units for women, since a lot of them were having to cover expansive distances to access maternal care. This had endangered lives of both mothers and babies. During voting for community representatives to take the selected projects to the next level; she was selected. 2016

Š The World Bank

Participatory Budgeting has helped Kenyans break cultural barriers that hindered progress. Everyone now has a voice.

If it will benefit my community, I will do it.

Christine Kitavi, an elderly widow who donated her private land for the construction of a borehole celebrates its commissioning with Deputy Governor Adelina Mwau. The borehole serves about 10 villages; previously the communities would trek for about six hours to fetch water from the nearest river 10 kilometers away. The women, especially expectant mothers would spend a lot of time fetching water; they now have more time for farming and other activities. The borehole has a pump and capacity of 10000 cc of water. The community manage the project and charge Kshs. 5 per 20 litre jerrican. The proceeds go into a community account towards the sustainability of the project. Š The World Bank

Women in Churo Amaya sub-location in Churo ward, struggle to pump water from a manual powered borehole. The community who face the challenge of water scarcity were happy when the county devolved budget meetings to the sub-location level up from the ward level for the 2017/18 budget process. Pastoral farming is the backbone of the community in Baringo County. The Churo residents had consulted and selected representatives to the ward level Participatory Budgeting meeting to champion the construction of a solar powered borehole to address the challenges the women face handling the manual water. The construction of pipes would also feed sufficient water to the cattle dip and the drinking hole for animals. The proposed water projects sailed through when the sub-location representatives met at the ward level to decide on final priorities

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Devolved budgets mean devolved progress.

Citizens draw up their resource map by hand to guide their selection of project priorities in Makindu Ward, Makueni County. 2016

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In 2018 the communities began using the digitized maps in the Wote and Mbooni Wards where mapping was piloted.

The evolution

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Youth in West Pokot follow the training and test the digital mapping process.

of mapping.

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Youth told the county government how best to engage them during youth government co design workshops held in Laikipia, Baringo, and Elgeyo Marakwet.

Š The World Bank

Leave no you

© The World Bank

uth behind.

© The World Bank


10 Steps for Implementing Participatory Budgeting. Choose the General Strategy. Action planning by County Officials. Š The World Bank


Prepare the organization model. Mobilization of communities is key to success of Participatory Budgeting.


Develop informational material and ways to mobilise citizens. A Participatory Budgeting meeting in Tiwi. Š The World Bank


Hold the first public meetings. 38 year old, Francisca Mutunga follows keenly the PB proceedings, she travelled 3 hours from Kwa Ndeve Village to participate in the Participatory B ward level meeting. She used a boda boda and walked another one hour. She felt it was worth the trip because they were able to prioritize an ECD center and a borehole that went into the final list of projects selected which would serve her locality well. 2018 Š The World Bank


Carry out a technical analysis of proposals. A Participatory Budgeting meeting on health in Kialala Sub county. 2019

Š The World Bank


Refine and publish the list of proposals. County forum people’s meeting in Kathoka, Makueni. Š The World Bank


Voting on which projects progress. A representative from the community casts vote by secret ballot in Makindu during PB meeting for urban planning. Ballot voting was adopted as an innovative way of arriving at decisions especially where there was no immediate consensus. Š The World Bank


Approve the participatory budget and sign off by the accountable body. Citizens voting to approve a priority in Nguu Masumba Ward, Makueni County. Š The World Bank


Creation of voluntary working groups on successful proposals. A representative from the community casts vote by secret ballot in Makindu during PB meeting for urban planning. Ballot voting was adopted as an innovative way of arriving at decisions especially where there was no immediate consensus. Š The World Bank


Review what went well and make improvements to projects and process. A representative from the community casts vote by secret ballot in Makindu during PB meeting for urban planning. Ballot voting was adopted as an innovative way of arriving at decisions especially where there was no immediate consensus. Š The World Bank

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