MWB Bridge of Prayer Sept - Oct 2018

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Father’s Day

Education, Vocation and Scholarships

Summer Camp

1. Pray for all struggling fathers in the countries we serve. Ask God to bless them with peace over their desperation and heartbreak. Many are suffering severe depression and anxiety due to unimaginable poverty. 2. Happy Father’s day to all our dads who support and pray for MWB. We pray your day is filled with love, laughter and God’s richest blessings.

8. Many young people do not see any reason to stay in their country. Please pray for those graduating - that they see their country as a place they can usefully contribute. Please pray for our scholarship candidates to be a part of those who will stay to bring a change for the future. 9. Please pray the school supplies we have given will serve as a motivation for every child to do well at school when they begin the new year this month. Pray for their protection and love of learning. 10. Please lift up the young people who are deciding what to study or training they can do after leaving school. 11. Some students who received a scholarship have now graduated. Please pray they make good life and work choices. 12. Pray for the children who are beginning their new school year in September. We ask that the next school year will be full of learning, knowledge and encouragement for them. 13. Pray for the Vocational Education and Scholarship programs, that at this time, at the beginning of a new school year, the support of this ministry is encouraged.

17. Praise God that all the Mission Without Borders Summer Camps were a wonderful success! Over 3600 children participated and experienced such a joyful time. They were blessed with food, fellowship, the Good News, new friends and loving memories they will never forget. Thank you to all the donors who gave and created opportunities for these children to attend. 18. Praise God for the 30 children from one camp in Romania who decided to follow Jesus and immediately contact their family to let them know! 19. Praise God for the staff and volunteers who made these camps across Eastern Europe possible. “I’ve just been in a camp that you organized and I can tell you from the bottom of my heart that you put together the best camp a child can ever participate in. Everything is so well done and we never got bored. We learn so many things about God that we never knew before and when I go back home, I will tell my family about it. We have a Bible but we don’t really read from it. I am sure that this will change when I return home.” 20. Pray for the children who attended these camps – for the friendships they have made and the love they felt. “I have made new friends and I am very happy about it, because at home I am alone most of the time. There aren’t too many children who want to play with me, but here, everybody wanted to play with me.” Pray that the Gospel message will go with them as they return to their homes and Children’s Homes.

Christian Outreach 3. Pray for the team of staff and volunteers who run the Bible Correspondence Courses. Pray that their words to the young children enrolled in the course will bring knowledge, faith and hope about the love of Jesus Christ. 4. Praise God for the lasting impression the Christian performers leave on the children they serve. One child gives an account that resonates how wonderful their shows are! “I think the puppet show is the best. I never knew you can laugh so much and still learn about God, it’s a wonderful idea. I wish they will pay us more visits and perform lots of stories from the Bible.” 5. Please pray for the new church planted in Bugojno, Bosnia-Herzegovina where we work, that it may grow and touch many lives in the community with the good news about Jesus and strengthen their partnership with our local team.

Operation Christmas Love Parcels 6. Pray that our OCL food box campaign this year will be a blessing to the beneficiaries in our six field countries, as they receive God’s love in a practical way and celebrate at Christmas. 7. Pray for our volunteers and staff who will be preparing, packing and distributing more than 30,000 boxes this year. Many families have expressed that receiving an OCL parcel is “their greatest joy of the year”.

Street Mercy 14. We need more volunteers from our partnering churches to help in our StreetMercy homeless ministry. Please pray also for those we minister to, that they may come to Christ. 15. We continue to reach out to institutions to more effectively end problems the homeless face. Please pray for our coordinator Ana in Bulgaria, as she continues to fight for justice. 16. Please pray for the volunteers who tirelessly give their time and their hearts to minister and serve the thousands of homeless people in Eastern Europe through the Street Mercy program. Without the volunteers’ compassion and love, many of our beneficiaries would be left feeling isolated, cold and hungry.

Elder Care and Community Centres 21. Many neglected, elderly people whom we work with suffer during the summer months especially in the heat. Please pray that they remain strong, healthy and in good spirits. 22. Praise God that over 60 elderly citizens in Albania have been fortunate enough to spend 7 days at a Summer Camp for the elderly in Durres. Here they had the opportunity to connect, pray, visit the beach, attend workshops and eat well whilst relaxing - some for the first time in decades.

23. There are many elderly struggling on a daily basis. They are hungry and many feel completely abandoned. Pray for MWB’s connections with the elderly; for compassion and sufficient support to help those on inadequate pensions. 24. The elderly are often neglected by society and require additional care. Thank God for MWB’s 25 Soup Kitchens providing hot meals every day for over 1,000 people across Eastern Europe. 25. Pray for the children who attend the after-school program that God will help them and guide them as they spend time together.

Mission Without Community




26. MWB regularly cooperates with local churches to assist the neediest families. Pray for such cooperation to flourish; for MWB church relationships to grow and for local churches to be central in transforming their communities. 27. Every day struggling families and elderly come to MWB offices asking for help. Pray for the Holy Spirit to be at work through the staff, volunteers and partner churches to provide essential material and emotional care for families most at risk.

Rural Poverty 28. Summer weather in Bosnia-Herzegovina has been unusually hot causing many crops to fail which drives up the price of imported goods. Heavy rain has caused fungal attacks on crops in northern areas where we work. Pray for God’s blessing over our fields and for Jesus to intervene to heal our land too. 29. Please pray for a successful harvest at our agricultural project in Sarny, Ukraine; and for those tending other MWB agricultural projects in a poor community in southern Bulgaria; at our training facility near Chisinau, Moldova; and at the greenhouse by our MWB office in Sibiu.



30. Please pray for the 68 sponsored families who have started a micro-business venture in Moldova and are ready to stand on their own without our support.

Pray for Romania, for good government and for improvement in the economy. More and more people are affected by the rising prices of food and utilities; they fear tomorrow also thinking that their children’s future will be very uncertain.

Pray for the students of Romania who are struggling financially to complete their tertiary studies. Ask God to be with them, and to strengthen their faith, as they work hard towards a better future.

In Romania, some children are forced to travel a long way to attend school. Pray that MWB scholarships will reach children of all ages in Romania, providing bus tickets and school supplies.

Self- Sufficiency Project – Rotor soil cutter needed 31. The Lobasyuk family are hardworking and agriculturally minded. They live in a rural village in Ukraine and have good experience in working their land to earn a small income. The family needs a rotor soil cutter that will facilitate the family’s agricultural endeavours, making the process quicker and more efficient – allowing them to plant more crops, increase their output and income. The total cost of this equipment is $2464, however there have already been some donations. Please pray that the remainder of $1626 can be raised to help this family become self-sufficient.

Eastern European Prayer Points

Moldova •

Albania •

Arian: For those children who accepted Jesus into their hearts as personal Saviour at Summer Camp. Pray that they will continue to walk with God and grow up in His Knowledge. Our special prayers are aimed at their future – may God bless their progress, faith and obedience. Monika asks us to continue to pray for good government committed to the anti-corruption reforms in the justice system and for real progress for the whole country and all Albanians.

As the political situation in the Balkans is uncertain and extremely tense, please continue praying for all the nations around Bulgaria and their leaders and for the coalition government of Bulgaria. Pray for Bulgaria’s leaders as they strive to improve low standards of living. Pray that Bulgaria will become more stable and peaceful so that poor people can receive the support they deserve.

Please pray for Moldova’s people. The attempts that the current leadership make to increase wages and social support do not match the rate at which the costs of living are increasing. Utilities and food are two main worries that are consuming people’s finances, and more young people stop thinking about their futures and become preoccupied with today’s problems.

Bridge of Prayer September - October 2018

Moldovan families rely heavily on income from relatives working abroad. Pray for God to open new economic opportunities for poor people, and to comfort those forced to work away from their families.

Dear Mission Without Borders Prayer Partner,

Ukraine •

Our Ukraine logistics department still has ongoing difficulties with customs clearance of donated goods arriving on trucks. Please pray for this situation to be changed for the better and for all the humanitarian aid to be released quickly so it can be delivered to those in need.

Nearly 60% of Ukranians live below the poverty line, and there are 2.8 million people with disabilities. Please pray for new opportunities for work and more funding for those who cannot work due to their disabilities.

Bulgaria •

Please pray for our three Family Coordinators to be able to cope with unexpected circumstances in families they work with; for God’s guidance for new ideas; God’s wisdom in choosing partner churches, for more Family Coordinators and an open door for reaching more cities. Pray for the churches in Bosnia Herzegovina, for peace, unity and the work of the Spirit among the people who have heard the Gospel, to heal souls and our country. And please pray for the economic development of Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Rural areas of Ukraine currently suffer from high levels of unemployment, widespread poverty and poor logistical and social infrastructure. The level of wages in the agriculture and rural sector remains one of the lowest in the national economy. Please pray for those living in rural poverty that God will bless them with abundant crops at harvest that they can sell to earn more income.


Self Sufficiency

Many thanks for your thoughts and prayers for the poor people we serve in Eastern Europe. May The Lord hear each daily prayer lifted up to Him and provide His love and blessings to those who desperately need it. Thank you,

MISSION WITHOUT BORDERS PO BOX 7 53 3 S ILV ERWATER NSW 1 8 1 1 PHONE : 02 96 47 2 022 E- M AIL : au s trali a@ mwb i .org WEB: w w w. au

Mission Without Borders, Australia In God, whose word I praise—in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me? Psalm 56:4

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