POLARIS - follow the star to stunning spots in Hualien and beyond.

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Fol l ow Pol ar is t o st un n in g st el l ar spot s in Taiwan an d ar oun d t he wor l d

Hey,TEAM! Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness_ (Mark Twain).

It is the trip that always takes me.

Ging Wor awan

Michael Hemsl ey Cour se Tut or

Edit or , Wr it er

Traveling is to explore the world we live in. ..

Cat her ine Chang

Adver t ising Coor dinat or , Wr it er

Roaming in the deep, enjoying the aura, following the tick, you?ll see.

Tippi Lin Wr it er

Travel is the moment I feel myself.

May Pan

Cr eat ive Dir ect or , Wr it er

Listen! The whisper of streets, the bustle of the It is amazing traveling in such a big world. Travel enriches my life, and broadens my horizons. city, compose such beautiful movement!

Abby Kuan

Phot ogr apher , Wr it er

Angel a Luan Wr it er

Chr ist ine Huang

Ar t Dir ect or , Wr it er

st ar s cont ent s Or ien t al St ar



Themost beautiful town in Ilan

Sw eet Sh in e

6 Pole St ar HUALIEN


Touch and taste Turkish culture


An insider's view of thesights, culture, history and food


Hello! Ear t h TRAVEL IN GREEN

Makingbetter places for peopletolivein and visit

Reach f or t h e St ar s



Enrichingyour holidays at LuyeHighlands

Ast er oid Fou n d TASMANIA

Astonishingisland in Australia



St ellar Roam in g HALLO HANOI

Oneday in Hanoi


Tracingout natural and cultural traveling routes in Pua

28 Cover&Contents pictures: pixabay/ free-photos

T O U C H EN G O r i en t al St ar

by M ay Pan

Toucheng Old Street ? ? ? ? T oucheng, the northern part of Ilan, has a lot of cultural and natural heritage. In earlier days, our ancestors came to Ilan to open up a new area of Taiwan. They started to build Touwei town to establish their stronghold, and to prevent attacks by aboriginal people. Now, it is called Toucheng, the most beautiful town in Ilan. In addition to its historical side, spectacular nature is also the best thing about Toucheng.

Rich in Taiwanese culture, Toucheng Old Street will bring you back to the early times of Ilan, just like a journey in a time tunnel. In ancient times, cultivators from China not only contributed to farming fields, but also trading cargoes with foreign countries. So, this place near to W ushi Harbor, which is the biggest harbor in Toucheng, is the most critical location for commerce. Now, you can still see through their old architecture to imagine the life of people in Ilan from the Qing Dynasty to the Japanese colonial period. Toucheng Old Street is the only vintage street which has been saved by the Toucheng government. If you have chance to talk about the feeling of Toucheng Old Street with the elderly who have lived in Ilan for many years, they must tell you that once they see and stroll along the street, they will feel nostalgia for their childhood because this ancient town with its brick street is still the same as before. W hen you step on the street, decorated with mural painting, you will place yourself into ancient Toucheng. The traditional snacks and ancient movie posters are all reminiscences for Taiwanese. W ander freely in Toucheng Old Street: you may find a little happiness during your trip. Address: Heping St., Toucheng Township, Yilan County Open Months: always open

Photo by Hao-wei Hsu/flickr/CC BY 2.0

Food offerings for wandering souls, and competition prizes are set out on the upper floor of this building..

Photo by lv shauhua

This landmark of Toucheng Old Street is located in the middle of Heping Street.



Pol e-Cl imbing Competition ? ?

Guishan Isl and ? ? ?

In the Manchu Dynasty, our ancestors fearlessly came to this unknown part of northeast Taiwan, Ilan. The first town they developed must be Toucheng. They had spent their lives to build the new spaces for their offspring; however, things would not go as easily as they imagined: a lot of people were harmed by poisonous snakes, infected by plague, or affected by things they couldn?t adapt to, and died soon.

People who leave Ilan will miss Guishan island because it is the spiritual home of the people here.

As a result, people nowadays will comfort and offer food to the wandering souls of the dead, who came from old China and couldn?t go back to their hometown, to honor their achievements and dedication. The pole-climbing competition, in which competitors will scramble for the offering food on the poles, is the one of the ceremonies held on the Chungyuan Festival, also called Ghost Festival, in Toucheng. It is really an essential and traditional event, and is held in Toucheng on the 29th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar. Because of our respect for our ancestors and the sacred nature of this tradition, there are some taboos we need to notice. First, women couldn?t watch inside the square where the competition is held, to avoiding problems caused by impure female bodies under traditional conservative concepts. Secondly, the competitors must wear only new things on that day. Last but not least, the champion of this competition cannot give a prize acceptance speech or give an interview, and they even have to cover their faces with lard to avoid having the lonely ghosts of the settlers come knocking at their door. In conclusion, we hold this event not only to satisfy the appetites of the hungry ghosts, but to give thanks to them with our grateful mind. Let?s wish everyone could more cherish the things and creatures around us. Address: Approx. 500 meters in front of No.71, Kailan E. Rd. (Intersection of Kailan E. Rd. and Toubin Rd.), Toucheng Township, Yilan County Open Dates: The 1st to the 29th day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar (Competition is held on the last day ? the 29th of the seventh month of the lunar calendar)

The island not only has the Chinese meaning ?turtle?in its name, Guishan, but is also known by its turtle shape. Once upon a time, there was a princess, the favorite daughter of the sea god, who had fallen in love with the turtle general, one of the excellent subordinates of the sea god. The sea god was furious after they secretly got married. So, as soon as he found them, he cast a spell on the turtle general, who became Guishan island, and changed his favorite daughter into the wild Ilan plain. Now, they can see each other from end to end, but are prevented from touching each other?s skin . In the end, people in Ilan blame the tears of the couple for bringing them frequent rains. If you stay at different towns in Ilan, you may see a magical thing happen: the head of Guishan island will turn to different angles. For example, you may see a Nike shoe shaped island from Toucheng. Forty years ago, there were fisher people living on Guishan island, adding some mystery around this place, which has only some meteorologists and soldiers on it nowadays. There are three things you must do when you visit Guishan island. Firstly, visiting Guiwei Lake, full of adorable fish, is the pleasantest thing ever. W alk around the lake, enjoy the satisfaction of the fresh air, and feel a sense of peace in your mind. Next, appreciate the magnificent spectacle of Guishan island by the landing ship. You have to join a scheduled sightseeing trip around Guishan island which, with its eight beautiful and unique scenes, will imprint a wonderful memory inside your mind. Finally, playing with dolphins or trying your luck to see a whale near Guishan island is really a memorable experience. You need to board the landing ship and quietly wait for them. Sometimes you can take a picture of the dolphins, but if you are lucky, it is also no problem to take a selfie with them. Do all of these things, and you will be qualified to tell everyone you have been to Guishan island. For the sake of the environment, Guishan island is only opened between March and November. Tourists nowadays can land on Guishan island, which has given chances for only 1800 people per day, yet there are still limited regions to visit. By the way, you can book online in advance via Klook, which can make professional and perfect arrangements for you.

Address: No. 15-30, Gangkou Rd., Toucheng Township, Yilan County (Wuishi Harbor Visitor Center) Open Months: March to November (Wednesday only for academic institutions) Website:klook.com

Istanbul In-depth Awe-inspiring construction

Yer ebat an Sar n ?c??The Basil ica Cist er n / Cist er n a Basil ica Yer ebat an Sar n ?c?, which in Tur kish mean s ?Subt er r an ean Cist er n ?, was buil t ar oun d AD 527- 56 5 in t he t ime of Con st an t in us I an d accompished by t he t ime of Just in ian us I wit h t he l abour of seven t housan d sl aves. This is t he l ar gest of sever al hun dr ed an cien t cist er n s t hat l ie ben eat h t he cit y of Ist an bul ( f or mer l y Con st an t in opl e) . Like t he Gr eat Wal l buil t by t he an cien t emper or of Chin a, Qin Shi Huan g, t he con st r uct ion is ext r emel y impl ausibl e.

Bu sin ess Hou r s: Winter (Oct ? Mar) 9am ? 5:30pm Summer (Apr ? Sep) 9am ? 6:30pm Ph on e Nu m ber : +90 212 522 12 59


e co l u m h e H en 's E y


M ed u sa c o

l u m n b ase s

Ticket : 10 TRY (approximately NT $ 55) Au dio gu ide: 20 TRY

The Hen?s Eye Column, with a tear-shaped symbol on it, is also called the Tear Column. This column was erected in memory of those people who had devoted themselves to building the Hagia Sophia. Besides recalling those efforts, the Hen?s Eye Column functions as a wishing column; all you have to do is put your finger on the center of the symbol then turn 360 degrees, and it can bring you good fortune.

Medusa, with her particular feature of a head of venomous snakes, is a character in Greek mythology. She was cursed by the wisdom of the goddess Athena. Whenever people or animals looked straight into Medusa?s eyes, each would become petrified. Some archaeologists have said it is difficult to trace why there are only two columns, and they show Medusa in different postures. They logically assume that Medusa was put like this in order to drive away evil spirits.

B asi l i ca C i st er n En t r an ce

7 Classic & Traditional Dessert The word Lokum in Turkish means sweet and is derived from the Arabic words luqma(t), meaning morsel, and plural luq?m, meaning mouthful. With its primary flavors of rosewater and lemon, and with all kinds of others such as pistachio, hazelnut, walnut, almond and fruits, Lokum is a classic and traditional dessert of Turkey. It is very interesting that Taiwan also has a similar dessert called Liang Kao, which is usually made with fruity flavors. The main ingredients of Lokum are starch and sugar. Lokum (Turkish Delight) as it is known today was invented by Bekir Effendi, who moved from his hometown Kastamonu to Istanbul and opened his confectionery shop in 1776. However, the one who truly made Lokum shoot to fame was Ali Muhiddin Haci Bekir. You may be acquainted with this crystal clear, chewy and cube-shaped confection because of the film, The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe released in 2005 and the seven splendid and renowned fantasy novels written by the notable British writer C.S. Lewis and published between 1950 and 1956. One of the four main characters was Edmund, the second-youngest of four siblings, who begins as a spiteful and mean-spirited boy but gradually becomes loyal, courageous, and mature. Turkish Delight is Edmund?s favourite sweet, and this weak point helped the wicked White Witch takes advantage of him by conjuring up magical Turkish Delight to as a bribe. Like all of her magical food, it was highly addictive; whoever ate it wanted more and more, thus making them easy for her to control. The Turkish Delight she had offered also made Edmund feel sick afterwards, quite possibly both from the effects of having eaten too much sugar, and because of the magical addictiveness of the Witch's food.

Lokum ? Turkish Delight

Lokum (Turkish Delight)

Liang Kao Text by <Tippi Lin> Pictures by

Bu sin ess Hou r s: 9am ? 5:30pm

<? ? ? ? ? ? x ? ? Rainie>

Ph on e Nu m ber : +90 212 522 12 59

Cooperation contact: rainie@gmail.com, <HĂźrriyet Daily News>

Addr ess: Alemdar, Yerebatan Cd. 1/3, 34110 Fatih/?stanbul, Turkey

Blog website: https://rainieis.tw/about/ Website: http://www.hurriyetdailynews.com / <? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? > Youtube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNPYRYux6_tMeiydEac073Q

Fr om sea t o coast al pl ain an d f r om val l ey t o l of t y peaks, Taiwan 's biggest coun t y Hual ien has a l ot t o of f er . The Pol ar is t eam t ake a l ook beyon d t he obvious t o br in g you an in sider 's view of t he sight s, cul t ur e, hist or y an d f ood you might ot her wise miss. Come wit h us as we f ol l ow t he st ar t o Hual ien .




Wikimedia / Sleepingstar / CC BY-SA 4.0 Momo/Flickr/CC-BY-2.0

Hual ien Cit y Traveling Back in Time By GingWorawan

A panoramic view of Hualien city and the Pacific Ocean seeing from Pine Garden

The relationship between Taiwan and Japan began in the early 20th century, when Taiwan was ruled as a Japanese colony. During the colonial era, Hualien city was a main residence of large numbers of Japanese immigrants. After about fifty years of authority, the rulers left a number of impacts on Hualien?s culture, cookery and architecture. Luckily, many important spots and buildings have been well-preserved until today and opened for all visitors to appreciate. Pine Garden, for example, has been converted from a command center into a unique gallery. A former railway control center and a group of former warehouses, the Railway Cultural Park and A Zone, have also been restored, becoming a museum and a huge cultural meeting point for locals and tourists. General House, which was a Japanese village, is a perfect historical photo backdrop for Instagram lovers. In addition to the major venues, others like Yi Wan Xiao and Xin Di Ri Chang, several buildings have been converted to restaurants or even to a warm welcoming café.

Tr ailing on t he Hill

Tiny cozy café beside the ecological pond

Pine Gar den Greeting visitors with a cool breeze, Pine Garden features several neat buildings standing in the midst of century-old pine trees. Walking in from the entrance, visitors clearly catch a sight of a two-story arcaded building which serves as an art gallery. Hiding behind the gallery, a single-story building is a tiny café, a superb place to enjoy your teatime. Approaching the café, visitors are astonished, as if entering a fanciful world, as the lotus pond beside the café gracefully gives a splendid, yet exotic sense.

Situated on Meilun hillside, Pine Garden is high enough up to provide a superb spot for viewing the beauty of Hualien city and the Pacific Ocean in a glance. From this strategic point, Japanese forces commanded their warships and aircraft without any difficulty during World War II. However, the small advantage of geography could not bring Japanese their victory, and at the end of World War II, a special Japanese attack unit, the kamikazes, held a distinctive ceremony here at Pine Garden before pilots went on their last suicide mission. Do you believe in ghosts? When Pine Garden first began opening to the public, there was a mystical rumor which said that some visitors heard greetings in Japanese, even though there was not anyone in the building or nearby.

Gener al House

Pine Garden?s main gallery hall

Pin e Gar den ? ? ? ? Address: No. 65, Songyuan Hualien City, Hualien County, 970


Opening Hours: 9am-6pm (Closed on Tuesday) Phone: 03 835 6510

Just about five minutes?walk from Pine Garden toward downtown, you will arrive at an obsolete Japanese village. The former residences of senior military officers during the colonial period, General House is not just one building but is a nostalgic place that brings visitors back to the old time of Taiwan. With almost 100 years of history, the glamor of these archaic blockhouses magnetizes locals to reflect on the colonial past and attracts tourists to take their vintage photo set.

Gen er al Hou se ? ? ? Address: No. 6, Lane 622, Zhongzheng Road, Hualien City, Hualien County, 970 Opening Hours: Tuesday-Friday 2pm-5pm (Closed on Monday) Weekend 9am-5pm

11 Tr acing t hr ough Tow n Yi Wan Xiao To feel even more nostalgic, enjoying Hualien?s famous beef noodles at Yi Wan Xiao restaurant is a great choice to make. With its 70-year-old Japanese structure and antique furniture, Yi Wan Xiao will gradually transfer you to the early 20th century while having a bowl of hot tasty noodles.

Railway Cult ur e Par k Another historical trace of the Japanese Colonial

Era is Hualien Railway Culture Park. The park was restored from a former office into a memorial of the old railway depot. The historical records and photographs that are kept in the administrative office tell the great stories of the colonial past of Taiwan. Well-preserved steam locomotives, old railway facilities, train tickets and an officer ?s uniform provide a clearer image of how eastern Taiwan?s railway was developed.

A Zone

Handmade crockery and leather accessories sold by locals

Next, move towards downtown to A Zone, the biggest assembly point in Hualien city. There are 26 warehouses here, and they are now put to various new uses such as an art gallery, handcraft classroom, handmade products store, performance hall, lecture hall, and restaurant. Having large and various open spaces, A Zone is a genial spot for the whole family to take a leisurely stroll and a huge platform for talented artists to share their passion for music or performance. On weekends, farmers and homemakers set up a fair to sell their homemade products and desserts. Wandering here lets you experience how simple and cozy life in Hualien is.

Xin Di Ri Chang Finally, before ending your historical trip in Hualien, refresh yourself with a sweet dish. Serving the unique taste of hearty homemade sweets, Xin Di Ri Chang is one of the popular dessert cafĂŠs in Hualien. Although the cafĂŠ building has been almost completely modified, the inner atmosphere and culinary art in desserts will still deeply impress you during your trip finale. The must-try dish is ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?, sweet fermented rice and snow ice topping with sweet osmanthus syrup. With its perfect sweet and scented syrup and chewy fermented rice, this delicate dessert from Xin Di Ri Chang will nicely top-up your energy and perfectly draw to an end your time traveling trip. Hu alien Railw ay Cu lt u r e Par k ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

Locals gather at A Zone on the weekend

Address: No.71, Zhongshan Road, Hualien City, Hualien County, 970 Opening Hours: 8.30am-12pm, 1pm-5pm (Closed on Monday) Phone: 03 833 8061 Facebook: @HualienRailway

Yi Wan Xiao? ? ? Address: No. 1, Lane 14, Mingli Road, Hualien City, Hualien County, 970 Opening Hours: 11.30am-2pm, 5pm-8pm Phone: 03 832 6015

Xin Di Ri Ch an g ? ? ? ?

Address: 2F No. 213, Bo Ai Street, Hualien City, Address: No. 144, Zhonghua Hualien County, 970 Road, Hualien City, Hualien Opening Hours: County, 970 1.30pm-9pm (Closed on Opening Hours: 24 hours Wednesday) everyday Phone: 03 831 0295 Phone: 03 831 3777 Facebook: @xindi.daily A Zon e ? ? ? ? ? ?


Bet ween t he Mount ains and t he Sea

Ji- An Text/Pictures - Abby Ji-an, a place with rich history and human culture, is the township with the second biggest population in Hualien. Near both the mountains and the sea, the central plain is inhabited by the four major ethnic groups, and with four different cultures interacting with each other, Ji-an is full of vitality. There is not too much commercial atmosphere here, but there is rich culture and nature. You can visit historic sites and experience cultural activities, or you can stroll on the mountain trails and feel close to nature.

Text/Pictures - Abby Kuan Chinghisu Temple

Fenglin Trail Skirting from one side of the Cikasuan River to the mountainside, there is trail lined with various blooms and trees leading to a mountain from which one can look at some delightful and spacious scenery of Hualien. About a thirty-minute drive from Hualien city and nearly 3km long, Feng-Lin trail is one of the popular local attractions. W andering on the mountain path, you can hear birds singing and see people working in the orchards, and some squirrels and monkeys hiding behind the trees and peeking at the people passing by. The pavilion along the way is a good place for people to rest and enjoy the scenery. Sometimes you will hear voices and catch the scent of tea from the pavilion. You can choose to pass by quietly, but it is better to greet the resting hikers. They are very friendly and sometimes will even invite you to come into the pavilion for tea. The biggest distinctive feature of the trail is you can see the different landscape in each season and even on each visit. From summer to early autumn,

there is a continuous fragrance from the blooms of ginger lilies, and during spring, the whole trail is full of the sweet scent of pomelo blossom.At the break of dawn, you can watch the sun like an egg yolk rise slowly from the sea, and the warm sun shine on the checkered pattern of the rice fields; or when you go for stroll in the evening, you can watch the twinkling stars covering the dark sky, and the fascinating night view of Ji-an knitted by flashing lights. Such a beautiful view is definitely worth collecting into your photo album. The Maple Trail, with its pleasant cool temperatures all year round, is perfect for exploring on foot and relaxing at any time.

Located in Ji-an, Chinghisu temple represents a part of the town?s history. The wooden houses and 88 statues of Buddha standing in the courtyard have witnessed the events of Ji-an through the ages. Built when the first immigrant village was set up during the Japanese administration, this temple, with the power of religion, soothed the homesickness of incomers at that time. Even 100 years later, the architecture in Chinghisu temple still retains its original Japanese flavor. After passing through the gate, you can feel a tranquil atmosphere surrounding the great Pu-tung-ming-wang statue and the other 88 Buddha statues, which stand here revealing their solemnity and sacredness. The mottled traces on them tell us the hardships of people leaving their homes in the past. As we stand in front of the stone statues, the wind blows the bell hanging on the beam, and the clear ringing conveys the wishes of each worshipper to the Buddhas' ears.

W hen you come to Ji-an, Chinghisu temple is a place that you cannot miss. If you visit, you will experience traditional Japanese religion and better understand the historical stories about Ji-an.


Natural Traveling Text - Catherine Pictures - Momo/Flickr/CC-BY-2.0 Xiu lin Tow n sh ip, t o t h e n or t h w est of Hu alien Cit y, con t ain s 9 villages an d abou t 128 com m u n it ies. Th e clim at e is ch an geable becau se of t h e pr oxim it y of t h e Cen t r al M ou n t ain Ran ge. Wit h it s n at u r al spot s an d f r ien dly in digen ou s people, Hu alien is a good place f or t ou r ist s t o visit . An d it ?s n ecessar y f or ever yon e t o visit t h e beau t if u l Xiu lin ar ea.

Taroko National Park, named after Taroko Gorge, is one of the nine national parks in Taiwan. The park covers an area of 92,000 hectares. It?s in Hualien County, located in and around the Qilai and Nanhu Mountain ranges, which include twenty seven peaks over 3,000 meters, and is home to unique geological and natural resources.


Opened for vehicles in 1996, and 700 meters long, the Tunnel of Nine Turns is one of the beauty spots in Taroko National Park and is the best part of Taroko Gorge. It takes about 30 minutes to walk through the gorge.

Flickr / Peilun Hsu /CC-BY-NC-2.0

Qingshui Cliff, at the southern end of the Suhua Highway, is a 21-kilometer length of coastal cliff. The cliff, risen straight up on the eastern coast of Taiwan for thousands of years, is composed of gneiss and marble. Standing on the top of the cliff, you can see the sea of blue and limpid water.



Utopia T ravel in Shoufeng Text /Pict ur e- Chr ist ine Huang If you ask people who live in Hualian city how they think of Shoufeng, they might answer that this is a ?Peach Garden?, a good place to live out your life in retirement. Shoufeng, a rural township in Hualian County, is a place offering both humanity and natural attractions. Liyu Lake, Honan Temple, Lichuan Fishing Farm and the East Rift Valley National Scenic Area are all popular tourism sites. You are sure to have a nice visit to Shoufeng.

Wher e t o go? 5 Way Hou se Once you get off the train at the Fengtian stop, you will see an old black roofed building, formerly an unused space, the roof of which has the appearance of a winnowing basket. Yu-Chun Gu, a professor at National Dong Hwa University, discovered the house during her long involvement in the village?s development and care of its children and teenagers. The village of Fengtian is like many rural villages in Taiwan, and most younger adults tend to go out to find a good job and leave their children and parents in the village. To take care of the children and boost their self-esteem, Mrs. Gu got the idea to use this place as a space for children and teenagers and lead them to think about what they can do in this construction. As money plays an essential role among young people, they decided to open a shop. 5 Way House has since been born.

Why was it called 5 Way House? Its name comes from Chinese, Wu Wei, which means five different flavors of food. It represents the mood of these teenagers. The mode of operation of 5 Way House is also interesting. The children who operate this store ask tourists who want to visit their village to bring ?1 kg of unused supplies? for them, and they reorganize the goods to sell them in their store. This is a small second-hand shop with not only a full range of products displayed in it, but also many warm, touching, and happy stories. Next time you are passing Fengtian, I recommend you visit here.

(03) 865 6922 No. 34, Zhanqian St., Shoufeng Township, Hualien County 974, Taiwan (R.O.C.) (97451? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 34? ) http://www.5wayhouse.org/

Wher e t o EAT? Fon g Ch u n Ice Cr eam Sh op After visiting 5 Way House, you must feel thirsty and hungry. Fong Chun ice cream shop, opened 60 years ago, is a good place to go. Sugar cane ice is their signature dessert. In this age of convenience, Fong Chun Ice Cream Shop still retains a traditional method to make its ice products. Because the owner of the shop devotes a lot of effort and time to it, the texture of the sugar cane ice is delicate and light. Once you try it, you will never forget it. The shop does not have too much decoration, but all of the products here are the real thing.

(03) 865 6922 No. 79, Shouxing St., Shoufeng Township, Hualien County 974, Taiwan (R.O.C.) (974? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 79? )

Wher e t o go? Nat ion al Don g Hw a Un iver sit y About 17 km from Hualien city, National Dong Hwa University (NDHU), famous for its beautiful scenery, is in Shoufeng. The university was the first institution of Higher Education in eastern Taiwan, and many indigenous students have had chance to complete university study because of it. Thus, NDHU plays an important role in the east of Taiwan. The most directly recommended spots on the NDHU campus are the three artificial lakes: East Lake, Hwa Lake, and Little Hwa Lake. You can have a picnic, take some photos, or stroll by the lakes and feel the peace of nature. If you come from a busy city, NDHU will certainly be a good place for you to relax. (03) 890 3000

Wher e t o EAT? A-Hon g St in k y Tof u Veget ar ian St an d There is one place you cannot miss after visiting NDHU. Food street outside the campus, where most students have their three meals a day, offers a lot of delicious food. One of the famous stands is A-Hong Stinky Tofu Vegetarian Shop. One of the reasons I recommend it is because A-Hong is a vegetarian stand. It is unusual to see such a stand in a rural township; however, A-Hong not only provides noodles and rice, but also tasty stinky tofu, which has a crispy, smelly and juicy texture.

(03) 865 6922 No. 79, Shouxing St., Shoufeng Township, Hualien County 974, Taiwan (R.O.C.) (974? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 79? )

No. 1, Sec. 2, University Road, Shoufeng Township, Hualien County 974, Taiwan (R.O.C.) (974? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? 1? ) https://www.ndhu.edu.tw/bin/home.php

Laso?ay Ecological Par k

is a secret tourist spot with six natural springs, preserves a beautiful and touching myth of the Amis, the biggest group of indigenous people nowadays in Taiwan. Laso?ay ? in the Amis language it means freshwater. One day in the past, when drought and plague broke out one after another, a divine bird ? Do Luo, a Taiwan Ring-necked Pheasant ? one of the rare species ? guarded the East Rift Valley of Hualien, and dropped six tears into six springs in order to save villagers during the hardest time.

Text by <Tippi Lin > Pictu r es by <Tippi Lin , Yijin Lin >

There is a well-known spring in the park called Blue Tears. As the name suggests, the water is very pure and clear, and as time flows away day by day, the color has changed alongside. Like a fantastic watercolor masterpiece, it was painted by God. - Bu sin ess Hou r s: Monday ? Sunday 8am ? 5pm -Ph on e Nu m ber : 0981-337-445 -Addr ess: Ln. 15, Dajin St., Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976

Dan on gdaf u For est Par k

the biggest forest in Taiwan, is precisely surrounded by the Central Mountain Range and the Coastal Mountains. There are several leisure activities you can try; for instance blossom viewing, bird watching enjoying the color of autumn foliage, and especially firefly watching (during March and April) are all excellent options. In the evening among the thick underbrush there are abundant fireflies drifting like a moving galaxy. The scene is astonishing and really spectacular; it is definitely a must-see for a treasured memory of your trip. The Visitor Center offers a guide service if you need it, but make a reservation first. Flower seas and installation art are also iconic indicators in Danongdafu Forest Park. If you want to bike to experience the views, there are two routes, the North and South Bicycle Ring Roads, which can allow you to absorb phytoncide, the healthy aroma of the forest, while riding a bicycle. -Bu sin ess Hou r s: Tuesday ? Sunday 8am ? 5pm/ Monday closed -Ph on e Nu m ber : 03-8700870 #9 -Addr ess: No. 31, Nongchang Rd., Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976

M at ai'an Wet lan d Ecological Par k

is a place full of rich biodiversity. As a habitat for several species, the park has been a research location for people who are interested in studying and observing wetland creatures. Besides, the park has a unique fish catching device called Palakaw, which means a pond for fish to live in, invented by the wise aboriginal ancestors of the Amis. Palakaw is a three-floor device made with delicate artifice from natural materials such as betel leaf, branches and big piles of bamboo tubes. In the Amis language ? Matai?an means Cajanus cajan, which is a drought-tolerant plant and an important food crop to the Amis people. -Bu sin ess Hou r s: Monday ? Sunday 8am ? 5pm -Ph on e Nu m ber : 0931-265-898 -Addr ess: Daquan St., Daquan Village, Guangfu Township, Hualien County 976

? ? ? ? ? CASA+ The dishes of this Italian restaurant are all served by a very young and talented chef, Mr. Bezalel, who insists that each ingredient must be fresh and seasonal; he also designs the menu and continually introduces new dishes. Bu sin ess Hou r s: 12am ? 2pm / 5:30pm ? 8pm Mon. off Ph on e Nu m ber : 03-870-6700 Addr ess: No. 11-1, Ln. 11, Tangchang St., Guangfu Township, Hualien County

M u st -eat : salt ed por k pizza

Hom em ade past a an d r isot t o

There is a right-hand assistant, Jay Lin, who is responsible for various flavour of pizza. He can turn regular pizzas into enchanted ones which you cannot stop eating one after the other. They are super awesome!

Taiw an ese Tast es ?????


Dou Hua / Soybean Pudding (hot)

Mongolian Omelette Bu sin ess Hou r s: 6am ? 10:30am, 2:30pm ? 6:30pm * Wed. Sun. 6am ? 10:30am

Bu sin ess Hou r s: 3pm ? 10pm Ph on e Nu m ber : 03-870-2828 Addr ess: No. 65, Sec. 1, Zhongshan Rd.

???? Chinese Omelette with homemade chili sauce Bu sin ess Hou r s: 6:30am ? 10am Ph on e Nu m ber : 0933-995-744 Addr ess: No. 21, Dunhou Rd.

Ph on e Nu m ber : 0910-035-597 Addr ess: No. 289, Sec. 2, Zhongshan Rd.



A Ruisui St ay Text - Angel a

Flickr/ yudeLin/ CC BY 2.0

Welcome to Ruisui Pasture

Ru isu i Past u r e The town of Ruisui in Hualien is known in Taiwan for milk, tea and hot springs. Visitors come to Ruisui because it is fun in all four seasons. We will introduce Ruisui Pasture, Ruisui 's Butterfly Valley,and tea garden; and certainly, we will not miss the boating and bathing.

Ru isu i Hot Spr in g

In Ruisui pasture, we can feed the cows and ostriches with fresh grass; this is a ranch spacious enough that children can run around with plenty of ground. The best things about the farm are that admission is free, and we can enjoy a scenic afternoon tea. Addr ess : No.157, Wuhe, Ruisui Township, Hualien County TEL : 03-8876611

Coming to Ruisui hot spring, also called the Golden Hot Spring, in winter is the best use of leisure time for busy office workers. First-time visitors may not like to use the muddy spring water, but actually it is rich in iron. It makes your skin smooth without giving you a sticky feeling. After bathing, you can apply a special hot spring mask to moisturize the body from head to toe. Addr ess? No.137, Sec. 3, Wenquan Rd., Ruisui Township, Hualien County TEL? 03-887-0203

Wikipedia/ Wei-Te Wong/ CC BY 2.0

Visitors can feed ostriches and dairy cattle in the Ruisui Pasture.

Xiu gu lu River Dr if t in g From May to October every year, especially during the summer vacation, visitors can enjoy boating and water activities in Ruisui. Xiugulu River is the longest river in eastern Taiwan. The steep rocky terrain makes rafting popular, and visitors can also enjoy boating along the river. There is natural scenery on both sides, with peculiar rocks and forest. It takes approximately four hours to drift from upstream to the estuary during the flood season. Addr ess : Ruisui Rafting Visitor Center No.215, Sec. 3, Zhongshan Rd., Ruisui Township, Hualien County 978)


Paddle in the river and have fun

TEL : 03-8875400

Fu yu an Bu t t er f ly Valley The township symbol of Ruisui is a butterfly, and Fuyuan Butterfly Valley is also known as the Fuyuan National Forest Recreation Area. Originally, it was a place for hiking. There are six forest trails, starting from an early logging walkway; and nowadays the largest eucalyptus forest camping area in Taiwan is also here. The Forest Recreation Area, located at 225-750 meters (740-2,460 feet) above sea level, is cool in spring, and you can breathe in the fresh air and enjoy watching the beautiful butterflies. Addr ess: Guangdong Rd., Fuyuan Village, Ruisui Township, Hualien County.

Pixabay/ lucylin

Admire the butterflies in Fuyuan Butterfly Valley

TEL : 03-881-2377

Ru isu i Tow n sh ip, Hu alien Cou n t y Non -t oxic agr icu lt u r al ar ea Ruisui has a great tea garden with sandy, red loam soil in Wuhe Terrace, producing black tea, call Mi Xiang Black Tea (Wuhe tea). Local tea farmers grow tea in a way that does not harm the land; when you come to Ruisui, you can not only taste the aroma of black tea but also make an appointment to visit the tea plantation and visit the tea-making industry. Addr ess? Wuhe Tourist Tea Plantations, Ruisui Township, Hualien County TEL? 03-887-5306

Wikipedia/Fred Hsu/CC BY-SA 3.0

Pick tea, Drink tea. It's teatime


I L U Y Photo by Mark Kao/flickr/CC BY 2.0

Yuli, one of the most beautiful towns in Taiwan?s secret garden ? Hualien, is a place full of history and nature. W hen you step into Yuli, you will discover a combination of various cultures. Nowadays, the blending of history and culture has painted the most attractive colors on this town, located between the central and coastal mountain ranges, and saved the purest part of Taiwan. W hen you start to travel Yuli in depth, you will appreciate its unique natural geography.

A-Lian Yul i Noodl es ????

Differ ent fr om the other noodl e shops in Yul i, A-Lian Yul i Noodl es has been r unning for 25 year s. If you r eal l y w ant to taste the tr aditional fl avor of Yul i noodl es, the best choice definitel y w il l be A-Lian Yul i Noodl es, combining l ight por k bone br oth, chew y yel l ow noodl es, and r ich seasonings, thr ough the extr aor dinar y cook ing methods used at al l of their br anches. Yul i noodl es w er e invented by the Japanese col onists, and combined w ith Chinese cul tur e by immigr ants fr om mainl and China. Now adays, the r esul t is that peopl e can eat fl avor ful Yul i noodl es.

n e d l o G Yul i bik ew ay ? ? ? ? ? ? Years ago, trains would pass over the Xiuguluan river, and passengers would see the combination of water and wild rice fields as they arrived in Yuli. Nowadays, cyclists can even ride on the route of the former railway, now a bikeway, and appreciate the beautiful surroundings from Yuli station to Dongli old station. Created by the collision of the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate, the landscapes are the big attraction of the bikeway, and could make you feel you?re a king who has the ability to conquer two lands. One of the species to be seen around the bikeway is a red dragonfly, a good partner as you silently concentrate on pedaling. Ride a bike to enjoy the breeze blowing on your face, and take a beautiful picture when you see a nice spot.

Address: Start from Yuli Train Station to Dongli Train Station Opening hours: 24 hours



Nanan w ater fal l ? ? ? ? W hen you leave Yuli township and enter Zhuoxi Township, located in the mountains, you will feel calm as you absorb phytoncide, the healthy aroma of the forest. Along a tortuous mountain road, as you follow the Lakulaku river, named by the local Bunun, an indigenous culture, you?ll heard the sound of splashing water from not far away. The more closely you step forward toward Nanan waterfall, the cooler you will feel. You can sit on stones and enjoy a foot bath; sometimes you will have an offer of a massage by dollarfish which makes you laugh heartily. W hen summer has arrived, Nanan waterfall will be full of happiness. Address: No.83-3, Qingshui, Zhuoshi Township, Hualien County 982 Opening hours: 24 hours Phone: 03-8887560

To wn

by M ay Pan

Mount Chik e ? ? ? From August to October every year, daylily blossoms bloom all over Chike hills. The big difference between this area and Mount Liushidan is the natural landscape, and recognition goes to Mount Chike for its more natural appearance. You will see most of the trees on Mount Liushidan were cut down, but residents on Mount Chike decided to preserve the landscape there. So, on Mount Chike, daylily blossoms bloom everywhere they want, and with butterflies joining their annual prom, you will gain an unforgettable experience from these two sweet sisters of nature. Address: Gaoliao, Guanyin Village, Yuli Township, Hualien County Opening Months: The Beginning of August-The half of September

Antong Hot spr ing ? ? ? ? W inter usually arrives in Yuli in November. W hen cold air circulates around Yuli township, people spend their weekends at the Antong hot spring, which has a magical healing skill to comfort your tired body. W ithout any strong smell of sulphur or turbid color, Antong hot spring is a relaxing place for a naked soak. There are not only indoor hot spring baths here, but also a lot of open-air hot springs for parent-child groups. The best point in favour of Antong hot spring is the temperature, lower than other types of hot springs in Taiwan, which minimizes dangerous pressure on the heart. Address: No.36, Wenquan, Lehi Vil. Yuli Township, Hualien County 981 Opening hours: 8:00 a.m.-23:00 p.m. Phone: 03-8875306

23 By Christine Huang

n e e r G n i l Tr ave

Travel not only gives us a chance to see new things and meet people, but also broadens our horizons. Because of diversified and convenient transportation nowadays, travel is easier than before. Once the long vocation comes, train, MRT and HRT stations and airports are always full of people. If you haven?t booked tickets in advance, it is hard for you to get a ticket on the day. These circumstances demonstrate that travel to other places is a normal thing in our life. However, do you know how you affect the places you visit? Some of our actions are positive, but others are not. To travel with a less guilty feeling, it is good to know how to be a ?Responsible Traveler ?.

Responsible Travel, as defined in Cape Town in 2002, means ?making better places for people to live in and better places for people to visit?. It has become popular because more and more travelers are aware that their actions seriously affect the environment. You might already have a rough idea what responsible travel is; however, you may still ask ?What can we do to achieve this goal? It seems that it is the responsibility of governments or companies?. Let me explain the details for you. Responsible Travel and Sustainable Travel both focus on the impact of tourism on destinations. However, compared to sustainable travel which focuses on long-term change, Responsible Travel focuses more on individual actions. Thus, everyone can participate in it. It contains three pillars, which are Economic, Sociocultural and Environmental.

The Environmental Pillar: It is important to be aware of our impact on the environment. When we travel to another place, the transportation we take must produce CO2 and cause air pollution. Rubbish everywhere is also a usual thing in sightseeing places. This situation is damaging our earth. If you really consider our environment, never leaving trash on a beach, a mountain or anywhere else, eating less meat, and bringing your own bag instead of buying a plastic bag are the practices you can start with.

The Economic Pillar: Buying locally can boost the economy of the places you stay in, especially the in countries whose main income comes from tourism. Supporting local businesses by buying locally was a natural thing in the past: you spend your money on food, clothes, accommodation or even souvenirs locally; however, more and more travel businesses are related to multinational corporations. If we do not notice, we will let locals lose the opportunity to make money.

The Sociocultural Pillar: Responsibility toward the society we visit is also an essential thing. We have to respect the cultural traditions that are different from ours. The internet may help you to collect information about the culture of the place you are preparing to visit, and the more you know, the more you can really understand it. Being a well-prepared traveler can also make you more comfortable while traveling.

To t r avel in a r espon sible w ay is n ot as h ar d a t h in g as you t h in k . Th e on ly t h in g you h ave t o do is m ake som e of t h ese sm all ef f or t s on you r n ext t r ip. Tr y t o t h in k abou t t h e t h r ee r espon sible t r avel pillar s w h en you ar e t r avelin g. Th e place you visit w ill get bet t er du e t o you r ever y act ion .

Tait ung By Angela Luan

In the summer, why not take your holidays at Luye Highlands, rambling in the highlands, wafting up in a hot air balloon, leisurely walking in Taitung Music Village and exploring Taitung?

Let's start from the sky! The "2020 Taiwan Taitung Hot Air Balloon Festival " is coming! This year, its tenth anniversary, has a breakthrough highlight! This festival was selected by the Travel Channel as one of the world's 12 most stunning hot air balloon carnival events. June-August at Luye Highlands every year is currently the most representative local events. If you come to Taiwan, you must experience it at least once!

kickr /Jer ry La i/CC BY-SA 2.0

Let ?s t ak e a t h Af t er r ising in ir t y -minut e t our. slow ly f ly f r om a hot air balloon, and enjoy a 36 Luy e t o Chishang, t he Rif t Valley 0 -degr ee v iew and mount a NT$ 9 ,0 0 0 per ins. This cost s per son.

Or choose the tethered balloon ride experience. It's when the balloon lifts off the ground, hovers 20-30 feet above the ground, and for almost 10 minutes you can sit in a fixed hot air balloon, lift off the land and not fly away. The tethered balloon ride is the cheapest experience, and costs only NT$500 per person! It can be booked, or queued for on site.

This will be m y last st op Tiehua Music Village is a music settlement and fli ckr/ ? ? market in the open air, created by Taitung musicians and artists, and can be said to be the music distribution center of Taitung. Here the grassy grass and tall old trees exude a relaxed, leisurely atmosphere. Tiehua Village, which has no performances on weekdays, is also suitable for leisurely walks. The layers of light and shadow under the trees ease the compact space.


flickr/? ? ? ? ? ? ? /CC BY-SA 2.0

Tiehua Village gives Taitung's native creative 2.0 fli ckr/ Jul iu ? /CC BY-SA talent a free s Han /CC BY-SA 2.0 space to publish. When night falls, the sea of colorful hot air balloon lights illuminate romantic feelings. More and more beautiful every night, Tiehua Village has achieved simple but charming attractions. The theme of local culture presents a casual, naturally unpretentious atmosphere with charm, attracting travelers to stop here. The creators are roaring in the moonlight about their understanding of life, or singing their stories in a whisper. Here, please enjoy yourself, with the rhythm of swinging music and no borders.

TASM AN I A Australia

by Catherine Chang

Winegl ass Bay

Photo by Pixabay/MemoryCatcher

Photo by Pinterest/World of Wanderlust

Photo by Pixabay/Chesshirecat

Cr adl e Mount ain

Photo by Wikimedia Commons/CC BY-SA 3.0

Gor don River

Tasmania, an island state of Australia, is the 26th largest island in the world. Tasmania is not on the Australian mainland; it is located 240 kilometers to the south, and surrounded by 334 islands. To the north, it is separated from mainland Australia by the Bass Strait. There are four seasons; summer is from December to February, autumn is from March to May, winter is from June to August, and spring, the windiest time of the year, is from September to November. W in egl ass Bay Almost every tourist has their plans to visit Wineglass Bay, located in the Freycinet National Park on the East Coast of Tasmania, surrounded by long and white sand beaches. Cr adl e M ou n tain

Cradle Mountain is situated in the Lake St Clair National Park in the northwest of Tasmania, which is also one of the prettiest national parks in Australia. However, the weather is unpredictable. You have to deal with snow in winter and high temperatures in summer. Gor don River Gordon River rises from Lake Richmond in the King William Range and flows to the Indian Ocean. It was explored in 1816 by James Kelly, who named it after his associate James Gordon.




d a y

On a first visit to Hanoi notice the noise; the hustle and bustle of the vehicles are the background music that cannot stop in this city. Ramble over the streets of the Old Quarter; the busy pedestrians and hawkers are an indispensable part of this city. The stores are full of diverse assortments of goods, and visitors cannot tear themselves away. From the beginning to the end of the street, you can see hawkers directly sitting on small benches on the pavement and selling, or a Vietnamese woman wearing a traditional conical hat, carrying a shoulder pole full of large and beautiful fruits. Although Hanoi is the capital of Vietnam, it is no more famous than Ho Chi Minh City. Nevertheless, its fascinating point is to maintain a unique cultural atmosphere of both French and Vietnamese style. Small cafĂŠs here are as dense and ubiquitous as convenience stores in Taiwan. Walking into a cafĂŠ, the French-style building makes you almost forget you are in Hanoi. Order a cup of Vietnamese iced coffee, with its rich coffee aroma, and take a sip of this beverage blended from white condensed milk and black coffee. Different from our familiar Americano or espresso, Vietnamese iced coffee offers both sweet and extremely bitter flavors while spreading in the mouth.


H a n o i

by Abby

Looking around the roadside, the air filled with the aroma of baking wheat bread, there are hawkers?food carts filled with banh mi, a kind of Vietnamese sandwiches, which the shape of the bread is a short version of baguettes. Banh mi is a common snack. Its hard and crispy crust and soft crumb stuffing with fresh vegetables and sliced meat remind us that the local people have a strong exterior but a soft heart. Cross the railings at the roadside, and it is like entering a different world. The infinitely extending railway tracks are close to the highly irregular homes, and people living there coexist with the passing trains. Women are doing housework, and children are playing next to the rail tracks. Their crisp laughter makes them seem unrelated to the busy world. After passing through a few streets and over several intersections, there are many department stores nearby, and modern buildings and ancient French buildings are juxtaposed on the street, giving a modern and traditional impact. In the afternoon in Hanoi, the feeling of busyness cannot let up, and the slanted afterglow on the street seems to remind people that the day will going to the end. If you don't have special arrangements for sightseeing, sitting in the coffee shop seating area by the road, eating snacks, drinking coffee, or strolling around and experiencing the life of people will all be good ways to get to know this place.

Photo by pixabay/Tuan AnhNgo Photo by Flickr/Rory Harnden/CC BY-SA 2.0

Photo by pxfuel/anonymous/CC BY-SA 1.0

Photo by pxfuel/anonymous/CC BY-SA 1.0

Relaxing on a rickshaw tour of the city

Vietnamese ice coffee is a must-drink

P a r a d i se o f t h e Se a Ha Long Bay, with thousands of strange mountainous rocks on the sea, is a must-see attraction for many visitors to North Vietnam. In the sea, the limestone rocks stand one by one peacefully, each taller than the other. A boatman in a traditional conical hat and tourists are sitting in a small wooden boat, drawing ripples on the sea around the groups of giant rocks. As the ripple marks are disappearing, the boat?s figures gradually fade into the rocks, like a landscape painting.

Photo by pxfuel/anonymous/CC BY-SA 1.0


Pua, a district of Nan situated in northern Thailand, is well-known for its breathtaking view of the lush green hills and vast paddies amidst the clouds. In recent years, green tourists have come to visit and traced out natural and cultural traveling routes, capturing folk wisdom in cultivation and weaving, as well as experiencing the coziness a slow lifestyle. With its fertile land, Pua district has yielded a marvelous quality of cocoa in Cocoa Valley, a dream destination for chocolate lovers. Created with love and passion, Cocoa Valley is heartily shaped by Mr. Manun Tanawang, a chocolate lover, and his family who delicately plant every cocoa tree, dig for information about cocoa as a labor of love and eventually have formed a successful cocoa community enterprise.

i a Th

r e h t a e r B A

Text - Ging Worawan Pictures - Taklong TongTeaw

?When we plant, we are keen on every single process, from pitting and manuring to planting. Our cocoas are qualified as ?Earth Safe standard?from the Earth Safe Foundation, Thailand. We follow the method of organic agriculture, not applying any pesticide, so it is safe for consumers, and for farmers like us as well,? says Mr. Manun. With its offer of guiding by local farmers, Cocoa Valley cordially invites visitors to amble through a verdant cocoa garden. Apart from learning what fresh cocoa tastes like, visitors are impressed by hundreds of cocoa fruits, hanging in various colors from green, to dark pink to yellow, which is the color of ripe cocoa.

Enjoying the sweet-and-sour taste of fresh cocoa

29 1. The villager uses a threshing basket to separate cocoa nibs from husks.

Reducing the use of machinery, Cocoa Valley applies folk wisdom in its production process; so that the community gets chance to be

2. The Traditional textiles on a bamboo frame: a Pua landmark

involved and strengthen local economies. After years of effort, cocoa, which tags along behind the golden tangerine, is now an industrial crop of Nan.


Cocoa Valley utilizes every part of processed cocoa pods: the beans are transformed into the delicious chocolate drinks or chocolate desserts served in its cafĂŠ; the cocoa oil is a main component for cosmetic products, and the pod husks are used in dyeing which is one of the traditional weaving procedures. With its unique patterns that are inspired by the journey of tribal ancestors, traditional weaving and textiles proudly show the identity of indigenous people in Pua. Visitors are always impressed by the beauty of their traditional clothes and creative patterns that have been inherited for centuries. Giving visitors a chance to delve into its charm, the lovely people in Pua not only sell weaving products, but also provide visitors several learning centers for traditional weaving, precisely teaching how to transform kapok into gorgeous garments. Learning about these meticulous procedures truly makes visitors cherish the weaving products they buy. Imprinting a deep impression in visitors? hearts, Pua district always brings about a "We follow the method of second visit since spending a slow and organic agriculture, not serene life here is either a peaceful intermission from the outer chaotic world applying any pesticide, so it or an energy charger for visitors lustily is safe for consumers, and moving on. for farmers like us as well,"

says Mr. Manun.


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