Property Details
Title & Escrow
The information contained is provided by WFG’s Customer Service Department to our customers, and while deemed reliable, is not guaranteed.
Property Details
Title & Escrow
The information contained is provided by WFG’s Customer Service Department to our customers, and while deemed reliable, is not guaranteed.
Owner Information
Mail Address: 270 MOSS ST LAGUNA BEACH CA 92651
Owner Status: OwnerOccupied Location Information
County: ORANGE
Census/Block: 062620 / 2045
Tsp-Rng-Sec: T-R-S
Lot / Block: Lot: 4 Block: 16
Housing Tract: ARCH BEACH
Last Market Sale
Alt Parcel #
Parcel #: 644-283-07
Date: / Lender: Sale Price: Loan:
Document #: Document #: Doc Type: Loan Type:
$ Sqft: $ Loan Term: Prior Sale Information
Date: / Lender: Price: Loan:
Document #: Document #: Doc Type: Loan Type:
Property Characteristics
Gross Area: 3068 Garage Area: 799 Interior Wall
Living Area: 3068 Roof Shape:
Above Grade: 3,068
Bedrooms: 3
Bath (F/H): 4/
Fireplace: 4 OPENINGS
Property Information
This map/plat is being furnished as an aid in locating described land in relation to adjoining streets, natural boundaries and other land, and is not a survey of the land depicted. Except to the extent a policy of title insurance is expressly modified by endorsement, if any, the company does not insure dimensions, distances, location of easements, acreage or other matters shown thereon.
This map/plat is being furnished as an aid in locating described land in relation to adjoining streets, natural boundaries and other land, and is not a survey of the land depicted. Except to the extent a policy of title insurance is expressly modified by endorsement, if any, the company does not insure dimensions, distances, location of easements, acreage or other matters shown thereon.
This map/plat is being furnished as an aid in locating described land in relation to adjoining streets, natural boundaries and other land, and is not a survey of the land depicted. Except to the extent a policy of title insurance is expressly modified by endorsement, if any, the company does not insure dimensions, distances, location of easements, acreage or other matters shown thereon.
This map/plat is being furnished as an aid in locating described land in relation to adjoining streets, natural boundaries and other land, and is not a survey of the land depicted. Except to the extent a policy of title insurance is expressly modified by endorsement, if any, the company does not insure dimensions, distances, location of easements, acreage or other matters shown thereon.
Laguna Beach Unified
Elementary Schools
Top of the World Elementary
21601 Tree Top Ln Laguna Beach CA 92651
Area Desc:
Grades: KG to 05 Distance: 1.67 Miles
Charter School: N
El Morro Elementary
Magnet School: N
8681 N Coast Hwy Laguna Beach CA 92651
Title One: NO
Area Desc:
Grades: KG to 05 Distance: 4.30 Miles
Charter School: N
Middle Schools
Thurston Middle
Magnet School: N
2100 Park Ave Laguna Beach CA 92651
Grades: 06 to 08
Charter School: N
High Schools
Laguna Beach High
625 Park Ave Laguna Beach CA 92651
Grades: 09 to 12
Charter School: N
Magnet School: N
Magnet School: N
Title One: AEP
Area Desc:
Distance: 1.56 Miles
Title One: NO
Area Desc:
Distance: 1.24 Miles
Title One: NO
ExploretheperformanceofLagunaBeachUnifiedunderCalifornia'sAccountability System System
ImplementationofAcademic Standards
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DistrictDetails NAME
Seeinformationthatshowshowwellschoolsareengagingstudents intheirlearning
LEARNMORE ChronicAbsenteeism
86%chronicallyabsent Declined56%▼
EQUTYREPORT NumberoStudentGroupsnEachCoor
LEARNMORE AccesstoaBroadCourseof Study STANDARDMET
Viewdatarelatedtohowwellschoolsareprovidingahealthy,safe andwelcomingenvironment
LEARNMORE SuspensionRate
29%suspendedatleastoneday Increased08%▲
EQUTYREPORT NumberoStudentGroupsnEachCoor
LEARNMORE Basics:Teachers,Instructional MaterialsFacilities
LAGUNABEACHUNIFIED InformationalPurposes
Explorethefollowingdataelementspresentedforinformational purposesonlyThesedataarenotusedforaccountability determinations
ExploretheperformanceofTopoftheWorldElementaryunderCalifornia's AccountabilitySystem
Explorethefollowingdataelementspresentedforinformationalpurposes onlyThesedataarenotusedforaccountabilitydeterminations Science
ViewStudentAssessmentResultsandotheraspectsofschool performance
Seeinformationthatshowshowwellschoolsareengagingstudents intheirlearning
LEARNMORE ChronicAbsenteeism
62%chronicallyabsent Declined45%▼
EQUTYREPORT NumberoStudentGroupsnEachCoor
0 Red 0 Oange 0 Yelow 5 Green 0 Bue
Viewdatarelatedtohowwellschoolsareprovidingahealthy,safe andwelcomingenvironment
LEARNMORE SuspensionRate Green
12%suspendedatleastoneday Declined1%▼
EQUTYREPORT NumberoStudentGroupsnEachCoor
Explorethefollowingdataelementspresentedforinformational purposesonlyThesedataarenotusedforaccountability determinations
76pointsabovestandard 18Points▼
ExploretheperformanceofThurstonMiddleunderCalifornia'sAccountability ExploretheperformanceofThurstonMiddleunderCalifornia'sAccountability System System
Explorethefollowingdataelementspresentedforinformationalpurposes onlyThesedataarenotusedforaccountabilitydeterminations Science
THURSTONMIDDLE StudentPopulation
THURSTONMIDDLE AcademicPerformance
ViewStudentAssessmentResultsandotheraspectsofschool performance
Seeinformationthatshowshowwellschoolsareengagingstudents intheirlearning
LEARNMORE ChronicAbsenteeism Green
8%chronicallyabsent Declined32%▼
EQUTYREPORT NumberoStudentGroupsnEachCoor
0 Red 1 Oange 2 Yelow 2 Green 0 Bue
Viewdatarelatedtohowwellschoolsareprovidingahealthy,safe andwelcomingenvironment
LEARNMORE SuspensionRate Orange
74%suspendedatleastoneday Increased45%▲
EQUTYREPORT NumberoStudentGroupsnEachCoor
2 Red 3 Oange 0 Yelow 0 Green 0 Bue
Explorethefollowingdataelementspresentedforinformational purposesonlyThesedataarenotusedforaccountability determinations
LEARNMORE Science NoPerformanceColorIn2024 35pointsabovestandard 27Points▼
ExploretheperformanceofLagunaBeachHighunderCalifornia'sAccountability ExploretheperformanceofLagunaBeachHighunderCalifornia'sAccountability System System SuspensionRate
Explorethefollowingdataelementspresentedforinformationalpurposes onlyThesedataarenotusedforaccountabilitydeterminations Science
NAME LagunaBeachHigh
ViewStudentAssessmentResultsandotheraspectsofschool performance
Seeinformationthatshowshowwellschoolsareengagingstudents intheirlearning
LEARNMORE GraduationRate
996%graduated Increased25%▲
EQUTYREPORT NumberoStudentGroupsnEachCoor
0 Red 0 Oange 0 Yelow 0 Green 3 Bue
Viewdatarelatedtohowwellschoolsareprovidingahealthy,safe andwelcomingenvironment
LEARNMORE SuspensionRate
22%suspendedatleastoneday Maintained-02%
EQUTYREPORT NumberoStudentGroupsnEachCoor
0 Red 3 Oange 1 Yelow 1 Green 1 Bue
Explorethefollowingdataelementspresentedforinformational purposesonlyThesedataarenotusedforaccountability determinations
LEARNMORE Science NoPerformanceColorIn2024 08pointsbelowstandard 38Points▲
2020 Census Data
2010 Census Data
Laguna Beach is a city in Orange County, California. Located in Southern California along the Pacific Ocean, this seaside resort city has a mild year-round climate, scenic coves, and environmental preservation efforts. Historically settled by Paleoindians, the Tongva people, and then Mexico, the location became part of the United States following the Mexican–American War. Laguna Beach was settled in the 1870s, officially founded in 1887, and in 1927 its current government was incorporated as a city.
Laguna Beach Unified
2010 Census Data
60% of homes owner occupied
40% of homes rented occupied
2010 Census Data
2,313.8 inhabitants per sq. mile
12,923 housing units at an average density of 1,15.9 per sq. mile
2010 Census Data
16.1% under age 18
4.8% between ages 18 to 24
23.4% between ages 25 to 44
37.4% between ages 45 to 64
18.3% above age 65
9.86 square miles
53 miles from Los Angeles
20 feet elevation
Highest Average Temperature 80º
Lowest Average Temperature 43º
The city adopted the council–manager form of government in 1944. The city has remained relatively isolated from urban encroachment by its surrounding hills, limited highway access, and dedicated greenbelt
The Laguna Beach coastline is protected by 5.88 miles (9.46 km) of state marine reserve and an additional 1.21 miles (1.95 km) of state conservation area. Tourism is the primary industry with an estimated six million people visiting the community annually. Large annual events include the Pageant of the Masters, Festival of Arts, Sawdust Art Festival, Art-A-Fair, Bluewater Music Festival, and Kelpfest.
Animal - Services
Rachel DVM - Aliso Nigue
Meinert, Lori DVM - Moulton
Arts and Culture
Coffee Shops
Offices and Clinics of Chiropractors
Offices and Clinics of Chiropractors
Offices and Clinics of
Offices and Clinics of
Pet Sitting Services
Pet Sitting Services
Emergency/Police/Medical/Fire 911
Poison Control (800) 222-1222 www.aapcc.org
United States Postal Service (800) 275-8777 www.usps.com
Xfinity (800) 266-2278 www.xfinity.com
Frontier Communications (800) 921-8101 www.frontier.com
Verizon (800) 483-4100 www.verizon.com
AT&T (800) 288-2020 www.att.com
Dish Network (800) 318-0572 www.dish.com
DIRECT TV (800) 531-5000 www.directtv.com
COX (949) 240-1212 www.cox.com
Orange County Register (714) 796-7000 www.ocregister.com
Orange County Transportation (714) 636-7433 www.octa.net
Metrolink (800) 371-LINK (5465) www.metrolinktrains.com
SoCal Gas (800) 427.2200 www.socalgas.com
Southern California Edison S.C.E. (800) 655.4555 www.sce.com
OC Waste Management (949) 642.1191 www.wm.com
South Coast Water District (949) 499.4555 www.scwd.org
Laguna Beach Unified School District (949) 234-9200 www.lbusd.org
Below is the website if you would like to change your address online or you can visit your local post office, they will provide you with the change of address packet.
Benefits you will receive when you change your address online are:
Exclusive mover savings coupons
Safe and secure with identity verification by a simple $1.00 charge to your credit or debt card
Email confirmation at the end of registration of your change of address
* Must have valid email address and credit card to register online.
Below is the website if you would like to change your address online or you can fill out the paperwork provided and mail back to DMV at:
DMV CHANGE OF ADDRESS P. O. Box 942859 Sacramento, CA 94259-0001
General DMV Information Contact: (800) 777-0133
Below is the website if you would like to change your address online or you can fill out the paperwork provided and mail it back to your County Elections Office listed below.
County Elections Office Contacts
Orange County
1300 South Grand Avenue, Building C
Santa Ana, CA 92705 (714) 567-7600
Registrar of Voters
P.O. Box 11298
Santa Ana, CA 92711-1298
NW Natural Gas
Water District
Sewer District
Garbage Provider
Fuel (Propane)
Phone Services
Banks and Credit Unions
Credit Card Companies (including department store credit cards)
Lenders (Mortgage, Home Equity, Auto, Student Loans)
Insurance Companies (Health, Renters, Auto, Home, Medical, Dental, Disability, Life)
Retirement (Pension plans, 401K, Social Security, Veterans Affairs)
Investments (Investment Agencies and Brokers)
Online Bill Payer
US Post Office
Department of Motor Vehicles (Obtain your driver’s license and change vehicle registration)
Passport Office
Veteran Affairs
Unemployment Office (If you are currently receiving unemployment benefits)
Housecleaning Services
Delivery Services
Lawn Care Services
Pool Service
Health Clubs
Membership Clubs (AAA or similar)
Community Groups (PTA, Neighborhood Associations, Civic Clubs)
Children’s Extracurricular Activities (Dance Classes, Music Lesson, Sports Clubs)
Magazine (USPS will only forward 2 months)
Movie Subscriptions (Netflix, Blockbuster, etc)
Book or Music Clubs
Friends and Family
Employers (typically notify the Human Resources Department)
Inventory Sheets: Create an inventory sheet of all your belongings which need to be moved
Research Moving Options: You’ll need to decide if yours is a do-it-yourself move or if you’ll be using a moving company.
Request Moving Quote: Solicit moving quotes from as many moving companies and movers as possible. There can be a large difference between rates and services within moving companies.
Discard Unnecessary Items: Moving is a great time for ridding yourself of unnecessary items. Have a yard sale or donate unnecessary items to charity.
Packing Material: Gather moving boxes and packing material for your move.
Contact Insurance Companies: You’ll need to contact your insurance agent to cancel/transfer your insurance policy.
Start Packing: Begin packing all things destined for your new location.
Obtain Your Medical Records: Contact your doctor, physician, dentist and other medical specialists who may currently be retaining any of your family’s medical records. Obtain these records or make plans for them to be delivered to your new medical facilities if changing. Security is critical of personal records.
Note Food Inventory Levels: Check your cupboards, refrigerator and freezer. Use up as much of your perishable food as possible.
Small Engines: Service small engines for your move by extracting gas and oil from the machines. This will reduce that chance to catch fire during your move.
Protect Jewelry and Valuables: Transfer your jewelry and valuables to a safety deposit box; you don’t want them to be lost or stolen during your move.
Borrowed and Rented Items: Return items which you may have borrowed or rented. Collect items borrowed to others.
Your Change of Address: Change your address with the USPS, DMV, Financial Institutions, Utilities, Government Offices, Health Care Service Providers, Memberships, Subscriptions and Insurance Provisions.
Bank Accounts: Transfer or close bank accounts if changing banks. Make sure to have a money order for paying the moving company.
Service Automobiles: If automobiles are to be driven long distance, you’ll want to have them serviced so you have a trouble-free drive.
Cancel Services: Notify any remaining service providers (newspapers, lawn services, etc.) of your move.
Travel Items: Set aside all items you’ll need while traveling. Make sure these are not packed on the moving truck..
Contact Utility Companies: Set utility turnoff date, seek refunds and deposits and notify them of your new address.
Plan Your Itinerary: Make plans to spend the entire day at the house or at least until the movers are on their way. Someone will need to be around to make decisions. Make plans for kids and pets to be at a sitters for the day.
Review the House: Once the house is empty, check the entire house (closets, attic, basement, etc.) to ensure no items are left or no home issues exist.
Double Check With Your Mover: Ensure the mover has the new property address and all of your most recent contact information, should they have any questions during your move.
Vacate Your Home: Make sure utilities are off, doors and windows are locked and notify your real estate agent you’ve vacated the property.
Questions To Ask: Where is the garage door opener? Where are the keys to the house, mailbox and other lockable area? Did you retrieve all keys from neighbors and friends?
(800) 466-3337 www.homedepot.com
(800) 445-6937 www.lowes.com
Goodwill (800) 741-0186 locator.goodwill.org
The Salvation Army (800) 958-7825 www.salvationarmyusa.org
AFD Movers Inc (949) 538-1062 www.afdmovers.com
Best Fit Movers (949) 647-7937 www.bestfitmovers.com
Universal Moving OC (630) 441-6286 www.umovingoc.com
Budget (800) 462-8343 www.budgettruck.com
Penske (888) 996-5415 www.pensketruckrental.com
U-Haul (800) 468-4285 www.uhaul.com
A-1 Self Storage www.a1storage.com
ExtraSpace Storage www.extraspace.com
Public Storage (800) 906-0879 www.publicstorage.com
Anaheim Transfer Station republicservices.com
Waste Management www.wm.com
Orange County Landfills www.oclandfills.com/landfills
John Wayne Airport (949) 252-5200 www.ocair.com
LAX Airport (424) 646-5678 www.flylax.com
DMV (800) 777-0133 www.dmv.ca.gov
Orange County Transportation (714) 636-7433 www.octa.net
Metrolink (800) 371-LINK (5465) www.metrolinktrains.com
Greyhound (800) 231-2222 www.greyhound.com
Verizon (888) 881-8161 www.verizon.com
XFINITY (Comcast) (800) 934-6489 www.comcast.com
Aliso Viejo www.avcity.org
Anaheim www.anaheim.net
Brea www.ci.brea.ca.us
Buena Park www.buenapark.com
Costa Mesa www.costamesaca.gov
Cypress www.cypressca.org
Dana Point www.danapoint.org
Fountain Valley www.fountainvalley.gov
Fullerton www.cityoffullerton.com
Garden Grove www.ggcity.org
Huntington Beach www.huntingtonbeachca.gov
Irvine www.cityofirvine.org
La Habra www.lahabraca.gov
La Palma www.cityoflapalma.org
Laguna Beach www.lagunabeachcity.net
Laguna Hills www.lagunahillsca.gov
Laguna Niguel www.cityoflagunaniguel.org
Laguna Woods www.cityoflagunawoods.org
Lake Forest www.lakeforestca.gov/en
Los Alamitos www.cityoflosalamitos.org
Mission Viejo www.cityofmissionviejo.org
Newport Beach www.newportbeachca.gov
Orange www.cityoforange.org
Placentia www.placentia.org
Ranch Santa Margarita www.cityofrsm.org
San Clemente www.san-clemente.org
San Juan Capistrano www.sanjuancapistrano.org
Santa Ana www.santa-ana.org
Seal Beach www.sealbeachca.gov
Stanton www.stantonca.gov
Tustin www.tustinca.org
Villa Park www.villapark.org
Westminster www.westminster-ca.gov
Yorba Linda www.yorbalindaca.gov
Orange County (855) 886-5400 www.ocgov.com
Mission Hospital 27700 Medical Center Rd. Mission Viejo, CA 92691 949-364-1400 www.mission4health.com
NH Comprehensive Health 7861 Garden Grove Blvd. Garden Grove, CA 92841 714-898-8888 www.nhanhoa.org
Orange Coast Medical 18111 Brookhurst Street Fountain Valley, CA 92708 714-378-7000 www.memorialcare.org/ orange_coast
Anaheim Regional Medical 1111 W. La Palma Ave. Anaheim, California 92804 714-774-1450
Children's Hospital of Orange County (CHOC) 1201 W La Veta Ave, Orange, CA 92868 714-997-3000
Fountain Valley Regional Hospital 17100 Euclid at Warner Fountain Valley CA 714-966-7200
Garden Grove Hospital 12601 Garden Grove Blvd Garden Grove, CA 92843 714-537-5160
Hoag Memorial Hospital
One Hoag Drive P.O. Box 6100
Newport Beach, CA 92658 (800) 309-9729
Huntington Beach Hospital 17772 Beach Blvd.
Huntington Beach, CA 92647 714-842-1473
Los Alamitos Medical Center 3751 Katella Avenue Los Alamitos, CA 90720 (562) 598-1311
Mission Hospital Laguna Beach 31872 Coast Highway Laguna Beach, CA 92651 (949) 499-1311
Saddleback Medical Center 24451 Health Center Drive Laguna Hills, CA 92653 (949) 837-4500
St. Joseph Hospital Orange 1100 W Stewart Dr Orange, CA 92868 (714) 633-9111
St. Jude Medical Center 101 E Valencia Mesa Dr Fullerton, CA (714) 871-3280
UCI Medical Center
101 The City Drive South, Orange, CA 92868 714-456-7890
Disneyland LEGOLAND
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Universal Studios
Knott’s Berry Farm Buena Park
Newport Beach
Hunington Beach
Laguna Beach
Orange County Whale Watching Orange County Museum of Art Chance Theater
City National Grove of Anaheim
Honda Center
Great Wolf Lodge
Children’s Museum at La Habra
Peter’s Canyon Regional Park
Santiago Oaks Reginal Park Fullerton Arboretum
South Coast Plaza
Anaheim GardenWalk Center Street Promenade
Main Place Mall
Old Towne Orange
Crystal Cover Shopping Center
Because of you… we obsess over cyber security!
Cyber fraud and email hacking is on the rise. Fraudsters may access individual email accounts and monitor the life of your transaction. At the time funds are due to the escrow, fraudsters intercept the information for wiring funds and the fraudsters change the information without the knowledge of the sender or recipient, resulting in the funds being sent to an outside account and never credited to the intended party.
To protect and reduce your risk, WFG has implemented the following procedures for outgoing and incoming wires:
Outgoing Wire from WFG to seller or borrower for proceeds
In the escrow paperwork provided you will be asked to provide written instructions on how you want funds dispersed at the close of escrow. If you choose to have the funds sent via wire transfer, WFG will contact you by phone to confirm the wire information provided.
Incoming Wires from buyer and/or lender to WFG bank account
For funds that are to be wired to WFG for your transaction, we will send specific wire instructions to the remitting person via an encrypted email. We recommend you reach out to your WFG contact to confirm the wire instructions prior to remittance.
We look forward to processing your escrow transaction for you. We know that this can be a stressful time and we are here to assist you in any way we can to make this a good experience.
The purchase of a home is one of the most expensive and important purchases most of us ever make. Your buyer will want to make sure that the property is indeed yours to sell and that there are no unknown liens, claims, or encumbrances held against the property. Your buyer chose your property for its features and amenities. Enhancing these amenities with an Owner’s Policy of title insurance issued through WFG Title Company of California is just as important as the work you put into maintaining and improving your property.
According to real estate custom and practice the seller pays a one-time premium for the new buyer’s Owner’s Policy based on the sales price of the property. WFG Title Company of California searches the public records to identify and eliminate title risks. The new buyer’s policy indemnifies the buyer against loss and provides a defense in the event of claims against the title according to the terms of the policy. For a one time charge, the buyer’s policy protects the buyer for as long as the buyer owns the property, ad under enhanced Homeowner’s Policy (HOP), forever.
You will feel confident that your buyer is receiving quality protection. You should also feel secure that your buyer will not return years later to make claims against you based on title risks which you knew nothing about at the time of sale.
Far into the future, a title policy issued through WFG National Title Company will be one of the most enduring benefits of this transaction - for you and your buyer.
For most of us, buying a home requires help with financing the purchase price. Your purchase loan is secured by the new home you are buying. Your lender will want to insure that the security for their loan is protected by title insurance and that you are the owner of record.
The lender’s Policy of title insurance insures your lender and any purchasers of the lender’s lien, that this lien has priority over other liens now shown in the policy. Many lenders condition their loans upon the purchase of a Lender’s Policy.
According to real estate custom and practice you, as the buyer, will be responsible for paying the title insurance premium for the Lender’s Policy on your home loan. WFG Title Company of California gives you a big break on the cost of this important coverage.
For questions regarding title policies, lender policies or buying and selling, please contact your title representative.
An escrow is an arrangement made under contract between a Buyer and Seller. As the neutral third party, escrow is responsible for receiving and disbursing money and/or documents. People buying and selling real estate open an escrow for their protection and convenience. Both the buyer and seller expect the escrow agent to carry out their written instructions associated with the transaction and also to advise them if any of their instructions are not being met, or cannot be met. If the instructions from all parties to an escrow are clearly set out, the escrow officer can proceed on behalf of the buyer and seller without further consultation.
The Seller/Agent
Delivers a fully executed Purchase Sale Agreement to the escrow agent.
Executes the paperwork necessary to close the transaction.
The Buyer/Agent
Deposits collected funds required to close in with the escrow agent.
Approves the commitment for title insurance, or other items as called for by the Purchase Sale Agreement.
Executes the paperwork and loan documents necessary to close the transaction.
The Lender
Deposits loan documents to be provided by the buyer.
Deposits the loan funds.
Informs the escrow agent of the conditions under which the loan funds may be used.
Clears Title
Obtains title insurance
Obtains payoffs and release documents for underlying loans on the property
Receives funds from the buyer and/or lender.
Prepares vesting document affidavit on seller’s behalf.
Prorates insurance, taxes, rents, etc.
Prepares a final statement (often referred to as the “HUD Statement” or ”Settlement Statement”) for each party, indicating amounts paid in conjunction with the closing of your transaction.
Forwards deed to the county for recording.
Once the proper documents have been recorded, the escrow agent will distribute funds to the proper parties.
Escrow is the process that gathers and processes many of the components of a real estate transaction. The sale is officially closed when the new deed is recorded and funds are available to the seller, in turn transferring ownership from the seller to the buyer. The escrow agent is a neutral third party acting on behalf of the buyer and seller under the Escrow Law as set forth in the State of California.
Title insurance insures against financial loss from defects in title, liens or other matters. It protects both purchasers and lenders against loss by the issuance of a title insurance policy. Usually, during a purchase transaction the lender requests a policy (commonly referred to as the Lenders Policy) while the buyers receive their own policy (commonly referred to as an Owners Policy).
It will protect against lawsuits if the status of the title to a parcel or real property is other than as represented, and if the insured (either the owner or lender) suffers a loss as a result of a title defect. The insurer will reimburse the insured for that loss and any related legal expenses.
Generally there are two policies issued: the Lenders Policy which insures the lender for the amount of the loan and the Owners Policy which insures the purchaser for the purchase price.
How is title insurance different from other types of insurance?
While the purpose of most other types of insurance is to assume risk through the pooling of monies for losses happening because of unforeseen future events (like sickness or accidents), the primary purpose of title insurance is to eliminate risks and prevent losses caused by defects in title arising out of events that have happened in the past. To achieve this, title insurers perform a thorough search and examination of the public records to determine whether there are any adverse claims (title defects) attached to the subject property. These defects/claims are either eliminated prior to the issuance of a title policy or their existence is excepted from coverage. The policy is issued after the closing of your new home, for a one time nominal fee, and is good for as long as you own the property.
in a title search?
A title search is made up of three separate searches:
• Chain of Title – History of the ownership of the subject property
• Tax Search – The tax search shows the status of the taxes and assessments
• Judgment and Name Search – Searches for judgment and liens against the owners’ and purchasers’ name
After the three searches have been completed, the file is reviewed by an examiner who determines:
• If the Chain of Title shows that the party selling the property has the rights to do so.
• If the taxes for the subject property show the existence of any special assessments against the land and whether or not these assessments are current or past due.
• Whether there are any unsatisfied judgments on the Judgment and Name Search against the previous owners, sellers, or/and purchasers.
Rights established by judgment decrees, unpaid federal income taxes and mechanic liens all may be prior claims on the property, ahead of the buyers or lenders rights. The title search will only uncover issues in title that are of public records and therefore allowing the title company to work with the seller to clear up these issues and provide the new buyer with title insurance.
Once the searches have been examined the title company will issue a commitment, stating the conditions under which it will insure title. The buyer, seller and the mortgage lender will proceed with the closing of the transaction after clearing up any defects in the title that have been uncovered by the search and examination.
SELLER can generally be expected to pay for:
Real Estate Commission (per contract)
Document preparation fee for Deed
Documentary transfer tax ($1.10 per $1,000 of sales price)
Any City Transfer/Conveyance Tax (per contract)
Any loan fees required by buyer’s lender
Payoff of all loans in seller’s name (or existing loan balance if being assumed by buyer)
Interest accrued to lender being paid off, Statement Fees, Reconveyance Fees and any Prepayment Penalties
Termite Inspection (per contract)
Termite Work (per contract)
Home Warranty (per contract)
Any judgments, tax liens, etc., against the seller
Tax pro-ration (for any taxes unpaid at time of transfer of title)
Any unpaid Homeowner’s dues
Homeowner transfer & document fees (per contract)
Recording charges to clear all documents of record against seller
Any bonds or assessments (per contract)
Any and all delinquent taxes
Notary Fees
Escrow Fee (per contract)
Title Insurance Premium (per contract)
BUYER can generally be expected to pay for:
Real Estate Commission (per contract)
Title Insurance Premium (per contract)
Escrow Fee (per contract)
Document preparation (if applicable)
Notary Fees
Recording charges for all documents in buyer’s name
Termite Inspection (per contract)
Tax pro-ration (from date of acquisition)
Homeowner's transfer & document fee (per contract)
All new loan charges (except those required by lender for seller to pay)
Interest on a new loan from date of funding to 30 days prior to first payment date
Assumption /Change of Records Fees for takeover of existing loan
Inspection Fees (roofing, property inspection, geological, etc.)
Home Warranty (per contract)
City Transfer/Conveyance Tax (per contract)
Fire Insurance Premium for first year
Endorsements required by lender
Only spouses or domestic partners Only spouses or domestic partners
Any number of persons (can be spouses)
Any number of persons (can be spouses)
Any number of interests, equal or unequal
In the names of the individual owners
In the names of the individual owners
In the names of the individual owners
Any number of persons (can be spouses)
Partnership interests may be equal or unequal
In the names of the individual owners In the name of the partnership
POSESSION Equal right of possession Equal right of possession Equal right of possession Equal right of possession According to partnership agreement
CONVEYANCE Both spouses must join in a conveyance
Both spouses must join in a conveyance
Decedent’s Spouse 1/2 interest passes to decedent’s estate
Tenancy in common between devisee and survivor results
Decedent’s 1/2 interest passes to the survivor
Conveyance by one co-owner breaks the joint tenancy
Decedent’s interest passes to the survivor(s)
Survivor owns entire interest
Community property is liable for the debts of either spouse incurred before or during marriage or domestic partnership
Community property is liable for the debts of either spouse incurred before or during marriage or domestic partnership
Last survivor owns entire interest
Co-owner’s interest may be sold at an execution sale to satisfy the co-owner’s judgement creditor
Each co-owner’s interest may be conveyed separately
Decedent’s interest passes to the decedent’s estate
Devisees or heirs become tenants in common
Co-owner’s interest may be sold at an execution sale to satisfy the co-owner’s judgement creditor
Any general partner authorized by the partnership agreement may convey
Partnership agreement provides either termination or continuance of the partnership
Any number of beneficiaries of the trust
Beneficial interests under trust may be equal or unequal
In the name of the trustee “as trustee”
According to trust agreement
Trustee may convey in accordance with the trust agreement
Trust agreement usually provides for distribution upon death of the settlor
Heirs or devisee have rights in partnership interest but not in specific property Trust agreement usually provides for distribution upon death of the settlor
Only a partner’s right to receive profits can be executed upon by the partner’s judgement creditor
Usually, the creditor cannot execute on a beneficiary’s interest
DISCLAIMER–Theforegoingcontainsinformationalexamplesonlyandisnottobeconstruedaslegaladvice.Giventhecomplexitiesinvolved inacquiringandholdinglegaltitletorealproperty,WFGstronglyrecommendsthatyouseeklegaladvicefromanattorneypriortodoingso.
1. La Quinta Office
43576 Washington Street, Suite 120 La Quinta, CA 92253
2. Murrieta Office
25240 Hancock Avenue suite 405, Murrieta, CA 92562 951-445-4186
3. Palm Springs Office
901 E. Tahquitz Canyon Way, Suite A100-102 Palm Springs, CA 92262
4. San Bernardino Office
650 E. Hospitality Lane, Suite 300
San Bernardino, CA 92408
5. Yucca Valley Office
7355 Church Street, Suite D Yucca Valley, CA 92284
6. Los Angeles Office
700 N. Brand Blvd, Suite 1100 Glendale, CA 91203 818-476-4000
7. Woodland Hills Office 21860 Burbank Blvd., Suite 175 Woodland Hills, CA 91367 818-205-9828
8. Irvine Office
500 Technology Drive Suite 100, Irvine, CA 92618 949-430-3700
9. Carlsbad Office 2111 Palomar Airport Road, Suite 130 Carlsbad, CA 92011 760-656-2370
10. San Diego Office
9665 Granite Ridge Dr., Suite 210 San Diego, CA 92123 858-805-0990
11. Santa Barbara Office
126 East Carrillo Street, Unit 4 & 5 Santa Barbara, CA 93101 805-687-1700
12. Ventura County Office 2625 Townsgate Road, Suite 101, Westlake Village, CA 91361 805-917-7020
13. Southern California Commercial 500 Technology Drive Suite 100 Irvine, CA 92618 949-430-3700
WFG’s My Home
CC&R’s (ifapplicable)
The information contained is provided by WFG’s Customer Service Department to our customers, and while deemed reliable, is not guaranteed.
11/21/2024 Single-Family Homes
This week the median list price for Laguna Beach, CA 92651 is $4,699,500 with the market action index hovering around 27. This is an increase over last month's market action index of 26 Inventory has decreased to 140.
This answers “How’s the Market?” by comparing rate of sales versus inventory.
The market has shown some evidence of slowing recently Both prices and inventory levels are relatively unchanged in recent weeks. Watch the Market Action Index for changes as it can be a leading indicator for price changes
Slight Buyer's Advantage
Each segment below represents approximately 25% of the market ordered by price.
Again this week we see prices in this zip code remain roughly at the level they’ve been for several weeks. Since we’re significantly below the top of the market, look for a persistent up-shift in the Market Action Index before we see prices move from these levels.
In the quartile market segments, we see prices in this zip code have settled at a price plateau across the board. Prices in all four quartiles are basically mixed. Look for a persistent shift (up or down) in the Market Action Index before prices move from these current levels.
The market plateau is seen across the price and value. The price per square foot and median list price have both been reasonably stagnant. Watch the Market Action Index for persistent changes as a leading indicator before the market moves from these levels.
7-Day Average 90-Day Average
Inventory has been relatively steady around these levels in recent weeks. 7-Day Average 90-Day Average
The market has shown some evidence of slowing recently. Both prices and inventory levels are relatively unchanged in recent weeks. Watch the Market Action Index for changes as it can be a leading indicator for price changes.
Three of the four quartiles of this zip code are in the Seller’s Market zone with relatively low amounts of inventory given the current levels of demand. It’s not uncommon that the premium segment of the market takes longer to sell than the rest of the group.
The properties have been on the market for an average of 154 days. Half of the listings have come newly on the market in the past 100 or so days. Watch the 90-day DOM trend for signals of a changing market.
It is not uncommon for the higher priced homes in an area to take longer to sell than those in the lower quartiles.
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Our search found no CC&R’s of record for this property. However, no examination of title has been made and WFG National Title assumes no liability.