All about Jakearia Johnson By: Samantha Lozano 1-8-16 4th Block
Her favorite meal‌ • She loves to eat hot wings and pasta salad.
Eliminate ONE thing from the world‌ • She said cancer because it affects families lives.
The best thing to on a rainy day is‌ • Jakearia likes to sleep.
Would you rather have a longer school day and go 4 days a week, or a shorter school day and go 6 days a week?
• Jakearia would rather go on the shorter days because she gets to get out of school early.
How long does it take you to get ready for school? • Jakearia takes an hour and a half to get ready.
Dream job…? • Jakearia wants to be a dance choreographer.
First person in front of the lunch line, or last person to get double proportions? • Jakearia would rather be last because she likes to eat.
Would you rather play a sport you hate but win every time, or play a sport you enjoy but never win? • Jakearia would rather play a sport that she hates because she likes to win.
Morning person or Night Owl…? • Jakearia is a night owl.
Greatest invention‌? • Jakearia loves her cell phone because she can take it anywhere and use it.
Dream vacation…? • Jakearia wants to go to the Bahamas because she wants to try the food and explore.
Favorite snack‌? • Hot Cheetos and a fruit punch Brisk