Tech News April

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Vol. 6, April 2010 Edited by M. Winter Have you heard of the term” Web 2.0”? I am sure that you have. Web 2.0 is an interactive new web that is no longer static. Web 1.0 now refers to the Internet between roughly 1994 and 2004. The Web during this time was static content, one way publishing and standard HTML coding. Information that was posted on the web was written, reviewed, and edited and then published to the web by a webmaster with knowledge of HTML and framesets. Web 2.0 represents a new type of web. This is the “read and write” web. No longer are Web users limited to reading content. Web 2.0 allows users to contribute content to a site. This allows for lots of new opportunities for collaboration and information exchange. It has given everyone the chance to publish their work and thoughts on a wide range of topics.

Food for Thought: Digital Natives vs Digital Immigrants:DI teachers assume that learners are the same today as they have always been. Do we need to change our assumption? Today’s learners are different. DN students have grown up being connected since they could walk. In fact many complain that they have to “power down when they go to school”. DIT say that DNS are not paying attention and the DNS say that the instructors do not make education worth paying attention to. Is this a true conflict that can or should be resolved? Should DIT’s review, reflect, and adapt to the new expectations of the digital natives?

Here are some of the Innovations that have Contributed to Web 2.0 •Social Networking – Website that allow users to collaborate, discuss, document, and network. •Social Bookmarking – Websites that manage favorite bookmarks. •Wikis- Websites that individuals can collaborate with others on and publish original material. •RSS Feeds – Websites that gather information that you want to read regularly. •Podcasts – Audio and video syndication of original content. •Blogs – Websites that allow you to post a log of your opinions and ideas that you want to share. •Web Based Tools – Applications that run over the web. •File Sharing – The ability to post video or audio for other viewers to comment on. •Interactive Web Apps – Google Earth, Google Maps, or Yahoo Maps.

Just a Funny or Two %27s+and+ICT+too ls !!!!Check out this wiki!!!!

Very Nice Flash Tutorial _Taxonomy_Tutorial_FLASH#Tutorial_References

We are all aspiring to differentiate according to Bloom’ Bloom’s Taxonomy. Taxonomy Here is a terrific flash tool that will help you visualize how to meet your goals. goals Let me know what you think.

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Blogging do’s and don’ts Site to get a free blog

*get parental permission *check with the district policy *avoid blogging sites where students have to publish their full names *teach students the importance of tone and respect for others’ opinion *have clear expectations, rules, and consequences *remember that with risk comes growth and learning

What can you do with A blog in the classroom? *reflect on their reading or classroom discussions *investigate topics online and then report on their research *record group progress on a project *talk about shared classroom experiences *copy and paste thought provoking quotes from other blogs, and then offer your own thoughts on the topic

Check out my blog. http://tech221.blogsp

Why STUDENTS should BLOG -worldwide audience -authentic audience -engagement and motivation -to engage positively with world -to provide and get feedback from others -to have a real context for ethics, netiquette and digital citizenship -to have a real context for talking about copyright and internet safety -spelling and punctuation -to have ownership and productivity

50 Useful blogging tools

Visit this site to find useful blogging tools and helpful suggestions for using blogs in the classroom. Video tutorial to learn about Basic Math, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, and Calculus. Visual learning for our students.

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