MWM Reference Case Munich Airport (EN)

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Climate-Neutral by 2030

Munich airport has spent about €25 million on its new cogeneration power plant. Thanks to the highly efficient gas engines, the airport now generates about 46,000 t less carbon than a conventional power plant.

© Munich Airport

Munich airport wants to become carbon-neutral by 2030. The air-

efficient, powerful MWM TCG 2032 V16 engines. The older diesel gas

port‘s natural gas-fired cogeneration power plant, whose six MWM

engines are now kept for emergency backup purposes.

gensets cover about 70 percent of the airport‘s power demand,

In 2018, the airport aquired another TCG 2032 V16 engine in order to

represent an important step towards this ambitious goal. Using the

minimize downtimes during major maintenance work. Considering

exhaust heat from the engines, it is even possible to cover about

the high number of operating hours that the MWM gensets at

75 percent of the heating and cooling demand from the on-site

Munich airport are subject to — namely more than 6,500 operating

plant without obtaining any extra energy.

hours a year per engine — this was a truly smart move. With the

When the airport opened its gates in 1992, it had seven MWM diesel

seventh TCG 2032 V16 engine, the airport is now able to quickly

gas engines. In 2002, two additional MWM TCG 2032 V16 engines were

replace any engine during scheduled major maintenance measures

purchased. When the need for a new cogeneration power plant arose

or whenever unexpected events occur and go live speedily. Currently,

in 2015 in order to supply the growing infrastructure with power, heat,

the total output of the cogeneration power plant is about 26 MW

and cold, the diesel gas engines were replaced with four new highly

of electricity.

Prevailed in competition – Partner for 27 years – MWM Service Center South and Munich airport. “The investment in the powerful MWM engines has proved worthwhile, as they deliver high performance and maximum operating hours without any major outages or malfunctions”, explains project manager Sebastian Ruhland of the Munich airport. “For the airport operations, it is vitally important that the cogeneration power plant works smoothly around the clock.” Another advantage of the MWM generator sets is the proximity to the MWM Service Center South, which has been supervising Munich airport for 27 years. “We enjoy a long-standing partnership with the Service Center South. Whenever we need technical assistance or whenever maintenance work needs to be done, the MWM crew is on the scene without delay.”

Sebastian Ruhland, Project Manager, Service Department Engineering, Munich Airport. © Munich Airport

Cogeneration Power Plant with 40,000 Operating Hours/Year Each of the six engines runs for about 6,500 hours a year. In this way, the airport produces about 150 million kWh of power a year. During the cold season, the exhaust heat is used for heating purposes. In summer, absorption chillers enable the use of the exhaust heat for cooling purposes. Thanks to the efficient MWM gensets, the cogeneration power plant saves about 46,000 t of carbon a year compared to conventional power plants. The amount saved corresponds to the carbon emissions of a medium-sized city and represents a key contribution to the achievement of the climate goals that Munich airport has adopted in line with its sustainability strategy.

Flughafen München GmbH Contact / Project Manager:

Sebastian Ruhland


85326 München – Flughafen



Number of employees:


© Munich Airport

Technical data CHP Go-live:


Engine type:

TCG 2032 V16 (6 units + 1 replacement engine)


Marelli MJH 800 MC 6



Plant builder:

Kraftanlagen Hamburg GmbH

Electrical efficiency:

43.3 %

Thermal efficiency:

43.3 %

Electrical output:

4,300 kW

Thermal output:

4,300 kW

Total efficiency:

86.6 %

© Munich Airport

Minimum Downtime In 2018, the airport obtained another TCG 2032 V16 engine in order to minimize downtimes during the extensive E60 maintenance. In early April 2020, a dismantled engine was subjected to an intermediate overhaul according to maintenance level E60. The engine was returned to the airport in mid-April and is now available for the next replacement.

Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH Carl-Benz-Str. 1 68167 Mannheim, Germany T +49 621 384-0 | F +49 621 384-8800 |

Version 12-20/EN

© Caterpillar Energy Solutions GmbH

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