Studententertainment Magazine
FRESHER’s Special – September 2014
Issue 3
Table Of Contents
Section 1 How to … Saving Money
Bible Story … The Nativity
Section 3 Didn’t Get Through Clearing ! Books Films Music
Advice You Wished You Listened To !
Section 2
Section 4
WW1 Remembered 8 Back to School Fresher’s Advice
12 Culinary: Fry Up Hangover Cure
Bible Story – The Nativity A favourite story for many, the story of the Nativity, tells of new seasons, new birth, Joy, Hope, planning and looking forward to the future and so much more. This inspirational story, with Christmas only months away, brings a resting calm and is especially poignant once the snow starts to settle here in Hertfordshire. As a student, you are sure to enjoy the agreeable essence of new beginnings as the seasons develop.
Two thousand years ago there lived a woman named Mary, in a town called Nazareth. She was engaged to and about to marry a carpenter named Joseph. She was visited by an angel that spoke with her and told her she had been chosen to give birth to a baby that would be the son of God and he would be named Jesus.
Not so long after the angels visit Mary and her husband Joseph were on a journey to Bethlehem which was the home town of Joseph. Mary rode on a donkey while Joseph guided them along. Mary and Joseph could not find a anywhere to stay in Bethlehem as there was no room for them. The only place to stay for them was in a stable with animals. Mary went into labour and her child, a baby son was born in a stable. Mary wrapped her child in strips of cloth and laid him in a manger upon the hay.
Some shepherds on a nearby hillside were tending their sheep when a Bright light appeared in the sky. The shepherds were afraid and the voice of an angel told them not to be afraid because it was good news, the Son of God had been born, and they would find Him in Bethlehem, in a manger. The shepherds went on to find the baby, Jesus, lying in his manger, with his parents and the animals in a stable. When they arrived, they were filled with great joy, at seeing the baby and knelt and worshipped Him. They told Mary and Joseph what had occurred and how the
angel directed them to find the Saviour of the world.
Realising he had been tricked by the Wise men Herod had ordered that all new-born babies in Bethlehem be put to death. Mary and Joseph took baby Jesus to Egypt.
Far away in the East, three wise men were saw the new star, shining high up in the sky. They realised the significance of the star,
meaning a great king had been born. They decided to set off to find this King and headed to Jerusalem to seek king Herod. When they reached Herod he was troubled and told them to come back the way they had come so he too could worship this new King when they found him. Guided by the star, the continued on their way until they reached Bethlehem, where they found Jesus, Mary and Joseph, in the stable. They knelt and worshipped Jesus and gave gifts of Gold, Frankincense and Myrrh. That night an angel told them not to return by the road they came so the travelled by a different path on their way back to their country. Not soon afterwards, an angel appeared to Joseph and told him to take Mary and the baby, Jesus to Egypt as Herod was searching for Jesus to kill him.
Section 2
resher’s Special
Studentertainment Magazine 12 things to lift-off your Fresher’s Week spectacular! 22
k so you made it to University, now this is where you forget almost
everything that came before this moment, trust us. This will be the start of your 1st week at university so be sure to lap up as much as you can.
Have you found the University Administration building? This is where as either a foreign or home student your life is administered from. It should usually be the building that you paid the least attention to on the campus tour. This building is central to the smooth running of your life at Uni. In conjunction with your department administration, this building will save your life. Next up, the student bar. This is the building that seemed the most attractive to you when pointed out on the tour. Go in, order a pint if they let you. The sooner you get a pint in, the sooner you start feeling less like a school leaver and more like a student. A little bit of advise though, if you are there waiting to get noticed, it won’t happen and do not try to hit on the bar staff, you stand warned.
Next up, the student bar. This is the building that seemed the most attractive to you when pointed out on the tour. Go in, order a pint if they let you. The sooner you get a pint in, the sooner you start feeling less like a school leaver and more like a student. A little bit of advise though, if you are there waiting to get noticed, it won’t happen and do not try to hit on the bar staff, you stand warned.
The campus pharmacy is up there on the list of important spaces on campus, especially for girls. If you require contraceptives, cough medicine , plasters, paracetamol or other over the counter medicines this is the place to go. Staff on most of the campus will mainly be students and university folk are generally so. Just remember they are also as scared as you. If you need medication not available check with your GP surgery either back home and get a referral for inhalers etc. or with your community surgery. Stay healthy and stay safe.
Remember to register. Registration is what puts your name on the course roster so remember to do so. You are not officially on the course until you register so please do so ASAP. You do not want to be one of those shadowy students not tied to any fixed pattern, unless you believe being a ghost is cool. Following what was said about registration we move on to a very important hint. Energy. Your energy levels will probably be tested more than they have ever been in the first month and a half of attending university. Make sure you keep rested and keep refreshed. Coffee is great, as is a cold shower and of course there are so many energy drinks that it is hard to keep track nowadays. Remember, moderation, moderation moseration, energy levels. The Student Union is the place where if you are a loyalist will cater for most of your entertainment needs. Packed with the same old stuff you are used to down the shopping centre, cinemas, shops, barbers, bars, restaurants, more bars and we think you do get25the drift, they will cater for your every need. Remember to fill in your student’s union I.D form and send it off especially if visiting another uni campus. Remember you will need it if you want to get a discount.
Try the Fresher’s fair. It is a crummy repetitive event that drags on year after year but give it a try. It is usually about when you start to settle down on campus and by this time you should know literally everyone more or less. Remember it is a big campus.
Visit the events hosted for foreign students. Remember they are even more further away than you are and are even more terrified. As a bonus you could be the guy or girl on campus with a foreign girl or boy friend. Even more ways to worry your parents and old chums back home. Great.
Remember those you left at home. Remember that if they left you a crying, depressed, shivering wreck cowering in the corner they will be surprised to see a vibrant, confident, caffeine addicted super student standing in the doorway when you get home so skype inbetween or Instagram or whatever. Remember to keep those old fold updated.
Join a gym or society or something along those lines so you know what you are fighting for. Those early days can be extremely scare especially when viewed in retrospect so stay focused. Please be sure to take care of yourself and eat. Energy levels need to be maintained and try the sandwiched in the student shop. Explore and then do some more. Getting around campus can be hard especially if you are unlucky to have to spread out in-between lectures etc. Get a pair of rollerblades or old fashioned 4 wheel skates, they will endear you to others. Get a bike or some other form of wheeled transport. It will save time getting from place to place and hopefully you will be viewed with respect. Do not worry, you really cannot do anything that stupid during your first weeks unless you are one of those doomed people, epic, Attend lectures, get to know your lecturers, blend in, do not get too hammered, do not emit forms of spew or worse, and remember save and get your shopping done. Try getting a slave and not 27 becoming one! And ok yes, welcome to uni. and really we will miss out the usual ending salutation because it is oh so evident that it will
Section 3 30
Advice you Wish you 38
o here you are at the start of your career and literally the end of
your childhood life. What exactly have you garnered from those 16 plus years of gathering knowledge? As your guarantors of every imaginable source of trivial gossip and banter, the magazine has again come to your rescue. Filled with quips and filler, the sort of things students fill their spare time with. 1. Listen to your mother – Mums do no best or at least they think they do so remember to obey her absolutist rule. 2. Do not under any circumstances introduce your mother to your girlfriend, unless you’re certainly sure about what you’re doing. 3. Never go home directly after a piss up. It just will not end well and there could be a lot more undisclosed factors lurking around the corner waiting to worsen your life. 4. Do not hit on your bosses wife, girlfriend or secretary, his mother and sister though are fair game. Lol. 5. As a student get a job at your own peril. On the other hand, you do need the money so it’s a toss-up.
6. When you introduce your father to your girlfriend for the first time make sure she is dressed like a slut, he will never forget it. 7. Pay your phone bill on time. As a student you cannot live without broadband. 8. Do not waste money on alcohol when you can buy sweets. 9. Say hello to everyone you live with and make friends when you first move in. 10. Have an emergency fund between yourself and the rest of your flatmates or friends in halls in case one of you needs a new kidney or bladder. 11. Buy as much washing up tablets as possible. They are really heavy and you don’t want to lug them around unless you have them delivered to your door. 12. Ask your parents for help every now and then, it doesn’t make you weak. 13. Be friendly with your local G.P. You never know when you may need drugs 14. Do not under any circumstances spend all your money on alcohol during your first couple of nights out. You probably will end up in A&E if you do. If at any time you stop breathing, try and wake up!
e are however but only ½ way through our advice tit-
bits and hope some of them have stirred the old grey stuff about a bit. For serious advice, you really need to have a think and life really is a trial and error thing. There are a few things that are really worth knowing during your first weeks at university and
Back to School Now that you are on your way to new horizons do not forget those who are still behind you in the learning experience. An insight for parents and a cast eye set to help them, just in case you have forgotten how it all started with Back to School.
k so everything is
finally ready, Mum has been bugging you for the last two weeks not stop about the same subject and you have felt slightly more depressed as the
realization that the school term is about to begin and the holidays are going to end.
ou have managed to do
very little in terms of any sort of character building activity except of the important stuff you managed to do during the vacation of course. Have you had that all so important annual start of the school term haircut that occurs at almost the exact same time every year? Well then, guess what, its Back to School time. Have you been shopping and carefully watching the adverts that allow consumerist junk to clog the chambers of your brain again? Going back to school is a magical time and take it from us kids, we were not able to tweet or poke our friends on Twitter or Facebook when we were growing up. Yes, the past really was that boring but
given that your sibling, is a few years older than you how boring do you think it was when granddad was growing up?
ow that magical season,
Christmas is fast approaching, but before that, we have Halloween and before that, Back to School. Now that the adults have received their results and re-sits have been undertaken, we cast our eye on the younger generation and encourage them to make the best of what they love. It seems that from the age of 8 life really does begin to kick off. 45
ou will soon be starting to
contemplate your subject choices and being guided into these option by friend-s and loved ones will his thing of something really serious and scary career wise like biochemistry, that we believe is a 7 year course with other stuff added on. Law is a 4 year course about the same length of time as a Master’s degree. Medicine will last roughly 7 years along with studying to become a doctor. Architecture might be a 7 year course as well. Journalism, 4 years and life begins hence. Pick your choice, experiment, see what you really like and do not feel too bad if you made the wrong choice, you can always change, trust us.
o we hope that this
helped and has alleviated some of your fears and anxieties. Please feel free to contact 46 the magazine if you have any queries.