September 25 - 26, 2024
Visalia Convention Center

September 25 - 26, 2024
Visalia Convention Center
Scan to download app your key to the conference
SEPTEMBER 25, 2024
Schedule at a glance
SEPTEMBER 26, 2024
7:00AM 8:00AM Breakfast and Trade Show
7:30AM — 8:00AM Breakfast session
8:00AM — 10:00AM Sessions
9:30AM 11:00AM Break and Trade Show
10:30AM 12:00PM Sessions
12:00PM — 1:30PM Lunch AND Lunch Session
1:30PM — 3:30PM Sessions
3:30PM — 4:30PM Break and Trade Show
4:30PM — 5:00PM Sessions
5:00PM — 6:00PM Mixer
7:00AM 8:00AM Breakfast and Trade Show 8:00AM — 10:00AM Sessions
10:00AM 11:00AM Break and Trade Show
11:00AM — 12:00PM Sessions
12:00PM 1:00PM Lunch and CCA of the year 1:00PM — 2:30PM Sessions 2:30PM ADJOURN
Dear Attendees,
Progressive Crop Consultant Magazine is excited to once again collaborate with the Western Region Certified Crop Advisers (WRCCA) for this year’s Crop Consultant Conference. We have expanded our educational offerings for this twoday event, featuring two concurrent CEU tracks tailored specifically for PCAs and CCAs.
This year also marks the debut of our new CEU Manager—a trusted ally for precision and reliability in the palm of your hand.
Starting August 1, 2024, early access to 11.0 CEU hours opened up online, giving you a head start on your education. These courses, along with the remaining CEU opportunities, will remain accessible online until December 31, 2024, allowing you to complete your requirements on your schedule.
Years ago, I envisioned this event as the cornerstone gathering for the crop consultant industry— a place where industry professionals could come together to learn from experts, share insights with peers, and access the latest information and technology. As we continue to grow, I’m proud to say that we are achieving that goal.
We extend our heartfelt thanks to the Western Region Certified Crop Advisers (WRCCA) for their invaluable partnership in developing an agenda that addresses the latest in crop production practices and technology. This year’s agenda will cover crucial topics such as water management, fertilizer application, pest control, and more. Additionally, WRCCA will announce its CCA of the Year award, scholarships, and honorariums during Thursday’s lunch.
Please remember to download the MyAgLife app, your essential tool for navigating the conference. The app features the new CEU Manager, allowing you to effortlessly track all your annual credits. Truly, it’s your trusted ally for precision and reliability in the palm of your hand!
This year, we’re also introducing an interactive map within the app, providing detailed information about exhibitors and sponsors. You’ll be able to view their contact information during the event and continue to access it even after the conference, ensuring that you can maintain and build on the connections you make. We encourage you to take full advantage of the networking opportunities, educational sessions, and added CEU talks during breakfast and lunch on Wednesday, as well as the mixer on Wednesday evening. These activities are designed to enhance your conference experience and provide you with valuable connections and insights.
We are also excited to announce a special raffle exclusive to this year’s Crop Consultant Conference—an opportunity to win a VIP experience to see Thomas Rhett live in concert on October 20th in Fresno! The prize includes access to a private suite, gourmet food and beverages, and exclusive Thomas Rhett merchandise. Be sure to join us for lunch on September 26 to find out if you’re one of the lucky winners!
Finally, a big thank you to our sponsors and exhibitors for their continued support. We are looking forward to spending these two days with you and are here to assist with any questions you may have.
Jason Scott CEO and Publisher, JCS Marketing, Inc. Progressive Crop Consultant Magazine
For YOUR continued support
Your trusted ally for precision and reliability in the palm of your hand.
The MyAgLife App is now more essential than ever for navigating the conference. This year, we’re excited to introduce the new CEU Manager feature, allowing you to effortlessly track all your annual credits directly within the app.
Scan to download app your key to the conference
Wednesday, September 25
BREAKFAST Sponsored by SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition
7:30 AM: Thrips in Citrus: What Happened in 2024
Sandipa Gautam, UCCE Citrus IPM Advisor
8:00 AM
Carpophilus Beetle: What You Should Know
Houston Wilson, Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist, Dept. of Entomology, UC Riverside
8:30 AM
RNAi: A New Biological Tool for Crops
Surendra Dara, Professor and Extension Entomologist, Oregon State University
9:00 AM
Iodine as a Plant Nutrient
Doug Snyder, Business and Product Development Manager, SQM
Aerial Phytophthora Outbreaks During Wet Years in Almond
9:30 AM
The Value of Weather Stations in Vineyards and Orchards
Maria Zumkeller, Technical Vineyard Manager, Lange Twins Winery and Vineyards
10:00 AM
10:30 AM
Florent Trouillas, Associate Professor of Cooperative Extension, Dept. of Plant Pathology, UC Davis
11:00 AM
Potassium Formate -
The New Molecule for Effective Crop Nutrition
Deborah Miller, President, Deerpoint Group
11:30 AM
Managing Coastal Vegetable Diseases
Yu-Chen Wang, UCCE Plant Pathology Farm Advisor, Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties
LUNCH Sponsored by Rovensa Next
12:00 PM LUNCH
We Have It Under Biocontrol
Update on NematodeResistant Grape Rootstocks
Karl Lund, UCCE Area Viticulture Advisor, Madera, Mariposa and Merced Counties
Chickweed Challenges in Small Grains and Alfalfa
Nick Clark, UCCE Farm Advisor, Kings, Tulare and Fresno Counties
Johan Coetzee, General Manager of North America, Rovensa Next Jon Pasquinelli, Southwest Regional Manager, Rovensa Next 1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:30
Managing Viral Diseases of Tomato
Tom Turini, UCCE Vegetable Crops Advisor, Fresno County
Methods of Beneficial Insect Release for Integrated Pest Management
Hanna Kahl, Ecological Pest Management Specialist, CAFF
Impacts of Rodenticide Act on Rodent Management
Renee Pinel, President/CEO, Western Plant Health Association
Thursday, September 26
BREAKFAST Sponsored by AgroPlantae
8:00 AM
Silverleaf Nightshade Management in Tree Nut Orchards
Jorge Angeles, UCCE Weed Management Advisor, Tulare, Kings and Fresno Counties
8:30 AM
Managing Common Grape Diseases with Biofungicides
Akif Eskalen, Professor of Cooperative Extension, Dept. of Plant Pathology, UC Davis
9:00 AM
Navigating Agricultural Challenges: Physiological Impacts and Innovative Solutions
Dr. Muhammad Ismail Siddiqui, Director, R&D and Product Innovations, AgroPlantae
Roof Rat Management in Citrus
9:30 AM
Roger Baldwin, UCCE Human-Wildlife Conflict Res. Spec.
Continuous Fertigation
Devin Clarke, Agronomy Solutions Manager, Yara North America
11:00 AM
Sustainable Solutions for Twospotted Spider MitesIntegrated Strategies for Strawberry Growers
Todd Burkdoll, Field Market Development Specialist, Valent USA
Luis Mora, Sustainable Solutions Specialist, Valent USA
11:30 AM
Updates in Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation Efforts
Joji Muramoto, CE Specialist, UC Santa Cruz
LUNCH Sponsored by Deerpoint Group
12:00 PM LUNCH
Presentation of WRCCA’s CCA of the Year award, Scholarships and Honorariums
Searching EPA-Registered Pesticide Products More Effectively
Siavash Taravati, UCCE Area IPM Advisor, Riverside County
Plant Stress and Management
Eryn Wingate, Lead Agronomist, Tri-Tech Ag Products Inc.
Best Management Practices for Foliar Fertilization
Jerome Pier, Senior Agronomist, QualiTech
Panel Discussion: Potassium Applications and Timing in Perennial Crops
Stephen Vasquez, ED, Admin. Committee for Pistachios; Ehsan Toosi, Dir. R&D, True Organic Products Inc.; Paul Giboney, Ranch Agronomist, Hronis Inc.; Mae Culumber, UCCE Farm Advisor, Fresno County; Bryce Belgum, VP, Tri-Tech Ag Products Inc.
Irrigation Strategies and Technologies for Navigating Water Curtailments
Cory Broad, Agronomic Sales Manager, AvidWater
Exclusive VIP Prize Giveaway: Thomas Rhett Concert Suite Tickets 1:00 PM 1:30 PM
Disease Management in Prune Orchards
Themis Michailides, Plant Pathologist, UC Davis
Nitrogen Mineralization in Organic Cropping Systems
Christopher Hight, Soil Laboratory Manager, Betteravia Farms
Nitrogen Stabilizers
Larry Stauber, Technical Development Manager, Verdesian Life Sciences
2:00 PM
Top 10 Pesticide Violations in 2022/23
Judy Brant, Inspector, Tulare Ag Commissioner’s Office
Access your online CEU account
Username: [your email address]
Password: [your last name in CAPITAL letters]
Important: need to log in to access CEU
wednesday, september 25
thursday, september 26
Online CEUs for CCA and CDPR, as well as in-person CEUs for CCA, AZDA, CDPR, FREP/INMP and NDA are fully approved.
Reporting CCA Certification Holders
Proof of Completion
Reporting Database Updates
Timelines for Updates and Control
In-person: sign-in sheet or CCA app. Online: account status. Save for your own records.
JCSM reports to ICCA.
ICCA processes and updates the ICCA database.
JCSM to ICCA: 7 business days. Timing of updates is beyond JCSM’s control once reports are submitted.
License Holders (PCA, QAC, QAL, Private Applicator)
In-person: verification of attendance. Online: certification document. Save for your own records.
JCSM reports directly to AZDA, CDFA/FREP, CDPR and NDA. Private Applicators submit to their local ag commissioners’ offices — JCSM cannot submit on their behalf.
Each entity processes and updates its respective database: AZDA, CDFA/FREP, CDPR and NDA.
JCSM to AZDA, CDFA/FREP, CDPR and NDA: 7 business days. Timing of updates is beyond JCSM’s control once reports are submitted.
As your trusted ally for precision and reliability, we ensure that all CEUs are reported in a timely manner, with the utmost care for the accuracy and security of your data. You can count on us to handle your information with the highest level of professionalism. Please remember to do your part too: individual license holders are responsible for self-reporting and checking with their respective organizations or local ag commissioners’ offices regarding their licenses.
AZDA: Arizona Department of Agriculture
CCA: Certified Crop Adviser
CDFA: California Department of Food and Agriculture
CDPR: California Department of Pesticide Regulation
CEU: Continuing Education Unit
FREP: Fertilizer Research and Education Program
ICCA: International Certified Crop Advisers
INMP: Irrigation and Nitrogen Management Training Program
JCSM: JCS Marketing
NDA: Nevada Department of Agriculture
PCA: Pest Control Advisor
QAC: Qualified Applicator Certificate
QAL: Qualified Applicator License
7:00 AM Exhibit Hall
Breakfast sponsored by SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition BREAKFAST AND TRADE SHOW
7:30 AM Exhibit Hall Main Stage
0.5hr DPR Other
0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Thrips in Citrus: What Happened in 2024
Sandipa Gautam, UCCE Citrus IPM Advisor
Discussion on effective strategies to mitigate citrus thrips damage, including integrated pest management techniques, monitoring, and targeted treatments, as well as how the 2024 citrus crop faired with damage.
8:00 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr DPR Other
0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Carpophilus Beetle: What You Should Know
Houston Wilson, Associate Cooperative Extension Specialist, Dept. of Entomology, UC Riverside
Overview of latest research and management for carpophilus beetle, a new pest in California threatening almond and pistachio.
8:30 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr DPR Other
0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
RNAi: A New Biological Tool for Crops
Surendra Dara, Professor and Extension Entomologist, Oregon State University
Discussion on RNAi (RNA interference) applications as a biological tool for pest management, including how the technology silences specific genes in pests, disrupts vital processes and reduces their impact on crops.
Wednesday, September 25
9:00 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr CCA Nutrient Mgmt
Iodine as a Plant Nutrient
Doug Snyder, Business and Product Development Manager, SQM Showcasing the role of iodine in plant nutrition and innovative studies that are underway in California and around the world.
9:30 AM Exhibit Hall TRADE SHOW
9:30 AM Charter Oak CCA Room
0.5hr CCA Crop Mgmt
The Value of Weather Stations in Vineyards and Orchards
Maria Zumkeller, Technical Vineyard Manager, Lange Twins Winery and Vineyards
Focus on how weather stations equipped with unique sensors have become valuable tools for managing vineyards and orchards using data and incorporating weather, phenological, pest and disease models.
10:00 AM Exhibit Hall TRADE SHOW
10:30 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr DPR Other
0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Aerial Phytophthora
Outbreaks During Wet Years in Almond
Florent Trouillas, Associate Professor of Cooperative Extension, Dept. of Plant Pathology, UC Davis
Discussion on aerial Phytophthora management in almond during wet years, including orchard sanitation, fungicide applications, scouting for symptoms, and more.
11:00 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr CCA Nutrient Mgmt
Potassium Formate - The New Molecule for Effective Crop Nutrition
Deborah Miller, President, Deerpoint Group
DPG Potassium Plus™ introduces an innovative, sustainable, and cost-effective potassium source for fertilizing all crops. This presentation highlights the superior availability of potassium in potassium formate compared to other potassium fertilizers. It also explores the role of carbon in the molecule/ product and its potential to enhance crop performance.
11:30 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr DPR Other
0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Managing Coastal Vegetable Diseases
Yu-Chen Wang, UCCE Plant Pathology Farm Advisor, Monterey, Santa Cruz and San Benito Counties
Focus on effective disease prevention, early detection, and integrated management strategies tailored to the unique coastal growing conditions of lettuce and broccoli.
12:00 PM Exhibit Hall Lunch sponsored by Rovensa Next LUNCH
12:30 PM Exhibit Hall Main Stage 0.5hr DPR Other 0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
We Have It Under Biocontrol
Johan Coetzee, General Manager of North America, Rovensa Next; Jon Pasquinelli, Southwest Regional Manager, Rovensa Next
Review of new EPA organic pesticides highlighting their innovative formula-
tions and modes of action as well as how these products can be seamlessly integrated into conventional agriculture practices with appropriate management.
1:30 PM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other
Update on NematodeResistant Grape Rootstocks
Karl Lund, UCCE Area Viticulture Advisor, Madera, Mariposa and Merced Counties
Updates on development, benefits and practical implementation of grape rootstocks that exhibit resistance to nematode pests, and what’s available to industry.
1:30 PM Charter Oak CCA Room
0.5hr CCA Crop Mgmt
Plant Stress and Management
Eryn Wingate, Lead Agronomist, Tri-Tech Ag Products Inc.
Discussion on mechanisms of stress tolerance in plants, recent advances in allied disciplines for improving plant resilience and strategies to alleviate stress factors.
2:00 PM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other
Chickweed Challenges in Small Grains and Alfalfa
Nick Clark, UCCE Farm Advisor, Kings, Tulare and Fresno Counties
Focus on herbicide resistant chickweed in California small grain crops and alfalfa. Degrees of herbicide resistance between weed populations and herbicide active ingredients will be demonstrated as well as practical solutions for integrated weed management in small grains.
2:00 PM Charter Oak CCA Room
0.5hr CCA Nutrient Mgmt
0.5hr INMP Nitrogen
Best Management Practices for Foliar Fertilization
Jerome Pier, Senior Agronomist, QualiTech
Discussion on optimizing nutrient uptake through leaf application, emphasizing timing, formulation and compatibility with other treatments as well as targeted foliar feeding for specific crops and how it complements soil-based fertilization strategies.
2:30 PM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other
Managing Viral Diseases of Tomato
Tom Turini, UCCE Vegetable Crops
Farm Advisor, Fresno County
Discussion on symptoms, transmission methods and management strategies for Tobacco Mosaic Virus, Tomato Mosaic Virus and Tomato Spotted Wilt Virus.
2:30 PM Charter Oak CCA Room
1.0hr CCA Nutrient Mgmt, Panel Discussion: Potassium Applications and Timing in Perennial Crops
Stephen Vasquez, Executive Director, Administrative Committee for Pistachios; Ehsan Toosi, Director of Research and Development, True Organic Products Inc.; Paul Giboney, Ranch Agronomist, Hronis Inc.; Mae Culumber, UCCE Nut Crops Farm Advisor, Fresno County; Bryce Belgum, Vice President, Tri-Tech Ag Products
Delve with a panel of experts into the evolving trend of in-season potassium applications, importance of maintaining adequate potassium levels during peak evapotranspiration, emphasizing water use efficiency and drought tolerance, and more.
3:00 PM Charter Oak DPR Room 0.5hr DPR Other Methods of Beneficial Insect Release for Integrated Pest Management
Hanna Kahl, Ecological Pest Management Specialist, CAFF Focus on identification, conservation and practical strategies for enhancing presence of beneficial predator insects in agricultural ecosystems for integrated pest management.
3:30 PM Exhibit Hall TRADE SHOW
4:30 PM Charter Oak DPR Room 0.5hr DPR Laws & Regs Impacts of Rodenticide Act on Rodent Management
Renee Pinel, President/CEO, Western Plant Health Association
Conversation on regulations, safety guidelines and label changes as it relates to minimizing risks to non-target species while effectively managing rodent populations in agricultural and urban settings.
4:30 PM Charter Oak CCA Room 0.5hr CCA Soil & Water Mgmt 0.5hr INMP Irrigation
Irrigation Strategies and Technologies for Navigating Water Curtailments
Cory Broad, Agronomic Sales Manager, AvidWater
Focus on implications of groundwater depletion for irrigation, including increased pumping costs, water quality concerns and impacts on aquatic ecosystems. Also how SGMA regulations intersect with wetland conservation efforts and the need for sustainable water management practices.
5:00 PM Exhibit Hall
Mixer sponsored by WRT MIXER
7:00 AM Exhibit Hall
Breakfast sponsored by AgroPlantae BREAKFAST AND TRADE SHOW
8:00 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr DPR Other
0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Silverleaf Nightshade Management in Tree Nut Orchards
Jorge Angeles, UCCE Weed Management Advisor, Tulare, Kings and Fresno Counties
Discussion on silverleaf nightshade’s impact in young tree nut orchards, effective control methods and strategies to minimize spread and economic losses.
8:30 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr DPR Other 0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Managing Common Grape Diseases with Biofungicides
Akif Eskalen, Professor of Cooperative Extension, Dept. of Plant Pathology, UC Davis
Exploring use of biofungicides to combat diseases like powdery mildew, downy mildew and botrytis in vineyards as well as application methods and up-to-date efficacy results.
9:00 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr CCA Crop Mgmt
Navigating Agricultural Challenges: Physiological Impacts and Innovative Solutions
Muhammad Ismail Siddiqui, Ph.D., Director, R&D and Product Innovations, AgroPlantae
Exploring the impact of abiotic and biotic stress factors on plant health in modern agriculture, emphasizing mechanisms of damage and introducing sustainable solutions for crop
THURSday, September 26
management. Focus on solutions like biostimulants.
9:30 AM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other
Roof Rat Management in Citrus
Roger Baldwin, UCCE Human-Wildlife
Conflict Resolution Specialist
New research updates on preventive measures, monitoring techniques and effective control methods to safeguard citrus fruit quality and yield from roof rats. Compliance with EPA’s Rodenticide Act will be included in the discussion.
9:30 AM Charter Oak CCA Room
0.5hr CCA Nutrient Mgmt
0.5hr INMP Irrigation
Continuous Fertigation
Devin Clarke, Agronomy Solutions Manager, Yara North America
Impacts of integrating irrigation and fertilization on crop yield and quality. Focus on precision dosing, watersoluble fertilizers and how this approach optimizes crop health and resource efficiency.
10:00 AM Exhibit Hall TRADE SHOW
11:00 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr DPR Other 0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Sustainable Solutions for Twospotted Spider MitesIntegrated Strategies for Strawberry Growers
Todd Burkdoll, Field Market Development Specialist, Valent USA; Luis Mora, Sustainable Solutions Specialist, Valent USA
Emphasizing integrating targeted insecticide treatments with existing IPM programs for enhanced control, including the efficacy of Debug Turbo against twospotted spider mites.
11:30 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr DPR Other 0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Updates in Anaerobic Soil Disinfestation Efforts
Joji Muramoto, CE Specialist, UC Santa Cruz
Focus on recent advancements and research related to using anaerobic conditions to suppress soilborne pests and pathogens, including practical techniques, benefits and challenges.
12:00 PM Exhibit Hall
Lunch sponsored by Deerpoint Group
Exclusive VIP Prize Giveaway: Thomas Rhett Concert Suite Tickets
1:00 PM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other
Searching EPA-Registered Pesticide Products More Effectively Siavash Taravati, UCCE Area IPM Advisor, Riverside County
Discussion and how-to on new, easyto-use online Pomerix pesticide database available to consultants and growers.
1:00 PM Charter Oak CCA Room
0.5hr CCA Nutrient Mgmt
0.5hr INMP Nitrogen
Nitrogen Mineralization in Organic Cropping Systems
Christopher Hight, Soil Laboratory Manager, Betteravia Farms
Soil textural class and parent material’s impact on predicting nitrogen mineralization in organic operations. Discussion on importance of mineralization dynamics to stay profitable and reduce runoff.