September 25-26, 2024
Visalia Convention Center

September 25-26, 2024
Visalia Convention Center
November 7, 2024
Corteva Building International Agri-Center 4500 S Laspina St. Tulare, CA 93274
CDPR: 2.5, CCA: 3.5, FREP: 0.5
8:00 AM
Silverleaf Nightshade: Understanding, Controlling and Preventing its Spread in Orchards
Mandeep Riar, UCCE Restoration Ecology and Weed Science Farm Advisor, Kern and Tulare County
8:30 AM
Update on Personal Protection Equipment
Tom Tucker, Tulare County Ag Commissioner
9:00 AM
Preparing for Nematode Management in Almond with Changing Available Tools
Andreas Westphal, UC Riverside Professor of Cooperative Extension Nematology
10:30 AM
Emerging Pest Management Challenges in Nut Crops: Red Leaf Blotch of Almond; Navel Orangeworm; Gill’s Mealybug; Carpophilus Beetle
Idong Mokwunye, UCCE IPM Advisor; Jhalendra Rijal, UCCE IPM Advisor; Florent Trouillas, UCCE Associate Specialist, Plant Pathology
11:30 AM
Irrigating Young Almond Orchards
Raymond Mireles, UCCE Fruit and Nut Advisor, Fresno and Tulare Counties
12:00 PM
Industry Lunch and Presentation of Industry Titan Award
Jason Scott, CEO and Publisher, JCS Marketing 1:00 PM Adjourn
FREE to Attend!
Growers, Applicators, PCAs, CCAs, and Processors Welcome!
Enjoy Networking, Exhibits, Industry Lunch, Co ee & Donuts, CEUs, Seminars, and Workshops.
CDPR: 1.0, CCA: 3.5, FREP: 1.0
8:00 AM
Citrus Stubborn Disease vs Huanglongbing: Similarities and Differences
Ray Yokomi, Research Plant Pathologist, USDA-ARS
8:30 AM
Preserving Citrus and Avocado: Strategies for Combating Synergistic Dry and Phytophthora Root Rots Fatemeh Khodadadi, UCCE Specialist, Subtropical Plant Pathology
10:00 AM
Appraising Uncertainties and Errors of Citrus Water Use Estimated with Satellite Remote Sensing Methods
Daniele Zaccaria, UCCE Water Management Specialist
10:30 AM
Research on Possible Causes of Lemon Pitting
Ashraf El-Kereamy, Director, UC Lindcove Research and Extension Center
11:00 AM
Panel Discussion: Winter and Spring Fertility in Citrus Moderator: JW Lemons, CCA, CPAg Agronomy Manager
12:00 PM
Industry Lunch and Presentation of Industry Titan Award
Jason Scott, CEO and Publisher, JCS Marketing
1:00 PM Adjourn
8:00 AM
Panel Discussion: Innovations in Ag Processing
Moderator: Jason Scott, CEO and Publisher, JCS Marketing
Panelists: Jeff Sargent, Satake; Zhongli Pan, Adjunct Professor, Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, UC Davis
9:00 AM
Addressing Labor Issues in Ag Processing Alden Parker, Regional Managing Partner, Fisher & Phillips
9:30 AM
Using AI Technology to Improve Efficiency Saumitra Buragohain, CEO, Borde Inc.
11:00 AM
Panel Discussion: Handlers and Processors Discuss What Keeps Them Up at Night
Moderator: Roger Isom, President/CEO Western Agricultural Processors Association
Panelists: Wade Van Hooser, Mid Valley Cotton Growers; Amy Sihto, El Dorado Almonds; Jim Razor, JG Boswell Company, Luis Katsurayama, Pandol Bros.
12:00 PM
Industry Lunch and Presentation of Industry Titan Award
Jason Scott, CEO and Publisher, JCS Marketing
1:00 PM Adjourn This track doesn’t offer CEU
Most Available Potassium
DPG Potassium Plus™ is completely soluble to maximize plant uptake and the e ciency of the potassium—the most soluble of any potassium fertilizer.
Carbon Boost
DPG Potassium Plus™ contains over 26% carbon material to improve soil conditions. No undesirable salts will accumulate in your soil.
Apply with Con dence
The advanced formulation of DPG Potassium Plus™ allows for higher amounts of potassium to be applied without risk of phytotoxicity.
Now is the time to start preparing for early season pests such as powdery mildew, Botrytis and anthracnose. These pests will quickly reduce peak yield potential if they are not carefully monitored and effectively treated.
Rotating modes of action is one of the most powerful approaches in an effective integrated pest management (IPM) program. “In addition, research indicates that combining biologicals with chemistry can improve management of problematic pests,” says Dr. Melissa Jean O’Neal, Ph.D., Senior Product Development Manager, Pro Farm Group, Inc.
Regalia® Biofungicide is one such product that is highly compatible with other crop protection products and can be incorporated into tank mix or rotational programs.
Particularly effective against powdery mildew, Regalia Biofungicide has a broad spectrum of activity against many fungal and bacterial diseases. “It is a good product to apply preventatively before disease gains a foothold,” says O’Neal.
Percent Control of Powdery Mildew
Summary of 13 Studies • Pacific Ag Research, UC Davis
Regalia and Stargus Biofungicides support plant health and impart overall stress tolerance for grapes by boosting a plant’s innate ability to defend itself through induced systemic resistance (ISR) and systemic acquired resistance (ISR).
Another product to consider is Stargus® Biofungicide with the active ingredient Bacillus amyloliquefaciens strain F727. It contains a unique strain that is broad spectrum and provides multiple modes of action, for which efficacy data appear in the grape Botrytis dataset below. This Bacillus differs from other species and strains in that it generates living spores to form a protective barrier; therefore, pathogens have a more difficult time establishing within the plant.
These two biofungicides, Regalia and Stargus, show their greatest efficacy when applied early – when conditions become conducive to disease development or at the very onset of disease.
4-16% Less Botrytis Incidence vs. Alternatives
Dr. Eskalen, UCD, Clarksburg, Ca, 2020 • Variety: ‘Riesling’
5/15/2020 6/15/2020 6/28/2020
Adding Jet-Ag® 5%, a peroxyacetic acid (PAA), in tank mixes or rotations is another IPM approach to improve disease management by utilizing a contact curative. “This product kills pathogens on contact and has an extremely broad spectrum of activity,” says O’Neal. Jet-Ag also tends to be widely available and is quite economical to purchase.
Combining the power of biology with the performance of chemistry is called a BioUnite ™ approach by Pro Farm Group.
• Regalia 1-2 qts./A
If disease is already present, tank mix with Jet-Ag as a contact fungicide for best results.
• Stargus 1-2 qts./A OR
• Regalia 1-2 qts./A
• Jet-Ag 2-4 qts./100 gal.
• Stargus 1-2 qts./A OR
• Regalia 1-2 qts./A
In summary, benefits of biologicals in an IPM program include utilizing novel modes of action that improve pest management, reducing the development of pesticide resistance, and offering cost-effective tools through new formulations.
For more information, visit the grape page at or scan this QR code to download the Early Season Disease Management IPM Guide.
RANGO® provides control on both sucking and chewing insects while managing key diseases making it the perfect IPM partner.
Delivers the best-in-class formulation: Premium, stable, manufactured and tested in the USA for pesticide-free assurance. Cold-pressed for multiple modes of action, utilizing azadirachtin with 150+ bioactives to combat insects, mites, and diseases.
Versatile with no known resistance; effective solo, in tank mixes, or as a rotational partner.
September 24-25, 2025