from our publisher
Progressive Crop Consultant Magazine
is excited to again collaborate with the Western Region Certified Crop Advisers’ Association on this year’s Crop Consultant Conference. We have significantly expanded our educational offerings for this two-day conference with two concurrent CEU tracks, one for PCAs and one for CCAs, as well as a BONUS DPR Laws and Regulations Workshop.
My vision for this event years ago was for it to become the key event for the crop consultant industry and to create a space where the industry would come together to learn from experts and from each other and access information and technology. We continue to grow and expand to achieve that goal.
We thank WRCCA for working with us to develop an agenda that features the latest in crop production practices and technology, addresses common concerns about water, fertilizer and other inputs, and focuses on emerging pest issues for specialty crop consultants in the Western U.S. WRCCA will also announce its CCA of the Year award, scholarships and honorariums at lunch on Thursday.
Please remember to download the MyAgLife app, your key to the conference, where you will find push notifications and agenda details and also be able to interact with speakers during the Q and A sessions following each presentation.
Also take advantage of the food, fun and entertainment at this year’s conference, including comedian Jeff Applebaum during Wednesday lunch, the mixer Wednesday evening, and our raffle giveaway to My Ag Nite.
Thank you to our sponsors and exhibitors for helping to make this conference a success. My staff and I look forward to spending these two days with you and are here to help answer any questions.
Jason ScottWednesday, September 27
7:00 AM BREAKFAST Sponsored by SQM Specialty Plant Nutrition
8:00 AM
Neighborly NOW Program: Getting Connected with Mating Disruption Users
Jesse Roseman, Principal Analyst, Almond Board of California
8:30 AM
Pesticide Roadmap Panel: What Does the Future of Pesticide Use Look Like for California?
Renee Pinel, President/CEO, Western Plant Health Association; Surendra Dara, NWREC Director and Professor, Oregon State University; Roger Isom, President, WAPA; Daniel Hartwig, Director of Sustainability, Woolf Farming
9:30 AM
Industry Talk: Iodine as a Plant Nutrient
Doug Snyder, Business and Marketing Development Manager, SQM North America
10:30 AM
Laws and Regs Workshop: What We Learned from Top Pesticide Violations in 2022
Rigo Ceja, Outreach and Training Specialist, AgSafe
11:00 AM
Industry Talk: Growing Large, High-Quality Fruit Through Nutrition
Jeff Merrit, CEO, Axiom Ag
11:30 AM
Biopesticides: Where Industry Stands
Surendra Dara, NWREC Director and Professor, Oregon State University
12:00 PM LUNCH Sponsored by Multicolor Ecological Agriculture
Special Guest Entertainment: Jeff Applebaum
DPR TRACK Tackling Pesticide Resistance of Spotted Wing Drosophila
Jhalendra Rijal, UCCE Area IPM Advisor, Stanislaus County
Overview of SensorControlled Sprayers and Sprayer Types
7:00 AM BREAKFAST Sponsored by Axiom Ag
8:00 AM
Biostimulant Panel: Plant Biostimulant Act Reintroduction
Russell Taylor, Vice President, Live Earth Products; Kirk Van Leuven, CCA/PCA, Stoller USA; Rich Kreps, CCA, SSp., Ultra Gro; August York, CCA, Intuit Ag Consulting; James Henderson, CCA, President, Prime Dirt, Inc.
DPR TRACK Hydrogel Bait for SugarFeeding Ants in Vineyards
9:00 AM
David Haviland, UCCE Area IPM Advisor, Kern County
1:30 PM
CCA TRACK Regenerative Almond Management
Jessica Chiartas, Ph.D., California Soil Resource Lab, UC Davis
Almond Carbon Footprint and Soil Health
Brent Warneke, Faculty Research Assistant, Oregon State University
Soilborne Diseases in Vegetable and Tomato Row Crops
Tom Turini, UCCE Vegetable Crops Farm Advisor, Fresno County
The Role of Mating Disruption in Vineyard Pest Management
Kent M. Daane, UCCE IPM Specialist, UC Berkeley, Kearney Agricultural Research and Education Center
Bringing Fresh Perspectives to Combat Lettuce Disease
Kirsten Pearsons, UCCE IPM Advisor; Yu-Chen Wang, UCCE Plant Pathology Advisor, Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito counties
Devin Clarke, Permanent Crop Manager, Yara International
Nutrition and Soil Health Panel
Karl Wyant, Director of Ag Science, Nutrien; JW Lemons, Account Manager, Verdesian; Jerel Kratt, CEO, Regenerative Crop Consulting, Inc.; Matt Comrey, South Sacramento Valley Sales Manager, Wilbur-Ellis
Soil pH Nutrient Availability
Table: Where did it come from and how to use it?
Danny Klittich, Director of Agronomy, Mission Produce, Inc.
MIXER Sponsored by Water Right Technologies
9:30 AM
CCA TRACK Groundwater Recharge
On-Farm vs Large-Scale Infrastructure
Eryn Wingate, Agronomist, Tri-Tech Ag Products
Industry Talk: Fertilizer Optimization
Pawel Wiatrak, Ph.D., Agricultural Consultant, Multicolor Ecological Agriculture, Inc.
11:00 AM
Preparing for Disease in Future Cool, Wet Years
Themis Michailides, Plant Pathologist, UC Davis
Citrus Red Scale: Research Updates, How This Year’s Weather Affected Insect Generations
Sandipa Gautam, UCCE Area
Capturing Runoff with Product Technology
Eileen Bernard, Adjuvants Manager, Nutrien Ag Solutions
11:30 AM
Citrus IPM Advisor, Tulare County
Stress Management in Agronomic Crops in the Southwest Phil Frost, Technical Development Manager, Verdesian Life Sciences
12:00 PM LUNCH Sponsored by Heritage Crop Science, LLC
Presentation of WRCCA’s CCA of the Year award, Scholarships and Honorariums
1:00 PM
Industry Talk: Innovative Plant Growth Regulators (PGR) and Crop Protection Solutions
Ben Letizia, CEO/President, Heritage Crop Science, LLC
1:30 PM
Beet Leafhopper Management in Processing Tomato
Zheng Wang, UCCE Vegetable Crops and Irrigation Advisor, Stanislaus County
2:00 PM
Personal Protective Equipment Required by Labels for Employees and Owners Judy Brant, Agricultural Inspector, Tulare County Ag Commissioner Office
wednesday, september 27
thursday, september 28
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Wednesday, September 27
7:00 AM Exhibit Hall
8:00 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr DPR Other, 0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Neighborly NOW Program: Getting Connected with Mating Disruption Users
Jesse Roseman, Principal Analyst, Almond Board of California
Overview of Almond Board of California’s Neighborly NOW Program, which informs PCAs and growers across the state of others who are actively engaging in mating disruption practices for navel orangeworm in almond, pistachio and walnut orchards.
8:30 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
1.0hr DPR Other, 1.0hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Pesticide Roadmap Panel: What Does the Future of Pesticide Use
Look Like for California?
Moderator: Renee Pinel, President/ CEO, Western Plant Health Association; Researcher: Surendra Dara, NWREC Director and Professor, Oregon State University; Roger Isom, President, WAPA; Daniel Hartwig, Director of Sustainability, Woolf Farming
Discussion of California Department of Pesticide Regulation’s rollout of the Sustainable Pest Management Roadmap for California and its potential implications for agriculture in the state.
9:30 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA
0.5hr CCA Nutrient Mgmt
Industry Talk: Iodine as a Plant Nutrient
Doug Snyder, Business and Marketing Development Manager, SQM North America
This presentation will showcase the role of iodine in plant nutrition and innovative studies that are underway in California and around the world.
10:00 AM Exhibit Hall TRADE SHOW
10:30 AM Exhibit Hall #45 Workshop
0.5hr DPR Laws & Regs, 0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Laws and Regs Workshop: What We Learned from Top Pesticide Violations in 2022
Rigo Ceja, Outreach and Training Specialist, AgSafe
This workshop will cover the top pesticide violations and how to prevent them in the workplace. Topics will include FAC and 3CCR requirements for pesticide compliance and worker safety, including a discussion around practical implementation in the field. Main Points include Handler Training, Application Information, Hazard Communications, Labeling at Use Site, Decontamination Facilities, Service Container Labeling, County Registration, Emergency Medical Care, PPE, and Labeling/ Permit Conditions.
11:00 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr CCA Nutrient Mgmt Industry Talk: Growing Large, High-Quality Fruit Through Nutrition
Jeff Merrit, CEO, Axiom Ag Growers and consultants will hear information on providing nutrients for citrus trees that are plant-ready. A discussion on proper nutrient form for increased yield efficacy will also be had.
11:30 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
0.5hr DPR Other, 0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Biopesticides: Where Industry Stands
Surendra Dara, NWREC Director and Professor, Oregon State University
Review of current pest management applications for biopesticides in agriculture and how this product sector is developing.
12:00 PM Exhibit Hall
1:30 PM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other
Tackling Pesticide Resistance of Spotted Wing Drosophila
Jhalendra Rijal, UCCE Area IPM Advisor, Stanislaus County
Wednesday, September 27
Research examines pesticide resistance of Spotted Wing Drosophila in cherries and other specialty crops and next steps for PCAs/growers.
1:30 PM Charter Oak CCA Room
0.5hr CCA Crop Mgmt
Regenerative Almond Management
Jessica Chiartas, Ph.D., California Soil Resource Lab, UC Davis Consultants will hear about developed regenerative practices for almond orchards to help reduce inputs.
2:00 PM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other
Overview of Sensor-Controlled Sprayers and Sprayer Types
Brent Warneke, Faculty Research Assistant, Oregon State University Review of pesticide application technologies and the renewed interest in sensor-controlled spray systems.
2:00 PM Charter Oak CCA Room
0.5hr CCA Soil & Water Mgmt
Almond Carbon Footprint and Soil Health
Devin Clarke, Permanent Crop Manager, Yara International Consultants will learn about novel soil health management practices in almond orchards, including new biological mixes, cover crops, whole orchard recycling and more.
2:30 PM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other
Soilborne Diseases in Vegetable and Tomato Row Crops
Tom Turini, UCCE Vegetable Crops
Farm Advisor, Fresno County
Discussion on various soilborne diseases including Phytophthora that plague lettuce and tomato row crops in California.
2:30 PM Charter Oak CCA Room
0.5hr CCA Soil & Water Mgmt, 0.5hr CCA Nutrient Mgmt, 1.0hr INMP Nitrogen
Nutrition and Soil Health Panel Moderator: Karl Wyant, Director of Ag Science, Nutrien; Panelists: JW Lemons, Account Manager, Verdesian; Jerel Kratt, CEO, Regenerative Crop Consulting, Inc.; Matt Comrey, South Sacramento
Valley Sales Manager, Wilbur-Ellis Consultants and growers will hear up-to-date recommendations on understanding and leveraging the nitrogen cycle to make informed fertility decisions, and how improving soil health can alter decision-making.
3:00 PM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other
The Role of Mating Disruption in Vineyard Pest Management
Kent M. Daane, UCCE IPM Specialist, UC Berkeley, Kearney Agricultural Research and Education Center
Review of available materials for mating disruption implementation in vineyards infested with vine mealybug and current efficacy data.
3:30 PM Exhibit Hall TRADE SHOW
4:30 PM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other
Bringing Fresh Perspectives to Combat Lettuce Disease
Kirsten Pearsons, UCCE IPM Advisor, Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito counties; Yu-Chen Wang, UCCE Plant Pathology Advisor, Santa Cruz, Monterey and San Benito counties
Discussion of new perspectives on combatting the lettuce industry’s most prevalent diseases, such as impatiens necrotic spot virus (INSV) and pythium wilt.
4:30 PM Charter Oak CCA Room
0.5hr CCA Nutrient Mgmt
Soil pH Nutrient Availability
Table: Where did it come from and how to use it?
Danny Klittich, Director of Agronomy, Mission Produce, Inc.
You know the nutrient pH table from your textbook, the one with the tapered bars usually in a fun assortment of colors. Where did it come from? And how do we use it? Hint, the answer includes: midwest, corn, exceptions to the rule, and university extension.
5:00 PM Exhibit Hall MIXER
7:00 AM Exhibit Hall
8:00 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA Rooms
1.0hr CCA Crop Mgmt
Biostimulant Panel: Plant Biostimulant Act Reintroduction
Moderator: Russell Taylor, Vice President, Live Earth Products; Panelists: Kirk Van Leuven, CCA/PCA, Stoller USA; Rich Kreps, CCA, SSp., Ultra Gro; August York, CCA, Intuit Ag Consulting; James Henderson, CCA, President, Prime Dirt, Inc.
Discussion on the definition of a biostimulant and providing clearer barriers to entry for this product sector, why industry should get behind the Plant Biostimulant Act.
9:00 AM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other
Hydrogel Bait for Sugar-Feeding
Ants in Vineyards
David Haviland, UCCE Area IPM
Advisor, Kern County Research examines a novel strategy for ant management in vineyards using hydrogel beads to deploy concentrated pesticides.
9:00 AM Charter Oak CCA Room
0.5hr CCA Soil & Water Mgmt, 0.5hr INMP Irrigation Mgmt
Groundwater Recharge On-Farm vs Large-Scale Infrastructure
Eryn Wingate, Agronomist, Tri-Tech Ag Products
Consultants and growers will hear the similarities and differences between groundwater recharge efforts using onfarm recharge management strategies vs those used on a larger scale.
9:30 AM Charter Oak DPR/CCA
0.5hr CCA Nutrient Mgmt
Industry Talk: Fertilizer Optimization
Pawel Wiatrak, Ph.D., Agricultural Consultant, Multicolor Ecological Agriculture, Inc.
Consultants will hear the importance of using high-efficiency fertilizers to promote root growth and improve nutrient absorption efficiency and fertilizer utilization.
10:00 AM Exhibit Hall TRADE SHOW
11:00 AM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other Preparing for Disease in Future Cool, Wet Years
Themis Michailides, Plant Pathologist, UC Davis
Examining the impacts of plant diseases from the 2023 wet winter and ideas for disease management in the event of future cool, wet years.
11:00 AM Charter Oak CCA Room
0.5hr CCA Soil & Water Mgmt, 0.5hr INMP Irrigation Mgmt Capturing Runoff with Product Technology
Eileen Bernard, Adjuvants Manager, Nutrien Ag Solutions Consultants and growers will hear about the opportunity to link on-farm groundwater recharge efforts to the use of tools like soil surfactants that can help improve water penetration on challenging soil types.
11:30 AM Charter Oak DPR Room
0.5hr DPR Other
Citrus Red Scale: Research Updates, How This Year’s Weather Affected Insect Generations
Sandipa Gautam, UCCE Area Citrus IPM Advisor, Tulare County Research examines updated citrus red scale management and how this year’s unusual weather affected insect generations.
11:30 AM Charter Oak CCA Room
0.5hr CCA Crop Mgmt
Stress Management in Agronomic Crops in the Southwest Phil Frost, Technical Development Manager, Verdesian Life Sciences
Talk on plant stress management focusing on MAC technology and potassium as a mitigator of biotic and abiotic stress. Including discussion on seed treatments.
12:00 PM Exhibit Hall
1:00 PM Charter Oak DPR/CCA
0.5hr CCA Nutrient Mgmt
Industry Talk: Innovative Plant Growth Regulators (PGR) and Crop Protection Solutions
Ben Letizia, CEO/President, Heritage Crop Science, LLC
Talk on Plant Growth Regulators (PGR) and new fungicide for grapes, trees and row crops.
1:30 PM Charter Oak DPR/CCA
0.5hr DPR Other, 0.5hr CCA Pest Mgmt
Beet Leafhopper Management in Processing Tomato Zheng Wang, UCCE Vegetable Crops and Irrigation Advisor, Stanislaus County
Review of management strategies for beet leafhopper in California processing tomato fields, recent trial updates.
2:00 PM Charter Oak DPR/CCA
0.5hr DPR Laws & Regs, 0.5hr CCA Professional Dev.
Personal Protective Equipment Required by Labels for Employees and Owners
Judy Brant, Agricultural Inspector, Tulare County Ag Commissioner Office Update for PCAs/growers on current PPE laws for California pesticides.
2:30 PM
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Political commentator and Fox News co-host, Jesse Watters, will be the headliner at a premiere ag event coming to the heart of the Central Valley on November 2. My Ag Nite, hosted by Jason Scott, CEO of JCS Marketing, Inc., will bring together industry professionals and conservative dignitaries to celebrate all things California agriculture.
The dinner and gala will take place at the International Agri-Center in Tulare, Calif., and is expected to sell out. Guests will have access to an exclusive trade show showcasing innovative farming solutions, and the opportunity to network and forge connections within the industry.
Scott said he sees the night as a way to bring those who have a stake in agriculture together in one place to celebrate the industry and to wind down and enjoy like-minded solidarity following the stresses of the busy harvest season.
“We’re bringing a diversified group of thought leaders together to celebrate leadership in agriculture,” he said.
Scott is especially excited about the event being able to present a rare, in-person opportunity to hear from a political commentator of Watters’ caliber that will appeal to the conservative farming community. Watters’ notoriety has skyrocketed since he took over for former Fox News commentator, Tucker Carlson, who left the network earlier this year.
The chance to see Watters speak isn’t likely to come around again to this
part of the state, Scott said, and will no doubt make the event memorable.
“We expect this to be one of the best events that we’ve ever put on or will put on,” Scott said. “If you want to attend something that’s different, unique, and special to agriculture, this is the one time you need to make time to show up.”
Scott's firm publishes both print and digital trade magazines. The publications include West Coast Nut, Grape & Wine and Progressive Crop Consultant. Scott's firms also hosts a growing website called MyAgLife, which highlights the diverse agriculture commodities of the West Coast. The site is also home to a daily and weekly podcast highlighting Central Valley ag issues and leaders.
Coming out of a post pandemic reality, Scott came up with the idea for My Ag Nite as a way to stimulate live events, he explained. Like the MyAgLife website and brand, he emphasizes the event being about agriculture as a whole, and not focusing on any one commodity.
“We wanted to do something unique in the industry, for the industry, and we wanted to provide something for the MyAgLife brand,” he said. “The idea behind it is that we celebrate agriculture and our conservative values in the industry.”
Scott says that while he tends to leave politics out of his publications and marketing, he sees My Ag Nite as a way for those who have a stake in agriculture to be able to talk about the issues that affect them first hand—with
the successes and failures of those issues so often being determined by politics.
“I feel like agriculture is in a place where it’s time to get back to basics, it’s time to celebrate a lot of the things we have in common, and be able to come together and talk about it for an evening,” he said.
Scott added that he wants people to walk away with renewed relationships, a better understanding of who ag is as an industry, and the challenges ag faces collectively, as a group.
“I hope attendees will walk away with a sense that not all is lost with conservative values and we don’t stand alone in that community,” he said
Tickets for My Ag Nite start at $150 per person and a number of upgraded ticket opportunities are also available, including a meet and greet with Watters, group table reservations, and trade show booth space. Tickets and further information can be obtained through www.myaglife.com/myagnite. Ag media inquiries only can be directed to the JCS Marketing Office (559) 352-4456. No outside media outlets beyond agriculture.
JCS Marketing has a rich history in providing marketing services tailored to the agricultural industry. With a deep understanding of the unique needs and values of the ag community, they are committed to fostering connections and driving success within the industry.