The New Light of Myanmar 19-01-2010

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Established 1914

Volume XVII, Number 278

5th Waxing of Tabodwe 1371 ME

Tuesday, 19 January, 2010

Four political objectives

Four economic objectives

Four social objectives

* Stability of the State, community peace and tranquillity, prevalence of law and order * National reconsolidation * Emergence of a new enduring State Constitution * Building of a new modern developed nation in accord with the new State Constitution

* Development of agriculture as the base and all-round development of other sectors of the economy as well * Proper evolution of the market-oriented economic system * Development of the economy inviting participation in terms of technical know-how and investments from sources inside the country and abroad * The initiative to shape the national economy must be kept in the hands of the State and the national peoples

* Uplift of the morale and morality of the entire nation * Uplift of national prestige and integrity and preservation and safeguarding of cultural heritage and national character * Uplift of dynamism of patriotic spirit * Uplift of health, fitness and education standards of the entire nation

Lt-Gen Tha Aye of Ministry of Defence attends inauguration of Nankwae Creek Bridge in Myitkyina NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan – Lt-Gen Tha Aye of the Ministry of Defence delivered an address at the opening of Nankwae Creek Bridge at the archway of the bridge on Myitkyina-Namtee (Tanai) Road in Myitkyina, Kachin State on 15 January. Chairman of Kachin State Peace and Development Council Commander of Northern Command Maj-Gen Soe Win and officials formally opened the

bridge. Lt-Gen Tha Aye, the commander and local people posed for a documentary. Next, Lt-Gen Tha Aye strolled along the bridge and cordially greeted local people. The newly-opened Nankwae Creek Bridge is built on Myitkyina-Namtee (Tanai) Road. The 262-foot long and 24-foot wide bridge with four spans is of broad crest type, and can withstand 60-ton loads.—MNA

True patriotism *


It is very important for everyone of the nation regardless of the place he lives to have strong Union Spirit. Only Union Spirit is the true patriotism all the nationalities will have to safeguard.

A discussion at new Yatanarpon ICT city in PyinOoLwin Township Article & photos: Tin Htwe (MNA) At a time when Yatanarpon Myothit in PyinOoLwin Township is being built into a new ICT city, it is attracting the attention from IT technicians at home and abroad with the holding of ICT exhibitions. The eighth Myanmar ICT Week with over 40 booths staged by local and foreign companies was held from 26 to 30 December 2009. The Myanmar ICT Week was characterized by the opening of Yatanarpon Cyber Hall, holding of talks on ICT development at the Yatanarpon Teleport Main Building, opening of MCC Training Institute (Yatanarpon) Building and holding of the 5th MCC Franchise Conference. On my visit to MCC Training Institute (Yatanarpon) on duty, I met with course instructors and trainees and held a round of discussion with them. Principal of MCC Training Institute (Yatanarpon) Mr Chiris Harison in the discussion said that ICT plays a pivotal role in all spheres; that without ICT all could be left behind in development; that it can now be said that a society based on ICT has emerged with the birth of companies like MCC that is applying ICT in various sectors; and that ICT is being applied globally as a tool of learning. Ma May Zin Htut, a first year student, from PyinOoLwin said, “I joined this course because I am interested in computer technology that is important to everyday life. Holding such ICT exhibitions makes it easy in learning. We find the course convenient, for each of us has to use learning aids. I want to be a computer professional, a career that also suits women.

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And we are easy to understand the technology since the course is being conducted through on job training (OJT).” Ma Thanda Soe, first year student from Pyawbwe, told us, “Using laptop individually enables us more effective in learning technology. In practice, we can

directly discuss with teachers what we want to know. The lecture is being given step by step based on understanding of learners. Twenty four hours Internet access also helps us find what we want swiftly. I want to be a programmer and then a System Analyst overseas.” (See page 7)

MCC Training Institute (Yatanarpon) in Yatanarpon ICT city in PyinOoLwin.

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2 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 19 January, 2010

People’s Desire

PERSPECTIVES Tuesday, 19 January, 2010

Work in concert to scale up post-literacy programmes To ensure everyone is literate is one of the fundamental requirements for development of the whole human society. Millions of people are still illiterate in the Third World. Adult literacy campaign is under way as a global vision because the number of adult illiterate people touches more than 700 million. In Myanmar, literate people account for over 94 per cent in 2009 as a result of effective encouragement to formal and non-formal education plans. Three R’s skill and continuing education are integral to the non-formal education programme. Now, the nation has seen a large number of community learning centres due to the participation of social organizations and well-wishers. The nation’s literate population is on the increase as a result of literacy campaigns, follow-up literacy programme, and Three R’s courses in borders. Literacy is, in fact, necessary for human beings, and can improve social relations. People can widen their horizons by reading. So, postliteracy programme deserves a serious attention. Establishment of self-reliant village libraries is a driving force for the process. So far, the number of self-reliant village libraries has reached over 50,000. More libraries are being opened in many villages, and wellwishers continue to donate cash and kind and publications to the libraries. The population of intensive readers is growing owing to the extensive opening of libraries. Sustainable development of the libraries calls for collaborative efforts, which can improve post-literacy practice and the reasoning power of rural folks.

* * * *

Oppose those relying on external elements, acting as stooges, holding negative views Oppose those trying to jeopardize stability of the State and progress of the nation Oppose foreign nations interfering in internal affairs of the State Crush all internal and external destructive elements as the common enemy

Refresher Course opened to issue Sa Ma Number N AY P YI T AW , 18 Jan—Minister for Health Dr Kyaw Myint addressed the opening of Refresher Course (1/2010) for Issuing Sa Ma Number of Universities of Medicine (1) and (2) at the hall of University of Nursing (Yangon) on Bogyoke Aung San Street here on 16 January. The minister said in his address that the government opens the course to issue Sa Ma Number and Tha Ma Number enabling to pay health care by unidentified doctors. He urged trainees to make utmost effort for

Minister Dr Kyaw Myint making speech at the opening of Refresher Course (1/2010) for Issuing Sa Ma Number of Universities of Medicine (1) and (2).—MNA public health care services and to abide by medical ethics as they practice the systematic health care

procedures. Next, the minister proceeded to University of Dental Medicine (Yangon) in

Thingangyun Township and met the rector of the University, officials and trainees.—MNA

18th MMMC Pre-conference Laparoscopic Workshop held NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan – The 18 th MMMC Preconference Laparoscopic Workshop took place at No (2) Military Hospital (1000-bed) here this morning. Myanmar medical team led by Head of GI Track and Liver and Bile Track Department Col Daw Than Than Yi provided laparoscopic

Final match of Myanmar-Bangladesh volleyball friendly

The 18th MMMC Pre-conference Laparoscopic Workshop in progress at No (2) Military Hospital (1000-bed). MNA

Final match of Myanmar-Bangladesh volleyball friendly in progress.—MNA

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Y ANGON , 18 Jan— The final match of Myanmar-Bangladesh volleyball friendly was held at National Indoor Stadium (Thuwunna) here this afternoon. Selected Myanmar men’s team beat selected Bangladeshi men’s team (25-18), (25-16), (16-25) and (25-22). In four matches, Myanmar took three wins and one loss. Bangladeshi team will return home on 19 January.—MNA

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surgeries to 11 family members of Tatmadawmen in cooperation with Singaporean, Malaysian and Vietnamese professors and surgeons. During the process of performing surgeries, they held direct discussions, made explanations and answered the queries raised by an audience of 150 through teleconferencing. Consultant Surgeon

Dr. Le Quan Ann Tuan of Vietnam National University Hospital and Professor Kin Fah Chin of Malaysia National University Hospital gave accounts of laparoscopic surgery. The 18 th Defence Services Medical Seminar will start tomorrow at Hsinbyushin Hall of Transit Center in Nay Pyi Taw up to 20 January. MNA

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Marines exit Iraq in first wave of US forces out AL-ASAD, 18 Jan—The base loudspeaker no longer wakes them up with calls for blood donors; armored trucks sit idle in neat rows. The US Marines who stood at some of the bloodiest turning points of the Iraq war are packing up and leaving. Among the first troops to invade in March 2003, and the first to help turn enemy insurgents into allies, the Marines will be the first major

wave of American forces to go as the US military begins a withdrawal to be completed by the end of next year. For them, as for the rest of the US military, this has been the longest war since Vietnam. At their peak in October 2008, an estimated 25,000 Marines were in Iraq, mostly in the country’s western Anbar province. Now only about 4,000 remain. They, too, will be gone shortly after

the Marines officially hand over responsibility to the Army on Saturday. “The security and stability that exists here is well within the means of the Iraqi security forces to maintain,” Maj Gen Rick Tryon, the Marine commander in Iraq, said in a recent interview. “You don’t need United States Marines to do this at this point. So it’s time, Iraqi police and civilians respond moments after a bombing in Najaf, 100 miles and it’s timely.” (160 kilometres) south of Baghdad, Iraq, on 14 Jan, 2010. Three explosions, Internet including one caused by a car bomb, rocked the southern city of Najaf at about 5:45 pm near a commercial area, police said. An official in the city’s health department said at least one person was killed and 50 were wounded.— INTERNET

US drone strike kills 15 in NW Pakistan tribal area

Canadian soldier killed in Afghanistan OTTAWA, 18 Jan — A Canadian soldier was killed in Afghanistan on Saturday, becoming the first Canadian killed in action there in 2010, Ottawa Citizen and Canadian TV reported on Sunday. The 44-year-old Sgt John Wayne Faught stepped on a buried bomb at about 2 pm local time on Saturday when he conducted a joint foot patrol with Afghan soldiers about 15 kilometres southwest of Kandahar City. No one else was injured. Faught was a member of the Edmonton-based first Battalion Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry, and planned to retire in two years. He is the latest of the 139 soldiers to die in the eight-year-old mission. Faught’s body was carried by a military transport aircraft back to Canada, with more

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than 1,000 soldiers bid farewell to him on Sunday. Xinhua

A US Marine from 3rd Battalion 4th Marines checks an Afghan man at an entry control point at base Delaram in Nimroz Province, southern Afghanistan on 13 Jan, 2010.—INTERNET

ISLAMABAD, 18 Jan— At least 15 alleged militants were killed in a missile attack in Pakistan’s North Waziristan tribal area, local TV channel reported on Sunday. A US surveillance plane targeted a house in the North Waziristan area of Shaktoi, where at least 15 militants were killed, the private TV GEO News reported. The US drone missile shelled a hideout in the same area on 14 Jan, fueling the contradictory reports regarding the

killing of Pakistani Taleban chief Hakimullah Mehsud. Sources said that the target was a militant compound and the death toll may go up. There were reports of three to four drones flying in the area while the dead bodies were being re-

moved from the rubble. After attack against a CIA base in Khost province of Afghanistan, the US has intensified the drone attacks in Pakistan’s North Waziristan as the hit was attributed to the militants based in the area.—Xinhua

In this 18 Aug, 2009 file photo, an unidentified child, wounded in a rocket attack, lays on a bed at the hospital in Jalalabad the provincial capital of Nangarhar province east of Kabul, Afghanistan.—INTERNET

Somali pirates fight over huge tanker ransom NAIROBI, 18 Jan—Somali pirates have been fighting over a huge ransom paid to free a Greekowned oil tanker, pirates and a maritime official said. The argument between rival pirate gangs means that the ship, the Maran Centaurus, has not yet been freed, a local group that monitors piracy said. A ransom of between $5.5m and $7m (£3.4m£4.3m) is believed to have been dropped on the deck of the tanker. The Maran Centaurus was seized in November with 28 crew members. As the ransom was due to be delivered on Sunday, pirates on board the tanker and others in

speedboats were reportedly already tussling, firing weapons at each other. “The argument intensified when the ransom money was brought,” Ahmed Ganey, a member of the gang that hijacked

the ship, was quoted as saying by the AFP news agency. “Some of the pirates are on board the ship while others are onshore and refusing anybody to get down or to go on board,” he said.—Internet

The Maran Cantaurus was seized near the Seychelles.— INTERNET

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15 Mexican shipwreck survivors rescued off California coast MEXICO CITY, 18 Jan—The US Coast Guard and the fire brigade of San Diego city on Sunday rescued 15 undocumented Mexicans and recovered one body in the wake of a Pacific Ocean shipwreck close to the Mexican border, Mexican media reported. The shipwreck of a 10-metre long boat occurred at around 4:30 am local time off the coast near the US town of La Jolla, when the El Nino weather phenomenon produced two meter high waves in the Pacific Ocean off the Mexican state of Baja California and the neighboring US state of California. A fire brigade spokesman was quoted as saying that 29 lifejackets had been found at the site and it remains unknown there were missing Mexicans. Xinhua

4 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 19 January, 2010

UAE recalls J&J drugs after warning from US agency

Members of Chinese International Rescue Team work at the debris at the headquarters of the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH) in Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti, on 15 Jan, 2010. —XINHUA

ABU DHABI, 18 Jan—A massive Johnson & Johnson recall of over-thecounter drugs including pain relievers Tylenol, Motrin and St Joseph, a children’s aspirin, was extended to the United Arab Emirates (UAE) after a warning from the US drug agency, a local business journal reported on Sunday. McNeil Consumer Healthcare, a unit of the US pharmaceutical giant J&J,

Cloud theory implies rally at telecom co

Mazda, Ford to dissolve JV Mazda, Ford and China’s Chongqing Changan Automobile Co have basically agreed to split their three-way tie-up, Changan Ford Mazda, into two entities, Nikkei reported, citing sources. They will likely spin off the joint venture’s factory in

China’s investment in water conservancy projects reaches record high CHANGSHA, 18 Jan—China’s investment in water conservancy projects reached a record high of 142.7 billion yuan (20.9 billion US dollars) in 2009, Minister of Water Resources Chen Lei said on Sunday. The total spending more than doubled the investment of 65.54 billion yuan in 2008. Among last year’s spending, 63.7 billion yuan were from the central budget while the rest from provinciallevel governments, Chen said. The massive investment last year had pushed forward maintenance and upgrading of 6,124 reservoirs around the country, and helped nearly 61 million people gain access to safe drinking water, said Chen.—Xinhua

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tact the company for a refund, the report said. The drugmaker said it believed that the smell was related to a chemical on wood pallets used to transport and store product packaging material. “The health effects of this chemical have not been wellstudied, but no serious events have been documented in the medical literature,” the company was quoted as saying in a statement. Xinhua

East Asian, Latin American nations agree on co-op

BEIJING, 18 Jan— China Mobile Ltd, the world’s biggest telecom operator, may rally 13 percent after breaking out of a so-called “ichimoku cloud” this week, according to technical analysis by BTIG Hong Kong Ltd. Christian Kielland, head of trading at BTIG, said China Mobile will rally toward the HK$90 level after analyzing the stock using the Japanese method of “ichimoku kinko”, which looks at wave patterns and repeating trends. The stock closed at HK$78.9 last week. Technical analysts make predictions based on patterns in price charts and market data. Ichimoku kinko, a strategy developed by a Japanese journalist before World War II, translates as “one glance equilibrium chart” because of the cloud-like patterns formed by trend lines that make it easy to understand at a glance. “China Mobile breaking out of the ichimoku cloud is a strong bull signal,” said Kielland. “This stock could be one of the best performers in Hong Kong this year.” Internet

B E I J I N G , 18 Jan— Mazda Motor Corp and Ford Motor Co will dissolve their joint venture in China by 2012, a move that would further weaken the ties between the two auto makers, Japan’s Nikkei business daily reported yesterday.

said it was voluntarily recalling some 500 batches of the products from the UAE, the Americas and Fiji after customers reported an “unusual, moldy” odor that had been linked to gastroint-estinal disorders, including stomach pain, nausea and diarrhoea, according to Arabian Business. Consumers who have an item on the recall list have been urged to stop using the product and con-

Nanjing in east China’s Jiangsu Province, as a 5050 joint venture between Mazda and Changan Automobile Group, while Ford and Changan will run the venture’s other factory in southwest China’s Chongqing Municipality, the business paper said. Mazda wants more freedom to accelerate its business in China, now the world’s biggest car market, Nikkei reported. “It was sometimes difficult to coordinate production (in the three-way joint venture,)” Nikkei quoted a senior Mazda official as saying. Mazda’s ties with Ford have weakened since the cashstrapped American auto maker cut its controlling one-third stake in Mazda to 13 percent in 2008. Internet

Mazda Motor Corp Chief Executive Officer Takashi Yamanouchi attends a news conference for the launch of the remodelled Mazda3 compact car in Tokyo on 11 June, 2009. XINHUA

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TOKYO, 18 Jan—Foreign Ministers from 34 East Asian and Latin American nations on Sunday agreed to deepen economic ties at a cooperation forum in Tokyo. At the end of the Fourth Foreign Ministers’ Meeting of the Forum for East Asian-Latin American Cooperation (FEALAC), the Tokyo Declaration issued said “we share the view that cooperation and mutual learning through sharing experiences and technologies, capacity building, knowledge and lessons, in particular the development and transfer of environmental friendly technology, is beneficial and should be further promoted.’’ The environment was a key focus of the meeting, which was organized by FEALAC, a group that was launched to promote deeper political understanding and greater economic cooperation between the two regions. “We especially noted that the bi-regional trade between East Asia and Latin America has quadrupled, far outpacing the increase of other region-to-region trades in the world,” the declaration noted. “The links between the two regions and their people, once described as missing, are getting broader and deeper.” At the meeting, foreign ministers agreed that ties could be further deepened. “We commited ourselves to further strengthening our activities and interactions through the frameworks of FEALAC, in order to make the most of the vast potential in the bi-regional co-operation as well as to jointly tackle major challenges that we face in the world of today and future,” the ministers wrote in the declaration.—Xinhua

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Chinese, Japanese FMs meet on further advancement of bilateral ties

A group of Chinese personnel greet the rescue and relief goods from China at the airport in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, on 17 Jan, 2010. The goods weigh about 90 tons, and are worth about 13 million Chinese yuan (about 1.9 million US dollars), including drugs, tents, portable lamps, water purifying equipments, food and water, and clothing.—XINHUA

TOKYO, 18 Jan—Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi met on Sunday with his Japanese counterpart Katsuya Okada on further promotion of China-Japan relations on the sidelines of the 4th Foreign Ministers’ meeting of the Forum for an East Asia-Latin America Cooperation ( FEALAC). During the talks, Yang said that leaders of both nations have met on several occasions and reached a series of consensus over further deepening bilateral strategic and

Moderate earthquake hits east of Japan

Half of New Zealanders doubt global warming

HONG KONG, 18 Jan—A moderate earthquake measuring 5.6 on the Richter scale occurred off the east coast of Honshu, Japan at 3:11 pm local time on Sunday (0611GMT), according to a bulletin released by the Hong Kong Observatory on Sunday. The epicentre was initially determined to be 38.0 degrees north latitude and 143.6 degrees east longitude, about 240 kilometers east of Sendai, Japan.—Xinhua

WELLINGTON, 18 Jan—Almost half of New Zealanders are not convinced global warming is real, a survey published on Monday suggests. A New Zealand Herald survey has found that although United Nations experts have grown steadily more certain about climate change, the public is not so sure. Almost one in five of 2296 respondents said the concept was a giant con, and a further 28 percent said global warming had not been conclusively proved. New Zealand Prime Minister’s science adviser, Sir Peter Gluckman, said the 28 percent figure was not surprising as scientists were not claiming conclusive proof. But he said there was a problem communicating climate science to the public - and scientists and the media were equally to blame. An online survey was conducted by the Nielsen Company on 10-17 December, 2009, during the UN climate change conference in Copenhagen. Xinhua

Strong earthquake strikes off Argentine coast BUENOS AIRES, 18 Jan—Argentina’s Civil Protection Directorate reported an earthquake measuring 6.3 degrees on the Richter Scale on Sunday, with its epicenter 354 kilometres southeast of Tierra del Fuego. “The quake was not felt in Ushuaia (the provincial capital),” said Hector Varela, head of the directorate in Ushuaia, 3,260 kilometers from the national capital of Buenos Aires. “There are no victims nor damage. The movement was not felt anywhere in the province,” he added. Even the Argentine Army Intelligence’s watching stations and those of the Navy Prefecture did not detect the quake, he said.—Xinhua

Moderate earthquake jolts SW China province, causing casualties GUIYANG, 18 Jan—At least seven people were confirmed dead after a moderate earthquake jolted the juncture area of three counties in southwest China’s Guizhou Province on Sunday, earthquake authorities said on Monday. The quake, measuring 3.4 on the Richter scale struck at 5:37 pm on Sunday, according to China Earthquake Administration. At least one person was missing and nine others injured, including two seriously, said the Anshun City Emergency Management Office. All the injured are receiving treatment at hospital. With a depth of about 7 km, the epicenter was detected at 25.6 degrees north latitude and 105.8 degrees east longitude in a juncture area between Guanling Buyi and Miao Autonomous County, Zhenning Buyi and Miao Autonomous County and Zhenfeng county, according to China Earthquake Administration.—Xinhua

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mutually beneficial relations since the Democratic Party of Japan came to power. China is ready to work with Japan, in the spirit of the consensus, take favorable opportunities to make fresh headway in advancing the strategic and mutually beneficial relations, said Yang. The Chinese Foreign Minister said the two sides need to keep high-level exchanges, conduct dialogue and facilitate coordination in fiscal, financial and macroeconomic policies, and pro-

mote cooperation in green economy as well as on major international issues such as the financial crisis and climate change. Okada, for his part, said that the Japanese government is willing to keep highlevel exchanges with China, boost JapanChina high-level economic dialogue and cooperation, and facilitate communication and coordination on such issues as climate change. Xinhua

UN food aid reaches 60,000 Haitian quake victims

UNITED NATIONS, 18 Jan—The United Nations has so far extended food assistance to 60,000 people in the capital of Haiti, which was struck by a catastrophic earthquake last week, with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon expected to touch down in the capital Portau-Prince on Sunday afternoon. Within 24 hours of the 12 Jan tremors, the UN World Food Programme (WFP) had started distributing food and ultimately aims to reach 2 million people as part of its emergency programme. By Saturday night, it had fed at least 60,000 people impacted by the 7.0-magnitude earthquake, which is believed to have affected one third of Haiti’s 9-million strong population, with ready-to-eat meals. Given the security and logistical issues in transporting and delivering food in the capital, which was hit hardest by the tremors, WPF flew over Port-au-Prince on Saturday and Friday, as well as conducting on-theground inspections, to determine possible locations for food distributions, which require military escorts from the UN Stabilization Mission in Haiti (MINUSTAH). Xinhua CAIRO, 18 Jan—Egypt on Sunday reported five more death cases of influenza A/H1N1, bringing the nationwide death toll to 224, said the Health Ministry in a statement. The dead cases came from the governorates of Gharbiya, Sohag, Port Said, Beni Suef and Giza, said the statement. Up till now, Egypt has reported more than 15,000 cases of the novel flu, according to the Health Ministry. Egypt confirmed its first influenza A/H1N1 death case on 19 July. A 28-year-old Egyptian woman, who was back from Saudi Arabia after making Umrah (pilgrimage to Mecca at any time of the year), died of the flu virus. Xinhua

All Items from Xinhua News Agency A/H1N1 flu death toll reaches 224 in Egypt

Egyptian television crew members wear protective masks during a news conference at the American University in Cairo on 9 June , 2009. XINHUA

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6 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 19 January, 2010

After four decades of war, Angola tries to recover LUANDA, 18 Jan—During a visit in August, US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton publicly urged the government of Angola to hold “timely” presidential elections. Just four months later, President Eduardo dos Santos announced that presidential elections would be delayed from 2009 to at least 2012. The move was hardly surprising in Angola, which is seeing consider-

able economic development but is still ruled by the longest-serving president in sub-Saharan Africa. After four decades of war, peace and a building boom are visibly changing its capital, Luanda. However, even Angola’s friends, let alone its critics, acknowledge it is still a virtual one-party state plagued by corruption and propped up by US, European and Chinese oil companies.

US Ambassador Dan Mozena said it was not his place to pronounce on the presidential vote. “They have their elections when they have their elections,” Mozena said. “They build the democracy they build.” Internet

China to tackle climate change challenges to agriculture B ERLIN , 18 Jan— As climate change poses a great challgenge to China’s agricultural sector, the government and farmers should tackle it in a scientific and systematic way, Chinese Vice Minister of

Philippine police wound, arrest US murder suspect MANILA , 18 Jan — An American man wanted in the Philippines for allegedly killing a government official’s son in a road-rage shooting was critically wounded on Monday when he opened fire at police officers trying to arrest him, officials said. Two police agents also were wounded when authorities swooped down on Jason Ivler’s parents’ house in a Manila suburb, triggering a shootout with the suspect, who was hiding in the basement, said National Bureau of Investigation spokesman Ricardo Diaz. Ivler was arrested and taken to a hospital in critical condi- Technicians work in a cleanroom at a semiconduction, police said. He was undergoing surgery. tor manufacturing plant. Industry shortages mean Ivler, 28, from Hawaii, is accused of fatally shoot- the semiconductors needed for an average compuing the son of an official working in President Gloria ter are likely to be 2.8 percent more expensive this Macapagal Arroyo’s office following an argument duryear than last, marking the first rise since 2004, ing a traffic altercation 18 Nov in Manila.—Internet according to an IT sector analyst.—INTERNET

Agriculture Niu Dun said in an interview with Xinhua. Climate change has posed great threats to the traditional farming sector, and extreme weather events, such as droughts, floods, hailstorm, tropical storms, have ruined harvests far more often than before, Niu said. He was in Berlin to attend the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture, held during the 75th In-

ternational Green Week in Berlin, the world’s largest agricultural and food fair. “The destructive power of climate change has reminded us of the need to view the issue with a multi-dimensional perspective,” he said. “We should tackle the challenges by renewing the agricultural system and continuously developing the country’s economy.” Xinhua

Seeking answers in a forgotten Peruvian quake PISCO, 18 Jan—It’s been two years since Pisco was destroyed, two years since a 7.9-magnitude earthquake killed 596 people and reduced this gritty, poverty-ravaged fishing town to a maze of rubble and garbage and corpses. In the days just after the quake on Aug. 15, 2007, thousands of rescuers, aid workers and government officials flocked to the area. Millions of dollars in aid flowed in. Plans were quickly drawn up to help survivors, put up tens of thousands of earthquake-resistant homes and rebuild the main regional hospital. Pisco, they said, would be built anew. They were wrong. Internet

Woman leaves cats a home, trust fund

Visitors look at a Mercedes-Benz SL-600 covered by Swarovski’s 300,000 gold shadow crystal pieces, designed by Japanese automotive accessories company DAD at Makuhari Messe in Chiba, east of Tokyo, Japan,on 15 Jan, 2010.

A 77-year-old woman in Auburndale, Mass., left her cats a $300,000 trust fund and a home to live in due to concerns for the felines’ welfare, an attorney says. Attorney George Kickham, who was responsible for ensuring Muriel Bayne’s four cats stayed at home, said he attempted to talk Bayne out of creating such a large financial trust for her pets prior to her death, The Boston Globe said on Sunday. “It is kind of bizarre, quite frankly,’’ Kickham said. “We tried to talk this woman out of it.’’

The last of the four cats died in 2008 and the two-bedroom home occupied by the felines for seven years was eventually sold to a medical student. While Kickham questioned Bayne’s estate bestowal decision, Massachusetts Humane Society President Joanne G Mainiero applauded the late senior’s dedication to her pets. “The cats were at least taken care of without being euthanized or dumped somewhere,’’ Mainiero told the Globe. “It’s great they could enjoy the rest of their lives.’’

Czech couple marries in icy river A 32-year-old woman said she married her new husband while standing in the frigid waters of a river in Nachod, Czech Republic. The new bride, identified only as Tatana, said the reason for Saturday’s unusual wedding setting was because she met her husband Tomas Prokop, while taking part in outdoor swimming in the middle of winter, the Czech news agency CTK reported. “From the age of 15 I have always been swimming on New Year. Last year I joined a group of tough fellows in which I met Tomas,” Tatana said. Prokop, 34, said he was more than willing to don his swimming trunks for the Metuje River wedding.

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“It has been a joint idea. When we fell in love at first sight, we knew that if we had a wedding, it would be in cold water,” he said. CTK said Tatana appeared to be pregnant while donning her white bridal bikini coupled with white boots and a white veil.


Red Cross volunteer Jean Zacharie delivers first aid to a 1-month old baby whose mother was killed by the earthquake, on 15 Jan, 2010 in Portau-Prince, Haiti Thousands of local Red Cross volunteers, many of whom were impacted by the earthquake, continue to provide first aid and distribute relief supplies to people on the streets of Port-au-Prince.

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Mahru-Z (R), a robot developed by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology picks up a sandwich in Seoul. South Korean scientists have developed a walking robot maid which can clean a home, dump clothes in a washing machine and even heat food in a microwave. The institute took two years to develop Mahru-Z.

Winston Churchill’s cigar for sale A half-smoked cigar British Prime Minister Winston Churchill put down before a Cabinet meeting in 1941 is up for auction. Andrew Bullock, from the auction firm Keys in Aylsham in Norfolk, England, said he expects the 4inch cigar butt to go for about 300 pounds (almost $500), the Daily Mail reported. The auction is scheduled at Keys on 29 Jan. Churchill smoked the cigar at one of the most difficult times in World War II for Britain. British troops were bogged down in North Africa, the Wehrmacht was at the gates of Leningrad in Russia and the United States had not yet entered the war.

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Information Minister attends stake-driving ceremonies for self-reliant libraries, donates publications NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan – Minister for Information Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan attended a ceremony to drive stakes for construction of Panhlaing self-reliant library

Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan presents publications to a responsible person for Thuta Phyowai self-reliant library.—MNA

A discussion at new Yatanarpon ICT city… (from page 1) Maung Hein Thu Naung, first year student from Yangon, said, “Every student is provided a laptop and OJT six times a week. The training consists of English courses. IT is currently found out to be the most popular subject. I joined MCC because I am interested in IT. IT was unfamiliar to me before. My interest pushes

me into this field. First I found it difficult. Later on, I was able to understand it with the help of teachers and guides. Only when I joined this training institute have my horizon of IT been widened. My ambition is to become an internationally recognized IT expert.” Ma Myat Thiri Cho, first year student from Yangon said, “I am attending this institute because I take interest in IT. I want to

in Palaung Village, Ywashe village-tract, Salingyi Township, Monywa District, Sagaing Division, on 14 January afternoon. The minister, officials and donor Presiding Sayadaw Bhaddanta Arvudha of Maha Thodra Yama Pariyatti Sarthintaik in Pyigyidagun Township, Mandalay Division, drove stakes at the auspicious time and sprinkled scented water on them. Next, the minister donated periodicals to the library. Daw Khin Aye and Daw Khin Mya of Palaung village handed over the documents related to the plot (74x47ft) for construction of the library; U Ngwe San and Daw Thein Paing, the documents related to the plot (117x30ft) for construction of village peace and development council office; U Ngwe and Daw Ni, the documents related to the plot (30x30ft) for construction of village peace and development council office; and Sayadaw Bhaddanta Arvudha donated K 500,000 and the village people K 1 million for construction of Panhlaing library. Next, Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan attended ceremonies to drive stakes for construction of Thuta Phyowai village library and for construction of a new building of primary school. He presented publications to the library. Sayadaw Bhaddanta Arvudha donated K 5 million for San Myawady Monastery in Zitaw village and a set of computer to the local people. On behalf of Hsetee village, townselder U Hla Thaung donated K 3 million and U Aung Kyaw Win K 100,000 for study computer science so that I can be a skilled progammer. The institute is outfitted with full educational facilities. Study hours are from 10 am to 5 pm a day. We can browse any websites we want through high speed Internet connection.” CEO U Nyein Oo of MCC Group said, “We take pride by doing our bit in human resources development programme in Yatanarpon new technology city. MCC now opens course for B.Sc (Business IT) degrees conferred by University of Greenwish

Discussions between teachers and trainees at MCC Training Institute (Yatanarpon).

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Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Hsan drives stake for construction of Thuta Phyowai self-reliant library in Salingyi Township.—MNA construction of the new school building. At the stake-driving ceremonies, the minister said that with the people willing to cultivate reading habit, their knowledge of education, health and economy will improve, thereby contributing to their socio-economic life. He then called for participation in maintaining the village self-reliant libraries.—MNA

Trainees attending internationally recognized computer science course at MCC Training Institute (Yatanarpon). of England. A total of 200 students are attending the course. After three years, the institute will nurture internationally recognized degree holder IT experts who can join IT industries. The main theme of our MCC Group is to produce IT experts.” MCC Training Institute (Yatanarpon) opens course for B.Sc (Hons) degree conferred by Univer-

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sity of Greenwish. It takes three years—IDCS diploma for first year, IDCAS diploma for second year and B.Sc (Hons) degree for third year. Any matriculation passed students can join the course. Only when trainees pass the exam year by year, can they carry on next diploma. Today, the government is constructing infrastructures to keep pace

with changes and developments in IT fields. Yatanarpon ICT city in PyinOoLwin is playing a major role in human resources development. The MCC Training Institute (Yatanarpon) is also nurturing and producing IT experts who can contribute to IT development.

Translation: ZZS (Kyemon: 17-1-2010)

8 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 19 January, 2010

Lt-Gen Tha Aye of the Ministry of Defence addresses at the opening of Nankwae Creek Bridge.(News on page 1)—MNA 1234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012 1234567890123456789012

Photo shows newly opened Nankwae Creek Bridge in Myitkyina. (News on page 1) MNA

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Workshop on Capacity Enhancement of Myanmar Civil Service-2010 (Nay Pyi Taw) opened

Chairman U Kyaw Thu of CSSTB extends greeting at the opening of workshop on Capacity Enhancement of Myanmar Civil Service-2010 (Nay Pyi Taw).—MNA NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Workshop on Capacity Enhancement of Myanmar Civil Service2010 (Nay Pyi Taw), organized by the Civil Serv-

ice Selection and Training Board and sponsored by the Sasakawa Peace Foundation of Japan was opened at Aureum Palace Hotel, this morning.

All this needs to be known * * *

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Do not be frightened whenever intimidated Do not be bolstered whenever flattered Do not be softened whenever appeased


Chairman of the CSSTB U Kyaw Thu delivered a welcoming address and President of the SPF Dr Akinori Seki presented the opening remarks. The opening ceremony was attended by Members of the CSSTB U Aung Myint, U Hla Myint Oo, U Win Aung, U Soe Oo, U Nyi Htun, U Kyaw Aung, directorsgeneral and rectors, resource persons, and participants. A total of 60 partici-

pants from various ministries and government organizations are currently attending the workshop where three main themes focusing on the role of Civil Service in Central and Local Governments, Public Sector and Market-Oriented Economic System, Development Policy and Good Governance will be discussed. It is learnt that the duration of the workshop will be five days up to 22 January. MNA

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Mandalay Mayor’s Cup Horticultural Show and Competitions on 12 Feb NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan — Mandalay City Development Committee will organize the 8th Mandalay Mayor’s Cup Horticultural Show and Competitions at Kandawgyi Park in Mandalay starting from 12 February. Winners will be presented handsome prizes at the show. Those who want to enter the competitions at the show are to send their products to the office of the Park not later than at 4 p.m. on 10 February. Further information, contact Parks and Playgrounds Department of MCDC and office of Mandalay Kandawgyi Park (Ph: 02-59171). —MNA

President of the SPF Dr Akinori Seki addresses workshop on Capacity Enhancement of Myanmar Civil Service-2010 (Nay Pyi Taw).—MNA

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 19 January, 2010 9

Lt-Gen Khin Zaw inspects maintenance of Gyaing (Kawkareik) Bridge. (News on page 16)—MNA

Laywady Weaving Workshop open in Sittway NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—The opening of Laywady Weaving Workshop was held at Weaving High School at Bauktheesu Ward in

Sittway, Rakhine State yesterday, attended by Chairman of Rakhine State Peace and Development Council Commander of Western Com-

mand Maj-Gen Thaung Aye, Minister for Industry-1 U Aung Thaung, Minister for Transport Maj-Gen Thein Swe, officials and townselders.

Minister U Aung Thaung unveils signboard of Laywady Weaving Workshop. MNA

The headmaster of the school, the chairman of Sittway Township PDC and a local formally opened the workshop. Next, Minister U Aung Thaung unveiled the signboard of the workshop, and the commander and the ministers inspected weaving cloth and learning of trainees at the workshop. On 15 January, the ministers visited Win Thuza Shop (MraukU) of the Ministry of Industry-1 in MraukU, Rakhine State. MNA

Air Bagan Myanmar Masters on 28-31 Jan YANGON, 18 Jan— Jointly organized by Asian Development Tour and Myanmar PGA, Air Bagan Myanmar Masters 2010 will be held at Pan Hlaing Golf Club here from 28 to 31 January. A total of 100 golf-

Mindon Bridge (Yenatha)… (from page 16) higher living standard of the people. With this end in view, Mindon Bridge (Yenatha) was inaugurated on 26 September 2009. It is located at milepost (20/0) on Thayet-Natmeetaung-Kanma road section of PatheinMonywa road (North) in Kanma Township, Magway Division. The bridge is of bailey type with concrete

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ers at home and abroad will participate in Air Bagan Myanmar Masters 2010 and the prize is 75,000 US Dollars. The tournament is free of charge. Title sponsor Air Bagan Ltd and presenting

sponsor International Beverages Trading Co Ltd (IBTC) mainly sponsored the event cooperatively with the sponsorship of Max Myanmar, Pun Hlaing Golf Club, Hotel Yangon, Myanmar Golf Federation and MPGA. MGF

foundation and RC bole piles. The 700-foot long bridge with 10-foot and 10.5-inch wide motorway can withstand 13 tons per vehicle. With the advent of the transport facility, marine products and paddy and rice from Rakhine State may be marketed in Shan State through the Sittway-AnMinbu-Magway and Magway-MandalayPyinOoLwin-Lashio roads. Marine products from Ayeyawady Division may also be transported to Chin State and Sagaing Division through the PatheinMonywa road and to Kachin State through the Monywa-

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Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement opens Basic English Course NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—The opening ceremony of Basic English Course for staff of Ministry of Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement was held at the meeting hall of the ministry here this morning, with an address by Minister for Social Welfare, Relief and Resettlement Maj-Gen Maung Maung Swe. Also present on the occasion were Deputy Minister Brig-Gen Kyaw Myint, departmental heads, officials, course instructors, trainees and guests. A total of 34 trainees under the ministry are attending three-month course. MNA

PBANRDA Dy Minister inspects development affairs tasks NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Deputy Minister for Progress of Border Areas and National Races and Development Affairs Col Tin Ngwe inspected progress in construction of Hanlin-Thakhuttaw-Wetlet Road, concrete pavement in Wetlet rail station, Myoma artesian well and Wetlet Myoma Market this morning. The deputy minister also viewed the installation of pipelines in Shwebo and Mahananda Lake. On 16 January, the deputy minister looked round Shwebo Myoma Market, artesian well in Sagaing Township and gravel pavement on inter-district road. MNA Shwebo-Myitkyina road. Trucks loading pulses, beans, maize and sesame from Magway Division may be driven to every states and divisions through the cluster of roads. So, the nightmare of transportation will no longer exist for rural dwellers across the nation. They are now living a better life with higher socio-economic status owing to the fruitful result of swift and smooth commodity flow. Translation: HKA Myanma Alin (16-1-2010) *****

10 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 19 January, 2010

Cord blood stem cell transplant hopes lifted L ONDON , 18 Jan—A technique which may eventually remove the need for matched bone marrow transplants has been used in humans for the first time. It is hoped that “master cells” taken from umbilical cords could be used on any patient without rejection. The latest advance, published in the journal Nature Medicine, greatly multiplies the tiny number of A Russian plane sits on the tarmac at Maiquetia Simon Bolivar international cells from the cord ready airport in Caracas on 17 Jan, 2010. A Russia-Venezuela mission was set to for a transplant. UK charleave Venezuela on Monday carrying over 60 tonnes of aid to Haiti. Venezuela ity Leukaemia Research has sent several planes to Haiti with doctors, aid and some soldiers.— INTERNET said this could be the “holy

grail” for doctors. The current system of bone marrow transplantation helps patients who have diseases, such as leukaemia, which affect the stem cells in their bone marrow where new blood cells are grown. Their own bone marrow cells are killed off by aggressive treatment and cells from a matched donor are introduced in their place. However, a matching donor cannot always be found, despite extensive donor registries held by or-

ganisations such as the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust and, even with a carefully matched donor, there is still a risk that the patient’s body will reject the new cells. Cells extracted from umbilical cords could overcome these problems - they do not have the characteristics which would normally trigger immune rejection, so it is likely that cells from a single baby’s cord could be used in any patient, without the need for matching.—Internet

Historic Resort Mt Rooster eyes tourism development B EIJING, 18 Jan—Central China’s Henan province has made it possible to bring one of its unique and legendary scenic attractions, the enchanting Jigongshan, or Mt Rooster, to a wider platform at the 2010 Jigongshan International Cultural and Tourism Presentation Seminar held at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on 15 January. The seminar aimed to furhter showcase the attraction’s rich cultural and historical resources. State and provincial officials, ambassadors from 43 countries and regions, representatives from international organizations, officials from the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign

S Korea to host its first ever G20 meeting in February SEOUL, 18 Jan—South Korea will host its first ever G20 meeting in February as the group will have the year’s first gathering in the port city of Incheon, a government official said on Monday. Senior level policy makers and bank officials including Vice finance ministers and vice governors of central banks from the Group of 20 advanced and emerging economies will convene in Incheon, 50 km west of Seoul, from Feb. 27 to 28 in order to discuss issues pertaining to the global economic recovery and the overall global economic system, the Ministry of Strategy and Finance said. The gathering will kickstart this year’s G20 meeting, which has also selected South Korea to be the chair of the G20 summit to be held in Seoul this November. South Korea also took over the management of the official website of the G20 finance minister meeting ( from Britain on 1 January , as it will be in charge of the website until the end of the year, according to the official.—Internet

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Countries and representatives from leading domestic travel service companies attended the seminar. Discovered by a Norwegian-American in 1902, Jigongshan used to be a glorious summer resort for foreigners at the beginning of last century, when it attracted overseas diplomats and missionaries from 23 countries. More than 500 villas featuring distinguished exotic flavors were built thereafter in the region. Jigongshan was considered an expo of foreign cultures mixed together with historical and cultural heritages, and a place “near heaven.”— Xinhua

Architectural cultures of different countries and regions can be found in Jigongshan, making the place an expo of mixed foreign cultures.—XINHUA

Hi-tech park puts service sector first B EIJING, 18 Jan—As the only high-tech park in downtown Shanghai, Shibei Hi-Tech Park is actively developing itself as a modern service industry base to keep pace with the city’s rapid growth. The park was founded in 1992 by the local government of Zhabei District to focus on the information technology, logistics, new energy and new materials industries, which China has given top priority to of late. It was listed by the Bureau of Shanghai World Expo Coordination as one of the sites in a series of campaigns that promote the theme of Shanghai Expo. The 3.13-sq-km park, which sits on the northern edge of the downtown area, hopes to exploit its geographical advantage and transform itself into a cluster of headquarters of Chinese and foreign enterprises.—Xinhua

Asia’s top Fashion Week opens in Hong Kong HONG KONG, 18 Jan— Hong Kong Fashion Week, Asia’s largest fashion event, opened in the city on Monday, showcasing the industry’s newest collections, looks and products and attracting exhibitors and buyers from all around the world. The 41st edition of Hong Kong Fashion Week for Fall/ Winter 2010 and the 8th World Boutique is held from Monday to Thursday at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. The twin events feature altogether over 2,000 exhibitors from 30 countries and regions, a 17 percent increase over last year, as well as close to 5,000 buyers from 39 countries and regions, according to the

Hong Kong Trade Development Council. During four days of the two flagship fairs of Asia’s fashion industry, there will be a series of runway shows, presenting ideas from leading local and overseas designers. Fair highlights include the Hong Kong Fashion Extravaganza on Monday, featuring four celebrated fashion designers, including Dorian Ho from Hong Kong, Guo Pei and Xie Feng from the Chinese mainland, as well as Japan’s Toshikazu Iwaya. The events also offer 25 special seminars to address current fashion topics, including a forecast of 2011-2012 Fall/ Winter fashion influences.— Xinhua

At least three killed in Ukrainian hospital explosion

Members of a business delegation from Detroit, visit the Shibei High-tech Park.—XINHUA

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KIEV, 18 Jan—At least three people were killed as oxygen tanks exploded at a hospital in Ukraine’s eastern city of Luhansk, the Interfax news agency reported on Monday. The blast at Luhansk’s No 7 Hospital partly damaged the hospital building, Interfax quoted a government source as saying. There may be two more dead under the debris, the source said. Police and rescuers were working at the scene. Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko is due to arrive in Luhansk soon.— Xinhua

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 19 January, 2010 11

Iran-bound plane slides off runway in Sweden STOCKHOLM, 18 Jan— An Iran Air-owned Airbus bound for Teheran slid off a Stockholm runway on Saturday, but no one was An Iran Air Airbus 300-600 stands in the snow after skidding off the runway on takeoff from Stockholm Arlanda Airport on 16 Jan, 2010. The aircraft was bound for Teheran and carried 173 passenger and crew, none of whom were injured.—INTERNET

More survivors found in quake ravaged Haiti amid strong aftershocks BEIJING, 18 Jan— Five days after a 7.3-magnitude earthquake battered Haiti on Tuesday, rescue workers have found more survivors in the collapsed buildings amid strong aftershocks. Rescue teams from differentcountrieshadalready saved more than 70 lives, according Elisabeth Byrs, the UN spokeswoman. International rescue teams have completed about 60 percent of the search and rescue work in the quakeravaged Caribbean nation, according to Brazilian media

reports. But the rescue teams said they would not give up any hope of finding more survivors under the rubble of flattened buildings in Port-au-Prince, capital of Haiti. Among the survivors was a 29-year-old American woman, who was pulled alive from a collapsed building in the University of Port-au-Prince on Saturday evening by a US.rescue team, after having been trapped there for 97 hours. Xinhua

Hospital faces wrongful death Katrina suit NEW ORLEANS, 18 Jan —The former top executive of a New Orleans hospital testified he was unaware of a preKatrina document suggesting the hospital generator might fail in a flood. Larry Graham was testifying in a wrongfuldeath trial dating to his tenure as chief executive officer of Pendleton Memorial Methodist Hospital during Hurricane Katrina in 2005, The (New Orleans) Times-Picayune reported on Saturday. Graham claimed he had not been informed by Cameron Barr, a hospital vice president, that a generator system could potentially flood with disastrous results, the newspaper said. “That was not my responsibility, and I did not ask him those

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questions,” Graham said. But records show Barr wrote a 2002 document outlining his concerns. “The first question is, ‘Do we have generators placed to accommodate an emergency flood with 15 feet of water?’ The answer to that question is ‘no,’” the document read. The system’s failure is at the heart of a wrongfuldeath claim filed against Methodist and United Health Services, which took over the hospital in 2004, by the family of Althea LaCoste, who was on an electricitydependent ventilator at the time of the flood, The Times-Picayune said. She survived with manual breathing assistance from hospital staff but eventually died. Internet

hurt, a Swedish Airport official said. Some 172 people, including 23 crew members, were on board the Airbus 300-600 when it swerved off the runway and glided some 130 yards (100 meters) into the snow. Everyone was safely evacuated, Arlanda Airport spokesman Anders Bredfall said. One of the airport’s three runways was closed as officials launched an investigation into the acci-

dent. “Everyone has been safely evacuated and will be flown tomorrow instead,” Bredfall said. Bredfall said the cause of the accident was not immediately clear, but that it is possible that there were problems with one of the plane’s two engines, possibly causing it to swerve. “But the investigation has to show what really caused it,” he said.—Internet

India sculptor creates granite Five killed in horror crash M , 18 Jan — but stable condition in ‘woodwind’ instrument Melbourne An ambulance paramedic Royal ELBOURNE

KOLKATA,18 Jan—A sculptor in the south Indian state of Tamil Nadu has created a traditional wind instrument—or nadhaswaram — for the first time in stone. The nadhaswaram is one of the most popular traditional Tamil instruments and is usually made of wood. Sculptor Chinnakkannu used a single piece of hard black granite to make the instrument which is more than two feet in length. Musicians say that they are amazed at how well it plays. Chinnakkannu told the

BBC that he was inspired to make the instrument by his admiration of temple art and religious sculptures across Tamil Nadu. Hailed as one the world’s loudest non-brass acoustic instruments, the nadhaswaram is traditionally made from a special variety of wood. The instrument has a range of two and a half octaves —similar to the flute. Chinnakkannu said that making a stone version of the nadhaswaram was fraught with difficulties, not least in finding a suitable piece of stone. Internet

says the carnage at a highspeed crash that killed five young men in Melbourne’s north is the worst he’s seen in 30 years in the job. Among the six people in the car was a 19-yearold P-plate driver from Wallan and his 21-yearold brother. Also killed were a 19-year-old man from Morang and another man from Wallan whose age has not been confirmed. A 15-year-old Epping girl seated in the back of the car and restrained by a seatbelt was the only survivor. She is in a serious

Mini drone and iPhone take video games to real world PARIS, 18 Jan—Drones have become synonymous with US military strikes in hotspots like Afghanistan. But now a French firm has built a mini version piloted by an iPhone that brings video games to the streets. The flying saucer-like AR Drone — AR stands for augmented reality — caused a sensation when it was revealed to an unsuspecting world at a trend-setting consumer electronics show in Las Vegas last week. This week its creators gave AFP a demonstration near their company’s offices on the Canal Saint-Martin in Paris, where the “quadricopter” perplexed and impressed passers-by on a cold winter afternoon. One

of the 10 engineers who spent four years developing the drone tapped a button on his iPhone to lift it off the ground and make it hover near the dark waters of the canal. Then he tilted the phone forward or sideways to make it manoeuvre around nearby trees and park benches. The machine’s four propellers whirred quietly as it moved through the air, its camera streaming live video from two cameras, via wi-fi, to the pilot’s phone Internet

A man maneuvers the AR drone from French company Parrot — a small remote-controlled helicopter using the accelerometer in an Apple iPhone. Parrot specializes in making hands-free wireless systems for cars and company founder Henri Seydoux said the AR.Drone is the first product of its kind from the Parisbased firm, which employs 450 people worldwide.— INTERNET

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Hospital. Her 19-year-old brother was one of those killed in the crash. Ambulance paramedic Ron McLeod said rescue workers had to lift three of the dead teens off the 15year-old to free her from the crushed vehicle. Internet

Magnitude 5.0 quake hits western Iranian town WASHINGTON, 18 Jan — A magnitude 5.0 quake struck very close to the western Iranian town of Dezful on Saturday, the US Geological Survey reported. It said the quake occurred at 11:53 pm (8:23 pm British time) and was centred 15 miles (25 km) north of Dezful towards the Iraqi border. It was only 6.2 miles (10 km) deep. Iranian media carried no immediate reports on the quake, or any damage it may have caused.—Internet

12 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 19 January, 2010 MINISTRY OF RAIL TRANSPORTATION MYANMA RAILWAYS INVITATION TO SEALED TENDERS 1. Sealed Tenders are invited for supply of the following items in Japanese Yen (or) in United States Dollar (or) in Euro:- (must mention the price in FOB basis as well as in CIF Yangon basis) Tender No Description Qty 12(T)14/MR(MC) Meter gauge (including 3 feet 20 Nos 2009-2010 6 inches gauge) refurbished inservice Air conditioned passenger coach with soft seat. (with self power generating diesel engine in each individual passenger coach for lighting and for air conditioning). Closing Date/Time - 5.2.2010 (Friday) (12:00) Hours 2. Tender documents are available at our office starting from 18.1.2010 (Monday) during office hours and for further details, please contact: Deputy General Manager, Supply Department, Myanma Railways, corner of Theinbyu Street and Merchant Street, Botahtaung Township, Yangon. Phone: 95-1-291985, 95-1-291994.

CLAIMS DAY NOTICE MV RATHA BHUM VOY NO (507) Consignees of cargo carried on MV RATHA BHUM VOY NO (507) are here by notified that the vessels will be arriving on 19.1.2010 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S REGIONAL CONTAINER LINES Phone No: 256908/378316/376797




MV SINAR BIMA VOY NO (051) Consignees of cargo carried on MV SINAR BIMA VOY NO (051) are here by notified that the vessels will be arriving on 19.1.2010 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day.

Consignees of cargo carried on MV BANGKAJA VOY NO (56) are here by notified that the vessels will be arriving on 19.1.2010 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of M.I.P where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day.






MV KOTA RAJA VOY NO (917) Consignees of cargo carried on MV KOTA RAJA VOY NO (917) are here by notified that the vessels will be arriving on 18.1.2010 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of A.W.P.T where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S ADVANCE CONTAINER LINES Phone No: 256908/378316/376797

The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. Second best time is now. 19-1-2010 NL


Drive safely

Consignees of cargo carried on MV MILLENNIUM VOY NO (01/10) are here by notified that the vessels will be arriving on 18.1.2010 and cargo will be discharged into the premises of S.P.W.1 where it will lie at the consignee’s risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and conditions of the Port of Yangon. Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo from the Vessel. No claims against this vessel will be admitted after the Claims Day. SHIPPING AGENCY DEPARTMENT MYANMA PORT AUTHORITY AGENT FOR: M/S KM INTERTRANS SHIPPING CO., LTD Phone No: 256916/256919/256921

Shell signs Iraq oil field deal

develop Iraq’s giant Majnoon oil field. In December Shell and Petronas beat a rival bid from France’s Total and China’s CNPC to develop the 12.6bn barrel field in southern Iraq. The field currently produces just 46,000 barrels per day. Shell and Petronas have pledged to increase that output to 1.8 million barrels per day. The deal was signed at Iraq’s Oil MinIraq has the world’s third largest oil istry in the presence of Iraqi Oil Minisreserves.— INTERNET ter Hussain al-Shahristani and Mounir BAGHDAD , 18 Jan—Oil giant Shell and Bouaziz, an executive of Shell Gas and Malaysia’s state-run Petronas oil com- Power. pany finalised a contract on Sunday to Internet

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Spain plans world’s first ‘gastronomic university’ M ADRID , 18 Jan — Spain is to open the world’s first “gastronomic university” complete with a research laboratory to explore the mysterious chemistry of taste. Student chefs will be encouraged to master the craft of “molecular gastronomy” under the tuition of Spain’s most celebrated restaurateur, Ferran Adria, and encouraged to use scientific innovation to design the recipes of the future. Construction began last month on the Basque Culinary Centre in San Sebastian and it will be ready for its first intake of students in September 2011 in a building that is designed to resemble a pile of stacked plates. The university will be the first of its kind to offer a fouryear undergraduate degree course in culinary arts taught in English and Spanish and a one-year master’s degree, as well as shorter courses for cooking enthusiasts.—Internet

Somali pirates free Greek tanker MOGADISHU, 18 Jan — Somali pirates have freed a Greek-owned oil tanker, a day after a ransom was delivered aboard the ship, the pirates and officials say. The Maran Centaurus was seized on 29 November with 28 crew members. “She’s free. She’s preparing to sail out” from Harardhere, Andrew Mwangura, of the East African Seafarers Assistance Programme, told AFP. A ransom of between $5.5m (£3.4m) and $7m (£4.3m) is believed to have been dropped on the deck of the tanker. When it was hijacked, the Maran Centaurus was sailing near the Seychelles in the Indian Ocean, about 1,300km (800 miles) off Somalia. Its crew is made up of 16 Filipinos, nine Greeks, two Ukrainians and one Romanian.—Internet

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 19 January, 2010 13

Scientists discover avian influenza outbreak closely related to bird migration

A man sits in the cockpit of a one-seat Lumeneo car, at the start of the European Motor Show in Brussels, on 13 Jan, 2010.— INTERNET

FDA to study potential BPA risks WASHINGTON, 18 Jan — US regulators say they “have some concern” about the safety of Bisphenol A, a chemical widely used in food and beverage containers. The Food and Drug Administration Deputy Commissioner Joshua Sharfstein said the agency will carry out a study of possible health risks of BPA, The Washington Post reported. “We have some concern, which leads us to recommend reasonable steps the public can take to reduce exposure to BPA,” Sharfstein told reporters in a conference call on Friday. Research has suggested a link between BPA to cancer, sexual dysfunction, heart disease and other health problems. US health officials have expressed concern about the chemical’s possible impact on fetal development as well as on infants and children, the Post said.—Internet

Skin lightening cream often misused NEW YORK , 18 Jan— Skin-lightening creams can mean severe side effects for people who misuse them or buy counterfeit products, US dermatologists said. People of African and Hispanic descent, among others, obtain the creams from dermatologists or buy them over-the-counter in beauty shops, ethnic groceries and online, The New York Times reported on Saturday. The creams, with names like Hyprogel and Fair & White, can cause acne when misused and weaken skin, dermatolo-

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gists said. Mercury, which can damage the nervous system, has been found in counterfeit products. There is a strong demand for the creams, said dermatologist Erin Gilbert of the Downstate Medical Centre in New York’s Brooklyn borough. Gilbert said she and her colleagues see cases of severe side effects from the creams each week. Many users believe lighter skin will elevate their standing in society, said Evelyn Nakano Glenn, who teachers gender studies at the University of California-Berkeley.—Internet

KUNMING, 18 Jan—A research jointly conducted by Chinese and Asian scientists has discovered that highly pathogenic avian influenza (H5N1) outbreak was closely related to bird migration. The discovery was revealed at the fifth regional meeting of the Asian Partnership on Emerging Infectious Diseases Research (APEIR),which concluded on Saturday in Kunming, capital of southwest Yunnan Province. Lei Fumin, researcher of Institute of Zoology with Chinese Academy of Sciences, told Xinhua that

the research team had studied avian influenza outbreaks along the bird migration routes in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. The research team consisted of Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai, Indonesian and Chinese scientists. Studies showed that avian influenza outbreaks in the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau were frequently coincided with bird migration both in time and location. Xinhua

Pine beetle outbreak may be ebbing DENVER, 18 Jan—The mountain pine beetles that have been devastating forests in the western United States may have eaten their way through their food supply, scientists say. That means Lodgepole Pine forests in Colorado and Wyoming have a chance to make a comeback, The Denver Post reported. “I think we’ve seen the worst of it,” Sky Stephens, an entomologist with the Colorado State Forest Service, said. Pine beetles are native to western North America. But the current outbreak, now about 15 years old, is far larger than previous ones, with some scientists blaming rising temperatures because of global warming. Cal Wettstein, a beetle specialist with the US Forest Service, said the millions of dead trees left by the beetles are a major problem. “We’re still left with the aftermath,” Wettstein said. “We’ve got wildfire threats. The most immediate hazard right now is falling trees. We’ll have falling tree hazards for at least 10 years.” Internet

A woman walks past a shop window advertising sales in central Athens. Greek officials are bracing for a European Union grilling next week over faulty national statistics as the country awaits approval of a national crisis plan on its debt-hit economy. INTERNET

Mexicans short of swine flu vaccines MEXICO CITY, 18 Jan — The epicentre of last year’s swine flu outbreak has received less than half of the 30 million vaccine doses it ordered last year. Mexico’s health secretary Jose Angel Cordova said it has struggled to secure enough vaccine because there were no factories in the country producing it. Meanwhile, other nations have started to sell surplus swine-flu vaccines. “We had to wait in the second line to buy the vaccine, because obviously, the first shipments were for the countries that make the vaccine,” said Cordova. After the first case of the H1N1 virus in the world was confirmed in Mexico last April, drug makers began preparing vaccines to control a potential pandemic.— Internet A woman surfs the Internet at a cafe in Shanghai. Web security firm McAfee said in its “Virtual Criminology Report” released in November that China, France, Israel, Russia and the United States were among the countries which have developed “advanced offensive cyber capabilities. INTERNET

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EU unlikely to extend emissions cuts SEVILLE, 18 Jan—The European Union is unlikely to raise its commitment to cut carbon emissions by 30 percent from 20 percent until other countries show greater willingness to follow suit, ministers said on Saturday. The EU has set a target of cutting carbon dioxide (CO2) by 20 percent from 1990 levels over the next decade. It promised ahead of climate talks in Copenhagen in December that it would deepen those cuts to 30 percent if other countries did likewise. The United Nations has fixed a 31 Jan deadline for countries to commit to emissions cuts and the EU sees no sign that major economies will set comparable targets that soon. “The final evaluation is that it probably cannot be done,” Spanish Secretary of State for Climate Change Teresa Ribera told journalists after a meeting of EU environment ministers in Seville, Spain. The decision had been widely expected.The EU, which accounts for about 14 percent of the world’s CO2 emissions, is keen to lead climate talks despite its marginalisation at last year’s meeting in Copenhagen.—Internet

14 THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 19 January, 2010

Wenger targets title after Bolton win

SPORTS Palmer wins the Sony Open H ONOLULU, 18 Jan— The surname alone gets Ryan Palmer some attention when he tells people he plays golf for a living. There are times when Palmer will play along and not bother to correct anyone who wonders if he is related to one of the biggest names in golf.

Ryan Palmer reacts after tapping in for birdie on the 18th hole and winning the Sony Open golf tournament, on 17 Jan, 2010 in Honolulu.—INTERNET

For a brief moment Sunday in the Sony Open, he showed flashes of Arnold Palmer. First came the hardcharging chip, even if Palmer never meant to hit it that hard, which dramatically banged into the middle of the pin on the 18th green and settled inches away for a tap-in birdie. Then came the raw emotion, a smile he couldn’t contain as he fell backward to the ground in a mixture of shock and relief. Moments later, when Robert Allenby failed to make a birdie putt from just inside 10 feet, Palmer had a one-shot victory and his immediate future looked as bright as the sun that shone down on the Waikiki shores all week. Internet

Kuranyi proves his worth to fire Schalke second BERLIN, 18 Jan—ExGermany striker Kevin Kuranyi proved his worth by sealing Schalke 04’s 10 win over Nuremberg on Sunday, to put the Royal Blues second in the Bundesliga, despite nearly being sold over the winter break. The 27-year-old, who notoriously walked out on the Germany team in October 2008, struck in the 48th minute with his ninth league goal of the season to put Schalke second, a point behind leaders Leverkusen. Before the game, Schalke coach Felix Magath admitted he had wanted to sell the striker to

Schalke’s striker Kevin Kuranyi English side Sunderland earlier this month for a reported four million euros to ease the club’s debts, but the player had scuppered the deal.—Internet

Arsenal’s Spanish midfielder Cesc Fabregas (R) vies with Bolton Wanderers’ Finnish goalkeeper Jussi Jaaskelainen during the English Premier League football match at The Reebok stadium, Bolton. Arsenal won 2-0.—INTERNET

Safina, Clijsters through as Sharapova crashes out MELBOURNE, 18 Jan— Former champion Maria Sharapova crashed out of the Australian Open on Monday but there were no dramas for Dinara Safina and Kim Clijsters who spearheaded the charge into the second round. American Andy Roddick also cruised through, in stark contrast to former world number one Sharapova who was a shadow of her former self in a 7-6 (7/4), 3-6, 6-4 defeat to fellow Russian Maria Kirilenko. It was a disastrous start to the year for the underdone 22-year-old, seeded 14, who opted to only play exhibitions in Thailand and Hong Kong as a warm-up to the opening Grand Slam of the season. Playing with the roof closed on the Rod Laver Arena due to rain, which disrupted play on outside courts, she struggled to find consistency against a player ranked 58. “I certainly had my chances and just didn’t execute,” she said.—Internet

BOLTON, 18 Jan—Arsenal manager Arsene Wenger insisted his side were now genuine title contenders after goals from Cesc Fabregas and Fran Merida helped them beat Bolton 2-0 at the Reebok Stadium. Sunday’s success left the third-placed Gunners just three points behind Premier League leaders Chelsea and they will go top, on goal difference, if they beat Bolton again at the Emirates Stadium on Wednesday in a fixture re-arranged following the recent cold snap in Britain. After losing 3-0 at home to Chelsea on 29 November, Wenger’s men were written off as potential champions but have since gone eight matches unbeaten to transform their season. However, having seen Fabregas mark his return to the Arsenal side in style to help ruin Owen Coyle’s first match in charge of Bolton, Wenger said: “We are now in a quite interesting position that nobody expected us to be in.—Internet

Ronaldinho hat-trick puts heat on Inter R OME, 18 Jan—Ronaldinho plun- to just six points and with the Milan dered a hat-trick as AC Milan crushed derby to come next week. 10-man Siena 4-0 on Sunday to close Milan also have a game in hand meanthe gap on Serie A leaders Inter Milan ing they could potentially draw level with the four-in-a-row champions if they were to win next weekend’s crunch clash. Playing the league’s basement sitters Milan hardly needed a helping hand but they got exactly that as Siena goalkeeper Gianluca Curci was harshly sent off on 10 minutes. Ronaldinho despatched the resulting penalty and Marco Borriello scored on 28 minutes to put the game to bed before AC Milan’s Brazilian forward half-time before the Brazilian rounded off Ronaldinho (L) kicks to score a pen- the scoring in the second period. Milan coach Leonardo paid tribute to alty during their Serie A football match his Brazilian compatriot and looked forAC Milan vs Siena at San Siro Stadium in Milan. Milan won 4-0.—INTERNET ward to the derby.—Internet

Ghana blow as Essien injures knee at training L UANDA , 18 Jan— Ghana star Michael Essien injured his right knee training on Sunday and could miss a key Africa Cup of Nations clash against Burkina Faso here. A team spokesman said the Chelsea midfielder was taken to hospital for a scan and later rejoined his ‘Black Stars’ teammates as they prepare for a must-win Group B fixture on Tuesday. Ghana’s media officer Randy Abbey told AFP:

Cameroon edge Zambia in Cup of Nations thriller

Samuel Eto’o and Mohamadou Idrissou of Cameroon (R) celebrate after scoring against Zambia during their group stage match at the African Cup of Nations CAN2010 at the Tundavala stadium in Lubango, Angola.—INTERNET

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LUBANGO, 18 Jan—Cameroon edged Zambia 3-2 in an Africa Cup of Nations Group D thriller at Tundavala Stadium on Sunday to revive hopes of winning the tournament for a fifth time. Substitute Mohamadou Idrissou headed the 86th-minute winner to complete a late scoring flurry in which Cameroon struck twice within five minutes to snatch the lead only for Zambia to level from a penalty. Geremi and Samuel Eto’o were the other marksmen for the winners while Jacob Mulenga gave Zambia an early lead and captain Christopher Katongo levelled from a spotkick with nine minutes left. Gabon, who fought out a dour goalless draw with Tunisia in the first half of a double header, lead the pool with four points. Cameroon have three, Tunisia two and Zambia one ahead of the final mini-league fixtures next Thursday.—Internet

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“Michael suffered a right knee injury after a collision with a couple of teammates in the training session this morning. “He was taken to a local hospital for a scan and we’ll get the results back tomorrow and then have a clearer idea of whether he can play.” Internet

Black Star of Ghana National football team player Micheal Essien

Villa brace helps Valencia close in on Real MADRID, 18 Jan—David Villa joined Lionel Messi at the top of the goalscoring charts, hitting his 13th and 14th goals, as Valencia moved three points behind second-placed Real Madrid after a 4-1 derby win over 10-man Villarreal at the Mestalla on Sunday. Argentine Ever Banega opened the scoring in the sixth minute and Villa converted a 28th-minute penalty which he had won. Villarreal’s centre-back Francisco Kiko was sent off for conceding the spot-kick, giving Valencia a man extra for over an hour.—Internet Valencia’s forward David Villa

THE NEW LIGHT OF MYANMAR Tuesday, 19 January, 2010 15

Two dead, two still trapped in north China colliery flooding TAIYUAN, 18 Jan— Rescuers have retrieved two bodies from a flooded coal mine in north China’s Shanxi Province, but two other workers are still trapped underground, local authorities said on Monday. The flooding occurred at about 4:30 pm Friday in a coal pit run by the Lingshi Coal Mine Co. Ltd. in Lingshi County when six miners were working underground. Two managed to escape. Currently, 260

rescuers are struggling to pump out the water and trying to reach the trapped workers, and 12 pumps have been used, said Wang Shiqiang, deputy director of the rescue headquarters. “But the underground geological condition is very complicated, and water constantly pours into the flooded tunnel from neighbo uring areas, which add difficulty to the rescue work,” he said. Xinhua

Dragon boat : A child plays with the dragonhead bow of a dragon boat before a race on Manila Bay. INTERNET

Tuesday, 19 January View on today 7:00 am 1. rif;uGe;f q&mawmfb&k m;Bu;D \y&dwfw&m;awmf 7:25 am 2. To Be Healthy Exercise 7:30 am 3. Morning News 7:40 am 4. t*¾HZ,r*FvH

(,Ofa0,HxGef;?aw;a&;*DwpmqdkrsdK;EG,faqG) 7:50 am 5. tuNydKifyGJ 8:05 am 6. Nice & Sweet Song 8:15 am 7. ]]acsmif;urf;ab;u &Gmuav;}} 8:25 am 8. Song Of Yester Years 8:40 am 9. International News 8:45 am 10. ]]bk&m;ukef;(ndKrD;) a&avSmifwrH}} 8:50 am 11. Musical Programme 4:00 pm 1. Martial Song 4:10 pm 2. Musical Programme

MRTV-3 Programme Schedule (19-1-2010) (Tuesday)

Transmissions Local Europe North America

Times - (09:00am ~ 10:00am) MST - (19:30pm ~21:30pm) MST - (23:30pm ~ 07:30am) MST

Local Transmission * Signature Tune * Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights * Fabulous Glassware Decoration * Parabaik Writings * Let’s visit the under water world * Culture Stage * Yaw Clothes from Yaw Region * Myanmar Modern Song * Myanmar Art of Marionettes * Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights Europe/ North America Transmission * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Signature Tune Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights Fabulous Glassware Decoration Parabaik Writings Let’s visit the under water world Culture Stage Yaw Clothes from Yaw Region Myanmar Modern Song Myanmar Art of Marionettes Myanmar Modern Song Myanmar Musical Orchestra (Bwe Song) Traditional Chin Cusisine Fresh-water Fish breeding industry National Dance The Famous Floating Market Myanmar Modern Song Archaeological Museum, Pakhangyi (Part-I) Song of Myanma Beauty & Scenic Sights Website:

4:20 pm 3. twD;NydKifyGJ 4:35 pm 4. ]]rEdkifaomt½IH;}} 4:50 pm 5. Dance Of National Races 5:00 pm 6. ta0;oifwuúov kd yf nma&; ½kyfjrifoHMum;oifcef;pm wwd , ES p f (t*F v d y f p m txl;jyK) (jrefrmpm) 5:15 pm 7. Songs For Uphold National Spirit 5:20 pm 8. The Mirror Image Of The Musical Oldies 5:30 pm 9. arG;uif;puav;jyKpk apmifha&Smufa&; (tydkif;-2)

5:50 pm 10. &ifrSmpGJxifaw;tvSoHpOf 6:00 pm 11. Evening News 6:15 pm 12. Weather Report 6:20 pm 13. Mu,fyGifhrsm;&JU&ifckefoH 6:35 pm 14. qdkvdkufMupdkY 7:00 pm 15. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ ]]tqdyfoifhwJhtcspf}} (tydkif;-27) 8:00 pm 16. News 17. International News 18. Weather Report 19. EdkifiHjcm;Zmwfvrf;wGJ ]]ql;vTrf;aomcspfESif;qD}} (tydkif;-18)

WEATHER Monday, 18th January, 2010 Summary of observations recorded at 09:30 hr. M.S.T. During the past 24 hours, weather has been partly cloudy in Kachin, Shan, Rakhine and Mon States, upper Sagaing, Bago, Yangon, Ayeyawady and Taninthayi Divisions and generally fair in the remaining areas. Night temperatures were (3°C) to (4°C) below January average temperatures in Kachin and Chin States, (3°C) to (4°C) above January average temperatures in Rakhine and Mon States, Yangon and Taninthayi Divisions, (5°C) to (6°C) above January average temperatures in Shan State, Bago and Ayeyawady Divisions, (8°C) above January average temperatures in Kayah State and about January average temperatures in the remaining States and Divisions. The significant night temperatures were Haka (0°C), Putao, Machanbaw and Loilem (4°C). Maximum temperature on 17-1-2010 was 95°F. Minimum temperature on 18 -1-2010 was 62°F. Relative humidity at (09:30) hours MST on 18 -1-2010 was 76%. Total sun shine hours on 17 -1-2010 was (7.9) hours approx. Rainfall on 18-1-2010 was (Nil) at Mingaladon, KabaAye and Central Yangon. Total rainfall since 1-1-2010 was (Tr) at Mingaladon, Kaba-Aye and (Nil) at Central Yangon. Maximum wind speed at Yangon (Kaba-Aye) was (5) mph from Northeast at (14:30) hours MST on 17-12010. Bay inference: Weather is partly cloudy in the Southwest Bay and generally fair in the Andaman Sea and elsewhere in the Bay of Bengal. Forecast valid until evening of 19th January 2010: Weather will be partly cloudy in Kachin, Chin, Shan and Mon States and Taninthayi Division and generally fair in the remaining States and Divisions. State of the sea: Seas will be moderate in Myanmar waters. Outlook for subsequent two days: Generally fair in the whole country. Forecast for Nay Pyi Taw and neighbouring area for 19-1-2010: Partly cloudy. Forecast for Yangon and neighbouring area for 19-1-2010:Partly cloudy. Forecast for Mandalay and neighbouring area for 19-1-2010:Partly cloudy.

R 489 Published by the News and Periodicals Enterprise, Ministry of Information, Union of Myanmar. Edited and printed at The New Light of Myanmar Press, No 22/32 Strand Road at 43rd Street, Yangon. Cable Newlight, PO Box No. 43, Telephones: Editors 392308, Manager 392226, Circulation 392304, Advertisement 392223, Accounts 392224, Administration 392225, Production/Press 392369

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1/19/2010, 12:52 PM

5th Waxing of Tabodwe 1371 ME

Tuesday, 19 January, 2010

★ Only with stability and peace will the nation develop ★ Only with stability and peace will democratization process be successful ★ Anarchy begets anarchy, not democracy ★ Riots beget riots, not democracy ★ Democracy can be introduced only through constitution

People’s Desire ■ ■ ■ ■

We favour peace and stability We favour development We oppose unrest and violence Wipe out those inciting unrest and violence

■ VOA, BBC-sowing hatred among the people ■ RFA, DVB-generating public outrage ■ Do not allow ourselves to be swayed ■ By broadcasts designed to cause troubles

Lt-Gen Khin Zaw of Ministry of Defence inspects upgrading of Hpa-an-Kawkareik-Myawady road section NAY PYI TAW, 18 Jan—Lt-Gen Khin Zaw of the Ministry of Defence, accompanied by Chairman of Mon State Peace and Development Council Commander of South-East Command Maj-Gen Thet Naing Win, Chairman of Kayin State PDC Brig-Gen Zaw Min and personnel, on 14 January, met with officers, other ranks and their families at the local battalion of Kawkareik Township and presented sports gear and gifts to them.

Lt-Gen Khin Zaw and party oversaw roadworks on Hpa-an-Kawkareik-Myawady road section near Kyonedoe village. They also inspected durability of Gyaing (Kawkareik) Bridge and newly-built pontoon bridge near the bridge. Lt-Gen Khin Zaw then inspected roadworks between mile post No. 30/5 and 30/6 and Lunnya quarry at mile post No. 15/7.—MNA

Donations to self-reliant libraries invited YANGON, 18 Jan—A ceremony to donate property, cash fund, multimedia products and publications to self-reliant libraries in Yangon Division will be held at Basic Education High School No (2) in Sangyoung Township here on 23 January. Wellwishers may contact Yangon Division Peace and Development Council Office (Ph: 370507) and Yangon Division Office of Information and Public Relations Department at No (22/24) on Pansodan Street (Ph: 371339).—MNA

Mindon Bridge (Yenatha) in service of rural people The government is building a string of large socio-economic status. and small bridges for the rural people to be able to Better transport is indispensable in the building of travel from one place to another and transport com- a modern and developed nation and in bringing about modities with peace of mind and to enjoy higher (See page 9)

Article: Tin Mar Win & Aye Thanda Thein; Photo: Myanma Alin

Mindon Bridge (Yenatha) in Kanma Township of Magway Division.

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8/27/18, 1:09 PM

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