Test – Your Beagle’s Real Temperament
There’s a common myth that every beagle is hyper and easily excitable, while every Doberman is aggressive and so on and so forth.
Some breeds may be more prone to excitability or aggression than others but we need to remember that every dog is different in their temperament.
As a savvy beagle owner you may want to identify your beagle’s temperament rather than basing your assumptions only on the breed.
If you know your beagle’s temperament, you can design your beagle’s training accordingly.
To assist you in determining the unique temperament of your beagle, we have a little test for you.
Not every beagle will fit into just one type of temperament, but you will probably end up with a combination of characteristics that is as unique as your beagle.
For each of these 6 statements choose TRUE or FALSE
Question 1 My beagle is quick to learn and eager to please. TRUE – FALSE
Responsive If this statement is TRUE, we are dealing with a responsive dog. When you train responsive dogs, use lively voices and simple leash corrections. Avoid being too harsh because your beagle will get upset.
Question 2 My Beagle moves slowly and responds slowly to my commands. It takes me longer to teach him or her stuff that other dogs seem to pick up much faster. TRUE – FALSE
Sedate If TRUE, your beagle’s temperament belongs to the sedate and relaxed category. Use a firm voice and resort to lots of praise when they actually do something right while avoiding harsh commands and random noises.
Question 3 My Beagle has high levels of energy, gets excited very easily and also gets distracted equally easily. My beagle would much rather play with me than take part in any kind of training. TRUE – FALSE
Energetic If TRUE, your beagle belongs to the energetic group of dogs. Be extremely firm and make no room for any nonsense during the training. Remain patient and relaxed. Praise your dog in a relaxed voice to discourage excitement. Stick to short training sessions.
Question 4 My beagle is stubborn and does not want to be trained. He or she is clever enough to recognize which boundaries can be pushed. My beagle does not become aggressive during the training but simply chooses to ignore my commands. TRUE – FALSE
Strong Will If your beagle belongs to the strong will temperament type, you need to be extremely patient and firm. Avoid anything that makes it into a challenge, though.
Question 5 My beagle is very susceptible to fear, is usually shaky and easily frightened. (My beagle might have had a traumatic experience as a puppy). TRUE – FALSE
Shy If TRUE, your beagle belongs to the shy dogs. Shy dogs are very susceptible to fear and need to be handled with care. Quick movements, harsh tones or loud voices only frighten them. You should keep your voice quiet and soothing and avoid leash corrections.
Question 6 My beagle shows signs of aggression when responding to my commands and reacts negatively. TRUE – FALSE
Aggressive If your beagle belongs to the aggressive dogs temperament, you will probably need a professional dog trainer.
Now that you have determined what type of temperament your beagle has, you are much better equipped to start your beagle training.
Remember to be patient and take your time to learn what works and what doesn’t work with your beagle with their particular beagle temperament.
Be consistent at all times and you’ll be well on your way to a happy, healthy and well-behaved beagle that is a joy to own.
For more free information about beagles and beagle training, go to http://www.mybeagletraining.com