Top Cataclysm Warcraft Gold Guide!

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You don't need to already know a lot about World of Warcraft to learn from this cataclysm gold guide. In fact, 20k Leveling is designed to take you step by step from noob to pro gradually. Don't worry though, I've been exactly where you are now (whether that's brand new or looking to get gold cap) and I know the techniques you need to learn in order to become a gold making master.

I believe that its better to practice the main concepts right away and learn the details later, so thats what I did in this portion of the guide. Most players have trouble building a daily routine for themselves and sticking to it, so Ill take you into the world of add-ons and hold your hand through setting up, understanding and employing add-on strategies for developing your first daily routine. This routine takes just 15 minutes a day, you should do it twice a day and it will net you easily 2540k gold per week at max level and 8-10k gold per week while leveling as a bare minimum.

This is everything you need to know to move on to later sections of the guide. Everything from the auction house to trade chat to addons that speed up the various processes associated with being a professional auctioneer. Youll walk into this chapter a noob and come out ready to become a pro. Dont think you can skip this chapter just because youve been playing the game a few years either! Youll learn what I consider the basics, and odds are a few pointers in this chapter will be valuable even to the more experienced players.

Here is the 20k Leveling part of the guide. Youll see why you can make so much gold and how to take advantage of various opportunities while leveling. If you are having problems obtaining enough gold for your character have no fear, Ill show you how to make enough gold to support ten characters on your way to 85 and it will expand upon the ideas discussed in your First Daily Routine.

Ill also show you a host of ways you can get starter cash for your toons at any level.

What professions should you level with? How can you power level a profession efficiently and maybe make some gold in the process? Those two questions are what youll get answered in this chapter for every profession in the game. Have a profession but dont know how to optimize the gold you make with it? In this chapter, every profession is combed through by my team at 20k Leveling to provide you with the knowledge necessary to develop your own strategy to using your professions for the purpose of making gold. No stone is left unturned and youll even find analysis of vanity items and maps of where to gather materials. Addons which can help you track nodes and even upload the location of all nodes on the map are also discussed.

Struggling to make gold with disenchanting, milling and/or prospecting? There are several helpful profession searches you can perform and knowing how to read the tooltips of addons will make your job ten times easier.

In depth look at addons which will help you buy, sell and even cancel auctions with quite a bit of perfectly legal automation. These addons have been developed within the LUA framework of World of Warcraft and have been deemed acceptable by Blizzard. I go through these publicly accessible addons in great detail and show you examples of how to put them to work for your auction house business.

Now maybe at this point in the guide you have a good understanding of one or two professions and want to start dominating the markets youre selling in. Heres where I take the basic concepts and lessons so far and crank them up a notch to deliver the strategies that turn you into a gold making machine. Youll expand even more upon the daily routine that has been developing throughout the guide to include additional addons from the previous chapter and enhance the basic concepts youve been working with so far.

Theres more to cross faction trading than faction pets and Im going to show you the most powerful

part of the neutral auction house: trading cross server (aka arbitrage). Youll see strategies on how to pick apart the opposing auction house to suit your needs and fill your bank with gold.

Heres where I show you how to make a million gold. This part of the guide will make the rest seem like nothing. Youll get a complete list of everything you need to buy to sustain every profession at once as well as best practices for turning the whole thing into an elaborate daily routine. Downloadable spreadsheet with full list of crafting materials and products included. The list is updated frequently with changes to the game. By this point in the guide youve mastered all the concepts and addons and youre ready to take your place among the gold making elites.

I've done the ground work in finding all the best locations for farming in the new and old zones of cataclysm. If you really want to farm I'll show you the best places to do it. Skinning, herbalism, mining, fishing... all covered in this all inclusive guide. I point out spots where you can get more than one item for your time, which also happen to be the best locations in the game for gold per hour.

I'll walk you through step by step how to go from a sucking noob to a pro in just 10 days! Each day has a list of things for you to do to help you learn the other sections of the guide and get you learning concepts incrementally that will transform you over time. You won't feel overwhelmed and you'll slowly learn how to improve your game play one day at a time.

Did you know that there are far more addons for making gold than just Auctioneer? Well you're in luck, as there is over an hour of video footage and commentary within 20kleveling which explains the newest Cataclysm addons in great detail.


Discover the best Add-Ons in the game that will guarantee you profits even before you log on.

Find out how you turn another mans scrap into your own treasure and earn upwards of 200K Gold while leveling at the same time With my expose on the 40 Best Farming Spots in Cataclysm, turn this once mundane chore into one of the most lucrative activities in the game.

Minimize the time you spend on the Auction House (and more time on the stuff you really enjoy!) by focusing on goods you know will sell fast with my 20K Leveling 80/20 Principle. Skyrocket your bank account through the roof with our 50+ Real World Economic Strategies so simple even my 13 year old cousin could follow Stop slaving away at the game and start maximizing your efficiency with my Cross Profession Strategies, perfected over 5 years of extensive research and experimentation.

Master the Art of Gold Making with our simple 12 Step Program and Youll be Raking in The Riches In No Time.

A Lifetime of FREE Updates that Ensure You Always Stay Ahead of the Curve Regardless of Expansion

Educate Yourself With Our In-Depth and Entertaining Video Guides. Were talking hours upon hours of hi-quality footage and informative commentary from the top players in the game.

Learn from the very best with our WoW Millionaire Daily Routine Schedule. You won't believe how easy it is!

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