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veteran | 20 years in the u.s. Air force Serving Colorado Springs & Denver Moss Company LLC | mosscompanyllc.org Drip Queen Coffee | dripqueencoffee.com
Russell Moss
What did you do in the service?
I Started off as an Crew Chief (aircraft maintainer) for the C-5, which is the military biggest, most used transport aircraft. After six years I decided that I wanted to see how the Air Force worked from the inside, so I cross trained into the Personnel career field, which is the equivalent to Human Resources. From there I was able to work at the Air Force Personnel Center, which allowed me to create, design, and implement policies and procedures for all Air Force members.
What was the biggest reason that led you to join the military?
I was engaged and wanted to ensure a stable future for my family. I was young and they were giving a $10K signing bonus and I knew it would give us a great head start.
What was the biggest lesson you learned in the military?
One of the lessons I learned while being in the military is that you always have to be prepared for the unknown. Too many times there were plans, ideas, and goals that had to be delayed due to the mission, but it should never stop you from fine tuning your craft so it can be used to its fullest later on.
Has the military made you a better person?
I joined when I was 20 and retired at 40, I grew up in the military and it created, discipline, attention to detail, patience, and not tolerating a level of ignorance from people who chooses to be that way instead of growing and learning.
What area of your life has the military helped you grow the most in?
Thinking outside of the box... I hate when I hear, “It’s always been done this way”. Nothing is constant in life but change, so being able to think on things from a different perspective or to push the “creativity” envelope is something that helps me every day.
What is your perspective of patriotism?
Serving your country with a purpose to make it better for the next generation of military personnel and leaving you mark on the service provided. I’ts not for everyone, but for those who do serve make sure it’s making a difference either in your life or others.
What was your experience transitioning from active duty to civilian life?
It was during the COVID outbreak and companies were laying people off. I was nervous about losing the safety net the military provided with a stead income, insurance, and solidified employment. Luckily there are people who have been down the transitioning road and they were able to reach back and speak up on my behalf without even meeting me in person.
What do you do, post active duty?
I am a Defense Contractor from 8-5, but also started 2 businesses with my wife, Zakiya. We are podcasters that use our experiences to help others. Its a perfect platform to get our message out and hopefully make a difference in other people lives. We also own an online Coffee Boutique that will have a virtual, online opening June 1st.
What are things that people should consider before they decide to serve their country?
They have to realize that it is a different lifestyle, a different type of dedication and that they need to understand the purpose that they are serving, i.e., the bigger picture. It’s the “small drop causing the ripple effect” mentality that is required or you will lose focus and feel that you’re doing it for no reason. Also know that the military’s plan, takes precedence. If they need you and your skill in the middle of nowhere then that’s where you will be... serving a purpose. Lastly to stay educated and certified because these skills will be needed after transitioning. Use the military for everything they provide because you volunteered, and those opportunities are available for free.
Presently we (Russ & Zee) are owners of two businesses; Moss Company, LLC and Drip Queen Coffee. Moss Company started Jan 2nd 2021 as a media/entertainment business created for outreach through the use of shows like “The Russ & Zee Podcast” speaking on relevant and impacting topics from personal experiences or from guests on the show… with a lot of humor, realness, and facts. Russ & Zee also branched out into the foodie world with a show called “B’n Greedy” highlighting Black owned restaurants in Colorado Springs and doing food reviews on Saturday Car Dates. This was to bring awareness to and spotlight the importance of black owned business understanding the hardships being faced during the pandemic. “Russ and Zee “Tall Truths and Short Tales” airs every Wednesday at 8am and can be streamed on every podcast platform (anchor.FM/russandzee is the preferred method). “B’n Greedy” happens on Instagram Live every Saturday, on Thursdays of the same week there is an announcement of where they will be taping. www.mosscompanyllc.org
Drip Queen Coffee is an online boutique and vendor, selling gourmet international coffee, specialty coffee mugs, coffee accessories, and novelty items. The Company was created March 3rd 2021 but the boutique virtually opens online June 1st 2021 Drip Queen Coffee will also be on display at the Urban Marketplace Downtown Denver on weekends this summer with a huge Pink Tent with Jazz playing inside. Until it opens they are offering 15% off first purchases when a visitor subscribes to the site, www. dripqueencoffee.com.