3 minute read
Proudly Serving The Military community Colorado Springs, CO 719-660-8313 | sabrina.cooks@exprealty.com #ia. 100043323
Sabrina Cooks
How you started and why you got into real estate?
I got into real estate in 2004 because we had done a couple of transactions and weren’t happy. I didn’t want anybody else to have to go through some of the things that we went through purchasing our home. So, I decided to go into the business. I was part time when the market crashed in 2008 so I decided to put my license on ice for a while. In 2013 I reactivated my license and haven’t looked back since.
Can you talk a little bit about buyers
As far as purchasing a new build, an existing home or selling a home, you name it, we’ve been through it. I know what people are going through and the different situations that are out there. Many times, people feel like no one will understand the situation they are going through and they’re afraid to talk to someone about what’s going on and how we can help them come up with a solution so that they can become homeowners. We are here to help you find a solution or lead you in the direction of someone who possibly can help.
What are some tips that you would give to someone selling their home?
Right now it’s a sellers market. If you are looking to sell your home now is the time to do it. Interest rates are still at an all time low and buyers are all over it. We have more buyers than sellers which is making it a very competitive market for buyers. In turn is great for the seller.
Do you think people need real estate agent to help them purchase a home?
Yes! When we purchased our first home, we didn’t have an agent. It was one of the worst experiences because we didn’t know our rights as a buyer and we didn’t know things that we should have. Looking back at it, we wish we had used a realtor who was knowledgeable and looking out for our best interests. Nowadays people can sell their homes through online services but what they don’t realize is that these services don’t know a lot about the market of the city you are in because most of the time they are located in a different state and don’t know the top dollar you can get for your home in your city.
What are some tips for buyers?
Make sure your finances are in order, that you have your down payment and a little extra. Talk to a lender six months before you think that you’re going to want to purchase a home. So, if there are things that need to be fixed on your credit, the lender can help you figure out how to get it corrected. You don’t want to find out last minute that you can’t buy a home because you don’t qualify.
Use a Realtor, most don’t charge you for their services, they get paid by the seller. So it’s good to have someone knowledgeable to represent and help you with the buying process.
Be patient. Right now it’s a sellers market so it’s very competitive out there. You may have to submit a few offers before yours finally gets accepted.
What do you enjoy about your job the most?
I enjoy the friendships,the laughter we share when looking at homes, the real conversations we have and seeing smiles on people’s faces when they close on their home.
My job as a realtor is to help people find their starter home, dream home, investment property or even commercial properties for their business. To make sure they are confident and knowledgeable in their discussion making in the transaction.