4 minute read
A Note from Troy
Caring for our People
If you’ve ever cared for a family member or a patient, then you know how important it is to take care of yourself. It’s much more diffi cult to tend to someone else’s needs if you neglect your own. At Boone Health, we have a similar responsibility to look after ourselves so that we can continue to give you quality care.
As healthcare organizations across the nation face challenges with staffi ng, obtaining supplies, and rising costs, we must adapt to the current environment to remain sustainable. These same challenges have caused some medical centers to close their doors, leaving communities with less access to health care, especially in rural areas. We need to be able to help fi ll those gaps so that people throughout midMissouri can receive a high standard of care.
While these challenges remain, Boone Health is moving in the right direction and seeing positive change I have been blessed to work with a team of exceptional individuals at every level, in every department, including our medical staff and our Board of Directors. Because of these incredible people, 2022 had its bright spots.
First, Boone Health upheld its high standards for patient care. In any kind of organization, it’s not unheard of for quality to take a hit when resources are strained, but our people continued to prioritize our patients and safe, high-quality, and compassionate care. Our focus on giving every patient the best possible care is why we continue to receive recognition from professional organizations and kind words from patients and families.
Second, Boone Health continued to grow to meet our community’s needs for healthcare services while moving our fi nancial outlook in the right direction. In 2022, Boone Health gained 200 new employees. We also expanded services in our 25-county service area, adding a second primary care clinic in Mexico, opening lab draw sites in Centralia and Osage Beach, and adding Boone Health Medical Group Occupational Medicine to our team. Instead of cutting back on services, we found opportunities to reduce our expenses while improving our supply chain and building partnerships with local businesses and organizations. Again, this wouldn’t be possible without the commitment and hard work of our people.
Our long-term sustainability relies on supporting the next generation of healthcare workers. In 2022, we strengthened our relationships with mid-Missouri nursing schools, giving more students the opportunity not just to see what it’s like to care for patients in a hospital setting, but what it’s like to work at Boone. Our fi rst nursing school class with Stephens College is nearing graduation. Meanwhile, our Nurse Residency Program supports graduate nurses during their fi rst year on fl oor, and we continue to fi nd new ways to support our employees’ continuing education and professional development.
Our mission statement states that we will improve the health of the people and communities we serve by making Boone both a great place to work and to receive healthcare. We must continue to take excellent care of our people so that they can take excellent care of you and your loved ones.
People – patients, employees, physicians, and community members – are our foundation and our focus. While we may change our approaches, methods, or contracts, our mission and culture remain unchanged – and for that, I am grateful. Focusing on what makes Boone Health special – the people – has led us in the right direction in 2022 and will continue to be our priority in 2023.
As we continue to take care of Boone Health in 2023, I encourage you to remember to take care of yourself as well. We are here to help.
Troy Greer, CEO, Boone Hospital Center