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Expert Article: Preventing Dementia

What is the NUMBER ONE thing you can do to prevent dementia?

Every 3 seconds another person is diagnosed with dementia. That is another person who has been given a diagnosis of fatal brain failure, another family that will have to pay the emotional toll and economic price of caring for a loved one at least 10 years beyond that person’s mental capabilities. At an average cost of $57,000 per year to care for a loved one with dementia – it is also one of the costliest diseases on the planet.


However, there is hope. The 2020 Lancet Journal (one of the most widely read medical journals in the world) recently laid out their “how to” in preventing dementia. Guess what was the NUMBER ONE item on their list of things that could help avoid dementia?

Treat hearing loss.

Besides being linked with dementia and cognitive decline, hearing loss is also associated with increased risk of falls, increased risk of isolation and depression, decreased quality of life, as well as decreased earning power for those in the workforce.

If you have a family history of dementia or do you answer yes to any of the following questions? If so, it is recommended that you schedule a hearing evaluation with a qualified hearing professional: Do you feel like people mumble more than they used to? Do you have a more difficult time understanding conversations when there’s noise in the background? Do you feel like you hear just fine but don’t always understand every word? Do you have tinnitus (ringing, buzzing, or other sounds in your ears)? Do other people tell you you have the t.v. or music up too loud? Do you feel more tired or mentally worn out at the end of the day than you used to?

Make sure that the hearing provider you choose does a complete evaluation, not just an audiogram where you “hear a beep and push a button.” Make sure the provider screens your cognitive function, tests the physiology of the ear, tests your ability to hear in noise as well as your speech recognition and uses verification equipment to ensure the treatment prescription is correct.

In our office, we only use NeurotechnologyTM to treat hearing loss. NeurotechnologyTM is technology that delivers sound stimulation to the brain that it is missing with hearing loss, and does it in a way that makes conversation clearer, not just louder. NeurotechnologyTM is proven to improve speech understanding in background noise, delivers 30% more sound to the brain, and best of all, reduces listening effort required, leaving you with more energy at the end of the day!

Community Expert: Hearing Health Jessica Nelson, BC-HIS

5 Benefits of Treating Hearing Loss:

Treating Hearing Loss is the #1 Modifiable Risk Factor for Dementia*

*G Livingston, Jonathan Huntley, Andrew Sommerlad, et al. Dementia prevention, intervention, and care: 2020 report of the Lancet Commission. The Lancet. July 30, 2020.

Increased Quality of Life Increased Cognitive Function Reduced Tinnitus Reduced Risk of Dementia Reduced Risk of Falls


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Jessica Nelson, BC-HIS

Director of Treatment Certified Dementia Practicioner Certified Tinnitus Provider

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