6 minute read

Mother's Day Tributes

Marilyn Stockett

My mom. She will always fight for the underdog. She will take care of a stranger if she sees the need. She's got a rebellious streak that just makes her more helpful and loving to everyone. I'm 44 years old, and she still will drive 30 minutes, so she never misses a concert I'm in. Thank you mom, for always being in my corner. I love you.



Julie Rodriguez

I love my mom, she is my rock! She is a great example of love!



For my amazing mom who has always been someone I could rely on. Who taught me how to bake and sew. I wish I was half as good with plants as you are! You know just what to say on rough days and understand better than anyone else. Thanks for always being there for me! You're the best and I'm so lucky to have you in my life!

–Suzy Dixie Taylor

My mom is pretty amazing! She has spent so many years serving two women specifically, along with many others. She has helped both women with their budgets, helping them pay off their bills and helped them work down their debts. She has also spent many hours taking each one to their many doctors appointments. I'm amazed at how she gives so much!!



She is simply the best Mom-in-Law. On the day I married her amazing daughter, I felt a twinge of sadness because my own Mom passed away and wouldn't be there. But every day, Julie is a phenomenally supportive, kind, and loving “second Mom” to me. I am amazed at her positive, joyful spirit. Most meaningfully, she shares her time with us. Time to laugh and plant flowers in the summer, time to catch up over a warm meal in the winter, and time to 'check in' with each other when we don't realize how much we need it. We love you, Mom. –Derek

Michelle Marziale

I love my mom! My whole life she’s worked so hard for my family. She’d wake up early every day to make us breakfast before school, even when I was in highschool. She currently works two jobs, and still manages to come home and make delicious dinners, support whatever sports event one of my siblings might have that day, and keep the house clean. She sends us weekly quotes and texts to help us know how much she loves us, and to check in. I admire my mom more than anyone else in the world and hope I can be just like her one day.

–Courtlyne Diana Witt

My mom had 12 children, two of which were born in the front seat of the car (she delivered them without any assistance!). My mom has endured the most unimaginable heartache, and yet remained kind, generous, and forgiving. She has been such an influence in my life, teaching me a strong work ethic and how to be independent, but also kind and compassionate to others. She has taught me how to be the best mom I can be. She is a remarkable person. –Alicia

Monica Byrd

My mom has always been my biggest fan. Even though she has passed away I still feel her with me loving and supporting me. My mom literally lived her life for my brothers and I. To this day nothing feels real until I have talked to my mom about it. My mom will always be my best friend. 16 | My Community - Spanish Fork –Trish Isabel Perez

Growing up me and my mom had some rough times. We've been homeless three times in the 33 years that I've been here on this earth. The one thing that my mom has taught me is strength and faith. My mother is the strongest woman I know. –Joel @mycommunityutah

Kathy Zobell Underwood

You inspire everyone you see, you have the most loving and caring heart. You give it your all to be there for all of your children and grandchildren. Your talents keep me in awe everyday, I do not think there is anything you can not do. The selfless way you help everyone and never expect anything in return, you just do it because you are so loving and caring. Thank you for everything you have taught me, and all that you do for me, the kids, and everyone you come in contact with. I am so lucky to have you and I am so proud that you are my Mom. I love you Mom with all my heart. –Jackie

Barbara Kapel

I love my mom for many reasons. Two that stand out to me are that she’s patient and that she quietly serves others and doesn’t seek recognition or repayment. For example, she loves working in the yard, and she recently volunteered to dig up a tree that had started growing in my yard and that I was planning to pay a company to remove. She spent many hours digging up the tree. Wow! -Suzy


She came into my life after my mother-in-law passed away. She went from 1 daughter, 2 granddaughters, and 2 great grandsons, to a million of us. She's shown love to each of us, and she always makes sure I am fed well and get the soft chair. She would take in every stray animal if she could. She has a heart of gold. I'm so glad I have her in my life. –Jen

Elizabeth Ann Mayberry

Elizabeth has one of the most kind, thoughtful, and giving hearts. I am blessed to have been a recipient of her generosity and thoughtfulness throughout my life. As my “second mother” in our home, she cared for me, taught me, shared with me and loved me. I am so grateful for her motherly influence and friendship. -Corinne

Kathy Bjarnason

My mother has the superpower of being able to make everything alright when I'm going through a rough time. She has a giving heart and rejoices in the happiness of others. I admire her strength and fortitude through difficult situations. I have a pretty incredible mother. –Aubry Brenda Symons

Growing up my mom always taught us how to serve. She would do it from writing to missionaries, taking secret presents to families in the ward for Christmas, making lots and lots of baby blankets for whoever she knew was having a baby, and so much more. She was a woman of great faith. I always admired that and so much more about her. –Mike

Joyce Elder

Growing up, I was taught by example how to be kind and loving. My Grandma Joyce loves everyone she meets. She has a wonderful sense of humor, she will laugh and cry with you. Joyce has a way of making you feel as if she has been waiting for you to arrive at any gathering. She can tell a great story and captivate many audiences young and old. I would love to be like her when I grow up. To know Joyce is to love Joyce and be loved. –Rachel

Patti Mayberry

Words cannot adequately express my relationship, connection, and love for this woman. My heart swells, tears come to my eyes, my face lights up, and my breath quivers, all in awe, admiration, enjoyment, gratitude, and love for her. She has been my teacher, guardian, number one fan, confidant, chauffeur, chef, entertainer, and mentor. She is my best friend. I love her SO much! Thank you mommy!


Justine Howard

She understands and values the importance of making happy memories, and because of that, my childhood was full of lots of fun and wonderful memories. She is also a really great example of generosity. As an adult, she has been there to teach me and help me to gain the skills and knowledge I need to support myself. I can just hope that I'll be just as great of a mom to my own kids (when I have kids). –CreelaBelle

Nina Demidova

From the moment I first met her, I saw love in her eyes. She did everything she could to help me feel wanted and loved in a new country. I'm forever grateful for her kindness and extra efforts towards making sure I knew I was important. She quickly and permanently became a Mom to me. –Matt May 2022 | 17

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