On June 13, the Holladay City Council adopted the City’s General Fund budget for the fiscal year that began July 1. During May and June each year, the City Manager and the City Council spend time discussing projections of revenue that the City expects to receive as well as anticipated needs of the City for the upcoming year. While the City has several funds, including a stormwater enterprise fund with revenue generated exclusively from fees, the General Fund is the primary fund that pays for City operations.
This year, Holladay expects to receive about $22.9 million in revenue into the General Fund from a variety of sources.
Where the Money Comes From
Holladay's Sources of Revenue
Where the Money Goes
Property tax is the largest single source of revenue, and this year will fund approximately 37% of the City’s functions. While property taxes for individual property owners may change from year to year depending on a variety of factors, state law is designed to keep the funding that Holladay receives at roughly the same level over time.
Any increase in the property tax rate requires a Truth in Taxation notice and public hearing. For Fiscal Year 2024-25, the City Council adopted an increase of 15% in revenue the City expects to receive from property tax. To be clear, that 15% increase is not an increase in your overall tax bill – rather, it’s an increase in the City’s share of your overall tax bill, which for most people is about 14% of the total amount of property tax you pay. This increase is only the second time in the City’s 25-year history that Holladay has increased its property tax rate. This year’s Truth in Taxation hearing was held on August 15, 2024.
The City’s share of sales generated by brick-andmortar businesses, as well as merchandise delivered within the City funds another 32% of City operations. Sales tax funding, as well as revenue from licenses and permits, varies as overall economic conditions in the area and in the state change.
Close to half of the City’s General Fund is spent on critical public safety services. Holladay currently contracts with the Unified Police District (UPD) and United Fire Authority (UFA) to provide these services for Holladay residents. This year, a forced separation between the Unified Police Department and the Salt Lake County Sheriff’s Office increased the cost of police services by about $750,000. This increase, inflationary increases in the cost of goods and services over the past few years and a commitment to ongoing improvements in the City’s infrastructure are why the Council decided it was time to increase property tax revenue.
In June of 2022, the City issued a bond for both road and stormwater improvements. Already, the City has made about $8 million of improvements in local neighborhood streets, important connectors like Holladay Boulevard, and a variety of stormwater projects throughout the City. More projects are being planned – so expect to see more construction through the fall and next spring.
Property Tax Changes
In late July, property owners in Holladay began receiving Notices of Property Tax Valuation and Tax Changes from Salt Lake County. Those notices usually generate
some questions we’ll try to address. The notice highlights two potential types of changes that can affect the property tax residents pay – how your individual property is valued, and the tax rate that you pay to various entities, including the Granite School District, Salt Lake County, and the City of Holladay.
State law prohibits local governments from receiving a windfall from an increase in the property value, so as property values increase, the “certified rate” or the rate that a tax entity can impose without a hearing, decreases, guaranteeing each entity only the same amount of revenue from property tax received the previous year, plus an allowance for any new growth that may have occurred in the community. State law also guarantees that the amount local taxing entities receive remains the same when property values are falling by increasing the rate to generate the same revenue as the year before. In total, property valuations in Holladay increased by 8% this year. How much your property tax changes depends on a number of factors, including the valuation of your individual property as compared to that overall percentage for our area, and whether any other taxing entities that receive property tax are increasing their tax rates this year. Generally, any change in the tax rate beyond the certified rate requires a Truth in Taxation hearing. The dates of these hearings are shown on the Notice received from the County and are staggered so that a property owner can attend each hearing that affects their property. This year, three entities that are increasing their tax rates. This includes the Granite School District, Central Utah Water Conservancy District, and the City of Holladay.
If you have questions about the City of Holladay’s budget, please contact Gina Chamness, City Manager at (801) 272-9450 or gchamness@holladayut.gov.
Humane Education Presentations
By Salt Lake County Animal Services
Salt Lake County Animal Services offers Humane Education classes and other workshops to groups and schools within Salt Lake County. Our nationally recognized program incorporates materials for all ages, from youth through adults. Our age-appropriate presentations demonstrate:
• Basic Animal Care
• Responsible Pet Ownership
• Humane Treatment of Animals
• Important Animal Safety Information/Bite Prevention
• Careers in Animal Welfare/Care
Our presentations complement the Common Core standards, socialemotional learning, and character education, emphasizing social responsibility. We strive to foster compassion and respect for all living beings by educating all age groups about humane education. Our presentations cover compassion, diversity, equality, animal protection, responsibility, empathy, and empowerment. These presentations can also include a friendly, well-behaved humane education dog, which enhances the learning experience by providing a live example of kindness and responsible animal care.
For more information and to request a presentation please visit our “Programs” section on AdoptUtahPets.org.
Questions? Email events@slco.org or Hannah at HBlack@slco.org
September is National Preparedness Month
By Allison Jester, Emergency Mgmt Coord
Each September, FEMA sponsors National Preparedness Month to raise awareness about the importance of preparing for disasters and emergencies that could happen at any time. This is a great reminder that it is important to have a planned response for you and your family and to be ready to help your community.
While the City is dedicated to assisting its citizens in emergencies, personal and community preparedness levels often play a larger part in outcomes. In the event of an emergency or disaster, it may take hours or even days for emergency crews to reach you. In these cases, “you are the help until help arrives”. The City of Holladay has amazing citizens who care deeply about their neighbors. If we can continue to foster a culture of community and increase personal and neighborhood preparedness, we will be able to more effectively respond to and recover from disaster. Here are some ways you can get involved and promote emergency preparedness in your neighborhood:
• Work on your own personal and family preparedness.
• Build connections with your neighbors – pay attention to those who may need additional help in a disaster and check on them.
• Find and share preparedness information with your friends and neighbors.
• Encourage your neighborhood or friends to participate in planning, compiling supplies, or running a drill together.
• Find a volunteer program that means something to you and get involved.
• Take safety courses to learn CPR, First Aid, Stop the Bleed, and other important skills.
In the face of disaster, every person matters. Together, we can build a resilient community that is ready to respond to and recover from adverse events quickly.
Rob Dahle, Mayor rdahle@holladayut.gov 801-580-3056
Ty Brewer, District 1 tbrewer@holladayut.gov 801-550-8747
Matt Durham, District 2 mdurham@holladayut.gov 801-999-0781
Paul Fotheringham, District 3 pfotheringham@holladayut.gov 801-424-3058
Drew Quinn, District 4 dquinn@holladayut.gov 801-860-6130
Emily Gray, District 5 egray@holladayut.gov 801-755-3477
Gina Chamness, City Manager gchamness@holladayut.gov
PUBLIC MEETINGS: City Council – rst and third Thursday of the month at 6 p.m. Planning Commission – rst and third Tuesday of the month at 6 p.m.
Race Series Big Cottonwood Heights Canyon
Saturday, Sept. 14th
We’re excited to be part of the route for another race! REVEL Race Series’ Big Cottonwood Heights Canyon Marathon & Half Marathon will take place September 14th, and it’s coming through Holladay.
The race will cross into the city starting at Knudsen Park. Eastbound traffic on 6200 will only be allowed from 2300 E to Holladay Blvd. Traffic west of 2300 E will flow as normal with shifted lanes between 7:30am-9:30am. We will be fortunate to have police officers in the area guiding traffic.
Holladay Blvd-Arbor Lane-Highland Drive: marathoners will be running on the shoulder of Holladay Blvd all the way to Cottonwood Lane.
• At Cottonwood Lane, runners will continue north in the shoulder and eastbound lane.
• At Arbor Lane, runners will head west through this neighborhood.
• Once runners reach Highland Drive, they will continue south in the #2 lane on Highland Drive until it reaches the intersection of Van Winkle and 6200 South.
All major intersections will have an “Intersection Traffic Officer” to facilitate cross-traffic flow and ensure everyone’s safety. Race participants are expected to be through Holladay by approximately 1:00 pm.
Stay tuned to our social media channels, website, and email blast for more information. You can see a detailed map of the racecourse by visiting www.runrevel.com/bcm.
Please follow officer instructions and be cautious and courteous with runners. Let’s show them our usual Holladay hospitality!
Holladay Business Advisory Board
By Raelynn Potts, Vice-Chair Holladay Business Advisory Board & owner Auntie Rae’s Sweets and Tea Parties
The mission of the Holladay Business Advisory Board is “to create a forum where business community partners can come together and discuss opportunities to improve communication and collaboration for businesses to launch, expand and thrive. To foster connections to identify shared issues or challenges and to showcase the distinctive character of Holladay.”
We meet every third Wednesday of the month at City Hall from 4:00 to 6:00 p.m. During the 5:00 p.m. hour we welcome business owners to join us and share their ideas or ask for assistance from the Board. Some examples of requests for assistance that have been presented to the Board in the previous months were locating a new location to expand; needing ideas for more foot traffic; collaborating with an individual business event; and a request to share resources. We welcome everyone to join us and create an open dialogue with us and the city. This is your opportunity to tell us the needs of your business so we can provide some impactful resources for you.
As we start planning our next events, and promotions, like our #ShopLocal #ShopHolladay, we are keeping in mind the feedback we have already received from the business owners that have attended our meetings. We thank those who have come and participated with us.
I am reminded of conversations I’ve had with customers that may resonate with you. The questions of “How long have you been in business?” and “Why haven’t I heard about you?” And I reply, “When you are small it is tough to make a big noise.” As the Holladay Business Advisory Board is made up of local business owners, we have many voices and many years of experience, and we are ready to “make a big noise” on behalf of all Holladay Businesses. #holladaybusinessadvisoryboard #shopHolladay #shoplocal
Game Night
Monday, September 9 – 5 pm to 8 pm
Board game lovers of all ages are welcome to play old favorites or learn fun new games! Derrek from Game Night Games will be supporting to make sure everyone has fun!
Read with Harley
Thursday, September 5, 12, 19, 26 –4 pm
Enjoy practicing your read-aloud skills with our sweet therapy dog, Harley! He’s a gentle listener and loves the company of children.
Registration Required
Holla-ween is just around the corner and we want you to save the NEW date and time for this year’s Holla-ween event! SATURDAY OCTOBER 26th 2:30 pm-4:30 pm located at the back of Holladay City Hall 4580 S 2300 E. The festivities will include a pet costume contest, pumpkin bowling, face painting, and many more. Costumes are HIGHLY encouraged! A Prize will be given to the best-dressed pet! Come enjoy a Spooktacular evening!
If you are a business that would like to participate in the Trail of Treats during this event, please contact Ann Frances Garcia at annfgarcia@HolladayUT.gov or call (385) 425-0853. Dress in costume, decorate your table in a Halloween theme and join the fun. Registration Required to participate. No Fee. Register by: October 18th.
Join the Holladay Lions Club, the Happy Healthy Holladay Coalition, and DonorConnect Utah’s federally designated nonprofit for organ and tissue recovery—for an evening dedicated to the power of giving and the impact of organ donation.
Inspiring Stories: Hear from Don and Tracy Wilson as they share the powerful story of their daughter Jordyn, who became an organ donor and made a profound impact on others’ lives.
Essential Education: Brady Dransfield, Manager of Public Education at DonorConnect, will explain how organ donation works and why it’s crucial for saving lives.
Community Engagement: Learn about the ongoing work of the Lions Club in Holladay and their commitment to various local service projects. Did You Know? There are over 114,000 people nationwide waiting for a transplant, with 900 right here in Utah. Every 10 minutes, another person is added to the transplant list, and 17 people die each day waiting for an organ.
Come and learn how you can be part of a life-saving cause. Together, we can make a lasting difference!