August 2017 | Vol. 17 Iss. 08
Utah’s #1 Self Proclaimed Pet Odor Remover F R E E E S T I M AT E
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with Field of Flags
By Natalie Conforto |
Child abuse doesn’t go away if we don’t talk about it,” said Gwen Knight, president elect of the West Jordan Exchange Club. “We don’t talk about it in age-appropriate ways. I’d like to see us prevent it before it occurs.” Each June, the local chapter strives to ignite conversations among families about child abuse by planting their annual Field of Flags at the Veteran’s Memorial Park, which stays in place for two weeks. Each flag represents a child who died in the United States this year from abuse and neglect. The club planted more than 1,000 flags. In fact, an estimated 1,670 child abuse fatalities occurred in 2015 (the most recent year for which there are statistics). This number is on the rise, as the rate is 5 percent higher than it was in 2011. The Exchange Club hopes that when people see the Field of Flags, they will think about how fragile children can be, and evaluate their own behavior to prevent child abuse. Most victims who die (74 percent) are younger than 3 years old. “Fatal child abuse may involve a single, impulsive accident such as suffocating or shaking a baby, or it could involve repeated abuse over a period of time such as extended malnourishment,” Knight said. The nonprofit organization Prevent Child Abuse Utah reported that there are 10,000 incidences of child abuse per year in Utah, and that statistically, 80 percent of abused children never tell anyone. Because the organization’s goals closely align with those of the Exchange Club, a representative from PCA Utah was on hand to pass out information regarding prevention as the flags were planted this June. About 80 other community members joined in the flag-planting effort to raise awareness. Volunteers were comprised of members of the Kearns High football team, the Taylorsville Junior ROTC, Latinos in Action, West Jordan Fire Department and other individuals who learned about the opportunity either through the Just website or through members of the Exchange Club. Utah’s sexual abuse rate of 29 percent is three times higher than the national average of 9 percent. Utah Representative Angela Romero was so alarmed by these numbers that she wrote House Bill 286. Passed in 2014 and implemented last school year, the bill mandates that all school districts provide
Eighty volunteers joined the West Jordan Exchange Club in June 2017 to plant its annual Field of Flags to honor children who died because of child abuse. (Reed Scharman/ Exchange Club)
sexual abuse prevention awareness to educators and a parenting course to parents of elementary students. “My belief is that one of the reasons our sexual abuse is so high is a lack of education,” Knight said. “It’s so important that citizens learn how to recognize, resist and report abuse. Then it’s important that they teach their children safety strategies as well, so they can protect themselves, support their friends if they are abused, and then learn how to behave as parents.” This year, Jordan School District is complying with the bill by requiring all faculty and staff, including substitute teachers, to complete a onehour online course entitled “Child Abuse Prevention Training.” The free course helps adults recognize abuse, learn how to report it and hone their skills to support children who are victims of abuse. One point repeatedly stressed in the course is to always believe the child. A separate online program is also available for parents. The module outlines how parents can listen to their child, monitor computers to keep their child safe from online predators and recognize the signs of someone grooming their child for sexual abuse. Both courses are available for free at www., in English and Spanish. Representatives from Prevent Child Abuse Utah are ready and willing to teach and educate groups. To comply with House Bill 286, some Jordan District elementary schools have invited PCA Utah to conduct parent
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More than 1,000 flags flew at the Veteran’s Memorial Park for two weeks. (Reed Scharman/Exchange Club)
nights at the school. The West Jordan Exchange Club always welcomes new members. Throughout the U.S., the national project for all Exchange Clubs is prevention of child abuse. The club also celebrates core values of Americanism and recognition of youth with
scholarships. The group meets for breakfast and planning the second, third and fourth Thursday of every month at 7:30 a.m. at the Jordan Valley Hospital on the third floor in the community room. All who would like to learn more are welcome to attend. l
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Page 2 | August 2017
West Jordan Journal
Two sides to every budget: West Jordan’s revenue projections The West Jordan City Journal is a monthly publication distributed directly to residents via the USPS as well as locations throughout West Jordan. For information about distribution please email circulation@mycityjournals. com or call our offices. Rack locations are also available on our website. For subscriptions please contact: The views and opinions expressed in display advertisements do not necessarily reflect or represent the views and opinions held by Loyal Perch Media or the City Journals. This publication may not be reproduced in whole or in part without the express written consent of the owner.
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By Becca Ketelsleger |
rom its onset, the June 14,city council meeting was slated to turn into a late night. On the agenda was receiving public input and approving the final budgets for the “General Fund, the Special Revenue Funds, the Capital Projects Funds, the Enterprise Funds, and the Internal Service Funds for the Fiscal Year 2017–2018.” The discussion started with Councilman Chris McConnehey, who has a background in finance and currently works as a financial reporting consultant. “Before we even talk about expenditures, I want to talk about revenues,” said McConnehey. “If we start with the revenues, then we have a good target as to how much is available to spend.” He pulled up a spreadsheet that he had been working on along with Councilman David Newton, which showed the percentages of revenue growth in past years and reductions that they proposed for this year’s budget. In the proposed budget posted on the city website, the city manager recommended revenue for fiscal year 2017–2018 was $61,909,871. “As we looked at the revenues and tried to take a best guess based on what had happened in prior years, we are thinking right around $59,000,000,” said McConnehey, going on to recommend a decrease in the projections by $2.9 million. Overall, the numbers presented by McConnehey and Newton estimated that the growth projections for revenue, based on previous years, were a bit aggressive, according to Mayor Kim Rolfe. “I’d like to comment thanks for doing this. I think it’s wonderful,” said Rolfe. “(But) I think that the numbers have been conservative to a fault, in my opinion, in the past.”
Rolfe elaborated that last year the budget was passed at a $7 million deficit, with plans made to sell property in that amount if needed. However, the growth that was seen in the 2016–2017 fiscal year was enough to bring the budget back into line without the real estate sales. Newton did not agree with this sentiment, stating that he and McConnehey worked their numbers separately but came to similar conclusions, and that they have merit. Councilmembers Chris McConnehey and David Newton put together a “It’s looking at the differspreadsheet to show why they thought revenue projections were too aggresences where the projections seem sive. (Chris McConnehey/West Jordan City Council) to be out of line and not quite apcrease in ambulance fees collected, McElreath stated propriate,” said Newton. “I would rather be low on that residents are on track for an increase this year. revenue projections than over, because I don’t want This is partially due to a lag of several months in to have that negative like we are looking at this year. collecting those fees, as well as an increase of amWe have $2 million that we are going to have to pull bulance fees by 5 percent recently set by the state. out of the Fund Balance to balance this year.” Another question that came up was the signifiSeveral specific revenue concerns that came up cant decrease in utility fees collected last year, versus involved the sales taxes, ambulance fees and utilities the aggressive forecast on this year’s utilities revefranchise taxes. nue. Even with something that sounds simple, such Councilman Zach Jacob voiced concerns with as revenue from utilities, there are numerous factors the sales tax projected revenue, stating that we are to be considered. Eric Okerlund, West Jordan budseeing more and more stores go dark (“the Amazon get officer, said there are three primary elements that effect”), which would, in theory, result in less sales need to be forecast: what new growth occurs, changtax collected. However, this could be offset if Amaes in rates, and weather patterns. Of course, at least zon does begin collecting sales tax and making payone of these factors is out of the city’s control. ment directly to the state of Utah. “This revenue projection and expenditure proFire Chief Marc McElreath spoke regarding jection, to a degree, is a subjective practice,” said projected ambulance fees. While last year saw a deOkerlund. “Given that background, there are different philosophies on how aggressive versus how conservative someone wants to be.” In the end, city leaders agreed to a compromise between those who were more optimistic and those who were more “realistic”. The revenue projections were reduced by $1,596,612. “I understand doing budgeting myself at my employment that a budget is an educated guess,” said Councilman Alan Anderson. “I think what we are trying to do as a council is be responsive and put real numbers to it.” By this time, the council meeting had already been extended, and the time was bordering on 10 p.m. It was decided that a special meeting would be held on June 21, one day before the budget had to be finalized, to go over expenditures. At the special meeting that was held, all departments were represented, and several residents were present. This meeting was roughly three hours long, dedicated fully to the budget. In the end, expenditures were also reduced by $1,070,202. In Utah, it is required that a tentative budget be adopted in May of every year. Then, a final budget has to be reviewed and finalized in June. If the final budget cannot be agreed upon, then the tentative budget is adopted by default. “Utah state law requires that we adopt a budget annually, so we really don’t have a choice other than to approve, even if there are items we disagree with inside that budget,” said McConnehey at a later time when asked his thoughts regarding how the budget discussion went. “Unfortunately we received the city manager’s budget in one meeting, and then the following meeting we were required to adopt it by law.” l
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August 2017 | Page 3
Page 4 | August 2017
West Jordan Journal
Kids get down to business By Jet Burnham |
re your kids bored this summer? Do they want to make some extra cash? They might be interested in joining hundreds of kids, aged 4 to 16, who are selling their handmade products to the public at the Children’s Entrepreneur Market. Exclusively for young entrepreneurs, these markets are held each month at various locations. “The idea was born out of boredom,” said the market founder’s mother. At age 8, Kayden started selling lemonade as a way to entertain himself. A year later, he expanded. “I thought it’d be cool to get a bunch of kids selling their stuff,” said Kayden. His idea became the Children’s Entrepreneur Market, started last fall. Kayden’s mom said that the market introduces kids to the aspects of running a business in a safe environment. And it provides a lot of traffic for the young entrepreneurs to reach a large number of customers in just one day. At the July 8 market, held in the parking lot of NOAH’S Event Venue, kids sold lemonade, Popsicles, homemade treats, jewelry, 3-D printed toys, bath bombs, yoga classes, hair bows, stress balls, herbs, cinnamon rolls, original artwork, sewing projects, solar-viewing glasses and more. Lydian Crowther, age 10, created her own dog treats and came from Ogden to sell at the market. “I took a recipe online but then I tweaked some of the ingredients and amounts,” said Lydian, whose own dog is her taste-tester. She created her own sign and colorful packaging to market her creations. Alyssa, Justin and Mallory Wadsworth from West Jordan made 110 wizarding wands to sell at the three-hour long market. Justin had taken a wand to school and had a lot of kids ask to buy one. His mom, Lynette, suggested the market as a great place to sell them. She thought
it would be a good experience for her children to learn about marketing and give them an opportunity to reach more customers than just in their neighborhood. Keeping with the wizarding theme, the Wadsworths also sold Popsicles, which they advertised as “cold wizard wands.” “It’s a great experience to get the kids out talking to people, building confidence,” said Amy James, from Sandy. This was her son’s first face-to-face experience selling his products. “He’s actually kinda shy by nature so it’s a little hard for him to engage,” said James. Her son, Logan, age 13, has been a creative entrepreneur from a young age. “He’s got it in his soul,” his mother said. Logan often makes things and bakes things to sell to friends and family. At his booth, he sold items such as wooden flower presses, string whirligigs (which he advertised as “the original fidget”) and knotted survival bracelets. James said this was a test run to see how products sold before they looked into selling online. The market encourages parents to allow their kids to run the booth, conduct the sales, count the change and haggle the price. The Johnson family’s five children participated in the market as a way to earn money for a family vacation. “This is our first selling experience as a family,” said Charlene Johnson. “They’ve been working together and it’s been a good experience. They had considered the 10:30-1:30 timeframe of the market and chose to sell hot dogs and drinks to hungry shoppers. Equipped with a toy cash register, the Johnson children also sold their handmade creations from elastic-woven pencil grips to Popsicle-stick crossbows. The family made snickerdoodles together and lured in customers with free samples. “As parents, we’ve been able to talk to them about cost and capital — explaining when you have money you can buy things, once you buy
Young entrepreneurs practice social skills as well as marketing and math skills as they buy and sell products. (Jet Burnham/City Journals)
it, you can sell it for more and make money,” said Jason Johnson. The family had coordinated coupons with sales to purchase products and raw materials to increase their profits. The Johnsons encouraged their kids to solicit sales by calling out what they were selling to shoppers walking by. Jason added incentive for his kids to sell more when he told them, “Whatever you don’t sell, you have to carry back to the car.” There are plans to expand the market. Next spring, guest speakers will teach marketing classes about branding, packaging, etc. There will be a “Shark Tank”-type of competition for teens. Kayden said often kids come to the market to shop and end up hosting a booth the next month. The next market will be Aug. 12 in Lehi. On Sept. 2, the market will be at NOAH’S Event Venue, 322 W. 11000 South. Registration and information can be found at Events have between 70-160 booths, which cost $10. Entrepreneurs receive a T-shirt to identify them to buyers and a swag bag of snacks, water and a book about how business works. l
August 2017 | Page 5
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A night to celebrate West Jordan Fire Department employees By Becca Ketelsleger |
he West Jordan Fire Department has a lot to celebrate. Before a packed room at the July 14 city council meeting, three changes were made within the department. First, Joy Stearns was promoted to become the first female fire captain in West Jordan in the department’s 40-year history. “We had over 15 people who participated in the promotional exam,” said Fire Chief Marc McElreath. “Joy was awesome and earned every bit of it.” Stearns has been an active member of the West Jordan Fire Department for more than 15 years. Even prior to her employment, she developed an early interest in the field. “I started firefighter training and ride-alongs while in high school,” she said. “After participating in a job shadow, I was hooked.” McElreath recalled that he was Stearns’ training officer in 2002 when she joined the department. “She did an outstanding job,” he said, also mentioning that there was another female recruit at the same time who did not complete the training. Throughout her time with the department, Stearns has been in various roles, ranging from a firefighter to paramedic. Besides earning several certifications through her employment, Stearns also recently completed her master’s degree from the University of Utah in health promotion and education. While Stearns said that she enjoys the “rescue, medical, hazmat, fire and various other job duties that firefighters perform,” she also has a special interest in mental health issues for firefighters. During her time at the University of Utah, she took classes teaching tools and techniques to help deal with the difficult issues inherent in firefighting. Since then, she has developed and taught a resilience program to the fire department. “I was impressed with the results and the reception that firefighters had for this difficult topic,” said Stearns, whose badge was pinned by her father, Norman Bowen. “Changing a culture can be difficult, but I am glad that there is more education and interest in this important area of firefighter well-being and training.”
She was later named as the Firefighter of the Year by the West Jordan Exchange Club. New firefighter Jacob Sorensen took his oath of office and received his badge. After being hired by the department, every new firefighter must go through a one-year probation period before their badge pinning. Sorensen is the newest member of the department to complete that probationary period. Sorensen has been a member of the Utah Army National Guard for 10 years and has served in three deployments. He has also earned several awards for his rescue efforts with them. In 2012, after coming home from his first two deployments, Sorensen began volunteering with the Mendon, Utah, fire department. He volunteered there for roughly a year before being sent to Afghanistan for a third deployment. “On this deployment, I was put into a platoon with multiple full-time firefighters, to include West Jordan Paramedic Zack Kesler,” said Sorensen. “Seeing how these guys operated and how their attitudes were, I was drawn to them.” Sorensen and his wife are expecting their first child this August. Finally, two new full-time staff members have been added to the West Jordan Fire Department. Within the department, the need for employees to help with logistics and education programs is always present. The question of how to adequately staff for these duties can sometimes be a challenge. Through recent retirements, a fire captain position was eliminated, which freed up availability for two civilian employees. “They have both done an amazing job in the six months that they have been here,” said McElreath. Terron Bowen was hired as the Fire Service Officer for logistics, with duties including maintaining the department’s fleet and inventorying medical supplies. Prior to being hired with West Jordan Fire Department, Bowen entered the field as volunteer firefighter in 2012. He is currently also working as a
part-time firefighter with Unified Fire Authority. Thomas Smith, known as Woody, was hired as the Fire Service Officer for prevention and public education. Part of his duties involve teaching merit badge classes to local Boy Scouts, teaching CPR classes and doing fire inspections. Smith also serves as a firefighter for Brigham City, South Ogden District and Unified Fire Authority. In 2016, he completed his bachelor’s degree from Utah Valley University in emergency services. Both Bowen and Smith aspire to become full-time firefighters. “It is probably in the future of their time that they will transition into being a firefighter, but we want to keep them for as long as we can doing what they are doing because they both do a great job,” said McElreath. When fully staffed, the department has 87 full-time employees. These changes come right before the department’s busiest time of the year. On June 14, the department issued its fire work restriction notice for dates surrounding Independence Day and Pioneer Day. “These restrictions are in place to help keep people and property safe,” stated McElreath in the release. l
Joy Stearns has her badge pinned by her father, Norman Bowen who has always been a “big supporter.” (West Jordan Fire Department)
for Mayor
Why I'm Running for West Jordan Mayor I have been asked why I want to run for Mayor when there has been so much negative publicity about the City and I could just retire and ride off into the sunset. Let me try to explain my feelings about this challenge. I am in my 15th year of working for West Jordan City. I have had many responsibilities in working with different organizations within the City and have gained a great understanding that can only be realized from that perspective. I would like to pay back to the City for what the City has done for me and my family over the last 15 years. I have attended City Council meetings over these years and have seen the discontent that can arise. I want to bring the attitude of working together with the Council Members and City Manager in addressing the tough issues and come to conciliatory conclusions that will be best for the City in the long run. Leaving City employment and not having any outside business distractions, I will be able to devote the necessary time to work closely with the Chamber of Commerce, our City Manager, our Legislators, our Economic Development Director and others that can help us move West Jordan ahead and create a sustainable vision of the City for those that will come after us.
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Page 6 | August 2017
West Jordan Journal
Students learn to say no to gangs By Jet Burnham |
tudents are being taught the dangers of joining gangs and are learning the skills to avoid them through Jordan District’s Choose Gang-Free Program. “This program specifically deals with risk factors that can lead to possible gang involvement down the road,” said Kris Murphy, the program director who works with the Salt Lake Area Gang Project. She provided information to Bobbie Nixon, Jordan District’s teacher specialist for Gangs, to develop the program curriculum. The curriculum is evidence-based, adapted from a program used in California schools. Choose Gang-Free was taught to both fifthand sixth-graders at Columbia Elementary this year. Murphy said this is the best age to teach gang prevention, as these kids are becoming more aware of them. Nine 40-minute lessons outlined for students the dangers of gangs, how to avoid them and alternatives to membership. One technique they learned was ARE: avoid, refuse, escape. Students practiced it as a way to respond when exposed to gangs. Jack Richardson, a student at Columbia, said the program taught him how to stay safe.
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Students sign a pledge to not get involved in gangs. (Jet Burnham/City Journals)
“The lessons showed why it wasn’t safe to be in a gang and how it can hurt you,” said Jack. He said most kids know gangs aren’t safe, but learning more specifically how dangerous they are was useful. Students learned about the circle of gang violence and the risks that come with gang membership. For one activity, they were invited to spin a wheel scattered with good and bad consequences. Some students took the risk and spun the wheel. Many chose not to play. Jack said the activity was like being in a gang.
“There’s always a chance for something good to happen, but bad things will always come around at some point,” said Jack. “The safest move is to not play or join at all.” Jack hopes to be a librarian and author someday. He understands gang membership could hurt his chances for getting a job. Tori Llewellyn said she learned that gangs get members involved in illegal activities that may affect their future. “Some kids think gangs are a good idea, but now that we’ve learned this stuff, we know that it’s really not,” Tori said. The program emphasizes that police officers protect the community. A detective from the West Jordan Police Department helped the kids understand how gangs affect entire families by sharing the story of his brother who was in a gang. Fifth-grader Randle Dansie said he learned a lot from the detective’s story. “As you get older, you don’t want to get involved in gangs because then you could lose family members,” said Randle. He said he kept notes during the classes and hopes to be able to remember what he has learned. He has already shared the lessons with his brothers. “I think it’s really important to learn,” he said. Randle said instead of a gang, he chooses to be part of a hockey team. The Choose GangFree Program encourages alternatives to gang membership like hobbies, sports, school activities, clubs and volunteer work as well as choosing good friends. “Gangs limit your good opportunities in the world,” Nixon told the students at their program graduation. “How wonderful your lives can be if you choose to live gang-free.” Columbia was one of just a few schools in Jordan District that implemented the program last year. The program is also used by Granite and Salt Lake districts. More schools and districts will be using the program this coming year, said Murphy. “We are collecting data so we can see what trends are happening in these specific communities so that we know we are touching on the correct issues for the kids,” said Murphy. The program will be revisited when the students reach eighth grade. Every school administrator and teacher received gang awareness training this year from Nixon as a result of recent Utah Codes and Board Rules requiring it. The Choose Gang-Free Program is an optional program for schools whose principals choose to participate. Tips for avoiding gangs can be found at View/6752. l
W estJordanJournal.Com
Teens take time to tutor By Jet Burnham |
“I feel like I really build a connection with the kids that I tutor,” said ninth-grade tutor Nayeli Sandoval. “It really helps with their social skills because we just really connect with them and they can confide in us.” LIA tutors are an example to younger kids— especially Latino students, said ninth-grader Jayleen Ivett-Sandoval. “I want to show the kids they don’t have to be the Latino stereotype where every Latino is dumb or every Latino is gonna drop out,” said Ivett-Sandoval. “I definitely want to be an example for them and for them to see you don’t have to go that way; there is another way and its way better.” Karen Gorringe, principal at Terra Linda Elementary, said one of her students was having behavioral problems. When he saw his older brother in his role as a tutor to the kids at school, his behavior improved. She is impressed with those who serve her students each week. “They are role models that show that academics matter,” said Gorringe. Many of the tutors understand where their students are coming from. Analia Lentz and Josve Pantoja admitted they didn’t like reading when they were second-graders. Tutors helped them improve their reading skills and attitudes so now they can do the same for others. Prows said the tutors were a great help with a Spanish-speaking student who refused to speak to anyone. “These teenagers were able to work with that stuTeens work one-on-one with young readers. (Jet Burnham/City Journals) dent and within minutes had them talking so fast, the teenager was having a hard April Aguado, a ninth-grade tutor, worked time keeping up,” she said. The tutor was able to relay important inforwith a student struggling with reading and was mation about the student. discouraged. “Things got better really fast for everyone,” “By the end of the year, the kid could read Prows said. “That student just loved that an oldthe whole list,” she said enthusiastically. Joselyne Rangel, an eighth-grader, said these er kid wanted to know about them and was able kids sometimes just need someone they can talk to explain how school worked and how great it could be. It was a huge help.” about school and home life with. LIA tutors work with students at both Terra “You don’t know what is going on at home for them, and you can be more than just a tu- Linda Elementary and Oquirrh Elementary. This tor; you can be a friend for them,” she said. She is just one of the service activities their group parworked with a student who had a poor attitude ticipates in each year. “Our Latino community loves to give back about reading. She realized she had to make a connection and earn his trust. Once they became and are generous people,” said Perez-Vidal. “We friends, he was willing to practice reading skills hope to be an example to kids so they don’t get lost and just want to give up on school.” l during their time together. econd-graders at two West Jordan elementary schools get the benefits of older siblings without actually having them. Teens in the Latinos in Action class at Joel P. Jensen Middle School come to their schools every Monday to read with the students. Tutors are paired with second-grade buddies to work on sight words and reading fluency. Rebecca Perez-Vidal, LIA president, said she feels like the kids become like little brothers and sisters to the tutors. “It’s a little thing to read with kids but they see it as a lot,” said Perez-Vidal. She said the kids benefit from having someone who cares about their progress. Tutors are able to spend 15–20 minutes with each student every week. Oquirrh Elementary second-grade teacher Mandy Prows said the tutors listen to her students read and then discuss the story with them, practicing comprehension and language skills. “Those extra minutes spent reading really add up and affect their reading skills,” she said. “They love that an older kid is willing to listen to them and help them. They feel like it’s this really special thing they get to do.”
August 2017 | Page 7
Page 8 | August 2017
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West Jordan Journal
Connecting the world through gaming, anime, music By Jet Burnham |
hrough chalk art drawings, West Jordan Middle School students expressed the unique ways they connect with the world. Drawings were created during the school’s “Around the World”-themed chalk art show. “It was a wide-reaching theme where they could really do almost anything,” said fine arts chair Cara Bailey. GAMING One interpretation of the theme was created by Devin Sailors and Landon Whitney. “We are big gamers,” said Landon. “We wanted to show that gaming can connect people all over the world.” The boys play games with international participants through various game consoles. “Consoles can connect people from different parts of the world that you never knew about to new parts of the world they never knew about,” said Devin. As they play games with people who live in different countries, the boys chat with them through headsets. Landon said he’s been able to learn about different places in the world without going there. “It was very interesting talking to these people and learning about what it would be like if I were to be there,” he said. He is surprised by how much he has in common with the people he meets. “That was surprising to me considering how far away and what a different area they live in, how similar we were in everyday life activities,” Landon said. He discovered that other teens have the same problems with their younger siblings, parents and school. Devon discovered a gamer from Mexico who shares his love of cars. “He rebuilds cars with his dad like I do with my dad, so that’s a big connection for me,” he said. Devin also connected with a boy through baseball. Devin told the boy about the baseball team he plays on. The boy told Devin how he uses a metal pipe he found in an abandoned building and a coconut to play baseball games in his neighborhood. ARCHITECTURE Sierra Holdman thinks architecture connects people around the world. She created a colorful St. Basil’s Cathedral in chalk. “I love looking at old buildings and architecture—especially old buildings
Anime is popular around the world. (Jordan School District)
around the world.” She said people can learn about different cultures from the buildings they built. “You can really understand how other people are, and you can see how architecture is so different in other areas,” she said. ENTERTAINMENT Another piece, designed by Denise Ibarra, illustrated how entertainment has influence around the world. “I chose an anime theme because a lot of people watch it,” said Denise. She said that by understanding another culture, people realize they have shared interests. She believes people from all parts of the world can relate to the themes and characters of anime. “Even though everyone’s different, we’re all humans,” she said. “We all feel; we all have experiences.” TRAVEL Maddi Page included landmarks she saw in her travels to Europe in her piece. She said traveling has helped her appreciate other cultures. “Understanding other countries helps you to not judge other people,” she said. “You can’t judge someone for what they’ve been raised to do.”
HERITAGE Melanie Moreno and her friends created a chalk art piece that represents their Hispanic culture. They included the flags of Panama, Cuba and Venezuela, and a folklore dancer, a mariachi and a heart. “The heartbeat represents that we have the same heart, no matter what color,” Melanie said. She has traveled a lot, visiting family in Cuba, Mexico, Belize, Honduras and Venezuela. “It gives me many perspectives on many cultures,” she said. “It makes me see that no matter where you’re from, we all have the same characteristics.” MUSIC Ninety-seven students drew pictures on the sidewalk in front of the school. Another 140 participated by performing music from around the world. Nick Pulsipher, band and orchestra director at WJMS, volunteered the groups to perform music to entertain and inspire the artists as they worked. “The pieces range from a simple folk song from the British Isles to a piece depicting the legend of Tutankhamun’s curse,” said Pulsipher. l
August 2017 | Page 9
W estJordanJournal.Com
Local students win entrepreneur awards at state contest By Julie Slama |
n a competition that attracted nearly 150 student business idea submissions from high school students throughout the state, Kearns High School student Emily Guertler came out on top. The high school sophomore won the $5,000 grand prize at the 2017 Utah High School Entrepreneur Challenge in midApril for her project, “StraightShot,” a line of adaptive apparel to provide ease in accessing areas to administer medications by injection, port or feeding tubes. “I was really surprised that my idea was selected as there were so many technical ideas,” Emily said. “I plan to put the money to use to get more supplies for my business.” Emily said she’s been working on her business after first getting it off the ground with Sandy Area Chamber’s Young Entrepreneurs Academy. “I got my idea when my family was out shopping at the mall right before Christmas. It was crowded, but my brother has diabetes and we had to wait to use the bathroom to give him his shot in his leg. I got to thinking, why not add a zipper or Velcro or something to his pants to have a spot to give him his injection?” she said. So, using her sewing skills she learned from her grandmother, Emily went to work and created a pair of pants for her brother. “The nurse at school and the diabetes team at the hospital thought it was a great idea,” she said. Knowing her grandmother and uncle also have diabetes, she realized this idea could become a line of apparel that is much needed for those who need medical assistance during the day. After placing third at Young Entrepreneurs Academy’s national competition, she turned her attention to the Utah challenge. After learning she was one of 24 finalists, she made more clothing items to present to judges at the April 15 contest. Then, Emily and others got the chance to pitch their ideas to judges, made up of many influential community leaders. Teams’ ideas and business presentations ranged from a portable solar panel to air scare devices to frighten birds from nesting close to airports. “I’ve grown to be more social and be able to improve my public speaking. My first public speaking presentation I
Kearns High School sophomore Emily Guertler won the $5,000 grand prize at the 2017 Utah High School Entrepreneur Challenge in mid-April for her project, “StraightShot.” (Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute)
was shaking so bad. I dropped all my note cards on the floor. Now, I’m able to memorize what I need to say and am organized with my financial presentation,” she said. The goal of the Utah High School Entrepreneur Challenge is to help high school students explore innovation and early stage business. “It was an incredible experience to see up-and-coming entrepreneurs showcase their hard work and pitch their idea to the judges,” said Stephanie Gladwin, a University of Utah senior and chair of the High School Utah Entrepreneur Challenge. In nearby West Jordan, Copper Hills’ Andrew Rich was a $1,000 Lassonde Studio Scholarship winner for his project, The Curb Climber. The project is a base that will be built into the bottom of motorized chairs that will use motors and wheels to lift the chair over the curb and onto the sidewalk. The scholarship is earmarked for the recipient to live in the University of Utah’s Lassonde accommodations if they chose to attend the U after high school graduation. The Institute provides students an
opportunity to learn about entrepreneurship and innovation. Another area winner, Herriman High’s Lauren Burlow, was a double winner, having received the Impact Hub In-Kind Award as well as the Lassonde Studio Scholarship. Her project, “My Lunch,” allows parents and students to pre-order lunches from the My Lunch application to select a nutritious meal with fruits and vegetables. Finalists include a second Kearns High School team, “One Heart, One Home,” who presented to judges and was awarded a $100 finalist award. The project gives the homeless a place to call home, and a community to help maintain. The primary goal is to design and construct tiny homes for those who need housing. Finalist Riverton High students created “GovGush,” which is a unified technology platform via mobile and web engagement application for the public, political representatives and governments. This team also received a $100 award. l
Page 10 | August 2017
West Jordan Journal
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Cowboy Christmas in July at the Western Stampede By Natalie Conforto
hat could entice dozens of athletes from around the world to travel to West Jordan to ride an enraged, bucking bull? Cha-ching. For these cowboys, it’s all about the Benjamins, as about $60,000 total was up for grabs in prize money at the Western Stampede this July. Rodeo enthusiasts call Independence Day weekend “Cowboy Christmas” for its multiplicity of rodeos— opportunities to win some serious cash. In his welcome statement, Mayor Kim Rolfe described how thrilling it is just to sit in the stands at the rodeo. “If you’re a repeat rodeo goer, you know the excitement that’s in store as topranked cowboys and cowgirls test their skills against some of the best bucking stock in the business,” he said. Although a successful bull or bronco ride only lasts eight seconds, audiences held their breath to see the bone-crushing power of the animals as their riders gripped for dear life. More than 8,000 fans arrived to witness and yee-haw or gasp at the spectacle during the three-day event this year. Rivaling the professional contestants’ anxiety behind the corral, the mutton busters and their parents lined up for their chance at glory. The pint-sized contestants had to weigh less than 50 pounds, because they would be riding sheep. They ranged in age from 3–9. Tensions were high as Niki George waited with her 8-year-old daughter Sarah for her turn. Waiting seemed to make everyone—especially the parents—more nervous, and question why they signed up in the first place. But the kids were still excited. George said, “She’s a little nervous— she just wants to go.” After ensuring that each youngster was properly outfitted in pads and a safety helmet, officials placed them on a sheep, which immediately took off running. Contestants scored points for how long they lasted on the sheep, crowd noise and general style. Sarah George surprised everyone by choosing to ride backward, which earned her some extra style points. When 7-year-old Kaden Guymon hit the arena on Saturday night, he wasn’t letting go. The crowd began to roar as the sheep and tiny rider streaked all the way across the stampede grounds. By the time they reached the opposite fence, the audience was on its feet to cheer the young cowboy. Kaden finally fell off when the sheep had nowhere else to go. Guymon’s dad thought he might have gone farther if the fence weren’t in the way. “This is his first rodeo,” he said, delighted when Kaden was announced as the winner for the night. Kaden didn’t seem surprised by his victory.
Seven-year-old Hayden Peak student Kaden Guymon won first place in Saturday night’s mutton bustin’ competition. (Natalie Conforto/City Journals)
“It felt really good,” he said. “I wasn’t scared because the wool just felt really poofy like a pillow, so I got comfortable, and I just could ride.” The final heat for mutton bustin’ took place two days later. Two cowgirls—who also served as junior rodeo princesses— owned the top of the podium. The champion was Laynee Garduon, second place went to Libby Gedge, and Aiden Chase took third. The top three won large trophies and a voucher from Justin, an event sponsor, for a pair of Justin cowboy boots. Libby’s father, Nate Gedge, explained how the training sessions went. “We don’t have any farm animals, so she would jump on her older siblings’ backs and they would mimic sheep actions,” he said. White-knuckle endurance tests and miniature riders weren’t the only crowd pleasers at the rodeo. Cassie Wasmer and her daughters’ favorite event was the all-female barrel racing, in which riders have to guide their horses in tight turning patterns around barrels. Kamree added that the EHCAPA bareback riders (8–19 year old girls) “looked so pretty” in their Native American-inspired fringed suede costumes. Local preteen Tyler Anderson said, “I liked when they roped the cattle and then tied them up.” His parents Brian and Lisa said they weren’t rodeo regulars, and that they attended the Western Stampede because “it’s just something to do.” They said they ended up having a fun time. Whether you own a cowboy hat or not, there was something for everyone at the Western Stampede. l
August 2017 | Page 11
W estJordanJournal.Com
Free initial visit at West Jordan Clinic – $39 Value!
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Jay Thomas West Jordan City Council My wife and I have been married for 23 years. We have two daughters, two sons, and seven grandchildren. We moved to West Jordan from Midvale over 20 years ago because we love West Jordan, we have fond memories of growing up with the Western Stampede, the Carnival, and the 4th of July parade and fireworks. Over the years we have met great neighbors and friends here. We have a common bond in that we want West Jordan to be the place where people want to live, work, and raise their families. I have dedicated my life to public service. I retired from Midvale City Fire Department as a Captain after 22 years, and have over 30 years in public safety.
Jay Thomas for West Jordan City Council I have lived in West Jordan for over 20 years and have raised my family here. I have been active in government for over 30 years.
OPEN HOUSE & CAR SHOW Friday, August 4th • 5 – 8PM
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I want to hear from you! I would love to hear your views and concerns on what is important to you and your vision for the future of West Jordan City. REACH ME AT (385) 246-4710 paid for by Jay Thomas for West Jordan City Council
Free hot dogs & hAMburgers live Music – Prizes & Fun!
Page 12 | August 2017
West Jordan Journal
West Jordan welcomes wishful wizards
By Natalie Conforto
Potter” fans, did you miss out on OWL Camp this year? This July, 1,500 youth, ages 11–18, got the memo. After registering online this spring, they received their acceptance letters to Ordinary Wizarding Levels Camp (by muggle post), and congregated at the county library for a day camp filled with “Harry Potter”-themed activities. For six days, the county library was transformed into Hogwarts Castle, the wizard school from the fictional “Harry Potter” book series. A gigantic scrim painted to look like the imposing entryway of the castle covered the north wall of the library entrance. Cardboard knights and life-sized posters from the “Harry Potter” films added to the ambiance. Like a theme park, dressed-up characters roamed among the participants, willing to pose for selfies. Twelve-year-old Ella Barnett giggled when describing the character Gilderoy Lockhart (played at OWL Camp by library event coordinator David Woodruff) strutting around waving his cape, distributing signed glossy photos of himself. Participant Gia Pereyra enjoyed the scavenger hunt. “We had to go around and find clues for things” she said. “Another thing that I really liked was the map. You’d have to find people from Hogwarts around the library.” “And the butter beer was the best butter beer that I’ve had since being at Harry Potter World,” said Melissa Stevens, who tasted the sweet brew upon picking up her daughter from OWL Camp. Each book in the series follows young Harry through one year of his boarding school career as he learns to use his magical gifts. The library events were scheduled to track with the books: the first day was for “first years,” or 11-year-olds, and used the first book, “Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone” as its theme. The second day was for 12-yearolds and focused on “Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets,” and so forth. At the beginning of each day of camp, participants were sorted into “houses,” or teams, and given corresponding colored T-shirts. Library Director Jim Cooper admitted that most of the kids had strong feelings about which house they wanted to be in, so the coordinators allowed
them to trade, as long as they maintained the equal balance among houses. Second-year student Hunter Thurgood said his favorite class was Potions, “because we actually made something like a potion.” The “potion” they concocted was glittery slime. In Herbology class they crafted mythical mandrake plants. They also played a trading card game that forced interaction, which helped them to form new friendships. Free lunch was provided for all by the Utah Food Bank as a Kids Café location. Twelve-year-old Makenna Stevens appreciated the way the décor replicated the descriptions in the books. “They had restricted sections,” said. “But during the library class, they took you to the ‘Forbidden Forest,’ which was the park, and they hid a huge spider, from the second book, “The Chamber of Secrets”—it was so fun!” Like the fourth book, the fourth day of camp hosted a tri-wizard tournament, complete with a maze and dragon. Utah State University Extension ran a “gillyweed tournament” with submersible submarines in water tanks. Nyssa Fleig, the library program manager and deputy headmistress of “Hogwarts,” explained the thought process that went into planning OWL Camp. “Our primary goal is to help stop the summer slide,” she said. “A lot of kids get out of school in the spring and then they don’t have educational opportunities in the summer, so this is one opportunity to keep them engaged. All of the classes—although ‘Harry Potter’ based— are also STEAM based.” So, while having a super-fan geek-out theme-park experience, kids at OWL Camp learned chemistry in Potions class, plant science in Herbology class, coding in Transfiguration class and poetry in Charms class. For the Defense Against the Dark Arts curriculum, students learned taekwondo self-defense moves as well as coping strategies for depression, packaged as “patronuses” by Salt Lake County Youth Services.
Utah State University Extension brought submersible submarines for the OWL campers to learn to control. They called it the “Gillyweed Tournament” to go with the “Harry Potter” theme. (Marlie Armes)
Fleig said that the event was library funded, and that “A lot of our classes were taught by our partners, which made it possible for us to do this for free.” She acknowledged Family Taekwondo, Leadership Taekwondo and the University of Utah Graduate Studies of Poetry, Salt Lake Astronomical Society, Hogle Zoo, Harold Weir Creations, Pins and Things YouTube Channel, Jessica Moody, Skymasters Wildlife Foundation, Scales and Tails, Candy Barrel, Crones Hollow, The King’s English, Day Murray Music and Backyard Parties as partners for this event, among those already referenced. Younger siblings who came to collect camp participants lamented that they weren’t allowed to come. “Eleven is about the right age to be left alone and to navigate through all the activities,” Library director Jim Cooper said. “We may consider expanding it in the future with a little more supervision.” Fleig added that the library use policy states that you have to be a certain age to be left unattended at the library, and it follows with the “Harry Potter” books. “Harry was 11 when he got to go to Hogwarts,” Fleig said. l
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Help Shape Our Community! Vote in the Upcoming Municipal Election Voting in your local municipal election gives you a say in how your community is run and impacts everything from how much you pay for your city utilities to how many police and firefighters provide coverage for the community to how often city roads are repaved and many other things that impact your quality of life each day. If you haven’t done so already, the first step is to register to vote so that you can vote in the Primary Election. The purpose of the Primary Election (Aug. 15) is to narrow the field of candidates for Mayor from five to two and two At-Large Council Members from five to four. The winning candidates then move on for your vote at the General Election Tuesday, Nov. 7. You can still register to vote in person or online so that you can vote for your local representation. You can do so in person or online: • Visit the Salt Lake County Clerk’s office at 2001 S. State Street Suite #S1-200 by Tuesday, Aug. 8. • Register online by Tuesday, Aug. 8 at
West Jordan is conducting the 2017 Municipal Election entirely by mail. There will not be a regular polling location for your precinct on Primary Election Day, Tuesday, Aug. 15. If you were already registered to vote, your ballot was mailed the week of July 24. Or once you register to vote, your ballot will be mailed to you the next day. Then you may return your ballot by any of the following methods: • By mail as long as it is postmarked by Aug. 14, the day before Election Day • Bring your ballot to the drop box in the West Jordan City Hall parking lot (8000 S. Redwood Road) • Bring your ballot to the County Clerk’s Office any time before 8 p.m. on Election Day, Aug. 15 (2001 S. State Street Suite #S1-200) • 24-hour drive-thru drop boxes are also located at many locations throughout Salt Lake County Bring your ballot to a West Jordan Vote Center on Election Day until they close at 8 p.m. They are located at the Viridian Library (8030 South 1825 West), Copper Hills LDS Church (5349 West 9000 South), and the Hampton Inn (3923 Center Park Drive). More election information can be found online at
M AY O R ’ S M E S S A G E
City Manager Retires/ City Welcomes New Deputy City Manager When we hired City Manager Mark Palesh in September 2015, we knew it wasn’t a long-term assignment. Mark came out of retirement to help the city through some difficult times. Since taking the reins as city manager, Mark has helped the city secure a voting membership on the Salt Lake City Board of Airports, instituted a line-item budget and settled several lawsuits, which has saved the city nearly $4 million. With the retirement of our City Manager, comes the addition of Deputy City Manager Russ Wall. Russ has a unique background with a variety of skills that will benefit our city. He has served both as an elected official (two terms as Mayor of Taylorsville and one on the Taylorsville City Council) and also in a variety of positions in both the public and private sectors including Salt Lake County Public Works Director and as a small business owner. Russ will work with City Attorney David R. Brickey who has agreed to serve as our interim city manager. We will not fill the city manager position right now for a couple of reasons. First, we are in the middle of an election where we are electing four of our seven elected positions (Mayor, two At-large Council Members, and the Council Member from District 4). The city manager is the City Council’s only employee and it makes sense to allow the newly elected City Council to select a new city manager. Second, we have an ad hoc committee studying the pros and cons of various forms of government (ours is the Council/ Manager form of government). The committee will be reporting their recommendation back to the City Council on Aug. 9. It is likely that a ballot measure that would allow residents to vote on changing our form of government would be included during the Nov. 7 General Election. If our form of government changes, we would not hire a city manager, but more likely a city administrator. I appreciate Mark’s service and also his willingness to continue to help during the coming months. I’m also excited to work with Russ and learn more about his ideas. I’m confident David will keep the city moving forward in a professional and efficient manner. As always, if you have any suggestions or questions, please contact my office by emailing or calling 801-569-5100.
7000 South Utility Project Update Work is continuing on the 7000 South Utilities Construction Project. Crews are installing sewer, storm drain and water lines from 1300 West and 3200 West. New storm drain and sewer lateral lines are being connected between 1985 West and 2200 West. The 1300 West intersection is expected to be paved and opened to all traffic in early August. Work is anticipated to move into the Redwood Road intersection in mid-August. Work in this intersection is scheduled to last approximately two months. Impacts will include lane closures, traffic shifts, access restrictions and traffic congestion. The traveling public is encouraged to use an alternate route when possible. Please note that construction schedules are subject to change due to weather, utility and/or equipment delays. For questions or concerns regarding this project, contact the Public Information Team at 801-569-5105 or
Construction Update Work continues on the two new Bangerter interchanges in West Jordan. 7000 South and Bangerter Highway: Most of the permanent concrete is in place for the southbound interchange ramps, and earthwork is progressing for the northbound ramps. The new pedestrian bridge work continues with construction of the concrete columns that will support the access ramps on each end of the bridge. The bridge deck will be delivered in sections to be assembled adjacent to Bangerter Highway. 9000 South and Bangerter Highway: Earthwork for the southbound ramps is underway, and the northbound ramps will follow soon. Traffic has been shifted to the center of Bangerter Highway while crews construct the new ramps. • Residents, businesses and motorists should expect: • Day and night work, five to seven days a week • Noise, dust, vibration, and construction lighting • Potential travel delays • Changing traffic patterns and reduced speeds • Lane closures during off-peak hours (for the latest information on traffic conditions, visit or download the UDOT Traffic app for iPhone or Android) • Trucks entering/exiting the work zone For more information, contact the project information team at 888-766-7623 or
Salt Lake County Youth Services opens new location in West Jordan Salt Lake County Youth Services has a new location in West Jordan at 8781 South Redwood Road Building #3. Youth in crisis may come with or without parents or through a law enforcement officer to any of the County’s two locations for counseling. Salt Lake County Youth Services mission is to provide safety, shelter and support to children, youth and their families in need. The agency offers over 15 services to residents including substance abuse treatment, residential shelter care for youth 0 to 18, after-school programs, short and long-term individual and family counseling, juvenile receiving centers, and resources for homeless youth. The West Jordan office number is 385-468-4610 and their business hours are Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The main office is located at 177 West Price Avenue, South Salt Lake City and is operating with the Juvenile Receiving Center open 24/7. For more information visit, or contact the main office at 385-468-4500.
TOP 10 CONTAMINANTS 1. Plastic Bags 2. Needles/Biohazardous Waste 3. Wire, hose, cords, rope & chains 4. Propane Tanks 5. Yard Waste/Wood 6. Motor Oil Containers 7. Electronics 8. Food Waste 9. Clothing/Shoes 10. Mercury Containing Objects
Summer is in full swing and barbeque season is underway. As you use your gas-fired barbeque grill, be sure to use the propane tank safely and follow the manufactures’ instructions. Never bring your propane tank indoors or into an enclosed space. If you suspect a leak, do not use the propane tank. Be sure to have a certified dealer perform any maintenance or repairs that are required and do not attempt to empty or cut open a tank.
“Propane tanks of any size are never allowed in any curbside bin.” If your old propane tank has outlived its usefulness, be sure to dispose of it properly! Improper disposal of propane tanks poses a serious safety threat to waste and recycling workers. These tanks contain compressed flammable gas that can cause fires or explosions when compacted inside of garbage trucks. And regardless of their size, propane tanks are never allowed in curbside recycling bins. Even tanks that seem to be empty can contain a small amount of gas that must be properly recovered and the tank depressurized. Propane tanks can be properly disposed of at outdoor exchange facilities or dropped off at household hazardous waste (HHW) locations throughout the valley. The Trans-Jordan HHW accepts propane tanks for free. Your questions, comments, and ideas are always welcome! Please contact and you may be mentioned in our article or FAQ page. Visit for more recycling information.
Q: How clean do food containers need to be for recycling? Propane Tanks at HHW
Photo by Lesha Earl – Trans Jordan
A: Food waste can contaminate good recycling. Containers do not need to
be squeaky clean, but a general rule is that no food or liquid spill out if the container is upside-down.
We Want Your Input You are invited to join our citizen feedback panel! Residents will be asked to share opinions on a variety of topics that impact our community. Input will be collected through online surveys and will be used to improve our city. In order to fully understand the community viewpoint, demographic information will be requested but is not required. Participation is voluntary and your information will not be sold. Email info@ to join the Citizen Panel.
Listen to City Council Meetings Did you know you can listen to City Council meetings? The audio files are online the day after the meeting (we are also evaluating the costs to stream them live) as well as meeting agendas and minutes. Stay informed at:
Online Bill Pay Did you know you can pay your city utility bill online? You can set up one-time payments from your checking account, credit or debit card. You can also set up auto pay to automatically notify you and deduct your payment each month. To enroll, have your utility bill handy and visit, click the e-services tab and follow the enrollment instructions.
Movie in the Park Aug. 4 FREE “The Secret Life of Pets” lights up the big screen Friday, Aug. 4 at 9 p.m. Come enjoy the tale of two mismatched mutts who get lost in the Big Apple. As they embark on their journey home, they encounter a vicious bunny who plans to lead a group of abandoned pets on a mission of revenge against humanity. Bring your friends and family for a night of great entertainment in Veterans Memorial Park, 8030 South 1985 West.
Join Our Team The City of West Jordan has a variety of job openings including a Police Recruit; HR Specialist; Police Officer I; and Crossing Guards. Please spread the word and help us find good people. Visit for more information and to apply. AUGUST 4TH
Veterans Memorial Park 8030 S. 1825 West 9 p.m.
City Hall Parking Lot 8000 S. Redwood Road 10 a.m.-noon
City Hall 8000 S. Redwood Rd. 6 p.m.
Veterans Memorial Park 8030 S. 1825 West 10 a.m.
City Hall 8000 S. Redwood Rd. 6 p.m.
City Hall Community Room 8000 S. Redwood Rd • 10 a.m.
CITY PRIMARY ELECTION BALLOT DROPBOX - Anytime before 8 p.m. City Hall parking lot (8000 S. Redwood Rd) In-person voting at: Viridian Library (8030 S. 1825 West) Copper Hills LDS Church (5349 W. 9000 South) The Hampton Inn at Jordan Landing
City Hall 8000 S. Redwood Rd. 6 p.m.
City Hall 8000 S. Redwood Rd. 6 p.m.
The City of West Jordan 8000 S. Redwood Rd., West Jordan, UT 84088 Join the conversation! Follow (801) 569-5100 West Jordan – City Hall.
West Jordan Police Dept. 8040 S. Redwood Rd. West Jordan, Utah 84088 801-256-2000 801-840-4000 Dispatch
JOIN THE CONVERSATION! Follow West Jordan – City Hall
August 2017 | Page 17
W estJordanJournal.Com
Lacrosse sanctioning could mean smaller West Jordan team By Carl Fauver |
urray High School enjoyed a lot of success with its so-called “club” teams during the last school year. The Spartans hockey and boys water polo teams each claimed state titles. But another Murray club team that once thrived, died out a few years ago. Now the question is, will lacrosse make a comeback at the school after the Utah High School Activities Association (UHSAA) Board of Trustees voted to sanction the sport starting in the 201920 academic year? “It’s been kind of a controversial topic (sanctioning lacrosse) for several years,” veteran Murray Athletic Co-Director Keeko Georgelas said. “Some of our other coaches aren’t too excited about it, because they don’t want their athletes drifting off to another sport. I can’t really blame them. But anytime we can create a new activity to involve our kids, that’s a good thing.” Not too long ago, Murray fielded girls and boys lacrosse teams. On the girl’s side, one of the standout Spartan players was 2012 high school graduate Alexa Pappas. She went on to play for a University of Utah club team, competing in the national championship game two straight years. “I loved playing in high school and college,” Pappas said. “If Murray ever gets a team going again, and I’m still living in the area, I would definitely like to help them out. It’s such a good sport for boys and girls.” On the boy’s side, Alex Ramos just graduated from Murray this year and couldn’t agree more. “We (Murray HS) had a lacrosse team my freshman year; but I played my sophomore season for
Alex Ramos,18, attended Murray High but played lacrosse for West Jordan the past two seasons. (Kade Brown)
West High School and my last two seasons for West Jordan,” Ramos said. “I hope it returns to Murray. I definitely know a few guys who would play for them.” Another couple of people who want to do everything they can to resurrect Murray lacrosse are Kade Brown and Cliff Tomlinson, even though such a change would hurt them more than anyone else.
Brown and Tomlinson are the West Jordan High School boys and girls lacrosse head coaches, respectively. Since the Murray programs died, that’s where most Spartan players have gone in order to stick with their sport. “When (the UHSAA) finally made the change (to sanction lacrosse) I was a bit surprised, because it’s been
so long in coming,” Tomlinson said. “We normally have about eight or nine Murray girls on our team, which is nearly half. I’d hate to lose them. But my goal is to see both schools have healthy programs.” Shortly after lacrosse received the activities association blessing, Tomlinson sent emails to both the Jordan and Murray school districts offering to help reestablish Spartan teams. “So far,” he said, “I’m just trying create a dialogue.” As for Coach Brown’s West Jordan boys lacrosse team, he says he feels about the same. “Lacrosse is a great sport, and I love the Murray High school kids I’ve had on my team,” he said. “But, if our sport isn’t growing, then I am not doing my job. I want lacrosse to thrive all over. So, I’m happy to help them out if they want to get a team going again.” Lacrosse now becomes the 11th sport sanctioned by the UHSAA. Officials estimate there are as many as 4,000 high school-age kids playing in Utah club programs. The boys and girls version of lacrosse are radically different, with much more contact allowed between the male players. But one thing they do have in common: both programs currently compete in the spring. “That’s one of the things the activities association has to decide over the next couple of years is whether boys or girls possibly shift to the fall,” Georgelas added. “If the boys shift, that may put a strain on our football (player participation) numbers. If the girls were to move, it could impact volleyball. So, we’ll just have to see what the next steps are.” l
Page 18 | August 2017
West Jordan Journal
Football teams preparing to start seasons By Greg James |
igh school football in West Jordan has felt the gauntlet of emotions the past few years. The Jaguars experienced a resurgence and Copper Hills had hope but felt disappointment in its results. Copper Hills The Grizzlies finished last season without a victory, and when the season ended its head coach Tavita Sagapolu stepped down after his second season. “The kids are definitely shell-shocked, but they have responded well,” new Grizzly head coach Cory Dodds said. Dodds takes over a program that has not won a game in two years and has not qualified for the playoffs since 2004. He was a member of the 2003 University of Utah team that finished 10-2 and won the Mountain West Conference. He played under Urban Myer, the current Ohio State head coach. The collegiate experience Dodds brings to the Grizzly defense will be important. The Grizzlies allowed 450 points in 10 games last season. Sage Udy is a key returner for the defense; he accumulated two sacks last season. On offense, Ethan Wiley and Leolei Roberts carried the ball 51 times between them last season. Despite the disappointment, the Grizzlies still see an increase in enthusiasm and interest in the team. Its connection with the community youth program encourages its best players to continue their careers at Copper Hills. Transfers are things the staff said it wants to avoid in the future. The Utah High School Activities Association realigned its high school regions beginning this fall. West Jordan and Copper Hills have been placed in Region 3 with East, Her-
riman, Riverton and Taylorsville. The competition will be intense to qualify for the state playoffs. West Jordan The Jaguars have made strides forward under head coach Mike Meifu. They qualified for the state tournament for the second year in a row last season. Their 8-2 regular season record demonstrated the team’s vast improvement. They lost in the first round to Syracuse 38-35 on a last-second field goal by the Titans. It was a back-and-forth game that the Jaguars fell just short of winning. Meifu said the next step in the program is a postseason victory. “The kids have set a higher standard for themselves and are having fun at the same time,” Meifu said. Graduation at several critical positions has left important holes to fill on offense and defense. The quarterback and center combination and defensive line have holes to fill going into this year. Gone are quarterback Dylan Krans, center Fitu Kaivelata and lineman Alden Tofa. The Jaguars will rely on returners Eastin Watts and Jacob Yada on defense to help lock down its opponents. “The defense is assignment-sound, and we rely on getting pressure on the quarterback with our line,” Meifu said last season. Region 3 will be difficult, City Journal’s sports staff predicts East will end up as region champion; Herriman second; West Jordan will continue to progress and grab the third spot; Taylorsville fourth; Riverton fifth; and despite improvements, Copper Hills will finish sixth.l
Jaguar players strut their stuff at the July 4 West Jordan parade. (Greg James/City Journals)
August 2017 | Page 19
W estJordanJournal.Com
Out with the old, in with a new turf By Greg James |
he football fields at Riverton, West Jordan, Bingham and Copper Hills have taken on a complete facelift this summer. “I remember in my early days teaching at West Jordan when I worked the chain gang watching Mike Meifu (current West Jordan head coach) break through the line,” Jaguars athletic director Scott Briggs said on the day he announced the hiring of their current head coach. “The stories I could tell of the games I have seen.” The glory, defeat and hard work on these fields is part of the lives of many of its players. The old grass, drainage systems and dirt will be gone soon. If the turf could tell us the stories of its past what would it have to say. At Copper Hills, Sealver Siliga had many tackles for loss. As a Grizzly, he played many games on the grass on Garrison Field. Now he is a member of the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, but in his career he has played in a Super Bowl with the New England Patriots. The green grass has also been the headquarters for countless numbers of track athletes during numerous track and Construction began in June to install new field turf at Copper Hills High School. field events. (Greg James/City Journals) The Jaguars home turf could tell the story of DJ Tialavea, a lineman at West Jordan in 2009, an AllState player who just signed a contract with the Atlanta Falcons. Riverton has had players like Brady Holt and Simeon Page begin The sidelines at Riverton and West Jordan were also the home to their careers playing on its grass. the late Rick Bojak. The legacy he left with his student-athletes will The new multi-use fields should be ready in early August. They always be a part of their lives. will be marked for soccer and lacrosse along with the traditional football
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lines. The renovation is part of the Jordan School District’s initiative to make its playing surfaces top of the line. Construction began in June. Copper Hills, West Jordan and Riverton’s fields had the drainage system and sprinklers removed in preparation for the new turf. Bingham’s new surface is an update to the turf it already had. The project in its entirety is expected to cost $3.2 million. The natural turf that remained at the Jordan District schools had become outdated. The three fields under construction were the last to be resurfaced in the Salt Lake Valley. Fields with natural turf are prone to having uneven surfaces, animal and bug infestations and field breakdown because of overuse. The expense of maintenance outweighs the cost of the turfs initial installation. When the field turf is installed it keeps its green appearance without watering. The surface is also durable and maintains its structure without constant maintenance, according to artificial grass liquidators. Players have complained of the heat the turf produces, but its installers say a cool watering a few hours before use can reduce temperatures drastically. The turf is expected to last 10–15 years. It consists of a 2-and-halfinch-long blade with alternating layers of fine sand and rubber grit. The layers are placed on a drainage base of about an inch for water to safely drain off the surface. Maintenance changes from mowing, watering and fertilizing to brushing, raking and sweeping. Fieldturf (a turf installation contractor) officials said the field needs to be maintained properly for the school to realize its benefit. Field turf is being used in places such as the University of Utah, the Seattle Seahawks and many other football fields around the country. l
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Page 20 | August 2017
West Jordan Journal
Business Spotlight: Gardner Village
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The shops at Gardner Village are nestled around the historical Gardner flour mill built by early Utah Mormon pioneer Archibald Gardner. The mill is home to Archibald’s Restaurant and CF Home Furniture & Design, and is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Visiting Gardner Village is like taking a step back in time. The atmosphere is reminiscent of the early Utah pioneer mill industry, yet the specialty shops bring a modern feel with trendy clothes, elegant home décor items and more. Gardner Village began in the 1850s when Gardner—a Scottish immigrant who was one of the original pioneer settlers in Utah—and his family put down roots in the industrial hub of Utah, which was on the west side of Jordan River. The first West Jordan flour mill was built in 1853 and 20 years later, the original mill was moved and a new, bigger one was put in its place—now the home of Archibald’s Restaurant and CF Home Furniture & Design. Over the years, the mill and surrounding area was passed onto other owners. In 1979, Nancy Long bought the mill. Her retail experience and entrepreneurial spirit told her to turn it into the furniture store, Country Furniture and Gifts (now CF Home), which opened in May of 1980. A decade later, Nancy followed her dream and opened Archibald’s Restaurant. With the help of her son and staff, Nancy found historical buildings to move to the Village property. Homes, cabins and a train station were donated and renovated to create the village that it is today, complete with a winding stream and covered bridges. The Gardner
Mill made the National Register of Historic Places and won the Utah Heritage Award in 1987 for most improved commercial building. Gardner Village provides its guests with a charming atmosphere to relax and take in the history. Follow brick-lined paths to the 22 locally owned boutiques that sell products ranging from furniture, home decor, candy, quilts, jewelry, women’s and kid’s apparel, antiques and more. Fill your tummy at Archibald’s Restaurant or Naborhood Bakery and Cafe or treat your sweet tooth at the Chocolate Covered Wagon. Host your wedding at The Gathering Place or Mill Plaza event spaces. Pamper yourself with a massage, manicures and more at the Cottage Retreat Salon & Spa. Have professional photos taken around the gorgeous backdrops of Gardner Village by Camera Shy Photography. Bring the kids along for the year-round petting zoo and pony rides. Popular seasonal events include the WitchFest, a Best of State winner that takes place every October. Elves make an appearance during the holidays and Woodland Fairies in the spring. Gardner Village also welcomed back the Wasatch Front Farmers Market this year, every Saturday until October 28. Today, the ownership has passed to a new generation. Nancy’s son and daughter are working to continue to develop the vision their mother began. With hopes for a hotel, convention center and more, there are many exciting changes coming. Gardner Village is located at 1100 W. 7800 South in West Jordan. Visit their website and blog at and follow @ gardnervillage on social media. l
August 2017 | Page 21
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West Jordan special-needs teen crowned Miss Amazing By Natalie Conforto |
ditor note: This article was published in the July issue, but due to a technological formatting error that lowercased all words not starting a sentence, it was published with multiple grammatical errors that were not committed by the writer. This is the correct version of that story. One of the graduates from Copper Hills’ class of 2017 wore a distinguished title along with her cap and gown. West Jordan teen Miranda Clegg was crowned as the teen queen at the Miss Amazing event in March of this year. Miss Amazing is a pageant for girls and women age 5 and up who have an IEP, IPP, 504 Plan, SSI or other proof of disability, such as a physician’s document. According the company’s mission statement, “Miss Amazing provides opportunities for girls and women with disabilities to build confidence and self-esteem in a supportive environment.” There was no entry fee to participate—just five cans of donated food. Volunteers serve as hairstylists, makeup artists, and teen buddies for each contestant.
To look at her, Miranda seems just like any other high school girl. Her mother, Barbara Clegg, said that people don’t notice Miranda’s disability until they talk with her for a few minutes, because she struggles with communication. Barbara added, “You wouldn’t be able to pick her out from a crowd, and say, ‘there’s our disabled girl.’ In fact, people doubt she’s disabled.” Miranda scored a nine out of ten on her Apgar test at birth. She wasn’t diagnosed until age three, when she wasn’t moving or talking like other children her age, and a stranger asked Barbara what was wrong with her daughter. Resisting the initial impulse to be offended, Barbara and her husband Lance took her to Primary Children’s, where a CT scan and MRI revealed that she had Holoprosencephaly. Miranda’s Holoprosencephaly causes atrophy in her lower limbs, so she’s had surgery on her feet and calves. In Miranda’s case, the forebrain of the embryo failed to develop into two hemispheres, so the right and left are still fused together in portions. Despite her disability, Miranda has racked up achievements that decorated her gown on graduation day. Along with her academic letter, she earned emphasis cords in music and child development. She earned the Copper Hills Service Award by completing 200 hours of service. She also received state pins for concert choir and cheerleading. Yes, Miranda is also a cheerleader. After several years of hard work, Miranda earned the position of a flyer—the person on top of a cheerleader stunt pyramid—for Team Passion at Forever Cheer. She was also on the Copper Hills Varsity cheer squad for three years. “I like flying. I love representing my school and cheering on the team,” Miranda said, adding that she likes her fellow cheerleaders. Copper Hills senior Miranda Clegg was crowned Miss Amazing. (Barbara Clegg)
Although she suffers from Holoprosencephaly, Miranda Clegg has achieved her dream of becoming a cheerleading flyer. (Barbara Clegg)
Barbara is grateful for how supportive the squad has been of her daughter. While the other cheerleaders have “chipped in to help her find her way,” the coach “wanted to challenge Miranda, and see what she could bring to the team.” “To see the pride in her face, saying ‘I got this,’ it was so amazing!” Barbara said. Holoprosencephaly affects Miranda cognitively as well as physically. While Miranda is able to balance on a cheer pyramid, her mother says that she will never drive because she lacks the reflexes to safely navigate through traffic. Though she performs almost at grade level with vocabulary, spelling and reading, her math skills remain at a kindergarten proficiency. Instead of a diploma, Miranda was awarded a certificate of completion from Copper Hills, which will allow her to receive continued services for people with disabilities, such as South Valley School and Aggies Elevated at USU. Miranda used her cheerleading skills in her pom routine for the talent component at the pageant. The other judged elements were stage presence, interview, and evening wear. Miranda described her dress, “I wore a blue one. It had lots of sparklies on the top.” Miranda was surprised to hear her name announced as the winner, or queen. “I felt inspired, like really proud of myself and happy,” Miranda said. Miranda’s parents said the pageant has helped their daughter. “She’s always been a very outgoing person—very friendly, very polite,” her mom said,
qualifying that Miranda was always willing to answer questions about herself. “Since the pageant, we’ve seen her really blossom in striking up a conversation. Instead of it being all about her, she’s staring to realize, I can ask you questions, too.” Because Miss Amazing is a service-oriented organization, Miranda’s duties as pageant queen are teaching her to continue to look outward. With her “sister queens,” she has been involved with service projects at Ronald McDonald House and making cards for elderly care residents. Miranda will travel to Chicago to compete in the national Miss Amazing pageant Aug. 5-7. Miranda says she is most eager that “I get to see a new city and I’m excited and happy to represent Utah and other girls like me.” Her favorite thing has been the Facebook page that has allowed the queens to get acquainted with each other before the national event. Although there is no entry fee for the pageant, Miranda’s family still has to pay for airfare, food and lodging in Chicago. Donations for the family of four’s journey will be accepted at Miranda’s family consists of her parents and her six-year-old sister Megan. Barbara said that Megan has “learned to really champion Miranda, and that people with disabilities aren’t that different, and need to be treated with respect.” Miranda has taught them all to be more accepting, and to quit demanding perfection. Barbara said, “Being able to do anything is an amazing feat." l
Page 22 | August 2017
West Jordan Journal
Keep Our Community Safe Copper Hills offers high-profile wrestling camp Remember August is Back to School Traffic By Greg James |
restlers from around the valley descended upon Copper Hills High School in July to participate in a one-of-a-kind summer camp. “The Purler wrestling camp focuses on foundation skill building,” Copper Hills head coach Jeff Humpherys said. “We believe they work on the core moves that 60 to 70 percent of wrestlers need to know. The muscle memory taught at the camp through doing the moves over and over will help these kids improve.” The Purler wrestling camp was held at Copper Hills High School July 25–29. It is for wrestlers age 10 and up. The camp’s location gives participants an opportunity to be involved without incurring the cost of travel and rooms. Purler Wrestling was established in 1999 by former Oklahoma State wrestler Nick Purler and his twin brother, Tony. Nick was an All-American and Big 12 champion and member of three Division One national championship teams. Tony was a national champion at Nebraska. Their wrestling academy is the nation’s largest wrestling school, and its members travel weekly to train with the Purlers.
Last summer, four girls attended the camp. This year the number of girls wrestling in the state of Utah has increased. “I think this camp is a great opportunity to help kids in the Salt Lake Valley to do well, especially against traditional state wrestling powerhouses,” Wheeler said. Only two teams from the Salt Lake Valley finished in the top eight in 2017 state dual team 5A and 4A championships (Cyprus sixth, Corner Canyon seventh). The bulk of the state’s top wrestlers live in Utah and Davis counties. Wasatch was the 4A dual team champion, and Layton won 5A. The National Federation of State High School Associations has approved a uniform change for this wrestling season. Participants can now wear a two-piece uniform consisting of compression shorts and a form-fitted shirt. Wrestlers have the option to use the new two-piece uniform or the traditional one-piece uniform. The committee approved the use of the alternate two-piece uniform in hopes of increasing boys’ and girls’ participation in the sport after receiving favorable results from experimentation
The Grizzlies wrestling program continues to improve by offering its athletes summer opportunities to train. (Dave Sanderson/
The school boasts training 1,112 All-Americans and 152 national champions. “The camp does not teach you fancy moves that you may never use,” Copper Hills wrestling booster Gardner Wheeler said. “They say a wrestler will use 10 percent of his moves 90 percent of the time. They focus on the basics over and over. It also teaches them life skills and gives them a model for succeeding in life.” Purler Wrestling also offers a DVD of the camp instruction for the participants to take home. “They get more than just a camp T-shirt,” Wheeler said. “They take part of the camp home with them.”
and positive comments from schools, students, coaches and officials. “I feel any growth in the sport is a good thing,” Wheeler said. “I think this will reduces barriers for interested participants and give more young people the chance to participate in this great sport.” Wrestling ranks seventh in popularity among boys at the high school level according to the 2015–16 NFSHS participation survey. In addition 13,496 girls participate in the sport throughout the nation. l
Nearly 70% of Car Accidents Occur Within 10 Miles of Home! Sooner or later it’s going to happens to most of us – getting into a car accident. The vehicle insurance industry estimates all motorists are likely to be involved in at least four auto accidents in his or her lifetime. Additionally, very young or novice drivers are more likely to be involved in a car accident, as opposed to more experienced drivers. More revealing are interesting survey facts that of all collisions that occur, 52% occur within a 5-mile radius of home while an astounding 70% occur within 10 miles. Although the vast majority of accidents occur close to home, most of them tend to be relatively minor. Perhaps you’re leaving your neighborhood and a neighbor pulls out of their driveway and hits your car in the side. Or maybe you’re at the neighborhood grocery store and you have a small fender bender in the parking lot. But serious injuries can occur especially when we add to our neighborhood roads increased pedestrians, loose pets, playing children and recreational runners and bikers. Local traffic safety issues for our communities is always an ongoing concern. Data from surveys also show that the farther from home the accident occurs, the more severe it tends to be. This is especially true for accidents that occur on busy highways and interstates where vehicles are traveling at much faster speeds over longer distances. Why do so many accidents occur so close to home? The surveys shed some light on this important question. Broadly speaking, drivers tend to have a false sense of security when driving close to home. For example, drivers are less likely to wear their seatbelts when driving to the neighborhood convenience store. Another big factor is distractions. Whether it’s talking on a cell phone, texting, scanning the radio or eating while driving, any little thing that diverts your attention from the road can open the door for a collision. When on a busy highway, drivers are more likely to maintain their focus on the primary task at hand and save the cell phone call, texting or radio scanning for later. Most Law enforcement, safety experts and personal injury attorneys, are pretty vocal about distracted driving. Local personal injury attorney - Ned Siegfried of Siegfried & Jensen sees cases of this type everyday and reminds us: “Just because you’re close to home doesn’t mean the danger of a car accident is lowered. In fact, you should be even more cautious when driving in your neighborhood or down to the corner mini-mart. Driving
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the speed limit and simply being aware dramatically reduces the chance of you being in a car accident, regardless of whether you’re just cruising down the street or traveling in another state.” Stay safe - Avoid these dangers! These three major factors can also significantly increase the risk of being involved in a car accident: Driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol (DUI / DWI) Speeding - Nearly one-third of all car accidents are caused by someone driving over the speed limit or driving too fast for the current weather and/or road conditions Driving while distracted - which includes texting, eating, applying make-up or any other behavior that takes a driver’s attention away from the road While not all of these accidents result in a fatality, the overwhelming majority of them result in some type of injury, property damage or litigation. Also, important to note that data from the Annual U.S. Road Crash Statistics journal suggests more serious car accidents are more likely to occur during specific days of the week, as well as during specific times of each day. The following is a breakdown of the days of the week and times of day when a fatal car accident is most likely to occur: Monday — 7am to 9am and 3pm to 6:00 pm Tuesday —7am to 9am and 3pm to 6pm Wednesday — 7am to 9am and 3pm to 6 pm Thursday — 7am to 9am and 3pm to 9pm Friday — 9pm to midnight Saturday — midnight to 3am Take note that weekday mornings and late afternoons with its increase traffic dangers are also times school children are on the move. With schools back in session this month it’s a good reminder to watch out, slow down and avoid distracted driving. Protect your family – Before an accident! Mr. Siegfried advises: “The only thing you can do to protect your family before an accident is to have enough insurance. With uninsured drivers, more expensive vehicles on the road and the high cost of medical care for any injury - it’s vital to make sure your family is adequately covered. In many cases - you can increase your insurance limits up to ten times for just a few additional pennies a day. This greater coverage will adequately protect yourself and your family. Review with your insurance company the benefits of increasing your liability, uninsured motorist coverage (UM) and under-insured motorist coverage(UIM). It’s one of the best values out there. “- Ned Siegfried
August 2017 | Page 23
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Page 24 | August 2017
West Jordan Journal
A city and her trees
By Becca Ketelsleger |
or 21 years, West Jordan has been a Tree City USA. Founded in 1976 by the Arbor Day Foundation, the Tree City USA program “provides the framework necessary for communities to manage and expand their public trees,” per the program’s website. Currently, West Jordan has an estimated 13,000 city-owned trees. The care of these trees has been entrusted to Ty Nielsen, the city’s Urban Forester. Nielsen has been with the city of West Jordan for almost two years as its urban forester.
West Jordan was the recipient of a Community Forester grant through the state and was awarded $8,000 to replace vandalized trees in Veterans Memorial Park. (Becca Ketelsleger/West Jordan City Journal)
“It is a self-rewarding job, and it’s kind of in my DNA,” said Nielsen. “My great-grandfather planted the trees at Liberty Park.” Last year, 81 trees were vandalized along 2200 West. Of those trees, 35 were removed. To help with replacement costs, Nielsen applied for the Community Forester grant through the state. At the city council meeting on June 14, Jeran Farley, the Urban Forestry coordinator from the Division of Forestry, Fire & State Lands, came to present the grant to the city. “The committee who approves these grants unanimously chose West Jordan as the recipient for the $8,000 grant,” said Farley. “The cause that he applied for is definitely worthy.” Every year, nearly 15 cities apply for the grant and only a handful are chosen to receive it, depending on funding. Farley said that the grant is a matching grant, meaning West Jordan pledged to match the amount of $8,000 through funds and/or labor hours to help complete the project. “We want to commend West Jordan for being who you are and valuing trees in your community,” said Farley. “It’s a wonderful thing.” West Jordan’s appreciation of trees continued throughout the remainder of the June 14 city council meeting. The first item up for consideration during the public hearing portion of the meeting involved the Redwood Road Streetscape study. “The city of West Jordan has the general plan that contains a number of goals and policies that are geared specifically toward making improvements along Redwood Road, to enhance the appearance of
the street and make it more attractive to the businesses,” said Ray McCandless, city planner. In March of 2017, the study was brought before the council as a business item. At that meeting, it was recommended that the study be taken to the planning commission and then brought back. On May 2, the planning commission forwarded a positive recommendation to the city council for the study as proposed. The proposed improvements would help the flow of traffic, create a safer experience for pedestrians and make the area more attractive overall for businesses and residents along Redwood Road. These changes included maintaining three lanes of traffic but converting the two-way left-turn lane into a planted median or dedicated turn lane, creating designated bus pullouts and separating the sidewalks from the traffic with trees and creating mid-block crosswalks. The changes would be made on Redwood Road from one end of the city to the other and would be done in different phases as funding can be raised. The total amount needed for the project would be approximately $24.92 million. Several possible funding sources would include UDOT, UTA and the state legislature. “If you put the first foot forward, commercial development will come,” said Jay Bollwinkel from MGB+A, a local landscape architecture firm. The trees lining the street and planted in the median would be planted in the ground, with ornamental grass surrounding them. The discussion arose to begin with the area in front of city hall as phase one of the project. “I like how it looks,” said Councilman Alan Anderson. However, he went on to say that if it starts there, the city would be committing to do more. Mayor Kim Rolfe offered himself and City Manager Mark Palesh to approach UTA and UDOT to see if they would agree to an even split of the cost of the improvements for phase one. After that, they would approach the state legislature for funding for the rest of the project. Not all were in favor of the changes however. One resident voiced concerns about visibility for pedestrians at bus stops if trees are planted. “I don’t like having trees down the middle of the road,” said another West Jordan resident, Steve Jones. “It cuts my peripheral view.” However, Bollwinkel argued that these concerns can be easily dissuaded by using “high-branching trees,” which would allow visibility to approximately 10 feet high. “With the trees in the median, it will change the whole look and feel of the street,” said Bollwinkel. As the city’s urban forester, Nielsen provides a different perspective. “It’s a very dangerous thing,” cautioned Nielsen. “It’s one of the busiest and highest-speed roads in the city for anyone who has to do maintenance in the median. It is very dangerous.” After some further deliberation, the Redwood Road Streetscape Study was approved with all councilmembers in favor. l
August 2017 | Page 25
W estJordanJournal.Com
The family that cooks together wins together – deliciously
By Ruth Hendricks |
orld champions are humbly living in West Jordan. The Blodgett family has turned their passion for Dutch oven cooking into a delicious winning activity. “We always enjoyed Dutch oven cooking when we went camping,” said Lisa Blodgett about the tasty hobby she enjoys with her husband, Brian. Back in 2002, Brian was asked to go to the Salt Lake County Fair to help judge a
Lisa Blodgett, middle, and daughter Katelyn won the 2016 Dutch oven world championship. (Lisa Blodgett/ West Jordan)
Dutch oven contest. The contests are sponsored by the International Dutch Oven Society (IDOS), headquartered in Salt Lake City. IDOS is a nonprofit organization with the goals of preserving and promoting the skills and art of Dutch oven cooking. IDOS describes the camp style of Dutch ovens as cast iron pots having three legs to hold the pot above the coals, as well as a rimmed lid to hold coals and keep the ashes out of the dish. Brian came home from the contest and told Lisa about how awesome it was. So the next year the couple started competing. Their first child, Ben, was a baby then. Contestants compete in either the novice, youth or advanced category. Novices cook a main dish and a dessert. The advanced level adds a bread, which is the hardest of the dishes to cook. The Blodgetts competed in the novice category for two years, then moved up to advanced. After a few years, the Blodgetts qualified to go to the world Dutch oven competition. “That year I was pregnant with twins, so we couldn’t go,” said Lisa. But Brian and Lisa kept cooking and earned their way back to the world contest in 2009. That first time, they took second place. In 2010, they won the championship. The contests have usually been held here in Utah, in conjunction with the International Sportsman’s Expo in March. Teams from all over the U.S. compete. While most of the teams are from Utah, teams come from all over including Alaska, Texas, California, Louisiana and Oklahoma. Internationally, teams from Japan and Australia have attended. After the Blodgetts won the 2010 world championship, their kids were getting old enough to start cooking with them. At age 8, Ben competed with his older cousin in a few youth cook-
offs. Then the parents started taking turns cooking with one of their twins, Katelyn and Tyler. Ben and Lisa cooked in a competition in 2014 and won it. They went on to the world contest in 2015 and came in fifth place overall. The world contest is a two-day event. “They weed it down to five teams each day, and there’s the returning champs, so it’s down to 11 teams for the finals,” said Lisa. Last year, Lisa and daughter Katelyn, 9 years old at the time, competed and won, advancing to the world competition. The mother/daughter duo won worlds, making them the reigning 2016 world champions. “We didn’t even think we had a chance,” said Lisa. Lisa made some interested creations. “The dishes that come out of these are quite gourmet,” she said.. “For our semifinals, we did a raspberry cheesecake. We made a jalapeno cheese bread, and lemon rosemary salmon. The presentation gets you a lot of points. For our finals, we had a chocolate raspberry cake, a rosemary olive asiago cheese bread that Kate decorated, and we did a beef Wellington for our main dish.” Katelyn likes Dutch oven cooking because, “You get to be creative about it, and you get to cook with a friend or a sibling. It’s always exciting at the end when you find out what place you got — and when you get to taste all the other’s foods.” Tyler said, “One of my favorite parts is eating the food. The food that we make is delicious.” Things don’t always go smoothly in competition. Ben, now 14 years old, remembers a time when he competed with his dad. “After we had baked our cake, I was a little tired, and I went to lean on the table with my elbow,” he said. “My elbow went right on the cake, smashing it down. So then we had to patch it together with frosting, and it had a huge blob in it that was just frosting.” Tyler laughed about last year’s competition when Katelyn’s pants almost caught on fire. Katelyn said, “When I was stirring the sauce for the beef Wellington, the coals were on fire, and they were too close to my pants,” Lisa added. “It started melting her pants. It wasn’t really funny.” How can fellow camp chefs improve? “The biggest tip that we share with people is heat management,” said Lisa. Cooks need to understand how to distribute the coals on the oven. “If you are burning the food, it’s because you have too much heat on the bottom.” The formula Lisa uses is to double the number of the Dutch oven’s diameter, heat that many coals and put two-thirds of the coals on top. For example, if you have a 12-inch oven, double that number and heat 24 coals. Put twothirds or 16 coals on top and one-third or eight coals on the bottom. As the Blodgett family continues to cook their delicious creations and win championships, it looks like they have also found a valuable recipe for family unity. l
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Page 26 | August 2017
West Jordan Journal
7 tips to saving money on Back to School items Back to school supply shopping can be a big chore. Trying to plan where the money comes from can be like computing for an extra Christmas each year. With careful planning, not only can you take care of your child’s needs, it’s also a great way to get home office supplies for the home too. Here are 7 tips to make your shopping easier on the wallet. #1 – Take stock You might be surprised at how much you have on hand. Back to School sales typically last all the way through October. Using what you have on hand can allow you the time needed to take real advantage of sales as they progress. You might try tuning this into a fun game, where the kids search through their stuff from a scavenger hunt style list looking for last year’s scissors, pencil sharpener and protractor. #2 – Stick to a list Wait for the teacher to release the list of supplies needed then make your list of required supplies with your child. Your list will also help teach the kids responsible shopping. It’s easy to get distracted with that super cute light up My Little Pony backpack with matching lunchbox and water bottle, but is it really needed? #3 - Set Limits As your kids grow older, they will want more and more of the hottest and most “trendy” items. Even though your kids crave these items, these “character-focused” products will quickly destroy your back to school budget. In addition, these items often aren’t made with much quality. #4 - Buy in Bulk Buy in bulk to save money on back to school shopping. When pens, crayons, and glue go on sale in the late summer, buy enough to get you through the rest of the year. This is also a great time to stock-up on office supplies for yourself. And, don’t forget the tape for Christmas. It’s usually at it’s cheapest this time of year.
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#5 – Buy Used Good quality clothing doesn’t have to be purchased new. You might take a look at Kid-to-Kid stores that sell gently used kids clothing. There are several along the Wasatch Front. Pack up any kids clothing you have when you go, Kid-to-Kid will also accept kids clothing that meets their guidelines and give you credit to use in the store. Just Between Friends Consignment sale is another great way to buy used. This bi-annual sale is held at the United Soccer Center, 9100 S. 500 W. (9/22-9/23). Arrive early as the best things go quickly. #6 – Shop the Loss Leaders Almost all stores advertise “loss leaders” in their weekly flyers. Loss leaders are the items that are marked down so much, that the store doesn’t make a profit on them, in hopes that you’ll purchase other items while shopping. They are usually on the front page of the ads. Eventually everything you need will be a loss leader. Staples, Target, Walgreens, Shopko and Smith’s Marketplace all have fabulous loss leaders each week. #7 - Use coupons Combining coupons with the sales is the best way to maximize your savings and often you’ll get your free items or pennies on the dollar. Find coupons on mobile apps like (enter code Coupons4Utah when registering for additional perks), Target Cartwheel, and Smith’s mobile app. You can also find coupons for school and office supplies in your Sunday Newspaper inserts and on This year how about turning the back to school thought process around and make back to school shopping a, fun and traditional savings spree. Joani Taylor is the founder of A website devoted to helping Utah families save time and money on restaurants, things to do and everyday needs. l
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August 2017 | Page 27
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Laughter AND
When I was 10 years old, my dream of living as an orphan was swiftly derailed when my parents refused to die. How else could I achieve the spunky, independent status that comes from living without parents who constantly insist on manners and bathing and church on Sundays? Being orphaned was the best option, but being motherless would work, too. My mom was aware of my wish for a motherless future and seemed to take it personally. She’d tell me to stop lying around the house like a depressed sloth because she had no intention of leaving me motherless. She assumed once I was permanently without maternal supervision I’d start drinking Coca-Cola and swear. I blame literature for my orphanic life goals. Most of the books I read featured young women who endured their motherless lives with flair. Jessie Alden, the 12-year-old heroine from “The Boxcar Children,” was one of my role models. After her parents’ death, Jessie lived with her siblings in an abandoned boxcar, keeping it tidy and preparing tasty meals by picking berries and gathering random kitchen scraps that she turned into
Parental Guidance Not Suggested
delicious stew. It didn’t matter that I couldn’t even boil an egg, I wanted to live with my sisters and brother in an abandoned train car. Still do. Pippi Longstocking had a big house in a Swedish village and a pet monkey named Mr. Nilsson. With her mother dead and her father lost at sea, Pippi’s outlandish behavior never got her grounded from the TV. In fact, she had a horse, a suitcase full of gold, and no one telling her to go to bed before midnight. Left at a boarding school, motherless Sara Crewe learns her father is missing in the war, and probably dead. She enters a life of servitude at the school and uses her imagination to stay upbeat by telling stories. I could tell stories for food. That’s basically what I do now. Scout Finch, the crusading heroine in “To Kill a Mockingbird” got along just fine without a mother. She wasn’t afraid to fight for what she knew was right. Scout inspired me to think about what justice really means, and to be outraged when justice isn’t served. And the queen of them all, Nancy Drew, shaped my entire life. With her wealthy father, Carson Drew, and her
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band of friends Ned, Bess and George, Nancy drove her fancy convertible through River Heights, her Midwestern hometown, that seemed to be bustling with international criminals. If her small town hosted so many depraved lawbreakers, certainly Murray, Utah, could have its share of brazen jewel thieves. Nancy was plucky and fearless as she investigated broken lockets, whispering statues and tolling bells. Her adventures left me breathless with jealousy because I knew her success could be directly attributed to her motherless stature. Then there’s Anne Shirley, Jane
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Eyre and even Cinderella—all motherless success stories. However. Several years ago, I found myself without a mom. I was devastated. I discovered it wasn’t cool at all. It certainly didn’t allow me to live in a Swedish boxcar while telling stories, crusading for justice and solving mysteries. I finally realized that her influence is what taught me to be a kind, independent, free-thinking, literate, crusader for justice. Being motherless is not what it’s cracked up to be. But my mom was right about one thing, I did start drinking Coca-Cola and swearing. l
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