CN Oct. 5. 2011

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October 5, 2011 Vol. 90 No. 40

Flu vaccines are now available, and everyone 6 months and older is encouraged to get vaccinated.

County Health Department Urges All Residents to Get Vaccinated Against the Seasonal Flu

IN this Issue

Flu season has arrived and the Saint Louis County Department of Health is urging all residents six months of age and older be vaccinated against the seasonal flu. It takes about two weeks after vaccination for your body to develop an immune response. Get vaccinated now so that you will be protected when flu season begins. In the United States, influenza season usually begins in October and can last until May. Influenza (the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. Some people, such as older people, young children, and people with certain health conditions, are at high risk for serious flu complications. The best way to prevent the flu is by getting vaccinated each year. County Executive Charlie A. Dooley and Dr. Dolores J. Gunn, director of the Saint Louis County Department of Health, were both recently vaccinated against the seasonal flu at an event highlighting the importance and ease of being vaccinated. “It’s not just about protecting you,” Gunn said. “If you don’t catch the flu, then you can’t spread the flu to others.” Every flu season, the vaccine contains Around Town . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-9

several different strains of the flu virus. This year’s vaccine contains three flu strains, based on what flu experts expect to be the most likely strains encountered. Depending on the severity of the outbreak, between 15 and 60 million Americans are infected by seasonal flu each flu season. More than 200,000 people are hospitalized every year due to flu-related complications and around 36,000 of them die. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), people who have the flu often feel some or all of these signs and symptoms: fever or feeling feverish/chills (it’s important to note that not everyone with the flu will have a fever), cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue (very tired). Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in children than adults. Most experts believe that flu viruses spread mainly by droplets made when people with flu cough, sneeze or talk. These droplets can land in the mouths or noses of people who are nearby. Less often, a person might also get flu by Florissant Fall Festival . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Learn & Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Movie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

2139 Bryan Valley Commercial Dr. • O’Fallon, MO 63366

touching a surface or object that has flu virus on it and then touching their own mouth, eyes or possibly their nose. Persons may be able to pass on the flu

Photo courtesy of the St. Louis COunty Health Department

to someone else before realizing they are sick, as well as while they are sick. Most healthy adults may be able to infect othSee VACCINATED page 3

Movie Talk

See Movie page 15

“50/50” - Photo courtesy of Summit Entertainment

Joe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Shelly Schnieder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Sports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

P: 636-379-1775 • FX: 636-379-1632

Health . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 What’s Happening . . . . . . . . . 20-21 Classifieds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22-23



Community News

October 5, 2011

AARP Seeks Volunteers The Locker Room Bob and Marilyn to Help with Tax Returns Gehner opened The AARP is looking for volunteers to help middle-and lowincome taxpayers complete their federal and state incometax forms in 2011. New sites have been added and an additional 30 counselors will be needed for 2012.

Volunteers will receive free training and will work at least four hours a week from February 1 through April 15. For information, call Liz Epps at 314.616.0348 or email at

Comment Period Deadline for Florissant’s Proposed Fiscal Year 2012 CDBG Annual Action Plan A 30-day comment period regarding Florissant’s Fiscal Year 2012 Annual Action Plan for the Florissant Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program will end at 5 p.m. on Thursday, Oct. 13, 2011. The plan is available for review at Florissant Government Building, 1055 rue St. Francois. The public is invited to submit written comments to, or send to: CDBG Program Florissant Government Building 1055 rue St. Francois Florissant, Missouri 63031 For additional information, contact Carol O’Mara, director Housing and Community Development at 314.839.7680 Directions: Take Exit #27/New Florissant Rd. Make left on South New Florissant drive approximately 1.4 miles. Make left on rue St. Francois, City Hall is located on the right hand side of the street. Call 314.921.5700 for more information.

Locker Room opened in October 1979. They operated the restaurant with their three daughters until June 1999. At that time, Sue McNew and Tim Tucker purchased the business. There is a lot of history in The Locker Room. Since it has a strong sense of family, many of the customers who dine there today actually grew up eating at (left to right) Chris Eaton, Jen Krehmeyer, Brenda Skrivan, Chris Kennedy The Locker Room. Now {1979} played on baseball leagues at St. Ferdithey bring their children, thus creating the next nand Park, just down the street. Many of the bats generation of The Locker Room. Even though a are from Bob Gehner’s personal collection. Tim lot a people move and go in different directions, Tucker has added numerous autographed sports The Locker Room has always been a staple in memorabilia from his personal collection, too. their lives. He rotates these out often so it constantly changThe building itself also has a lot of history. es. There is also a shot glass collection that cusOriginally the location was the home of The Bob tomers have added to. There are shot glasses from Kuban Band, a St. Louis favorite to this day! all over the world in that collection. Last but not Bob and Marilyn took on the remodeling, and least are the famous red lockers. No one really made the restaurant what it is today. The huge knows where they came from, but everyone is ornate wooden back bar is actually from the old sure there is some sort of story behind them. Lemp Brewery. The top section is solid wood and The Locker Room offers a full lunch and dinsome of the old timers said that it took more than ner menu, and there are daily specials from 11 10 guys to lift it into place. The mirror in the mid- a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Friday, and the dle is in bad shape, but to restore it would ruin menu includes items for $3.99 Happy Hour is the authenticity of such an antique. from 3 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday, which The actual bar is made from doors from a de- includes domestic bottled beer $1.75, 16 oz. drafts molished building at St. Louis University. The $1.50, Buffalo Bites, Pretzels, Toasted Ravioli, and doors were turned sideways and their hinges four kinds of wings: Hot, Plain, ”Hurt Me” and sawed off to create a platform for the bar top. The Lemon Pepper for $4.99, plus many other choicbar top was made in Rex Tucker’s basement. Un- es for $3.99. The popcorn is always free. In addifortunately, Rex failed to measure the clearance tion there is Marguerita Monday $2.50, Tuesday in the stairwell. Getting that bar top out of the Slider and Fries from 6 to 10 p.m. $5, Wednesday basement is another story! Large Nachos from 6 to 10 p.m. $5, and ThursThe booths along the front windows are bench- day Wings from 6 to 10 p.m. for $6. McNew said es that came from the old St. Louis City court The Locker Room has won many awards with house. the wings. Watch the Rams and Monday Night The baseball bats that make up the railings Football on one of the restaurant’s 12 television throughout the restaurant were donated by cus- screens. tomers. A lot of the customers from that time The Locker Room is located

in Paddock Hills Plaza on Lindbergh Blvd. in Florissant, next to the Florissant Post Office Visit www.thelockerroomgrill. com for more information or call 314.837.0015. The Locker Room has been going strong for over 32 years thanks to our wonderful clientele and staff. The owners and staff look forward the next 32.

October 5, 2011

Community News


City of Bellefontaine Neighbors Thanks BUMC The city of Bellefontaine Neighbors extends heartfelt thanks to Pastor Nathan Wolff and Bellefontaine United Methodist Church, 10600 Bellefontaine Road, who organized and carried out project “Serve 2011!” Pastor Wolff, along with members of his congregation, the congregations of St. Mark’s United Methodist Church in Florissant and Resurrection Christian Life Center in Spanish Lake, united to form an army dressed in yellow t-shirts and armed with rakes, clippers, lawnmowers and yard waste bags. On Saturday, September 10, 68 volunteers of all ages went to work to help Bellefontaine residents who needed

assistance around the house. Volunteers helped residents at 16 properties in the city of Bellefontaine Neighbors by cutting the grass, trimming bushes, pulling weeds, picking up limbs and branches and getting yards back in shape. Residents were thankful for the help that they so desperately needed. The volunteers met back at Bellefontaine Untied Methodist Church after the work was done and were rewarded by a second wave of volunteers who served a lunch of hamburgers and all the fixings.

Miss Hazelwood 2011 Introduced at City Council Meeting Less than two weeks after being crowned as Miss Hazelwood 2011 at Harvestfest, Samantha Rieke was introduced by Mayor Robinson at a recent City Council meeting. Sponsored by Pueblo Nuevo, she is 16 years old and a junior at Hazelwood West High School. Rieke is an active high school athlete who enjoys playing varsity lacrosse and junior varsity volleyball. She also spends her time as a children's camp counselor. Her interest in being an educator is reflected by the fact she tutors students who attend Hazelwood West Middle School and works as a teacher's aide at Cold Water Elementary School during the summer. In addition, she volunteers her time teaching Vacation Bible School and participates in the annual Alzheimer's Memory Walk. Rieke also works for Schnucks. Rieke was one of five queen candidates who participated in this year's Miss Hazelwood Coronation ceremony held at Harvestfest on September 10. The others included: Lindsay Durand, sophomore, Visitation Academy (Sponsor: LA Dance Center); Kelsey Lewis, freshman, Hazelwood West High School (Sponsor: El Coco Loco); Danielle Sutherland, senior, Hazelwood West High School (Sponsor: McClain Chiropractic); and Jessica Wehmer, junior, Hazelwood West High School (Sponsor: Michael's Concrete). Each of them went through an interview screening process and one round of questions during the actual Coronation ceremony. The three judges who conducted this process were Bill Young, Carole Rodgers, and Pat Chamineak. They selected Samantha Rieke as Miss Hazelwood 2011, and chose Danielle Sutherland as the first runner up. A look of disbelief and shock came over Rieke's face as outgoing Miss Hazelwood 2010, Nikki Napolitano, placed the tiara on her head, draped the sash over her shoulders, and handed her a dozen red roses. Rieke's stepfather, Michael Dodson, was her escort and stood proud on stage watching the crowning of Hazelwood's new queen. Rieke also received included a $150 savings bond, a $500 scholarship, and several other prizes. Rieke performed her first official act by participating in go-kart races at the Mingle at the Mills, which is a fundraiser for area charities and Northwest Chamber's student scholarship program.

VACCINATED from the cover

ers beginning one day before symptoms develop and up to five to seven days after becoming sick. Some people, especially young children and people with weakened immune systems, might be able to infect others for an even longer time. Flu seasons are unpredictable and can be severe. Over a period of 30 years, between 1976 and 2006, estimates of flu-associated deaths in the United States range from a low of about 3,000 to a high of about 49,000 people. The single best way to prevent the flu is to get a flu vaccine each year. Other standard precautions being urged by the County Health Department are: • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water. • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or into your sleeve. • Avoid touching your eyes, nose, or mouth. • Try to maintain a distance of three feet between you and others. • Stay home when you are sick or think you may be getting sick. Residents wanting a flu vaccination may call the Seasonal Flu Vaccination Hotline at 1.877.588.4FLU (4358) to find out where to go for seasonal flu vaccinations. They may also visit the Saint Louis County Department of Health’s Flu website,


Community News

October 5, 2011

Pattonville Student Named Maryland Heights’ Volunteer of the Year When you ask most people to picture a candidate for “Volunteer of the Year,” they might imagine a grayhaired retiree or a busy soccer mom, but chances are the youthful face of Josh Johnson wouldn’t be the first image to pop into their minds. Josh, who attends the POSITIVE School at Pattonville High School, was selected as the 2011 Volunteer of the Year for the city of Maryland Heights He is the first person under the age of 18 to receive the honor since its inception in 1996. Although Pattonville High School requires students to complete 50 hours of community service in order to graduate, Josh has completed nearly 1,200 hours – a school record – and he’s only a junior. The majority of those hours were spent working at Loaves and Fishes, a Maryland Heights-based agency that operates a food

pantry and other services for seniors, the homeless, low-income families and people with disabilities. Josh was first introduced to Loaves and Fishes by his mother, Gloria Johnson, who began volunteering there when Josh and his siblings were younger. All of them have put in hours at Loaves and Fishes at some point, but Josh took his passion for community service to the next level. His tasks at the organization include making food pick-ups for the pantry, unloading trucks, cutting grass and doing other yard work, cooking, cleaning, collecting monetary donations and picking up toys during the holidays. “I just think there are a lot of people in need out there, and there aren’t enough people trying to help them,” he said. Josh’s extraordinary efforts with Loaves and Fishes

caught the attention of his school counselor, Jenni Eagan, who nominated him for the award. “Josh is very committed to this service organization,” Eagan wrote. “He truly believes in the power of helping others and how that can make you a better person. He is a very passionate, giving and caring individual.” In addition to balancing his school and volunteer work, Josh also works part-time at Steak ‘N Shake and enjoys baseball. After graduation he plans to go to college to prepare for a career in radio broadcasting.

Florissant to Participate in the 3rd Nationwide D.E.A. “Drug Take Back Program” The City of Florissant will again join forces with the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) along with other government, community, public health and law enforcement partners to participate in a nationwide prescription drug "Take-Back" initiative that seeks to prevent increased pill abuse and theft. Florissant area residents turned in 478 pounds of expired, unused or unwanted medications in May 2011 during the second DEA “Drug Take Back” program. All of the meds collected were safely destroyed instead of being dumped into landfills or the water supply. The City of Florissant will have three collection sites

for people to drop off their expired, unused and unwanted prescription drugs for destruction from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. on Saturday, October 29. The service is free and anonymous, no questions asked. Tablets, capsules, and all other solid dosage forms will be collected. Intravenous solutions, injectibles, and syringes will not be accepted. Florissant will provide three collection sites: James J. Eagan Civic Center #1 James J. Eagan Dr. Florissant, MO 63033

JFK Community Center 315 Howdershell Florissant, MO 63031 Florissant Police Department 1700 North Highway 67 Florissant, MO 63033 Visit for more information on the program and for additional collection sites.

Hazelwood Offers Encore Concert The Hazelwood Parks and Recreation Division is offering one last musical celebration to conclude its outdoor "2011 Summer Concert Series" at the Truman Park gazebo. Popular St. Louis cover band “Rio” will rock the house from 7 to 9 p.m. on Saturday, October 8. The Rio band plays a variety of music genres ranging from dance to pop, and rock to country. Members of this four-person band include: Stacey Rios (Vox, Keyboard, Guitar), Snotty Scotty (Guitar, Vox), Robert Lloyd (Bass, Vox), and Steve Ferris (Drums). Admission for this encore concert is free and open to the public. Hot dogs and a bonfire start things off at 6:30 p.m. Guests are welcome to bring their own lawn chairs, blankets, buy spray, and beverages. However, no glass containers will be allowed. Additional parking is available at White Birch Park, 1186 Teson Road, with shuttle bus service beginning at 6 p.m. For more information, call the Hazelwood Parks and Recreation Office at 314.731.0980.

October 5, 2011

Community News


Black Jack Mayor Norm McCourt Elected President of Missouri Municipal League Norman C. McCourt, the mayor of the city of Black Jack was recently elected to the position of president of the Missouri Municipal League. McCourt assumed the position at the latest MML Conference held in Kansas City, Mo. He served one year as vice president of the organization before taking over as president. The position is a one-year term. “I look forward to working with the MML Board and municipal leaders to forward the goals of the organization on the national and state level,” McCourt said. “In these difficult economic times it is imperative that we work together as a group to solve issues of mutual interest”. McCourt has served the city of Black Jack for more than 28 years, first as a member of the city council, and as mayor for the past 14 years. McCourt was re-elected in April to serve his third term as mayor of the city of Black Jack. He also serves on several boards of directors, including The Friends of Bellefontaine and North County, Inc. McCourt also is an award winning TV talk show host, hosting the bi-monthly edition of City Limits on the Gateway Television News Network. The Missouri Municipal League is a nonpartisan, voluntary association serving 668 municipalities. The Missouri Municipal League is governed by a board of di-

Lambert Airport Rotary Club Sponsors Bike “Pedal to End Polio” On Katy Trail Bicycle riders will gather on Sunday, October 9 on the Katy Trail and ride 20 miles from Augusta to Weldon Spring and back. Riders will collect playing cards along the way to form the best poker hands and win prizes, including a Bed and Breakfast weekend in Augusta. On-site sign-in will begin at 8 a.m. in Augusta and the race begins at 9 a.m. Proceeds from the ride will benefit Rotary International’s effort to eradicate polio throughout the world. A $25 registration fee includes a light breakfast, poker play, lunch after the ride and the prizes. Ride registration is being accepted now by mailing a check payable to the Lambert Airport Rotary Club to Charles R. Ehlert, 36 Scenic View Ct., St. Charles, MO 63303. Ride information will be mailed after registration is received. Registration detail is available at 636.441.3520. Rotary International established a goal in the late 1980s to eliminate polio. When the effort started, there were about 250,000 cases a year. The crusade has reduced that number to less than 250 a year, with an end in sight. The Lambert Airport Rotary Club and its members are part of Rotary International’s 32,000 clubs with 1.2 million members in 200 countries. The club meets every Friday for lunch at the Holiday Inn Airport in Woodson Terrace.

rectors consisting of a president, vice president, active past presidents, 12 elected municipal officials and five appointed municipal officials; with at least one board member from each Congressional District.

The Official Blues Brothers Revue The Florissant Fine Arts Council is proud to present The Official Blues Brothers Revue! In our 37th Anniversary season this is the only Blues Brothers’ act currently sanctioned by Dan Ackroyd and The Belushi Estate. The show will be held at 8 p.m. on Saturday, October 15 at the Florissant Civic Center Theatre, Parker Road at Waterford Drive. Tickets are $27 for adults and $25 for seniors and students, and are available at or by calling 314.921.5678. Wayne Catania and Kieron Lafferty, a.k.a. Jake and Elwood, are the most dynamic and authentic Blues Brothers to ever hit the stage. This live concert show combines the comedy and the hits from the original movie and pays homage to Chicago’s rich history of blues, gospel, and soul music. Performed with the passion and precision that is the trademark of the original Blues Brothers Band. Jake, Elwood and The Band hit the right balance of humor, music and mayhem that has captivated audiences nationwide! Upbeat and uplifting The Official Blues Brothers Revue is fun for all ages. “Infectious and unbridled energy….blows the roof off ” Jeff Johnson: Chicago Sun Times You won’t want to miss this evening of exciting entertainment, and call now to get your tickets for our next two shows in the Applause/Applause series: “A Classic Irish Christmas” starring Andy Cooney on December 4, and Calmus Vocal Ensemble “Christmas a Cappella” on December 9. Call 314.921.5678 for additional information and tickets.


Community News

October 5, 2011

AT&T Hiring U-VERSE Technicians AT&T recently announced it has nearly completed plans to hire 64 Uverse technicians to support the increased demand for AT&T U-verse services, including AT&T U-verse TV, AT&T U-verse High Speed Internet and AT&T U-verse Voice. In addition, AT&T is planning to invest more than $20 million in infrastructure upgrades for two Bridgetonbased workplace facilities, previously leased by AT&T. State and local officials joined AT&T Missouri President John Sondag at an event where AT&T outlined its plans and underscored its commitment to expanding its network in St. Louis. “This is great news for Bridgeton, North County and the entire state of Missouri,” said Rebecca Zoll, executive director for North County Incorporated. “Today’s announcement means jobs and economic investments that will help support our community and strengthen our economic future.” AT&T is driving economic growth in Bridgeton, with plans to upgrade two facilities with more than $20 million in workplace improvements. The first facility, located at 3746 Pennridge, will house U-verse technicians and management teams.

The second facility, located at 12976 Hollenberg Drive, is a data center that AT&T has decided to purchase after leasing for nearly 20 years. Construction to renovate the building will last through early 2013, but all employees will continue to work in the facility.

Recent Ribbon Cutting: Aamco Transmissions Owner David Fuchs, Aamco Corporate Representative Nate Ackerman, Customer Service Mgr. Gerrot Jacobson, and Lead Technician Dave Haston. Aamco Transmissions recently opened at 1180 N. Lindbergh Blvd. in Florissant across the street from the Missouri School of Barbering. Aamco is open 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday–Friday, and 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday. Closed on Sunday. Aamco specializes in total car care, diesel and gasoline in addition to transmissions. Call 314.831.0389 for more information, or visit

Dining Out Pays You Back The Missouri Restaurant Association (MRA), with the support of Discover as the presenting sponsor, kicks off its third annual Dine Out Missouri campaign to run the entire month of October. Over 900 MRA member restaurants throughout Missouri will reward guests for their loyalty and patronage by offering a dining incentive along with an opportunity to win one of five $100 Discover gift cards. "This year we are thrilled to have so many of our member restaurants embracing this customer loyalty reward campaign, giving guests a vast array of delectable dining options for the Dine Out Missouri event," say Bob Bonney, chief executive officer of the MRA. "The generosity of Missouri's restaurant owners is overwhelming. We at the MRA firmly believe the Dine Out Missouri campaign is a terrific opportunity for the community to say 'thank you' just by patronizing their local restaurants, and the MRA will reward them for doing so." Simply stated, for every $200 a guest spends at participating restaurants during October, he or she become eligible to receive a $25 MRA gift certificate in return. This year, five lucky gift certificate recipients will also receive a free $100 Discover gift card, as drawn at random, just for their participation and support of Dine Out Missouri. Guests must mail their original receipts to the MRA Office in St. Louis and once verified the MRA staff will mail them a gift certificate redeemable at participating MRA member restaurants. Certificates will be offered to the first 1,000 eligible respondents. For a complete list of all participating restaurants across the state along with general information on the campaign, visit the official event website at Users also have the ability to search by city on the Dine Out Missouri website. Participating restaurants will be denoted with campaign specific instore materials such as posters and check stuffers provided by the MRA. This is the third year for Discover to lend their support as presenting sponsor, showing their commitment to the restaurant and hospitality industries in Missouri.


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October 5, 2011

Community News


North County Celebrates Young Talent at NCI Salutes 30 Leaders in their Thirties On Friday, September 23, North County Inc. honored this year’s top North County 30 Leaders in their Thirties. This amazing group of upand-coming professionals and volunteers who are making a difference in the North County area were recognized at the NCI Salutes 30 Leaders in their Thirties reception at Norwood Hills Country Club. 2011’s 30 Leaders in their Thirties leadership award recipients: • Teisha Ashford, Pattonville School District • Michael Bober, Eagle Springs Golf Course • Kristin Bork, Lutheran High School North • Melissa Burton, City of Overland • Alan K. Byrd, University of Missouri – St. Louis Photo by Kent Miller Photography. • Mark Byrne, City of Ferguson City Council • Nichole Conley-Harrison, Queenz of • Jamie Newell, SSM Healthcare – St. Louis Fitness II • Octavia Pittman, City of Berkeley • Rhonda Ely, Ed.D., Hazelwood School District • Loraine E. Raziq, Ed.D., Hazelwood School District • Sheilah Fitzgerald, Hazelwood School District • Anthony Scotti, Scotti’s Deli & Catering • Matt Goldenberg, U.S. Bank • Ebony Smith, University of Missouri – St. Louis • Ashley Gregory, Ritenour School District • Tiffany Smith, Delmar Gardens North • Kelly Grigsby, Ed.D. Special School District • Jenny Thomasson, Stems Florist • Harold Hendricks, St. Louis Airport Marriott • Kristy Tucciarone, Ph.D., University of Missouri – • Dobbie R. Herrion, St. Louis Community College - St. Louis Florissant Valley • Mark Weller, Ed.D., Ferguson-Florissant School • Chris Jaco, Incarnate Word Academy District • Patty Kallal, Christian Hospital • Cara Koen, Federation of Catholic Schools in the “We are proud of this impressive group of commuNortheast Deanery nity, civic, and business leaders who as young adults are • Mike LaChance, Ritenour School District excelling in their professions and making a difference • David C. Malone, Retirement Solutions, LLC in North St. Louis County. This campaign lets us show • Bill Mitchell, Hazelwood School District our appreciation for their contributions to our com• Tika Nazareth, Ph. D. Betty Jean Kerr People’s munity,” said Rebecca Zoll, President/CEO of North Health Centers County Inc.

Event sponsors were Bommarito of Hazelwood, Honda, Nissan, Volkswagen and Ford, Commerce Bank, Christian Hospital, Delmar Gardens, Favazza & Associates, Ferguson-Florissant School District, GTN – Gateway Television News Network, Incarnate Word Academy, ManorCare, St. Louis County Economic Council/St. Louis County, St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley, SSM DePaul Health Center, Stems Florist, Suburban Journals, University of Missouri – St. Louis and US Bank. A special mention to Kent Miller Photography for working this event. North County Incorporated is a regional development organization, which acts as a catalyst to define and advocate economic and community development for North St. Louis County. NCI was established in 1977. The Board is composed of community leaders and business owners. Patty Gould is NCI’s Board of Directors’ Chair.

Boeing Employees Donate $3,000 for School Screening Program The Employees Community Fund (ECF) of Boeing St. Louis recently made a generous donation to help fund the Center for Hearing & Speech’s Preventative School Screening Program. The Center is a local non-profit agency dedicated to improving the lives of individuals with hearing and speech disorders. A $3,000 grant will provide a minimum of 390 low-income children free screenings to identify hearing loss, inner ear problems and nearsightedness. The screenings will be held on-site at schools in the St. Louis metropolitan area. Children who do not pass their hearing screening will have the opportunity to receive a second screening, free of charge, at the Center’s clinic in Rock Hill. Hearing and vision loss are often described as “invisible” disabilities, causing problems not easily detected yet devastating to children as they develop. Hearing and vision screenings identify problems that are among the most treatable health issues affecting young children. Rita Tintera, executive director for the Center for Hearing & Speech, is grateful for the support. “The community is filled with people who are communicating better thanks to the Center for Hearing & Speech, and the support of the ECF of Boeing St. Louis is vital to our success. We are honored to receive this grant to fund

a much-needed service in our area schools.” For additional information about the Center, call 314.968.4710 or visit

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Community News

October 5, 2011

McNair Elementary School PTA Aims to Install Promethean Boards in Every Classroom Promethean Boards, or interactive whiteboards attached to a projector and a computer with an Internet connection, are becoming increasingly common in the Hazelwood School District. Currently, the District has 405 of the devices in its schools. Teachers who use them report increased student participation and learning, while seeing reductions in discipline issues and office referrals. The McNair Elementary School PTA wants to raise enough money to buy a Promethean Board for every classroom. Over the summer it purchased two units, giving the school a total of five, and it plans to buy three more. For the short-term there will be a Promethean Board at each grade level. The PTA’s goal also ties to one of the district’s Values – “We will commit to implementing innovative solutions while dismantling ideas that no longer work for students.” Lisa Schreiner, a kindergarten teacher, said the Promethean Board makes reading and math fun, because it engages the visual, auditory and kinesthetic learner. “The visual learner is engaged by the bright, colorful images,” she said. “The auditory learner is engaged by the speech, sound effects and/or music. The kinesthetic learner is engaged by being able to interact hands-

on and physically move things around on the board.” Jason Maxfield, a fourth-grade teacher, also has a new Promethean Board in his classroom this year. District fourth-grade classes are departmentalized, which means students have different core subjects with different teachers. Maxfield teaches math and reading. “The kids respond better to the visuals on it,” he said. “Instead of me doing all of the talking, I can put something on the board and they can discuss it. The students see the benefits of getting this kind of technology into the classroom. They love going up to the board to do different activities. It’s so popular that sometimes, they start to argue over who gets to go up there.” He described some other advantages of having the unit in his room. “I can have one group working up at the board, which allows me to work with other groups at their

desks. It also allows me to plan more lessons ahead of time,” he said. Maxfield is happy that his school’s PTA aimed high. “It’s going to be a hard goal to reach but they see it as something that’s definitely worthwhile. “I’m still learning to use the board. I have been to four or five Promethean training sessions and I’m just scratching the surface of what these things can do.”

Grant Will Provide Early Literacy Kits to Libraries St. Louis County Library is pleased to announce that a grant promoting childhood literacy has been approved by the United Way of Greater St. Louis. The grant will allow St. Louis County Library to add 200 specially designed reading kits to its circulating collec-

tion. The kits are part of the Family Literacy Involvement Program (FLIP), a nationwide effort to involve parents with the development of language skills in their young children. The library partnered with St. Louis Public Library to apply for the grant. In total, 400 FLIP kits will be divided between the two institutions, and be made available for checkout to library customers in November. The cornerstone of the FLIP kits is the understanding that early involvement promotes reading readiness in young children. Each kit will include at least one book, a guide for parents, items and instructions for a fun, book-related activity. The book and activities will be appropriate for children from infancy to grades 2-3. In ad-

dition to language skills, the activities will encourage math, science and art skills all while promoting oneon-one activity with a parent or adult caregiver. Countless studies have shown that the development of early literacy skills prepares children for success in reading, a skill essential to success in school. Research highlights the importance of family involvement in early literacy. The FLIP kit learning program was designed by the Children’s Museum of Houston in partnership with the Houston Public Library and the University of Texas Children’s Learning Institute. Major funding has been provided by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. For more information about FLIP literacy kits please call 314.994.3300.

Pattonville Launches New Parent Resources Website Pattonville recently launched a new "Resources for Parents" website that provides a one-stop location for finding information on a variety of topics related to student learning. Parents may find information on Pattonville's curriculum, library resources, homework help, college and career planning and other specialized topics related to their children's education. Elementary parents may find a new link to Everyday Math tutorials particularly helpful. The

tutorials were created by Pattonville staff members and provide step-by-step assistance on some of the more commonly used and often misunderstood models and algorithms used in Pattonville's Everyday Math curriculum. To access the website, go to Pattonville's web page at and click on "Resources for Parents" in the left hand menu. The site may also be accessed at: http://www.psdr3. org/ParentCommResources/.

October 5, 2011

STLCC, Missouri Community Colleges to Pursue Innovative Workforce Education Offerings in Health Disciplines Community colleges throughout Missouri have received a $20 million grant from the U.S. Department of Labor to develop innovative approaches to address current and future workforce needs in Missouri’s largest industry – health services/sciences. As part of the Missouri Health Workforce Innovation Networks (MoHealthWINs) grant, St. Louis Community College will receive funds to develop new educational pathways that accelerate the progression and improve the retention of low-skilled adults for careers in health informatics – jobs related to electronic health records conversion – and therapeutic services such as patient care technicians, certified nursing assistants and registered nurses. The program is being funded by the U.S. Department of Labor’s Trade Adjustment Assistance Community College and Career Training Grant program. Under this grant, STLCC will serve more than 1,100 St. Louis area residents, including those affected by the Trade Adjustment Act, which is triggered when companies lay off workers and/or shut down because of foreign competition, as well as other unemployed and underemployed workers. “Under current models of education, low-skilled workers have a difficult time navigating the employment and educational opportunities necessary to advance in the healthcare field,” said Rod Nunn, STLCC’s vice chancellor for workforce and community development. “St. Louis Community College will implement new programming that connects the workers traditionally disconnected education and working experiences into an intentional career pathway development process. So this is not a job training grant, but a call to innovation in workforce education.” STLCC’s grant program will include many innovative features and strategies, including: • An entry-level portal process to include assessment, contextualized basis skills instruction, and career exploration and coaching, all aimed at assisting low-skilled workers enter and succeed in the health informatics and therapeutic services career pathways. • Boot camps that will function as a bridge to prepare students for the therapeutic services pathway. • Learning-based communities led by career coaches that work with students from the portal through an associate degree in nursing. • Stackable credentials and credit for prior learning, and experience within bridge programs for the varying steps along the pathway from entry level to the nursing associate degree. There will be multiple entry points along this pathway. • Creation of a Medical Services Workforce Outsourcing Center, which will assist students in gaining internships, consulting opportunities and business start-up. Nunn said STLCC will build upon existing partnerships with the local healthcare industry such as BJC HealthCare and SSM Health Care to validate employer needs in the different fields within related degree and certificate areas. The college also will coordinate with local Workforce Investment Boards to ensure grant activities effectively serve the needs of the unemployed and dislocated workers as well as employer needs in the St. Louis area. Nunn also noted that STLCC’s newest initiatives will coordinate and leverage resources from existing grant programs such as Training for Tomorrow, the Graduate St. Louis Consortium and the Midwest Community College Health Information Technology Consortium.

Community News


HSD Students Experiencing Aerospace Engineering High school students in the Hazelwood School District are experiencing a new course in aerospace engineering through Project Lead The Way®. PLTW is a not-for-profit organization that promotes pre-engineering courses for middle and high school students. PLTW forms partnerships with public schools, higher education institutions and the private sector to increase the quantity and quality of engineers and engineering technologists graduating from the country’s educational system. “Aerospace Engineering is another opportunity for Hazelwood students to prepare for careers in the disciplines of science, technology, engineering and math,” said Gail Stewart, learning facilitator. “Because of the District’s relationship with Boeing, we felt that this was a course to meet the needs of industry in our area, as well as our students’ needs and interests,” she said. The PLTW website describes Aerospace Engineering as a course that engages students in engineering design problems related to aerospace information systems, astronautics, rocketry, propulsion, the physics of space science, space life sciences, the biology of space science, principles of aeronautics, structures and materials, and systems engineering. Each high school – Hazelwood Central, Hazelwood East and Hazelwood West – offers Aerospace Engineering. Students should complete the PLTW foundation courses Principles of Engineering and Introduction to Engineering Design to enroll in the class. Other PLTW classes include Digital Electronics, Civil Engineering and Architecture and Computer Integrated Manufacturing. Teachers Karl Hermann, physics, HWHS; Ben Creen, industrial technology, HCHS; and Kori Logan, math, HEHS, attended training in the summer at the University of Maryland to teach the course. At HEHS, students in Logan’s class focused on researching content for a documentary on aviation. The areas of interest included U.S. fighter planes, rockets, Mars rovers, the SR 71 Blackbird and stealth technology. Using Windows Movie Maker, the Internet and the NASA website, the goal is to create a five-minute film. Logan’s class, which has five students, also start-

ed using the Microsoft Flight Simulator X program to earn a virtual pilot’s license. She gave examples of some of the lessons students will experience in Aerospace Engineering. “They’ll build a Mars rover and be able to operate it from a distance, as if at mission control. They’ll build model rockets and work on a project using GPS technology. The class has many handson activities and the students can apply what they are learning to their projects,” Logan said. Ashley Harriel, a senior, started taking PLTW classes as a junior. She wants to study aerospace engineering in college. “I like jets, planes, space ships and astronomy, and I’m fascinated with engines,” said Harriel. She works on cars with her dad, too. Aerospace Engineering is Logan’s first PLTW class. She said it is an opportunity to experience “two of my loves – teaching and engineering. I love science and the technology aspect, and I love seeing the student’s enthusiasm.” Before teaching at HEHS, Logan was an electrical engineer for seven years. It is her second year in the District, teaching algebra and geometry. “I like teaching. I’m the daughter of a school teacher. I taught GED classes at a community center in North St. Louis city and I decided to pursue teaching,” she explained. HSD has offered PLTW programming since 2003. Students have options to follow courses in Pathway to Engineering, Biomedical Science, Gateway to Technology, or attend Gateway Academy, a camp for middle school age students. In 2010-11, more than 2,000 students were enrolled in PLTW classes. To showcase the educational opportunities for students in science, technology, engineering and math, HSD is hosting a STEM Extravaganza on October 29 at Hazelwood Central High School. The event will include demonstrations, exhibits and hands-on activities, speakers, presenters, college representatives and more. Participating community partners include Ameren Missouri, the University of Missouri-St. Louis, Boeing, St. Louis Community College, the Donald Danforth Plant Science Center, Fontbonne University, Saint Louis University Parks College, the U.S. Navy, BJC Healthcare, Missouri University of Science and Technology and University of Missouri-Columbia.


Community News

October 5, 2011

‘Pink Differently’ with the American Cancer Society Thousands of breast cancer survivors, caregivers and supporters will join forces in St. Louis, Belleville and around the United States to “Pink Differently” in the fight against breast cancer at the American Cancer Society Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks on October 29. No training is necessary for this noncompetitive, inspirational event that raises awareness and funds to fight breast cancer and provides hope to all people facing the disease. Donations raised by each participant will help the American Cancer Society continue to lead the way in advancing breast cancer prevention, treatment, patient services and cures. “For the American Cancer Society, pink ribbons aren’t just an October occurrence; they’re a year-round commitment,” said Craig Boring, regional vice president of the American Cancer Society’s Eastern Missouri Region. “We ‘Pink Differently’ by helping breast cancer patients in communities across Missouri and Illinois every day of the year.” In the St. Louis area, two Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walks will be held on Saturday, October

29: in St. Louis at Forest Park in the Upper Muny parking lot and in Belleville at Southwest Illinois College. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and the 5K and 1.3 mile walks begin at 9 a.m. For more information, visit or call 314.286.8185. The powerful and inspiring Making Strides Against Breast Cancer walk empowers everyone to help create a world with less breast cancer and more birthdays, by supporting the American Cancer Society in its mission to save lives. St. Louis’s Making Strides Against Breast Cancer events are two of more than 250 walks being held across the country this year. According to the American Cancer Society Cancer Facts & Figures, an estimated 4,100 women in Missouri and 9,510 women in Illinois will be diagnosed with breast cancer this year, and approximately 870 in Missouri and 1,830 in Illinois will die from the disease. Funds raised by Strides participants enable the American Cancer Society to save lives by helping people stay well, helping people get well, finding cures and fighting back. The Society helps people stay well by showing them steps to reduce their risk of breast cancer and find it early, when it’s most treatable. Despite continuing debate over how often and at what age women should receive mammograms and screening, the


Society continues to recommend yearly mammograms and breast exams for women aged 40 and older. The support and participation of volunteers in Making Strides Against Breast Cancer also enables the Society to help people get well, by providing round-theclock resources and hands-on support to those facing a breast cancer diagnosis. Strides helps fund programs to help the newly-diagnosed. Services provided include transportation assistance; lodging assistance through Hope Lodges; insurance coverage assistance; resource matching and referrals; and cosmetic help such as a free wig or headwear for patients who have lost their hair due to chemotherapy. The Society also offers round-the-clock cancer information and access to support groups at 800.227.2345 and Funds raised at the events also support groundbreaking research. While some organizations support only breast cancer research, the American Cancer Society funds research for all types of cancer. Discoveries in one area often yield answers in another, and as a result, the Society has been part of every major breast cancer breakthrough in the last century. In addition, the American Cancer Society successfully fights for laws that increase access to mammograms and treatment for all women to help defeat breast cancer and rallies communities to join the fight.

Ottertoberfest at the Zoo Enjoy an otterly fun fall celebration at the Saint Louis Zoo! During the three weekends of Ottertoberfest, the Zoo will be transformed into an Oktoberfest for the whole family with otterrelated games and activities for kids, keeper chats and enrichment, live traditional music and biergartens. The event runs from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, October 1 to 16, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Each weekend, little “otters” can engage in otter tracks, a “Mama Says” activity in which children learn that otters survive by following their mother, and other activities, designed for ages 2-10. For the grownups, beer and root beer, bratwursts, German potato salad and other specialty concessions will be available at various biergartens. Hear live “oompah” music from noon to 3 p.m. in Schnuck Family Plaza. Admission to the Saint Louis Zoo and Ottertoberfest is free. Admission to the Children’s Zoo is free from 9-10 a.m. and $4 per person (ages 2 and up) after 10 a.m. Zoo hours are 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. For more information, call 314.781.0900, or visit


October 5, 2011

Community News


Five Fabulous Fall Floats: Missouri State Parks By Tom Uhlenbrock Fall is the best time for a float trip in the Missouri Ozarks. Summer crowds are gone, and the sparkling streams reflect the autumn colors. "It's also the prettiest time of the year for wildflowers you have all the yellow and red, even some purple blooms," said Gene Maggard, president of the Missouri Canoe and Floaters Association. Maggard, who owns Akers Ferry Canoe Rental on the Current River, said fall colors start showing in early October. "You'll have your peak anywhere from the 14th through the 21st," he said. "You've got the rivers to yourself; the hustle and bustle of summer is over. It's a good time of year for solitude." Here are five fabulous floats, all of which will take four or five hours, depending on the time spent fishing and picnicking on gravel bars. Most of these stretches are spring fed, which means there's enough water for year-round floating. All are perfect for family outings. Visit for a list of outfitters on each river. The Current River, from Cedargrove to Akers. The Current begins in the springs at Montauk State Park, and picks up steam with the input at Welch Spring, which averages some 175 million gallons of cold, clear water a day. Be sure to take time and visit the stone ruins of the hospital built

above the spring cave. The Jacks Fork from Alley Spring to Eminence. The Current and the Jacks Fork make up the Ozark National Scenic Riverways, the first national park created to protect America's pristine rivers. The mill at Alley Spring, across Highway 106 from the access, is one of the most picturesque in the state. The upper Black River at Lesterville. This little jewel is one of the clearest streams in the Ozarks, with plenty of deep swimming holes. Combine a float with a visit to nearby Johnson Shut-Ins State Park to play in the Black as it flows through the chutes and bowls of the famed shut-ins. The Eleven Point River from Greer Access to Turner Mill. Greer Spring pumps 220 million gallons a day of crystalline water into the river, making it a brisk float in all seasons. Take the mile hike to see the gorgeous spring, and look for the old mill wheel, standing like a giant steel sculpture in the forest opposite the Turner take-out. The North Fork of the White River from Hammond Camp to River of Life Farm resort. The river is one of the few in Missouri clear and cold enough to support wild trout. Stretches of the river run over bedrock slabs. Rainbow Springs strengthens the flow along the way. Current River. This picture was taken at the Akers Ferry public access. It was the starting point for my 20 mile float. I got on the river around 9:30 a.m. and there was still a layer of fog hovering over the river. Photo by Steve Schwarz

Current River. This picture is a shot looking down river below Akers. Photo by Steve Schwarz

MoDOT to Close EB I-70 Ramp to 10th St.

The Missouri Department of Transportation • N. 11th Street between Howard and Mullan(MoDOT) and its contractor Millstone Bangert phy streets. Ninth Street and 10th Street north of Cass AvInc, will permanently close the exit ramp from eastbound Interstate 70 to 10th Street in St. Louis enue will become two-way, to ensure traffic can City (Exit 249A) at 9 a.m. on October 10, 2011. get to businesses on those roadways. The ramp will be removed permanently so crews can construct roadway and ramps between I-70 • Craft Vendors and the new Mississippi River • Field of Fun Kids’ Area Bridge. The new ramps to the bridge will cross directly over • Festival Food the current location of the 10th • Main Stage Music Street exit ramps. • Fall Fest 5K Fun Run Drivers can use the BroadOct. 8 at 7:30 a.m. way exit (250A) to get into the city. At the same time, several & roadways on the west side of ADMISSION & the interstate will also close as PARKING part of construction. They include: • N. 10th Street between N. Vendor Booths 5 – 10 p.m. • Street Dance 7 – 10 p.m. 11th Street and Mullanphy Street. 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. • Mullanphy Street east of N. Civic Park • O’Fallon, Missouri 11th Street. • Howard Street east of N.11th Street. For details, 636-379-5614 or


r a a z a B Craft



Community News

October 5, 2011

Old Town Fall Festival Activities The 14th Annual Florissant Old Town Fall Festival is presented by Florissant Old Town Partners and sponsored by the city of Florissant, Florissant Fine Arts Council, and the Missouri Arts Council. The festival will be held from 12 to 5 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. 9. All side streets will be blocked off to accommodate the festival, which runs along rue St. Francois from Florissant Road to the St. Ferdinand Shrine. Each block is filled with activities for the whole family, food and drink booths, a craft fair and flea market and much more. More than 150 booths feature games for children, sale items, food and beverages, including old favorites like the chili cookoff, the wine garden, pumpkin decorating, a silent auction, the Kincaid Puppets and more. There’s entertainment on every block, too.

Brought to You by these Community-Minded Businesses On Sunday, enjoy 11 blocks of fun-filled activities: Food & Beverage Booths, Exhibits and Demonstrations by Local Artists, Craft Booths, Flea Market, Game Booths, and Entertainment.

Below, check out a map and just a few of our amazing booths!

1000 Block • Food Booth • Information Booth

Brown 900 Block Art Festival• Child Identification• Station

City Hall Craft Fair •

Boone 800 Block Craft Fair •

Kids Again 630 N. Lindbergh Blvd. Florissant, MO 63031 314-839-8805

800 Block • Craft Fair

Clark 700 Block Dixie Rhythm Kings • Restrooms •

Villa at Riverwood #1 Pratt Place Florissant, MO 63033 314-839-5000

700 Block • Rest Area • North Co. Big Band

from Florissant Road to Old St. Ferdinand Shrine

rue North Lafayette 600 Block Sprig & Twig Garden Glub • Information Booth • Restrooms •

500 Block Clown Face Painting • 2 Picnic Tables •

rue St. Francois

St. Ferdinand Shrine Events Shrine events are held from 12 to 5 p.m. on the Shrine grounds at #1 rue St. Francois. Events include Bingo, a book sale, raffle baskets, beer and brats, living history reenactors, tours of the Shrine, and more. Free parking is available on the lot at the intersection of St. Charles and Washington (same as Valley of Flowers parking). Enter on Washington and park on the lot; then just walk across the bridge to the Shrine.

Keeven Appliance 3350 Parker Rd. Florissant, MO 63034 314-837-2723 1976 Old Hwy. 94 So. 636-949-2555

900 Block • Military Vehicle Show • Pet Related Items/Info • Blooming Onion & Popcorn • Spin the Wheel Game

Old Town Fall Festival Sunday, October 9 on rue St. Francois –

Stems Florist 301 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-972-7836

No. New Florissant Rd. 1000 Block Fidos Follies • Homemade Dog Treats •

600 Block • Pumpkin Decorating • Pony Rides • Dan Sproat / 7 Weeks After

rue North Jefferson 500 Block • Chalk Wall

rue North St. Jacques 400 Block Picnic Table • Funnel Cakes •

400 Block • City Booths • Flea Market

rue St. Jean 300 Block Childrens Activities • Restrooms •

300 Block • Food Booth • Basket Raffle

rue St. Pierre 200 Block Food Booth • Information Booth •

200 Block • Pat Aubury Band • German Area

rue St. Ferdinand 100 Block Kincaid Puppets • Fire Department •

100 Block • Billy Peek • Chili Cook Off • Restrooms

rue St. Charles • Gardeners of Florissant Flower Pot Painting • Flint Knapping • Antique Tractor Display • Restrooms

St Ferdinand Shrine

Resler-Kerber Optometry Dr. Deborah L. Kerber O.D., F.A.A.O. Dr. Paul Whitten, O.D. 875 rue. St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-839-4923 Steve Robbins, CFP™ Wealth Management 325 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-839-4600

Shuttle Service on St. Catherine


Salon 67 1143-1145 N. Hwy 67 Rallo Plaza Florissant, MO 63031 314-921-9112 TraveLink Rhonda Link 1147 N. Wwy. 67 Rallo Plaza Florissant, MO 63031 314-831-5465 Harre Family Chiropractic Dr. Jason Harre, D.C. 869 rue. St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-839-8884 Accurate Transmission 705 N. Hwy 67 Florissant, MO 63031 314-837-5333 Deavers Restaurant And Sports Bar 2109 Charbonier Rd. Florissant, MO 63031 314-838-0002 Karen McKay Councilman – Ward 7 Florissant, MO 314-838-2313

Hairbenders 2705 N. Hwy 67 Florissant, MO 63033 314-838-9500 Kay Bee Electric 250 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-837-3308 Mid America Insurance Earnest Poe Jr. 100 rue St. Francois #102 Florissant, MO 63031 314-831-6014 Click Energy Services Inc 124 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-837-3737 Korte’s Custom Framing 610 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-837-3400 Midwestern Termite & Pest Control 700 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-838-1121 Behlmann Digital 210 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-921-2676 Florissant Auto Radiator & Air-Conditioning Service 865 rue. St. Lafayette Florissant, MO 63031 314-837-9696 Dooley’s Florist & Gifts 690 rue St. Francois. Florissant, MO 63031 314-837-7444 Florissant Motor Co. & Auto Body Repair 540 St. Ferdinand Florissant, MO 63031 314-837-3392 Sandie’s Interior’s Blind-Corner 302 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-921-9011 Kids World Gymnastics 8701 Dunn Rd. Hazelwood, MO 63042 314-838-JUMP (5867) The UPS Store Bob Scollay 224 No. Hwy. 67 Florissant, MO 63031 314-831-3347 Handyman True Value Hardware Store 500 W. Washington Florissant, MO63031 314-837-1360 Handyman True Value Hardware Store 2635 N. Lindbergh Florissant, MO 63033 314-831-0220

October 5, 2011

Brought to You by these Community-Minded Brought to You Businesses by these North County Foot And Ankle Trailblazer Bikes Community-Minded Dr. Samuel T. Wood, D.P.M. 11 Paddock Hills Plaza 622 rue St. Ferdinand Florissant, MO 63033 Businesses Florissant, MO 63031 314-839-1434 314-921-1020

Boyle Law Firm Patrick O. & Daniel P. Boyle 755 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-838-4500

American Eagle Credit Union 1075. No. Hwy. 67 Florissant, MO 63031 314-972-5000

JoAnn C. Donovan Attorney at Law 330 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-921-6600

Horace Mann Insurance Co. Carl Reed Agency 801 rue St. Francois, Ste. D Florissant, MO 63031 314-839-5135

Howard Nimmons, Wealth Management 760 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-972-1818

The Bridal Exchange Trish Layton 550 rue St. Pierre Florissant, MO 63031 314-269-8027

Don Henefer Jewelers 512 New Florissant Rd. N. Florissant, MO 63031 314-921-3001

de.lish Cheesecake Bakery & Café Jeff & Kris Mullersman 1060 rue St. Catherine Florissant, MO 63031 314-831-7400

Serenity Women’s Healthcare, Inc. 493 rue St. Francois Ste. 2 Florissant, MO 63031 314-972-9888 Elliot & Dixon’s Barbershop Rich Elliot 440 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-921-3539 J. Goeke Produce 449 rue St. Ferdinand Florissant,MO 63031 314-831-1031 Mark Bretz Public Relations, LLC 801 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-838-9371 Email: Golf Club Liquidators 723 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-838-4653 Helfer’s Pastries &Deli Cafe 380 rue St. Ferdinand Florissant, MO 63031 314-837-1343 Foust Appliance Heating & Cooling 450 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-831-8880 ITS Computers 1101 Howdershell Rd. Florissant, MO 63033 314-839-3000 Topos Surveying& Engineering 790 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-838-5806

Goldkamp heating & Cooling Matt Goldkamp 328 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-839-3332 Aamco Transmissions 1180 North Highway 67 Florissant, MO 63031 314-831-0389 Archway Trophy 1040 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-831-1165 State Farm Insurance Francis Martin LUTCF 100 rue St. Francois, Ste. 214 Florissant, MO 63031 314-838-3494 Brief Reflections Resale Ladies clothing, shoes, jewelry 111 rue St. Francois Florissant, MO 63031 314-972-1121 Crest Bowl 650 New Florissant Rd. Florissant, MO 63031 314-837-0494 Tinder Box/Vino 100 2714 North Highway 67 Florissant, MO 63033 314-741-0899

Community News

Old Town Fall FesContinued from previous page

Old Town Fall Festival

Continued from previous page

Fido Follies The Fido Follies, everyone’s favorite event, will be in a brand new location this year – at the Government Center, 1055 rue St. Francois at the very top of the street. The Fall Festival also has water bowls on every block, just for the pups (properly licensed and leashed, of course). The dog show has prizes for the smallest dog, best kisser, best costume, best trick and largest dog, just to name a few. Art Festival The art festival, sponsored by St. Louis Community College at Florissant Valley, is located at the top of rue St. Francois. The event grows each year, and includes art exhibitions, art activities and demonstrations throughout the day. Children’s Corner The children's corner returns in 2011 with free activities including chalking, painting and collage. The Northern Arts Council and the Women's Caucus for Art will also showcase work by local artists. Kincaid Karacter Puppets FREE performances can be seen at three shows throughout the day in front of Sue’s Alterations in the 100 block. MoCHIP The Police Department in conjunction with MoCHIP, will offer child identification kits free of charge, located in the Council Chambers at City Hall. Craft Fair The Craft Fair continues to grow each year, and this year more than 60 crafters will showcase their talents with items for sale. Start your holiday shopping early! Entertainment The band shell in the 100 block of rue St. Francois is the location for “Billy Peek.” The performances will be held at 1 and 3 p.m. Other entertainers at this year’s Florissant Old Town Fall Festival include the Dixie Rhythm Kings, Cookie the Clown, Dan Sproat, Pat and Anna Auberry, Carol Brady our Story Teller, North County Big Band, George Gerules the Bag Piper, Seven Weeks After, Spent, The Buckhannon Brothers, Bryson Gerard and more. Shuttle Bus A shuttle on rue St. Catherine will be available for the festival patrons who have difficulty navigating the St. Francois hill. The Flirt bus will transport festival patrons from block to block on St. Catherine, which is one street over from St. Francois. There will be signs directing participants to the stops. Information For more information about the Florissant Old Town Fall Festival, please visit Corporate Sponsors: Click Heating and Cooling • Nimmons Wealth Management • Bridges of Florissant Community Sponsors: Boyle Law Firm • Baronwood Kennels • Zykan Family Properties, LP Neighborhood Sponsors: Thomas Construction • Florissant Glass Co • Fritz’s Frozen Custard • Sandies Interiors St. Clair Corporation • Henefer’s Jewelers • Stems Florist



Community News

Learn & Play

October 5, 2011

Oldest Pick “Tales for Very Picky Eaters”

Word of the week: gadabout\GAD-uh-bout\ , noun; 1. Someone who roams about in search of amusement or social activity. 2. a person who travels often or to many different places, especially for pleasure. Example Sentence: She was a thoughtful gadabout, always picking up souvenirs for her friends from wherever her travels took her.

Learn a Language: Dog



Spanish: perro

Spanish: gato

Spanish: pájaro

French: chien

French: cat

French: oiseaux

German: Hund

German: Katze

German: Vogel

Polish: pies

Polish: kot

Polish: ptak

Russian: собака

Russian: кошка

Russian: птица

Italian: cane

Italian: gatto

Italian: uccello

Greek: σκύλος

Greek: γάτα

Greek: πουλί

Statepoint Crossword Theme: World Wars

Book Buzz ! Hello, Friends: Newsbee’s the name, reading’s my game. Each month, I select three books - preschool through eighth grade chosen to fit a particular theme. These are my Book Buzz Picks and I announce them in the newspaper. A honey of an idea, don’t you think? What better place to introduce kids to good books than on the pages of their local newspaper? Community News is proud to offer our readers “Book Buzz.” This column will feature great books for children in three categories: Youngest Pick: early childhood to the first or second grade, Middle Pick: elementary school children, and Oldest Pick: middle school children. Enjoy!

Kids can have a mind of their own when it comes to dinnertime, refusing to open their pearly whites for any food their parents might suggest. That’s the problem in “Tales for Very Picky Eaters,” a comically, creative chapter book by Josh Schneider, a Chicago author and illustrator. A power struggle between a boy and his dad begins to brew when a plate of broccoli is set before the child. “I can’t eat broccoli,” the boy named James says. To which his father cleverly replies: “Well, we have dirt…the finest dirt available this time of the year, imported from the best dirt ranches in the country.” Each chapter finds James on his kitchen chair, his father introducing one food after another – “smelly lasagna,” isn’t approved by the boy, and neither is “repulsive milk,” “lumpy oatmeal,” or “slimy eggs.” By the end of each chapter, James’ father is able to convince his son, in the wackiest of ways, to eat the food that’s been placed in front of him. James takes the bait, a bite of both the food that’s offered and the goofiness that ensues. In the process of expanding his taste buds, his funny bone gets tickled; as Newsbee’s sure yours will too. Though this book is silly, it carries a tongue-in-cheek message about the importance of good nutrition that you won’t want to miss.

Reprinted with permission, Missourian Publishing Company. Copyright 2011.

ACROSS 1. Peter in Russian 6. Actress ___ Thompson 9. UPS competitor 13. Light-weight hat for protection from sun 14. Will Ferrell's 2003 Christmas character 15. Aka Little Mermaid 16. In the least bit 17. One of a pair for biathlon competitor 18. Nincompoop 19. *Axis opposition 21. *Third _____ 23. Male or female, e.g. 24. *FDR's third ____ was dominated by WWII 25. Popular locale in Ireland 28. Generic dog name 30. Male name of old Swedish origin 35. "Aid and ____" 37. Syrian neighbor 39. PDA pens 40. ____ contendere 41. Substitute for currency 43. Homer's "Iliad," e.g. 44. Dance named after horse's gallop 46. "Wilhelm ____"

47. ____ school 48. *Infamous war camp 50. A person, place or thing 52. She played Laurie Partridge 53. *____ Germany, formed by Soviets after WWII 55. Uno ___ or one more 57. *FDR/Churchill/Stalin conference site 59. *Big ______, howitzer used by Germans in WWI 62. Undersized 64. *Japan's target, 12/7/41 66. *Rolls _____ armored car 68. Blood vessel 69. Often hailed 70. Like days gone by 71. Famously extinct bird 72. Ostrich-like bird 73. Summertime pests DOWN 1. Parent organization 2. Smidgen 3. October birthstone 4. One who "_____ it like it is" 5. Type of baseball pitcher 6. More is ____? 7. Mountain animal 8. Aflame 9. Relating to urine 10. Hyperbolic sine 11. Put it to paper? 12. ___ and the Family Stone

15. Bad blood 20. Highway departures 22. Energy or work unit 24. Heavy downpour 25. Stabs of pain 26. *Lusitania's destroyer 27. "Twilight" protagonist 29. ____ tape 31. Editor's mark for "let it stand" 32. As opposed to written 33. Lewis Carroll's character 34. *Capital of unoccupied France 36. Saw or awl, e.g. 38. 1,000 grams 42. D'Artagnan's hat decoration 45. Saffron-flavored rice dish 49. Gangster's pistol 51. Limited in scope 54. Pasta complement 56. Fur shawl 57. Equal to 4th and 1 58. Lowest female singing voice 59. Hindu Mr. 60. Robert Louis Stevenson's evil character 61. Passed with flying colors 62. Melancholy 63. Bovine sound 65. *He always seems to be pointing 67. Half the width of an em, pl. See Answers page 21


October 5, 2011

“50/50” Referring to “50/50” as a cancer story or cancer comedy takes away from the true value of this film. Instead, this story of friendship and hope should simply be called one of the best films of 2011. Joseph Gordon-Levitt turns in a beautifully understated performance as Adam, a Seattle Public Radio producer who moves slowly in his life and his career. Instead of quick-hit stories, Adam would rather spend weeks on a carefully constructed piece about volcanoes. Adam’s love life also is stuck in the slow lane. He can’t believe he is in a relationship with Rachael (Bryce Dallas Howard), a beautiful artist who lives with him part-time. Unfortunately, Rachael isn’t as affectionate and giving as Adam would like. After receiving a devastating cancer diagnosis, Adam is forced to reevaluate his entire life and his relationships. While dealing with the harsh realities of chemotherapy, Adam also has to manage the goodhearted intentions of his family and friends.

By Steve Bryan

Community News



Inspired by a true story, “50/50” is that rare film that can blend laugh-out-loud comedy with a devastating, life-changing event. Joseph Gordon-Levitt is solid here as Adam, the quiet, analytical guy who learns he has a ticking cancer time bomb in his lower back. Adam isn’t given to speeches or outbursts of anger; he simply says what is on his mind. Gordon-Levitt is good, but Seth Rogen is truly outstanding as Kyle, Adam’s best friend and co-worker. The screenplay for “50/50” is based on Rogen’s friendship with Will Reiser, the screenwriter who faced his own devastating cancer diagnosis while he was in his 20’s. Kyle comes off as blustering womanizer, but he’s pretty much always there when his friend needs a ride to the doctor’s office. In preparation for his chemotherapy, Kyle even helps Adam shave his head, a scene which is one of the funniest sequences in the film. Anna Kendrick from “Twilight” and “Up in the Air” is perhaps a little too adorable as Katherine, a 24-year-old therapist in training.

Always smiling, Katherine is woefully unprepared for a guy like Adam and the devastating effects of his illness. The Katherine character may have worked better if she had shown a little more backbone with Adam. Though they don’t get much screen time, Matt Frewer and Philip Baker Hall turn in memorable performances as two cancer patients who receive their chemo at the same time as Adam. Their gallows humor about their condition is impossible to forget. “50/50” is the type of quality movie that Hollywood should focus on. It’s a movie with heart, humor and something important to say. “50/50,” rated R for language throughout, sexual content and some WAREHOUSE PRICES Furnaces drug use, currently Air Conditioning Supplies is playing in aters. Gas or Electric Heating Systems 50,000 BTU .... $400 75,000 BTU .... $450 100,000 BTU .. $475 120,000 BTU .. $500 140,000 BTU .. $600 FACTORY WARRANTY Air Conditioning Special

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Photos courtesy of Summit Entertainment


Community News


October 5, 2011

“Over the Fence”

Capering for Attention I wonder why two young Americans decided to hike next to Iran in the middle of nowhere, ending up lost and arrested by Iran’s border guards? Don’t we have lonely terrain here in America where hiking doesn’t risk being arrested and cruelly imprisoned for years? One may risk falling off a cliff or being killed by grizzly bears but no dictator’s guards please. Come to that, I even wonder why anyone would risk being attacked by wild animals in their own domain. If I must hike in the woods, mountains and such, I would surely carry a weapon or at least a can of wasp spray, which I’m told will stop a rampaging bull or perhaps a suspicious backwoods bootlegger. The risk takers these days are increasing it seems. Young people on 180 mph sport bikes are doing wheelies in fast moving traffic. TV has shows with loonies challenging huge crocodiles and snakes or anything else that could turn human beings into lunch. I’ve never understood feeling sorry for anyone who is hurt or killed doing this sort of thing. In fact, when I saw the crazy Australian that antagonized crocodiles, I rooted for the crocs. He was eventually killed by an angry stingray. I only felt sorry for his loved ones. Some may think I’m insensitive. On the other hand, I think they’re nuts. Touché. Since I’m a biker of sorts, I resent the hundreds of aforementioned sport bike crazies that were involved in the recent prank of intimidating motorists on I-270. Two of them were killed, and no, I do not waste my sympathy on them. I’ve understood the thrill of high speeds since I was once a young man who also thought he was indestructible. What I don’t understand is intimidating others, nor seeking attention from it.

Is our population so starved for attention that they’ll risk life and limb for it? If you watch today’s current brand of television where people perform stupid lifethreatening antics, it may prove they are. When I was a boy, my parents warned me to stop climbing trees or else. The ‘or else’ ensured I stopped climbing trees. Perhaps that’s what’s missing here. Of course, after we come of age, parents don’t have any real say in what we do. They can only kvetch and wring their hands. In any event, they probably won’t know their son is doing wheelies with sports bikes in heavy traffic. They may think 20-something offspring that traveled to foreign nations were just quixotic tourists on a bus. They won’t know they were actually traipsing around with back-packs in rural enemy territory daring bucolic hostiles to behave. At least parents won’t know until they don’t come home. Another brand of attention-getting foolishness is suicidal people threatening to jump from high places. Even before the fire department arrives with devices to catch them, the crowds are already there yelling “Jump!” Perhaps this explains the other craziness. Jumping from high places to commit suicide ensures attention of large crowds. Ramming a car into a bridge abutment only ensures the attention of cops, paramedics and rubber-necking motorists. The former may sometimes make front page news along with Grizzly attacks. Traffic deaths seldom make the front page unless they held up traffic too long. The news items of trespassing hikers arrested in enemy countries or crocodilebullying loonies on TV offed by angry sting rays are in the news for months. “Take calculated risks. That is quite different from being rash.” George S. Patton (1885 - 1945) Perhaps the trick is to know the difference.

Florissant Hosts SKYWARN Program The city of Florissant has been selected to host one of this fall’s four St. Louis County SKYWARN programs. The objective of the SKYWARN program is to train and maintain volunteers to be severe weather observers, providing vital services in times of severe weather. SKYWARN’S training schedule provides details on the most comprehensive training seminars in the region. This program has been in operation since 1975, and is sponsored by the St. Louis County Police Department, Office of Emergency Management. The class is free, there is no charge

to participate, and no one needs to be a member of any club or organization to become involved at any level. No registration is required. The class for the Florissant area is scheduled for 9 a.m. on Saturday, October 8 at the James J. Eagan Civic Center, #1 James J. Eagan Drive, Florissant, MO 63033. Other scheduled SKYWARN programs include: October 12, 2011 at 6:30pm Boys Hope Girls Hope 12120 Bridgeton Square Dr. Bridgeton, MO 63044 October 25, 2011 at 6:30pm St. John’s Mercy Rehab Hospital The Community Room 14561 North Outer Forty Road Chesterfield, MO 63017

Unique to the St. Louis County SKYWARN program is the St. Louis County SKYWARN Weather Reference compact disc. These CDs will be sent with training certificates. They contain weather spotter manuals and reference materials no longer available or current, as they have become too expensive to print in the large volumes. For additional information visit If you have any questions, please feel free to email: shelleysh1@att. net or call 314.308.8567.

Missouri Child Identification Program at Florissant Old Town Fall Festival The Florissant Police Department, along with the Missouri Freemasons, will host a one-day Missouri Child Identification Program (MoCHIP) during the Florissant Fall Festival, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Sunday, October 9. The event will be held at the Florissant City Hall inside the Council Chambers. This program, free of charge, provides parents with critical information on their children in the event their child turned up missing or abducted. This nationally recognized program provides parents with a digital photograph, digital fingerprints, DNA swab, child information and emergency contacts, a dental bite impression, and two (2) laminated ID cards. Most importantly, all information is turned over to a parent or legal guardian on completion of the process. No child information is stored or kept by the MoCHIP program or the Florissant Police. If you've been through the MoCHIP program and have had your child ID'd, bring the mini CD back and the FPD will update it for you. The National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) strongly urges parents to have the most upto date information, including pictures – so if you've had your 0-4 year old ID'd in the last 6 months, it's time to do it again. It is recommended to have children ages 5-10 ID'd once a year, and when children 10 and over enter puberty you should consider having them ID'd every 6-12 months, as their features and bodies are changing drastically. Often overlooked are older teens and young adults who are actually most at risk -- please urge your 14 - 21 year olds to get ID'd. It typically takes only 10-15 minutes. As a result of the efforts by the Missouri Freemason through the MoCHIP program, parents/ legal guardians of more than 125,000 children have received this critical identification information free of charge. For more information visit the MoCHIPS web site at;, MoCHIP on Facebook, or contact the Florissant Police Department Public Information Office at 314.830.6042.


October 5, 2011

Community News


Pay It Forward How good are you at receiving? Not as in footballs, and not as in birthday or Christmas gifts. I’m talking receiving as in sincere compliments and unexpected blessings…things like that. I was never a good receiver and I never really gave it much thought. I suppose I was afraid of what others might think of me if I so much as thought of graciously receiving someone else’s sincere wishes or aid. “Oh, no! Honestly, we’ll be fine, and I could never accept that,” I remember telling a perfectly sweet woman in a Quincy, Ill. McDonald’s many years ago. My children (probably 1, 2 and 3 at the time) were all very restless and we were waiting for my husband to arrive before scarfing things like cheeseburgers and fries. We had to wait…I didn’t have any money. The woman purchased some fries anyway, three small bags for the kids. I felt completely embarrassed and humiliated, although today I realize how totally silly and selfish I behaved. That incident was the last time I really ever gave gracious receiving a second thought…until a month ago. I am a part of a church committee that meets on Tuesday evenings. One evening our leader gave us an assignment…pay it forward. Do something small for someone else. As you’re walking through the mall, don’t look down at your shoes, look up and smile at passers by. When you’re in line at a drive-thru, pay for the person behind you. Tell someone who looks down in the dumps that they look especially nice. Little things mean a lot. Evidently, little things are harder to accept than


the big things. I mean, really. Would you give it a second thought if your mom, dad, husband or wife spent a couple of hundred or even thousand dollars for a Christmas gift? Maybe not. But accept a gesture of kindness from a stranger that cost a mere$7.50? Heaven forbid! I’ll give two very specific examples. First, my friend, Cheryl, also a member of this committee, took the assignment to heart and went through the drivethru at a local donut shop. She told the person at the window that she wanted to buy a dozen donuts for the person behind her in line. The poor cashier just didn’t get it. Cheryl actually had to go inside the donut shop and explain her mission not only to the cashier, but to the manager! It was almost more trouble than it was worth. And just the other day I decided to bring a book to a sandwich shop and have a leisurely lunch. I ordered my lunch as the woman next to me dug through her purse to find her wallet and pay for her order. She must have left her wallet at work. “Do you take checks?” she asked the cashier with a panicked look on her face. “Sorry, I can’t do that,” he replied. The woman, clearly embarrassed, called out for her friend, who was on the other side of the restaurant, searching for a table. I pulled a $20 out of my wallet, winked at the cashier, and handed him the money. “Ma’am?” he called after the woman, who was walking away to find her friend. “It’s covered.”

“What?” she asked. “Oh, no! Really, I can’t let you do that.” “Of course you can,” I said. “Have a good weekend.” “No, really, I can’t,” she repeated. “It’s done,” I said. “Just have a wonderful weekend.” “What’s your name?” she asked. “My name is Shelly,” I said. “Shelly….what?” “Just Shelly.” “I need your address,” she said. “No you don’t,” I said. “Just please accept this.” She proceeded to tell her friend and asked me again for my address. I politely declined. Why is it so hard for people to accept these simple acts of sincerity? I guess maybe because we don’t take the time to do them on a regular basis. I learned my “receiving” lesson a few years ago, and I hope this sweet lady learned the same lesson yesterday. So do me a favor…the holidays will be here before we blink. In the midst of rushing and running, buying and wrapping, baking and cooking, take the time to breathe in slowly. Be thankful for what you have, walk with your head held high and smile at everyone you see. And if the opportunity presents itself, pay it forward. Do me a bigger favor, if someone decides you should be a pay it forward recipient, be a gracious receiver.

Easy Tips for Family Dinners Deliver Big On Taste and Antioxidants (Family Features) The weeknight rotation of go-to family dinnertime favorites just got better – and better for you.

The flavor experts in the McCormick Kitchens took up the challenge to find easy ways to add more flavor, plus antioxidants, to the top internet-searched family dinner recipes of the season with on-hand ingredients like spices, herbs, vegetables and fruits. Top Ten Most-Searched Family Dinner Recipes 1. Spaghetti 2. Tacos 3. Pork Chops 4. Pizza 5. Chicken Soup 6. Enchiladas 7. Meatloaf 8. Lasagna 9. Chili 10. Beef Stew Google Adwords; August-October 2010

The McCormick Kitchens have developed these easy tips to inspire healthy choices on even the busiest nights of the week:

Pork Chops: Rub four pork chops with a blend of 1 tsp. each Garlic Powder and Thyme Leaves,1/2 tsp. crushed Rosemary Leaves and 1/4 tsp. Ground Red Pepper. Sauté in skillet with 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, 1/2 cup apple juice, a sliced apple and 1/2 tsp. Ground Cinnamon. Adds antioxidants = 3 oz. pomegranate juice per serving Chicken Soup: Give homemade chicken

soup an Asian flair. Stir 2 tsp. Ground Ginger and 1 tsp. Garlic Powder into 4 cups soup and top with snow peas and shredded carrots. Adds antioxidants = 1/2 cup chopped cantaloupe per serving

Meatloaf: Turn everyday meatloaf into a

Mexican fiesta by adding 1 tbsp. each Paprika,

“This list of top recipes reveals that busy cooks are searching for new ideas to add some flavorful twists to the same weeknight standbys,” explains Mary Beth Harrington of the McCormick Kitchens. “We wanted to create deliciously simple variations that can inspire healthy choices every night of the week.” Making healthier dinners is easier than you think. Wendy Bazilian, DrPH, MA, RD, author of The SuperFoodsRx Diet, believes that the best place to start is with what the family already loves – and then boost the excitement, flavor and nutrition of dinnertime with healthy ingredients. “Using ‘Super Spices’ like red pepper, oregano, ginger and garlic provides an added bonus because they are a delicious source of natural antioxidants, which play an important role in keeping the body in good health,” says Dr. Bazilian. For additional better-for-you dinner ideas, infused with a passion for flavor, visit Oregano Leaves and Ground Cumin and 1/2 tsp. Ground Red Pepper to 2 pounds lean ground beef or ground turkey. Top with salsa. Adds antioxidants = 1 1/2 cups green peppers per serving

Chili: Make a lower-sodium turkey chili with

tons of flavor. Blend 1 pound cooked ground turkey with 2–(8 oz.) cans of no salt added tomato sauce spiced up with 2 tbsp. Chili Powder, 1 tsp. Ground Cumin and 1/4 tsp. Crushed Red Pepper. Adds antioxidants = 1/3 cup chopped asparagus per serving

Beef Stew: Spice up plain beef stew with 1

tsp. each Thyme Leaves and Oregano Leaves and 1/2 tsp. each Garlic Powder and Ground Black Pepper. Give it an extra antioxidant boost by adding sweet potatoes and chopped red peppers. Adds antioxidants = 1 1/2 cups sliced kiwi per serving


Community News


October 5, 2011

Sports You See... With Gary B. Rascals Sign Skipper for a Few More Years Pretty Impressive Run Rascals and Field Manager Steve Brook agreed to a two-year contract earlier this week. Brook led the Rascals to their firstever Frontier League championship in 2010 and tied a leaguerecord for wins (68) in 2011 while making it to the championship series for the third consecutive year. “We are extremely pleased to have Steve back at the helm for the next two seasons and hopefully beyond,” said Rascals Manager Chris Franklin. “Steve takes a lot of pride in his job both on and off the field and we couldn’t ask for a better person to represent our club. The character of the individuals he has surrounded himself with from his staff to his players is something our community can be very proud of. With that, we look forward to continuing the tradition that he has established here in O’Fallon.” The Winfield, Mo. resident also teaches at O’Fallon’s Fort Zumwalt South High School and has a wife, Ellen, andtwo children Nolan (6) and Caitlin (4). (Info from Rascals’ site) ~~~Don’t change if its not broken

yard field goal by Kicker Josh Brown that cut Washington’s lead to 17-3. - Punter Donnie Jones punted eight times for an average of 45.0 yards per attempt and a net average of 42.1 yards per punt. In the process he became the franchise’s all-time leader in career punting yards with 17,486, passing Dale Hatcher (17,302). - Linebacker James Laurinaitis intercepted Grossman late in the fourth quarter for his fourth-career interception. - Laurinaitis and cornerback Bradley Fletcher tied for the team lead in tackles with seven, according to press box statistics. - Wide receiver Austin Pettis caught four passes for 32 yards Sunday, and each of his four receptions went for first downs. - Safety Darian Stewart was credited with three passes defensed and six tackles, according to press box stats. NEXT RAMS HOME GAMES: October 30: Noon, against the New Orleans Saints November 20: 3:05 p.m., against the Seattle Seahawks November 27: Noon, against the Arizona Cardinals Check the latest news at ~~~Look on the dim bright side

Rams Come Away with Positives after Loss Rams 10-Washington Redskins 17 Head Coach Steve Spagnuolo stayed in a positive frame of mind as he addressed the media after the loss. “First of all, I say this to preface it, we’re not into moral victories, but I do want to share with you what I said to the football team. I said that first. But there is a lot of fight in this football team and I’m very proud to be this head football coach. And I think we can hang our hat on that and I always will. I still believe in these guys. I want them to believe in themselves. It was a hard fought game.” Some highlights from the contest: - Running back Steven Jackson scored his eighth receiving touchdown of his career and 56th overall, breaking a tie with Elroy “Crazy Legs” Hirsch for fifth most in Rams history. Jackson rushed for 45 yards on 17 carries and caught four passes for 19 yards. - With four receptions Sunday, Jackson now needs just two to tie Jim Phillips for eighth on the team’s all-time list. Jackson now has 331 career catches. - Corner back Justin King recorded his first career interception when he picked off Rex Grossman early in the fourth quarter. King’s 51-yard return set up a 32-

Former Ram Honored Before the Game Cornerback in the Super Bowl He played for the Rams from 1999 until 2002 and was a hugh contributor to the team’s defense that helped win Super Bowl XXXIV. He played his first four years of his 11-year tenure in the NFL and never missed a game. In 2003 and 2004 he was selected to play in the Pro Bowl. Off the field his nonprofit foundation improves education through physical excellence. His name is Dre’ Bly. ~~~#32 with the Rams Dre’ Bly and Gary B. Photo by Gary B.

Kids World Gymnastics Athletes Win Medals The trampoline and tumbling Junior Olympic National Championships took place July 10-15 at the Freeman Coliseum in San Antonio, Tex. The event featured competition for Levels 5-10 with athletes competing in trampoline, double mini-trampoline, synchronized

trampoline and tumbling for both men and women. With more than 2000 athletes representing 208 Clubs from all over the country, this was a jam packed weeklong competition. Kids World Gymnastics’ competitive Trampoline and Tumbling team called St Louis Elite sent eight athletes to this event, claiming a total of three gold, two silver and two bronze medals. “I knew our athletes would do well, but this was far beyond my expectations. Having athletes make it to the podium is always rewarding, and having them medal at the biggest and final event of the year is amazing!” said Head Coach Gene Kohler. Athletes must qualify for Nationals at State or Regional Championships. These athletes compete in their

level in their age group and gender. To make the podium they must place in the top eight. Clayton Janvrin, an Olympic Development National Team member and a Regional All Star from Florissant Mo., won the silver medal on Trampoline Level 10 (1314). He also placed 5th Level 9 tumbling (13-14). Ori Ptah from St. Louis, Mo., won two gold medals, Tumbling level 8 (15 and over), and Trampoline Level 7 (15 and over). Samuel Maineri from St. Peters, Mo., won two medals, a gold medal Trampoline Level 7 (13-14), and silver medal Level 7 Double Mini Trampoline (13-14). Dillon Jackson from Florissant, Mo., won two medals, a bronze medal Tumbling Level 7 (15 and over), and a bronze medal Trampoline Level 7 (15 and over). Katie Stromsland from Gillespie, Ill., made it to finals on both Trampoline Level 9 (15 and over), and Level 9 Double mini (15 and over), placing 7th on Trampoline and 6th on Double Mini Trampoline. Arianna Laurent from Florissant, Mo., Sara Carney from St Charles, Mo., and Kaitlyn Roberston from Florissant, Mo. also competed. For more information about Kids World Gymnastics contact Gene Kohler at gene@kidsworldgymnastics. com, visit, or call 314.838. JUMP.


October 5, 2011

Community News


WOMEN’S HEALTH: Diagnosing and Treating Preeclampsia

Up to seven percent of pregnant women will develop preeclampsia, a serious pregnancy-related condition that can affect the placenta, liver, kidneys, blood, brain, and other organs. It is a leading cause of maternal and infant sickness and death in the US. While the cause of preeclampsia is unknown, high blood pressure is a main contributing factor. Normally, blood pressure changes throughout the course of the day – for example, it increases when you exercise and slows when you’re at rest. But when it stays elevated, it can strain the heart and blood vessels, increasing the risk of heart attack and stroke and damage to the kidneys, brain, and eyes. During pregnancy, high blood pressure can also restrict the flow of blood, oxygen, and nutrients to the fetus. Some women have ongoing (chronic) high blood pressure before they get pregnant. Others may develop high blood pressure during pregnancy, usually after the 20th week of gestation. Women who have chronic or gestational high blood pressure, are pregnant for the first time, have had preeclampsia in a previous pregnancy, are 35 years or older, are carrying more than one fetus, have certain medical conditions such as diabetes or kidney disease, are obese, are African American, or have certain immune disorders such as lupus or blood diseases are at increased risk of developing preeclampsia. Other symptoms of preeclampsia include increased amounts of protein in the urine, headaches, visual problems, and swelling of the hands and face. Severe pre-

eclampsia may be accompanied by lung, liver, kidney, or clotting complications and seizures (eclampsia). If you have chronic high blood pressure, it’s important to make efforts to lower blood pressure before pregnancy by losing weight and taking medication as prescribed. Regular prenatal care during pregnancy can help detect preeclampsia early in all pregnant women. At each prenatal visit, a woman’s weight and blood presBy James N. Martin, Jr, MD sure are taken along with a urine sample to monitor any President, The American Congress changes. You may be checked more often if your blood of Obstetricians and Gynecologists pressure is high. The gestational age of the fetus, the severity of the mother’s preeclampsia, and risks to mother and fetus will be assessed to guide the decision on when to deliver. Some women will be monitored to see if the situation improves, or – if the risk to the fetus is greater in the womb than in a special nursery – delivery may be necessary. Women with slightly increased blood pressure who are not near the end of pregnancy may be prescribed bed rest at home or in the hospital. For more information, the ACOG Patient Education Pamphlet “High Blood Pressure During Pregnancy” is available at

Nutrition Experts Offer Fall Tips for Farm-Fresh Eating Leaders at this the recent United Nations meeting emphasized nutrition as critical to producing thriving children, families, and communities. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said a key focus is helping farmers grow heartier crops to nourish families. University of Missouri nutrition experts say getting back to basics by eating balanced meals and farmfresh produce can benefit families and communities in many ways. Robin Gammon, program manager for MU Extension, recommends taking the entire family to the farmers market to try new fruits and vegetables. As fall approaches, Robin Gammon, MU Stay Strong, Stay Healthy Program Manager and dietitian, says families can implement healthy eating ideas to mark the new season. She recommends: • Take the entire family to the farmers market and buy a fruit or vegetable you haven’t tried before. Ask the farmer for preparation or cooking tips. • Eat seasonal produce. Produce is usually fresher and cheaper when it is in season. • Make meal planning a family activity. Before going to the grocery store, plan meals for the week. • Plan quicker meals for nights that

you have evening activities. • Try to make each meal balanced by including all or most of the food groups. Lorin Fahrmeier with MU Extension coordinates the Missouri Farm to Institution/Farm to School project. The project is part of the national Farm to School network that connects schools (K-12) and local farms with the objectives of serving healthy meals in schools, improving student nutrition, providing agriculture and health education opportunities, and supporting local farmers. “A goal of Farm to School programs is to promote healthy eating choices and encourage families to take advantage of those choices and have fun by trying seasonal fruits and vegetables,” Fahrmeier said. “Next time you’re at your local farmers market or grocery store, ask your child to pick out something new to try at home. You might be surprised at what they pick! Let them decide if they like new foods.” Family time, dinner commitments, agri-

culture education and healthy eating are doable even for today’s busy families, Fahrmeier said. Some things to remember: • Your decisions matter, to kids, to farmers and your community. There are vast health and economic benefits to the decisions you make about what you serve your family at mealtime. • Try a little local – small steps are all it takes. Choosing to cook one item that’s locally grown is a great step. Try something familiar such as apples or watermelons and then expand your choices. • Fresh tastes better! Purchasing fresh foods that taste good requires less work

Story by Emily Martin

to make meals tasty. Gammon is an MU Extension associate in the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology, College of Human Environmental Sciences (HES). Fahrmeier is a program coordinator for MU HES extension. Nutrition research is conducted through MU Extension and the Department of Nutrition and Exercise Physiology – a joint department in HES, the School of Medicine and the College of Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources at MU.


Community News

Church Tailgate Every Sat. May-Oct. 2011: 8 a.m. - 1 p.m. At Bethel United Church of christ, 14700 New Halls Ferry Rd., Florissant, 63033. Cost $15 per space. Any questions call 314.838.7853 or 314.831.2819. Nov. 5 and every 1st Sat. of the month all year long: Basement/ Breakfast/Tailgate Sale At Northside Christian Church, 9635 Hwy. 367 (Lewis & Clark Blvd.), St. Louis, MO. Pancakes & sausage or 2 biscuits & gravy, juice & coffee. Extra sausage is 50 cents more. Church basement sale with lots of new items and tailgate sale to sell your own treasures. Times: Basement/Tailgate is 8 a.m. - Noon; Breakfast is 8-10:30 a.m. Breakfast is $4. A double parking spot for tailgaters is $10. Call 314.868.5722, to reserve your tailgate spot. Nov. 13: Annual Harvest Home Dinner At Zion Lutheran Curch, 2500 North 21st Street, St. Louis, Mo. At this dinner, the Confirmands from 1961 (fifty years ago) will be honored. If you are a member of this class or any other confirmation class from Zion Lutheran Church, will you contact us? Don and Carol Mirth 636.946.5425. Every Thursday (through December 1. 6:30 to 8 p.m. Grief Share Support Group

October 5, 2011

At Ferguson Church of the Nazarene, 1309 N. Elizabeth Ave. Ferguson, Mo. Info 314.522.3388 or Events Oct. 1: 12 to 5 p.m. Bench Press Contest Fundraiser Max Muscle Sports Nutrition, Brentwood, Mo. Bench Press Contest fundraiser for Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation. $5 per try. Info: Dan Nobel 314.962.0060 or maxmusclebrentwood1@yahoo. com. Oct. 2: St. Louis Walk for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) Join the St. Louis Walk for Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD) in Tower Grove Park at the Sons of Rest Pavilion. Check-in begins at 10 a.m. and the Walk kicks off at 11 a.m. PKD affects an estimated 600,000 people in the US and over 12.5 million around the world. There is no treatment or cure. To learn more about the St. Louis Chapter for PKD, start, or join a team visit or call 1-800-753-2879. Registration is free. Oct. 2: 2–3 p.m., The Saint Louis Chamber Chorus presents “A City’s Song” At the St. Louis Abbey, 500 South Mason Road, Creve Coeur. $28 general admission, $10 students. Info at

Oct. 2: 4 p.m. House of Refuge Ministries Comedy 4 a Cause $20 per person. Bridgeton Banquet Center, 12259 Natural Bridge Road. Info: Oct. 8: 10 a.m. Golf Tournament KlasAct Corvette Club is hosting its 3rd Annual Golf Tournament. At Emerald Greens Golf Course 12385 Larimore Rd. Proceeds benefit annual food drive. Info: Roland T. Hines 314.210.4272. Oct. 9. 12 to 5 p.m. Flower Show Sprig and Twig Garden Club Standard Flower Show at Florissant Senior Center, 621 St. Francois Street. Free Oct. 9: County Fair Join in the fun at the Academy of the Sacred Heart’s old-fashioned fall festival. Inside and outside children’s games, sports challenges, a marketplace of fall and garden décor, musical entertainment, kettle beef and fried chicken dinners, barbecue and more will be available from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the school, located at 619 N. Second St., St. Charles. The kickoff event of the day is a 5K Run and 1 Mile Fun Run/Walk that begins at 8 a.m. For further information, please call 636.946.5632. Oct.15: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. Health Wellness and Happiness Fair At 11634-11636 W. Florissant Ave. Free medical, dental screenings, food samples, activities, drawings and performances. Info at 314.837.9777 or Oct. 15: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Fin Man at Gary’s Automotive. At 1779 N. Hwy. 67. Free car washes, collectible cars on display, pop-

corn and hot dogs. Proceeds benefit Mary Grove Children. Info at 314.831.5843 or Oct. 22. 7 p.m. Trivia Night Bishop Wurm Assembly Ladies Auxiliary #2012 hosts trivia night at St. Rose Philippine Duchesne KC Hall, 50 rue St. Francois, Florissant. Doors open at 6 p.m. Info: Chris Herbert 314.650.7622. Tickets: Beth Zak 314.443.6059. Inviting All Florissant Senior Citizens To Join One Of The Bingo Clubs With The City Of Florissant!! Please contact the Florissant Senior Office for more information at 8397604. • Monday Club: Meets every Monday for Bingo from 11:30-2:30 on the lower level of the James J. Eagan Center. Bring a sandwich - coffee and tea are available. Interesting day trips to St. Louis Area locations are also scheduled. • Florissant Older Adult Club: Meets the second Tuesday of each month from 11-1:30 on the lower level of the James J. Eagan Center. Bring your lunch! Bingo, Trips, Speakers and special events are planned. • Wednesday Club: Meets every Wednesday for Bingo from 11:302:30 on the lower level of the James J. Eagan Center. Bring a sandwichcoffee and tea available. Interesting day trips to St. Louis Area locations are also available. 1962 Hazelwood High School Reunion Graduates from the class of 1962 are invited to attend the 50th Reunion in June 2012. Please contact Shirley at 314.799.1147 (cell phone) for more info.

1967 Hazelwood High School Reunion: We are looking for classmates of Class of 1967 Hazelwood High School. We are having a 45th reunion in 2012. Please contact Kay at or 636 7452601 for more information. Every Saturday: 8-10 a.m. Chess Chess is played every Satuurday from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. or later, at MidRivers Mall in the food court. Come join us for some interesting games! 3rd Thursday of each month: 12:15 NARFE Chapter 1229 - Meeting for all Active and Retired Federal Employees At Golden Corral, 1850 Zumbehl Road, St. Charles, MO. For more info, call Sandy Luber at 636-4624297. 1st and 3rd Wed.: 7 p.m. St. Charles Area Wood Carvers Diverse group of people has a wide variety of carving skills ranging from novice to professional. Meetings include brief business mtg. followed by carving session. At Weldon Spring Site Remedial Action Project, 7295 Hwy. 94 South, St. Charles. Visitors always welcome! Every Weekend: Orchard Farm Radio Controlled Flying Club Public invited & welcome every weekend to watch our flying model airplanes. Bring the family. Directions to the field at or call 636.300.1480. Every Thursday Evenings: 7:30 p.m. St. Charles Municipal Band Frontier Park, Every 3rd Monday of the Month: 6:30 p.m. Neighborhood Watch Visit our wesite for location, http:// or call 314.830.6042. Health and Meetings Oct. 1: 9 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. Women’s Cancer Awareness Luncheon - Bowling Over Cancer Christian Hospital Atrium (11133 Dunn Rd. Paul F. Detrick Bldg.). FREE. Please call to register. Space is limited. 314-747-WELL, or 1-877-747-WELL.

October 5, 2011

St. Chatherine Retirement Community Events 3350 St. Catherine St., Florissant. To RSVP to events call 314.838.3877 Sept. 29: 10:30 a.m. Tai Chi for Seniors FREE classes. Reduce stress, strengthen joints, develop balance and coordination. Sept. 30: 2 p.m. Project Hands Volunteers needed to knit, crochet and quilt for various children’s organizations.

Oct. 6: 6 p.m. Alzheimer’s Association Support Group Aat Bridgeton Community Center. Info: 314.291.0855. Oct. 12: 5 to 6:30 p.m. Cancer Support Group at May Center Info: 314.344.6090. Oct. 12: 6:30 p.m. Knee and hip replacement class Call 314.837.5555 to register. Oct. 13: Noon to 1 p.m. Might Hearts and Lungs Support Group Info: 314.344.6023.

Every Monday. 5:45 p.m. Line Dancing with Minnie Beginners welcome.

Oct. 18: 6 p.m. Hip Replacement Class Call 314.291.3399 to register.

Every Monday and Friday. 1 p.m. Free Exercise Class Led by personal trainer. Call for details.

Oct. 18: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Grief and Loss Support Group At Bridgeton Trails Library. Info: 314.344.7080.

Every Thursday. 10:30 a.m. Free Tai Chi for Seniors

Oct. 19: 5:30 to 7 p.m. General Weight Loss Surgery Support Group Info: 1.877.477.6954.

Oct. 6: 9 a.m. Breakfast and Bingo Oct. 6: 10 a.m. Blood Pressure Clinic Oct. 11: 10:30 a.m. Oktoberfest Happy Hour with lunch Oct. 13: 9 a.m. Breakfast and Medicare & Prescription Drugs Seminar Presented by MD Pharmacy Oct. 19: 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Fall Bazaar, Quilt Show & Bake Sale Oct. 20: 9 a.m. Breakfast and Fall Health Fair Oct. 25: 10:30 a.m. Halloween Happy Hour and lunch Prizes for the best costume (optional) Oct. 28: 2 p.m. Project Hands Volunteers needed to knit, crochet, and quilt for various children’s organizations. SSM DePaul Healthy Happenings Every Monday (6-7 p.m.) and Tuesday (noon -1 p.m.) in October. Weight loss HMR Program Orientation. Register at 1.877.477.6954.

Oct. 24: 6 p.m. Arthritis and Shoulder Replacement Seminar At May Center. Free. Call 1.866. SSM-DOCS to register. Volunteers needed at Christian Hospital Christian Hospital is calling out for volunteers that can do a significant amount of walking to run errands within the hospital. Discover the rewards of volunteering! If you’re looking for a rewarding way to spend your time, volunteering at Christian Hospital is an ideal match. Volunteer positions are available in many different areas. You’ll meet a variety of interesting people while making a difference in our community. Applications are available at in the Volunteer Office, located off the hospital’s main lobby. For more information, call the Christian Hospital volunteer office at 314-653-5032.

Meets in 4 locations in the metro St Louis area. Can email for further information: • Every Sunday: 6:30-8 p.m. 7401 Delmar Ave. in University City; lower level of Holy Communion Episcopal Church; contact 314-993-5421. • 1st and 3rd Monday: 9:30-11 a.m. 500 Medical Dr in Wentzville; doctors dining room of St Joseph Hospital; contact 636-561-1407. • 1st and 3rd Tuesday: 12:30-2 p.m. 320 N. Forsyth Blvd in Clayton; lower level in Samuel United Church of Christ; contact 314968-3477. • 2nd and 4th Tuesday: 6:30-8 p.m. 2 Progress Point Parkway in O’Fallon, MO; 4th floor conference room of Progress West Hospital; contact 636-561-1407.

Mon. & Thurs, ongoing: 11 a.m. 12 p.m. Breathe Designed for people with pulmonary disease – participants focus on deep breathing, exercises and relaxation. Graham Medical Center, 1150 Graham Rd. Suite 104. $30. Call 314-953-6090 to register or for more information.

Support Groups

Diabetes Self Management Training A series of four classes over a sixmonth period of time. Call Central Scheduling to make an appointment at 314.344.7220. The classes are covered by most insurance plans.

Every Wednesday: 7:30 - 9 p.m. Naranon 7:30 – 9 p.m. New Choices Nar-Anon Family Group at Zion Lutheran Church, 12075 Dorsett Road, Maryland Heights, Mo 63043. Info: email or visit Thursdays: 6:30 - 8 p.m. GriefShare Support Group At Ferguson Church of the Nazarene, 1309 N. Elizabeth Ave., Ferguson, Mo. 63135. Support group for those who have lost a loved one. Info: Lee Cedra at Crossword Answers from page 14

12 Step Support Group for Women Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse


Oct. 5: 5:30 to 7 p.m. Adjustable Gastric Banding Support Group At May Center. Call 1.877.477.6954.

AT THE REC•PLEX •Check out our low non-resident rates– St. Charles residents, get St. Peters resident rates! •It’s all here – fitness classes for the whole family, weights, skating, swimming and more! •Gold Plus members get FREE select classes, programs and 50% off golf discount! • 636.939.2FUN

Wednesdays: 6:30-7:30 p.m. STEPS Schizophrenia Support Group This nationally recognized program provides education and support for those with schizophrenia. Group is facilitated by an experienced STEPS nurse. For info, call 314-839-3171. Diabetes Basics Proper diabetes treatment and education can help you learn to live well with diabetes. Call 314.344.7024 for info or 314.3447220 to enroll.

Nutrition Education SSM DePaul registered dieticians can help you make sure your diet is right for you. Call 314.344.6157 for information.

Community News


Pregnancy Massage SSM DePaul Health Center. Let a certified massage therapist ease away many of the aches and pains you experience as your body changes during pregnancy through a one-hour massage session. $50 for a one-hour massage. Call 314.344.7879 to schedule an appointment. Therapeutic Massage SSM DePaul Health Center. Massage by certified massage therapist to provide stress release, relaxation and health benefits. $60/ hour massage or $35/half-hour massage. Call 314.344.7879 for more information or to schedule an appointment. Cholesterol/Glucose Screening DePaul Wellness Center at SSM DePaul Health Center. 12-hour fasting required for accurate results. Please allow 2 weeks for results. Cholesterol HDL/ LDL/Triglycerides (requires 12 hour fasting)- $17; Cholesterol, Total - $10; Glucose, Only - $10; Glucose, Combined with either Cholesterol - $5. Call 314.344.6176 to schedule an appointment.


Community News


October 5, 2011

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For a two-county circulation. Your ad will run in both St. Louis County and St. Charles County at the same time, at no extra charge. And when you buy two Wednesdays your ad will run in three newspapers, including the O’Fallon Community News, O’Fallon’s largest circulation paper.



October 5, 2011

Community News



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Our publications use a combination of online subscription, direct mail, home delivery, and voluntary circulation methods. Voluntary refers to a circulation method where readers “voluntarily” choose to pick up a publication to read. This method is powerful because locations are carefully chosen and newsstands are monitored for 100% pick up. Community News has developed a network of over 650 convenient locations including every major supermarket chain. Our voluntary method is powerful for three reasons: 1 QUALITY READERS A voluntary reader is an interested reader, actively outside of the home, in stores, seeking out information about the community 2 TOTAL UTILITY 100% pick up assures no wasted papers. Every paper reaches an interested reader, yielding a full value for the entire print run. 3 EXPANDING SET Every print run reaches a unique group of readers, because the majority of voluntary readers are occasional readers. Over time, these unique groups add up to a readership size about three times greater than the print run.

FOUR GREAT PUBLICATIONS Huneke Publications, Inc. offers four publications: two weekly newspapers and two news magazines, each covering a unique market segment within St. Louis County and St. Charles County. As a member of the Missouri Press Association, all of our publications feature verified circulation and an earned credibility among our peers.


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C o o li n g It



toes: floodwa ter and perman If you believe mosquitoes. ent water Floodwater ing problem you have a mosquito breedmosqui their eggs on damp soil where toes lay sure, please on your property, but will occur are not call the Departm flooding or, in some munity Hea ent of Comcases, above water line lth and the the in tree holes, Environme tainers, or nt. Ofartificial con- ficials will make an inspecti other small on and evaluabodies of water. tion appointment, When rain and then recomm fills these areas (ARA) and floods the possible solution. end a - National St. Charles County in the larval Friendship stages, broods residents have can upload of mosquitoes greatest prevention method the Day is Aufingertips. s a two-minright toes are mainly at their Proper mainten gust 5 and - propert of the pest variety, ance of the ute video y is the first the first to and are in light of emerge in the step toward describ ing mosquito spring months prevention. All trash Many of these a recent and refuse that . mosquitoes how a close ers and may are strong flycould survey that range up to propert friend lights ten miles or more drained y should be adequately i n d i c ate s up their life graded and , to prevent a blood meal women any pools or to lay .....................3 water that may to www.ra puddles of r story............. eggs. last ten days place high Cove or County diance ribtheir eggs directly ....................6 mosquito control longer. v a l u e ider.... McCauley lists on the water officer Barry Shelly Schne several things 9 on , surface, their may do to homeowners cies in this Florissant ..........8 friendships, group do - their summekeep mosquitoes from test closes Old Olay is offering venture ruining theirTown r: breeding sites. not ..10,far11from a chance to Aug. treat themsel women Charles......... 31, ves with a trip to New Explore St. York City. in October. .................12 See MOSQUITO No Olay is hosting City . . . . ............ Town page 3 sary. For official purchase is neces........ a summe On the . called . r contest contest School . . “Light Up Your ........414 Chamber. . . . . .Baute. ...... Life.” Women www.radianceribbons. rules, visit ........ ts with Gary Religion 5 com. ... Spor



Movie Talk

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St. Peters

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Classifi topics to ercial Dr. the spirit. Valley Comm sessions (threetime frame) 2139 Bryan Seminar MO 63366 during each O’Fallon, a.m., and 1:30 choose from 636-379-1632 s a.m., 10:40 9-1775 • FX: t begin at 9:30 P: 636-37 1:15 p.m. E-Mail: cnews@ and runs until at 11:45 a.m. 8:30 a.m. nd - 2007 page 17 in Wonderla at the lunTAINMENT Group’s Christmas Doors open ENTER Film during Yari See feature Electra in nergy and Carmen A special e a high-e Chris Kattan lin. year will b cheon this Dan Cough author by page 3 presentation N’S FAIR See WOME

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F: 636.379.1632

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Coupon Crazy .... What’s Happen . . . . . . . . . . . 16 ing . . . . . . . . . 18 Classifieds ........ ....... 22


2011 May/June


COMMUNITY NEWS - St. Charles County



Published bi-monthly, Our Town is direct mailed to all business addresses in its service area, plus online subscribers. It is a unique business-to-business magazine featuring chamber of commerce news plus articles on the economy, technology, human resources, and marketing.

Vol 9 No 28

‘Light Up Your invites Wom Life’ Contest en to Honor Friendships

a grand tic entry into al beauty basas well as automa g – a person prize drawin JCPenney. y of ket courtes emiants nine mini-s fair gives participfrom including inforcare, nars to choose e, fitness, breast surexercis on plastic mation nence, and and urinary inconti al improvement person and bra fitting gery. Other topics include for holiday awareness “dos” “ups” and and the “spirit wardrobe, easy, p made hair, makeu

First published in 1921, Community News is the longest published weekly newspaper in the St. Louis metropolitan area and has established a large audience of loyal readers. Community News circulates across a broad geographic region with newstands, home throw and online subscription.

July 11, 2007

Missouri is home to about mosquitoes. Some live less 50 species of while others than may live several a week, months. Community Health and ment states the Environ it is only the female mosqui that “bites” and she does to so to obtain blood meal the needed While mosqui to lay viable eggs. toes usually more than drive do little the family from doors to the the outindoors, they carriers of are sometim dangerous es disea may contrac t malaria, yellowses. Humans gue, and encepha fever, denlitis; and dogs heartworm. may get Most of these the exceptio diseases, with n of canine heartwo human encephalitis and rm, have been eliminated fairly well from Health officials the entire United States. said outbrea to borne encepha ks of mosqui litis have periodic occurred in ally Missou “Canine heartwori. rm is an problem, with endemi c costs to animal ers escalatin owng each warned. “Effecti year,” health officials measures includinve mosquito control g the elimina swamp areas, tion of to keep road and maintenance efforts ditches clear have done and much to control water free mosquito for disease transmission.”



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Follow the se tips to kee p your family and pets safe from mosquitoes . Mosquito Sea son By Shelly A. Schneid



St. Louis

P 636.379.1775 F 636.379.1632

r 14, 2007 Novembe 46 Vol. 86 No.

Published weekly with a powerful circulation combination of newsstands, home throw, and online subscription. The St. Charles County edition features countywide coverage including the cities of: St. Charles, St. Peters, Cottleville, Weldon Spring, O’Fallon, Dardenne Prairie, Lake St. Louis, and Wentzville, plus Troy.

This monthly lifestyle magazine covers the fast-growing Wentzville and Lake St. Louis areas. It is direct mailed with additional copies available in newsstands, plus online subscribers.

Our FREE publications are available in over 700 convenient locations, including every Dierbergs, Schnucks and Shop ’N Save. 58206_CirMap.indd 2


7/5/11 3:30 PM


Community News

October 5, 2011

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