6 minute read
Still In This Together:
We’re all kids on Halloween
By Vicki Bahr
We had to be two of the first customers through the door of our neighborhood Halloween store. We always are. You know by now that I’m a fanatic about this time of year and the holiday itself, and at the first inkling that there will be a temporary Halloween store set up, I’m skulking around the area, watching for signs of activity, lights on inside whatever repurposed store in the area has been lucky enough to be chosen for this year’s official Halloween setup.
John and I were getting ready for our September Florida week, and he knew I really wanted to visit the Halloween store before we left. So, in the middle of doctor appointments and last-minute housecleaning, first packings of shoes and nonessentials, visits to the grandkids and getting the car in for a once-over before we left, shopping for the food box of nonperishables we take along, and the ordering of new sunscreen and washing of beach towels, and starting to worry there wasn’t enough time to get everything done, John drove past the turn-off to our house one morning and into the parking lot of the Halloween store. The man is wonderful; he always knows when I need a smile and a break.
His timing was perfect. Not too early to be in the middle of the set-up, but not too late that things were picked over. The store was ready and so was I. I stepped on every display “foot” to make the skeleton screech and the werewolf howl, the crazed clown rise to its full ten-foot splendor and laugh, and the toddler vampire swing maniacally on its tree swing.
I walked over the bridge that warned “Enter If You Dare” and saw the flying bat animatronic display and the graveyard of skulls, the cackling witch stirring her cauldron and the alien monster stalking the area. Then I meandered, touching everything that lit, screamed or growled, and then did it all over again. Oh, and there was a great monster-sized monkey clanging cymbals and screeching in a very unexpected corner where you go to try on costumes, too, and scary music being blasted over the sound system everywhere in the store, which was very LOUD because we were the only people there. It was perfection.
I had a coupon, but that wasn’t the day to use it; that was a day for exploration and appreciation, staring fear in its bloodshot eye and leaving to tell about it. A nighttime visit, preferably during a thunderstorm, is still on the agenda.
I felt just a tinge of uneasiness, though, and it had nothing to do with “the scaries.” It just seemed that the adult costumes being offered for sale outnumbered the kids’ costumes, and that bothered me. What happened to the days when Halloween was for kids, and we created our own costumes out of whatever we had at home, then walked around the neighborhood with our siblings and friends, dressed as the ever-popular cowboy, hobo, princess, clown or ghost? Even the store-bought costumes from the dime store were pretty basic, but they did come with a plastic mask with a rubber band that never held it on.
There was no Pinterest pressure to create the perfect outfit, no eBay costumes that cost a fortune so that everyone can dress as authentic Disney characters. The word “simpler” just seems so old-fashioned, but so much more fun.
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Vicki Bahr is an inveterate word lover and story sharer, a published author in magazine, newspaper and blog forms. As a mom of four, grandma of nine, and wife of one for 50 years, she finds that inspiration and wonder are everywhere.
The opinions expressed in this column are the columnist’s alone and do not reflect the opinion of the owners or staff of Community News.

The 2022 Florissant Veterans’ Day Parade will be held on Nov. 6 beginning at 1 p.m. The parade will begin at Bangert Park and precede North on Florissant Road and then turn left on St. Francois, ending at the VFW hall where there will be a festival atmosphere with food trucks, music and the award for the 2022 Veteran of the Year.
The emcee for the event this year is Marc Cox from 97.1 Talk Radio. The grand marshall is last year’s Veteran of the Year John Daab.
The St. Louis County Veterans Coalition has worked hard and this event will have new participants and a larger parade and festival this year.
At the conclusion of the parade, the event will honor the 2022 Florissant Veteran of the Year Ron Scanlon, a US Navy Desert Storm Veteran and the current Commander of Florissant Valley Memorial VFW Post 4105.
After graduating from Jennings High School, Scanlon began his Navy career in Great Lakes, Illinois then travelled to Orlando, Florida eventually ending up in Norfolk, Virginia. While in Virginia, Scanlon was stationed onboard the USS Puget Sound AD38, a Destroyer Tender.
Along with a variety of Mediterranean, Indian Ocean, and North Atlantic cruises, Scanlon was deployed to Bahrain during Desert Storm. In addition, Scanlon earned the National Defense Service Medal, the Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal and the Good Conduct Medal.
Scanlon is a Gold Legacy Life Member of VFW Post 4105 where he has been a member since 2000. The VFW Post has achieved All American twice and All State three times during his tenure. Scanlon serves as the VFW Department of MO 12th District Sr. Vice Commander and a member of the VFW Honor Degree-Military Order of the Cooties Pup Tent 5.
Scanlon was the chairman assisting the city in becoming a POW MIA City and currently is the chairman as the city of Florissant becomes a Purple Heart City.
Scanlon has been involved in CYC Sports over ten years and is currently a board member of North County District. Scanlon is currently the Director of Loss Prevention & Health-Safety for Mers Goodwill. His wife, Jennifer, works for Hazelwood School District Early Childhood. They have three sons and a daughter who is an Auxiliary Member of VFW Post 4105.
Ron and Jennifer are proud grandparents of two granddaughters, Emilia Leigh and Evelyn Harper.
In addition, the VFW Veteran Service Officers will be at VFW Post 4105, Nov. 5 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. to assist veterans with service-related claims