4 minute read
Voters approve Prop R in support of St. Louis Community College
Show Me Series’ Golden Ticket qualifier returns to St. Louis
St. Louis’ Golden Ticket qualifier for the World Food Championships’ Show Me Series returns Tuesday, Aug. 24 at the iconic Boathouse at Forest Park. Local chefs will compete in the burger or bacon category, displaying their culinary skills to for a chance to advance to the 2021 World Food Championships.
The Show Me Series’ Burger and Bacon Blitz will feature five talented cooks featuring, Adam Pritchett (Hi Pointe Drive-In), Jack Mac Murray (Old Hickory Golf Club), Jonathan Lorentzen (Izakaya Club), Jwan Rice (JR’s Gourmet), and Tina Manisisaket (2LOADCrew: Eats from the Southeast), each showcasing their signature burger and bacon dishes for a chance to win a Golden Ticket to the highest stakes food competition in the world.
Attendees will have a chance to taste each competitors’ creations and cast their vote for the “Bite of the Nite,” tasting each competitors’ dish while celebrity judges determine the Golden Ticket winner. Sitting at the judges table are Master Chef, Lasse Sorensen, host of “Food is Love” on PBS; musician and hot dog connoisseur, Steve Ewing of Steve’s Hog Dogs; and the voice of St. Louis, on air personality Trish Gazell.
“Food is all about the quality and diversity of flavors and creative approach,” said Steve Ewing. “I want to see how the contestants take those factors and put them to work in 60 minutes when the pressure is on!”
The Burger and Bacon Blitz is a ticketed, 21-and-up event. For $25 attendees get a bite of the action and a chance to vote for their favorite chef. Enjoy complimentary tasting and live music while getting up close and personal with the competitors as they battle it out to bring home the bacon.
For more information about the Show Me Series’ Burger and Bacon Blitz, visit showmeseriesmo.com.

Voters approve Prop R in support of St. Louis Community College
In a special election held Aug. 3, St. Louis Community College asked voters to consider a ballot measure called Proposition R, an eight-cent tax levy increase that would provide funds for updates to workforce programs for the college and its students.
Voters gave their approval to pass Proposition R in the city of St. Louis and St. Louis County. The election also included portions of Franklin and Jefferson counties.
“We are very grateful for the incredible support we received from voters across St. Louis who recognize the importance of St. Louis Community College for our entire region,” said Jeff L. Pittman, Ph.D., chancellor.
“The passage of Prop R marks a new chapter for the life of STLCC. Being able to bring 21st century classes to our students will benefit their families as good paying jobs will come from a top-notch education,” said Anne Adams Marshall, chair, STLCC Board of Trustees.
“The revenue created through Prop R will be instrumental in ensuring our community college facilities and programs can keep pace with the demands of an evolving workforce. On behalf of students and supporters throughout the area, we thank everyone for their commitment to STLCC,” Pittman continued.
The tax-levy increase means that the college will have more funds to: • Provide for programs and facilities to train and retrain adults for the good-paying jobs of today and tomorrow. • Create real-world learning environments to prepare students to be job-ready for hightech, in-demand fields such as health care, information technology and financial services. • Equip classrooms with technology that
matches the tools students will use in the workplace. • Repair and renovate existing facilities to ensure they are in good working condition and meet the demands of job training programs now and in the future. • Provide safe and accessible learning environments for all students, employees and the community, during the day and night. • Keep community college programs affordable to help create an educated workforce, which leads to an improved economy.
“As I meet with business and community leaders, citizens, alumni and parents, there is a common theme to the conversations: St. Louis Community College is critical to the growth and the competitiveness of our region,” said Pittman.
“A growing economy helps every single member of our community. By supporting Prop R, you made a choice to invest in our current and prospective students. This investment improves the long-term future of the college and our local economy.”
Unofficial results
• The uncertified votes from the St. Louis
County Board of Elections show 30,248 in favor and 25,506 against for a total of 55,754 votes. • The uncertified vote from the City of St.
Louis Board of Election Commissioners show 8,418 in favor and 3,228 against for a total of 11,646 votes. • The uncertified vote from the Jefferson
County Election Authority show 67 in favor and 89 against for a total of 156 votes. • The uncertified vote from Franklin County show 86 in favor and 213 against for a total of 299 votes.