1 minute read
Michael Oxbig
Michael Oxbig

What inspires you?
My community inspires me. Every single day. They drive me to keep learning and adapting to newer styles of art and designs. Especially the community of NFT collaborators. I would have never gotten into NFTs if it wasn't for that group and the people in it.
Of all your images to date, which is your favourite and why?
Joker Drip 5 has to be my fave NFT I have ever made. It was a lot of fun to make. I just love the movement and the colors of the piece. And its a little dark. I like dark, different, weird and strange things.
Which platform(s) do you sell your work on?
I started out on Opensea but have moved everything over to Voice recently. I chose Opensea because that was the first step. I moved away from that because of the high gas prices and it wasn't carbon neutral. I love working on Voice. It's extremely easy, carbon neutral and has a great community.
What would your advice be to an aspiring NFT digital artist?
Keep pushing. It will happen. Growing your community is probably the most important step you will take. Develop relationships, make friends, learn from each other. Be part of groups on all major social media platforms. Most importantly, pay it forward. If you become successful, give back to the community