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My Creative Images
Promoting Digital Photo Artistry and Digital Photography
David Walker
I will be practising my photography until I am free to travel again in mid May, but my incorrect belief that my photography was “natural” has taken me by surprise. I could try to blame the first dose of the AZ Covid vaccination for my failings…but I had no side effects, I guess the failing is just down to over confidence in my abilities!
At last the days are lengthening and we move out of the cold dreary months of winter! In “normal” times this would mean more trips out and more photography to build up my repertoire for my PhotoArt. Alas that is not so, it seems we will be restricted from all but very local travel until mid May. That means over the past period from March 2020 to the predicted freedom of May 2021 I have had a maximum of approximately 60 days to go out and build my photographic collection as fuel for my PhotoArt machinations.
Recently, on a few very local trips I have taken my camera for a “walk” and tried to be motivated by the everyday scenes from my rural small village. Over the years, I have already photographed everything of interest, but my camera walks taught me an invaluable lesson…you need to practice photography on an on going basis…a year away has made me very rusty in my camera skills…need to rebuild those soon!
I wonder if the same will be said about my Yoga and Pilates. For 4 days each week I practice both, in class, with great teachers…but do not partake in solo activities…a watchful eye is needed to make sure my poses are correct! It will be interesting to see what happens after 15th May!
Dog Walk in Wintery Woods!