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Esta Moon Artistry
I retired in 2017 and am able to spend my time doing all the things I enjoy. I am a hobby photographer and particularly enjoy going to nature reserves with my cameras hunting for bugs. I am trying to learn more about birds but bugs will always be my love.
I have always enjoyed playing about with my photos and after taking part in some challenges in a 365 photo project, I was told about the Photoshop artistry course. I signed up not long before I retired and in the following January, I also signed up for the AWAKE course. I found myself getting interested in creating things to use in my photoart and this reawakened my love of multi media art and I have been concentrating more on that recently.
Going into the new decade, I want to bring my photography, photoart and multi media art together and to do that I have decided to do both bullet and art journals. I have also started a new blog on Wordpress which I hope to do regular updates on. There are links on there to my other social media accounts and also to the two places where I intended to put work on so that it is available to purchase.
Esta Moon Artistry is the name I will be using going into the new decade. I hope that you will follow my journey.