2 minute read
James Hurley
James is BOLD and direct, this is reflected in his art. He doesn’t let other peoples actions or approaches to life corrupt his mind or attitude. He is his TRUE SELF and has learned to follow his own path brushing himself off and carrying on when he stumbles or has taken a wrong turn, he learns from mistakes or failures. James has turned his negative thoughts about his dreams and ambitions, “its impossible”, into his reality “I’m Possible” this was achieved when he realised he is his most underused and undervalued asset. When asked to describe his work James responded as follows:
“I am an Artist. I am a creator. I am a creative entrepreneur. I turn Love, Joy, Passion, challenging emotions into art that makes connections between fantasy and reality to make photo-art that feeds the creative mind and generates happiness at a subconscious level.
I LOVE who I am and I POUR this love, my compassion and raw emotions into my photography and Photo-art as a way of sharing my LOVE with you. My sole aim is to leave a lasting impression on people that I meet, that interact with me online or choose to invest in my work, either my artwork or the magazine.
In short, if you want artwork that resonates with an emotion you have experienced or that fuels your thoughts then look no further, but remember, emotions should be observed and recognised for what they are they should be learnt from and not drive your choice and decision making.”
“You don’t take a photograph, you make it.” Ansel Adams
I create art to help me clear emotions and negative thoughts. Thhis helps me wipe the slate clean and move on. In this piece Im tackling the frustration of watching people get pulled in a direction they dont want to go and ripping themselves from their true path and letting their dreams disapear
“Escape before you loose your self identity”
Its all too easy to fall into the trap, to become what they say you should be. To be a mindless robot that cant think for themselves, to be pushed on a path that benefits others and blinded to the truth.
Open your mind. Escape before you loose your self identity.

“1 Million Light Bulbs”
This month I have been lucky enough to have two pieces of my photo-art included in the booklet that accompanies a music CD called “Mysterium Tremendum”
The details of which I shared earlier in this magazine. If you havnt read the article please head back to page 2 as you will also find a link to a artwork give-away Im doing.