5 minute read
Terry Jane & Artist Interview
Terry Jane
I will be 70 years old later this month! I served for 26 years in the Royal Navy over 20 years of which was as a Fleet Air Arm pilot. I have always had two main passions outside of flying, photography and computers. When I left the RN I set up a computer support and web design business. This excited my interest in graphics and digital art. I pursued my photography through online courses in fine art and became adept at Lightroom and Photoshop for post processing and editing photographs. It wasn’t until late 2019 that I discovered the “Photoshop Artistry” course by Sebastian Michaels. I went on to complete the “Creative Black and White Photo Artistry” course and the “Wield Photoshop Like an Artist” course. The whole process captivated me and for the first time in my life gave me a medium to create art that I now realise I had always craved. I signed up for the “AWAKE: Photoshop Mastery Edition” at the beginning of 2020 and I am loving every moment. Now fully retired I am able to devote much of my time to my art though I have a range of hobbies covering cycling, angling, walking and, when Covid-19 allows, travel.
I have submitted two art pieces, Eagle Mountain and Samurai.
The eagle in the first is from a photo taken by me at a local Falconry Park. The mountains are partly from photos I took on a visit to Norway and partly stock. The castle is from a royalty free image from Unsplash.com
The Samurai is a royalty free image of some traditional armour with multiple overlays and textures including some Japanese scrolls, a pagoda and some textures and lighting overlays from photographs I have taken.
Artist Interview
The Terry Jane Inteterview
by VivienJane
This month it is a great pleasure to interview Terry Jane from Dorset, England. He is a Photographer and photo artist creating art inspired by life. Terry’s artwork and photography is best described in his own words:
“‘My work is a mix of Styles as I develop and experiment, I try to make art that a viewer will want to look at more than once”.
In this month’s issue we’ve asked him to share some of his creative processes with us.
Do you consider yourself to be more a photographer or a photo artist?
Until about 18 months ago I would have definitely said photographer, but having completed several of Sebastian Michaels courses I now find that my prime interest is as a Photo Artist though I love that I can take the photos on which to base my art.
When did you first start out in photography and photo art?
I bought my first 35mm Camera 50 years ago and fell in love with photography. I only really became serious about the subject about 5 years ago when I carried out several excellent online courses to develop my photographic skills to produce fine art photos. Then 18months ago I found Sebastian Michaels Photo Artistry course and realised this was the media for me.
Have you been influenced by other photographers or digital artists?
Serge Ramelli is a French Photographer living in Los Angeles, has been a massive influence in my Photographic development. Sebastian Michaels

Railway Shed she devil

Hita con pre cuptatus. Sed elis molorepudis resto ium cusandae volut renis porpor alibus, courses have exposed me to such a wide range qui blaccum rehendi simaximodit plabo. Pit of exceptionally talented artists that I hesitate quat prernat isinit qui re pos aut eaquis molto name one, but I would say that every day I orate num ipsum quia ne prem quunt ex exlearn something special from following the photo ceat. art being produce and displayed through the AWAKE course online groups and the online Os ne maximporro exeraepudis ipis et velit, magazines. cum adionsequi doluptatem quas essus videndem rectat. - - - Ovitem estrum eruptib usapita quunt labore maio. Igentiures destiore, sitiur, quam esteDo you already have a basic idea or story in mind when you start creating a new piece? modias mi, alitissi ut porat vel magnist liquisI usually start with the subject image that will be ti beratur molupta tenisti busteseri comnisthe focus of my art. Then I either think of a story sunt quam quundissum quam escil magnis that will fit the image or sometimes I just have an plictinctasi quia verferspisti sitassum et voidea of how I want to develop the visual impact lorest omnia doloreiur, as vellabo. Nem nobis of the image. si tem aut eumendes ipsunt etur? - - - Et volorum nis nobit etur moluptatem simeCan you tell us a bit about your creative process nis et voluptur? Ur reped exero con cupit.and routine?
If I have decided on a story-based image, I will start to collect a few supporting items, overlays, extractions and textures that I think will work. Then I will usually place a simple texture as a backdrop to the main image then I will then create up to a point and leave it, often overnight.

When I come back to it, I will often see things that don’t work and have ideas of what to add and change. Final routines will inevitably involve a blended overall texture to consolidate everything and possibly playing with the lighting, contrast, and colour balance.
Could you tell us about the equipment and software you use and which item is indispensable in your studio?
I subscribe to the Abobe Creative Cloud so use the latest versions Lightroom Classic, and of course Photoshop. Other software I use are Luminar4, Topaz Studio 2 and Afinity Designer.
Apart from my camera the indispensable item is my HP Envy Photo printer/scanner. Not only can I print lovely photographs, the scanner provides a source of great creative content for use in my photo art. I Have an idea based on an image of the human DNA helix that I saw. Not sure what story it will tell yet but it is at the core of all human life so the concept excites me.
What would your advice be to an aspiring photographer/ digital photo artist?
First make sure you are confident with the basics of the software you intend to use and then carry out some of the excellent online tutorials to see how other artists work. Most of all make time to produce as much photo art as you can and love what you do.
Terry puts a lot of passion into his projects and produces stunning photo art. You can contact him here https:// terryjaneart.myportfolio.com

Magic Wood