3 minute read

7 Tips from a Lifer


By: Ethan Rezer ’23

As a Country Day lifer, Ethan has attended Country Day for 13 years and started his journey here in kindergarten. Read his seven tips derived from his experience moving from Lower School to Middle School to Upper School.

1. Get to know your teachers!

CCDS teachers are legendary for how much they love getting to know their students. Any transition is easier when you know the people you will spend time with, and teachers are no exception. Just like your friends, the adults on campus are here to support you and cheer you on along the way.

2. If you’re struggling to create new relationships, rely on the relationships you already have to help you transition.

One of the great things about CCDS is that we operate from 18 months through senior year of high school. That means that even though you may be leaving one division, those people and places are still available to you. That can be reassuring. By staying at Country Day, you get the best of both worlds – the chance to explore new territory while also knowing there are people here who already know and support you.

3. Find a club or activity to meet new people with similar interests.

The best way to fi nd new friends is by joining a club, sport, theatrical production, or some kind of activity. Find something that interests you. Think of what you like – there is something for everyone at Country Day and these opportunities are where you’ll fi nd your people!

4. Ask for help whenever you need it.

Transitioning between divisions can be tough, but there are always people who are more than willing to help. Especially in Upper School, you will immediately fi nd yourself in classes with students who are older than you and have already experienced what you’re experiencing. If you need help understanding the schedule or fi nding where your next class is, reach out to a teacher or classmate!

5. Get organized!

One of the most helpful ways to manage the diff erence in classwork between divisions is by staying organized! CCDS provides lots of helpful tools to stay organized, like the OneNote app or Veracross. Utilizing the programs provided by the school – as well as whatever else might work for you – can alleviate a lot of the stress of moving up a division.

6. Manage your time wisely.

A student who manages time eff ectively will have a much easier time balancing schoolwork and other commitments. One of the most helpful tools is something you probably use every day – your computer! It is incredibly useful to learn how to use your computer quickly, whether you’re joining in fi fth grade, as a senior, or any year in between. Teachers will help you learn to navigate the digital world to maximize your time and experience.

7. Enjoy your lasts and embrace your fi rsts.

It doesn’t all have to be intimating! It’s exciting to fi nish a stage of your life and move on to new opportunities. When you fi nish your last math class in Middle School or you leave your last Lower School Halloween parade, hold on to those memories! Then, when you get to the fi rst days of your experience in the next division, remember all your favorite things from the past while looking ahead to what brand-new opportunities are in store. There are lots of new freedoms that come with moving up a division and memories that are waiting for you to make them!

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