Recovering From Your Weight Loss Surgery Please Visit When you are recovering from your weight loss surgery you will most likely be on a strict diet. Your diet will consist of three to four phases designed to get your new stomach working and back to digesting solid food. The first phase is right after surgery and for up to four days. This is the clear liquid foods phase. On liquids you will drink water, Gatorade, clear drink mixes, broth, Jell-O and any other clear fluids you can think of. Its important to sip something almost constantly during this time in order to help your body get enough liquids to heal and stay healthy. After this phase you can move onto a full liquids diet. Some may be very excited to be able to start on something more filling or some may find that their new stomach makes odd squelches at the thought. Everyone is different and will start on the next phase at a different point. The full liquids are shakes, and breakfast drinks and any other non-clear liquids that you can think of. You may be on the full liquids diet for a couple of weeks. The next two phases are often thought of in one group but really its the pureed foods phase and the soft foods phase. In pureed foods your doctor or nutritionist may suggest that you try eating baby food to see if you like it. Also you can puree things to make drinks with a shake like consistency. The important thing is to introduce your stomach to more foods but still work to make it as easy as possible for you to digest. In soft foods phase your prescription will be for foods that are easy to mush up in your mouth. This things can be mashed potatoes, oatmeal, scrambled eggs and so on. Read More.. Recovering From Your Weight Loss Surgery
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