The Stunning Effects Of Blessing Your Food Please Visit Grandma was right. Bless your food. It’s a rare thing these days to hear someone blessing their food. Other than Thanksgivingand quaint Norman Rockwell paintingsour food goes unblessed. Happily consumed, largely unappreciated. There is real magic in the blessing of food – or anything else. This is not airy-fairy New Age stuff. Nor is based on any religious tradition. In fact, science is proving that the thoughts we think about something dramatically alter its physical structure. Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto has been doing amazing work recording the effects of energy on water. He photographed the crystal structure of water before and after being labeled with words relating to various aspects of life. Water samples exposed to hateful words like “I hate you” or “you make me sick” took on random, unattractive appearances. Water that was exposed to words like “love”, “thank you”, or “peace” changed to beautiful, crystalline structures much like elaborate snowflakes. You will find photos of Mr. Emoto’s water samples at See for yourself what water samples looked like after they were blessed with various thoughts. What Mr. Emoto photographed is how water reacts to thought. Water makes up 70% of the planet – including our bodies and the food we eat. If thought can affect water so much, imagine what it can do in our lives. Try an experimentwrite “thank you” on a slip of paper and tape it to the bottom of an opaque coffee mug. Tape a blank piece of paper to the bottom of a matching mug. Fill both mugs with identical amounts of tap water. Mix the mugs up so you so you don’t know which one is which. Now do a taste test and see what you notice about the taste of the water. Most people taste a difference in the water sample that was labeled “thank you”. No wonder cultivating an attitude of gratitude can create such huge changes in a person’s life. Each time you sit down to eattake a moment to bless your food. You don’t have to do it out loud if that would make you feel self-conscious. Just bless it in your own heart and soul. Food has life and energy. It’s not just a thing. It’s still alive. If you look at food from the perspective of quantum physics, it’s quite dynamic. In fact, it’s mostly energy and empty space. Like everything, food exists in relationship to the thoughts and the world around it. Pay attention to the food that is about to become you. Be aware of what you are putting into
your mouth. Eat with the care and awareness of what you want to become. That food is literally going to be YOUR body. Read More.. The Stunning Effects Of Blessing Your Food
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