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FM schools will imple

Poultry Days cancels some events

Live entertainment, rides, 5K nixed for 2020


VERSAILLES — In response to additional restrictions announced by the governor Poultry Days has canceled the social portion of the Aug. 14-to-16 festival.

Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine’s mask mandate cannot be reasonably adhered to and there is potential for additional restrictions. In addition to the cost involved with social distancing, the potential for additional restrictions creates a situation where the festival might be cancelled or even shut down midfestival.

“This scenario would have an enormous fi nancial impact on the festival and our community,” said a spokesperson. “Poultry Days uses its annual festival proceeds to operate and maintain Heritage Park, along with fi nancially supporting numerous local organizations. It is the board’s fi duciary responsibility to make decisions that

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The Poultry Days Committee announced it will not hold live entertainment, rides, 5K and adult beverages at this year’s festival due to COVID-19 precautions.

are in the best interest of the festival’s longevity.”

“We want to emphasize the

support and guidance the Darke County Health Department has provided to the festival,” he added. “The decision to cancel live entertainment, rides, 5K and adult beverages was made by the festival board. The board extends its appreciation to the Darke County Health Department, Versailles Board of Education, Versailles Band Boosters, YOLO, Village of Versailles and our numerous partners, sponsors and volunteers.”

Though the social portion of the festival has been canceled, other familiar features remain.

Chicken sales are moving forward

Chicken will be sold via a drive thru all weekend and the Miss Chick and Little Miss Poultry Days pageants will be held. Poultry Days began with a chicken barbecue and Miss Chick and those traditions will continue. The drive thru chicken line will be at Heritage Park with sales 3:30 to 8 p.m. on Friday, 11:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, and 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. on Sunday. Individual dinners will be available with tickets sold in the drive


Midmark VP Karl Weidner to retire a er 40 years

DAYTON — Midmark Corp., a leading provider of medical, dental and veterinary equipment, technology and services, today announced the retirement of Karl Weidner, vice president, global supply chain. Weidner plans to retire near the end of 2020 after a 40-year career with Midmark. Weidner started his career with Midmark as an industrial engineer and along his journey held the titles of Weidner plant manager, director of service and quality, and vice president of manufacturing before earning the title of vice president, global supply chain where he serves today. Also, he has been actively involved in local business and workforce development initiatives, working collaboratively with state and local government offi cials along with private businesses and public educators.

Helping implement the Midmark Production System (MPS) is only one of Weidner’s many successful accomplishments during his tenure. His leadership in this transformation continues to deliver signifi cant value to Midmark and its customers. He is most proud of his team’s willingness to adopt, and adapt, to new ideas and witnessing countless teammates grow, develop and accomplish many wonderful things.

Mike Walker, chief operations offi cer, stated, “On behalf of the entire Midmark organization, I want to thank Karl for his many signifi cant contributions over the last 40 years, a period of substantial growth and transformation to meet the ever-changing needs of our customers in healthcare. Karl has thrived on working with people who shared the same desire to make a difference at Midmark. And his passion to make a difference for this organization has certainly made a great and lasting impact. I am happy for Karl that he will be able to spend more time with his family and dedicate more time to the community, travel, his hobbies and many other things important to him. We wish nothing but the best in his retirement.”

To learn more about Midmark, visit midmark.com

FM schools create reopening plan for fall ’20 school year

By Rob Kiser


PITSBURG — The Franklin Monroe Local School District reopening plan has been fi nalized and superintendent Jeremy Pequignot said safety was a big

See PLAN | 6B

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Pictured from left to right is the Youth for Christ Golf Committee: Gary Lloyd, Neal Crawford, Ed Ault, Pete Cutarelli, and Mike Snyder. Also pictured is Bryan Knapp from Dave Knapp Ford, Inc.

Win a car on hole #17

YFC Golf Classic is Aug. 12

GREENVILLE — After the crazy year we’ve all had, who wouldn’t enjoy a relaxing day on the golf course? And then, if someone gave you a brand new Ford Focus just for making a really good shot, how great would that be?

Your opportunity for both the golf and the chance at the new car are right around the corner at the Annual Youth for Christ Golf Classic, which will take place Wednesday, August 12. At the YFC outing, Dave Knapp Ford will happily award a new car to the fi rst person to get a hole-in-one on hole #17. This will be the 29th year Dave Knapp Ford Lincoln has agreed to donate a new car to the participant lucky enough to hit the perfect shot, but so far, no one has. Perhaps you could be the one to drive it home!

Whether or not you’re good enough and lucky enough to win the car, you’re sure to have a great time at the Youth for Christ outing, which will take place at White Springs Golf Club. Those who have participated in the past know it will be a great day complete with enjoyable camaraderie, non-stop food, and wonderful prizes. Even the pandemic won’t stop these things from happening this year, although certain elements of the event will be adjusted to help keep everyone safe. But for many of the participants that day, it won’t really be about any of these benefi ts anyway. It will be about helping local teenagers fi nd their way.

Lots of teenagers in our community are headed in a good direction and just need some encouragement along the way. However, many others are confused, hurting, or lost. Youth for Christ staff and volunteers engage teenagers every day to show them they are loved, introduce them to Jesus, and help them fi nd their way through life. That’s what this golf outing is about.

Youth for Christ is looking for generous business sponsors and missionminded golfers to make the 2020 Youth for Christ Golf Classic the most productive ever in supporting this ministry to teens. Even with the day of the event fast approaching, there is still room for a team or two and more business sponsors are always welcome. And though golfers that want to “pay to play” are gladly welcomed, YFC is also looking for a handful of players that will “go the extra mile” and solicit pledges for the cause. For those that “go this extra mile,” signifi cant prizes await, such as an overnight golf package and a couple high-quality golf clubs. More importantly,

See CAR | 2B

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