We have a weekly market commentary which is sent out to our database every Friday night. The eDM is delivered directly to the in-boxes of registered users who have opted-in and requested to receive them. This digital media platform allows marketers to reach a top quality qualified audience in a contextual and uncluttered environment which guarantees exclusive and total share of voice for their marketing messages.
Most of the recipients are the PMEBs who are investment savvy individuals. The list of recipients are 100 percent permission based thereby ensuring messages are read in a welcomed state-of-mind as opposed to unsolicited emails. We send this weekly commentary to over 30,000 email addresses (comprising both The Edge weekly subscribers as well as those registered readers who prefer only our website contents). From an initial base of just 4,800 email addresses, the audience has grown through viral marketing means to over 30,000 recipients.
The sponsor's message being the only 3rd party commercial each week enjoys high impact and effective reach. Sponsors can be assured that they are reaching out to the right target audience via The Edge End Week Market Commentary eDM.
Ad Size: 468 by 60 pixels Insertion dates: Exact dates to be decided by client Rate: S$0.25 per email (Special rate of S$0.15 per email for current print advertiser) Total no. of email addresses : 33,628* HTML eDM 468 x 60 or 25 Words up to a max of 4 lines of text *We will provide the latest figure at the time of booking again. Ad material submission deadline: Latest by 12 noon every Wednesday before the Friday eDM date