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Tips for Virtual Learning

As 2020 came to a close our students experienced a new way of learning we never imagined possible, completely virtual. While we adjust to this new way of learning and living here are a few tips to keep you in the top of the class.



Everyone needs a workspace. When diving into multiplication tables or learning what the core of the earth is made of it’s impossible to focus when you don’t have a proper work station. Distractions enhance when learning from home. Take time to have each child create their own work station. Keep essentials close and remove distractions so they can be comfortable while being productive in the virtual classroom.


You know it. I know it. Staring at a computer all day is tiresome and can often lead to headaches and being restless. Grab a calendar and schedule out times in the day where the kids take a brain break before their next assignment. This will help kids remain focused, concentrated and better equipped to retain newfound information.

Using popsicle sticks have kids write down their favorite brain break activities such as playing tag, coloring, snack time, playing a game or going on a walk. Gather the popsicle sticks and put them into a jar. Now during your brain breaks they can draw from the jar and have ample ideas to get out some energy and have a successful break!


The hallways of elementary, middle and high school are where many new friends and memories are made. While we cannot spend as much time in person it’s important to help your kids stay in touch with their friends. Whether that is setting up FaceTime calls, meeting at the park or scheduling lunch dates, making an effort to connect your kids with their friends can make a massive difference in their behavior and overall health.

Setting up a work space, taking brain breaks and staying in touch with friends are all great ways to take on virtual learning in 2021. While it may be tricky working out the kinks in the system, remember to be patient as it is all new to teachers and faculty too. Happy learning!

The New Age of Leaning: Virtual

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