Falling Towards the Sky

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The MyFriendTito History The MyFriendTito company came to be in 2009 a year after Rob Cartwright´s arrival to Santiago, Chile. With the dream to be a clown, Rob left behind his work in Australia as a children´s circus trainer, and travelled to South America to fulfill his dream. Rob began playing as a Hospital Clown with the companies Mundo Clown and Sonrisologos, which then led to performing clown numbers in Variety shows and at numerous traffic light intersections and city parks. From this learning process, Rob created MyFriendTito and it´s first show Falling Towards The Sky. Rob toured with this show all over Chile, and also to parts of Argentina, Peru and Colombia to perform in international and community theatre festivals, including The International Theatre Festival in Manizales, the longest running festival in South America, in which the media described TiTO as “A genius on the slack rope”. During 2012 Rob was invited to participate in an Artistic Residency with the AguaSakra dance theatre company for the creation of the play UMA, which was also invited to the International Theatre Festival in Manizales. After the experience with AguaSakra, Rob created his second show Fail In Love With Me which was invited to premiere in the World Childrens and Youth Theatre Festival, and toured during the summer all over Chile. In May 2014 the company embarked on a Latin American tour, that took the company to eleven countries in which Rob performed both shows and facilitated workshops in festivals, cultural centres, public spaces and social projects.

SINOPSIS “My name is Tito and I am always falling” And like this, TiTO picks himself up from the floor and begins to recount to the audience the historic falls of his career. Fusing storytelling with slack rope balance, Falling Towards The Sky, invites the audience on a naive and emphatic journey, revealing that all falls have their fun side and that each new fall brings us closer to yet another fall...


III International Street Theatre Festival, Aipe, Huila, Colombia XIV International Mime and Clown Festival MIMAME, Medellin, Colombia VII Ethnic Roots Festival, San Andres, Colombia III International Theatre Festival Telon Azucarero in Zarzal, Valle de Cauca, Colombia XXXIII International Theatre Festival in Manizales, Manizales, Colombia Circo Activa, VII Stage Arts Festival, Medellin, Colombia II Circus Convention in Itagui, Medellin, Colombia II International Theatre Festival in Engativa 2011, Bogota, Colombia IX Latin American Community Theatre Festival Entepola, Bogota, Colombia I Stage Arts Festival, Neltume, Chile IX Community Theatre Festival FIETPO, Comas, Peru II International Community Arts and Culturre Festival, Chiclayo, Peru XXV International Community Theatre Festival Entepola, Melipilla, Chile X International Theatre Festival in Gorbea, Gorbea, Chile XXV International Community Theatre Festival Entepola, Salamanca, Chile VI Encuentro de Teatro Internacional en Machalí, Machalí, Chile XXV International Community Theatre Festival Entepola, Pudahuel, Chile II Small Format Theatre and Dance Festival, Iquique, Chile II Street Invasion Street Art Festival, Valparaíso, Chile II International Theatre Festival Telón Azucarero in Zarzal, Valle De Cauca, Colombia The Off Festival in Chucre Manzur, Santiago, Chile I Street Invasion Street Art Festival, Valparaiso, Chile II Street Explosion Street Art Festival, Santiago, Chile


“The [funambulist] Australian Robert Cartwright, received the most applause with his performance “Falling Towards the Sky…” “But by far the artist that stole the applause and admiration of the audience, was the Australian that caused a frenzy on the slack rope…”

“TiTO fills the city intersections with passion and happiness, playing on the slack rope, sharing smiles with his audience…”

“The artist´s endearing blue eyes, squalid body and artificial like gestures were the main focus of the audience, that did not miss a detail of the amazing play…”

GENERAL INFORMATION FALLING TOWARDS THE SKY is a circus theatre production. >> >> >> >> >>

Suitable for all audiences (especially humans) Duration: 45 minutes. Language: English or Spanish. Personnel: 1 actor, 1 assistant. Optimum Space: 5m height, 6m width, 6m deep.

Requirements: A flat floor with fixed points on either side of the space to which the structure can be rigged eg. industrial stakes o rings, a post or trees if in an open space.(Under different conditions please advise so as to explore alternative posibilities or adaptations). >> Optimum rigging time: 1,5 hours >> Optimum dismount time: 1 hour

CONTACT Robert Cartwright myfriendtito@mymadcat.com http//myfriendtito.mymadcat.com www.facebook.com/myfriendtito Skype: robert.t.toe

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