Vegan Living Magazine - July 2017

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JULY 2017



The Real Me:


Beef Me Not: Five Vegan Sources of Protein


The Real Me: Five Things That Happen to Your Body When You Become Vegan


A Delectable Faux-Cheese Dip You Can’t Resist


Beef Me Not: Five Vegan Sources of Protein

13-17 I Scream, We Scream for Vegan Ice Cream! 18-21 Cruelty-Free Clothing: Four Fun Facts on Herbivore Clothing Company 22-24 Leading by Example: Five Reasons Why Wholefoods CEO John Mackey Made the Switch 25-27 No Tosh, Just Nosh: Three Things to Enjoy in Britain’s Vegan Festival 28-31 Ring Up the Produce: The Real Cost of Veganism 32-35 Here Comes the VeggieLoving Bride: Six Wedding Gift Ideas for Vegan Couples 36-37 Hand Helds: A Scrumptious, Beefless Reuben Sandwich Recipe 38-40 The Garden State: Three Reasons It’s Exciting to be Vegan in New Jersey

The Real Me: Five Things That Happen to Your Body When You Become Vegan Have you ever chowed down a bucket of french fries? Maybe you’ve devoured a whole bag of potato chips and binged on chocolate and soda while watching Netflix with friends? If you have, then you know that icky feeling afterwards when you feel super bloated, heavy and extra lethargic. This is when the body is so reliable when it comes to telling you if there’s something wrong and you should always listen to it. 1

On the other hand, if you choose whole, healthy food, your body will respond accordingly. When you decide to give up meat and dairy and begin to eat only the things of the Earth, you will start to feel differently inside out.


ou will notice that your body agrees more with fruits and vegetables and you will later realize that these are the things you are meant to be eating in the first place. Here are five positive body transformations you will experience when you decide to become a vegan. 2

1. You Will Start to Love Cooking Switching to a vegan lifestyle will encourage you to be more creative in the kitchen. Once you orient yourself with the endless options in becoming a vegan - vegan ingredients substitute, fruits, nuts, beans and vegetables, cooking will be so much more exciting.

2. You Will Lose Weight Just one of the many health benefits of going vegan is shedding off the excess pounds. Eating better means making yourself healthier, and eventually, getting rid of unwanted fat. When you focus on unprocessed, whole vegetables, fruits, nuts and grains, you won’t consume all the unnecessary sugars and saturated fat you usually get from meats, dairy and processed junk.


3. Your Skin Will Glow Dairy causes breakouts. It’s a fact. When you switch to nut based milks and coconut milk, you will see the wonders they do for your skin in a matter of weeks. Fruits and vegetables are also packed with vitamin C and E which do amazing things for the free radicals that attack your skin.

4. Your Taste Buds Will Change Zinc, which is commonly found in meat and seafood, have been known to alter the taste buds. When you’re vegan, you don’t consume as much zinc on a more regular basis so this is why you will notice that you lose the taste for meat that you used to have when you were still eating it. While you still need dose of zinc for your daily nutrients, you will see what a difference it makes when you’re not having too much of it.

5. Your Gut Will Love You The dietary fiber in fruits and vegetables aid in proper digestion and intestinal maintenance. When your insides are working properly this way, the exterior will soon follow. That means, not only will your bowels be working perfectly, your gut will start to disappear as well, sporting a flatter, more toned tummy. 4

A Delectable Faux-


ne of the biggest changes when you become vegan is letting go of dairy products.

Dairy, especially cheese provides wonderful flavor and texture to any meal. It also has a comfort factor that’s attached to eating it. For cheese lovers particularly, giving up this animal by-product is a very difficult process to go through.


However, the eyes and tongue are sometimes easier to convince than the brain. In culinary, chefs always do a play in textures and plating. Many chefs believe that the eyes eat first and that presentation is everything. This recipe will certainly do just that. It definitely looks and feels like cheese hey it even melts like cheese does! It is a very easy recipe to make and it’s healthy and delicious all at the same time. If you’re feeling a little glum and missing cheese more and more each day, try out this recipe! You will be even more convinced that being vegan does not deprive you of anything, even something as comforting as cheese - without any animal cruelty involved.


Ingredients 2 cups potatoes, diced large 1 cups carrots, diced large 1/2 cup water 1/3 cup olive oil 2 tsp salt 1 tbsp fresh lemon juice 1/2 cup nutritional yeast flakes 1/4 tsp onion powder 1/4 tsp garlic powder

Directions 1. Boil the potatoes and carrots until soft. 2. Blend potatoes and carrots together along with the rest of the ingredients on high in blender until the texture is extremely smooth. 3. Store in refrigerator for up to a week.


Any person who asks a vegan

“So, where do you get your protein?” must be prepared for a major eye roll of Anderson Cooper proportions.

Every vegan knows that this questions is one of the most commonly asked, but also one of the most annoying questions people ask them. It’s as if being vegan deprives you of good, whole food and nutrients.

Five Vegan Sources of Protein



owever, contrary to popular belief, vegans are actually pretty healthy and complete people. They enjoy good food, they get all the nutrients the body needs and they live happy and whole lives in general.

Perhaps, the question about protein has become so common for two reasons. The first reason is that beef and other meat products like chicken and turkey breasts are more commonly known as protein sources. The second, and more important reason, is that people lack the right knowledge and information they need when it comes to veganism and vegan products. These five vegan ingredients will help educate everyone that there are plenty of plant-based protein sources that are easy to find, and light on the budget as well.



Veggies Surprise, surprise. Vegetables, green leafy vegetables in particular, are actually high in protein. For example, on cup of cooked spinach is already packed with 7 grams of protein. The same serving of French beans has around 13 grams. Two cups of kale have 5 grams of protein in them. A cup of boiled peas have 9 grams of protein in them. This goes to show that vegetables are enough sources of protein and you don’t need to look any other way!

Hemp Place 30 grams of hemp powder in your morning smoothie and you instantly get 11 grams of protein. Hemp powder is easily available and easy to use as well.


Tofu Tofu is any vegan’s BFF. It is so cheap and can easily be found in any grocery or specialty store. It’s also comes in two textures so you can use it in almost any dish you’re preparing. Four ounces of tofu is about 9 grams of protein in your system. It is easy to use and definitely versatile enough to be paired with various ingredients, seasoning and spices.

Lentils Lentils can be made into soups, burgers, rice dishes and even casserole. It is a flavorful legume that’s packed in protein - so packed in fact that one cup of cooked lentils contains a whopping 18 grams of protein!


Quinoa Quinoa is God’s gift to mankind. It is versatile, delicious and contains 9 grams of protein per cup. These days, it is easily available in any specialty food store. It may not come as cheap as the others but a little of it goes a long way, so the money you spend on it is practically the same as for other ingredients.


I Scream, We Scream for Vegan Ice Cream!

Dessert. Whether you eat meat and dairy or not, dessert is something all humans can agree on. The great news is you can make delicious ice cream without a cow in sight. While dairy is the main ingredient of commercial ice cream, there are other ways it can be prepared. Fortunately for vegans, you can have your cake ice cream, and eat it too! There are lots of different ingredients to experiment with like non dairy milk products. These include nut based milks, coconut milk and even frozen fruits such as bananas and avocados. 13


hen it comes to ice cream, just keep in mind that having the right amount of fat helps with the creamy texture we love in ice cream. When you add sweeteners, make sure it is in syrup form so they don’t crystallize in the process. Lastly, make sure all your ingredients are cold and your ice cream maker has been running for a couple of minutes to help blend the ingredients together. Here is an example of a rich and yummy ice cream flavor you’ll surely love to make and, of course, eat!



Ingredients For the ice cream mixture: 2 cans full-fat coconut milk, 1/2 cup coconut sugar 1 vanilla bean, seeds scraped For the chocolate crunch: 3/4 cup vegan dark chocolate chips 1 tsp unrefined coconut oil For the peanut butter chunks: 1/3 cup homemade peanut butter 1/4 cup ground dry roasted peanuts 1/2 tbsp pure maple syrup *Freeze your ice cream maker bowl for a full 24hrs.


4. Mix the peanut butter, ground peanuts, and maple syrup together. Freeze for 5-10 minutes to help thicken. Flatten in between two pieces of parchment until it’s just under 1/4-inch thick. Slide the parchment onto the pan and freeze for 1 hour. Remove and cut into small pieces about 1/4x1/4-inch. Place back in the freezer. The PB chunks will not fully harden. 5. Melt the chocolate and coconut oil in the microwave for 30 second increments, stirring each time until fully melted and smooth. Or, use a double boiler for this process. 6. Let cool on the counter. It should still be pourable. *Be sure to make this about 1/2 way through the ice cream mixture chilling so it has ample time to cool on the counter.

Directions 1.

Whisk the coconut milk, sugar, and vanilla beans in a large pot over medium heat, then add the scraped vanilla bean pod.


Bring to a boil for 2 minutes, whisking frequently as it heats, then pour into a heat-safe bowl.


Refrigerate until fully chilled, or add ice into a larger bowl and place the ice cream mixture bowl into it until fully chilled, whisking every so often to accelerate the chilling. Avoid getting any of the ice/water into the mixture. Add more ice/ drain water as needed.

7. Pour the chilled ice cream mixture into your ice cream maker and turn on. When your ice cream starts to freeze and collect on the mixer, but is still moving smoothly, stream the melted + cooled chocolate into the ice cream. 8. Scoop about 1/4 of the ice cream into a glass container, then evenly distribute about 1/4 of the peanut butter chunks. Repeat 4 times, packing down the ice cream as you go. 9. Serve immediately [it will be like soft serve at this point] or freeze in an airtight container with a piece of plastic wrap touching the top surface of the ice cream. 16

Directions For the homemade peanut butter: 2 1/2 cups dry roasted, unsalted peanuts 1/4 tsp salt 1 tbsp maple syrup, optional

1. Place peanuts + salt in your food processor for about 30 seconds until well ground. 2. Measure out 1/4 cup of the ground peanuts for the PB chunk recipe above. 3. Continue to process until drippy, scraping the sides of the bowl as needed.

4. Remove 1/3 cup peanut butter for the PB chunks and then add 1/2 tablespoon of pure maple syrup to your processor. 5. Continue to process until smooth, then taste and adjust salt/ maple syrup if needed. 6. Let cool, then store the peanut butter in a jar at room temp for a few weeks or in the fridge for a few months.


CRUELTYFREE CLOTHING: FOUR FUN FACTS ON HERBIVORE CLOTHING COMPANY Being vegan is so much more than what you eat. Maybe during the transition and the beginning part it is all about what to eat and what not to eat. However, the more you become in-sync with the concepts of veganism, you will soon realize that it requires a complete lifestyle change. This isn’t because some vegan book or famous advocate says so, but because it will come naturally for you to do so. One of the many ways your veganism will take its roots is by being conscious of how everything is made. Sure, you’ve stopped killing animals and you are saving the planet by rejecting meat and dairy altogether, but it doesn’t mean they’re only being used for food consumption. 18


s cruel as it sounds, animals are also being unnecessarily killed to produce skin, fur and other materials that we use everyday for clothes, bags, shoes and other accessories. Perhaps it has never occurred to you before, but being a vegan will help shed light on this matter.

This is why companies like the Herbivore Clothing Company plays a crucial role in the proliferation of ethically made clothes across the U.S. This Portlandbased company is on a mission to spread affordable and wearable and most importantly, cruelty-free clothes, bags and other accessories for men and women. To know more about them, here are some cool fun facts on the veganfriendly clothing company that’s slowly expanding their brand to spread more awareness. 19


2. THEY STARTED THE FIRST EVER VEGAN MINI MALL. In 2007, the couple got together with the founder of Sweetpea Baking Company, Food Fight! Vegan Grocery and Scapegoat Tattoo as they moved their venture to a bigger space, which eventually became the first ever Vegan Mini Mall. Through this mall, they wanted to spread the core belief of living cruelty free as one could eat a vegan donut, enjoy vegan fashion and get inked with cruelty-free and organic inks in the nearby tattoo shop.

Josh Hooten and Michelle Schwegmann, founders of Herbivore Clothing Company, started the brand in 2002 in a spare bedroom of their apartment in Southeast Portland. It sprouted from their passion to make good looking clothes that are ethically made and that would show the world they believe in animal rights to respect, love and be free of harm and danger.


3. THEY’RE MORE THAN JUST CRUELTY-FREE CLOTHING. While it started out with just clothes, soon the couple would be filling their shelves with wallets, bags and other lifestyle accessories. Apart from just selling these items, Herbivore Clothing Company is also an active brand in raising awareness on cruelty-free living. They host animal rights conferences, related events and even contribute and donate to various foundations with the same causes. They also like to do fundraising events to give to animal sanctuaries and preservation centers.

4. THEY ALSO HAVE A COOKBOOK. For Josh and Michelle, being vegan is rooted in compassion, common sense, and some cold hard facts about how food choices affect our bodies. This is what compelled them to write their own cookbooks. Their book Eat Like You Give A Damn: Recipes for the New Ethical Vegan, features more than 100 of their favorite recipes from comfort food to more elaborate, fancy dinner party dishes.



FIVE REASONS WHY WHOLEFOODS CEO JOHN MACKEY MADE THE SWITCH They say you can tell the difference between a boss and a leader by the way they lead. While the former leads by giving orders, the latter lives his life and operates his business in a way that his employees would want to emulate. One such leader is Wholefoods CEO, John Mackey. The multi millionaire businessman, who has made headlines for his $1 salary among other things, is now paving the way to living a healthier and more holistic life.

While Wholefoods groceries still sell meats and dairy products, it is all just part of being a wise businessman. On a more personal note, Mackey has turned to veganism and a complete lifestyle switch. For the organic food loving, anti union, environmental activist CEO, being vegan is one of the best decisions he has made in his entire life. Check out these five reasons why John Mackey himself has turned to veganism for a better life at the age of 63. 22


Time is not infinite

Although Mackey always loved to hike to stay fit, he never paid much attention to what he ate. Since he was always busy with his grocery chains, he always assumed he was too busy for anything else. However, this all changed after 9/11 and he soon realized that not everyone will have all the time they need to make a change. Putting off living a healthy life was no longer something he could afford to do. From that day on, he started becoming more conscious about what he ate and gradually removed meats and dairy in his diet, eventually becoming a pure vegan.


It is a temporary escape Spending his day with nature, and eating whole, fresh food provides a temporary escape from the demands of Wholefoods. As his mind slows down, he is able to think more clearly and is actually able to accomplish more tasks.


Changing taste buds

Growing up in the 60s, Mackey never ate vegetables. He always had the typical American diet of burgers, mac and cheese and french fries. Although he dabbled in his college vegetarian co-op, he was never a vegetarian then. Later, he would consciously train himself to eat more and more vegetables. He began to remove processed foods in his diet and stuck to only whole and fresh fruit and vegetables. This has opened his palate to newer and more exciting flavors.



Animal rights

He became a full fledged vegan in 2003 after a women interrupted a Wholefoods annual meeting to tell everyone how bad ducks were being treated. That moment had challenged him to learn more about the farming industry and how much of the animal rights were being violated to harvest food for humans. After reading up a lot on it, veganism made so much more sense to him than any other lifestyle.


For better health

Due to his fries-burger diet, not to mention, age and lack of exercise, Mackey inevitably gained weight. A book entitled The China Study by Colin Campbell convinced him to go vegan and completely remove all processed items in his diet. By doing so, he noticed a massive change in his overall health and weight in a matter of months. 24


THREE THINGS TO ENJOY IN BRITAIN'S VEGAN FESTIVAL It is true what they say that there is power in numbers. One vegan is good, two vegans would be fun, three vegans would make things even more interesting. But what’s even greater than three vegans together? A whole festival celebrating every vegan and their lifestyle choice!


he UK vegan festival, which is annually held in May, is an idea to pull together and inspire the boundless creativity, talent, energy and commitment within the UK vegan community. Whether a person is simply just a vegan, or a businessman, cook or a vegan activist, they are all welcome to take part and participate in the event. 25

The Vegan Festival runs for three weeks and here each person can enjoy a variety of food, activities and other fun finds as they roam through the different stalls available. Restaurants also participate by providing dedicated vegan menus and other innovations. The main objective of the festival is to shed light on animal rights and raise awareness on how inhumane and barbaric animal farming is for food consumption. Through

the festival, they want to celebrate life, Mother Nature, her gifts and to promote living healthier and full lives through a vegan lifestyle. Besides its main objective, one cannot help but get excited with the many offerings within the threeweek celebration. Here are some highlights you wouldn’t want to miss and would definitely convince you to sign up for next year’s event.


1. Giant Cake Opener To launch the festival, organizers have sought the help of vegan bakers to create one large vegan cake which they will slice up and distribute to over 2,000 participants across the venue. It is really a sight to see and a great way to literally, and figuratively break bread with fellow vegans fighting for the same cause.

2. Naturally Vegan Plot This is a project to develop environmentally friendly plantbased food alternatives. Because veganism is more than just eating fruits and vegetables, this festival aims to educate and raise awareness on vegan-based food alternatives and how to make the lifestyle sustainable for every vegan.

3. Culinary Food Fest What is a vegan festival without food? The entire festival will be lined up with different stalls with many vegan food options. It will have demonstrations, talks and the best part - free food sampling for every attendee. 27

Ring Up the Produce: The Real Cost of Veganism

People turn to veganism for various reasons. Some do it for animal welfare, others do it in an effort to save the planet. For some, veganism is their way to better health, while others do it to lose weight. However, there is a small percentage of people who turn to veganism to supposedly save money.



ut how much does veganism really cost anyway? Are you really able to save money by cutting out meat and dairy in your diet? How much money will you really save when you become a vegan anyway? Would-be-vegans hear this a lot and it is a real come on to those looking for more benefits of switching to a new lifestyle. However, it’s always good to have all the information on hand and we are here to help!


hile rice and beans do cost a lot less than meat and dairy, a new vegan would find that other vegan alternatives like soy, almond, coconut based are far more expensive than meat itself - considering how much you need. Let’s take a quick look how much a vegan spends for grocery and we will see the real cost of veganism on a monthly basis.


Tofu and Beans cost less than $2 per pound and that goes a long way. They’re also good to have around since you can do so many types of dishes with these ingredients. Greens like kale and spinach also cost around $2 per pound and organic baby leaf versions are around $4 per pound which isn’t as expensive as well. These are easy to keep and can go a long way when it comes to preparing meals.

Generally vegetables and fruits cost around $2-5 per pound and they can be made to several dishes and even smoothies to last you for weeks. For other splurges such as vegan-translated food, it may cost you a bit more that two dollars. For example, a frozen vegan cheese pizza costs $9 while vegan cookies would cost around $3 or even more depending on the brand. Vegan kettle chips are $4 a bag which you’ll probably devour in less than 2 minutes - and for that five dollars may seem excessive. Vegan sour cream is $6 a tub and soy cheese is almost $4 per pack. Nut cheeses are $11 per pack. 30

Since vegans must also have their dessert, a pint of Salted Caramel vegan ice cream would cost you about $10.

All in all, a vegan would ring up around $200 a month in groceries to fulfill basic needs and delicious wants. However, for the price of good health and a happier self, that’s really not a lot to spend on. 31

Here Comes the


It’s the 21st century, and chances are, you have at least one family member or friend who has converted to veganism. Vegans are rapidly growing by numbers and more and more people are realizing its benefits. The vegan lifestyle, which excludes any animal product from the diet, is also all about self awareness. It is about excluding all animal products even in the things they use like clothing, accessories and even furniture and other items at home.



lthough this lifestyle doesn’t necessarily require you to give them special gifts, a thoughtful and personalized vegan touch is always appreciated - especially when it comes to wedding gifts. If you know any vegan or vegan couple who is tying the knot, this is a great way to not only show your support in their union, but in their chosen lifestyle as well.

While most of veganism may be perceived as food centric, here are some other unique ideas that both the vegan bride and vegan groom can enjoy.


1. Couples Cooking Classes What better way to send them off to married life than to give them a boost of encouragement? Couples cooking classes is more than just recipes and cooking techniques. It can also be about interacting with one another, solving problems together all while eating delicious food and learning new things. A vegan cooking class is definitely a great gift for vegan couples.

2. Beer Glasses Brands like Mine & Yours Upcycled Ale Glasses customize and engrave glasses for the bride and groom. More importantly, these are upcycled glasses that are environment friendly and definitely, vegan friendly.

3. Candles A couple’s room is never complete without aromatherapy candles to help them set the mood for just about anything. The Blissoma Tin Aromatherapy Candle will make any vegan giddy because it is made completely natural with no synthetics, and made of soy to keep the air sootfree. 34

4. Sleepwear A socially and ecologically Australian brand called ALAS (All Light, All Shadow), is committed to making sustainably made sleepwear so they offer their customers comfort and peace of mind all at the same time. Vegan newlyweds will not only sleep well in them, but they’ll also be happy to know they can be guilt-free in wearing them.

5. Couple Pillows Customized pillows are a super cute way to bring vegan couples together. In fact, anything that leads a couple to their bed together, more often, such as the sleepwear mentioned above, these pillows or even organic beddings, is always a terrific gift for newlyweds. Many brands offer hemp and organic cotton pillows that they can truly enjoy together.

6. Stainless Steel and Teak Flatware Next to the bedroom, anything kitchen related is also a good way to support any couple. Stainless Steel and Teak flatware from Viva Terra are beautifully handcrafted pieces that are not only stylish, but also sustainable. 35

Hand Helds

A Scrumptious, Beefless Reuben Sandwich Recipe


hen you’re always on-the-go, a good sandwich is the best way to keep yourself full without the muss and fuss. Preparing a satisfying sandwich can seem daunting to a new vegan because people are so used to having meats or dairy products as the main star of their sandwich. But in truth there are so many other options. More than having options, being vegan doesn’t mean throwing away your alltime faves. A classic meatcentered sandwich like the Reuben, which traditionally uses corned beef can easily be converted to a vegan sandwich with an old trick the meat-veggie switcharoo.

Check out this easy recipe and see for yourself how amazing a Reuben sandwich can be as a vegan!


Ingredients THOUSAND ISLAND DRESSING 1/3 cup vegan mayonnaise 2 tbsp ketchup 3 tbsp dill pickles SAUTEED ONIONS 3 tbsp vegetable oil 1 large yellow onion, thinly sliced 1 tsp garlic, minced 2 bay leaves 1 1/2 tsp paprika 3/4 tsp caraway seeds 3/4 tsp dried dill 1 tsp salt 2 tbsp cider vinegar 1 tbsp tamari 1/4 tsp freshly ground black pepper ASSEMBLY 8 slices vegan rye bread 8 slices vegan bacon 2 tbsp vegan margarine 1 cup sauerkraut, drained

Directions 1. To make the dressing, combine all the ingredients in a small bowl. 2. To make the onions, heat the vegetable oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add the onion and cook for 5 minutes, stirring occasionally. Stir in the garlic, bay leaves, paprika, caraway seeds, dill, salt, vinegar, tamari, and pepper. Add the water and simmer uncovered for 10 minutes, or until the liquid has evaporated. Remove the bay leaves. 3. Heat a large skillet over medium-high heat. Spread two slices of the bread with margarine. Grill in a small skillet, margarine side down, for 3 minutes on one side only. Repeat with the remaining slices of bread. 4. To assemble each sandwich, spread the dressing on the non-grilled sides of two slices of toast. Add the sauerkraut, two pieces of vegan bacon, and the sautĂŠed onions. 37

The Garden State:

Three Reasons It's Exciting to be Vegan in New Jersey

For vegans around the world, it is truly a great time to be alive. Veganism, a lifestyle and way of eating that removes animal products, has gone increasingly mainstream in the recent years. Not only are there vegan-friendly brands and products available, but even mainstream brands are following suit, offering vegan options all year round.



ith more vegan menus in restaurants, vegan mom-and-pop shops and even vegan festivals, New Jersey is becoming one of the best places to reside in the US if you’ve given up meat and dairy. Not only are there more options, but the attitude of the people there are gearing towards becoming more and more adventurous when it comes to eating out. Even if someone doesn’t start out as vegan, they are more than willing to look into it and see what the diet is all about.


f you’re a vegan feeling lost, check out the scene in New Jersey and see if you don’t fit right in with the vegan locals with these three cool things to watch out for.


1. NEW JERSEY VEGFEST After its first ever event at Morristown in 2016, New Jersey has been getting more inquiries for their annual VegFest. Here, vegans can expect several keynote speakers from different farm sanctuaries, various activities and a wide array of vegan food and other products. There are lots of product sampling as well which makes the whole experience enjoyable to all.

2. VEGAN POP-UP SHOPS Throughout the VegFest, there are several pop up shops coming about for people to explore their vegan options more. From food items to non food vegan products like clothing and accessories. More and more locals are participating in opening up pop-up shops to test out their vegan audience.

3. DANDIES MARSHMALLOWS While Dandies is a Chicago-based brand this naturally made, vegan marshmallow treat has made its way to every main grocer in New Jersey. These ooey gooey marshies are great on its own and even greater for yummy s’mores recipe. 40

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