the past several years I have worked in a profession which has given me
in depth access to an industry which is extremely vital to our very existence. This industry is responsible for providing and preparing the various foods (sustenance ) that we all must consume each day in order to survive. There are many different levels involved, in this ‘vast’ industry however, my primary focus here is on four major components of the process in which most of us receive the food stuffs we consume daily. My work has afforded me a “behind-the-scenes” view of and happen to food before it can reach your kitchen or dining room tables and even the tables at your favorite restaurants.
I have witnessed and observed (over and over) is truly disgusting,
shocking and alarming! because in most cases money, out-weighs the necessity for proper food-handling procedures [and then there’s the cases of individuals who harbor a do not care attitude and in reality, shouldn’t even be within ten feet of anything someone else puts into their mouth]… Shocking , because many other people are well aware of what I’m about to share… because of the tremendous potential for people to become deathly ill or in fact ! The irony here is that what I’m sharing is really no big secret at all! I’m sure you’ve heard bits and pieces of what I’m pointing out here, many times before now…probably just not, “quite like this”! ;
! The Dirty Little Secrets Behind ! ! “FAST-FOOD� Restaurants! ! Here! it is, "2016" and the United States food-industry is clearly in a sad 'state-of-affairs'. Millions of people are being "exposed" to deplorable, shocking and "UNACCEPTABLE" practices and behaviors within the many facets of this vast industry! And for the mostpart', they're simply "oblivious" to it all! Warning:: Before you or your family decide to stop for that quick bite-to-eat, at your favorite eatery, "it is very important that you read the following special ! report"!!
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This “Special Report” is about the fast-food industry in the United States and it highlights some of the major weaknesses and vulnerabilities within this “vast” industry! The situations and conditions described herein, are very serious and pose huge health risks to millions of unsuspecting consumers. What you will discover in this report clearly demonstrates how truly reliant we are on those in delicate positions to “do the proper things” and follow established guidelines. What is a “delicate position”? This is a position (job, assignment, obligation…etc.) held by an individual whose actions [or the lack thereof] can grossly affect the well-being of another or many others, adversely.
This report will give you a documented, ’behind-thescenes-view’ of what is going on in many (possibly thousands of) fast-food establishments across America. It should really make you cringe at the thought of eating anything outside of your own (or a loved one’s) kitchen! Anyone who has ever taken a serious and in depth look at this subject, knows exactly what I am talking about here and is well aware of the potential health hazards that do exist. Yes! The fast-food industry in our country, is really in a sad state of affairs and yet it appears that not a whole lot is being done about it.
Because each and everyday, millions of people are stopping to eat at (possibly ‘tens’ of thousands of) establishments that you really shouldn’t eat “even a crumb” from! I have traveled to every state except for one and I’ve eaten somewhere in each of those states … I learned a long time ago that “if most people could simply walk into the back door of many restaurant establishments, they would never enter the front door”. Part of the dirty little secret here is, there are those within the fast-food and restaurant industry that are very much aware of certain behaviors and practices (at their locations) that are “extremely” detrimental to the public as well as to themselves.
In these days and times of highly communicable diseases and viruses spread by human touch and by merely being in close proximity to someone infected, you would think more emphasis would be placed on enforcement of safe practices. One simple yet highly effective practice is still hand washing, which has always been revered as a key element to cleanliness and a means in which to reduce the spread of germs … especially as it relates to the handling of ‘prepared’ food items. But now, hand washing has become even more crucial in the battle to avoid contamination from bacteria, germs and viruses easily spread by human touch. Unfortunately, the increased necessity for this important practice has fallen on deaf ears, as it relates to the fast-food industry and those in charge!
Again and most troubling, is the fact that it can be common knowledge in a restaurant, that proper procedures are not being followed. This is evident, due in part, to restaurant staff openly admitting “they don’t even eat the food there”. What does it tell you when you hear a restaurant worker say he or she doesn’t eat at the place where they’re employed? Ever ask a waiter, waitress or server if they’ve tried a particular item(s) on the menu? And that worker ‘sheepishly’ tells you “I just don’t eat that type of food”… maybe they are really being honest or maybe … he or she knows they “just can’t” come right out and tell you about a co-worker in the back (who helps prepare these menu items) is a bona fide ‘nose-picker’ and who is not keen on hand washing after his deed. How about restaurant workers who smoke cigarettes? Have you ever arrived at a restaurant and observed workers outside taking a smoke break? Are they washing their hands thoroughly upon returning to work … to serve you, your food?
The time, effort and research invested in developing this report, highlights some very disturbing facts as it relates to the current state of our fast-food industry in America. What you have read so far, is really terrible but, what is in the following pages is even more ‘jaw-dropping’! Equally (if not more) disgusting is the thought of the ‘known’ incidents and behaviors that are not captured by documentation [images, video, photographs …etc.] as concrete proof and evidence. As you know, someone can talk all day about an event or an occurrence but, a video or picture truly cuts 1,000 words down to a fraction of what is needed to make or prove a point. As far as “sayings” go, who ever started this one; “what you don’t know won’t hurt you” … should really be “dug up” and “slapped”! What you don’t know can not only hurt you, it can KILL you!!!
Unknowingly coming into contact with someone who is ‘infected’ with a deadly disease or virus like Ebola can potentially lead to your death! Yes! Under certain circumstances or conditions and without the proper procedures being followed, it can be a matter of living versus dying! Even though it’s been established by those in the medical profession that indeed, certain conditions must exist in order to actually become infected by someone else… nevertheless, would you knowingly and without any hesitation accept a sandwich prepared by someone diag-
nosed with an infectious, communicable disease? The obvious lack of adequate enforcement of safety provisions in the U.S. fast-food industry is appalling, dangerous and totally unfair to the tens of millions of citizens and foreign travelers who depend ‘daily’ on meals prepared by others. Many people never give it a second thought, as far as the quality of the meal they’ve just ordered or ‘how carefully’ or just who prepared it. But, I’m certain most people are interested in knowing that, what they’re eating is SAFE! And prepared by individuals who are cognizant of vital health and safety standards regarding the handling and preparation of food for the public. Over the years I have spoken with ‘thousands’ of restaurant workers and
I noticed a handful of common denominators in the conversations with these workers. Before touching on these employee concerns, let me say this; the majority of these workers take their positions seriously and strive to do their overall best job. News Flash!! For those who don’t know it, the fast-food industry can be a thankless job at very low pay. Many of these workers rely heavily on tips from customers to supplement the ridiculously low hourly wages they receive and not to mention, the (less than cordial) treatment and certain (unpleasant) conditions many of them work under. Just look at the surge in nationwide protests by these workers for an increase in the hourly wage to at least $12.00 to $15.00. Better yet, try and imagine working in a fast-food restaurant for seemingly
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slave-era wages, under absurd conditions and having to serve (sometimes) obnoxious customers. Now consider these factors and the resulting poor attitudes of many of these workers plus insufficient management plus the lack of adequate enforcement of safety provisions. What do you get? You get the prime ingredients for some of the very situations this Special Report is trying to bring attention to! Now do you really see why this issue is so serious? When people already feel ‘miserable’, doing what they must do to survive, there lies the groundwork for an “I-Just-Don’t-Care” attitude. And then you add a sense of “not being compensated fairly (or adequately)” …it can make for any number of adverse situations, some of which are highlighted in this very report.
No? How about this? Let’s say you own a business and you have onehundred employees working for you. Lets also say that at any given time, eighty-five of these 100 workers are simply “miserable” and just out-right hate you because of the unfair (inadequate) pay, working conditions and the poor treatment from you and your management staff. “And”… these folks are ball-and-chained to this job [working for you] until something better, comes along for them! Would you be worried?
Sure you should be worried!!! I know, “I sure as hell would be worried”! You see, to me this is like a pressure-cooker being left unattended … ‘it’s just a matter of time before it blows’ and a disaster happens!! Yet everyday in this country, conditions and situations just like this analogy, are playing out in countless companies and corporations from coast to coast. We cannot stand over or babysit persons entrusted to do the proper things in
the first place. What is the solution to this? Can there even be a solution to such a complex dilemma as this? I don’t know. But, I do know this, despite the weaknesses and vulnerabilities outlined in this Special Report, the public [innocent and unsuspecting consumers] have a basic and moral right to be provided with safely ‘prepared’, quality food products. Products that have been prepared by individuals who are properly trained and instructed in programs and procedures that meet state and federally approved guidelines and regulations.
Many people in the food-service industries (in general) seem to be totally clueless when it comes to basic etiquette regarding the handling, preparation and serving of foods. Come on now! I’m talking about things that people really should have learned as youngsters growing up. Such as washing your hands and being mindful that others may also be eating the same foods you come into contact with. It’s one thing to do whatever you do in the confines of your own home but, when it comes to exposing others to your ill-manners, that’s a totally different story!!
[Unless you live ‘completely’ ALONE and there’s ABSOLUTELY NO chance of ANYONE whatsoever, consuming A crumb or A drop from your fridge or cabinets, basic etiquette should definitely apply to you! Others, outside of the privacy of your own home, can be at risk!].
Now, if you are indeed a hermit or recluse and you don’t want to wash your hands after using the bathroom…etc. that’s on you. But when others can be affected (harmed) by your bad personal-hygiene habits, it becomes an issue and a big problem! I still remember the shocking incident from the 1980’s involving a fast-food restaurant chain and one of its’ locations in the midwest. A restaurant worker suffering from complications from a ‘severe’ case of diarrhea, was determined to be the cause of several customers becoming infected with an intestinal virus. This man simply did not wash his hands! Investigators found evidence of fecal matter in the kitchen area and in food products.
! ! ! ! ! Also, another major restaurant chain was determined to be responsible for three children, who tragically died after ingesting E-coli contaminated hamburger meat from this restaurant chain’s slaughter-house. Those in delicate positions did not do the right things! I don’t know about you but, these cases make me cringe at the thought of venturing out to eat … and this is ‘so’ wrong and unfair in ‘so’ many ways! Because after all, going out
to eat meals has practically been a sacred tradition for many, many generations in this country. Despite always having been a stickler for detail and noticing things most other people don’t bother with … growing up, I didn’t give these matters [people doing the things they’re expected to do in the first place] a great deal of thought. But, we all learn from our ‘life’ experiences (at least we’re supposed to) and my experiences have certainly taught me to be even more mindful, even skeptical of what I put into my body and from whom. I’m hoping the information I’m sharing with you about my experiences prompts you to at least be more observant and question the quality of what you are about to consume. You can indeed learn a whole lot, just by “watching and paying attention to others” in situations that involve you.
As mentioned earlier, many in the fast-food industry seem ‘clueless’ as it relates to cleanliness and basic precautions necessary, in their profession. There are a number of important factors these workers really need to be conscious of at all times while they are on duty and serving the public at their food establishments.
Contamination Cross-Contamination Infection from Cuts, Scrapes, Burns Adjusting Clothing, Jewelry, Glasses Touching Unclean Surfaces & Objects Touching / Scratching Parts of The Body Handling Ink Pens, Pencils, Any Type Of Phones Handling Cash, Coins, Credit Cards, Gift Cards Proper Usage Of Rubber & Plastic Food Gloves Coming To Work Sick & Placing Others At Risk
Being an alert customer and consumer can aid in helping you to spot and avoid potential problem-situations. Some people will go to three or four different stores before deciding on a clothing item or pair of shoes. But will
stop at the nearest fast-food joint for a bite to eat. Just some quick observations can tip you off to some “red” flags. If you're really serious about protecting yourself, you can do a few things that I do; Just Look Around…
A. Notice the condition of the establishment as you first arrive. The overall appearance may give you some idea of what type of service you are likely to receive inside. Take a look-see around the whole exterior of the building, if possible. In particular, the employee entrance or rear area of the building. Will you easily spot excess trash, garbage, or signs of pests like cockroaches, mice, rats, maggots…etc.? This can tell you something about the level of customer service and pride those inside (including management & corporate) have for their establishments and the patrons who enter.
B. As you enter the restaurant, do you notice an offensive smell or persistent odor, other than that of food cooking? If you detect an unpleasant odor, there is usually a reason for that “bad smell�! Something is either not being properly maintained or there’s a current ongoing situation.
C. Another practical rule of thumb (many people overlook) is the restroom facility! As you go in, to wash your own hands, observe what type of condition the restroom facility is in. This is extremely important! Most fast-food establishments have common restrooms which means the employees, customers and vendors all use the same facilities. This also means that if you find the condition of these facilities to be unacceptable ‌ Then it is probably a good idea to consider the staff ’s integrity, the level of customer service and most importantly the quality and purity of the food offered there. Remember, the folks who cook, prepare and serve the food you’ll be eating, also use the same restroom facilities as you. If management and employees can live with nasty con-
ditions as it relates to restrooms, what kind of ‘unsanitary’ practices and behaviors would you imagine are occurring (out-of-sight) in the kitchen and back room areas? I mean think about it, how [completely] safe and pristine is the food on the plate or in the box or bag they’re serving you?? Are you drinking from a
clean cup or glass? Are the eating utensils clean, sanitary and handled by those with clean hands? Is the surface of the table you're seated at, clean? I am sure by now you are probably thinking “Wow! This guy sure is hung-up on HandWashing” … Why shouldn’t I be? Why should you be? Because “what we don’t know can hurt us and even kill us!”. Now here’s something that’s really gonna mess up a lot of people out there! …
[Always remember; just because something or someone ‘looks clean’, that is not the same as sanitary! I’ve been asked ‘how can a person be sanitized?’ Well just ask any doctor or nurse who’s involved in surgeries. Somebody said ‘I’m going to a restaurant to eat dinner, not to have surgery’. If you go to the wrong establishment, that dinner could possibly lead up to you needing some type of medical procedure or operation.]
Yeah, restaurants and fast-food establishments post signs touting rules, regulations and safeguards for that location. Also, many of these places have a few (designated or authorized) staff members who periodically reiterate to staff, the importance of a few company policies, safety and health procedures. Unfortunately, these ‘pep-talks’ or formalities are not enough, are not enforced and seem to just fall on deaf ears because very little change
ever takes place. The people in those delicate positions eventually revert right back to the same old (monkey) business-as-usual routines of unsanitary and dangerous work habits. Some of these behaviors and acts are done with such blatant disregard for being noticed, that some co-workers eventually find it appalling themselves. This is one reason many restaurant employees go elsewhere to eat their own meals.
Furthermore, many diligent and dedicated workers find themselves in a, sort of “catch-22” predicament. Because after all, they have to work there too and do not want to become targets of any retaliatory actions for ‘reporting’ on co-workers. This is just one of several components of the huge dilemma mentioned early on. What’s pathetically ludicrous about this, is the high number of these fast-food workers and even those in management positions that are fully aware of certain employees who clearly should not be handling food items … or even be within ten feet of anything, someone else puts into their mouth. Sadly, any effort towards a meaningful and effective resolution can boil down to a battle, pitting morality against revenue, wages reputation and image.
This poignant revelation is a stark reminder of how revenue for the establishment versus wages for the employees versus reputation and image of the restaurant’s branding … can embroil and out-weigh the importance of doing the right thing where it pertains to the safety and welfare of the consumer-public. This is why YOU (the unsuspecting customer) must increase your awareness of what may be going on within the restaurant and fast-food establishments that you frequent. Obviously we cannot easily see what is occurring behind the closed doors of the kitchen areas and back rooms of these eateries. But,
“What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You”…
The images above are from an employee changing area and restroom,
for restaurant staff in a large and busy hotel kitchen. They highlight the disturbing and ‘unsanitary’ conditions ‘far out of view of the public’. This facility is utilized by the same individuals who cook and prepare your food, handle your [silverware-cups-glasses-plates] and serve you, your food! If you could take a quick tour of this area and the kitchen, would you still place an order for room-service? Would you still sit down to a lunch or dinner in the dining room area?
some keen observation on your part can give you a pretty good idea of what conditions may exist. My suggestion here is, give yourself the benefit of doubt and ‘get the heck out of the there’! Yes, “shut the front door” to that place and go somewhere else! True, the images on this page are disgusting and you may say “well, yeah this is just ONE scuzzy place out of many good ones”. The sad truth here is, “there are ‘so many’ more scuzzy
places then you probably ever imagined”. You may even know someone who works at one or you may have even been to one lately and didn’t realize it! Again and what is truly disgusting about all of this is, the fact that a number of people (restaurant staff, management, vendors … etc.) know all too well, about the terrible conditions like what’s depicted in this Special Report. What’s going on behind the scenes of many restaurants & fast-food establishments is very scary, very unsafe and very unfair! Unfair and literally dangerous for millions of unsuspecting costumers who frequent these places everyday. Look at these images closely and think of your kitchen.
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But, the bottom line (for-the-most-part) seems to be this … it has the power to make people see but, not see. It has the ability to weave our “dependance on it”, into an overwhelming sense of fear! Fear that stops you from following your heart and doing the right thing. Yeah, that’s right! There are countless men are women in the restaurant and
fast-food industry for whom, the information in these pages is no Secret to at all. They are fully aware of the conditions at work and behaviors of coworkers and again, many of them know, that things just aren’t right. They discretely advise their friends and loved ones to eat elsewhere. They are merely at the point where they’re just there for the paycheck. For these folks that do take pride in their work and want to follow proper procedures … they simply cannot afford to ‘rock the boat’ that’s already in rough waters! You see, many of these places are already on the radar of local and state health reporting agencies, consumer watch groups and the media.
This Special Report actually, ‘pales’ in comparison to the information these fast-food workers (themselves) could reveal. Can you imagine what might happen if a bunch of these workers would unite, compile what they see everyday and do what I have done? It could very well become the food industrys' “worst” nightmare! The consumer public would then be truly aware of the atrocious conditions & sickening actions on the part of many who handle the prepared foods we depend on each day. Let’s say eight out of ten of these workers own one of today’s most widely used tools for everyday communication, the Cell Phone. And that phone has a camera/video feature, this is a very powerful tool as it relates to “documentation”. A ‘genuine’ photograph, image or video has a tremendous value in terms of substantiating someone’s account of an event, object or situation. Seeing can mean believing and persuading one’s way of thinking! We want proof of what we're hearing & being told. Well, take a look !!
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These employees see conditions and situations like what you’re seeing here (and worse) but, ‘you’ can’t see them when it counts the most … and that is, when you’re in a place where these very circumstances do exist.
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Many of these employees merely shake their heads and only do what they feel they have to do, to get by (potentially at your cost or risk) … because they know business must go on and they do need a paycheck. This is why I sincerely hope that after reading this revealing Special Report, you become much more aware of the restaurants and fast-food establishments that you choose to patronize. Be alert, observant, mindful & even skeptical of the food items, utensils and staff. This does not mean, being paranoid, rude or unreasonable with restaurant staff. Just have a heightened sense of awareness of your surroundings, the quality of what you are about to eat and who’s providing it. This may save you, your loved ones and friends from a lot of grief and suffering in the long-run.
I strongly urge you to keep this information handy, go over it again and share it with those “close to you”. Think about some of your past and more recent experiences at an eatery, does something come to mind that may
have stood out or troubled you at the time? Maybe you just couldn’t put your finger on it at the time but, now you possibly realize it was something trying to jumpstart that sense of awareness we all were born with but, dismiss a lot of the time. Sadly, we are in uncertain and turbulent times which means we’re already vulnerable to the obvious threats and dangers plastered in the news headlines everyday. Now, it’s abundantly clear we must also be vigilant for the ‘not so’ obvious dangers and threats to our health and welfare. And you don’t even need to harness the observation powers of a crime scene investigator, just simply pay attention to your surroundings. You will probably see a lot of things you never noticed before and even maybe took for granted, because you simply assumed people were doing the right things.
In the business of handling and preparing food for the public, there are some things that should… just be UNACCEPTABLE, “period”!
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! As a Fast-Food or Restaurant Worker; !
1. Whenever handling food items and your hands touch your eyes, ears mouth, nose, hair, clothing, shoes…etc. you should stop immediately and wash your hands before continuing to handle any additional food items. This is extremely unsanitary because you can introduce germs & contaminants to the foods you are handling, thus making people sick!
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2. Your clothing or uniform can be a source of contamination if not cleaned regularly and properly, it should be treated as a tool for an important JOB. Because it’s important when you are handling food that others will eat. So coughing, sneezing or spitting (food particles) into your sleeve, at the bend of your elbow or into the collar or lapel of your shirt is unsanitary and just nasty. Also, your food service uniform should not be peppered with hair from you or your pet or scented with body odors.
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3. If you have an open wound, sore or a partially healed wound or sore, you really should not be handling food, especially without the proper and approved protection … so as to avoid the potential for introducing anything infectious into food items/beverages, onto utensils, plates/glasses, restaurant linens or to co-workers or customers…etc. 4. If you are sick and go to work, you truly do pose a high risk of spreading whatever you have, to others. Now this is a controversial subject because most people in this industry cannot afford to miss even a day’s pay, so reporting-off work is not an option. Thus, they go to work sick and mingle with co-workers, customers, vendors…etc.
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5. Public restrooms are the ideal breeding ground for a multitude of germs and bacteria because ‘so’ many people access them. Add food workers to this equation and you have a huge potential for disaster waiting to happen! Have you ever been in one of these facilities and just happen to notice another person finish using a commode or urinal and that person ‘simply’ leaves without stopping to wash their hands? Is this person a food service worker, headed for the kitchen? … Eeeewwwhhh!! 6. HandWashing - because of this very scenario (#5), it is very important for you to be alert and protect yourself! Those persons who do not wash their hands usually have to touch the same doorknobs and handles that you do. This means that when they don’t wash their ‘germy' hands, they will touch and contaminate the same fixtures you touch after you’ve washed your hands. [This is the main reason ‘why’ I’m NOT a big fan of buffet-style eateries. Also, most people come in, get seated and head straight for the food bar. Without washing their hands] Now “your hands are no longer clean”! Restaurant Workers; You almost have to be like a surgeon who is about to perform delicate surgery - Thoroughly wash your hands with soap and warm-hot water then rinse. With the water still running, retrieve a paper towel, dry your hands then place the same paper towel or a new one, over the faucet fixture to turn off the water. This is to avoid directly touching the fixture again.
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- Using the same paper towel or a new one, place the towel over the door-knob/handle of the door to exit the facility. This is to avoid directly touching the doorknob/door handle, because of what your hands came into contact with & because others don’t wash their hands. Be sure to dispose of the used towels properly. Contact with used towels can also be a huge source of contamination because of the huge potential to spread germs and bacteria.
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Ever See This In A Public Restaurant? How Sanitary Is This? ‘Clean’ Paper Towels In Direct Contact With ‘Used’ Paper Towels !
I just don’t understand this particular building design found in many public restrooms! It is a big pet peeve of mine. Just seeing this anytime I enter the restroom of a food establishment, just disgust me! Clearly this is extremely “unsanitary”! ‘What if someone with an infectious condition, just sneezed into one of those used towels’? , you come along and grab the portion hanging from the dispenser and use it. How clean are you hands now? This style of towel dispenser definitely has room for improvement!
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Remember This; Money$$ is ‘filthy’ and is one of the most common and frequently handled instruments traded in the world today. Currency is stuffed down bosoms, and even crammed into crotches and butt-cracks, for supposed safe-keeping, hiding … etc. Kind of a rough translation or correlation to “pirates and their booty”. At some point these “same” bills are “spent” on countless items, in countless places therefore, they are circulated over and over again, contaminated with who-knows-what kinds of germs! It is reported that 90% of United States currency has traces of cocaine on it. The delicate brushes and rollers within thousands of ATM and other various vending machines offer clear evidence of this. Also, currency has been known to have trace amounts of mucus, blood, urine and fecal matter on it. Take a moment and just think about how this may occur? $Cash$ can harbor pathogens like staphylococcus, impetigo and a whole host of other bacteria which can live for up to 48 hours on the paper’s surface. Coins have an even worse track record because of what can stick to them!
- So, let this be a reminder the next time you are in line at a fast-food restaurant where the person at the cash register not only takes your payment but, also prepares part of your order. Notice how he or she handles the cash, coins and credit cards and then your food and drink containers … “usually” without washing their hands. [‘I’ kindly ask the individual (at the cash register) to “please” wash their hands because of my concerns, for “my health”]. Most of these workers understand and will kindly comply without issue, some will protest a bit (by citing ‘they aren’t actually touching the food itself ’, only the containers) but, it is your right to request quality service. Remember the term cross-contamination?
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Whether you decide to ‘dine in’ at your favorite eatery or you prefer to place an order ‘to go’ or even have it ‘delivered’ directly to your location… you certainly deserve the piece of mind of knowing that you are receiving safe, fresh, quality food that has been handled, prepared & served to you by individuals who are properly trained & supervised in the handling of food for public use.
We live in scary and uncertain times, “dangerous” and despicable things that wouldn’t even have been ‘considered’ a generation ago, are now happening and ‘frequently’. Sadly, it has now become practically routine to
suspect (or fear) almost every questionable package or container spotted “unattended” or thought to be. There has been an unexplainable resurgence of certain “contagious” diseases, once thought to have been eradicated several years ago. There has also been a notable spike in the number of those contracting, communicable diseases that were already at the top of the watch lists, for many health officials & centers for disease control and monitoring. So, to have atrocious conditions and behaviors such as what you see highlighted in this “special report”, existing in the countless food establishments we patronize daily… it is very, very scary! We must take the initiative as consumers and become more mindful and diligent in protecting ourselves against dangers in places typically thought of to be safe.
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I hope the information and message, contained within the material you have just read and viewed was informative. And also, helpful in bringing your attention to an area of concern, that you may or may not have given a whole lot of thought to in the past. Many of us simply assume that “people in delicate and trusted positions” are “doing the right things”, unfortunately this is not the case! Therefore, it is up to us as individuals to be even more vigilant, mindful and alert to those things that can be a detriment to our health and welfare and that of our families and friends. “Bon Appetite”!
NOTE: The potential for what “can happen” is really terrifying! Yeah, but… there is another element to this important subject. It is equally (if not more) terrifying and (should be) unconscionable to the mind and will be revealed in part-two, of this “special report” series. This part-two, of the series covers an in depth and <behind-the-scenes> view of what can and does occur during the transportation phases of the countless varieties of food products as they travel from point A to point B to point C, “you” (the consumer).
… just a Preview ! !
Ask, “just about” any commercial truck drivers you meet, about some of the things they’ve seen, while delivering the various freight and countless types of cargo they’ve loaded, unloaded and handled, during their careers. And you’ll probably hear something very interesting. Ask ‘several’ and you are bound to hear some ‘really’ interesting and pretty amazing, clear up to some bizarre, disturbing and even “unbelievable” stories!
Some of these men and women (road warriors) have witnessed and even ‘been a part of’ situations that could likely be decent material for a hollywood screenplay or even a jaw-dropping documentary. Yeah, there’s some pretty “serious” stuff that goes on behind-the-scenes of the commercial freight and trucking industries in the United States. Believe me, I know because I worked in the trucking industry for many, many years.
In line with part-two, of this “special report”, the focus here is on [food delivery] ‘Route Drivers’. These drivers are the men & women who operate the trucks that transport millions of food products to our grocery distributors, grocery warehouses, grocery stores and to our favorite restaurants and fast-food eateries. Most people outside of these two industries really have no clue about what actually goes into, the transportation of the countless food-stuffs we consume each day in this country.
From the farm, slaughter house, seaport or ocean front to the processing plants, distribution centers & warehouses, all the way to the retail grocery stores and restaurants… what you and I eat everyday was delivered at ‘some point’, by a truck. The journey these food products take, from their “points of origin” to our tables, bowls, plates, cups and glasses is remarkable in one sense even truly “disturbing” in other aspects.
As mentioned and highlighted throughout the material in part-one, of this “special report” series, “it is extremely important” for people to know about this information. This is information, pertaining to things & situations that could be of ‘very’ serious detriment to you, your family & friends.
“Take A Peek Behind-The-Scenes” 31
You Have A Right To Know!!!
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! !
! ! 32
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
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Rodents Frequently Gnaw Through Containers Of Food Which Reach The Sales Floor.
! ! ! ! ! ! !DAMAGED PRODUCTS PLACED ON THE SALES FLOOR ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Misuse of food products by outside vendors who use food as tools then place back into bins & on shelves for customers to purchase.
! Page stained 35 of 39floors Insects attracted to partially eaten food items that customers stash on shelves. Blood in back rooms. Blood remains on floors for hours & is tracked throughout store by employees.
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! A box of plastic silverware has fallen from a shelf in the back room of a36 of 39 Page fast-food eatery. Do you think anyone took the time to wash each piece?
! ! ! ! ! …remember, this is only a preview of, what part-two, of this “special re! port”! series reveals. However, both reports further highlight and demonstrate! what can and does happen as the result of a systemic practice of ! profit before precaution under the ‘guise’ of an effort to meet putting ! and demand”. Collectively, these reports show what ‘greed’ and “supply ! can result in. Yes! Profit, revenue, income… etc., ‘clearly’ seem ‘disregard’ ! ! to outweigh morals, perception, good judgement and even common sense! ! Expedience, time and appearance are also huge factors in a large portion ! of what ! this material highlights. Then, there’ s the “I Don’t Care” attitude.! ! ! On! an extremely busy weekend night at a packed steakhouse, a chef ! who !is bombarded with back-to-back orders, accidentally ‘drops’ an expensive ! cut of steak onto the “filthy” kitchen floor. The server has already ! twice about this order being ready, so what do you “really” think inquired ! (under pressure) ultimately does with the $25.00 menu item he this chef, ! has dropped and believes nobody saw “hit the floor”? Do you think he ! ! it off thoroughly, replaced it or did he go with one of the “three “washed” ! second” rules and slapped it ‘right onto the plate’ beside that big or five ! ole ‘loaded’ baked potato and placed it in the window for the server… to ! bring!to you at your table?? ! ! !! Well, ! you know this author really believes in “a picture or video” being worth! far more than a thousand words so, be sure to get your hands on ! , of this series! And ‘above all’ please pay attention and be more part-two ! aware! of how and what you and your family consume at restaurants and purchase at grocery providers. Listen to that little voice inside you! ! ! 36
! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Page 29 of 39
Again, what we ‘cannot’ , going on behind-the-scenes of the casual dining and fast-food restaurants that we patronize and spend our hard earned dollars in…is what should really concern ‘us’, because of the real potential for what and happen! We all deserve the peaceof-mind in knowing that, the food products we entrust others to handle, prepare and serve to us…is done so with , and for our health and welfare! Unfortunately, this is not always the case! In fact, more and more (clear) evidence is continually surfacing, showing the “exact” of what should be going on with the that others are and for us!! As mentioned previously, it is truly appalling to point out, that if most people could simply walk into…the kitchens, back rooms and food storage areas of countless eateries, restaurants and grocery stores that provide hot/ready-serve meals (to the public) they would “most likely” And this is obviously because of what they are almost certain to see and witness ‘going-on’ regarding situations of the and conditions…involving the , and
If you just happen to (closely) know someone who is employed within the industry, ask them a few things about what they see at their place of employment. You just may hear some very (alarming) interesting responses to your inquiry! However, what you do hear, will “more than likely” what many consumers probably ‘already’ suspect. But, this first-hand will definitely bolster the mere ‘snapshot’, this is providing you now! Usually, when most people actually get to ‘ ’ with their own eyes, something that is typically discussed or conveyed “verbally”…they are able to grasp a ‘much more complete’ idea of what was previously described in ‘words’! However, even at that, with a and or ‘right’ in front of them…there are those who will refute that which is ‘ ’! But, for the many of us who ‘don’t actually need to see the , beneath the to know something is on , this material will show you, what you’ve probably (only) been suspecting or hear-
ing about! That is, up until now. Please remember, this is a very problem! And it’s not just confined to geographic area, restaurant or chain of them. What you’re seeing in this publication, is of a nationwide and very ...that is seemingly going ‘unchecked’ right now and it looks like it’s ! There’s the growing attitudes of 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. This mind-set or way of thinking for or individuals in just one eating establishment is bad enough but, imagine these attitudes in different and workers? You have ‘exactly’ the ingredients for what is now occurring across the . And that is, large scale , and . Again, this type of attitude and thought process leads to practices & behaviors, that are ‘certainly’ as our vast industry. not conducive to work environments, as
The and under which products are “handled” and “stored”, in restaurants is very crucial as it pertains to and ! These facilities must exercise the utmost care and concern for the stuffs, other people will be . The and , who work within these eateries must be ‘trained’, kept abreast and held “accountable”…for following mandatory and established and ! This is where proper ‘management’ should come into play! However, it has been demonstrated (in many cases), that even facility lack the necessary training, skills and specific experience, required to operate and (adequately) maintain a ‘compliant’ establishment.
Customers should be able to rest assured that, the they’re purchasing and consuming, are of the highest quality and to ! Unfortunately, this is not always the case. In fact, many times the consumer public is exposed to products that have been subjected to & than what you’ve seen presented within this publication. Sadly the public is typically none-the-wiser, that is until something happens and dominates headline news! ! Yeah, and that source being ‘ ’ restaurant, which becomes the center of an investigation and or restriction…resulting in necessary closure and or the closure of additional facilities within that chain.
The restaurant, which counts “sushi pizza” among its signature dishes, will remain closed while the city addresses the outbreak, officials said. (Google Maps)
Hepatitis A is spread by eating food that has been contaminated by an infected person, according to the city Health Department. Symptoms include jaundice, fatigue, abdominal pain, nausea and diarrhea. People typically develop symptoms within 15 to 50 days after exposure to the virus.
Can you even imagine, going to a restaurant to enjoy a meal and shortly afterwards, you become ? And then, you learn that you are actually ‘very’ due to ingesting “ ” from that restaurant and the “ ” was by a worker at that facility. Can you even begin to imagine the “ ” of being informed by a doctor, that your sickness is further compounded by the fact that, this person was infected by a (sometimes fatal) disease? And this person passed this infection onto by way of. the you ate! Investigations and studies have clearly shown, one manner of spreading this infectious disease is via ‘ ’ matter on hands, fingers and underneath fingernails. That’s exactly right! (human ) on restaurant worker’s hands, hands which touch and that people are eating!! Incidents like this are truly ‘tragic’ and can change the course of someone’s , if not “ it” all together! And why? Because they did what ‘billions’ of us do each and every day, (innocently and unsuspectingly) rely on the products and services that we assume are . But, in many cases, turn out to be anything but !! The fact that, ‘this even happens in the first place’ is beyond ! Everyone must ‘relieve themself’ (use the toilet) at some point however, when you are in a delicate position such as a -handler and your actions have the potential to impact others…a number of , and ‘ ’ must always be first and foremost! “ ” bathroom habits, simply be tolerated or accepted! The to people’s health and welfare is just “too” great!
42 Sickened By Feces-Contaminated Food In Texas By Erin Schumaker
Joern Pollex via Getty Images • • • •
Cyclosporiasis, a stomach illness linked to food or water contaminated with the cyclospora parasite — which is transmitted through infected feces — hit Texas this week, sickening 42 people. A total of 54 have been sickened by the parasite in the state this year. Though health officials don’t know the source of the outbreak yet, a 2013 outbreak in Texas that sickened more than 270 people was linked to fresh cilantro, bagged salad mix, raspberries and basil, reported CBS Dallas/Forth Worth. Symptoms of cyclosporiasis include watery diarrhea, loss of appetite, weight loss, stomach cramps, bloating, gas, nausea and fatigue, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Health officials recommend washing all produce, though only cooking will kill the parasite, according to the Texas Department Of State Health Services website. For updates and potential source leads, please visit the Texas Department Of State Health Services:
Equipment Designers & Engineers Go To Great Lengths, To Strategically Design & Construct Specialized Dispensers & Supplies For Proper Sanitary & Cleanliness Conveniences. These Inventions Typically Serve Their Purposes Quite Well, As Long As People Utilize Them ‘How & For What’ They Are Intended For!
Although (as consumers), we cannot control the behaviors of those persons who work within the industry but, we can still ‘do our best’ to exercise our own proper hygiene, sound judgement and necessary precautions, when visiting establishments! of your surroundings, restroom facilities and the conditions you find them in. If they look ‘sanitary’ and or equipment and supplies are lacking or just plain “ ” (get the ‘hell’ out of there!) you should actually leave! Now, does this solve what’s ‘probably going on back in the service area’? but, at least you are out of there and more than likely, saving yourself a lot of grief!
Remember, the over-all and of a business, can really be a ‘direct reflection’ of those who and it!! So, we all can either choose to patronize these places or not! Howchoose to spend your hard earnever, when you ed at these establishments, be very cautious and don’t gamble with your health and welfare! If you notice (unsanitary) conditions like illustrated here, it’s probably a good idea to just avoid them. Toilet paper and (hand drying) towels be left out and exposed for “germy” hands to touch and contaminate the ‘whole’ the roll or stack! Again, & really goes along way but, really makes all the difference in the world! Is a place actually , and for and your ? Think about your own house When you are expecting ‘ ’, don’t you want your home to be nice and tidy for your guests? Of course you do, so that it leaves them with a good impression and they know you are a thoughtful and caring host, who them & takes pride in their home.
When businesses and corporations fail to “properly” maintain their facilities, that are open to the ‘public’…they are in essence showing blatant disrespect for those who visit them. This failure (or negligence) makes them liable for the consequences resulting from what people can experience there.
The Next Time You Are About To Stop At A Restaurant Establishment For A Bite To Eat, Just Take A Quick Drive Walk Around The Place Observe What The Exterior Of The Place Looks Like. You May Just Be Surprised! The ‘Over-All’ Condition Can Give You A General Idea Of What Level Of Integrity Those Who Operate It Have For Patrons Who Visit
which (are pretty much a joke) are ‘basically’ used to rate a establishment’s compliance and -compliance of safety regulations and facility requirements. This system of monitoring & rating the conditions and quality of public eating establishments is really ‘ ’ as reliable as many people think they are. Yeah, the investigators who go out and conduct the inspections may be diligent in their efforts to point out & inform restaurant operators public, of health code . However, this system is merely a sort of ‘band-aid’ procedure for a gaping-wound type situation. These inspections are and can be prompted by customer complaints or by routine visit. Okay, health inspectors from whatever agency (typically the local health department) inspect a facility and notate and or ‘act upon’ what they ’ is assessed discover during their visit. A ‘ and the facility is issued a “ ”, which is usually posted in a conspicuous location, for patrons to view. Obviously, the ‘closer’ to that is, the ‘better off’ the facility and it’s operators feel they are. This assessment (especially if it is a low one and or a repetitive low one) can also come with strict mandatory requirements! These requirements have included;
One of the major issues in all of this, is the fact that after the inspection and all tentative requirements have been met, previous situations and condi) return. And the downward spiral of disarray tions can ( begins all over again!
You see, these inspections are only , at best. They typically occur only a few times a year, unless something really sparks the need for ‘immediate action’ to be taken. This could be, because of a possible of illnesses, associated with facility (or a chain) or excessive customer complaints about a particular establishment. in the : During the and phases of this publication, it was obviously necessary to compile substantial ‘first-hand’ information on this topic. This is, in addition to the Author’s own (up close & personal experience) of what goes on, ! This information comes directly from the persons who work ‘ ’ inside of, establishments in particular. Who better to tap for insight, than those who are right on the front line? What these workers share is a combination of , , and . Many of them feel “ ” in the rut, of a dead-end job, that is really getting them ‘nowhere’ in life. So, they are only working there until something better comes along. Many of these workers cited and such as
These workers also, have , pointing out the , that customers are really ‘clueless’ as to the and of many of the items they receive! This is just ‘one’ of the primary reasons (why) a lot of restaurant staff won’t even eat the at their own places of employment, unless they see it prepared or they prepare it themselves. They also (secretly) advise their friends and loved ones, to go elsewhere to eat. How sad and unfortunate is this? But, as the saying goes, “ ”. Yeah, sad but absolutely true that restaurant operators choose over honesty, integrity and simply ! Again, think about your own kitchen, your own refrigerator and your own taste or standards. If you open a loaf of bread and maybe it doesn’t smell quite ‘fresh’ or maybe you notice a ‘smidgen’ of on a few slices…what do you do? Would you be eager to eat any bread from that loaf? Let’s say you open the fridge and pull out a container of and it has a odor, what do you do? What do you do with a item in which the expiration date has long passed? Well, this is “ ” kitchen and “ ” have control over any choice you decide to make there. Now, what about when these
, in …etc. and to you? How would it make you feel to learn you’ve been served or sold a item that was , obviously “stale” when it was served or packaged prepared in a dirty area or on unsanitary surfaces did not smell exactly fresh at the time it was prepared
dropped on a filthy kitchen floor and given to you anyway already offered once exposed to other customers and was refused left sitting for hours, in uncovered containers on the floor in high traffic areas prepared using utensils that have rusted or corroded or on equipment machinery that has not been properly cleaned sanitized for extended periods of time used after left sitting in walk in coolers freezers, well past the time it should have been discarded and replaced with newer fresher food left sitting in warmers way past the times in which they should have been discarded and replaced with more fresher items handled by individuals who have not washed their hands after handling touching various other unclean objects surfaces
, is now very popular and was initially designed as a “smorgasbord” type method, of feeding large numbers of people who were able to choose from an assortment of . It has now grown into a multitude of forms, from simple snacks and finger-foods to exquisite and exotic cuisines. Pricing varies to and from a certain restrictions apply from location to location. One of the first and foremost issues, con, and concerns! You tinues to stem from see, ‘practically’ anyone and everyone can just ‘come from the street’, pick touches and handles the ‘same’ up plate and head for the fixings. serving utensils while reaching and ‘hovering over’ the same others must eat. Many customers bother to “wash their hands” also, unaccompanied children have ‘been known’ to handle and examine items, then ‘not take the item’. These behato the viors are disgusting and are a health of others! This is also a dining “turnoff” to many, who simply avoid this style of eating out. Despite the sometimes ‘ridiculously’ low (bargain) prices for buffet meals, restaurant elbowthe more benders prefer to have their meals “cooked-toorder”. Or even elect to stay at home and eat! Please remember, ‘the price isn’t always the price’ for the and of what you are getting. Also, there’s the age-old adage, “you get what you pay for”. It’s very important to , the reality of and that appear amazing, spectacular and even ‘ ’ (that is, as far as authenticity and quality are concerned)…this is because they (the deals) are usually to the extent they’re being advertised! In these cases, there is typically an additional cost (a high cost) that are ultimately suffered!! that is paid in terms of the ‘Especially’ when it involves products and our overall !
Whenever something as delicate and as vulnerable as the we consume is available to numbers of individuals, you do have an increased potential of contamination due to exposure! And when adequate safeguards, precautions and effective instruction are not in place and to, that potential is even greater! A simple instructing patrons to “ ” really isn’t enough! But, as long as is the driving force which supersedes ‘doing the right thing’, drastic improvement within our nation’s industry will be slow or even ‘nonexistent’. [Speaking of Plates/Dishes]…Is the plate your is being served on, really ? How about the glass, cup, knife, fork, spoon and (just as importantly) the of the people handling, preparing and serving you the , at the restaurant you’ve chosen to patronize? Isn’t it important to you, to drink from a glass or cup that is free of water spots and certainly lipstick or lip-prints from a previous customer? How about being provided silverware ‘without’ remnants of the last person’s meal, still on it? Think about this and try to remember if you; have you ever been out to eat at a restaurant and...
you happened to notice ‘fingerprint’ swirls on your plate, saucer, bowl, glass, cup…etc.? And ‘ ’ haven’t even touched anything yet, so those prints are not yours! This means of either things (or both)…
Well, please consider this in either case you are not eating or drinking from or dishware! And why so much mention of ‘fingerprints’? After all, you’re simply having an innocent meal at a restaurant, not at a ! Well, let me tell you, it can be just as serious as a if , or else, should become sickened as the
result of conditions and actions like these! You see, are obviously left by and fingers are obviously part of the hands. Hands touch a lot of and and if properly , they can transfer trace amounts of materials from ‘place to place’. If you’ve ever watched a television crime show, you probably heard them mention and discuss “fingerprints”. This is because fingerprints are an excellent means of identifying a person suspected of ‘something’ and they can also exclude or exonerate someone. However, there is ‘quite a bit’ more significance, ’ at the tips of our fingers, thumbs associated with those little tiny ‘ and toes! First, the proper terminology for these ‘swirls’ are words like; , , and …all of which can contain “ ” amounts of materials and substances that can be when ingested or otherwise ‘introduced’ into our bodies.
Yes, when our hands touch and handle things like
Have you ever received a ‘check’ that is drawn on a bank in which you do not have an account with? If you went directly to a branch of that bank to present the check for cashing, you were probably asked to press your “thumb” or “index” finger into a small container of washable ‘fingerprint’ ink and then place that finger or thumb onto an area of the check, for identification purposes. Remember the feeling of your finger and hand afterwards? You probably wanted to wash your hands, thinking you may still have ‘ink’ on your finger.
The proper maintenance of ‘ ’ dispensers is also crucial in minimizing the transfer and spread of , and the they can cause. How many times have you gone to a sit-down or dine-in establishment and you notice the containers look so and “disgusting”, you don’t even want to ‘touch’ them?
Our skin fingers/hands in particular already, ‘naturally’ secrete and …and when you combine this with any other material or substance our fingers and hands come into contact with and then objects like
Notice What Appears To Be A Light Coating Of “DUST” Atop These Condiment Containers. What Does All Of This Tell You, About The ‘Upkeep’ Of This Eatery?
Salt, Pepper, Seasoning Shakers Ketchup, Mustard, Syrup Bottles Sugar, Cream, Coffee, Tea, Containers Serving Tongs, Forks Spoons, Ladles, Handles, Door Knobs, Levers, Buttons, Switches…etc... …all we do is those materials substances thus, contaminating and perpetuating the of germs and harmful bacteria’s! This is why “ ” will remain at the ‘top of the list’ of best ways to combat the induction of these into our and bodies! Followed by proper usage of approved, ‘protective’ and efficient cleaning of designated …and sterilization of tools and utensils.
The Author
…of our nation’s
products (a behind-the-scenes view)
The products that we consume daily, are obviously the very sustenance that sustains us and they are ‘crucial’ to our very survival. The vast majority of us have absolutely ‘no choice’ but to rely on others to insure the highest quality and maintain the purity of these products. Most of us are virtually ‘oblivious’ to the countless and meticulous endeavors that must take place behind-the-scenes…as it relates to the production, that we conmanufacturing, processing and distribution of the sume each day in this country. of this unique publication highlights some of the procedures involved in all of these phases and now is emphasized in this section as a key component. Although computers and automation play an enormous role in how we ultimately receive our food products…there is still a substantial (and irreplaceable, at this time) need for the handling of these products by ! This means serious concerns are and should be raised, ‘especially’ in these days and times! You see, I’m a baby-boomer and I frequently think back on the days & times when I hardly gave a second thought to placing an order at my favorite eatery or about the actual of the groceries in my shopping cart. Yeah, that was then! But, after what I’ve come to learn and personally witnessed (first-hand) over the past years…it just makes me “ ” at the thought of once, simply taking those things for granted. I just can’t help but to wonder if ‘ ’? in which we see and hear reports of today? I’m referring to those per-
sons in delicate positions, ! You see, the particular line of work I was in for several years, gave me a of what and go on in the many facets of the . And to be ‘brutally’ honest, what goes on really , it’s ridiculous and is truly a ‘ ’ to the health and well-being of millions of unsuspecting people. At this point, I’m to risk my health at certain establishments so, I don’t even literally go near them! As was pointed out in , of this informative publication… ! Please remember this,
. When individuals whom are in these delicate positions (of trust & responsibility) are relied upon to ‘ ’ in respect to the welfare of other people…and they (contiually) or in that , they are and really, unworthy of such a position! This is especially true when these persons are willful and wanton in their behavior. These situations and circumstances are shockingly more ‘widespread’ than many people care to know, admit and even ‘accept’. In fact, there are plenty of people who really don’t even ‘ ’ about the evidence presented in this publication! That’s right! They’re much more comfortable with having the “ ” attitude and imagining all is just fine and dandy. Additionally, there are those
within the itself, who actually despise reports like this. One clear and obvious reason for this, = Another blatant reason is is LIABILITY. You see, right now the ‘inescapable’ within the will always present a plethora of issues and challenges. A computer can be ‘programed’ to operate a machine so that it will do the exact task every time and all of the time. It is obviously not the same case, when it comes to people. It is not a general ‘consensus’ that something is with “people”, no not at all! After all, people have been preparing long before computers were even “imagined”! However, it is the actions and behaviors of many within the that are at issue! With the constant strides and ‘ever growing’ breakthroughs in Research and Technology the focus on…
…has increased significantly in the fields of science, medicine and various other health-monitoring entities like the (C.D.C.) enter for isease ontrol and even the . We certainly live in much different times than that of many years ago and we all must take a more in depth and
realistic view of what we ! It just doesn’t make good sense to take for granted, the things that can affect us the most! and during preparation and handling simply ‘cannot’ be accepted or tolerated!!
We’ve all heard (or know someone who ) the ‘news headlines’ about large numbers of people who were by something they had eaten at a restaurant or by a item that came from a grocery store. When it’s plastered all over the news waves that an investigation revealed the source was ‘something’ in the (or something wrong with of the the food)…what does this tell us? It is a very call that should tell us to be vigilant about what we put into our bodies! And taking for granted that “oh’ people are doing the right thing”, because people (in delicate positions) are ‘doing the right thing’! ‘Especially’ when it comes to the processing, handling / preparation of the very sustenance ( ), that we so vitally depend on to ! When a government agency is ‘forced’ to step in and order a establishment or a chain of them to be “ ” and or their products to be “ ”, this is very and should raise in consumers as well as the general public!! To me, it is heart wrenching and even infuriating to hear and see reports of (innocent, unsuspecting) people
giving statements from their bed in a hospital emergency room or from their hospital room, after they’ve been admitted due to a potential illness. Can you even imagine? Just going out for a bite to eat at your favorite restaurant or simply preparing a dish at home, with ingredients from your local grocery store…and the next thing you know, you’re ! That’s right as a ! Then you find out the source of what you, was the very you entrusted others to prepare for you or you learn it was from something you relied on others, to ‘ ’ prepare and provide for you at a outlet.
Dirty Food Prep Areas
When it comes to the that we consume, we want to be able to eat those products with the and they are of the ‘highest’ quality…and also, processed and handled with the ‘utmost’ care as to maintain and . Most unfortunately, as this publication demonstrates, what occurs behind-the-scenes in many facets of the industry is ‘far’ from anything that ( ) give ! And the most frustrating, pathetic fact in all of this is, “ ” to those within the industry! ! Countless service workers are more than well aware, of some of the of other
service workers. The
internet is filled with ‘all sorts’ of stories, and , with evidence and reports of these workers demonstrating “heinous” performed ‘to and around’ products! Sadly, it seems to require a set of circumstances to trigger a response and ‘ ’ course of action as the result. Yes, “it’s been” proven many times over, that only when techreveal for to see ‘firstnology hand’ just what does (and can frequently) occur in service businesses…an almost ‘immediate’ response to what is being publicized, materializes! are all too ready to now come forward and promptly cite or defend their company policies, and publicly the actions and behaviors of their employees. does it take going “ ” on the to ‘spark action’ by companies? Especially when it is ‘more than likely’, there was already and or of these types of situations and conditions! Yes, as previously stated, there are those who are definitely aware of ‘unacceptable’ and at their places of employment. Many of these individuals are so aware of their work-place conditions and the practices of their having to be there and associates, they even patronize the ‘very’ businesses whom they’re employed by. Furthermore, they even advise their family and friends to the establishment because they know first-hand what goes on there!
Grocery Store Walk-In Cooler With Blood-Stained Floor. Blood From Meat & Poultry Cartons Drip Through Shelving & Remains On Floor For Days-Weeks.
Dried Rodent From Those Previously Killed & The Area Is Never Sanitized. “Filthy” Store Room Conditions Behind a Walk-In Cooler In A Large Grocery Store.
An alarming number of food service distributors, wholesalers & retailers & have horrendous issues. ! For many of them, the most important thing is “ ”!
What you’re seeing in these images & many of the ones throughout this publication, are indicative of very problems that plague our country’s . However, this booklet alone, only begins to encapsulate the scope & true gravity of the shape our is currently in. Unfortunately, to many people, this type of material has ‘insignificant’ meaning, that is until . That’s right, a lot of people ‘blindly’ believe reports like this are ‘exaggerated’ and that, they probably can’t suffer from illness because of where they a shop or eat. Oh’ really? They couldn’t be farther from the actual reality of what truly exist! . ? Do you give a second or even a third thought to the or to “ ” the products are, that you eat or provide for your family?? Do you truly believe the reported in ( ) only happens, to other people and not to ? Or do you welcome informative material (like this) that points out hidden, potential dangers to you and your loved ones?
Any avid fans of like and can tell you that even the ‘smallest’ amount of material can make an ‘enormous’ in finding out or confirming something! Now we’re not talking about first-degree or as it relates to food products however …some of the same factors involved in detecting evidence in those crime cases, can be used, merely as an ‘ ’ here. [ ] As these
programs demonstrate, discovering just a “trace” amount of or a can be ‘highly’ instrumental in solving a crime. And how do those investigators discover that material? They collect items (evidence) known or thought to be connected to circumstances surrounding whatever case they’re investigating. They then conduct and on those and on those , also thought to be connected to whatever they’re working on. Simply Put; These
“ “ “
conclude things like;
” ” ”
“ “
” ”
• You Must Do This
In Order To Achieve That
• You Must Not Do That
In Order To Prevent This
Although the previous page references and states “ ”, there are definitely a lot of things occurring within this industry! These things are “so” very serious that many authorities have indeed, deemed them “ ” in nature! That’s right, large corporations and their executives are be held for actions that “ ” take place within their , and centers. Now, situations like these, do in fact require the services of real-life rime cene nvestigators and ! These big-time wheeling and dealing executives are now facing , , and (some are already incarcerated)! Why? Because on their watch, within their control and…
Health Infectious Disease
Peanut Executive Sentenced to 28 Years in Prison for Role in Salmonella Outbreak •
Alexandra Sifferlin @acsifferlin
Updated: Sept. 21, 2015 5:59 PM
It's the most severe penalty given in a food-borne illness case under their employ, events took place at their companies, which ultimately resulted in significant harm to the ‘general public’. Their company’s products and services (or practices) were or otherwise in the cause of severe or ultimately the of everyday consumers just like you and I! And one of the other key factors that is truly ‘infuriating’ to trail judges and inflames the civic duties of trial jurors, is the evi’ on the part dence of ‘ of these company executives. as it pertains to conditions, practices and situations occurring at their factories and outlets. Evidence and proof that outweighed any ‘conscience’ to do the right thing and protect the welfare of the public, further dismays the court system! As in many of the cases depicted in the mentioned previously, we know that ‘small’ amounts can have a ‘huge’ impact…the same is true in the handling of food products! A practice as seemingly insignificant (to many) as , is in fact, very significant! { } in the industry is one of the most vital areas of concern! In many of the ‘highly’ publicized
Would You Want This Chef To Prepare Your Lunch? Notice ALL The DIRT Under His Finger Nails.
cases of companies who were found ‘responsible’ and liable for their products that sickened or contributed to the death of customers… on the part of workers was usually a component. And many times, the lack of and thorough the failure to use proper protective and approved gloves and , all played a role as well! Some More
Thanks to the keen insight of the producers of the crime busting programs we’ve referenced here, many of us are now more educated in the basic con”. When we ‘touch’ something with a body-part, we will more cept of “ than likely leave behind, some or of making contact with that ‘something’. Science proves every day that, what we leave behind are things “get transferred” from our bodies…like:
Now hearing about these types of things as they relate to is one thing but, you really don’t want to associate the same topics with the you eat! Nevertheless, the reality is such that we must now exert a ‘much’ more conscious effort in protecting ourselves! Protecting ‘ourselves’ against the ever growing potential of in the we consume each day. A large part of this growing potential is unfortunately, tied directly to the individuals responsible for the and of our . This publication is certainly claiming the entire in-
dustry is ‘culpable’. However, the scale of inappropriate food handling, poor health and hygiene practices in establishments and lax procedural enforcement is definitely ‘such’ that it warrants serious attention! Also, an even more on the part of consumers! Again, when you have service workers (themselves) telling you, “ ” it tells you a lot! When you have retail store associates ‘warning’ certain customers “ ”, it tells you a whole lot! And this isn’t just one or two places, this report has to do with SEVERAL! THE FOOD GLOVE…… There is one particular practice industry, that within the has always intrigued me! And I would be totally remiss, as a report writer if I didn’t share and elaborate on this nagging ‘ ’ of mine. This involves those or (supposed) “ ” used in the industry. And this is based on what I’ve personally witnessed, experienced and have been informed of. The vast majority of those charged with the responsibility of handling food…are (for the most part) “ ” as it pertains to the and of these . First of all, if I understand correctly, these are designed and intended to serve as protective ‘barriers’ between items and the skin surface of hands. And under the premise of reducing the potential for transferring and contaminating items with foreign matter, bacteria, germs, skin oils and bodily fluids…etc.
Iowa State University [Extention & Outreach]
Okay, ‘you walk into a establishment where a variety of items are being prepared’, . At first glance everything may ‘appear’ to be just great, huh? Well let’s just say you make a conscious effort to watch the activities a ‘little closer and a little longer’. You just might like, what you’ll probably see going on there! In fact, you will probably be shocked, alarmed, disgusted and maybe even angry enough to just ‘get up and ! At that point you have finally realized what you’ve probably been missing all along! “ ” of the growing handful of (the more discriminating consumer) folks who exercise , and . a higher awareness of
’ consumer or ‘ We are not suggesting or implying that any ‘ ’ of consumers, are any better, than the next. It can simply boil down to a matter of personal choice. However, in these days and times, combined with information already disseminwe now ated (and confirmed) regarding face…every additional bit of awareness, caution, precaution and preparedness can only serve as a strongand , which er defense against may be (deadly) to us.
Will you wonder if
From the time we in the morning and throughout the day and up to the time we at night…practically ‘everything’ we’ve touched, ‘used’ and came into contact with, was at one point or time “on a ” of some type! That’s right! From the bed or couch we sleep on…
However, it’s the and products that are by far, two of the most delicate, in-demand, high volume and crucial necessities of ‘all’ commodities transported every day in the ! These are the of our very existence! Unfortunately, what this “ ” reveals…is a view into the of what ‘really’ takes place behind-the-scenes with those extremely vital , we rely on so exclusively for survival!
From the fields on the farms, to the grain bins, silos and chicken coops to the manufacturing and processing plants to distribution centers to wholesale and retail outlets…’ ’ to our home kitchen pantry’s, cupboards, freezers, refrigerators and ultimately to our dinner tables, the products we consume, take a ‘remarkable’ ! A journey that many of us, (until now) were virtually “oblivious” to, for the most part! What you will see in the following pages is merely a ‘snapshot’ of what can and does happen (along this journey) to many of the and products we and each day. Many people will see (for the very first time) just how truly “ ” our American actually is! This means “ ” to practically and ! Much of what is actually occurring (unbeknownst to you, ) is shocking, preventable and should be ‘totally’ !! And the fact there is of (most of it) on all levels, within this is even more “appalling”! ‘Especially’ when there is a veil of pretended ignorance, so thin as to reveal the obvious of for gain!!
An assistant store manager of a large, popular departmentgrocery retail chain…once told a group of associates during a nightly shift meeting, “ ”. This way of thinking seems to be the predominant ‘ ’ throughout the entire and industries. From supervisors to upper management, all the way up the ladder to corporate leaders! clearly supersedes the primary objectives of; Necessary Safeguards Uniform Quality Control Proper Safety & Health Practices Additionally, there is a ‘tremendous’ and overall need for much tighter restrictions, considerably more training and actual “ ” in areas such as; Employee (Personal) Hygiene Dress Code for Food Handlers Proper Food Handling & Protocol Proper Usage of Sanitary Food Gloves Proper Usage of Food Aprons, Hair-Netting Proper & Approved Procedures for Staff Experiencing. Illnesses, Injuries (Open Wounds-Sores, Body Rashes, Infections…etc.) But what is the “ ” in having , and if they going to be abided by, respected or strictly enforced (with subse-
quent consequences)?? Sadly, it is only during the aftermath of a tragic event or catastrophic circumstances, the factors mentioned above, become the intense focus of persons and groups who should have been on top of these very situation(s) from the onset (and before)! This sudden is typically, sparked by “widespread” by social media and traditional mainstream media outlets. This usually results in ‘unwanted’ being shed on, the issues at hand…but, also any number of underlying (root) issues that may have led up to what initially caused the ‘headlines’. This is what ‘ ’ and have frequent horrid ‘nightmares’ about! They know and understand all-too-well that, these situations ultimately mean LIABILITY which can translate into , (and now) penalties!!
Chipotle shutters dozens of locations as more confirmed E. coli cases emerge By Ben Brumfield, Joe Sutton, Nadia Kounang and Jen Christensen, CNN Updated 6:33 PM ET, Wed November 4, 2015 Source: CNNChipotle to close stores after E. coli scare 02:14
Furthermore, this type of ethics) on the part of into the
attitude (for integrity, honor & , gradually and obviously trickles hierarchy, thus affecting such areas as;
A. Morale B. Honesty C. Practicality D. Team Spirit E. Common Sense F. Moral Obligation G. ‘Doing The Right Thing’ You see, there are also factors like; Bonuses Abuse Of Managerial Powers Management Performance Bonuses Proper Employee Performance Evaluations Proper Documentation & Reporting Of Health-Safety Infractions Lack Of Oversight By Upper Management Regarding Unit Managers No, there’s nothing at all, ‘wrong’ with (a bonus) being rewarded for extraordinary diligence and “exceptional” job performance! However, these rewards and incentives unfortunately, have been ‘proven’ to work that foster… Jealousy Favoritism Dishonesty Cutting-Corners Poor Quality Control Hostile Work Atmosphere A Cut-Throat Competitiveness Oversight Ignoring Hazards A I’ll Do Just Enough To Get By Attitude
So nowâ&#x20AC;Śwhen, where and how is responsibility actually established and maintained? When, where and how is determined (when things go wrong) and enforced (beforehand)? That isâ&#x20AC;Ś [ ]
What you’re seeing here is of a ‘truly’ serious issue that many product facilities have. “ ” scurrying & scampering about in & , of , & . I’m not talking about a ‘mouse here and there’! In many cases, these pest control problems have long reached ” levels! “
Have you ever had to deal with a ‘mouse or two’ at your home or apartment? Okay, if so…you probably placed some poison or ‘trap’ with a little cheese or peanut butter or something. And in a little while ‘walla’. “CLICK”! No more Smickey mouse! Well, you would probably never imagine having to ‘set’ or pest traps like that in ? Think about that for a moment! “rodent traps”, that means there exist a very problem!
Again, issues, within is a “huge” problem in our country right now! And it’s quickly getting even ! If you combine this with previously established & underlying issues like… You simply have the ‘recipe ”, just waiting to for “ happen! And it and eventually happen again and again. As long as “ ”!!
Unlike the (usually) simple ‘ ’ problem at your home, the very same issue within the is obviously of an entirely “different” scope! And it is on a tremendously larger scale, in comparison to simply one household or many people two or three…etc. But, even at can’t even imagine opening their silverware drawer, only to find this little waiting inside. Although this pest has passed (away), just imagine how many times it and it’s little buddies were inside the drawer before the was placed there? Yes! Crawling over, sniffing and all the spoons, knives and forks most people would assume are and ready to ‘eat’ with! “Eeewwwh”! Right? or our nformation: Whenever silverware, cups, glasses, cooking utensils, bowls and plates…etc. are not ‘properly’ & , you’re only sending a invitation for these pests & a whole host of other ‘undesirables’ seeking a quick and a new ! Just for a moment, picture ‘dozens or even hundreds’ of these nasty on the in your store or a large warehouse or a major processing distribution center? Well sadly, that is ‘exactly’ what is going on all across the ! Yes! Pest are increasing at an alarming rate! And this didn’t just happen overnight, it’s been going on for many years and practically ‘everyone’ within the industries and have been ‘well aware of it’. But again, (and most unfortunately) in many cases the…
…concept all ethics, morals, decency, integrity and even common sense! Now, for those ‘ ’ who may be reading this report and the gravity of this problem…if you just happen to know someone who works at a grocery store, food warehouse or large distribution center and other just ask them about any incidents involving at their place of work. You just might hear some interesting or disgusting information! This is because it’s the workers, outside vendors and contractors at these facilities, that really know what is happening at these places where we get our ‘ ’ from. These workers show up every day and (in many ” cannot see, cases) work under conditions that “ probably can’t imagine and only know about if they choose to tell you…or you find out about, by reading reports like this! There’s also those individuals at the , , and levels, that are also of these ‘ ’ conditions!
But, it’s not until ‘ ’, that efforts are made to explain and correct situations and conditions that “most likely” resulted in some sort of ! However, by this time, harmful event or these efforts are usually to rectify what has already occurred and they’re seen for the true attempts at the “ ” it really is! Now that, the is being shed widely on the ugly “monster” , people in prominent positions are now ‘scrambling’ to ! This is very sad, very frustrating and even ‘pathetic’, especially when investigations later reof these veal, there was “prior” situations and conditions that led to whatever happened! This means there were persons what was going on (well in advanwho ce) and plainly failed to do what was to “ ”!! This is the stuff that lawsuits, litigation, verdicts, sentences and award settlements are spawned from! But remember, for all of this to happen, it means a person or persons were seriously harmed or in fact as the result of (someone’s) negligence and disregard! And this ‘ ’ could have been …if only those would have simply done what they were supposed to do!The Right Thing All of this information is the prime reason why ‘ ’ must take more ‘initiative’ in ourselves and loved ones against harmful products and within the industry. We can begin by becoming even more mindful and aware of the condition of the products we purchase. Are we going to be
able to determine, just by looking at each and every product we pick up from a store shelf or take from a store cooler or freezer, if it is in fact or determine the and ? ‘Absolutely’ ! However, we can still be proactive, inquisitive and alert to the appearance of the items we do consider for purchase and consumption. We all should examine the containers, packaging, safety seals and pay strict attention to product “expiration dates”. Look to see if a product has been infiltrated by insects, tools, machine-parts and even by effort. As we already know stores like to “ ” so they place ‘ ’ items out ‘for sale’, in hopes we will go ahead and buy them, despite the way they look.
Now when these stores say “ ” they really mean just that! Even if that means selling merchandise that is , they’ll do it! The philosophy these retailers cite is, “ ”. REALLY?? ow o hey now this for sure?? And who really wants to buy something (they intend to eat) that is in containers / packaging that is obviously in some manner? Nevertheless, stores try to sell it, hoping you’ll go ahead & buy it anyway! They truly want every cent of (R.O.I.) they can possibly garner, at all costs! Well, if you are like me, when I go shopping, I actually prefer to buy items that ’ or ‘ ’ looking! are ‘ After all, it’s' “my” health that’s if I am not careful and mindful as, an consumer and the same goes for too! But again, there’s only so much can do, the rest is really up to those in positions of trust and reliance. Those in ! Let’s face it, we are living in uncertain times and many things that were typically taken for granted years ago, must be carefully considered ! This means everything that has to do with our , , and that of our friends and loved ones.
Meat & Cheese Tray Left It is sadly apparent that, we can no longer enjoy the Out For Hours, At Room comfort of simply believing (or assuming) that others Temp. always have our best interests in mind. ‘Especially’
when it comes to what we literally ! It seems as though the pride, integrity and moral compass that …Then guided people in the work force over the years…has Served To by the premise of “ ”! Put been Customers. another way… . Again, the information and material you are seeing within this report, is merely a ‘snapshot’ of what is actually ! Most of us ‘truly’ have occurring (daily) in the ‘ ’, about what the products we eat, are subjected to! And should really be something for everyone to think about!! That is, unless you’re fine with being like the ole’ bird and his syndrome? Yeah, ‘ ’ there are, of people who simply “ ” material like what is inside this publication. Well, that’s certainly their prerogative and personal choice! However, when it is ‘announced’ by the media experts, witnesses, victims, authorities…etc. that “ ” people have been (or worse) by a product(s), traced to a ‘specific’ source…the should ‘really’ be sounding off in everyone’s mind! Certainly, with those who just happen to frequent the location(s) identified or even it’s’ chain/affiliates!
Whether we’re sitting down to a meal in the comfort of our own homes or if we’re dinning out, at our favorite restaurant…we “absolutely” deserve the in knowing, the products we are consuming are of the highest possible quality, purity and are handled, processed and served by persons exercising the ‘utmost’ proitems fessionalism, practicality and integrity. The from our own refrigerators & freezers that reach our kitchen stoves, ovens & grills then our kitchen & dinning, should be prisroom tables and ultimately our tine and of contaminants! The we are served at restaurants, also merit the ‘exact’ consideration!!
D . A . C.
of food-products within the , is that vital in which of people rely on, to get their life-sustaining essentials each day! Many people simply what really goes on behind-the-scenes of this industry’s “intricate” and products operation of delivering the we consume. Millions of men and women work twentyfour hours a day and seven days each week to facilitate the and of ‘countless’ types of and items.
‘Unfortunately’ a massive number of these (carriers) are failing in a few, ‘vitally’ areas of their transportation operations!
Improper Handling Of Food Products: During Transport [Pick Ups & Deliveries] Shipping & Receiving: Non-Compliance Of Food Safety & Health Regulations by; manufacturer Distributor, Warehouse Staff & Truck Drivers
You see, way before the majority of this nation’s products (that you and I eat every day) reach the ‘millions’ of , and …etc. they are destined for…they embark on a “remarkable” from the time they’re manufactured, processed and readied ‘ ’ clear up to the point in which they’re available to us (consumers) ‘’ ! Most ‘unfortunately’, during this , many of these products are to some ‘ ’ that many within the industries would rather not have “ ”! Especially, to the or ! However, it is most certainly your ‘ ’ as a consumer, to about pertains to the items you eat and provide for your family and friends. Please know, these ‘ ’ our products are ‘ ’ to are very in nature! They are actually “ ” and “ ” that are really a to our health and welfare! Alright, let’s say you are in your kitchen (at home) and you’re preparing a family meal. And you ‘accidentally’ drop a slice of meat onto your kitchen floor. What do you, do with that
slice of meat, that has now “touched” the floor? Now depending upon how partial you are, to the condipolicy or your tion of your floor, your own discriminating ‘taste’…the choice is entirely up to ! Because this is ‘your’ kitchen and it’s ‘your’ we’re talking about. Your family’s tastes & preferences are something must also contend with. Now this is ‘ ’ when it comes to the responsibility for what happens to products, designated for the general public, private entities…etc. Again, as consumers, we want to be able to enjoy our with the they are and free of contaminants, even from a dirty kitchen floor or any floor! Please forget like, the ‘3 or 5 second rule’… ?
cargo such as , really requires professional training, knowledge of basic safety guidelines and (strict) individual company policy. Care and attenof ‘product’ must also be part of a tion to the carrier’s operation. Failure on the part of these companies to implement, ‘properly train their agents’ and enforce policies regarding ‘ ’ of food products…is simply unacceptable, leaves the public (to anything & everything) and is a waiting to happen!
Let’s talk about the ‘biggest’ and one of the most important tools in the world of commerce and the conveyance of goods and services. ! The has long been and is clearly the industry “ ” when it comes to manufacturing, distribution and servicing entities! There is a multitude of ‘types’ of with accompanying equipment and applications. With respect to the content of this , the deploys two of trucks trailers; The “ ” or “ ” Typically used to transport ‘ perishable’ goods, dry goods, canned , dry-boxed items…etc. The “ ” or “ ”… or “ ” (industry slang for refrigerated) Used to transport ‘perishable’ goods [dairy, produce, meats, frozen …etc.].
The operation, maintenance and meticulous upkeep of these ‘mammoth’ pieces of equipment is expensive and can be cumbersome! Sadly, an alarming number of companies (carriers) are grossly ‘ ’ in either one or all of
these important areas. As it pertains to those carriers whose , transport the vital commodities of “ ”, the one ‘vital’ area of should be but, it !! Again, up until now, many people were pretty much ‘oblivi” and “ ” (within the inous’ to the “ dustry) you are seeing in this . Based on the delicate nature of this particular freight, one would just assume (or hope) the condition of the vehicles that transport even a close second and it, would be a top priority. It this is “ ” and should ‘really’ be !
What you are seeing in the images above, are ‘ the trailers which are, shown, hauling pictured here are highly indicative of a huge
’ trailer floors! Floors of . The conditions issue, ‘ ’!
Notice The Degree Of Accumulated DIRT & Rotting Food Debris In The Grooves & Crevices Of These Floors. This Means These Trailer Floors Are “Seldom” If “EVER” Cleaned & Properly SANITIZED!
Let’s say you’ve been grocery shopping and you’re all loaded up and heading home with your items. You take a turn too sharply and a container of milk slides, falls and ruptures, leaking onto the floorboard or into the cargo area. What do you already ‘know’ will happen…“if
you clean up the spill” ( )? If not, obviously, you know for one thing, there’s going to be , and eventually a . And if you a really want to think about it, there’s the potential for ‘ ’ developing in the floorboard area, and in the carpeting. Pretty ‘nasty’ stuff, huh? Well, just think of this very same scenario but, on a much, much larger scale! How about a / , with “ ” of milk, that have fallen and ‘burst’ inside the large trailer area and have “gushed” all over the trailer floor? How about knowing this very same trailer was ‘barely’ cleaned, ‘if at all’ and certainly properly ? And then it was allowed to continue on, and more …with similar spills and product mishaps occurring “over and over” along the do you really think it may way. Just how be, to ‘actually ’a item that came into contact, with the floor inside one of these trailers, in these conditions? Even if you were told the food item had been rinsed washed off!!
Notice the same dirt from the trailer floor Is also on the (cheese) food proclucL The (raspbeny & bluebenyJ fn,lts have splllecl onto the 1'11thy' traller floor. Where do you really think those splllecl, dirty be. ales ·u1t1mately' ended up? 129
Again, these situations and conditions are ‘very’ issues regarding the that we consume! The ‘dirt’ alone, is definitely a concern but, there is a whole host of other and to the being transported inside these vehicles! The ‘poor’ of these , combined with ‘improper handling’ of items by commercial drivers and warehouse shipping receiving staff…are all ingredients for items to be to everything and anything! And to reiterate, this problem isn’t just confined to one store, one warehouse, one geographic area or one trucking company, “this is a nationwide problem”!!
This commercial delivery driver has ‘spilled’ a stack of boxes containing items he was taking inside on a dolly. He’s in the process of reloading the boxes onto the dolly. Prior to this, he also lost a load of , which he quickly so the vendor recipient (nor ) would be none the wiser? And really, ‘ ’? And what if the people who ultimately process these contaminated items do a thorough job of “washing off” these products…before ‘you and I’ receive them??
Now here’s some more ‘important’ you should be aware of in the ‘ ’ business, it’s very common for cargo to shift, slide, fall over and even become “damaged”! However, it’s one thing for a , or of baby diapers or footwear to but, it’s a totally different story when it’s products! Diapers and footwear will most likely survive the fall ‘unscathed’.
products, on the other hand, can become contaminated, unusable …etc. due to exposure and contact with and !I hope, you are now seeing more ‘clearly’, why it is ‘so’ important for you to know about and understand the of the information contained within this ! The for something harmful to happen to you, me and our loved ones, is ‘greater’ than you probably ever imagined! Just look at the evidence of what is happening as revealed in this report and don’t simply become complacent that ‘ ’. Because it most certainly , if you don’t become more conscious and more of the products you purchase and provide for your family. ‘Especially’ after reading this material and being ‘armed’ with a keener insight, into what and happen to our precious .
Most of the time, these ‘exposed’ products are ‘simply’ from the floor (or even the ground) and “stuffed” back into their breached containers. Those items protruding from their containers, are merely shoved and or or back inside, and usually with maybe even a work boot! In the wide-world of commerce there are many anecdotal sayings that are bandied about, one of them is “time is money and money is time”. And you will hear this ‘a lot’ in the .
You see, as like most other businesses that operate on a “ ” basis, the industry is one of the in this category! Put another way, when a or is completely out of stock or low on a particular item, they’ve more than likely already placed a ‘reorder’ request for that item. So, when the delivery truck arrives with that item, the proprietor is anxious to receive it! Frequently, that item arrives in ‘some’ way and the proprietor knows all too well, that if he “refuses” to accept the …he or she will have to wait additional time for it to arrive again. During this time, is being missed out on, the sale of this particular item. ‘Especially’ if it’s a popular one, amongst customers. To avoid this ‘wait’ and to prevent the potential loss of income, many times the item(s) will be accepted, despite condition. Situation ‘outweighed’
Now the damage to these products can actually occur in any number of ways. However, we will highlight (3) of the more common ways in which the industry comes to see the majority of “ ” products: ishandling of product by warehouse personnel ishandling of product by delivery drivers anufacturers (packaging) defect
: Way before most ‘finished’ products even make it ‘on board’ the or that transport them to destinations where consumers, can ultimately receive them, these products can be… Broken down into ‘lots’ and ‘bins’. Combined with additional food products. Repackaged within additional bulk containers. Transferred from one processing stage to another. And in the process of all of this product ‘handling’, items and sustain to ‘ ’. Not all necessarily means a total “wrap” for that item, sometimes a product is simply “scratched” or “dent-
ed” and its’ contents are still safe and -breached. However, many times products are ‘ ’ far beyond what should constitute ‘ ’ condition, yet they are still ‘passed’ on and offered ‘ ’. This is what places consumers !A substantial amount of product , does occur at the warehouse level and it really seems like much of this type of damage . What’s very puzzling to many seasoned delivery drivers is, how does certain freight even make it onto a truck in the condition it’s in? You would think “somebody” would have seen it and known that, this product(s) would not be ‘ ’ along the route. Nevertheless, these items on board delivery trucks, to retail (grocers restaurants) outlets and to ‘us’ the .
These Bags Of Flour Were ‘Punctured’ By The Fork Of A Forklift Truck. They Were Loaded “Anyway”, Onto A Delivery Truck.
and of products by warehouse, shipping and receiving staff can obviously have a ‘domino’ effect in the industry. Like the bags of flour or any other “ ” product, that is loaded
delivery trucks, once the protective containers are breached the contents can spill out onto other products and all surrounding surfaces. This can present issues for the truck driver helpers or cause any number of other problems for customers and ‘ ’ shipping receiving personnel. , clients really like, receiving products they’ve ordered and which arrive or from breakage and spills from products! And again, there’s the and side of this equation. leaves a distribution location, he or You see, typically once a she can be in transit (with that truck) until all deliveries are completed.
could take all day, all day and all night or even a number of days. This means that if a product(s) , or out, the driver (and or helper) must navigate the trailer area regardless of the spill & still complete the route. In doing so, this more than likely means, tracking through a , or on the trailer floor! And then inadvertently ‘transferring’ that same ‘ ’ onto other products, surfaces, equipment…etc. the hypothetical reference (a few pages back) where; ? Well, think of the
spilled flour and syrup on the floors of the you’ve seen. Those substances are ‘tracked’ through and transferred from ‘here to there’, over and over again! Sadly, these are seldom if ‘ ’ cleaned & properly “ ”!
Also, please bear in mind, these large trailers and experience the very same issues with “ ” as do actual stores and warehouses. After all, these huge trailers are ‘briefly’ storing the products ‘as they are being delivered’. In fact, some entities actually utilize these mobile trailers for (on site) or ‘overflow’ storage purposes. And in doing so and since the units are already outside, the contents do attract ‘ ’ easier, than actual buildings and structures do.
What Would You Do, If You Got Home & Discovered You Bought “This Package” Of Meat? Would You Want To Cook It & Serve It To Your Family? Would You Return It?
“Why In The World”, Would Merchandise In This Condition, Even Be On The Sales Floor In The First Place?
From the ‘hole’ in the plastic, covering the ground beef, to the shelves dusted with ‘leaked’ flour to the severely ‘dented’ canned goods to the ‘busted’ syrup bottle lids, you can see how “willing” food providers are to sell products that are CLEARLY DAMAGED and their PURITY, POTENTIALLY COMPROMISED!! Do you really believe the employees who stocked these items simply ‘did not’ notice their conditions each time? Do you really believe that at some point, a member of store management, checking behind employee-stockers simply ‘did not’ notice the condition of these products (every time)? Would you choose to buy these items?
• • • • • • • • •
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Is It Ever Safe To Eat Out Of Dented Cans? (And If So, When?) Written by: Tricia Drevets Off-Grid Foods 3 Comments
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Image source: Pixabay.com What do you do when you discover a can of food has a dent in it? If you are like most people, you return it to the supermarket shelf and select another can. But what if that can is marked at a tempting sale price because of the dent? Or what if that can is already on your pantry shelf? Is it safe to eat food from a dented can? Well, the answer is yes and no. Yes, a dent can be a sign of danger in some cases, but no, not all dented cans are a problem.
The Quickest And Easiest Way To Store A Month’s Worth Of Emergency Food! According to the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Services, if a can of food has a small dent but otherwise appears sound, the contents should be safe to eat. However, there are five important warning signs to consider when deciding to keep a can or to discard it. 1. If you notice a dent, try pushing on the top and the bottom of the can. If the top or bottom of the can moves or if you hear a popping sound, you should discard the can. The dent has broken the seal and air has entered the can, making the contents unsafe. 2. Look for any signs of bulging or bloating in the can. The swelling is most likely caused by the gases from harmful bacteria growing inside the can. Do not open a bulging can because even breathing the fumes can be dangerous. 3. Similarly, be mindful of any spraying when you open a can of food. A can that sprays or explodes when you open it probably contains bacteria. 4. Examine the can for rust. Rust is a sign that the integrity of the can may be weak and that air may have penetrated the can’s interior. 5. Consider the size and location of the dent. If it is along the seam of a can, it can be an indication that the can’s seal is broken. If the dent is deep, air could have entered the can.
Image source: Pixabay.com Air combined with moisture can allow microorganisms to grow in the can. These microorganisms may not be killed even if you heat the contents of the can. Although it is rare, botulism, a deadly poison produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum (C. botulinum), can occur in canned goods. Botulism spores can survive in foods that are incorrectly processed or minimally processed. Cooking food at high temperatures will kill the normal C. botulinum organism, but the spores are more difficult to destroy.
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Shelf-Stable Food Safety Ever since man was a hunter-gatherer, he has sought ways to preserve food safely. People living in cold climates learned to freeze food for future use, and after electricity was invented, freezers and refrigerators kept food safe. But except for drying, packing in sugar syrup, or salting, keeping perishable food safe without refrigeration is a truly modern invention.
What does "shelf stable" mean? How are foods made shelf stable? What is the history of canning? How does canning make food shelf stable? Do cans contain lead? Will commercially canned foods last forever? After opening canned foods, is it safe to refrigerate the unused food in the can? Are all canned hams shelf stable? Is it safe to use rusted canned foods? Is it safe to use food from dented cans? Is it safe to use cans that freeze accidentally? If a can hisses when opened, is the food safe to eat? Do crystals in canned goods mean the food is not safe? What is the danger of botulism in canned goods? What are precautions for home-canned foods? Is the dating of shelf-stable foods required by federal law? What do the codes on cans mean? What are dried foods? What are the types of food drying? Why is temperature important when drying meat and poultry jerky? Why is it a food safety concern to dry meat without cooking it first? Is jerky safe when stored at room temperature? How is salt used to make food shelf stable? Are dry-cured hams shelf stable? Are any sausages shelf stable? Are any egg products shelf stable? Does freeze-drying make food shelf stable? What is a retort pouch? What is the history of retort pouches? What are the advantages of the retort pouch? What is an MRE? Is an MRE shelf stable? What foods are packaged in retort packages? What is aseptic packaging? Are aseptic packages safe? What is the history of aseptic packaging? What's the difference between retort and aseptic packaging? What type of package is used for aseptic processing? What foods are packaged in aseptic packages? Can I microwave aseptic packages? Is Sous Vide packaging shelf stable? Shelf-Stable Food Storage Chart
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Shelf-Stable Food Safety What does "shelf stable" mean? Foods that can be safely stored at room temperature, or "on the shelf," are called "shelf stable." These non-perishable products include jerky, country hams, canned and bottled foods, rice, pasta, flour, sugar, spices, oils, and foods processed in aseptic or retort packages and other products that do not require refrigeration until after opening. Not all canned goods are shelf stable. Some canned food, such as some canned ham and seafood, are not safe at room temperature. These will be labeled "Keep Refrigerated." [Top of Page] How are foods made shelf stable? In order to be shelf stable, perishable food must be treated by heat and/or dried to destroy foodborne microorganisms that can cause illness or spoil food. Food can be packaged in sterile, airtight containers. All foods eventually spoil if not preserved. [Top of Page] CANNED FOODS What is the history of canning? Napoleon is considered "the father" of canning. He offered 12,000 French francs to anyone who could find a way to prevent military food supplies from spoiling. Napoleon himself presented the prize in 1795 to Chef Nicholas Appert, who invented the process of packing meat and poultry in glass bottles, corking them, and submerging them in boiling water. Without realizing it, he sterilized them, stopping bacterial spoilage and growth. This military secret soon reached England where, in 1810, Peter Durance patented the use of metal containers for canning. Englishman William Underwood migrated to Boston and established a canning plant in 1821. This was the beginning of canning in the United States. Underwood (even today, a brand of "deviled ham") is America's oldest canning company. [Top of Page] How does canning make food shelf stable? Canning is a way to store food for long periods of time. It is a method of preserving where food is placed in airtight, vacuumsealed containers and heat processed at 250 °F (121 °C). This destroys microorganisms and inactivates enzymes. As the food cools, a vacuum seal is formed that prevents any new bacteria from getting in. Since the food in the container is commercially sterile, it does not spoil. Once the container is opened, however, bacteria can enter and begin growing in the food. Any unused portions must then be refrigerated in clean containers. [Top of Page] Do cans contain lead? The canned food industry in the United States stopped using lead-soldered cans in 1991. In 1995, the Food and Drug Administration issued a final rule prohibiting the use of lead solder in all food cans, including imported products. Metal cans, which are made of sheet steel — sometimes with a coating of tin — are now welded closed at the seams. The inside of the can may also have an enamel or vinyl protective coating. [Top of Page] Will commercially canned foods last forever? Commercial canning is done under tightly controlled conditions — careful sanitation and the necessary time and temperature under pressure, but there are still limits to how long it will preserve food. There are several factors that limit the shelf life of canned foods. First, cans can rust over time. Shipping accidents, where cans fall and dent or are crushed, also cause container problems. Then there's can corrosion. In all foods, but especially in high-acid foods like canned tomatoes, natural chemicals in the food continually react with the container. Over several years, this can cause taste and texture changes, and eventually lower the nutritional value of the food. High temperatures (over 100 °F) are harmful to canned goods too. The risk of spoilage jumps sharply as storage temperatures rise. In fact, canned goods designed for use in the tropics are specially manufactured. Store canned foods and other shelf stable products in a cool, dry place. Never put them above or beside the stove, under the sink, in a damp garage or basement, or any place exposed to high or low temperature extremes. Temperatures below 85 °F are best. Check your pantry every few weeks and use canned goods you have had on hand for awhile. Don't purchase bulging, rusted, leaking, or deeply dented cans. [Top of Page]
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Shelf-Stable Food Safety
After opening canned foods, is it safe to refrigerate the unused food in the can? Yes. Unused portions of canned food may be refrigerated in the can, but to preserve optimum quality and flavor, place the unused portion in a glass or plastic storage container. [Top of Page] Are all canned hams shelf stable? Some canned hams are shelf stable and can be stored in the pantry up to 2 to 5 years at room temperature. These hams are generally not over 3 pounds in size. They have been processed to kill all spoilage bacteria and pathogenic organisms such as Clostridium botulinum, Salmonella, and Trichinella spiralis. The product is free of microorganisms capable of growing at ordinary room temperatures. However, unusually high temperature storage — above 122 °F (50 °C) — may result in harmless thermophylic bacteria multiplying and swelling or souring the product. If this happens, it should not be eaten. Canned hams purchased refrigerated and bearing the "Keep Refrigerated" designation on the label are not safe to store at room temperature. This type of ham has been processed at a time/temperature sufficient to kill Trichinella spiralis. However, the normal cooking process for this product will not destroy the spores of Clostridium botulinum and Clostridium perfringens should they be present on the raw hams before canning. These two bacterial pathogens can grow if the perishable canned hams are not kept refrigerated. Consequently, the consumption of these canned hams may result in foodborne illnesses. "Keep Refrigerated" canned hams are also not free of spoilage bacteria that may eventually grow. Such hams may be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 to 9 months. [Top of Page] Is it safe to use rusted canned foods? Discard heavily rusted cans. Cans that are heavily rusted can have tiny holes in them, allowing bacteria to enter. Surface rust that you can remove by rubbing with your finger or a paper towel is not serious. You can keep these canned foods. If you open the cans and there is any rust inside, do not eat the food. Rust (oxidized iron) is not safe to eat. [Top of Page] Is it safe to use food from dented cans? If a can containing food has a small dent, but is otherwise in good shape, the food should be safe to eat. Discard deeply dented cans. A deep dent is one that you can lay your finger into. Deep dents often have sharp points. A sharp dent on either the top or side seam can damage the seam and allow bacteria to enter the can. Discard any can with a deep dent on any seam. [Top of Page] Is it safe to use cans that freeze accidentally? Cans of food that freeze accidentally, such as those left in a car or basement in sub-zero temperatures, can present health problems. Frozen cans could swell because the food inside expanded when frozen. However, cans can be swollen because of contamination with Clostridium botulinum or spoilage-causing organisms. Do not use any swollen cans; discard them. Also, discard frozen cans that are not swollen but have been allowed to thaw at 40 °F or higher. Cans that have thawed and refrozen are not safe. A frozen can that has not thawed can be safely defrosted in the refrigerator and used. If the canned food is still frozen, let the intact can thaw in the refrigerator before opening. If the product doesn't look and/or smell normal, throw it out. Do not taste it! If the product does look and/or smell normal, thoroughly cook the contents right away by boiling for 10 to 20 minutes. At altitudes below 1,000 feet, boil foods for 10 minutes. Add an additional minute of boiling time for each additional 1,000 feet elevation (for example, at 3,000 feet, boil for 12 minutes). Spinach and corn should be boiled for 20 minutes at all altitudes. This is due to the high density of these vegetables. Products can then be refrigerated or frozen for later use. [Top of Page] If a can hisses when opened, is the food safe to eat? Some cans make a hissing sound when opened because they are vacuum-packed and the noise is a result of air pressure. This is perfectly normal. However, if a can hisses loudly or the contents spurt forcefully out of the can when opened, it may be an indication that the food is unsafe. Do not taste or use such food. Place the can and its contents in a heavy garbage bag. Close and place the bag in a regular trash container or bury it in a nearby landfill. [Top of Page] Do crystals in canned goods mean the food is not safe?
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Shelf-Stable Food Safety Canned seafood occasionally contains small fragments of a glass-like substance. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), these crystals pose no danger to consumers. Known chemically as magnesium ammonium phosphate, commonly called "struvite," the crystals can form from certain natural constituents of the fish or shellfish after they are commercially canned. [Top of Page] What is the danger of botulism in canned goods? While extremely rare, a toxin or poison produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum ( C. botulinum) is a very serious danger in canned goods. Botulism is a deadly food poisoning. The botulism bacteria — rod shaped under the microscope — grow best in anaerobic (absence of oxygen) conditions. Since the canning process forces air out of food, the C. botulinum bacteria may find incorrectly or minimally processed canned foods a good place to grow and produce the toxin. Low-acid vegetables such as green beans, corn, beets, and peas, which may have picked up C. botulinum spores from the soil, are at risk. The botulism spores are heat-resistant, can survive in foods that are incorrectly or minimally processed, and are difficult to destroy. While high cooking temperatures will kill the normal C. botulinum organism, it takes even higher temperatures to kill the spore. That's why the canning of low-acid foods is done with a pressure canner. If the spores are not killed in the canning process, they can become normal cells again and produce the deadly toxin. If you eat C. botulinum-contaminated food, symptoms will develop in 12 to 48 hours. The poison attacks the nervous system, causing double vision, droopy eyelids, trouble swallowing, and difficulty breathing. Without treatment, a patient can die of suffocation — the nerves no longer stimulate breathing. There is an antitoxin, which has reduced the number of deaths from botulism, but patients may still suffer nerve damage, and recovery is often slow. To avoid botulism, carefully examine any canned food that looks suspicious. The risk is greater if containers have been canned at home without following safe canning procedures. Never use food from containers showing possible botulism warnings — leaking, bulging, or badly dented cans; cracked jars or jars with loose or bulging lids; canned food with a foul odor; milky liquids surrounding the vegetables that should be clear; or any container that spurts liquid when you open it. Don't even taste the food! Throw canned goods that are suspect away carefully. You don't want animals, children, or anyone else who might rummage through the trash to get ill. Double bag the cans in plastic bags that are tightly closed. Then place them in a trash receptacle (non-recyclable trash) outside of the home. [Top of Page] What are precautions for home-canned foods? The botulism risk is greater for home-canned foods that have not been processed using safe canning guidelines. If it is possible that any deviation from the USDA-endorsed methods occurred, to prevent the risk of botulism, low-acid and tomato foods should be boiled in a saucepan before consuming even if you detect no signs of spoilage.At altitudes below 1,000 feet, boil foods for 10 minutes. Add an additional minute of boiling time for each additional 1,000 feet of elevation. However, this is not intended to serve as a recommendation for consuming foods known to be significantly underprocessed according to current standards and recommended methods. It is not a guarantee that all possible defects and hazards with non-recommended methods can be overcome by this boiling process. The recommendation is to only can low-acid and tomato foods according to the procedures in the USDA Complete Guide to Home Canning, which can be found at http://nchfp.uga.edu/publications/publications_usda.htm. Properly home-canned fruits have never needed the 10-minute boil. [Top of Page] Is the dating of shelf-stable foods required by federal law? Except for infant formula and some baby food, product dating — having a "use-by," "sell-by," or "best-if-used-by" date — is not required by Federal regulations. Dating is for quality, not safety. However, if a calendar date is used, it must express both the month and day of the month (and the year, in the case of shelf-stable and frozen products). If a calendar date is shown, immediately adjacent to the date must be a phrase explaining the meaning of that date, such as "sell by" or "use before." While there is no uniform or universally accepted system used for food dating in the United States, dating of some foods is required by more than 20 states. A shelf-stable product can be safely used after the "sell-by" date. Products displaying a "use-by" date, although still safe, may not be of acceptable quality after the "use-by" date. [Top of Page] What do the codes on cans mean? Cans must exhibit a packing code to enable tracking of the product in interstate commerce. This enables manufacturers to rotate their stock as well as locate their products in the event of a recall. These codes, which appear as a series of letters and/or numbers, might refer to the date or time of manufacture. They aren't meant for the consumer to interpret as "use-by" dates. There is no book or Web site that tells how to translate the codes into dates; however, you can contact the manufacturer for
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Shelf-Stable Food Safety further information. Cans may also display "open" or calendar dates. Usually these are "best-if-used-by" dates for peak quality. [Top of Page] DRIED FOODS What are dried foods? Drying is the world's oldest and most common method of food preservation. Drying technology is both simple and readily available to most of the world's culture. Examples of dried foods are jerky, powdered milk, dried beans and peas, potatoes in a box, dried fruits and vegetables, pasta, and rice. Canning technology is just over 200 years old, and freezing became practical only during this century as electricity became increasingly available. [Top of Page] What are the types of food drying? Two types of natural drying occur in open air - solar (sun) drying and "adibatic" (shade) drying. Adibatic drying occurs without heat. Solar drying can be as simple as spreading a layer of fruit or vegetables in the sun, and it can also take place in a special container that catches and captures the sun's heat. These types of drying are used mainly for high-acid fruits and vegetables, such as apricots, tomatoes, and grapes (to make raisins). (Perishable, low-acid food such as meat and poultry may not be dried by these methods. See below.) Drying from an artificial heat source is done by placing food in either a warm oven or a food dehydrator. Follow the appliance's directions carefully to ensure the food is dried safety. [Top of Page] Why is temperature important when drying meat and poultry jerky? There have been illnesses from Salmonella and E. coli O157:H7 from homemade jerky that raise questions about the safety of traditional drying methods for making beef and venison jerky. To make jerky safely at home, the USDA Meat and Poultry Hotline recommends that consumers cook all meat to 160 °F and all poultry to 165 °F before they begin the dehydrating process. This cooking step ensures that any bacteria present will be destroyed. Most dehydrator instructions do not include this step, and a dehydrator may not reach high enough temperatures to heat meat and poultry to these safe temperatures. After heating meat to 160 °F and poultry to 165 °F, maintain a constant dehydrator temperature of 130 to 140 °F during the drying process. This is important because the process must be fast enough to dry food before it becomes unsafe; and it must remove enough water so that microorganisms are unable to multiply. [Top of Page] Why is it a food safety concern to dry meat without cooking it first? The danger in dehydrating meat and poultry without cooking it to a safe temperature first is that the dehydrator will not heat meat to 160 °F or poultry to 165 °F — temperatures at which bacteria are destroyed — before the jerky dries. Bacteria that are not destroyed by cooking can survive dehydrating and cause foodborne illness. In a dehydrator or low-temperature oven, most of the heat is absorbed by evaporating moisture. Thus, the temperature of the meat does not begin to rise until most of the moisture has evaporated. Therefore, when the dried meat temperature finally begins to rise, the bacteria have become more heat resistant and are more likely to survive. If these surviving bacteria are pathogenic (types that cause foodborne diseases), anyone who consumes the jerky can get a foodborne illness. [Top of Page] Is jerky safe when stored at room temperature? Yes. Commercially produced jerky is monitored in federally inspected plants by inspectors from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service. Products made into jerky may be cured or uncured, dried, smoked or unsmoked, and air or oven dried. The process of making jerky at home can vary, so USDA recommends a shorter shelf life for homemade jerky than for jerky made under Federal inspection. [Top of Page]
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Shelf-Stable Food Safety
How is salt used to make food shelf stable? Salt binds or removes water so that it does not enable the growth of microorganisms. It is a food additive that has been used for thousands of years. Until canning was invented, salt was a critical food preservation item. In Colonial America, food preservation required 40 pounds of salt per person per year. Even though we don't need that much salt today, salt is still used to preserve or cure such foods as country hams, bacon, frankfurters, and corned beef. [Top of Page] Are dry-cured hams shelf stable? Dry-cured hams are shelf stable. These uncooked hams are safe when stored at room temperature because they contain so little water that bacteria can't multiply in them. In dry curing — the process used to make country hams and prosciutto, fresh meat is rubbed with a dry-cure mixture of salt and other ingredients. Dry curing produces a salty product. Since dry curing draws out moisture, it reduces ham weight by at least 18% (usually 20 to 25%). This results in a more concentrated ham flavor. Dry-cured hams may be aged from a few weeks to more than a year. Six months is the traditional process, but may be shortened according to the aging temperature. Country hams may not be injected with curing solutions or placed in curing solutions, but they may be smoked. In 1992, FSIS approved a Trichina-treatment method that permits substituting up to half of the sodium chloride with potassium chloride to lower sodium levels. [Top of Page] Are any sausages shelf stable? Some dry sausages are shelf stable. Dry sausages include: Soppersata (a name of a salami); Salami; air-dried Pepperoni; Cerevelat; Lola, Lolita, and Lyons sausage (mildly seasoned pork with garlic); and Genoa salami (an Italian sausage usually made from pork, but might contain a small amount of beef and be moistened with wine or grape juice and seasoned with garlic). Dry sausages require more production time than other types of sausage and result in a concentrated form of meat. If the product is shelf stable and ready-to-eat, the product is not required to have a safe handling statement, cooking directions, or a "Keep Refrigerated" statement. For more information about sausages, see the document "Sausages and Food Safety" at www.fsis.usda.gov. [Top of Page] Are any egg products shelf stable? Pasteurized, dried egg products can be shelf stable, with or without added ingredients. Most are distributed in bulk quantities and are used by food manufacturers (noodle makers, bakers, etc.) or by institutional food service (hotels, hospitals, nursing homes, etc.). USDA Dried Egg Mix — a dried blend of whole eggs, nonfat dry milk, soybean oil, and a small amount of salt — is distributed to schools and to needy families. This is a government commodity not usually available commercially. To reconstitute, blend 1/4 cup of the mix with 1/4 cup water to make one "egg." The reconstituted mix requires cooking. Pasteurized, dried egg whites are also available in stores that sell cake baking and decorating supplies. They do not require cooking. [Top of Page] Does freeze-drying make food shelf stable? Yes, freeze-dried foods are shelf stable. Freeze-drying is a commercial process that can be used to preserve such food as dried soup mixes, instant coffee, fruits, and vegetables. To freeze dry, frozen food is placed in a special vacuum cabinet. There, ice changes from a solid state directly to a vapor state without first becoming a liquid. This process, whereby water escapes from the food, is called "sublimation." To use freeze-dried foods, they must be rehydrated with water. They retain their original flavor, texture, and nutrients, but must be packaged in moisture-proof, hermetically sealed containers. [Top of Page] FLEXIBLE PACKAGING What is a retort pouch? A retort pouch is commonly defined as a flexible pouch for low-acid foods that are thermally processed in a pressure vessel, often called a "retort." The pouch is made of layered polyester, aluminum foil, and polypropylene. Commercial sterilization occurs at temperatures greater than 212 °F, typically 240 to 250 °F. The retort packaging is shelf stable at room temperature. [Top of Page] What is the history of retort pouches? The history of retort pouches goes back to the 1960s when the military used them to replace C-Rations. They are lightweight
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Shelf-Stable Food Safety and take up less space than canned goods. The development of the retort process had to overcome such problems as heat penetration, temperature distribution (some areas of the product cooking faster than others, resulting in hot or cold spots within the pouches), and residual air inside the package. Retort pouches are now available in clear or foil materials and are in several shapes. Special retort pouch features include hanger holes, pour spouts, handles, and tear notches. [Top of Page] What are the advantages of the retort pouch? The retort pouch has several advantages. It weighs less than a metal can. It is flexible, meaning that it can handle a lot of abuse when taken away from home or on military maneuvers. Because it is flat, it takes up little space, making it easier to carry in a backpack or pocket. The flat shape also gives the pouch an advantage during processing. In the plant, the pouch is filled with food, sealed, and then retorted at temperatures of 240 to 250 °F to commercially sterilize the contents. Because a pouch is flat, it takes much less time than a metal can does to heat the contents to the point of commercial sterilization. That can result in a better tasting product. [Top of Page] What is an MRE? MRE stands for "Meal, Ready-to-Eat." MRE's were originally designed for the U.S. government and have been used since the 1970's in the U.S. space program, U.S. military, and USDA's Forest Service. The MRE package is officially known as a trilaminate retort pouch. It contains normal food that is ready to heat and consume, such as chili or beef stew. [Top of Page] Is an MRE shelf stable? Yes. MRE's are shelf stable because they have been commercially sterilized by heat in a sealed container to destroy bacteria that can make it unsafe or spoil the food. Like food in metal cans, MRE's can be kept for a long time, but not indefinitely. The shelf life is highly related to the storage temperature. For example, if stored at 120 °F (a temperature that could be encountered on desert battlefields), the MRE should be used within a month. Stored at 60 °F, an MRE can last 7 years or more. [Top of Page] What foods are packaged in retort packages? Nearly any type of food that comes in cans may be processed in retort packaging. Examples of food packaged in retort packages are chili, ham, chicken breasts, and tuna fish. These foods are available on grocery store shelves. [Top of Page] What is aseptic packaging? Aseptic packaging is the process by which microorganisms are prevented from entering a package during and after packaging. During aseptic processing, a sterilized package is filled with a commercially sterile food product and sealed within the confines of a hygienic environment. [Top of Page] Are aseptic packages safe? Yes. There are no health concerns associated with aseptic packaging. The inside layer of an aseptic package, which touches the product, is polyethylene (plastic). There is no leaching of aluminum or aluminum components through the polyethylene layer. The polyethylene used in the aseptic package, low-density polyethylene (LDPE), is an FDA-approved food-contact surface material. It is the only material in the package that comes in contact with the food product. In addition, industry tests have shown that no polyethylene leaches into the food product. [Top of Page] What is the history of aseptic packaging? Aseptic packaging is a beverage system first developed in Europe in cooperation with the World Health Organization to provide beverages such as milk and water to people involved in disasters. It was introduced to the United States in the early 1980's. [Top of Page] What's the difference between retort and aseptic packaging? In retort packaging, food is filled into a pouch or metal can, sealed, and then heated to extremely high temperatures, rendering the product commercially sterile. In aseptic packaging, the food or beverage is sterilized by quick exposure to ultra-high heat, rapidly cooled to an ambient temperature, and filled into sterilized containers that are then sealed in a commercially sterile environment. However, the assembled aseptic package is not further processed like retort products.
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Shelf-Stable Food Safety
[Top of Page] What type of package is used for aseptic processing? An aseptic package, sometimes called a "drink box," is a laminate of three materials: high-quality paperboard, polyethylene, and aluminum. Paper (70%) provides stiffness, strength, and the efficient brick shape to the package. Polyethylene (24%) on the innermost layer forms the seals that make the package liquid-tight. A protective coating on the exterior keeps the package dry. Aluminum (6%) is the silver material on the inside of the aseptic package. This ultra-thin layer of foil forms a barrier against light and oxygen, eliminating the need for refrigeration and preventing spoilage without using preservatives. [Top of Page] What foods are packaged in aseptic packages? Aseptically packaged products include milk, juices, tomatoes, soups, broths, tofu, soy beverages, wines, liquid eggs, whipping cream, and teas. [Top of Page] Can I microwave aseptic packages? No. Because aseptic cartons contain a micro-thin layer of aluminum foil, the package cannot be used in a microwave. Check with the manufacturer of the product for specific information. [Top of Page] Is Sous Vide packaging shelf stable? No, it requires refrigeration. Sous Vide is a French phrase meaning "under vacuum." Most Sous Vide food is used in foodservice establishments such as restaurants, but some is becoming available to consumers. With this method, fresh, raw ingredients or partially cooked ingredients are vacuum-sealed in a plastic pouch. The pouch is heat processed, quickly chilled, and transported under refrigeration. Sous vide products must be kept refrigerated, but can be stored for 3 to 4 weeks. To serve, you simply heat the bag in boiling water. [Top of Page] SHELF-STABLE FOOD STORAGE CHART
Canned ham (shelf-stable)
2 to 5 years
Low-acid canned goods. Examples: canned meat and poultry, stews, soups (except tomato), spaghetti (noodle and pasta) 2 to 5 years products, potatoes, corn, carrots, spinach, beans, beets, peas, and pumpkin. High-acid canned goods. Examples: juices (tomato, orange, lemon, lime, and grapefruit); tomatoes; grapefruit, pineapple, apples and apple products, mixed fruit, peaches, pears, plums, all berries, pickles, sauerkraut, and foods treated with 12 to 18 months vinegar-based sauces or dressings like German potato salad and sauerbraten. 12 months. Before using, boil Home canned foods 10 minutes for high-acid foods; 20 minutes for low-acid foods. Jerky, commercially packaged
STORAGE AFTER OPENING 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator
5 to 7 days in the refrigerator
3 to 4 days in the refrigerator
12 months
Jerky, home-dried
1 to 2 months
Hard/dry sausage
6 weeks in pantry
3 weeks refrigerated, or until it no longer smells or tastes good.
Store below 50 °F, preferably refrigerated, for 12 to 15 months.
Refrigerate after opening. Use within 7 to 10 days. Use reconstituted egg mix immediately or refrigerate and use within 1 hour.
USDA Dried Egg Mix
Dried egg whites
Unopened dried egg products and egg white solids can be stored at room temperature as long as they are kept cool and dry. After opening, store in the
Refrigeration is not required unless reconstituted.
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Shelf-Stable Food Safety refrigerator. 120 °F, 1 month 100 °F, 1 1/2 years 90 °F, 2 1/2 years 80 °F, 4 years 70 °F, 4 1/2 years 60 °F, 7 years
Refrigeration will increase the shelfstable storage times.
Tuna and other seafood in retort pouches
18 months
3 to 4 days in the refrigerator
Meat or poultry products in retort pouches
Use manufacturer's recommendation on the package.
3 to 4 days in the refrigerator
2 years
After cooking, 3 to 4 days in the refrigerator
MRE's (Meal, Ready to Eat)
Rice and dried pasta
[Top of Page] Last Modified Mar 24, 2015
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In addition to some of the ‘ ’ conditions you will find some merchandise in, some shoppers will open and eat merchandise before it’s . These individuals have even ‘been known’ to partially eaten containers of , among other merchandise. This behavior can result in ‘unsuspecting’ customers picking up these items and possibly purchasing them. This is another reason, why it is ‘so’ important that we be of what we are buying!
Be Mindful Of Your Food Selections!
Being and of the of products we plan to purchase (and consume) means noticing things like…how the meat pictured above, no longer appears to be ‘ ’. The color has faded, from a freshly cut, to a dull . It is very “important” to be for that look like this and to avoid eating anything that has an odd appearance, taste, odor or texture…etc.! like this can make us extremely and us! As you can clearly see, grocery stores are all too willing to place ‘that are ‘obviously’ and potentially ’ for purchase, onto store shelves and into display cases! Therefore, it is up to ( ) the savvy, vigilant and informed , to play a role in guarding (ourselves) against and products that can ultimately harm us…and our loved ones!!
You see, when these products , or out while in transit, they not only create serious hazards for drivers helpers and soil demark other freight items …etc. they can also attract the usual ‘ ’ but, also other forms of wildlife as well.
This is all, ‘further’ that we as (educated) consumers, must always be mindful and aware of the , of the products we purchase.
and Okay, now that you have a ‘better idea’ of what happen to our products during their remarkable journey from their point of production…let’s take a closer look at and happen to many of them, upon arrival at what various destinations. What happens to our foods at this point, is just as critical as what happens along the transit ‘just before’, route. Because this is the consumers, the products! Whether it’s your favorite restaurant or your usual retail grocery outlet, there is still a significant amount of care and precaution that must go into
the processing, handling and maintaining of the items that we will eventually be ‘eating’! What you will see and read next, is even more of a occurs ‘glimpse’, into what within the various categories of our nation’s industry. Again, this is information that, those within the “ ” of these categories would ‘rather not’ have ! But, it’s also our right such ‘goings on’, as you are seeing revealed here in this de-
tailed . Whether youâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve actually, ever thought about this or not, there are many, many variables that go into assuring that, the we eat are of the highest , and . Here are a fewâ&#x20AC;Ś
From the time newly arriving cargo is ‘received’, checkedin, (scanned) it ‘should be’ handled processed ‘accordingly’, those items. Now this is after assuring, none of the products are or their protective seals, compromised in ‘any’ way! Well, at least you would think, “that’s how things should work”. ‘Unfortunately’, in an number of cases, that is how things are working, at many places where we receive our products! items are being left at ‘ ’ (far too long) in staging areas, docks and receiving areas outside of their designated storage locations . Regarding storage; Our items definitely should not be with the scent or flavor of ‘box’!
This happens when products remain or cartons that have been by leaking, faulty (units) systems. Water or moisture from these boxes and cartons, permeates the wrapping on certain items. This and “alter” the natural or intended and of that item. The moisture and water from the leakage dripping (caused by thawing and -freezing) of these faulty units… also contain trace elements from hoses, pipes, wiring, conduit, walls, fixtures… etc. Now think about that, the next time you’re eating something and you discover it has a or . items and a ‘myriad’ of other drygood, are being ‘exposed’ to unhealthy, deplorable conditions! This, as it relates to pantry’s, lockers and various other storage areas within , , ... . Let’s say a establishment is well aware of an existing (nagging) ‘ ’ control issue. This includes the dry-goods storage area, in which they have installed “bait stations” to help combat the rodent pro, would this same business and blem. Well, it’s’ staff allow containers of food-stuffs, to remain open and to “ ”, “ ”… . This is truly ‘ridiculous’ & it places people at ! It could actually be tantamount to !
Now please remember, one very crucial point in all of this is that, these and are simply ‘ ’ confined to just one geographic area, one specific restaurant or chain or one specific grocery provider or chain. These issues are a huge problem and presents potential ‘ ’, ‘ ’ and ‘ ’! Yeah, it’s one thing to walk into one, two or three food establishments and see deplorable or to actually ‘witness’ by handling staff. But, it’s a totally different story when you are able to visit , and over of these places in a ‘short’ period of time. And observe the “same” disgusting and in the majority of of them. We are talking about month after month and over the country and then speaking with who have witnessed and reported the ! Over the past several years, the has seen a
growing number of issues within the , . A few ‘at the top’ of that list are;
and fast
Campaigns to establish or increase health benefits A national push for a higher ( ) Campaigns to unionize various facets within the fast food & food service industry as a whole Any one or a combination of these issues (or topics) alone, can quickly ignite a firestorm of controversy, heated debate and even ‘outright’ ! Now, combine all of this with the fact, that workers within the service industries, are already ‘less than’ with factors like…
…and you certainly have the for a ‘ ’ that spells out “ ”, “ ” and “ ”! Now seriously, what kind of a positive attitude and work ethic can one truly expect to ‘see’, ’ were their , coming from those persons, who feel this way? If ‘ how much genuine ‘effort’ would you imagine, they would be putting forward…in best interest and in that of your ?? This is ‘definitely’, where the of goods and services and (drastically)! It’s been proven ‘time and time again’, that when people are not happy or at least content, with something they’re compelled to do… ‘no more effort’ than what is actually necessary to they will seldom ‘just get by’. Some, have ‘loosely’ referred to this as being “ ”. This term is also (most) commonly used, to describe those employees who have been “ ”, (usually) under less than cordial circumstances.
A flagrant regarding employee morale (attitude) has frequently been attributed to, by middle and upper . This mistreatment of subordinate-staff by has been, proven to have a cascading, dire effect on and in other areas of employee relations, within workplace environments. People simply resent being ‘hovered’ over, badgered & prodded, to carry out menial tasks. , also account for a significant percentage of issues related to employee morale, general attitude and productivity. Think about that for a moment! You already ‘ ’ going (every day) to the place you call ‘work’ and this is due mainly to the other people that are ”! Well, there…and then added to this, is the fact that, the place itself “ maybe not ‘literally’ but, in the sense of;
; pretend that, they’re not aware. don’t care that you know they’re aware. expect you to do a super, amazing job ‘any’ way. do little or nothing when asked to correct situations.
, for employees paid hourly, can be a tremendous burden on these workers! As it is, many to even reach a ‘forty’ of them hour work-week in the first place! And then to be kept from or told they ‘cannot’ exceed “forty” hours, is a continuous . Yet they are required to exert more and more in their duties, week after week! Some are even, “ultimately” cheated out of the correct ( ) for the few measly hours , they’ve manage to scrounge, any given week.
All of this, over a period time, can erode the positive that exist within an organization. That in turn, can ‘greatly’ impact, the level of quality and regard for customer service. Is this impact ? . Are the resulting circumstances to the workers? . As far as the industry is concerned here, is it that ‘you and I’ ( ) should ‘suffer’ , as the result of all of this? That answer is “ ”!! But, ‘at this point and time’, what can be done? Regardless of whatever the workers inside of this industry may be facing within their respective positions of employment…we consumers bear ‘no’ responsibility whatsoever and are entitled to the utmost of goods and . ‘Especially’ when, that is what’s ‘portrayed’ in service advertisements and claimed in marketing campaigns! That’s right! When these companies and restaurant businesses invest of into advertising campaigns which target our patronage and our hard-earned …don’t you feel we deserve the ‘same’ level of quality that is portrayed within the advertising?? Because in the ads and promotional materials, you will ‘certainly’ many of the things that occur like what you have seen inside this publication;
After being afforded an opportunity to see just a ‘glimpse’ of what and ‘go on’, in much of our nation’s industry…it is hoped that ‘ ’ as a responsible consumer, are now much better armed with a keener insight and mindfulness of the products you purchase for yourself and your friends and family!
D .A .C.
Because of the times and circumstances under which the majority of us are now living…combined with the (proven) sheer ease in which germs, pathogens, poisons and a whole host of other can be introduced into our , places like… Restaurants Delicatessens Concession Stands Mobile Food Vendors Shopping Mall Food Courts Grocery Stores With Ready-Serve Deli’s Department Stores With Fast-Food Entities …should require a hospital operating-room type environment! Obviously, this couldn’t be realistic but, ‘ ’ for a moment! Surgeons, before operating, must “ ” and “ ” their hands, arms and surgical instruments. This is in order ‘ ’ introduce foreign matter into an “exposed” body cavity, body part or other internal pathway. ? Well, how about a , , , or the numerous other types of ? Well, this group within the industry has responsibilities, not unlike the doctor in that, they too are to protect ! By doing their best to guard our against elements and .
D .W.
D .A .C.
D .A .C.
Whether or not it’s the items in our own or or the on the tables at a or the ‘ ’ we’ve ordered…‘we should be able to enjoy it’ with reasonable that it is ‘ to eat’ and that it has been handled and ! D .A .C.
D .A .C.
” due to People are “ ! Many of them have actually “ ” as the result of complications, stemming from these incidents …which have been traced ‘directly’ back to restaurants product outlets. This should be very and (even scary) to the of consumers who rely on these places, for their sources of ! The and the archives of various news-reporting entities are ‘crammed’ with these types of stories that have occurred over the years. Yet many of us pay or regard to the potential consequences of being to , in which the purity has been “tainted” or otherwise compromised (in some manner)! Just looking at the ‘snapshot’ this publication provides one, of what and go on, …within our nation’s should ‘at least’ warrant more of a conscious effort
to be of the “ ” of the products we choose to consume. Again, are we (always) going to be able to ‘simply’ at each and every product and ‘immediately’ that it’s a bad product? ! However, if we all develop and maintain more of a of the products we ‘ ’ put into our bodies…and those we are responsible for others putting into bodies, we could ‘drastically’ reduce the chances of becoming victims of a .
The proper handling of products is even more of a concern in respect to those persons who are much more susceptible to because of conditions…such as allergies and sensitive immune systems. However, exposure to is a to all of us and this fact needs to be taken much more ‘ ’ then it currently is! Introduction of these to products, by those who handle them, is now at an extremely potential than ever before!
Yes, we all have the potential to get “ ” and or experience a multitude of ! This ‘obviously’,includes the countless people who are ‘employed’ within the various facets of the service industry. However, when you are in a delicate position of and such that your actions can ‘greatly’ others, you must utilize all possible precautions! How would you feel to know that ‘someone’ with like seen on the previous page, had been handling and or prepared a product that you or a loved one were to ? If you knew ‘in advance’, someone suffering from such an apparent (as pictured on the previous page) was going to prepare for you…would you and or request someone else handle your or would you simply and go elsewhere? Again, (proper) and appropriate , as it pertains to those who handle our is ‘a ’! Constant ‘ ’ of employee uniforms and other clothing items worn by service personnel is ‘just’ as important as the tools, equipment and containers used in the industry! Excessive ‘wearing’ of , , and ‘ ’ uniforms, clothing, aprons, smocks, hair-netting..etc. can account for a ‘huge’ source of of ! These garments and ‘collect ’ over a short period of time, those can ultimately be (directly) products! Thus, ‘causing illnesses’!
Are and other clothing items going to get dirty? Of course they are! And sometimes, downright “filthy”! This is one of the key factors that goes into their designs. However, just like hands, fingernails, pots, pans and utensils they ‘obviously’ must be ‘cleaned’ regularly. So, there limitations on ‘ ’ these items can be , before needing to be being (properly) cleaned! Typically, common sense and or strict personal (grooming) taste should dictate the frequency in which work at-
tire and accessories are serviced (cleaned), updated and or replaced. However, when this doesn’t occur , the issue should then be normally or addressed & remedied by (or higher).
Have you ever been to a restaurant or grocery store that provides hot or ready-serve meals? And you just happened to notice the condition of the uniforms the food handling staff are wearing. Did you find yourself wondering ‘when was the last time this person cleaned that outfit’? Again, food workers are however, a line cook, chef, waitress or server should not appear as though they also ‘double’ as an automobile mechanic, even on the busiest day…and even if they really do work-on cars
You see, uniforms, clothing, hats caps and a variety of other objects, collect and like and , , and of , which we are naturally and constantly ‘shedding’. How about knowing that your soup, salad or sandwich, has been ‘seasoned’ with some of these items? Eeeeewwh!!! Knowing what we , about the potential for our to become by those persons ( ) who handle it…we must be more aware and mindful of ‘where’ and ‘who’ we entrust to provide the we ‘so’ greatly rely on to survive.
ence nes!!