Stakeholder Consultation Day Dear Stakeholder, Following the International Design Competition that was carried out earlier this year in order to establish a design for the Jewellery Quarter's Golden Square, you are invited to a stakeholder workshop on Tuesday 15th December 2009. The winning design team, led by Capita Lovejoy wish to meet with the project stakeholders to refine their design proposal for the Golden Square. A series of workshops will be undertaken to provide fresh insight; highlight whether there are any missed opportunities; provide new perspectives/ideas; or to highlight any issues/concerns. The design team will seek to address key comments raised at this event and will re-present their final design solution at the second stakeholder event on the 15th February 2010 before submitting the planning application at the end of February. Please RSVP by Friday 11th December 2009. Birmingham City Council and the Design Team look forward to progressing this project with your support and seeing you on 15th December.
Tuesday 15th December 09 8:30am - 12pm @ The British Jewellers Association, Federation House, 10 Vyse Street, B18 6LT Bacon Butties will be provided from 8:15am, with tea and coffee throughout the morning