Jewellery Quarter Parking Update October 2011

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l ^ ^ B i r m i n a h a m City Council IF YOU WOULD LIKE A COPY OF THIS LETTER IN BRAILLE, LARGE PRINT OR AUDIO FORMAT, PLEASE TELEPHONE 0121483 6181 October 2011 Dear Sir/Madam NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF WORKS TO CHANGE THE PARKING CONTROLS IN THE JEWELLERY QUARTER AREA I am writing to advise you that the changes to the parking controls in the Jewellery Quarter are now complete. We would like to thank you for your patience and co-operation in helping us implement this scheme in your community. It is the Council's policy to review new parking zones after implementation to evaluate how well the scheme is working and we anticipate to do this during the latter half 2012. At this stage we would welcome any comments on how well you think the scheme is operating and any suggestions for improving the scheme in the future. Please send any comments to or to Birmingham City Council, Freepost NEA14876. PO BOX 37, Birmingham, B4 7BR. Operational Details The new parking restrictions are in place and enforceable. The controlled parking zone operates everyday between 8am and 6pm (as indicated on the zone entry signs). Single yellow lines within the zone are restricted during these hours meaning vehicles cannot wait on single yellow lines between these hours. Vehicles cannot wait at any time where there are double yellow lines. Permit and Pay and Display bays are operational Monday - Saturday between 8am and 6pm. During these hours any vehicle parking in a permit bay is required to display a valid permit for that bay and any vehicle parking in a pay and display bay is required to display a valid pay and display ticket. Please note the maximum permitted stay for the pay and display bays, which varies around the area (see notice on ticket machines for details). On Sundays, the maximum stay periods in pay and display bays still apply. Permit Applications If you need to apply for a resident/visitor parking permit, business permit or family carer permit you contact the Council's Parking Team on 0121303 7616. To buy a permit you will be required to provide proof of ownership of the vehicle (your vehicle registration documentation) and proof of residency (Council Tax documents / recent utility bill) as well as the completed application form and payment. If you have mislaid your permit application form or need an additional form you should also contact the Council's Parking Team on 0121 303 7616. Further information on parking is available on the Council's website at including answers to Frequently Asked Questions. Penalty Charge Notices Any vehicle parked in a permit bay, the car club bay or a pay and display bay without displaying a valid permit or pay & display ticket during the times of operation will be liable to be issued with a penalty charge notice (£50 reduced rate of £25 if payment is received within 14 days). Any vehicle parked on any other restriction, i.e. yellow line restriction / bus stop will be liable to a penalty charge notice (£70 reduced to £35 if payment is received within 14 days). Thank you again for your co-operation during the design, consultation and implementation of the changes. Yours faithfully,

Brian Palmer Project Leader

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