MCH 2020 Michael Sanchez

Page 1

Table of

Part 1

Future of Cities


Future of Cities




HouseBounce by MVRDV




Bridging the Gap


Salsabil in the Desert


Rebuilding Dombe & Chibue

workshop by Amann Canovas Maruri

Workshop by Jacob van Rijs of MVDRV

Workshop by Hrvoje Njiric

Workshop by Andrea Deplazes

Energy & Sustainability Seminar by Javier Garcia-German

Low-cost and emergency housing seminar by Sonia Molina Metzger

From Point A to B Fontana Mix: An Urban Hybrid Prototype Workshop by Jaime Coll and Judith Leclerc

Mind the City-uation

Part 2

From Point A to B

Workshop by Alison Brooks

Three Plots, Three Approaches Workshop by Dietmar Eberle

Some-Ting in Cebu Constructuion and Technology Seminar by Ignacio Fernandez-Solia

Reversible Campamento Urban Design and Landscape Seminar by Jose Maria Ezquiaga

Epilogue: Those Beautiful Bones Curriculum Vitae

07 08 09 10 11

The first part explores domesticity unaffected by the pandemic.

Future of Cities Future of Citi Future of Ci Future of Future Futu Fut F

They were places built on the fundamental beliefs of deities; a symbiotic relationship with the sun, the earth, the moon, the stars, the rivers. Some laid their footings on the subjugation of the lands and of animals, then the subjugation of men through the strength of demi-gods; demi-gods who led them in this temporal world that would reunite them in the courts among the gods and goddesses. It became a place that needed a messiah from the demi-gods - many a messiah. They were places built on the fundamental beliefs of man; a refuge to figure out the world and man himself. Some laid their footings on the democratic persuasion of other men’s minds through the logic of numbers, through philosophies of existence, through sensual mastery, through expression of the arts, through buildings, leading to the mas- tery of the sciences.

They were places built on the fundamental beliefs of scarcity,

immortality - the drive to be with the gods and the stars - has

where a finite world that can only be filled through consumption

led us to conquer each other paying the price of blood and dying

and amassing of other worlds. The world is our oyster and the

lands. “The lesson repeats until the lesson is learned.” Are our

circumnavigation of a once-flat-land made us realize we are

cities and world doomed in this vicious cycle?

going around in circles; the world is after all small. One thing history has also shown They were places built on the fundamental beliefs of science, that

us though, is that a great fall out,

a full understanding of a world is a step to creating new worlds of

such as wars, economic falls,

our own creation. There were inventions that laid machineries on

uprising and pandemics, can show the

the sub- jugation of the land and of animals, then the subjugation

worst of humanity, but can outshine

of cells and atoms, that led to the subjugation of men through the

with the best of humanity. And every

knowledge of demi-gods.

time we choose to be the latter, we transcend from that vicious


cycle. And choose the best of humanity to build new cities. They were places built on the fundamental beliefs of intercon-

Probably one day we can realize that...

nection. The discovery of a microcosmic world that allowed for complex tran- sistors making everyone digitally connected

We can be places built on the fundamental beliefs of abun-

through ‘the chip and the box’. They build worlds within worlds,

dance. With how we made advancements in our science and

infinite worlds of digital real estate, mak-

economics, it is wrong for someone to get sick without treat-

ing the microscopic world even bigger and

ment, to go hungry and to go homeless ever again. With how

smaller at the same time.

we have developed our infrastructures, we will never run out of real estate to live our lives with others willingly, both land

We have been building places on fundamen-

and digital. This access to infrastructures, we shall never be

tal beliefs. History has shown us that cities

unlearned and disconnected. With how connected the world is,

and worlds are built on them, and still are, even in their different

we can live in a land without borders just like how other species

incarnations. It has shown our egos, our brute force, our greed

and animals do. With how small the world is, maybe it’s time to

and our determination for

visit the gods and the stars.

Workshop Leaders Atxu Amann Andres Canovas Nicolas Maruri Workshop Assistant Gabriel Wajnerman Workshop Team Mehdi Gharibi Melpomeni Kyriaki Katharapoulou Vasiliki Anagnostopoulou

01 Virginia Cid Fernandez

Continuous Slope Connection workshop by Amann Canovas Maruri Collective housing needs to address the diversity of dwellers in the same space: inculding differences in cultures, beliefs, lifestyle, and needs. It is never a homogeneous set. This workshop explores how five vastly differing personality types can live harmoniously under one collective, and more importantly, how we can connect them together.


Continuous Slope Connection workshop by Amann Canovas Maruri



Where Community Life Happens

Continuous Slope Connection


Where Community Life Happens


Continuous Slope Connection workshop by Amann Canovas Maruri


Continuous Slope Connection workshop by Amann Canovas Maruri

Workshop Leaders Jacob van Rijs Workshop Assistant Ignacio Borrego Workshop Team Adolfo de la Torre Carlos Ballesteros Juan Cruz Barrionuevo Nathalie Flash Halfen

02 Simona Vega

House Bounce

workshop by Jacob van Rijs of MVDRV Forget home rental by the day/month as you know it. Home2share is just like having your own house in Madrid. Just grab a home2share. All you need is one app. Find out what it means to be #proudtoshare in Madrid. The goal of this research is to discover and visualize a collective housing building where residential units are not fixed and conventional, but instead it is a constellation of spaces that can be rented according to changing desires and necessities.


House Bounce workshop by Jacob van Rijs of MVDRV

Workshop Leaders Hrvoje Njiric Workshop Assistant Esperanza CampaĂąa Workshop Team Mariam Ghaznavi Steven Jacovic



workshop by Hrvoje Nijiric The workshop is designed to challenge and seek creativity with traditional ideas and concepts in architectural design of collective living spaces. It aims to promote alternative solutions to housing, coming up with affordable and sustainable units with limited size and budget to meet urgent demands in the housing market, something not in contradiction with singular, enjoyable and inviting domestic spaces. The challenge is both multidisciplinary and multiscale, a minimal housing unit capable of fulfilling the residents’ requirements of comfort, thrift and sustainability.










Workshop Leaders Andrea Deplazes Workshop Assistant Fernando Altozano Margarita Salmeron Espinosa Workshop Team Alejandro Maldonado

04 Lu Lui

Bridging the Gap

workshop by Andrea Deplazes Cities are designed from top-bottom, overlooking like a god overlooking from the skies. Then building it up from the bottom-top. This on-going process creates an ‘imbalance’, a gap through the decades of while developing the city. We explored the city to identify these imbalances, especially in collective housing. Imbalances that were products contributed by the scale and time. Seek for these imbalances and tip the scales to create not just a balance but a new typology of collective housing.


Finding the Balance





Bridging the Gap workshop by Andrea Deplazes

Specialty Director Javier Garcia-German Specialty Team Manuel MuĂąoz Virginia Cid Fernandez



Energy and Sustainability Seminar by Javier Garcia-German To understand energy and sustainability, we analyzed vernacular architecture in Tameslite, Morocco. We aim to reinterpret vernacular traditions and incorporate them in contemporary architecture practices.


Salsabil seminar by Javier Garcia-German



Salsabil seminar by Javier Garcia-German

Specialty Director Sonia Molina Metzger Specialty Assistant Lucia Navarro Specialty Team Adolfo de la Torre Juanjo Sanchez-Aedo Nourhan Rabah


Rebuilding Dombe and Chibue

Low-cost and emergency housing seminar by Sonia Molina Metzger Research indicates that the Earth’s climate is changing at a rate that has exceeded most scientific forecasts. Some families and communities have already started to suffer the consequences of climate change, translated into severe natural events. The combination of scaling extreme natural events, growing informal settlements, and increased social and economic marginalization, leads irretrievable to more frequent, more ever, and more complex disasters. People living in precarious settlements are even more exposed to extreme events, without having the capacity to respond adequately after a disaster. Vulnerability is growing and many of them are forced to leave their homes in search of new opportunities. Shelter is essential for the physical protection and privacy of people affected by displacement, allowing them to lead lives in a safe, supportive, and culturally appropriate setting. Rights should be protected and lives saved by providing timely shelter interventions to meet both immediate and temporary needs, promoting durable solutions and enabling families to access social services and livelihood options.


Rebuilding Dombe and Chibue seminar by Sonia Molina Metzger




Rebuilding Dombe and Chibue seminar by Sonia Molina Metzger

Adaptable Housing Solution: from Emergency Shelter to Permanent House

Emergecy Latrine

Permanent Latrine

Multi-Use Space




Point A


As the buzzing sound of a rhythmic alarm pierces through the ears, a body in suspended animation slowly awakens from its safe cocoon of a thick blanket. The smell of brewing coffee is becoming more inviting with every inhaled breath. The thought of arriving late to school unnerved me more than my quick cold shower. A 5-minute strut to the train station pumped the heart, rushing a small dose of adren- aline - enough to pull me through before hunger strikes. My Google Maps tells me, 7 stops, 15 minutes. My bluetooth earbuds now synced to my podcast storytellers “Science Vs.” Some news about some virus has been spreading from China narrates host Wendy Zuckerman. “It has flu-like symptoms and it’s contagious.” Stepping out of the train, I started second guessing my grasping hand and leaning body over the train’s stainless steel pole. I was late for school. The routine that I was slowly getting used to was suddenly robbed from me by a cureless virus (as of April 28, 2020). From bed to toilet, to kitchen, to bed, to computer, to online classes, to bed, to the ref (in the middle of the night), to bed; I feel caged. My waking scene has lost its romance, as all I can see is eggshell-white painted every- where. My body grows restless as it already knows that going from Point A to Point B will take mere seconds, with a few steps.





Point B Point A ............................................... Point B Then A.B Now

But for every loss, there is a gain. I have time for work, I read more books. I gained more time chatting with my family back in the islands. Alas, I gained more weight. The loss of mobility has made me realize that I have starved my senses severely. The entire “travel� that my habits brought me was a sensual experience. It took an entire stage of an orchestrated universe - from my room, to the street, to the train, to my destination - to simultaneously fill up my senses. These senses are selfish cerebral sensations. Mobility is that sensation between Point A to Point B.

A.............S..E..N..S..A..T..I..O..N..S.............B Mobility

cont., Between Point A and Point B With developing technologies, these senses can now be fooled. One can be on an island adventure, experiencing the seas without leaving the city using 3D goggles, hydraulic chairs, 8D headphones, wind blowers. Give it a few years, these ever evolving hardwares will proba- bly be bringing us remotely to work, leading a meeting, giving a pres- entation or pressing a red button every 5 minutes, going to a concert, all in the comforts of home. Give it a few more decades, just 3D food print that famous Wolfgang Puck 4-course meal. Print me that Brooks Brothers’ suit while you’re at it. We have been building hardwares and systems that will fill all our senses, slowly creating a stage for our cus- tomized digital lives. (And it’s virus free.) This pandemic is our own doing. We have been consuming the world, leaving no room for other species. Maybe this is their way of saying, “give us room b!+@#$!” We have created a world of consumers,

feeding the stimuli-selfish senses. With every product purchased, processed, shipped and delivered from all parts of the world, we paya price and a pay-off. Maybe there are some things we can already do without, e.g. private cars vs. driverless vehicles. I await the day that my senses are no longer in nostalgia, when I can see and hear Mariam and Malena no longer transmitted in their digital versions, or when Alvaro’s sense of humor can make me think and laugh altogether, when I smell Medhi every time he enters the room, when hugs from my friends was all I needed to cheer me, when I see Rosario’s sense of urgency leaving the classroom with the attendance sheet. In the meantime, I still get late for school (online!)

Workshop Leaders Jaime Coll Judith Leclerc Workshop Assistant Diego Garcia-Setien Specialty Team Maria Jose Brito Mariana Sandoval


Fontana Mix:

An Urban Hybrid Prototype

workshop by Jaime Coll and Judith Leclerc Can we build on existing public buildings and thus reduce the environmental impact? Is the street level the only possible level for public space? Should the residential use be exclusive or could work and service spaces be incorporated to a certain degree? How can we incorporate the new conditions derived from the various crises (new programs, users, tempos, spaces, typologies)?


Fontana Mix: Urban Hybrid workshop by Jaime Coll and Judith Leclerc

ground floor


axonometric section

structure and building envelope

Workshop Leader Alison Brooks

Mind the City-uation workshop by Alison Brooks

Workshop Assistant Alejandro de Miguel Workshop Team Luis Miguel Rivera Mariam Ghaznavi Nourhan Rabah


Torres de Colon was conceived for residential use from the beginning. A multitude of designs and compositions of three-, two- and one-house per floor were considered, including large flown outdoor terraces that were in high demand at the time. This project is about reimagining Madrid’s most iconic towers, the Torres de Colon, as a radically sustainable, inclusive, and uplifting place to live in the context of two current global crises: the Climate Crisis and the Covid-19 pandemic. Tall buildings have a responsibility to the city. They command air space physically and psychologically, they increase density, they consume energy, they are high maintenance. Towers, therefore, have an added responsibility to deliver generosity and beauty to the city and its broader public. The ambition and challenge of this project is thus threefold: 1. To re-conceive the format of the high-density, post-pandemic urban home 2. To produce a demonstration project utilising low-carbon material and energy strategies 3. To renew the symbolic and iconographic role of Torres de Colon so they can be understood and appreciated as a new form of living, meaningful urban art.


Mind the City-uation workshop by Alison Brooks

Torres de Colon


Mind the City-uation workshop by Alison Brooks

3 Plots, 3 Approaches Workshop Leader Dietmar Eberle Workshop Assistant Jorge Sotelo Yacemin Yalcin


workshop by Dietmar Eberle

To make buildings last long, key elements to be addressed are social acceptance by the public and the functional aspect of the building. Here, elements such as individual well-being, local background, goal, flexibility, construction methodologies, contribution to the site, environment, density of the development, resource efficiency as well as comfort need to be addressed. Density of the buildings and location is another influencing factor. Given the close link between land use and social relationship, the land use of each district, how often people move in and out, the quality of public and private space are elements that need to be gauged as the same have an effect on the atmosphere and social aspects.


Prof. Dietmar Eberle MCH Workshop September 2020, Madrid



Specialty Director Ignacio Fernandez-Solla Specialty Assistants Archie Campbell David Rutter Diego Garcia-Setien Specialty Team Juan Felipe QuiĂąonez Malena Ramos Maria Jose Rodriguez de Vera


Some-Ting in Cebu

Construction and Technology Seminar by Ignacio Fernandez-Solia


Some-Ting in Cebu

Seminar by Ignacio Fernandez-Solia


Some-Ting in Cebu

Seminar by Ignacio Fernandez-Solia


Some-Ting in Cebu seminar by Ignacio Fernandez-Solla

Xim apietur, sinctiandis doluptas nimpelis dionseq uisinturis que odit velignitate dolupite vel eium, omnis debis alit, eicil int perspictur aut quatur seque litatqui dolor sam lacient reptatur seque nihicae architatium iducidipiet etur, cus, ius sed eos ipsam utatur re, si consed quiae vidigni hiciet ad ut maximuscium harum ulpa non es senda vid que velis ut expersperum eossit eum de mi, non re velluptate vero es et vendem aut undesequo.

Specialty Director Jose Maria Ezquiaga Specialty Assistants Gemma PeribaĂąez Ayala

Reversible Campamento urban design and landscape seminar

by Jose Maria Ezquiaga

Specialty Team Audrey Umara Miguel Valle

11 Simona Vega

As cities grow in scale over time, the city evolves as not being built by and for the people. Cities are now being developed and decided on by large corporations investing in the future based on business speculation. Our project aims to re-structure the current system, to involve the people to make urban planning decisions in accordance to concepts such as time, ecology, and social cohesion.


Reversible Campamento seminar by Jose Maria Ezquiaga


Reversible Campamento seminar by Jose Maria Ezquiaga

Elements of the Game: The Board

Elements of the Game: Event Cards At the end of each round, draw one of the 30 event cards, all shuffled in a pile. This card will affect the next round, limiting resources, increasing them, or forcing you to build or remove blocks.

BAD NEWS! Card Title: pink events indicate bad news for all players Quantity: 8

Level of Fortune: indicates the magnitutde of the event that is about to occur Card Description: indicates the consequence of each event on the course of the game

Elements of the Game: Resource Cards Resources, when produced locally in a city, are able to generate closed cycle ecosystems. These ecosystems can work to distribute the load of the production making the city more resilient to change, helping it react better to natural events that will inevitably happen.

GOOD NEWS! Card Title: blue events indicate good news for players Quantity: 8 Level of Fortune: indicates the magnitutde of the event that is about to occur Card Description: indicates the advantages of each event on the course of the game


Reversible Campamento seminar by Jose Maria Ezquiaga

Elements of the Game: SuperBlockchain

How to build Superblock? When the right amount of resources is gained, each player is able to exchange blocks and later put together in to superblocks. A superblock is coumpounded by 9 blocks. Once the 5-2-2 combination is created, a superblock is added to the chain. The blocks that are 100-0-0 of an individual use are the most expensive and cost 5 cards, the ones that are 50-50-0 combining two uses cost 4 cards and the ones combining 3 uses 50-25-25 costs 3 cards. The more mixed the uses are the better to generate a diverse and mixed city. This is why the cost of individual uses are much more expensive than the rest.

Elements of the Game: The Timer

Possible Masterplan

Internal Superblock Pedestrian Streets

External Superblock Streets

Campamento in the Future? A5 Highspeed Highway Design

Those BeautifulBones As they shovel a huge mound of dirt and sieve

phalt roads. As they dig further, there are these

it through a filter, it leaves rubbles and dirt.

beautiful bones wrapped in undecomposed

As they sieve some more, it shows that life

non-biodegradable materials called plastic, lots

once roamed the earth. Many stories of many

of them in one dig site, probably a mass grave?

species were told from bones unearthed,

They could be a commu- nity that was infected

tracing back evidence of life before us. But this

with some disease. As we open these coffin

archaeological finding tells a different story

bags, the tomb raiders discover their skulls are

of a species closer to home, they were Homo

wrapped with what looks like breathing masks,


probably they used it to get some form of air.

What led them there? What traces might we

The size of his skull indicates that this form of

see? What stories might they tell? With just

Sapien was smart and highly capable, but not

a few meters digging from the earth’s crust, a

capable enough to liberate himself from this

layer of thick dark soot is found. You can tell

grave. In the rib cages of these once magnif-

we are getting close. It tells a time when the

icent specimens that same soot lined along

land was filled with smog, emitted from struc-

its calcium surface. The bones were sent for

tures that were once called factories that used

more laboratory findings. He was male, from

to burned coals, fossil fuels, trees. There were

its size probably of South Asian orgin. His

wheeled metal vehicles that used to roam as-

bones revealed that it was not only the lack of

air that led to his death, foreign chemicals can be traced leading to different ailments, probably this came from his diet or from abnormal genetic mutations or a toxic lifestyle. Who knows what the beautiful were bones were really like? What led them there? One might ask again and again. And like other species, they are driven by survival, but this time not from the prowess of predators, nor from natural disasters, nor from diseases. Maybe their

are experiencing now - our sickness, our

mastered many survival mechanisms with

better foe is someone more familiar, ho-

different forms of wars, our inequality, our

our evolution from Homo Erectus to now.

mosapien sapiens themselves. We are our

reckless abandon, our unhealthy cli- mate

Sustainability is about being able to live

worst enemy.

- we are the source of that. All because of

freely, free from the restraint of man’s

a reflex quick ingrained genetic program

mortal nature, survival of the fittest. Free

Our actions as a collective can lead us to

that says we have to survive. Sustainabil-

from living a life of fear.

that most probable grave. Everything we

ity is no longer about surviving, we have

Experience 2019 - PRESENT

Michael Roger S. Sanchez

South Western University PHINMA, School of Design and Communication , Cebu Architecture Program Developer ●

Developed the College’s Architecture curriculum - transitioning from traditional education to studio based learning in response for the need of producing industry-ready graduates;

Cebu City, Philippines 6000

training the students for practices in the Philippines and within Asia. ●

Hire and develop teams of lecturers and tutors for the Architectural program.

2008 - PRESENT

Querk Design and Associates, Cebu - Sole Proprietor ●

Provide Architectural Services and Consultancy, Construction Management Services

Exploring in new/different construction methods and materials - designing in vernacular.

Development and Mentorship of construction team, architectural Interns and staff

2012 - PRESENT

St. Ignatius Realty & Dev’t Corporation, Cebu - Chief Executive Officer ●

Designed and Developed pocket subdivisions for our family business

Studies and decides for probable acquisitions of properties for future development

Led the Marketing of St. Ignatius de Loyola townhomes, Phase 1, Talisay, Cebu

2012 - PRESENT

R. Sanchez Construction, Cebu - In-house Architect ●

Designed mid-cost houses with customizable features

Site Supervision on the execution of the model units

2013 - PRESENT

ArcStudio, Cebu - Architecture Board Exam Lecturer ●

Lecturer for History of Architecture and Theory of Architecture

2004 - 2008

Arkinamix (Formerly medallaaj architects), Cebu - Design Architect ●

Worked directly with the Principals as Design Architect, Production Architect and/or Production head for various projects

Training of the studio’s student-interns

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