Ginseng Up Brand Book

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The root of all power

Brand book

The Brief Clearly communicate a message for the intended audience and context. Communicate memorably using logos, pathos and/or ethos. Exemplify refined and engaging illustration, typography, hierarchy, composition and color sensibilities that are project-appropriate. Understand at a basic level the process for and value of user feedback. Engage fully in the design process - research, conceptual and formal iteration and breadth, refinement, and preparing a professional presentation of final work to the client. Design a cohesive, yet varied, system that is scalable across size and media. Properly manage files and properly prepare files for print and screen. Address messaging hierarchy & legibility and engage viewers’ eyes across 3-dimensions. Further develop presentation and craft skills – physical prototyping, digital and physical craftsmanship, project photography. To be determined based on chosen product. Considerations How do people identify products in a grocery store? How do they discover new things on the shelf? How does the context [grocery store shelf – high or low, with particular lighting, adjacent to other similar products, etc, etc] affect scale and legibility of text and image? In what ways does packaging affect the user’s experience once it’s home? How might that be altered, improved, or made more meaningful? How do various surfaces work together to tell a complete product story, including govt. Regulated information? What is the current mode of appeal? Why? Would other appeals work better? Constraints / specs / required content color: four-color process [or specify pms colors], full bleed allowed resolution: 300 dpi at actual size dimensions: variable required content: all existing package content, except special offers or sales pricing. Deliverable professionally printed and assembled package mock-ups. High-res digital files of professionally photographed product shots – studio and context.


The Brand Packed with premium ginseng, Ginseng UP is a great tasting soda that provides all-natural ‘UP’. Other soda and drinks often use caffeine and artificial sugar to fight back fatigue and provide a little boost, usually followed by a crash, and continuing the cycle of highs and lows throughout the day. Ginseng UP is an all-natural, cane sugar sweetened, no preservative or caffeine, powered by ginseng, great tasting drink, providing a smooth day with sense of well-being. We invite you to try a new kind of soda, one that is as beneficial as it is enjoyable.

The root of all power


Preexisting packaging designs.

Research Research • Benefits of Ginseng Ginseng (Panax Ginseng), known as the most powerful ‘adaptogen’, is a herbal ingredient used to normalize body imbalances by fortifying the body to fight against fatigue, enhance ability to deal with stress and keeping your body vitalized and performing through balance and stress.








what does the brand stand for?

What is the key response we want from the product & package design? Healthy drinks promote a healthy lifestyle. What is the current mode of appeal? Why? Would other appeals work better? The have have more a straight forward energy drink approach, I feel like something with more a sophisticated/hipster vibe might work better. What is the retail environment? (Is the product going to be displayed on peg board, shelves, point-of-purchase displays, etc.?) In a glass fridge, ready to be served cold. Will it be available to the mass market or sold in a boutique shop, specialty store, etc.? Mostly boutique, or specialty health stores. Are there any other creative considerations What is the USP (unique selling point)? The use of Ginseng in the products Who are we communicating to? (target audience, consumer) Healthy Hipsters, people who are looking for a healthy alternative to getting energy. Background information on the product? Ginseng is healthy so they put it in drinks What is the product description? (describe the product)100% Natural premium Ginseng Drink With Cane Sugar , With 28% Real Juice What are the benefits of the product? Health Benefits of Ginseng, diabetes, weight control, mental health, menstrual troubles and, sexual male dysfunction, balance, fatigue and stress. What does the brand stand for? Promoting health drinking of soda drinks! Any additional information that might affect the creative direction? Caffeine free, no preservatives, no high fructose.

Who are the competitors in the marketplace? Other health drink makers.

How do people identify products in a grocery store? Color, brand, time of relevance to a type of product. How do they discover new things on the shelf? Annotations from store carrier. How does the context [grocery store shelf – high or low, with particular lighting, adjacent to other similar products, etc, etc] affect scale and legibility of text and image? Products that are shelved lower could be targeted to attract small children. Or they could be placed down there because they are a cheaper price than the eye-level products. Items with larger text may be placed at the top. The lighting of a product could be different from the rest of the store to attract you to the protect. In what ways does packaging affect the user’s experience once it’s home? Difficulty opening the package can partake in further frustrations, leading to never buying the product. How well the product is protected. How might that be altered, improved, or made more meaningful? Smart packaging design may serve a function once at home–being able to save and utilize space in a house. How do various surfaces work together to tell a complete product story, including govt. regulated information? The various surfaces of the product may help one, better understand the product and its content information when utilized in a way that compliments all sides including the government rules and regulations. Background information on the product? Ginseng is healthy so they put it in drinks What is the product description? (describe the product) 100% Natural premium Ginseng Drink With Cane Sugar , With 28% Real Juice What are the benefits of the product? Health Benefits of Ginseng, diabetes, weight control, mental health, menstrual troubles and, sexual male disfunction, balance, fatigue and stress.

Who/what are the competitors on the shelf? Bragg Juice, Apple cider, Virgil’s Root-Beer.


the PROBLEM Although Ginseng up has a drink that beneficial to the body in a tasty way, their current packaging does not represent those current ideologies of their company. The current packaging feels more like and unhealthy soda. The original colors are dark and feel more like a beer drink. Driving the packaging to using lighter colors and more earth-tones could create a more healthy looking drink and possibly attract more costumers. In addition more of these products could be sold faster. Key words that were chosen to bing this product new life was: healthy, fresh, and modern. To create a more healthy feeling the use of the actual fruits may help. In addition the fresh feeling could be shown through color and texture. Lastly, the modern feeling could be worked in through the typography.


Healthy fresh modern


typeface The typefaces, Big John & Slim Joe because it exemplified both the shapes of the fruit and the shapes of the bottle. Both of these geometric sans are comprise of simple platonic shapes; and so is the basic structures of fruit. They would best compliment the shapes of the fruit when being used together. The tow typefaces are also short and stout much like the bottle. In addition, both of these typefaces do a wonderful job of creating contrast with on an another. Moreover, The brand itself creates a contrast from it’s competitors by creating a healthy soda that can give you energy instead of making you crash. Lastly Franklin Gothic was as the packaging body copy because of its readability at small point sizes.


big john & slim joe SECONDARY



the process The process started with a robust amount of sketches; works which consisted of using the modes of appeal to help start creating ideas that would be clever or go towards the goal. Explorations were done of different bottle shapes as well as the design. The bottle shapes could influence the way the product shined on the shelf. From there the drawing were taken in to digital formats in which the modes of appeal were further elaborated.



persona & inspiration

Tiffany Bower • Age 29 A high-class yoga instructor who is seeking to open her own studio. She is tired of her daily Kombucha drinks, she want less expensive alternative she can have more often. Maybe something that will partake with her all vegan lunches, or chase down her all natural vodka at work parties.

Richard Stone • Age 55 Richard Stone is looking to retire early. He’s pretty well-off through the funds of his personal business. He has a young new girlfriend who cares a lot about him and his health–and his money. However he is not very healthy he has “old male problems”. His girlfriend takes him to health food stores often and looks for healthy-alternative- carbonated drinks.

Micheal Pippin • Age 18 First year college student who enjoys sports, art, and design. He is looking to keep the healthy body he gained in high school through out his busy college years. He doesn’t have time much time to work out anymore. However, he is aware of trends in the graphic art world.

Rough persona designs


Textures & objects

Ginseng Leaf & Fruits Used to show what a part of the ginseng plants looks like. The fruits also played a large part in being able to visualize the taste of the product.

Paper Texture Used to resemble to color of the ginseng root. Also connects back to the idea of green, healthy, and fresh.

Water Drops Used to make the drink look ready to go! Something that makes you want to quench your thirst and feel fresh while drinking it.

second drafts


color Implementing to the past drafts will be helpful to create a more healthy and fresh feeling. The addition of color allow the products to stand off the shelf.








studio & context


THE FINAL Over all, the final design of this product exemplifies the message that Ginseng up wanted to communicate. It is successful in that way because it communicates the key words of healthy, fresh, and modern. The large white type with the water drop allows you type to pop-out on the store shelves. The edition of a caring case also allowed for more drinks to be purchased at one time. Lastly the final product creates a beautiful more modern vibe for a classic alternative drink creating something that is beneficial to you and your body.


Designed By Myles Thompson

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