N5-Juno Beach Living-Vol.517

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Live the Life Live Livethe theLife Life You You Deserve Deserve at Arcadia Gardens at atArcadia ArcadiaGardens Gardens

AsAsmore moreand andmore more baby baby boomers boomers reach reach As more and more baby boomers reach retirement retirement age, age, many many are are faced faced with with the the retirement age, many are faced with the important important but but daunting daunting task task of of planning planning how how important but daunting task of planning how toto spend their their retirement. retirement. Having Having watched watched their their tospend spend their retirement. Having watched their adult adult children children leave leave the the nest nest to to begin begin lives lives adult children leave the nest to begin livesofofof their their own, own, the the concept concept ofofof downsizing downsizing more their own, the concept downsizingisisismore more enticing enticing than than ever. ever. However, However, with with so so much much left enticing than ever. However, with so muchleft left inintheir their proverbial proverbial tanks, tanks, several several new new retirees retirees in their proverbial tanks, several new retirees find find themselves themselves hesitant hesitant tototo take take this big step. find themselves hesitant takethis thisbig bigstep. step. After After all, all, many many of of them them are are still still in in great great health, health, After all, many of them are still in great health, and and their their idea idea ofofof the the stereotypical stereotypical ‘old folks and their idea the stereotypical‘old ‘oldfolks folks home, home, ’ sounds ’ sounds more more like like a a prison prison sentence sentence than home,’ sounds more like a prison sentencethan than thethe exciting exciting retirement retirement of of their their dreams. dreams. the exciting retirement of their dreams. This This mindset mindset has has led led tototo the the rise rise ofofof aanew trend trend This mindset has led the rise anew new trend ininin senior-living senior-living – – active-adult active-adult communities. communities. senior-living – active-adult communities. The The concept concept isissimple; ininin a amarket saturated The concept issimple; simple; a market marketsaturated saturated with with need-based need-based living living options options ––assisted living, living, with need-based living options –assisted assisted living, memory memory care care and and specialized specialized nursing nursing facilities facilities memory care and specialized nursing facilities with with extensive extensive and and expensive expensive medical medical support with extensive and expensive medicalsupport support services services – – active-adult active-adult provides provides a a choice-based choice-based services – active-adult provides a choice-based senior senior housing housing experience experience focused more on senior housing experiencefocused focusedmore moreon on comfort comfort and and enjoyment. enjoyment. Residents choose toto comfort and enjoyment.Residents Residentschoose chooseto embrace embrace the the luxurious, luxurious, hassle-free hassle-free lifestyle lifestyle these these embrace the luxurious, hassle-free lifestyle these resort-inspired resort-inspired communities offer, and can resort-inspiredcommunities communitiesoffer, offer,and andcan can

tailor tailor their their personal personal retirement experience experience to to aa tailor their personal retirement experience to a perfect perfect fit. fit. perfect fit. One One such community, Gardens, Onesuch suchcommunity, community, Arcadia Arcadia Gardens, Gardens, isis is taking taking this idea totothe the property, takingthis thisidea ideato thenext nextlevel. level.The Theproperty, property, currently currently under construction Palm Beach currentlyunder under construction construction in in Palm Palm Beach Beach Gardens, Gardens, Florida, garnered Gardens, Florida, Florida, has has already already garnered garnered significant significant interest residents significantinterest interestfrom from prospective prospective residents residents looking looking to to maintain maintain their independence independence and looking to maintain their independence and and active active lifestyles, lifestyles, while while also shedding the the burdens burdens active lifestyles, while also shedding the burdens and and stress ofofhomeownership homeownership maintenance. andstress stressof homeownershipand andmaintenance. maintenance. This This newfound newfound freedom freedom allows these newly This newfound freedom allows these these newly newly minted minted seniors seniors the the opportunity to focus focus on minted seniors the opportunity to focus on on what’s what’s truly truly important important – enjoying each moment moment what’s truly important – enjoying each moment

Luxurious Luxurious resort living community Luxuriousresort resortliving livingcommunity communityfor forthose those 55+ 55+ 32

VOL. 517 N

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