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A Daily Devotional from the Book of Communion

The Song of Songs

The greatest aspiration of the human soul is knowing God and experiencing the manifestations of His love. It is the end to a person’s deepest longing.


A Daily Devotional from the Book of Communion

The Song of Songs




\ The greatest aspiration of the human soul is knowing God and experiencing the manifestations of His love. It is the end to a person’s deepest longing.

A Devotional Commentary from the Song of Songs By Jess Garcia


The Song of Songs is written to reveal the love that the Lord God has for His people and to excite their emotions for Him. Coming to know His love is the most worthy of all ambitions. This daily devotional is written to encourage your love of Christ and walk with Him. The Song of Songs has been of tremendous value to me over the years. I have met the Lord Jesus there countless times. Know that He can be found in the garden of the Song of Songs waiting for you. I pray that you will find Him there also.

Jess Garcia


Take the Journey What is the most excellent thing in life, that is, what is the supreme good that a person can attain? It is knowing God and responding in love and devotion. Asaph wrote (Ps. 73:25), Whom have I in heaven but thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire beside thee1. Regarding your relationship with the Lord Jesus, it is for you to decide what kind of relationship you want to have with Him. Know that the Lord is filled with passion for His Bride! Christ says, I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot (Rev. 3:15). Note that the word for hot (Gr. ζεστός, zestos) means boiling hot. That is the type of relationship the Lord Jesus desires to have with you. Having tasted the love of God it is for you to have a burning desire for Him and are unsatisfied until you are enjoying communion with Him. Did you not know, the journey of the Christian life involves being overtaken by the love of God, knowing Him, and bringing Him glory because one recognizes the greatness of His Person? Those that seek the things of themselves are found wanting and unsatisfied, but those that seek to know God shall find intimacy, fulfillment, and blessing. Take the journey and learn of Him and experience the love He has for you.

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the English Revised Version of the Bible. Any other version used will be otherwise noted as such. Note: The picture on cover page is taken from a painting of by Frederick Goodall (1822 - 1904) entitled “The Bride”. The above artwork is by Martin Johnson Heade (1819-1904) entitled “The Magnolia Blossom.”


Introduction Young Solomon was a great king and a man of God. We learn from I Kings 3:3 that Solomon loved the LORD, walking in the statutes of David his father. He knew the beauty of pure, passionate love for someone else and was moved by the Spirit of God to write about it. The Song of Songs is a beautiful book concerning the love between King Solomon and an early bride he had taken that is not recorded anywhere else in Scripture. She was a country girl from Shunem (Song 6:18) and the only Israelite woman that was his bride. But the book has a greater meaning that applies personally to us. We know that all Scripture is written for our edification, including the Song of Songs. To say the book is just a story about human love is like saying the tabernacle in the Old Testament was just some poles, curtains, and a box that the Israelites would cart around, when in fact it was about God’s presence in their lives. It physically demonstrated that sacrifice and cleansing are necessary to enter God’s presence that He was willing to share with His people. It was at the center of their encampment in the wilderness and brought about God’s blessing in their lives. There are things in the Old Testament that have great meaning because they illustrate great truths about the kingdom of God that are also reflected in the New Testament. The Song of Songs also conveys a poetic theme of intimacy with the Lord. Solomon wrote 1,005 songs (I Kings 4:32) but this is the most excellent of them all because it is about the loftiest affectual expression of the grandest thing ever felt by man. The love of God is the greatest love there is in life. It is much greater than the affection between a man and a woman. Love creates passion. A passion for God comes from an intimate knowledge of Him. It can never be understood by human understanding, but only felt by His manifest presence, which is the unveiling of the Person of God in


The Song of Songs also conveys a poetic theme of intimacy with the Lord. Solomon wrote 1,005 songs (I Kings 4:32) but this is the most excellent of them all because it is about the loftiest affectual expression of the grandest thing ever felt by man. The love of God is the greatest love there is in life. It is much greater than the affection between a man and a woman. Love creates passion. A passion for God comes from an intimate knowledge of Him. It can never be understood by human understanding, but only felt by His manifest presence, which is the unveiling of the Person of God in the heart of the believer. It is He that grants a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him (Eph. 1:17) to those that seek to live in close, intimate communion with Him. It is coming to a place in your life of having the experience of knowing God in such a way as being overtaken by Him. The Song of Songs illustrates the love of God at work in the heart of the devoted believer. The purpose of a song is that the heart could sing and express the passion of what it feels. We are told in the New Testament be filled with the Spirit; speaking one to another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord. 1 The Song of Songs is a foretaste of heaven because it is about the supreme beauty of the love of God. It illustrates the struggles of those that love the King of Heaven have in living in close communion with Him. Know that all our personal problems in life relate to our love of God. This is because we have been designed to love God with all of our heart and to make Him the Sovereign of our lives. We are the happiest when we are enjoying the love of God. There are many pitfalls in the Christian life, but the love and fellowship of the King are always there for us to partake, have, and enjoy. It is Christ that is our true comforter and lover of our soul. It is His presence that fills our innermost being, and the hearing of His voice is what lifts us up. Did not the Lord Jesus say (John 10:27), My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me? Have you come to realize that nothing can satisfy the Bride of Christ but Christ? Are you willing to find your fulfillment in Him that has expressed and proved His love for you? In the depths of your heart do you not miss He that gave His life for you? Yes, He is the King busy with the things of the kingdom, but He is always has time for His betrothed. Do you not realize that He longs to hear your voice and enjoys spending time with you? In the kingdom of God, it is the ultimate surrender that brings about an intimate knowledge of Him. Then, take the step that will change the rest of your life and begin the journey. Renew your affections and re-surrender your life to the loving Savior. Walk with the King. Allow Him to share His heart with you. Then, experience the reality of His presence and the manifestations of His love. In doing so, know that heaven will come to earth, the bride will have made herself ready, and the heart of the King will be made full from the love and devotion that His bride has for Him.



Eph. 5:18 & 19.


Regarding Interpretation There is much debate concerning the interpretation of the Song of Songs. Basically, there are two camps today. One believes that it is only about human love. This interpretation is very common today among contemporary mainstream Bible expositors, teachers, preachers, etc. The mainstream belief before that was the Solomon represents Christ and the bride represents the church. This belief is held by R.A. Torrey, Dr. Harry Ironside, Hudson Taylor, Ray Stedman, etc. In studying the Song of Songs, I find the latter to be the proper interpretation for many good reasons. One is that, I believe you can find a picture of Christ in each book of the Bible including the Song of Songs.

Understanding Typology: “A type is a shadow cast on the pages of the OT history by a truth whose full embodiment or antitype is found in the NT revelation…Types have the following characteristics (1) They are rooted in history… (2) They are prophetic in nature… (3) They are…part of redemptive history… (4) They are Christocentric. They all point to Christ in one way or another… (5) They are edificory – having spiritual meaning for God’s people…” – Baker’s Dictionary of Theology 1 In the Song of Songs, Solomon is a type of Christ and the Shulamite bride is a type of the Church. Solomon and his bride are rooted in history, that is, they existed. It is prophetic because it illustrates the relationship between Christ and the Church that was yet to come. It is part of redemptive history because it illustrates our sanctification in Christ. It edificory to God’s people because it edifies the believer in Christ to know the love of Christ and how to express it in return. Prayerfully studying the Song of Songs brings an experience of intimacy with God, as does studying the whole Bible to those that seek to find God in it.

Further remarks regarding interpretation: Basically, the Bible is about the coming Messiah from Genesis to Malachi. Note that the Messiah’s coming has two parts. From Matthew to Revelation, it is about the Messiah that came (the gospels), the Messiah that is coming again, and what it means (Acts through Revelation). To put is simply, the Bible is about the King, the Kingdom, and kingdom living. To believe that the Song of Songs is just about human love would contradict that. I find the comment made by Gaebelein most helpful. He states, “In studying this Love Song the primary application to the remnant of Israel must not be lost sight of. It is to be kept in mind that we are on Jewish ground and that the perfect assurance of that perfect love, which we know as members of His body, is lacking. The deeper spiritual applications which the individual believer may make in


Baker's Dictionary of Theology. Copyright 1960 by Baker Book House. ISBN: 0-80010-4042-6. Seventh Printing, March, 1975. Used by permission


heart communion with the Lord, must be left to each person. In a certain sense we are here in the "Holiest" of all, for love-communion with our Saviour-Lord is the most precious thing. It produces that worship and adoration which is so acceptable in His sight, the worship in the Spirit...� So, in this written work the grammatical literal historic interpretation of the Bible is used. There is basically only one interpretation but many applications. What you will see is the literal interpretation of each verse (or verses) presented first. Then, the application of that verse (or verses) will follow. Important: this is not an allegorical interpretation of Scripture.


WALKING WITH THE KING A Daily Devotional from the Book of Communion

The Song of Songs




Song of Song 1:1 The Song of songs, which is Solomon's.

The Most Excellent Thing in Life The Hebrews would use an idiom to express the excellence of a thing. They would say the “King of Kings” to express the greatest king or the “Holy of Holies” to identify the innermost part of the temple as the most holy place of intimacy between God and man. It is in the holy of holies that God would meet man and touch him in such a powerful way. Hence the “Song of Songs” conveys that this song is the greatest song because it is about the most excellent thing in life. Do you not know that there is a greater dimension to the love of God for you to experience in your personal life? The Word of God states (Song 8:6), …for love is strong as death; jealousy is cruel as the grave: the flashes thereof are flashes of fire, a very flame of the LORD. You may have felt the love of God in time past, but that is not enough. God’s calling is for us to continually live in the sphere of His love as a new bride lives in love with her groom. We are encouraged in the Book of Ephesians (3:19), to know the love of Christ, which surpasses knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God. Once awakened to the love of God, how can one live apart from it? Are you at a place in your life where you desire more of God? Will you allow your soul to catch fire from God’s love for you? This is what is offered in the Song of Songs. Why not live life to its greatest end, which is walking with the King and experiencing the love He has for you? Know that there is no fulfillment apart from Him. You may be preoccupied with the demands of life, but perhaps you are missing the most excellent thing there is in life! Or, it may be that you are engaged in ministry serving the kingdom but does the King only desire service from you or is it your love He desires more? Do you not want to know more of Him who lives to give you life? Do not deny yourself the privilege of walking in the clouds with the King of Heaven. How can any true bride be satisfied without hearing her beloved’s voice, knowing his love, and experiencing intimacy with him? How could she live away apart from him? How are things between you and Christ? How often do you hear Christ’s voice and have Him talk to you during your day? Did He speak to you this morning? Or, has it been a long while? Remember those great spirit-filled days when you lived in His presence and felt His love. You were


so preoccupied with Him and you felt that He was also preoccupied with you. Do you recall that glorious day when you made your stand for Him and how He stood by you? You felt His presence then. But how is it now? Do you know that Christ longs for the final day of your redemption when He will come down from heaven with a shout of command and take you to His Father’s house where He has prepared a special place for you to be with Him and so shall you ever be with the Lord? There will be no more tears over things that brought separation between you and Him. Then, what follows is a time of rewards in which you will be arrayed with a wedding gown of righteousness which is pure like fine linen that is shining for its glory, a wonderful heavenly wedding, and a divine coronation (with all heaven exploding in worship) in which you will take part. You will cast your crown(s) in honor of Him. What comes after that is a taking back of the earth with the King of Kings and Lord of Lords that will usher in a new era of blessing with a magnanimous marriage feast of celebrating the love between the King and His Bride that will last for a thousand years. That is what the future holds, but what about the present? Have you made yourself ready for the Lord Jesus through having a personal love and devotion for Him? Is there not a time of courtship between a bride and groom before their wedding day? A time of exchanging affections? What about loving Christ now, today? As you prepare your life for that great eventful day when He comes for you, know that the Song of Songs will prepare your heart. Do not just claim that God loves you, but instead live in the love He has for you. Experience it, live in it, enjoy it, and share it with others that are in need of it. Know that it is a wonderful thing to fall into the hands of the Living God and it is a tremendous privilege to walk with Him each day. Know that He waits for you, even now, dear believer. The next step is yours. Take Him into the arms of your heart and love Him each day of your life.


Song of Songs 1:2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; for thy love is better than wine.

Knowing the Love of Christ In this scene Solomon’s bride is in the king’s court without him. It is he that has brought her from her country home to be with him in the royal palace. She had been put to work in the vineyards by her stepbrothers that did not care for her. She says, My mother’s sons were incensed against me, they made me keeper of the vineyards; but mine own vineyard have I not kept. So, she had been alone caring for the vineyards. Her life day in and day out is the same thing. Work and more work. Ever feel like that? That is, that every day is a workday with no one to love or care for you. Her only good memories are those of her mother that once cared for her, but she is no longer present. It seems that she has passed away and her daughter misses her. Then, one day while working in the vineyards she meets a kind shepherd that finds her beautiful. Time passes on, there are several visits and love grows between them. She feels that she is not attractive but her shepherd friend tells her how lovely she is by comparing her to things of beauty in the country around her that she would understand. The shepherd is overtaken by her penetrating gaze, as she looks at him with eyes of deep love and devotion. Then, she finds that her shepherd friend is the king of Israel and is brought to the king’s court to be with her beloved. But it is not the king’s court, that she desires. It is not the king’s riches that bring her joy. It is only he that she longs for. The desire of her heart is revealed in her thoughts, in which she says to herself, Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth; for thy love is better than wine. The bride does not call Solomon by name because there is only one “him” in her mind, in her heart, in her life. In the whole book of the Song of Songs there is King Solomon present and King Solomon absent in relation to the bride. Here, she speaks of "him" absent and longs for him to be with her. She cannot live in separation from her beloved. Is this not the story of your life in relation to the Lord Jesus? Did He not take you from the world into His kingdom to enjoy the benefits of being the bride of the King? Are you truly aware of His desire for you and do you long for Him as much? Do you feel anxious when He is absent? Every


day we are in danger of losing the reality of Christ’s presence. Every day we are to know Him better and relish in His personal devotion to us. Oh dear believer, there is knowledge of Christ and there is knowing with Christ. It is our sinful neglect that keeps us from Him. This is why we lose intimacy with Him. Begin today to desire Him again. Think of his love displayed at the cross. Think of His love revealed to you when you met Him at salvation when your eyes were opened and you embraced Him as your Lord and King. Think about the times He spoke to you with such lovely words that touched your heart and filled your soul. Remember when you stayed up late reading His word and could not sleep because of the joy and blessing you felt. Think about the times you prayed so hard about something. Then, He came through and answered you in such an overwhelming way. You felt His love and saw His care. He is the same Person. His love has not changed, but has your love changed? Know that Christ’s love can be regained at any time. This is because the love of Christ is ongoing unto eternity and His work of care never ends. Christ desires that His bride that He shed his blood for on the cross to be fulfilled in Him. Did He not tell the church of Ephesus (Rev. 2:5) to remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works? Do you remember all the things you did at first when you came to Christ? They were all done out of love for Him because He was so real to you and you felt that His love was better than the joys of the world. You had the reality of Christ then. It is His love that is the fuel we need to live the Christian life. It is the manifestations of Christ’s love that gives us the power and the right to love Him in return. In the very heart of Christ there is only love for you. It is no mystery that in the midst of the Word of God is this unique book of communion called The Song of Songs that celebrates the king’s love for his bride and her love for him. It is juxtaposed against the Book of Ecclesiastics that is about a life of wandering without the Savior’s love. But the Song of Songs is a book about finding; that is, finding Christ and experiencing intimacy with Him. It is about finding the King of Heaven that loves us, and washed us from our sins in His own blood LITV 1 (Rev. 1:5). It is there for us to extol the love of the King. Oh, what manner of love is this that we should be called the bride of the King! Oh, for intimate knowledge of


Scripture taken from the Literal Translation of the Holy Bible Copyright © 1976 - 2000 By Jay P. Green, Sr. Used by permission of the copyright holder.


the Savior’s love. It is what converts sinners, uplifts the fallen, and gives us strength to go on in life with the joy of God. Is not the King’s love better than any pleasure this world may offer? Can you not say with the bride that His love is better than wine? Is it not your rightful place to find your exhilaration in Him? Did He not sign your marriage certificate with drops of blood? Did it not cost Him His life? So, return to Christ and worship Him again for who He is. Know that there are affections for you to give and to have. Oh, dear one, allow Him to show His love for you. A God not well-known cannot be truly loved. It is Christ’s desire for you to take His yoke of His infinite bond upon you and learn of Him, whom not having seen ye love; on whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice greatly with joy unspeakable and full of glory (I Pet. 1:8). Return to Him and give Him the right place of preeminence in your heart. Bring Him happiness and add to the coming day of the gladness of His heart.


Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


Song of Songs 1:3 Thine ointments have a goodly fragrance; thy name is as ointment poured forth; therefore do the virgins love thee.

Knowing Christ There was a pleasing fragrance that characterized the king’s presence. The bride knew it well. Ointments were used to give off an aromatic pleasing fragrance to be enjoyed by those near its scent. Because of this the bride could tell when her beloved was near. In Christ there is a certain indescribable wellness of being that one feels when experiencing His presence. It is like a pleasing fragrance. One can always sense when He is near, then comes a wonderful time of fellowship. The bride had described the character the king’s presence, now describes the character of his person. She says that her beloved’s name is like ointment poured forth because he brought healing into her life (ointment was used for the healing of the sick). It is his love that has healed her and brought her so much joy. Christ has the healing ointments we need in our lives. His love is being poured all day long for those that come to Him. Christ would have us know His goodness, His healing power from sin, His love, and what He is really like. Then and only then can He can properly be understood, enjoyed, and related. This is a mystery for us because we know that we are sinful. Yet, the Lord wants to share the beauty of His life with us. Know that the willingness of Christ to share His life with us can only be understood through His love and grace. It is because of His love and grace that we are able to come to Him over and over again despite our unrighteous works and personal failings. To know Christ is to know that His grace is grander than what we can imagine and that His love touches us deeper than anything we have known. For that is what He wants us to know. We are told, for by grace have ye been saved through faith…it is the gift of God. Our hearts should break at His goodness to us. Truly knowing Christ humbles us and makes us appreciative of Him. In every person’s life that He has touched He has left a pleasing fragrance of His presence, a special knowledge of His person, and a life changing effect of His redemptive power. And on account of this He is loved. Let us not boast of what we have done for Him, but on what He has done for us. It is the love of Christ that makes us a better person. So, let us draw near to Christ, enjoy His company, and praise Him for who He is, our Savior-King.


Song of Songs 1:4 Draw me; we will run after thee: the king hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in thee, we will make mention of thy love more than of wine: rightly do they love thee.

Desiring Christ The bride longed for her beloved, but she did not stop there. She asked to be drawn into his presence in order to be alone with him. And it was granted. Even though Christ has much affection for us, He waits for us to desire Him. There are many things that we desire and pursue. Is Christ a part of them? Do you desire Him and are in a state of unrest until you find Him? Or, you never think of Him in those terms. Christ has done so much on our behalf, but now waits for us to desire, esteem, and come to Him to further our relationship. Know that our life is a life of furtherance. Ask yourself if your Christian life is about pursuing Christ because you long for Him or is it about pursuing the things of this life that take you away from Him. You may think of Him with the fullest sincerity once a week on Sunday morning but then that is it! What if He did that to you? Your life would be in turned upside down every day but Sunday and perhaps it is (in relation to Him). In true humility you may feel unworthy to seek the Lord, because you know your imperfections. Ask Christ to draw you to Him despite them. He will cleanse you from spiritual failure and bring you to a new elevated state of living in nearness to Him. Know that Christ delights in healing us from sin. He likes to set things that are broken straight. He loves you despite your faults. He wants you to know Him, but He waits for you to come to Him and ask. What was He doing when He was a carpenter? He was building things. What is He doing now? He is building people up through the love He has for them. So, spend time with Him in your inner room of prayer, in meditation on God’s Word, and do not leave until you hear His voice, are assured of His care, and have renewed of your love for Him. It is then that you will be glad and rejoice in Him and remember his love more that wine. You will go out into the world with heaven in your heart, your countenance beaming with the love of the King, and ready to face the Philistines of this life.


Song of Songs 1:5 I am very dark, but lovely, O daughters of Jerusalem, like the tents of Kedar, like the curtains of Solomon. ESV1

Knowing Your Place before God The bride was tanned from toiling under the hot sun. Working under the hot sun leaves its mark, as does a past life of drudgery under sin. The darkened bride in the king’s court stands out from among the delicate ladies of the court. The tents of Kedar were made of very dark animal skins to which she compares herself. Even though she does not liken herself to the beautiful women of the court, they don’t compare to her in the beauty she possesses in the king’s eyes. She is not moved because she knows her beloved loves her. It is what gives her confidence to stand in the king’s court. We know that Solomon had the most exquisite taste for the aesthetic quality of things. Imagine what the curtains of his palace were like. They were beautiful. She sees the beauty of the curtains and remembers her beloved’s words about how lovely she is to him. Humility is knowing who you are before God. We often think of humility as being made low or being brought down. But in Christ, humility also means being exalted to a place of honor and dignity; that is, being brought up to a new state of living in union with Him. Know that before God, you are in yourself unholy and desperately wicked. But also know that in Christ, you are wonderfully saved, made clean, spotless, and fit to stand in God’s presence. We are wretched in our old nature, but beautiful to God in the new. Do not let your sins keep you from Christ. Know that His grace exceeds your wickedness. Realize that you have a place in the King’s court in heaven. It is the place He won for at the cross. Know that God has raised us up together and seated us together in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:6). Your relationship with Christ is spiritual. It is your spirit that is raised with Christ to heaven. From there you can tell Him you love Him in person over and over again even now, today. Then, share His love with those that you will meet today. For the King has put them in your path for you to care for them.

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Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the English Revised Version of the Bible, or Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved


Song of Songs 1:6 Do not gaze at me because I am dark, because the sun has looked upon me. My mother's sons were angry with me; they made me keeper of the vineyards, but my own vineyard I have not kept! 1

Acceptance There is perplexity in the king’s court. Why is the bride of Solomon so different from the other women of the court? Why is she so darkened from the sun? The bride can feel all eyes on her in wonder. She thinks to herself, Do not gaze at me because I am dark, because the sun has looked upon me. The ladies of the court would not know what her life has been. They obviously have never known hard work. It is so easy for us to judge people without really understanding what they have gone through in life. Not everyone gets the care. Not everyone comes from a good loving family. As God saves people by snatching them out of the fire, it is for us to embrace them and welcome them into His fold. The hurts and pains of a past life without Christ leaves its mark on people, but let us not separate ourselves from them because of the way they may look, act, and speak. Know that people bring darkness into their lives because they neglect the things of God. But new believers have made their greatest confession and have admitted their fallen state. They have forsaken their past life and are starting a new one with the Lord Jesus. What more should we ask of them? Recognize that it is the King that has saved them and brought them into the circle of His friends. The bride discloses that she was put in charge of the vineyards that gave her no time for caring for herself as other young ladies would spend time doing. Satan will have people busy involved in the things of life in order to have them neglect the things of God. Do you not remember your own salvation story? That is, how the God of Heaven looked upon your poor state, felt your pain, and saved you. Can you not reach out to those that are new to the Kingdom of God and help them in their new life with Him? Would it not be a good thing to teach them how to draw from the living waters that will quench any thirst for a better life in communion with God? Accept them, pray for them, build them up, and have them feel at home in the Lord’s court among His people.


Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are from the English Revised Version of the Bible, or Scripture quotations marked (ESV) are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved


Song of Songs 1:7 Tell me, O thou whom my soul loveth, where thou feedest thy flock, where thou makest it to rest at noon: for why should I be as one that is veiled beside the flocks of thy companions?

Arguing with God When we admit our failure and repent of sin, what is our next resolve? Know that admission of guilt and repentance of sin is not enough. Our soul still has need to be fed on Christ, rest in His care, and experience His love. The bride is not satisfied to be with the companions of her beloved. She does not want to be one that is veiled beside them (that is, one who is veiled in mourning because she lost her beloved, or one who is veiled as a harlot because she has left her husband). Many fail in their need for God by attempting to fill their heart with the words and the companionship of the shepherds of God. Many seek the teaching of men instead of being taught of God through prayer and intimate communion. If you are a young believer do not be confused. Yes, we need men of God to teach us His Word but they could never be God to us. You must go beyond them and seek

Note: The artwork used on this page is from John William Waterhouse (1849-1917) entitled Boreas (1903). Public Domain


to be taught of Christ in intimate fellowship with Him. It is only Christ can be God to you. No man or woman can take His place. He is not replaceable just as the love of God is replaceable. You may go off to a great conference concerning the things of God and come away encouraged, but the conference will not hold you up Monday morning when you have to begin your week and face life. That is not to say that a conference about the things of God is a bad thing in and of itself. It is a good thing, but there is a great difference just hearing about God and actually spending time alone with Him in intimate fellowship where there is mutual communion. That is what will hold you up to meet all the challenges that life brings. Know that there is only one love of God and there is only one communion with God that makes a person what he or she has been designed to be (which is to be a living reflection of His Person). The true seeker of God can only find solace in Him. Be like the bride that would not be satisfied abiding with the shepherds of the flocks, but seeks only to abide with her one true love, that is, her true beloved. Know that there are times we must go to God and argue to be with Him. Did not Christ say to a woman that came to Him for help that, for it is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs? But she answered him, ‘Yes, Lord; yet even the dogs under the table eat the children's crumbs.’ And how did Christ respond? He said, O woman, great is your faith; let it be to you as you desire. We must at times be as Jacob and wrestle with the Lord till morning if necessary, to receive His approved blessing in our lives. We must tell Him that we need Him and how that we cannot go on without Him. We must say to Him that we will not eat, sleep, or go out until He blesses us with intimate fellowship. Be like Ruth, who would not leave Naomi’s side and pleaded, Entreat me not to leave thee, and to return from following after thee... Then, you will see the gates of heaven open to you. You will have the love of your Beloved manifested in such a powerful way greater than the love of Boaz. The Lord appreciates such a person that argues to be sincere to Him because he or she values His presence. But how many times have you done that? Oh, tell the Lord you want to be where He is. Tell him that you want to be at His side working with Him because you can’t live apart from Him. Then, you will be to Him as precious in His sight. You will have the pleasure of His company, the sharing of His heart, and the continual enjoyment of hearing His voice telling you about the secrets of the kingdom and how much you mean to Him.


Song of Songs 1:8 If thou know not, O thou fairest among women, go thy way forth by the footsteps of the flock, and feed thy kids beside the shepherds’ tents.

Beautiful to Christ For those that seek to please the Lord Jesus Christ, it is their greatest fear and danger to be doing God’s work without Him. It is He that gives His people a love and burden for those to whom they are to minister. Ministry is meaningless without the love of God because ministry is administering the love of God. The bride in the song seeks to work alongside her beloved. If he is shepherding in the fields she wants to be there shepherding with him. She is not claiming “woman’s rights”, but the rights of someone in love with their beloved. Have you ever claimed that right? Have you ever told the Lord that you want to be with Him because you love Him? This is because you know that any work without Him will grow empty and fall apart. What does Solomon call the bride? He calls her, O thou fairest among women. Did you know that loving Christ makes you beautiful? It is the love of God that changes you. It makes you give up the things of this life to be with Him in holy fellowship. That is what love does. What do you think? Is He worthy of giving up your worldly pursuits because of the love He has for you? But know that He does not ask you to give up anything unless you love Him? This is what He asked Apostle Peter before He gave him the ministry of shepherding His people. He asked Peter, Do you love me? Know that for those that love and desire Him there is always a path to finding Him. Solomon tells his bride not to worry concerning being with her beloved, but to follow the great path left by the others that are following him. There are great men and women of God that have gone before us and have left us a path to follow. Abraham left his home to be with God. Paul was thrown from his high horse of self-righteousness and pride to accept Christ and passionately spread the gospel of grace to the then known world. Know that there is a path to Christ no matter where you are in life. If you want to be where Christ is, then go to where He is doing a work and become part of it. Use your gifts and talents to bring people to the Savior and shepherd them. Then, you will find Him doing His best work of changing people’s lives, saving them from sin, building them up, and having you at His side in loving fellowship sharing His work.


Song of Songs 1:9 I have compared thee, O my love, to a |mare|1 in Pharaoh’s chariots.

Leaving the Old Life to Enjoy A New One with Christ The bride is willing to work at her beloved’s side. She will value what he values to learn of him and be near him. King Solomon is deeply touched and compares his bride to a stead of Pharaoh's chariots. The Egyptians would use male horses to pull their chariots. They were admired for their beauty, swiftness, and strength. But there was one extraordinary female mare that was put with the male horses doing the work of a male horse that Solomon remembered when he thought on the past life of his bride. The bride was doing the work of a man in the vineyards. Her own brothers put her in charge of the work and she did it. Solomon saw her toil, felt compassion, and brought her out to be with him. Christ knows our hardship and travail that the god of this world has put us under. He has come to make life better for us. Christ is like Noah, for the Scriptures say, and he [Lamech] called his name Noah, saying, This same shall comfort us for our work and for the toil of our hands, because of the ground which the LORD hath cursed. Sin brings a curse, but the Lord will bring us relief and comfort in the midst of it. Satan would misuse us like Pharaoh putting us in bondage and toil but Christ would have us rest in Him. Satan would have us in stress and servitude. Christ would have us made lovely and decked out with jewels of loving grace. That is the difference of the god of this world and the God of heaven. Know that pleasing Christ is within our grasp. When we whole-heartedly seek Christ and desire Him is when we are lovely to Him. Though He has affection for us He desires for us to have affection for Him. It is when the church is working at her Beloved’s side that the heart of the King is delighted. Be like the bride in her swiftness to be with her beloved, in her beauty of devotion, and in her willingness to give her strength in the king’s work. In the book of Revelation (22:17) we find the Bride working in such unity with the Spirit of God, which states, And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And he that heareth, let him say, Come. And he that is athirst, let him come: he that will, let him take the water of life freely. Because you have tasted the waters of the love of God you cannot help but invite others to partake also. Have others to know Christ’s love and care because you know and experience it.


Song of Songs 1:10 Your cheeks are lovely with ornaments, your neck with strings of jewels. ESV1

The Beauty of the Bride It is the king that beautifies the bride. He has given her gifts to express his love for her and he delights in the beauty of her person. He tells her how lovely she is to him. May Christ delight in the beauty of His graces manifested in you. Christ looks for good things to say to us. He loves His bride. That is so hard for us to understand. Because of His work in our lives (through his death on the cross, His resurrection from the grave, and his ascension into heaven) He has made us fit to be His bride. He has given many gifts of grace. There are adornments and there are adornments! There is the fading beauty of this world that man honors and there is the eternal beauty of the divine things that God values. What He has given us could never be gotten on our own. He has given us love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc. We in these graces we are made beautiful to Him. The Lord tells His people (Ezek. 16:11-14), I adorned you with ornaments and put bracelets on your wrists and a chain on your neck… a beautiful crown on your head. Thus, you were adorned with gold and silver, and your clothing was of fine linen and silk and embroidered cloth. You grew exceedingly beautiful and advanced to royalty. And your renown went forth among the nations because of your beauty, for it was perfect through the splendor that I had bestowed on you, declares the Lord GOD. But in the following verses of this passage the Lord speaks of how His people had turned away from Him and let Him down2. But you, dear believer, need not bring hurt and pain to the heart of God and disappoint Him as they had done. Cannot God expect better things of you? Dear believer, put on the graces He has given you and wear them well. It is the chain of love and the necklace of obedience that a believer that is enamored with Christ wears. We might not see them, but the King does. All of us wear our relationship with God, even though we may not be aware of it. But others are aware of it. It is the jewels of Christ's graces and the gold necklace of obedience through the trials of life that make us desirable to Him. It is the face that looks up to Him in faith ______________________________________ 1

The Holy Bible, English Standard Version ® (ESV®), copyright © 2001 by Crossway, a publishing ministry of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved 2 Of course, God cannot be let down because He is God. This phrase is used in an anthropomorphic fashion.


and the voice that speaks to Him in prayer that He loves. It is the eyes that are fixed on Him that He cannot ignore. He cannot help but to commune with His bride that earnestly desires to be with Him. He will always reveal Himself to the heart that is stayed on Him. Know that every person’s relationship with God is exactly where he or she has chosen it to be. It is within our power to draw near to God or to turn away from Him every day of our lives. It is in our hands to bring God joy and delight or to embrace the pleasures of the world that will bring Him pain. Dear believer, what is your choice this day? Will it be to seek the beauty of this world or the beauty of the things of God? Will it be devotion to self or devotion to God?


Song of Songs 1:11 We will make thee plaits of gold with studs of silver.

The King Will Does Not Stop Beautifying the Bride The king has not stopped adoring the bride. The Lord Jesus has not stopped loving us. How do we know this? It is through intimate fellowship that we are given the conviction of what we mean to our heavenly Beloved. To know the Savior is to know His feelings toward us. But His work in our lives did not stop on the day of our salvation. It had just begun. We must take heart in that. We are on earth to know and serve the King. Christ is in heaven working out His eternal plan of salvation. The king enjoys the loveliness of the bride and seeks to make her more beautiful. The Lord Jesus and God the Father (who is the divine gold and jewel maker) will make ornaments of gold studded with silvers for the Bride of Christ to wear. These are precious lasting ornaments of grace that will have the bride radiate in brilliance. It is the work of Christ to present the church to himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish (Eph. 5:27). That is what the Lord Jesus is presently doing in our lives. Ever wonder how does gold become gold? It is when it is put through the fire and is refined. So, how is a believer refined? It is when he or she is tried and found true. Solomon had left the bride alone, apart from him only to find that it did not change her devotion to him. It made her desire him even more. There are times that you will feel the Lord is away. What do you do in those times? Do you think, “The king is away now I can do whatever I wish.”? Or do you wait in holy longing? Does sin find you when He is away? Or, does your Bible become more well-worn and your knees touching the floor more frequent? Do you say to yourself, “My master is away. I must seek to be faithful in all I do.”? It is so easy to follow the Lord when we have the conscious enjoyment of fellowship. But how good are we when we do not? Know that we are not perfect yet. There is so much dross to be removed from our lives. It is the dross of sin and our


lack of devotion that makes us an unfaithful bride, but go to the Divine Gold Maker and Jeweler to remove all your impurities and have Him decorate with holiness that radiates the brilliance of His divine redemptive work. The plaits of gold (to be placed on the hair) and studs of silver (probably a silver necklace worn around the neck) are the finishing touches of God's work in our lives until the Savior comes. It is for us to wear the ornament of gold attained through our trials and necklace of obedience through them. This is what our Lord admires. Be glad that He is at work in your life and take heart that the final day of our redemption will come. Paul reminds us (Phil. 1:6), that he which began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ.


Song of Songs 1:12 While the king sat at his table, my spikenard sent forth its fragrance.

A Place at the King’s Table Solomon’s bride is seated with her beloved reigning with him. She is with him in the king’s court among his circle of friends in the royal palace. She has taken her place beside the king and there is the beautiful aroma dispelled from her presence. Why does the king have his bride at his side? It is because He sees his life in union with her. Why should Christ have us reign with Him? It is because He cannot imagine life without His bride. Solomon’s bride makes her presence known by the dispelling of the fragrance of her perfume but she uses it to figuratively express that being with him brings out something good in her, that is, the best in her. When you are lifted up, loved, and given a place of honor you are able to respond in kind. Dear believer it is for us to respond in kind to all the things Christ has done for us. Have you taken your place at the King of Heaven’s table? Christ rules from on high and waits for you to leave the old life with its preoccupations, worries, and enslavements to reign with Him the new. It is through His grace that we are seated with Christ in the heavenly realm. God exalts those that come humbly before Him in rags for garments of fine linen made from the righteousness of Christ. Ephesians 2:5-7, states,… He made us alive together with Christ (by grace you are being saved), and raised us up together and seated us together in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus, that He might demonstrate in the ages coming on, the exceeding great riches of His grace in kindness toward us in Christ Jesus.1 Being seated with Christ is a place of nearness and authority. When the Bride reigns with Christ there is a beautiful aroma pleasing to God that is released. The Word of God tells us that we are a sweet smell to God because of Christ1 (2 Cor. 2:15). There is the aroma of sweet, loving fellowship and caring not only for Christ but for His kingdom. There are people to reach, believers to uplift, and plans to be carried out. The bride has authority over spiritual things on earth. In the King’s court of heaven, we can intercede for others. We can ask for blessing and direction. There we can know the Lord’s heart and hear His instructions for the church. He is never happier than when His bride takes her place at His side and reigns with Him. In reigning with Him she reigns in life. That is what Christ wants for us, that is, to reign in life with a full assurance of His personal affection toward us.

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Song of Songs 1:13 My beloved is unto me as a bundle of myrrh, that lieth betwixt my breasts.

The Preciousness of Christ The bride of Solomon rejoices in her relationship with him and expresses it through a series of praises. She is moved to speak of her beloved only in the most positive and intimate terms. She likens him to a bundle of myrrh that is always with her. Myrrh was a costly perfume that would give off an aromatic scent. The women of that time would put myrrh in a small box or sack that would hang on a chain around their neck over their bosom. She tells Solomon, “You are like this rich, aromatic alabaster box to me that hangs over my heart, which is always with me.� Before His departure to heaven, Christ told the church, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. The Lord Jesus is always with us. He is precious to us because He has promised to be with us despite our lapses in holiness, prayer, and devotion to Him. Truly, it is Christ that invented faithfulness and not us. It is by His faithfulness that we are faithful. Our bond with Him is truly a relationship of uplifting love. Let us express it with bursts of praise of what it means to be in love with Him. The bride compares Solomon to costly precious myrrh, but we can also compare Christ to it. He is like myrrh because He is precious. He is like myrrh because His personal goodness to us. There are so many times that we deserve His righteous anger and judgment, but He is faithful to be kind and patient with us. This is beyond our understanding as the things of God are beyond our understanding, but we are beginning to comprehend what grace is. It is something so profound and effective. Every day is a new day to learn of Him and to sing His praises. Know that the Lord Jesus is to be enjoyed and praised. We need not shrink back in fear or shame, but in holy boldness and confidence share our feelings about Him. Mary was not afraid to anoint the feet of Jesus with costly myrrh, even though she was chided for it. Christ was more precious than myrrh to her. How precious is He to you? Walk with Him and talk with Him during your day. Break the alabaster box of the precious perfume of devotion to your Beloved and the let the world know how much you care for Him.


Song of Songs 1:14 My Beloved is to me like a cluster of henna-flowers in the vineyards of Engedi.

It is Christ that Makes Us Lovely The bride continues her praise of her beloved. The henna flower is a beautiful yellow flower that women would wear at that time to beautify themselves. Engedi was an oasis near the Dead Sea and southwest of Jerusalem. It was a place of comfort to many a weary traveler. It had a fresh spring and was filled with beautiful fresh flowers and gardens. What Christ is to the Church is like fresh flowers that bring beauty, sweet scent, and freshness. He like is like an oasis to us. He is our “go to� place of comfort and rest from the cares of this life. Know that where Christ comes from is an awesome place of beauty. There is the fading beauty of this world and there is the eternal beauty of God. There is nothing more beautiful than what God is (love, holiness, light, etc.). And this is what we treasure. We as believers are allowed to see the beauty of God. It is powerful and overtaking. David saw it and moved to say (Ps. 27:4), One thing have I asked of the LORD, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in his temple. What greater beauty is there in a person than the beauty of their self-sacrificial love for God? Know that without holiness no man can see the Lord. David in a holy state desired to live in the holiness of God and be involved with Him. Holiness generates more holiness. Worldliness perpetuates greater worldliness. Only one way life may be lived at one time, though there are two. The life of holiness leads to more holiness with Jesus accompaniment all the way. This is where He is found, beheld, and enjoyed. The way of sin leads us away from Christ and sets on a different path that ends in judgment. So, there is the path of blessing and the path of judgment. Know that the pathway of holiness is not so difficult because Christ has made it possible for us to travel on it through his death, resurrection, and ascension. He is always there and extends His hand in fellowship to keep us in it. Take the high road and walk with Him, for there are blessings that lead to more blessings ahead.


Song of Songs 1:15 Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold, thou art fair; thine eyes are as doves.

The Penetrating Gaze of the Bride What is happening here is that there are two people in love with each other, exchanging their affections for one another. After the bride sings her praises for Solomon he cannot help but respond with his praises of her. He compares her eyes that are looking into his very soul as the innocent eyes of a gentle dove. From this we know what Solomon sees in his bride. What does Christ see in us, His bride? What does He think of the church today? Is she in love with Him? As Christ looks into your heart, what does He see? Solomon looks into the eyes of his bride and sees that she truly cares for him. Is that what Christ sees in you? Eyes filled with holy devotion are what He should see in you. Solomon speaks of the bride as having “eyes as doves”. That is, that her eyesight is keen and focused on him. She is also modest and harmless in evil and having no meanness in her. Does that also describe you, dear believer? It should. Have you told the Lord Jesus, how much you love Him? And did you hear Him tell you how much He loves you? Have Him gaze upon you and delight in you. Let Him say, This is my Beloved in whom I am well-pleased. Hear Him say it to you and your heart will lift your feet with joy that no one can take away. That is when spiritual life becomes reality. You are blessed, Christ is blessed, and Satan’s power is again diminished. Christianity is about Christ. It is about having a love-relationship with Him. That is the simplicity of Christian doctrine. May it be the simplicity of your personal life also. Ever see two people that are meant to be together? That is what you and Christ are like. He chose you to be in Him before the foundation of the world and for you to be holy and without blemish before Him in love (Eph. 1:4). You have a special place in His heart. Does He have a special place in yours? The Lord would not ask you to love Him with all your heart if He did not also love you with all of His.


Song of Songs 1:16 Behold, thou art fair, my beloved, yea, pleasant: also our couch is green.

Enjoying the Blessings of Being in Christ The scene has changed from the king’s court to the country. We know this because of the metaphors used by Solomon and the bride. Notice that Solomon calls her my love and she calls him my beloved. Previously the beloved, namely Solomon, has told the bride how lovely she is to him. She now responds and says how handsome he is to her. We know throughout the Word of God that God has found people that were lovely to Him. When the world had turned away from Him Noah and his family did not. That was lovely to Him. The Lord has said that there is joy in heaven over one sinner that repents (Luke 15:7). The day you came to Christ was lovely to Him. Know that after salvation the next step is walking with Him, and that is what the Lord also admires. When Enoch walked with God, it was beautiful to Him. Know that it is possible to be found pleasing in the eyes of Christ. Though there are many a master, parent, husband, wife, etc., that one can never please, know that Christ can be pleased, and even further to the place of being admired by Him. What heavenly bliss for you and Christ to be in loving communion together! Is that your spiritual condition right now, today? Know that it should be and can be because God has made it possible. The bride continues her speech and speaks of a bed of green grass that is luxuriant when she says, “our couch is green.” She uses the phrase as a metaphor of their relationship. On a bed of green grass one can rest, relax, and enjoy the company of another. Know that Christ is our place of repose. In Him we can find rest from our cares and comfort from our woes. It is in Him that we can enjoy holy fellowship despite the things of life that press upon us every day. Christ has said (Matt. 11:28), “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Our rest is His concern. He says (Matt. 11:29) “Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Know that the time you spend with Him is a matter of importance to Him. So, take the time to be with Him today. Take His yoke of infinite bond and learn how much He loves you. Allow yourself to see the beauty that is in Christ.


Song of Songs 1:17 The beams of our house are cedars; our rafters are of firs [cypress trees ].

The Integrity of our Relationship with Christ What is the integrity of any relationship? Will it stand? Will it weaken over time? The bride looks out at the surrounding country from the bed of green grass that she is sharing with her beloved and picks the cedar and cypress trees to illustrate the relationship between her and Solomon. She sees the beams of what holds up their union as strong as cedar and lastingness of as fir, an evergreen tree. Know that our relationship with Jesus our Lord is ever so strong as to transcend any challenge, setback, or storm. And it is an everlasting relationship that will surpass even time. That is the integrity of our relationship with our Beloved and that is the security He wants us to have and enjoy. Those outside of Christ know not of His love. It is His love that reaches out to save. It is His love empowers His bride, the church. It sends His servants out into the world to preach the gospel to the lost. It makes them sacrifice all that they have for Him. His love changes lives. Hardened criminals become such gentle loving souls. Cowards become men of courage. It opens the eyes of the blind to the things of God. The bride is so excited about her beloved. She finds his love so stable and unwavering. Have you found Christ’s love to be that for you? Is it the worries of life that overcome you that you forget His love? Or, is it the sinful pleasures that have a stranglehold on you that you fail to repent and come to your loving Lord? Our Savior says, “Come.” How much more simple can it be? He told the crippled man to, “Arise and walk.” And he did. Do you hear His voice telling you the very same thing? He will not cast you away because of your wickedness, but will embrace you and cleanse you from it. The beloved in the song doesn’t change. The Lord Jesus does not change. Sin may change us and fool us to think that He cannot want us back because we have failed Him. Have you not heard that the “chief of sinners” has become His great apostle? The foundation of Christ’s kingdom is built on the love and mercy of God. It is greater than your failings. Dear believer, be like that bride that is so excited and so in love. Return to the love wherewith you are loved. Return to the Lord Jesus, even now.


WALKING WITH THE KING A Daily Devotional from the Book of Communion

The Song of Songs




Song of Songs 2:1 I am a rose of Sharon, a lily of the valleys.

The Uncommonness of the Believer in Christ The bride does not pretend her greatness. She knows that she is like the common rose or lily that grow along the countryside. She does not hail from any palace. She is not a princess of any kingdom. She, in her eyes, is just a commoner. Ever feel that way in the presence of the Lord Jesus? You may wonder, “Why is the King interested in me?” “Why does He spend time with me?” But humility is what the King admires. The Lord is not near the haughty, but He draws near to the humble. The greatness of the world is of no importance to Him. The Lord Jesus has stated, “Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven (Matt. 18:4).” The Lord does not look at our great accomplishments, but in our humility of heart. A proud person cannot change unless he or she relinquishes all his or her achievements. All of us must admit that we are nothing before God. There is no pride in heaven. The Lamb of God has made the greatest of all accomplishments. He has laid down His life for humanity and destroyed the satanic kingdom. In that we may boast! He has committed His love to us as a groom on his wedding day. In that we may boast! All our boasting is in knowing the love of Christ. It is His love that lifts our hearts and bring us up from our low state. It brings us to enjoy communion with Him, to know that good things of His kingdom, and to care for others as He does. It is better to be a humble person before God than to be proud without Him. Yes, we are common, but the Lord Jesus makes us uncommon. Remember that He is always near, even though it may seem that He is far away busy with the work of His kingdom. It is for us to keep a warm relationship with Him. Actually, a burning hot relationship with Him (Re. 3:16). In living close to Him, we enjoy the miracle of new life, we have eyes to see what we not have seen before, and a future where all our needs will be met beyond our greatest dreams. We know not what may come each day, but we know that in being a common lily of heaven means being arrayed with a radiant robe of righteousness, without spot, wrinkle, or any such thing so that we can face anything in life. Dear believer, enjoy the blessed walk with Christ. He will come for you soon. He will come soon.


Song of Songs 2:2 As a lily among thorns, so is My love among the daughters.

Transcending the Thorns Why is it that a beautiful flower will have thorns? God has made us beautiful in Christ, but yet placed amidst the thorns. There is the thorn of sin that pricks us so deep for failing our Savior. Then, there are the thorns from the memories of hurtful things that have happened in our lives. Thorns produce scars. Many people still carry the scars from their past. Life is filled with thorns. That is a truth. The thornless days are the days we remember as happy ones. The happiest days of our lives are the days without thorns. Those days had their worries, challenges, and hardworkingness but no thorns. Know that Christ bore the crown of thorns to give us beautiful days of heaven in fellowship with Him. Christ sees believers in their pain as He sees the Church as among thorns. While we are on the earth we are so vulnerable to hurt and often tragedy. We are not spared from these things, but know that Christ is very aware of them. What Christ does for His bride is to furnish shade and comfort from the hurts and pains of life. Christ knows what we are going through and provides for us in the midst of our hardships. Know that the love of Christ transcends suffering. If there is pain in your heart, go to Him. If life seems unbearable, go to Him. He knows what is unbearable. He knows the wounds of betrayal. He knows the hurt of having no one to believe in Him. The Book of Hebrews (4:16,17) tell us that, For we do not have a high priest not being able to sympathize with our weaknesses, but One having been tried in all respects according to our likeness, apart from sin. Therefore, let us draw near... The duty of a prophet was to bring God to the people, but the duty of a priest was to bring the people to God. Know that Christ as the High Priest of Heaven will bring you to God the Father to be restored and made new. God loves to make people new again. The love of Christ is always new. Intimate fellowship with Him is always fresh and exciting. Christ will exchange the pains of life for the joys of heaven. But what is this joy of heaven? It is being transferred from a state of going through the dark things of this life to experiencing the joys of heaven that come from knowing the reality of Christ’s presence, the healing that He brings, and the manifestations of His love.


Song of Songs 2:3 As the apple tree among the trees of the wood, so is my beloved among the sons. I sat down under his shadow with great delight, and his fruit was sweet to my taste.

Finding Rest The bride finds rest in her beloved. She compares him to the trees of the forest and says that he is unique because he bears shade (protection from the hot sun) and fruit (which gives nourishment) that the other trees do not. Know that the shade Christ provides is grace. It is by God’s grace that we are not condemned. It is by grace that we are given gifts we do not deserve. It is the goodness of Solomon that the bride has come to know a different way of living. It is because of the goodness of God that we were led to repentance and given new life. The bride describes her new life with King Solomon. It is for us to live in the reality of our new life in Christ and at the center of new life is fellowship with our King, the Lord Jesus. Christ is life, breath, and nourishment to us. It is a grand thing to give Christ the right place in your heart. You have the right place in His. Does the Savior love? Oh, yes. Has He expressed that love? Double yes. Is He worthy of your love? That is for you to answer, dear believer. Why should we love Him? You know the answer. How to continue to love Him is the real question. It is simple. Never leave Him. Seek Him at first light. Put other things off for Him. Find Him in the Scriptures. Find Him in prayer. Find Him by confession of sin in your life. But find Him. Then keep Him. If you fail, still do it again and wait for Him. He will come to you. He cannot help but come to the aid of His betrothed that is in need of Him. That is why His name is Jesus. He shall save His people from their sins. Realize that our redemption is continual. The Scriptures (Eph. 1:7) say of Christ, in whom we are having our redemption through His blood 1. The blood shed once is to be continually applied. Claim the blood that was shed for you and claim the new life for why it was given. Then, be like the bride and sit with your Beloved with great delight, enjoy His shade of protection, and be nourished by the fruit of His provision for you each day for He knows what you will confront and need to face them.


Wuest’s Expanded Translation of the Greek New Testament. Written by Kenneth Wuest Copyright Wm. B. Eerdman’s Publishing Co. 1961. All rights reserved. Used by permission from the publisher under fair use guidelines. 1


Song of Songs 2:4 He brought me to the banqueting house, and his banner over me was love.

The Banqueting House Experience Solomon celebrates the love he has for his bride and brings her to a banqueting house with special guests, food, wine, and all the festivities that one can imagine. Actually, the banqueting house is literally the house of wine. Meaning a place of celebration. The bride recounts the experience and says his banner over me was love. In other words, He did all this out of love for me. Yes, our Savior suffered on our behalf, but for what purpose? The book of Hebrews (Heb. 12:2) says, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross. Know that what He accomplished, He accomplished it for you, so that you could partake of the joys of heaven. Let me ask you. Have you enjoyed the banqueting house experience where you are at the center of the Lord’s attention? It may have happened when you felt the joy of God so strong that it overtook you. The banqueting house experience is for all believers. It is not exclusive to an elite. You are the elite. You cannot make yourself better or more worthy. There is no pride in heaven. Spiritual life doesn’t run that way. It runs by the one who had set the joy before Him. You are part of that joy. The Lord knew you before the foundation of the world. He knew of all your failings and shortcoming, and still desired you. So, enjoy the celebration of the new life the Lord has given you. Enjoy His people that love Him. Enjoy His recognition of what you mean to Him. It will be manifested to others when you enjoy the wine of exhilaration from celebrating your union with Him. Know that the Christian life is filled with excitement and exhilaration. Yes, there will be days of trial and hardship. Yes, there are times when you will want to throw in the towel. But know that the banqueting hall experience may come at any time, which will lead the final celebration of the King’s love in the thousand year reign of His Kingdom on earth. Be like the bride that is amazed at her beloved’s love for her. That is the joy Christ wants you to have. For this is why He endured the cross, that is, to bring redemption to mankind and to celebrate it with eternal joy. For Christ also loved the church, and gave himself up for it (Eph. 5:25).


Song of Songs 2:5 Stay ye me with raisins, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love.

Overwhelmed by the King’s Love During the celebration in the banqueting house the bride is overwhelmed by the king’s love. She cries out, Stay ye me with raisins, comfort me with apples: for I am sick of love. In other words, “I grow weary, I can’t take anymore. Give me nourishment to keep from fainting because the king’s love has overtaken me.” What an experience. The bride has never had such attention. She has come so far from toiling alone in the vineyards. How far has the Lord brought you, dear believer? What vineyard of endless toil has He saved you from? Has His love overtaken you? You might wonder, “How can this be so?” But it can be so. Did David in the book of Psalms not say (Ps. 34:1-3), I will bless the LORD at all times: his praise shall continually be in my mouth. My soul shall make her boast in the LORD… O magnify the LORD with me, and let us exalt his name together? There is excitement in the heart of David because of what God has done in his life. Did not John write (Rev. 4:1113), And I saw, and I heard a voice of many angels round about the throne and the living creatures and the elders; and … ten thousand times ten thousand… saying with a great voice, Worthy is the Lamb that hath been slain to receive the power, and riches, and wisdom, and might, and honour, and glory, and blessing? Heaven will explode in worship when the Lord Jesus is crowned. Know that heaven is an exciting place. And what about you, dear believer? What is your excitement level when it comes to Christ, your Beloved? What does the Shulamite have that you may not have? It is wholeheartedness. She knew what it is to give herself wholly to someone. Do you know what it is to give your whole self totally to Christ? Look at the bride. She gave and was exalted. Know that in God, humility always comes before exaltation. Do you really know the King of Heaven and are really willing to love Him with all your heart? Decide in favor of giving all to God today, for if you put it off until tomorrow it means that you have decided already to have a mediocre relationship with your God and King. What pain is it to a loving groom to have a lukewarm bride that is not fully committed to him? How can he bear it?


Song of Songs 2:6 His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me.

Held by Christ Solomon holds up his fainting bride. She says, His left hand is under my head, and his right hand doth embrace me. She takes comfort in that her beloved is there to be at her side when she needs him. She feels weak but is held by Solomon’s strong, gentle embrace. The Lord Jesus is always there for us. It is He that holds us up in those times we may feel so weak. There may be many things in life that may overwhelm us, but the Lord is there to give us support and strength. It is part of His commitment to us, that is, He keeps His promise to always be there for us. Moses died and it was given to Joshua to lead several million people into the Promised Land. What a responsibility. Joshua was not sure he could do it, but what did the Lord tell him? He said (Josh. 1:9), Be strong and of a good courage; be not affrighted, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. The presence of God was his strength. Take confidence in that the Lord will always be there to give you strength and courage to accomplish His will in your life. Who can go against the strength and courage that God gives? When Absalom was out to kill David from whom he had to flee, David wrote (Ps. 3:3-6), But thou, O Lord, art a shield for me; my glory, and the lifter up of mine head. I cried unto the Lord with my voice, and he heard me out of his holy hill. Selah. I laid me down and slept; I awaked; for the Lord sustained me. I will not be afraid of ten thousands of people.� Notice that the Lord is a shield. King Solomon shielded his bride from a fall. The Lord is a shield from any evil that may befall us. If we grow weary and afraid it is the presence of God that casts out fear and gives us strength. He says that we can live in the sphere of His presence every day. We are to depend on it and live by it. Know that the Scriptures say that you are joined to Christ. He sees you as part of Himself. He cares for you as part of Himself. How great a salvation and how colossal is His grace! Grace beyond cleansing and forgiveness. With God everything is magnanimous. The Lord would have you know the greatness of His Person and the magnitude of His love and care. Know that it is your call to Him that touches His heart to act on your behalf. It is your eyes of faith that bring about His personal care. He is committed to you, dear believer, and He is faithful to the end as we may say it but with God there is no end. What kind of love is this? It is the only love the Lord knows how to give to His beloved bride.


Song of Songs 2:7 I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, by the roes, and by the hinds of the field, that ye stir not up, nor awaken love, until it [she] please.

Resting in Christ After the banqueting house experience the bride is faint with love and falls asleep in Solomon’s arms. Solomon then charges that she be not disturbed from her rest. Know that the Lord knows how to give His people rest. The Word of God states (Ps. 127:2), he giveth unto his beloved sleep. Yes, there is godly passion that motivates us to Christian service. But the Lord gives His people rest. God gives His beloved sleep. Did He not work six days in creation and rest in the seventh? Hebrews 4:10 states, For he that is entered into his rest hath himself also rested from his works, as God did from his. Why is rest important? How do you feel after a good night’s sleep? Ans. Ready to face life and work a new day. It refreshes. One can achieve more through good rest in contradistinction to constantly working through the night. The psalmist (Ps. 23:2) says, He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. Yes, Christ would have busy in Bible study, busy in service, etc., but He would also have us rest from work, rest from our cares, and rest to bring healing to our body. Heaven in the Book of Hebrews is regarded as a place of rest. There is no guilt in taking time off to spend with the Lord (spiritual rest). There is no sin is finding rest in being with God’s people in holy fellowship. Passion is good, but it must be held in check. The fullness of the Spirit gives the believer terrific energy. But that energy must be controlled. Know that the enemy would have overworked and underfed in Christ. Solomon is right to allow his bride a time of sleep until she naturally wakes. He charges that no one should wake his bride until she is ready. Visualize the bride resting in Solomon’s arms. How does she look? Ans. Completely at ease without a care in the world. Isn’t that what you need? There is no embarrassment in that. So, dear believer, find your rest in Christ. Let not others criticize you for it. Allow yourself time to be rejuvenated and wake up healthy and strong. Ready for what a new day will bring because you have rested in the loving arms of the King.


Song of Songs 2:8-9 The voice of my beloved! behold, he cometh, leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills. My beloved is like a roe or a young hart: behold, he standeth behind our wall, he looketh in at the windows, he sheweth himself through the lattice.

Christ’s Appeal to the Church Time has passed and the scene has changed. There has been a harsh winter. The bride has locked herself in her home out in the country. She is alone. It may be the first day spring and Solomon has come to visit his bride. She hears his voice calling out to her and describes what he went through to get there, what he meets, and how he reveals himself. But she is still inside. She has not come out. The Lord has come from the third heaven to be with us. He went through the cross to bring heaven to us. Heaven is like spring filled with new life. The things of God are revealed to us through the hearing of His voice in our hearts. He has the best intentions and presents new life’s greatest reality. We are alive in Him who conquered the grave, resurrected, and ascended to the place of power and authority. No man has ever done that. But the Lord has done it out of love for you. Now it is His work and pleasure to bring heaven into our hearts and to fill us with resurrection life. But how should we respond? The bride knows all about her beloved’s coming, but what has she done? She has locked herself in her country home and has yet to let her beloved in. Does that describe you at all, dear believer? Christ has won so much for and calls you to let Him into your life, but have you shut Him out or put Him off? We always have time for so many things and so little time for Him each day. But He has gone through so much for us to be with Him. How can we neglect Him? How callous have we become? When you woke up this morning did you think of Him? When you ate your breakfast did you invite Him to be with you also? When hard at work did you make Him part of your day? How do you think He feels? Perhaps He has no heart and can feel no pain? But it is His feelings for you that took Him to the cross. It is His feelings for you that brought your redemption. It is His feelings for you that have Him visit you despite your neglect of Him. Oh believer, do not deny Him and respond to Him always.


Song of Songs 2:10-13 My beloved spake, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. For, lo, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; The flowers appear on theearth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle[dove] is heard in our land; The fig tree ripeneth her green figs, and the vines are in blossom, they giveforth their fragrance. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.

Christ’s Call to Resurrection Life It is spring and Solomon calls his bride to come out to enjoy it with him. He tells her that she need not lock herself in for protection from winter. He explains what it is outside where he is. Then, he calls her to arise and be with him a second time. What is illustrated is Christ’s call to the church to live with Him in resurrection life. Spring is a picture of resurrection life. In spring there is new life, new growth, and a new beautiful world. Resurrection life is there for us to partake and enjoy. Christ died for our sins, resurrected from the grave, and ascended to the place of power and authority to offer us to live in resurrection life with Him. In the Book of Revelation it speaks of the ministry of wiping away when Christ will wipe every tear from every eye. God’s people will live in the sphere of a new and true reality which is the new heaven, new earth, and the new holy city which is Jerusalem at the very center but the ministry of wiping away begins now in our lives. In resurrection life the winter of our past life is over and is gone. The rains of hardship under sin are past. All the hurts and pains of a past life without God are no more. Everything is made new, starting at the point of salvation. Notice that there is growth and a time of singing In new life there is spiritual growth which produces praise for what God has done, is doing, and will do in our lives. We are filled with worship as


we live in the reality of new life. It does not matter what you were. It is what you are now that does. If you were a murderer, coward, complainer, etc., you are now made pure in the eyes of God. You are made righteous in Christ. This changes your mind, thinking, and behavior. You may visit a doctor and he tells you that you have a terminal disease, but you know that your life is in God’s hands. You are not afraid. You know that when you die that you will wake in the presence of Christ. It will be in a twinkling of an eye. You do not break down because you live in the reality of new life. Or, you may lose your son or daughter through some horrific death, but you know that you will see him or her again because of the reality of new life. This is the world Christ calls for us to live in – His world. The heavenly bride listens to her Beloved’s voice and comes out of her protective circumstances to live with Him in the reality of spiritual springtime. Have you done that? Living in resurrection life is the most powerful and profound place from which to live. It is a place of knowing the experiencing the love of Christ, hearing His voice, and knowing His care. Who or what can come against it? Paul reiterates this point when he says (Rom. 8:35-37), Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall tribulation, or anguish, or persecution, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword? … in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us. The Kingdom of God is a powerful kingdom. Christ is powerful and His Bride is made strong in taking her place beside her King and Lord. In the living out of resurrection life she can minister the grace of God to others that have need of it. Lives will be changed, the Kingdom of God expanded, and eternal glory brought to Christ, who is the author and finisher of our faith. How great is the Lord’s springtime and how profound is the reality of it?


Song of Songs 2:14 O my dove, that art in the clefts of the rock, in the covert of the steep place, let me see thy countenance, let me hear thy voice: for sweet is thy voice, and thy countenance is comely.

In the Clefts of the Rock Solomon responds to the bride’s lack of response. He says the she is in the clefts of the rock. These are large holes in the rocks where pigeons would hide for protection. He tells her that she is in a steep place of hiding. She hears his voice, but fails to go to him. Christ would have us live in resurrection life with Him, but we often seek our own protective circumstances. We may be preoccupied with life’s demands, but our Beloved is not demanding when comes. What does Solomon say to the bride? He says that he just wants to hear her voice and see her face. And that is what Christ wants from you. He wants to hear your voice in prayer about what is going on in your life. He wants to see your face looking up to Him in faith because you desire Him. He also wants to share His life with you and bless you with communion with Him because He desires you. In walking in resurrection life there is this indescribable lightness of being that His presence produces in us despite our circumstances or life situations. He wants to tell us that everything is going to be alright. He wants to share the love He has for us. He is gentle with His bride. Solomon did not break down the door and neither does Christ. He says (Rev. 3:20), Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice and open the door, I will come in to


him, and will sup [have communion] with him, and he with me. As Solomon calls out to his bride, Christ calls you to you, dear believer. To you. You may have fallen short in some area in your life and begin to think that Christ doesn’t want you anymore. That is so far from the truth. Christ came for sinners and not for the righteous. But because of our lack of attitude we don’t go to church as we had before because we have become out of touch with the things of God. We don’t find time to do the other things we know we should be doing and the hearing of the voice of Christ has become so distant. But it is not He that is distant. There is only one remedy. Go to Christ and live in His world of provision, care, beauty, and exciting affection. Enjoy the springtime of new life. So, go to Him in prayer if you have neglected it. Raise your eyes to Him in faith no matter what you may be going through. Remember that it is by grace that you are saved through faith. It is the gift of God. That means that you can go Christ at any time. He can be approached from any fallen state that you are in. Take advantage of His grace and walk with the King. He will not chide you for coming to Him. Brighten your Beloved’s day with your presence and He will brighten yours with His. This is the true happiness of life. Know that living in resurrection life with Christ is the greatest achievement that you will ever attain.


Song of Songs 2:15 Take us the foxes, the little foxes, that spoil the vineyards; for our vineyards are in blossom.

Seizing the Foxes Solomon examines the vineyard. He finds that the foxes are breaking through and are destroying the vineyards which are in blossom. He tells the bride to take hold of the foxes that are spoiling the vines. Do you know what is precious to the Lord Jesus? It is the work of God the Father in His vineyard, which consists of the heart’s men & women. It is the work of God to bring people to Christ. But there is an enemy that would destroy God’s work. God has sent His Son to do His part, now it is for us to do our part as the bride of Christ that loves her Beloved. She is to care for the spiritual vineyard of God. It is great to know the love of Christ and to enjoy all the benefits of the Kingdom, and even though we may at times have our struggles, we cannot allow anything to diminish what God is doing in the hearts and minds of the people around us. God is saving souls, and we are to assist Him. We are His voice to speak for Him, His arms to care for His people, and His example for others to follow. We are to transcend our personal struggles that we may have and care for the work of God in the vineyard of life. There is spiritual fruit to be harvested. There are people looking for God waiting for someone to share with them. There are people that lost to addictions. They are slaves to unrighteousness looking for a way out of their dark state. Who will pray for them? Who will tell them of a Savior that loves and cares about their lives? This is for us to do! There are also, believers that need our encouragement. They need to know that God has not forgotten or abandoned them. They need our encouragement. They need to know that all is well between them and God. Dear believer, take your place at your Beloved’s side and find your place of work in God’s vineyard. Paul told to Timothy to “stir up the gift of God, which is in thee”. That is, to rekindle the fire that once was there, to be ablaze for God. Can you do that? God says that you can. Do not rob others of what you can do for them. God has given you something (a gift) that others need. So, use it for God’s honor. You have the words of eternal life and the gift of God to authenticate your message.


Song of Songs 2:16 My beloved is mine, and I am his: he feedeth his flock among the lilies.

Taking Possession of Christ The bride has come to the place of taking possession of her beloved. Have you come to the place of taking full possession of Christ as your Beloved? And why not? He has done His work on the cross. He resurrected and ascended to heaven and is preparing a place for you in heaven. He communes with you, when you come to Him for fellowship, love, and personal nearness. Has He not blessed your life? Has He not faithfully answered your prayers? And does He not continue to shower you with the good things of His kingdom, even now, today? Then, it is not He that is holding you back from taking full possession of Him! Dear believer, it is time for you to make a new covenant with Him. Tell Him that you have neglected Him because of the things of life or by a lack of devotion. Tell Him that you are correcting those things now, today, because you realize the loveliness of His person and the self-sacrificial devotion He has for you. Tell Him that you see how much He loves you and has taken possession of you that no one can pluck you from His Father’s hand. Know that in the Jewish tradition of marriage at the time. During the marriage ceremony, the hand of the bride would be placed in the hand of the father of the groom. The father would then place in the bride’s hand over the hand of his son and they would be married. Christ says that no one will remove you from His Father’s hand. Nothing can stop your marriage in heaven. The gates of hell will not prevail against the church, His bride. Oh, what power of love He and the Father have for you. Don’t discount it but embrace it. Make your commitment to Him that has given so much for you. Know that then you will feel even closer to your Beloved. You will feel His presence and hear His voice as never before because you are devoted to Him now. You have come to realize that He was the missing piece in your life. There is no more emptiness. No more unfulfillment. You are in Christ and Christ is yours. The bride continues to say that her beloved feeds, that is shepherds, his flock among the lilies and that is where Christ is – shepherding His flock and caring for His people in the midst of a secular world that does not know Him. Should you not be with Him there as He shepherds His people, aiding Him? Then, you will be His lips telling them of the love of God and His arms reaching out to them for the kingdom.


Song of Songs 2:17 Until the day be cool, and the shadows flee away, turn, my beloved, and be thou like a roe or a young hart upon the mountains of Bether.

Dishonoring Christ The beloved has to come to the bride in good faith. He has called her out to come away and walk with him to enjoy the new spring together. She considers his offer and does not come out to greet him. Instead, she asks him to come at a better time for her (in the cool of the day). She asks him to turn. But he has already turned to her. How ungrateful of the bride to not rise up to greet him. He has come such a long way to be with her and with much anticipation only to be put off. The Lord Jesus has done so much for us and what He asks is for His Bride to spend some time with Him to walk in the spiritual garden of fellowship and communion, but we often find time for so many other things but Him. Yes, life has its pending responsibilities but a bride in love will always find some time for her beloved. How can we not find time for Christ? Why should we wait for the next crisis to call out to Him? Can we not call on Him when things are good? The Lord is not our servant. It is we that are His bondslaves. But He does not want us to come to Him as such. He would have come to Him through living in resurrection life with Him. He doesn’t want us at our worst but at our best. How hurt Solomon must have felt after coming such a long way to walk with his bride and she puts him aside? Does the Lord Jesus not have feelings? Then, don’t bring Him pain, but the joy of eagerly seeking to walk with Him in newness of life. Did not the world hurt Him enough but not His bride too? If Christ departs because you chased Him away, how long until He returns? You don’t know that answer. Do not be foolish. Esteem Him when He comes to you. Say, “Oh, my Lord. I love you, and thank you that you have come to me. You humble me by your presence and willingness to share your life with me.” That is the best response to Him that honors and cares for you so. Let’s give Christ our best and always give Him the place of preeminence in our heart.


WALKING WITH THE KING A Daily Devotional from the Book of Communion

The Song of Songs




Song of Songs 3:1 By night on my bed I sought him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not.

The Bride in Darkness The beloved had come for the bride in her country home but she put him off. So, he departed. Imagine the hurt in his heart as he walks away. It is night now and she is in darkness without him. She is alone in her bed of sloth. It took many nights before the bride comes to her senses and seeks to be with her beloved. A better translation reads, On my bed night after night I sought him Whom my soul loves. NASB1 Dear believer how long does it take you to seek fellowship with Christ again? Christ has given us so many opportunities to be with Him in holy fellowship but we did not want Him. There are so many times we have heard His voice bidding us to leave the cares of life to spend some time with Him but we told Him, “Not now.” Know that He is busy preparing a place for you in heaven and doing the will of the Father concerning the things of the kingdom on earth but He will always make time for you. But you rejected Him! Then you came to realize that you missed Him. But half-hearted seeking will not produce Him. Halfhearted sincerity will not bring Him back. When He is gone there is a darkness that comes over your soul. Not hearing the voice of Christ is the greatest emptiness that there is in the world for one that is espoused to Him. Everything becomes a memory, that is, your walks and talks. The times you felt such a lightness of being because you were with Him. He made all the difference. It was He that gave you a smile to face life. It was He that put that hymn of praise in your heart. But now He is missing. But it need not be that way. What were the beloved’s last words? They were, “Rise up my love, my beautiful one, and come away.” You can still do that! The Lord will always give you enough faith to repent. The outpouring of the Spirit can bring you new life and new strength to seek Him. What did He tell the church of Ephesus? He told them, Remember therefore from where you have fallen, and repent and do the first works. LITV2 That’s what He wants – the first works! Remember those days of walking in the clouds with Him. Do the things you did then. You did so many things because He mattered to you so much. When He sees you leave your bed of sloth and start to pray, read your Bible, help others, and sacrifice yourself you will find Him. 1

Scripture quotations marked "NASB" are taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. 2Literal Translation of the Bible (LITV). "Scripture taken from the Literal Translation of the Holy Bible Copyright © 1976 - 2000 By Jay P. Green, Sr. Used by permission of the copyright holder."


Song of Songs 3:2 I said, I will rise now, and go about the city, in the streets and in the broad ways, I will seek him whom my soul loveth: I sought him, but I found him not.

Get Up and Walk The bride finally obeys the beloved’s voice and arises to walk with him, even though belated. The secret power that every believer holds is the power to arise and walk with Christ at any moment. It does not matter what time, place, or circumstances the church and every individual believer can always arise and walk with Christ. It is the privilege the Lord has given His bride. What great power! What great command of life! Dear believer, did you know of it? You need not be crippled by your own lack of attitude, behavior, or coldness of heart toward Christ. He is always there for you. The question in life is if you are always there for Him. Notice that Solomon’s bride leaves the circumstances of her familiar country home to search for the king in the place she knows he could be found. Have you done that with Christ? Did you leave the comforts of your life to find Him? Do not give up on finding Him. Know that He is not far from you now. You will find Him. You will see Him appear in your life again. There will be laughter between you and Christ again. Know that weeping may endure for a night but joy cometh in the morning (Ps. 30:5 KJV1). When the abiding presence of Christ is felt it is the greatest joy of life. How long did you think He would let you live without Him? How long would He allow you to your own devices that take you away from Him? Christ is the most attractive person in the universe. He holds the greatest attraction to the most lost sinner and to the furthest believer. Oh, the goodness of God to bring us to Him! Oh, the greatness of His Spirit to guide us to the place of finding Him! Did you for a moment feel that you could really live without Him? You are His bride, the very completeness of Him (Eph. 1:23). There will be no separation when He comes for you at His appearing. Why should there be any separation now? For we walk by faith and not by sight, even though the walk without Him physically may seem unsteady at times. But when He comes, it will be glorious. It may be a secret to the world but not to us. It will be a royal event when God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit will bring us home to be with Him always, but for now, arise and walk with Him because you love Him so, and feel lifeless without Him. 1

Scripture quotations marked "KJV" are taken from the Holy Bible, King James Version, Cambridge, 1769.


Song of Songs 3:3 The watchmen that go about the city found me: to whom I said, Saw ye him whom my soul loveth?

Searching for Christ The bride is searching for her beloved to whom she failed to respond when He came to see her inviting her to enjoy springtime with him. She cannot find him in the city and turns to the watchmen at the gate. It seems they recognize who she is (Solomon’s bride) and direct her to where he is. It is then that she states, It was but a little that I passed from them, when I found him whom my soul loveth (Song 3:4). How grand! All believers that come to the assembly of God’s people are looking for Christ in one form or another. The watchmen are those in the kingdom that the Lord has placed in our lives to help us find Him. It is they that watch out for God’s people. They are not Christ but they can direct us to Him. When a soul turns to God and finds Him that is a great thing in the Kingdom of God. Dear believer, may you find Him today and leave with Him bursting with joy and excitement in your heart. Know that the Lord Jesus wants to be found by you. But He waits for you to look for Him. Knowing Christ involves having a relationship with Him. In every good relationship there must be an exchange. It cannot be all one-sided. You must tell Him that you love Him. You must tell Him that you cannot live without Him. It cannot be He always telling you. You might think, “When did He tell me that He loved me?” Yes, He did. Remember the day He saved you? You heard His voice of love then. Remember when you came to Him with the greatest burden on your shoulders and He relieved you from it? Yes, you felt His love then. Even when you last heard His voice in reading your Bible. Did He not tell you that He loved you? But it is now for you to tell Him. Know that in doing so will bring gladness to His heart. He does not need it to stay in love with you but He will savor it. There will be a special place in His heart for you. Then will come the day that He will present you to His Father. He will be so proud of you. He will tell His Father how much you have loved Him throughout your life and all the things you did out of affection for Him. There will be such joy in heaven when that day comes. But until that day comes, know that we live to love God with all of our heart, mind, and will. That is also our destiny – to be in continual love with Him.


Song of Songs 3:4 It was but a little that I passed from them, when I found him whom my soul loveth: I held him, and would not let him go, until I had brought him into my mother’s house, and into the chamber of her that conceived me.

Finding Christ After speaking with the watchmen of the city, the bride finds her beloved. The most wonderful thing for a lost believer is finding Christ again. I do not mean that any believer is lost but a believer can feel lost when missing fellowship with Christ. And that is what we are in not finding Christ – lost! But finding Him is the contrary. Dear believer, know that you can find Him through repentance. He will shortly be found after a true repentance. Know that Christ can be found in His Word. The Word of God is a living document that expresses Christ. It is the Scriptures that speak from Him. You can also find Him through prayer. How many times has a believer found His Savior after deep mourning in prayer? He can be found amidst His people. Yes, you will find Him with His people in church or a Bible study. He can also be found in serving Him. He always manifests Himself to those that seek to build His church. There are so many ways to find Christ. How could you have lost Him? Oh, you were too busy for Him or you had a lack of attitude when He came to you. Did you tell Him, “Not now, my Lord.”? No wonder you lost Him. Have you not been told that you must value Him to be with Him? Christ will not stay if He is not wanted. Know that He has so many things to do in the Kingdom. Look, if you make Him a priority in your life He will make you a priority in His. Very simple. Change things in your life an put Him first, not second, third, or last. Know that He is the Beloved of the first thing. Then you will always have Him and never go through feeling lost from Him again. And what about the comfort the Lord Jesus will have in you? We so often think of how life affects us and how we feel but what about how life affects your Beloved? What about how you affect Him? Look at what the bride says. She says, I found him whom my soul loveth, I held him and would not let him go. How Solomon must have felt to be so appreciated, honored, and valued. Remember that God is a God of feeling. What you do and how you live does affect Him emotionally. How many times in the Old and New Testament has He expressed how He feels toward His people?


Remember that God has chosen to be the husband of His people. That means that everything He does for His people is profoundly relational. May everything you do also be deeply relational in regards to Him. Find Him, hold on to Him, and love Him. This is the greatest doctrine.


Song of Songs 3:5 "I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, By the gazelles or by the hinds of the field, That you will not arouse or awaken my love Until she pleases."NASB

Spiritual Rest The emotional ordeal of feeling that she (Solomon’s bride) had lost her beloved and looking for him until she found him has left her physically and emotionally exhausted. Solomon leaves her in the care of the ladies of the court. Love has stirred her up. She had a deep awakening of the importance of being in love that is as sensitive as a roe or hind of the field. These are lovely animals that are so easily stirred. She must rest now. Seeking Christ until you find Him can leave one weary. There are some that will neither eat, sleep, or rest until they find Him. Know that there are times to seek Christ as if nothing else mattered in the world because it is a truth that He is all that matters. One may exhaust all avenues until one finally finds Him and finding Him is glorious but the ordeal of deep repentance and looking for Him may be overwhelming to the point of weariness. The Lord would put no further burden on such a believer. A believer must rest at times. The lesson has been learned of not leaving Him for a lack of attitude. Dear believer, how important is Christ to you? Will you search for Him through every nook and cranny until you find Him? You should! Did He not seek to give you eternal life by giving up everything for you? Does not the Scriptures say that Christ, who, being in the form of God…emptied himself, taking the form of a servant…and being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, becoming obedient even unto death, yea, the death of the cross (Phil. 2:6-8)? He gave blood, sweat, and tears for you. Then, He arose for you. He ascended unto the Father for you. Yes, He is worthy of all our exhaustion to find Him. But know that He will not put a heavier burden on you at such a time. You must find your rest in Him now. You must enjoy His love and care. It is time to sit with Him again as Mary (Martha’s sister) did, that is, to sit with Him and feel His love as before. How wonderful to be normal again. A bride is most normal when she is at her beloved’s side exchanging emotional love and admiration of him. Did you not know that Christ can admire you? Yes, He can. Dear one, do not rob Him of the opportunity of thinking the best of you. Do not rob Him of appreciating you as His beloved bride that lives to do the things that are pleasing in His sight.


Song of Songs 3:6 Who is this that cometh up out of the wilderness like pillars of smoke, perfumed with myrrh and frankincense, with all powders of the merchant?

Leaving Winter and Coming Up Out of the Wilderness Nothing grows in winter, nothing is accomplished in sloth, and nothing matters in one’s life when living apart from Christ but Him. The bride is no longer in winter, she is no longer in sloth, and she has found what is important in life – her beloved. Time has elapsed from the last scene of the bride finding rest. Now, there appears smoke from a traveling coach which fills the air with a wonderful aroma. It is the bride sitting with the king traveling throughout the land. People stop and take note. This is when the church is in her greatness and people stop and take note as she impacts the world around her. Such a wonderful sight! Down through history the church has done great things. There were times when you did too. You were great in your Christian life because you had sought Christ, found Him, then fortified yourself by resting in Him. You arose out of your sleep to serve God. Nothing can stop the progress of a believer that has returned to God, not Satan, not people, nor the flesh, no – nothing! When you are in true fellowship with Christ and doing His will you are unstoppable because you have found the power of resurrection life. For the Scriptures state that God has raised us up and seated us together in the heavenlies in Christ Jesus (Eph. 2:6) and to seek the things that are above where Christ is (Col. 3:1). Living in resurrection life is what brings God glory. For the past is over and gone, the present is now, and the future is what you will make it to be with Christ. Notice that the bride is moving forward with her beloved. There is no retreat. No mulling over past mistakes. She is dauntless in the present, moving toward a beautiful day awaiting her. Dear believer, do not carry past hurts, disappointments, or failings with you for they will hold you back. The kingdom is about sitting with Christ in the heavenlies, taking your directions from Him, and doing glorious things. When you wake, get up with anticipation and ask the Lord, “What good thing shall we do today, my Beloved?” Then spend time with Him to hear His voice and take Him with you through the day. Then, you will touch the lives of those around you. Let them say, “Who is this person that comes up out of the wilderness of life and leaves such a lasting impression like myrrh, frankincense, and all aromatic powders?” When the day ends recount the things you did with Christ, treasure them in your heart, and count it as a day well lived.


Song of Songs 3:7-8 Behold, it is the litter [traveling coach] of Solomon; threescore mighty men are about it, of the mighty men of Israel. They all handle the sword, and are expert in war: every man hath his sword upon his thigh, because of fear in the night.

Living Victoriously As the bride travels with Solomon there are dangers that they may confront. This is why the mighty men of Israel travel with them for their protection. In our walk with Christ in this world know that there are dangers for us also. There is the darkness of this world to overcome. We cannot overcome it by ourselves. The only way to overthrow darkness is through being in fellowship with Christ. It comes no other way. It is only then that you live in God’s protection. Yes, hardships may befall you but with Christ you will overcome them. You will prevail. This means that you can go anywhere Christ sends you. It means that you need not live in fear of anything. You will have the strength of Christ’s love on the inside and God’s protective care on the outside. You may go through the fire but you will transcend it. You may suffer but you will commend yourself to God and He will give you dominion over your suffering. Yes, we are to be cautious but you need not live in fear of anything. God is with you. Always remember, you have Christ and you have His protection. This means that one can live victoriously. What a wonderful thing – to live victoriously! No longer to live in fear or shrink back in trepidation. This means living life without Satan having his hooks in you to hold you back. Living in fellowship with Christ brings about a freeness of being. Dear believer, make Him the first priority of the day. Find Him early and keep Him. You would not leave your house without putting your shoes on first. So, then do not go anywhere until you are wearing the afterglow of being with Him. Then, what fear can overtake you? What circumstance can topple you? No, there is nothing because Christ is at your side and His presence is ever felt. Travel with Him. Travel with Christ every day of your life until you see a door in the heavenly sky opened and hear His voice like a trumpet, breaking silence, saying, “Come up here.” Then, you will be caught up in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air and you will take the final journey home to where Christ will present you to His Father and God the Father will place your hand over the hand of His Son (as in the Jewish custom of marriage). You will be wed, heaven will rejoice, and so shall you ever be with the Lord.


Song of Songs 3:9-10 King Solomon made himself a palanquin [royal traveling coach] of the wood of Lebanon. He made the pillars thereof of silver, the bottom thereof of gold, the seat of it of purple, the midst thereof being paved with love, from the daughters of Jerusalem.

Life’s Journey Solomon wanted to travel through the land with his bride at his side. He had a special traveling coach made for that purpose. He made it of precious sturdy materials. Now the bride and Solomon may travel anywhere through any condition. Dear believer, this is what the Lord Jesus wants for you. Do not travel alone wandering through the streets of Jerusalem looking for your beloved but be seated with Him in holy fellowship under His love, provision, and care. It seems that this is a time when King Solomon was making a wedding procession through Israel to marry his bride. That is what this life is to us. A wedding journey with Christ that will lead to our glorious wedding day. Oh, make yourself ready for Him as He deserves. Repent in dust and ashes of anything wrong in your life. Then, sit in fellowship with Him all the remaining days of your life. Performing His will all the way. Look! Christ has made the best provision. The pillars of your relationship are that of silver which represents redemption1. The foundation is of gold because He was tried through the fire for you. And a seat for you to sit at His side all through life. Notice that it is purple which is a symbol of His blood shed for you. It is because of the blood that we can fellowship with Him (Jn. 6:56). In midst of our travels there will be love. The love of Christ and the love of God’s people. There is a rich life for us to live. Do not shrink back in sin or in sloth but travel forward. Accept what God brings or whatever you must confront. You are not alone. You have the best of graces, continual redemption, wonderful fellowship, and a life filled with love. Do not live as though there is no redemption. Do not live as if Christ never died or that He does not sit on the throne in heaven. Do not allow yourself to wander off pointlessly. No! The Lord Jesus has made provision, protection, joint-fellowship, guidance, and gives you His love and the love of His people. Respond by finding a way to love the Lord more and to love His people more. Know that ministry is a ministry of love (to Him and to His people).


Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types by Walter Louis Wilson , M.D., D.D., LH.D. WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Grand Rapids, Michigan Copyright © 1957


Song of Songs 3:11 Go forth, O ye daughters of Zion, and behold king Solomon, with the crown wherewith his mother hath crowned him in the day of his espousals, and in the day of the gladness of his heart.

The Day of Gladness King Solomon reaches the day of the gladness of his heart. He is united with his bride wearing a bridal crown of celebration. One day the Lord Jesus will achieve His day of gladness. It is called the day of Christ in the New Testament . Much different than the day of the Lord which is a day of judgment. In the day of Christ the bride will hear Christ’s voice and meet Him in the air. Then, He will escort her to the third heaven to present her to His Father as His eternal bride. She will be arrayed in fine linen, white and pure. Gowned in righteousness and seated with Christ in the heavenlies. Someone will shout, Let us rejoice and be exceeding glad, and let us give the glory unto him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready (Rev. 19:7). It will be a day of the gladness of His heart. That is in the future but for now the bride must work toward and look forward to that day through living for her Savior’s return by good works of spreading the gospel, uplifting believers, and challenging them to love and serve God more. If she finds hardship she must hide herself in Him. If she faces failure she must retrace her steps and set herself on the right path to Him. If she is overwhelmed, then she must turn to Him and be overpowered by His touch, love, and encouragement to go on. If she sins she must repent and do the first works. If she loses heart she must have her heart renewed and revitalized. Know that there is a way to overcome all the things we must face in life. It is for us to live by hope (good expectation) and faith in that we can accomplish everything the Lord would have us do each day. There is no reason to despair. You may feel that the world does not value you but know that the Lord does. There is no reason to feel alone or abandoned. No reason to be strengthless or depressed. There is always His voice and Word that uplifts. Go to Him to hear it. Know that you are always wanted and precious to Him. And know that His people want you too, because you add something to their lives that no one else can. Do not rob the Savior or others of you, your gifts, or of your love. Dear one, know that your future is wrapped up in Him and the Day of Gladness when the bride is complete, the Lamb is installed as King, and heaven explodes in worship.


WALKING WITH THE KING A Daily Devotional from the Book of Communion

The Song of Songs



Song of Songs 4:1 Behold, you are beautiful, My love. Behold, you are beautiful; your eyes are as doves' from behind your veil. Your hair is like a flock of goats which lie down from Mount Gilead.LITV

Radiant in Christ Solomon expresses the beauty he sees in the bride, that is, the loveliness of her person, the attractiveness of her endearing eyes behind the wedding veil, and the radiant sheen of her hair reflecting light. How can the church and the individual believer not be beautiful to Christ! Mankind was marred by sin but made lovely by Christ through His death, burial, and resurrection. When Christ arose from the grave the church arose with Him. A new race of mankind was created. The Lord has made the bride beautiful in Him. When she looks to Him as the love of her life – she is beautiful. Dear believer, know that when you look to Christ in faith in your devotion to Him you are beautiful with a loveliness defined by God. When your eyes can see the greatness of His person, the affection by which He loves you, and the care of His provision is when you have been illuminated as a result of being made new with eyes that can truly see Him. When you lived without Him you were in darkness and did not see that He desired you so. When you struggled alone you did not see that He was working in your life to bring you near Him. When He saw hurt in your eyes He wanted them to see something good and wonderful in His personal love for you. There is praise in His heart that you see it now. Yes, Christ praises the bride just as King Solomon praises the beauty of his bride in this verse written by God. Christ always saw who you were even though in your seeing – He was veiled to you, that is, hid from you. But that is not the case now because the eyes of your understanding have been enlightened and the veil of darkness has been lifted and a new wedding veil has been placed over you which allows you to see Him and the love He has for you as His endearing bride that is not replaceable. Solomon compliments the dark hair of the bride that shines like the dark haired goats moving along a mountainside that glow radiantly by reflecting the light of the sun. It is the bride that glows from holiness now. It is the believer in Christ that shines with new light that comes from God. To her Beloved she radiates with beauty. Dear one, know that when you are focused on Christ you radiate a beauty that brings enjoyment to His heart because you are walking in light and not in darkness, in spring and not in winter, in happiness, not in sorrow or gloom, in holiness, not in sin and all this because you love Him.


Song of Songs 4:2 Thy teeth are like a flock of ewes that are newly shorn, which are come up from the washing; whereof every one hath twins, and none is bereaved among them.

The Joy of the King Solomon compliments the bride concerning her beautiful smile. Her teeth are evenly placed and bright (like a flock of ewes that are newly shorn which are come up from the washing) and complete (whereof every one hath twins, and none is bereaved among them). Solomon has brought happiness into her life. It is the Lord Jesus that brings completeness of joy into our hearts which causes one to react with a tremendous feeling of wellbeing and pleasure expressed by a smile filled with delight. Here is the king enjoying the bride and the bride enjoying the king. Truly the church is made for Christ and He for her. But you may wonder, how can the eternal Second Person of the Trinity be made for a bride comprised of people? It happened when God became man in the person of Christ. God the Father knows that it is not good for the man to be alone, and therefore He will make a helpmate for him. The church is the compliment of Christ. You are complete in Him (Col. 2:10). And that is what you are – a part of Him and He a part of you. Our union with Christ is mystical and intimate. More than explained it is felt. It is a union that binds us both to each other for all eternity. If Christ is not pleased with us we will feel it. If we are pleased in Him – He will feel it. Know that all our lives we have been working our way to be with Christ. He is truly our destiny. When Christ saw your poor state He responded with sacrifice, power, and love. When God the Father called out, you responded in faith, humility, and repentance. It is more than mere duty to be the bride of Christ. We are not saved to serve Him as one hires a maid or worker. We are saved to be the bride of the King that has given His life for us. And it is for us to be a bride unto Him that responds to Him through love, sacrifice, and putting Him first in life. We are to live in the power of God each day energized by the manifestation of new life and personal affection for our Beloved Groom. Dear believer, do not forget who you are, what you mean to Christ, and what He should mean to you. Look at Him. There is beauty in Him. Look at Him beholding you enjoying your union with Him. Know that this is for what He died, that is, to bring you and He back to life in eternal love, joy, celebration, and purpose. Live for Him as He lives for you. All the good things God has done is for His people. All the names that He holds describes His relation to you. He is a groom for His bride to dwell with Him and a Sovereign King to His people that have turned to Him. 61

Song of Songs 4:3 Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy mouth is comely: thy temples are like a piece of a pomegranate behind thy veil.

Blushing in Christ Solomon looks at his bride and sees that her lips that are not dried up from toiling in the hot sun anymore. They are youthfully filled with red color that make her mouth look beautiful as she smiles at him. She is not alone anymore. He has brought her to life. Then, she blushes red like a piece of a pomegranate because of the things he tells her. She has never heard such words that speak to her heart. Truly there is someone that cares for her now. Truly there is someone that finds beauty in her and appreciates the person that she is. How she must have longed for love since the absence of her mother and living with her step-brothers that saw no beauty in her but used her as a servant to work in the vineyards. They made her to toil and she did it. Dear believer, did the god of this world have you struggling in life with no one to care for you? Was there no one that saw you, that is, saw you, took the time to know you, and held you in high regard? So, what did you do? You worked even harder to gain the approval of others and maybe did not get it. But that is all past now. Dear one, know that you are known, loved, esteemed, and cared for. Know that the Lord Jesus has always seen you and now He holds you in high regard. He will tell you wonderful words of the beauty He sees in you. Did you not hear them? Are you not overtaken by them? Do not deprive yourself from being held by your Savior and knowing His love. Listen as He speaks through the Scriptures as you read them. Perhaps there was a man of God that told you of your sinful state and your need of the only Savior. You took him at his word, repented, and asked the Lord into your life. Having done that is only the first step. Knowing Him is the next. Know that He is at work in your life not to bring you to the conviction of sin for He has done that but to the conviction of the beauty of the new person that He has made you. Does not the Scripture say to walk in love, even as Christ also loved you, and gave himself up for you, an offering and a sacrifice (Eph. 4:1)? Did He not find you worthy of His love and sacrifice at the cross? Does not the Word of God say that His love will bring you comfort (Phil. 2:1) and that your love should abound more and more (Phil. 1:9)? But it all comes through the hearing of His voice through the Scriptures. Do not deprive yourself of Him! He waits to speak to you, even now. Then, you will blush in reaction, be humbled, and find yourself uplifted by Him.


Song of Songs 4:4 Your neck is like the tower of David, built for an armory; a thousand bucklers hang on it, all the shields of the mighty men.

Steadfast in Him The bride is seated with Solomon. He, in looking at her has complimented her eyes, hair, and cheeks. Then he also notices that her neck is turned toward him. She is focused on him as she gazes at him in spite of the scenery outside of the coach as they travel. This is what makes her as a tower of David built for an armory. This refers to an armory David built to store the weapons of his mighty men. Solomon sees the bride as this fortress because she is fixed on him and unmovable in her devotion to him. Dear believer, this may be the greatest compliment Christ can give the church or any individual person. May it be said of you. This means that you are in no way stiffnecked against God but continually fixed upon Him as you go through life. You have become unmovable in your walk with Christ and have learned to enjoy being seated with Him in the heavenlies in heart by spiritual communion and faith. There is now, no longer any separation between you and Him that had brought so many tears of regret or failure in the past. How wonderful! You have learned to put Christ first and to be sustained by Him in His provision, His protection, His guidance through life, and the intimacy of His Person. Only you know the words He says to you in secret for they are only for you. It is like when He will give you a new name that no one will know except you and He (Rev. 2:17). Dear one, there are so many good things ahead for you. It is all because of Him. But for now, stay firm in Him. Say, “No.” to worry when it comes. Say, “No.” to sin when you are being tempted. Hold your spiritual ground and stand against all the attacks from the wicked one. Quench all his fiery darts through the armor of being in love with Christ, living in the reality of being seated with Him (the place of power and authority), and practicing faith because you can see what is not there to see, just as Moses endured, as seeing the Invisible One (Heb. 9:27). Moses succeeded in life because he saw God in everything he was going through. Is it the same with you? Do you see Him in everything you are living through? You can hope (that is, have good expectation) when circumstances look as if there is none. Your heart stays lifted because you live in the reality of your Beloved’s presence and know that it is He that controls your coming in and going out and will keep you in safety. You know that all the good things in your life have come from Him and your greatest joy and privilege is to be with Him enjoying His Person. 63

Song of Songs 4:5 Thy two breasts are like two fawns that are twins of a roe, which feed among the lilies.

Being Fresh and Young Again The bride and Solomon are still in the royal traveling coach. It would seem that from what was previously said that the bride and groom embrace. Solomon feels that her breasts are like two fawns that are twins of a roe which means that the bride’s chest is like two young fawns because she is young, pure, innocent, and not corrupted in her love for him. Solomon is the first love of her life and she desires him so. Later, she would say that her breast are like towers (Song 8:10) which would imply physical maturity, that is, later in age. The Shulamite is a young bride that has all the excitement of youth but is still in need of maturity in her relationship with Solomon. Dear believer, remember those early days of having so much excitement and warmth between you and Christ. You were innocent and pure in your relationship with Him – not corrupted by the world? Those were beautiful days of beginning to know Christ and are you now still learning of Him and still excited about Him? Does He remain the love of your life? Is He still of upmost importance to you? You had such hope then and longed for His coming! Is it still the same today? Hope in Scripture means good expectation. What great things do you expect from God today? Remember how you used to dream of the Lord and all the great things you were going to do with Him. What new thing are you doing now? Know that the Lord is always doing something new. Are you a part of it? Are you meeting new people to share God’s love with? Do you know of all the new things that God is doing in the world around you? Perhaps, God is calling you to start a new ministry. How does that work? You may wonder. It is when you see a need in the church and told yourself that something should be done about it. What God has done is to open your eyes concerning it. But why? So that you would do something about it and bring God honor and glory because of it. Then, you will be excited again because you will feel God working with you as before, that is, doing something great in His eyes and using you in such a positive way. Then, you could dream again, be excited again, be young again, and bring Christ warmth again.


Song of Songs 4:6 Until the day breathes and the shadows flee, I will go away to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense

Enduring the Night There is a change of scene from the location of the previous verse. Here, the bride is probably in her country home. Every new day in Old Testament times began at dusk, which includes sunset, sunrise, and lasts until sunset again. The day breaths is the cool of the day which is at dusk. When the shadows flee away is dawn when a new day begins. So, until night comes and the new day arises the bride will visit the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense. In other words the bride must prepare herself for the long night. She will beautify herself to endure the night through the use of aromatic scents that bring her beloved to mind. Myrrh gives off a pleasing fragrance but is bitter in taste. The bride had previously said that her beloved was like a small alabaster box that would hang on a chain around her neck over her bosom that would give off a good scent to keep her company upon the king’s departure because it reminded her of him. Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types says, By this figure we understand the feelings of God's people concerning the loveliness of Christ to their hearts. The beauty, the fragrance and the attractiveness of the Lord Jesus are compared to the sweet odors arising from precious spices 1. For the beauty of scent to be released the shrub of myrrh must be crushed (as Christ was crushed at the cross and yet unbroken). This is why myrrh is associated with bitterness and beauty of sent. Know that the greatest of perfumes come from pressed flowers. There was the bitterness of sin that brought a woman to wash Christ’s feet with myrrh and with her hair but lovely because she humbled herself in recognition of her poor state and valued Christ as the Savior of sinners. The bride will use myrrh in a positive aromatic way to remind her of her beloved. She will not always be with her beloved. She is still to taste the bitterness of circumstances to come. Dear believer, you may be enjoying life, loving God, and doing good works but bitter days will come. But why? Know that life will not be a constant celebration of delight. Job 5:7, states, But man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward. Peter warns us, Beloved, do not be surprised at the fiery trial when it comes upon you to test you, as though something strange were happening to you (I Peter 4:12). He goes on to say, But rejoice insofar as you share Christ's sufferings, that you may also rejoice and be glad when his glory is re1

Wilson's Dictionary of Bible Types by Walter Louis Wilson , M.D., D.D., LH.D. WM. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. Grand Rapids, Michigan Copyright © 1957


vealed (I Peter 4:13). Know that difficult days will come but also know that you will get through them. Enjoying the Beloved now fortifies your heart to endure any future hardship. It is a truth that life and trauma can change us into what we should not be, but Christ can also change us into what we should be, that is, becoming wholly complete in Him. The purpose of trauma is to transcend it. There has always been sacrifice and beauty in this life, especially concerning the things of God. Christ had so many great times on earth attending to the needs of His people. They were lovely days of heaven on earth to Him. There was the healed leper that left the nine, went to Christ, and graciously thanked Him. Surely Christ smiled and loved him for it. The leper suffered but then rejoiced in God for his healing. He experienced hardship then blessing. There was also the demoniac who became whole and told the Lord to take him with Him. He wanted to go wherever Christ was going. You know that he lifted the heart of the Savior also. Even though Christ enjoyed doing the work of the Father He knew that bitter days would come for Him. He knew the time would come to set His face toward Jerusalem and meet His bitter fate. He would truly know and experience the cruelty of man and the judgment of God for sin, and the mocking of evil spirits but beauty and wonder would follow. There are times that beauty comes first then suffering, or suffering comes first then great loveliness after. Following the end of the day is the darkness of night but a new day of light will always come after. Our calling is to get through the night of darkness with all the bitter things it brings until the light of day comes with all the good things of God that will cause such rejoicing in your life. This is the crucible of life that awaits all of us but it is not for nothing (but for something, that is, to be proved and tried true). The smelter would melt precious metal until he could see His reflection in the hot liquid with all the dross and dirt dissolved. So, it will be with us as the Bride. But know that the King went before us to be an example for us to follow, but look at the glory it brought. You will rejoice at the things God has done in your life (and in the lives of others) because of it. Is that not our calling – to bring God glory? Dear one, know that all trials are temporary and that tremendous joy and blessing follow. But for now, go away to the mountain of myrrh and the hill of frankincense. Fortify yourself in your Beloved. Be lifted up. Be filled with the things of God to withstand the long night until day comes with all the rejoicing it will bring. Know that Christ for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and hath sat down at the right hand of the throne of God (Heb. 12:2).


Song of Songs 4:7

You are altogether beautiful [lovely], my darling, And there is no blemish in you. NASB


Becoming Altogether Beautiful in Christ Solomon has taken his bride from her terrible step-brothers that put her to work as hard as a man in the vineyards and brought her to the royal court to be with him. Their marriage had taken place, and she has been traveling with her beloved. He looks at her and says the she is altogether beautiful without blemish. This is the greatest thing to feel for one’s bride and it is the greatest thing for her to hear. What a journey she has come through. All because of the love of Solomon everything in her life has changed. And it is all because of the love of Christ that everything has changed for us. Dear believer, may Christ find you altogether beautiful in Him. Yes, there are so many things that take us away from Christ. There are many times that we fail Him. That is the challenge of life we face every day. But look at the bride! She has come to the place of being altogether beautiful to Solomon and so can we in our relationship with the Lord Jesus. This is what God has been doing all our lives, that is, to bring us to Christ and to make us altogether lovely to Him. Dear one, where are you in relationship to Him? Do you feel ill at ease to lift your eyes to heaven? Know that there is hope for you to be found lovely to Christ. Do not despair. Our Beloved has seen us at our worst, loved us, and has freed us from our sins by his blood (Rev. 1:5) in whom we are having our redemption through His blood, the putting away of our trespasses according to the wealth of His grace (Eph. 1:7). Yes, we fall short but our redemption is ongoing day by day. If our conscience is pricked then we are to take our sins to Him for His blood to be applied (for Christ is also the High Priest of Heaven in charge of caring for His people). There is nothing that cannot be forgiven. And have you not heard that the chief of sinners has come to Christ and has led many to the Lord. There is now no reason for you not to be completely cleansed to the point of being altogether beautiful, that is, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing (Eph. 5:27). Know that you have been chosen in him before the foundation of the world, that you should be holy and without blemish before him in love (Eph. 1:4). So, lift up your eyes to your Beloved and begin again to be made lovely to Him from a heart filled with gratitude, love, and devotion. Know that you bring meaning to His death when you confess any transgression, apply His blood, and continue to walk with Him. In doing these things you will become altogether beautiful to Christ and you will rejoice because you will be found living worthy of Him. 1

Scripture quotations marked "NASB" are taken from the New American Standard Bible, Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. Brackets are mine, not from NASB.


Song of Songs 4:8

Come with me from Lebanon, my bride, with me from Lebanon: look from the top of Amana, from the top of Senir and Hermon, from the lions’ dens, from the mountains of the leopards.

Being in the Place of Dominion Solomon invites the bride to have a mountaintop experience with him. He invites her to see from the summit of Mount Herman which is the highest point of the Anti-Lebanon Mountain Range on the north of Israel and from the top of mount Amana. These summits are places of great sight and of having dominion even over the dens of lions and leopards. In walking with Christ we are given dominion over our life circumstances even though there are the dangers of evil spirits at work in the world and Satan blinding the minds of the unbelieving. We are given a heavenly view of life and it is tremendous. Have you ever heard of a flatlander? This is what the mountain people call a person that does not live in the mountains but in the valley. That person can only see so much, that is, what is directly in front of him of her. Many of us are flatlanders until Christ invites us to see what He sees. Know that we have been seated with Christ in the heavenlies and He invites us to look at the world from heaven’s perspective as His bride (the completeness of Him). When we look at the world, what do we see? We may see a world filled with what Satan is doing. There are so many harmful things to watch out for concerning ourselves and the people we care about. But with the Lord of heaven there are so many great things that are happening. We are told that when a lost soul turns to God there is great rejoicing in heaven even if there may be little of it on earth. And there is also rejoicing concerning all the work that God is doing in our lives and in the lives of the people around us. People are being saved, that is, God is snatching them out of the fire (Jude 1:23). People are also being encouraged in Christ day in and day out. Dear believer, how is your perspective today? Is it filled with hope or hopelessness, with light or darkness, with sadness or joy, with anticipation or the lack of it? Know that Christ invites you to share His view of life. Know that we can change the outcome of things in our lives through prayer because prayer changes things and that of others because we are given the ministry of intercession in which God changes people. So, look from the top of Amana and of Herman. See that God has not given up on you nor your loved ones. The Lord’s coming is only held back until the church is complete. May your loved one be the person God is waiting for. Remember that we live by hope and faith in the God of Heaven.


Song of Songs 4:9

Thou hast ravished my heart [that is, unhearted me or transported me1], my sister, my bride; thou hast ravished my heart with one [glance] of thine eyes, with one chain of thy neck.

Coming to Christ Not Just for Love but to Love What does Christ see in us? What is it that moves His heart? Christ marveled at the faith of the centurion that understood His authority as Messiah and King. It is when we wear the necklace of obedience and walk in faith that Christ’s heart is moved. What does Christ see in you? What should He see in you? Does He see a person of change, leaving all the things of the world for Him? Does He see a person of holiness that separates him or herself from sin to be found righteous in His sight? Are we using Christ for love, that is, to enjoy all His benefits of grace; or to love, that is, to love Him with our whole heart full of affection, obedience, faith, and endurance to accomplish His will? How many things do we allow to get in the way of having love to Christ? Yes, others may hurt you or mistreat you but do not let them thwart your love to Christ. He did not allow the mockers to stop His love for you. He did not allow the sufferings of this world to turn aside His affection for you. If you failed Him in time past do not fail Him anymore. Is it not time for Him to enjoy the benefits of your love? We must go beyond other believers in our relationship with Christ. Too many are satisfied with less. Many, when it comes to the self-sacrificial part, leave (or give the work to someone else). Paul told believers to abound in their walk to please God (I Thess. 4:1). The word for please comes from a root word that means to lift, that is, to uplift or excite the emotions. So, believers are to live not only to please God but to uplift or excite the emotions of God as they walk by faith in Him. Be not like Jonah that ran from God but like the man that when he saw Jesus afar off, he ran and worshipped Him. Be not like the people in the time of Malachi that told God, “Wherein hast thou loved us?” Even though God had done so much for them. Go beyond dear one and love God more. Do not obey Him to be an example as we are often taught but because you love Him in a way that no one can teach you. Others may put limitations on the love of God but you do not because you feel that there is no limitations on His love. How wonderful for Him to know that. Every believer has a different relationship with Christ. Dear one, may yours be one that brings Him tremendous joy because of your love for Him despite anything that is happening in your life. Be the one that says, “Pick me. I will do it, my Lord.”


. And excite the emotions of God. Yes, God will take you up on it and things may be harder for you but know that you will be precious in His sight and honored by His Father. Let God know that it was a good choice to pick you as the bride of His Son. Yes, bring excitement to the heart of God for it is a rare thing for Him to experience.


Song of Songs 4:10

How fair is thy love, my sister, my bride! how much better is thy love than wine! and the smell of thine ointments than all manner of spices!

Better Than Wine The bride had previously stated that Solomon’s love was better than wine. Now, it is Solomon that says it of her. It is quite understandable that she would find Solomon as such but for the king to find her so would be surprising and not very common. Imagine Christ finding your love better than wine. And why should He not? Wine is Scripture is a symbol of joy, more accurately earthly joy. What can Christ find more beautiful on earth than His bride that is in love with Him? Dear believer allow Him to find that of you. We know that we are encouraged to taste and see that the LORD is good (Ps. 34:8). But did you know that Christ can taste (that is, experience) and find that His bride is good, agreeable, and delightful? Know that as the bride takes Solomon’s breath away that we can have Christ our Beloved taken back by our love for Him. We know to delight ourselves in the Lord but the Lord delighting in us – how strange it sounds to us but yet is true. Did not the Lord delight in Moses (for his meekness) or David (for being the man after His own heart)? Dear one, know that you have qualities that the Lord admires. Others may not find them precious but the Lord does. But how can this be? But it is. Why does the Scripture say, “Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.”? Because it is in death that they will go to be with Him. Yes, God loves His people and admires those that wear the beauty of holiness, have a heart of appreciation of Him, and delight to do His will (hard as it may be). Know that to be found precious in His sight is a great thing. Yes, it is a great thing that God loves us. May it be a great thing that we love Him! Did not the Lord tell you the last time He spoke to you that you were precious to Him? Did you hear Him call your name like He did to young Samuel and feel His presence as the Psalmist did that said that in His presence is the fullness of joy? It is the person that has been careful not to be carried off with the pleasures of this world but has pursued the joy of knowing God that brings happiness to His heart. Real love is better than any intoxicant that the world has to offer. Love the Lord above all else and let Him drink of your love for Him. Does He not deserve it? Know that He loves you above all else wants you to reign with Him. He desires not to rule alone but with you at His side. This brings pleasure to Him for He delights in you. Does He not deserve it?


Song of Songs 4:11

Thy lips, O my bride, drop as the honeycomb: honey and milk are under thy tongue; and the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon.

Uplifting Christ The lips of the bride drop as the honeycomb because of the sweet things she says. Today, we would say that her lips are sugar sweet. Honey and milk are under her tongue because of the things she intends to say. Not just sweet but bring nourishment to the hearer which is Solomon. He adds that just being near her brings about a pleasantness (the smell of thy garments is like the smell of Lebanon). First, realize that you do mean something to Christ. It is the lovely things we say to Christ that gives Him joy. Things like having lips filled with gratefulness, telling the Lord how much He means to us, and that we love Him so. This affects the heart of the King (of Heaven). We impact His life by what we do and say. Oh, dear believer, realize that the heart of God is sensitive. Be not cruel to Him with cursing for putting you through things that we might not understand the reason for them because He is drawing you back to Him. Be like the bride that has not left Him, enjoys His company, and is filled with compliments of kindness and appreciation for who He truly is. The Lord will still be God and go on despite anything we do but it is a blessing to Him when you realize the good things He is doing in your life and thank Him for them. Dear one, know that every day there is a blessing or a curse to experience. Why not take the road of blessing, that is, being rewarded for doing the will of God in your life? Know that the Lord desires to bless you and feels no delight in bringing judgment upon your life. Yes, it is easy to wander from Him. This is why staying close and faithful means so much to Him for so many are far and unfaithful. Do not just live a life that you are proud of but live a life that brings blessing specifically to Him, that is, live for Him, bring joy to Him, love Him, continue to hold Him in high regard, and do not leave Him for any sinful pleasure or temptation. Let all the things you say to Christ be born from reality, that is, not from any false flattery but from your own personal knowledge of Him and what He is genuinely like. Allow the Lord Jesus to speak from His heart and say good things to you like, Thy lips, O my bride, drop as the honeycomb: honey and milk are under thy tongue. May He feel that being close to you is like the smell of Lebanon, meaning that intimacy with Him is always new like a breath of fresh air from the purest place. How great to be found lovely to Christ have the knowledge that He lives in appreciation of you.


Song of Songs 4:12

A garden shut up is my sister, my bride; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed.

Committed to Christ Solomon expresses the loyalty of the bride that is committed to him. She is like a garden shut up. The gardens to the time were private and not public like today. Solomon’s bride keeps herself for him. This garden has a spring and fountain meaning that his bride’s love is fresh and flowing and like a fountain for him to draw from. May this be said of you. May the Lord Jesus find you uniquely loyal with a heart that is full for Him to draw. Know that there are others that find no beauty in Him or that refuse Him at every turn. This should not be but it is. May you be a comfort to Him. Yes, you hold the ability to comfort your Beloved and affect His feelings for He is a person even though an all knowing powerful God. Does He not listen to you when you call upon Him and answer all your prayers? Does He not stand by you in all your struggles and take them to heart? Can He not take solace in your faithfulness to Him? How many times when the outcome of things looked so bleak did He turned them around or when you felt so low and powerless but He intervened and strengthened you. You felt empowered to face anything and you did. You are different because of Him and stay different because of Him. But how? How does one stay lovely and true to Christ? How does one stay energized in Him? It is only through God the Father’s work in one’s life. Know that you have an advocate with the Father. If you feel drawn away know that the Father will work in your life to bring you back to Him. It is God the Father that opens our eyes and enlightens them. It is God the Father that gives us hope in Christ. It is God the Father that reveals the greatness of His power to us. It is God the Father that has raised us to be with Christ. It is God the Father that keeps us in His hand. It is God the Father that sanctifies believers. He will help us to be faithful, chaste, holy, loving (to His Son). He will prepare the fatted calf upon our return to His Son and celebrate that His Son’s bride has returned to Him. It is God the Father that seats us to be with Christ. It is God the Father that will answer His Son’s prayer to sanctify believers and keep them from the evil one. Dear believer, know that God is with you to keep you holy unto Christ and live in the confidence that nothing can stand against you or have dominion over you. It is God the Father that has designed you to be with Christ and it is He that will keep you in Him.


Song of Songs 4:13

Thy shoots [plants] are an orchard of pomegranates, with precious fruits; henna with spikenard plants,

A Precious and Pleasing Orchard Solomon speaks figuratively of the bride in that she is like an orchard of precious fruit, meaning that in his relationship with her there is always a variety of things for Him to enjoy concerning her. Would Christ say that of you? If He spoke to you directly today, would He say that you mean so much to Him in a hundred different ways that when He turns to you that you bring Him such joy? Know that He looks to say those things of you. It is by your choice that He can. Are you so filled with the fruit of the Spirit that He can enjoy your company at all times? We all know of people that we can turn to when needed. Are you like that to Christ? Dear believer, know that your life has always been about you and Him. All and all, He is the sum total of your life no matter how you live, for all of us will be brought before Him to give an account of our lives in relationship to Him. The apostle John tells us that we may have boldness, and not be ashamed before him at his coming (I Jn 2:8). There is much to think about in that statement. First is the fact that we can have boldness at Christ’s coming and not shrink back in shame for how we have lived our life. We know that when He comes that His reward is with Him (Rev. 22:12). He does not tell the church that judgment is with Him but a reward. How well intentioned is our Beloved. He desires to reward us. But what is it that He will reward us for? It is for all the things we did out of love for Him. How simple an answer. Theologians may pour doctrine upon doctrine on us about Christian living but the Lord makes it simple, that is, to live in love with Him. That is all He asks. Yes, you can do that just as a new bride lives in love with her beloved. Second, live in the reality that He is coming. It is a lie to live as if He is not, that is, look to and live for His coming every day. Do not say, “My lord delays and I will do whatever I want.” But say, “It is good for Him to come today, for I have made myself ready with all manner of pleasant fruit, good works, and a heart that loves Him.” Also notice that the bride not only is filled with pleasant fruit (which is the character of her person) but also with a pleasing fragrance (which is the character of her presence before the king) by which henna and spikenard plants are known for. Dear one, be the person that Christ can say that of you and bring joy to the heart of the King when He comes. 74

ABOUT THE SONG OF SONGS The Song of Songs conveys a poetic theme of God’s love for His people. Solomon wrote 1,005 songs (I Kings 4:32) but this is the most excellent of them all because it is about the loftiest affectual expression of the grandest thing ever felt by man. The love of God is the greatest love there is in life. It is much greater than the affection between a man and a woman. Love creates passion. A passion for God comes from an intimate knowledge of Him. It can never be understood by human understanding, but only felt by His manifest presence, which is the unveiling of the Person of God in the heart of the believer. It is He that grants a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of him (Eph. 1:17) to those that seek to live in close, intimate communion with Him. It is coming to a place in your life of having the experience of knowing God in such a way as being overtaken by Him. The Song of Songs illustrates the love of God at work in the heart of the devoted believer. The purpose of a song is that the heart could sing and express the passion of what it feels. We are told in the New Testament be filled with the Spirit; speaking one to another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord. The Song of Songs is a foretaste of heaven because it is about the supreme beauty of the love of God. It illustrates the struggles of those that love the King of Heaven have in living in close communion with Him. Know that all our personal problems in life relate to our love of God. This is because we have been designed to love God with all of our heart and to make Him the Sovereign of our lives. We are happiest when we are enjoying the love of God. There are many pitfalls in the Christian life, but the love and fellowship of the King are always there for us to partake, have, and enjoy. It is Christ that is our true comforter and lover of our soul. It is His presence that fills our innermost being, and the hearing of His voice is what lifts us up. Did not the Lord Jesus say (John 10:27), My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me? Have you come to realize that nothing can satisfy the Bride of Christ but Christ? Are you willing to find your fulfillment in Him who’s care for you was expressed and proved? In the depths of your heart do you not miss He that gave His life for you? Yes, He is the King busy with the things of the kingdom, but is He always has time for His betrothed. Do you not realize that He longs to hear your voice and enjoys spending time with you? In the kingdom of God, it is the ultimate surrender that brings about an intimate knowledge of Him. Then, take the step that will change the rest of your life and begin the journey. Renew your affections and re-surrender your life to the loving Savior and Walk with the King.


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